The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 15, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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The Ways
of Charleston
Where Even Dogs Are Well
Treated On Street Can
Even a dog may ride on the street
cars In Charleston, S. C, as many at
dogs as three to a man, provided the
i latter happens to be a hunter. The
conductors are polite and apparent';
protest at nothing. If about Christ
inaa time a woman traveller is over
loaded with bundles ad packages sh
hands the excess to the conductor,
Oyster Shuckers at Lunch.
' ho gently deposits both her and her
extras in a convenient seat
The old signs "White" and "Color
ed" have been done away with. The
same car does duty for both races.
The old mammies' effects, often com
r lreome, are as those of the white
Saturday evening the mechanics
t an hour earlier than usual and
their marketing and shopping for
week. By common consent the
- :I'ea undertake no shopping at these
. jurs, so that King street and the
inarket show a preponderance of col
ored people.
As house servants the negro women
seem to be efficient They are proud
of long service and "their families,"
are deferential and speak softly.
If the service of a tailor or a shoe
maker is required consult with the
chambermaid. She will assume the
responsibility of a choice. Tou settle
your bill with her. If you are curious
you may learn that she has a friend
or relative whom she favors. All the
little shoe shops and tailoring estab
lishments are run by negroes. Many
milliners and dress makers are col
ored, an old resident says, "but then
they are not so very dark."
The visitor commenting on the ab
sence of street loafers is answered by
the industrious carpenter: "If a man
Is loafing and hanging around you Just
naturally suppose some one has to pay
for his keep, so the policeman asks
him 'Why?' If he don't give a good
reason they put him on the chain
gang. Mostly if they don't work they
keep out of sight"
The canning of oysters Is to one
who has never seen It of Interest. The
vessel In which the oysters art
Dogs Are Allowed to Ride,
brought from their beds Is a r
looking craft The crew
slsts of one man and the ot'
the captain. Boats ae p"' '
Instalment plan. About :
is an average Joal.
The oysters are smni'
Saturday Shopping Hours
Divided Between the
Races A Cure for Street
Loafing Pleasant Negro
House Servants Process
of Canning Oysters
nearby In sloughs and bayous.
trious crews average two loads
week. Some captains own several
boats, letting them out on shares.
At the cannery the oysters are put
into latticed iron baskets on wheels.
Each loaded car basket passes under
a flooding device by which some mud,
not all, is washed off by water under
pressure. The car now enters a steam
chamber and the occupants of the
shells get warmed up enough to make
them a little gaspy; this fixes tbem
for the shucker.
Two tracks run from end' to end of
a low long building, so dark, except
for a short time in the afternoon, that
electric lights are required. These
tracks are covered as closely as pos
posslble with cans half cooked oysters
In the shell. On either side stand the
The mixture of light, darkness and
steam encircling hundreds of faces,
mostly black, the women turbaned, all
wearing aprons of sacking, gives an
Impression of regions further below.
Women and half grown children are
largely in the majority here.
One short section of the tract is
apportioned to whites. These are for
eigners and seem out of place. The
foreigner brings to the factory his
whole family; those of the children
large enough work, the younger
are allowed to roll around on the floor.
Each shucker uses a small pall
which when filled is taken to a tally
keeper, who after weighing it gives
the shucker a metal check. Each
shucker carries a few extra oysters to
make up possible shortage; if over
weight Is found there seems to be no
way of returning the surplus, so the
shucker cunningly makes her own
correction, slowly dropping one by
No Color Line In the Street Cars.
one oysters enough to make the meas
ure full 'and complete.
Checks are cashable at 6 o'clock if
the holder so wishes. This method is
preferred by the management By
morning the money is spent and the
worker has to provide for the coming
day s needs. With the former way
of weekly payments it was found that
too much money in one sum meant
Idleness for more than Sunday. Mon
day morning's force was never up to
the mark in numbers.
After shucking the little cove oyster
gets another bath and Is put Into can
by nimble fingers, and from this on
the process is mechanical. After be
ing soldered the cans are steam cook
ed, labelled, boxed and prepared for
Executed for Burning Coal.
Curious and little known facts about
the house fire were mentioned by Mr.
E. H. Blake, addressing the Surveyors
Institution last evening on warming
and ventilation. Fires were at one
time a great luxury, he said, and even
the right to use the fire had been be
queathed. Thus the will of one Rich
ard Byrchett (1516) read:
"I will yt the sayd Nell my wyfe
ahal have ye chamber she lyes In and
lyberte at ye fyer In the house; all
yese tbyngs shal she have so long as
6he ys wldo."
Coal, continued Mr. Blake, was first
Imported into London at the end of
the thirteenth century, but the amoke
produced by burning it In Improperly
constructed grates caused such a pre
judice against it that In 1806 a law
was passed making It a capital of
fence to burn eoal In the elty. The
Tower records give details of a man's
trial and execution for the offence.
Ivory a Government Monopoly.
There are doubtless still places In
Central Africa where money may be
made in trading Ivory and other
things, but at the present time these
places are few. Tn British Bast Afri
ca ivory Is now a Government monop
oly and you may not trade an ounce
f It
Fifth Roller Aids Thsm In Hopping
nd In fancy Figures.
The fifth wheel to a wagon has long
been sited as typical of usefulness,
but the fifth wheel to s roller skate,
as arranged by a Pennsylvania man,
has several uses. This fifth roller Is
fastened below the front portion of
the skate body and is on an axis that
Is parallel to the latter. It revolves
about this axis In a direction trans
verse to that taken by the supporting
8kate Attached with Extra Wheel,
rollers, and under normal conditions
I Is held above the floor leveL
By means of this extra roller a
skater can stop quickly by bending
j one foot forward In such a manner
I as to act as a brake, the fifth roller
i rotating and saving him from a stop
i so sudden as to unsettle his equlll
j brium. At the same time It saves tho
i floor. Fancy skaters will find this de
; vice a great advantage, as it will en
, able them to pirouette about on their
( toes and cut all sorts of elaborate tig
1 ures which they dared not attempt be
j fore. The extra wheel should a1s
make it easier for beginners to learn
how to use roller skates. Washing.
' ton Star.
What has become of the old-
fashioned man who carried a 'X
hot-bag in his pocket to keep
change Inf
Who wore barn-door trousers?
Who kept a bootjack to pull 'X
ott nis nootsr
Who had his trousers lined hj
with unbleached musllnr
Who wore a long linen duster
when traveling?
Who carried an old flat carpet-bag?
Who greased his boots on A
Who wore a shawl?
Who wore a watch-cord with
watch-key fastened to It.
What has become of the old- l
fashioned woman who kept a
bodkin In her work-basket?
Who baked custard for tea
when she had company?
Who made Impressions
around the edge of plea with a
key, to make them look fancy?
Who wore calico sunbonnets
with pasteboard slats?
Who wore Shaker bonnets?
Who seasoned apple pie with
Who used Indigo to blue the
water when washing clothes?
What has become of the old
fashioned people who poured
tea In the saucer and blew on
It to make it cool?
Who drink aassafrae tea In
the spring to purify their blood?
Who had to learn to like to
matoes? Who aaved old rags to trade
off to the tinware peddler?
What has become of the old
fashioned novelist who always
described heroines as having
dark auburn ringlets hanging
down their Alabaster necks?
Of the old-fashioned elocu
tionist who read "Widow Bedot
Papers" at entertainments?
Of the old-fashioned little
girls who wore long nankin pan
Of the old-fashioned woman
who gave catnip tea to babies?
Of the old-fashioned young
men who greased their hair
with bear's oil ecented with
Vienna's Plague of Pigeons.
Vienna is suffering from too maity
pigeons, and the authorities are at a
loss to know what to do to mitigate
the nuisance. The birds, whioh nunv
ber some thousands, have a privileged
existence; nobody molests them In
any way, so that they flourish and In
crease rapidly.
Recently so many complaints have)
been received from house owners ol
the pigeons that the Vienna magi
tracy decided something must be done,
to reduce the number. In their per
plexity the magistracy appealed to the
Vienna Society for the Protection of
Animals to aid them in a legal slaugh
ter of the offending birds, always bar
Ing regard, however, to the provisions
of the new birds protection law.
The society answered that it wou)4
be hardly consistent with their prlno
plea of friendliness toward animals tf
engage In a massacre of pigeons arJ
therefore they must reject the official
The magistracy are now wrestling
with the problem alone. Perhaps the
unemployed, of Vienna might belf
Mo Will Keep Going When a Common
Horse Will Quit
As an old horseman who has bred
and handled horses of many types.
aye a writer in Outing, I have fre
' Qucntly been surprised at the answers
given by the majority of people when
asked the question: "What constl
I tutes the most striking difference be
tween mo tnorougiiDrea and liie co.n
toon horse?"
Nineteen out of twenty will name
the beauty or the speed of the thor
oughbred; but luxuriant as are both
of these qualities, neither answer is
correct It Is simply that the thor
oughbred when he is tired will keep
on with an undiminished courago aui
ambition, while a common borne un
der the same circumstances will quit.
Even the Snail.
The "mock snail" is a new terl
men which will have to be added to
tho collection of strange things served
by restaurant keepers. The edible
snail Is disappearing from the vino
yards and gardens of Burgundy,
where formerly it existed in countless
! thousands. The scarcity and conse
quent dearness of the escargot has
caused some unsc.-u pious proprietors
of restaurants In Paris to invent the
mock snail. It Is made out of veal.
All that is required Is a quantity of
empty snail shells and veal fat The
fat Is cleverly cut into spirals and
worked into the shell. Tho disappear
ance of the real snail Is taken to seri
ously In France that the county coun
cil of the Cote d'Or has suggested that
a law should be passed giving the es
cargot a close season, from April 15
to July 15 in each year.
Life's Adjusting Power.
Life seems to have a sort of r.r'J-tst
lng power. We always suffer one way
or another for the wrong we do, mid
unquestionably we are always reward
ed for the good actions. There la nn
happiness in revenge, no Joy in hatred,
no inspiration in jealousy and mean
ness. It Is when we have come to a
quiet understanding of the ill-e-Tnts
of our baser sentiments that we be
come refined and grow into better,
more wholesome conditions. It la
usually the one who runs away from
the fight who is the stronger. Punish
ment will be meted out to your ene
my; it isn't for you to Judge and con
vict All those matters are taken
care of Just how we do not know,
and after all, it does not matter.
Anger Shrinks Vitality.
Dr. Maurice de Fleury, a distin
guished Frenchman, advances the the
ory that every time one becomes an
gry his vitality shrinks. After even
the most artfully suppressed signs of
bad temper the vitality becomes small
er and smaller, until finally nothing la
left Anger Is a certain kind of cere
bral excitement, explains Dr. do
Fleury. The hyperasthenlc subject ia
always on its verge, while the neur
asthenic becomes infuriated only by
a sudden bound of reaction excited
from without. But at that moment
when they are let loose the two aro
alike, save that the strong man is n
blinder brute, while the weak man i i
somewhat of an actor and seems t
aim at effect
True Missionary Spirit.
Speaking at a recent meeting of th
Colonial and Continental Church so
ciety, in London, the bishop of N'ort'i
Queensland said: "I spoke at Oxforl
the other day, and asked for men t
help hie in our great work. Eight ct
the finest young graduates volun
teered to go back to the bush wlt'i
me. Then I searched for a leader, an 1
turned to Ireland, the home of ml:
slonarles. I sent a telegram to Rev.
E. H. Crozler, vicar of St. George'::,
Dublin, asking him If he would giva
up his rich living, worth 500 a year
bet, and come and be the leader of m
band of recruits In the bush at 50 1
year. The 'answer I received woe:.
'Yes, the Lord being my help.'"
How They Shoe Geese in Poland.
Three million geese are brougl.t
regularly to the October market I t
Warsaw, Poland. Often coming fron
remote provinces, many of thess
geese have to travel over long dis
tances upon roads which would wecr
out their feet If they were not "shod."
For this purpose they are driven
through tar poured over the ground,
and then through sand. After the
operation has been repeated several
times the feet of the geese become
covered with a hard crust.
Same Old Style of Cooking.
Prof. Snaggs Strange there's been
no improvement made in cooking la
the last 2000 years. Now, down nt
my boarding house this morning I had
a steak broiled in the regular Pomps!
an style.
Boggs Pompeian style? How flo
you mean?
Prof. Snaggs Why, scorched to a
cinder on one side and covered with
ashes on the other.
A Signal.
In Sumatra, if a woman Is left a
widow, immediately after her hus
band's death she plants a flagstaff at
her door, upon which a flag Is raised.
So long as the flag remains untoro
by the wind the etiquette of Suma
tra forbids her to marry, but at the
first rent, however tiny, she can Ixy
tF'de her weeds and accept the fliit
offer she has.
Divided Booty.
"Tobfiny," said his mother severely,
Mrierr,e has taken a big piece of
KW-jrorcPke out of the pptTry." .ToMi
ny bli'f.J-.eii gi-fltlly.
"Oh, Jn'irijy!" fM r.',' tjrp.1 "I
didn't thin?; it was in you!"
'It p1! " rf pli.d JoVr.-y. c. k
ly. "Part of It's In Elsie."
11 muuudiiUJB
Ml V. .
Vegetable PreparalionTor As
similating BicFoodandBcgula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcalion.Chccrfur
ness and Rest. Contains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
Hot Narcotic.
A perfect Remedy- forConstipa
Tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signnturo of
NEW ydhk.
irtfon tire?
To All Our Subscribers
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of tha
Nation. Edited by an Able Corps
of Writers.
The American Farmer is the
lisnea. It fills a position of its
lace in the homes of rural people in every section of the United
Itates. It eives the farmer and his famil enmathin
O - - " - 7 .'w. LU kUlUK
about aside from the humdrum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SGL0N G00DE
Two for the Price of
The Oldest County Paper
This unparalleled nffpr io
Sm1. ? s. who pay all arrears
bample copies free. Address:
MAKK A M1VTP Krtur in tret
Cream Balm If you are troubled with
nasal catarrh, hav fovar r 1.. n..
head. It is Durifvliiff and nnthlii tn
the Sensitive lilenihrnna tlmt tl,Q
( nv.o IliU
thedwease, not to fool the patient by a
(ill 1 I .. 1 1 rr. I .
i-i utwinYB reuei. mere is no co
caine nor mercury iu It. Do not be
talked into taking a substitute for Ely's
" tuiu. ah uruggisis sen it.
j-rice ouc. Aiaiiea Dy Ky Bros., 6B
y arren Street, New York.
7.S.OOO EnveloDes carriffl tn
stock at the Columbian Office.
The line includes drug envelopes.
payt coin, baronial, commercial
sizes, number 6, 6, 6, 9, 10
ana 11, catalog, &c. Prices range
from $1.50 per 1000 printed, up to
$5-co. Largest stock in the conn-
ly 10 seiret trom.
For Infant 1 and Children.
His Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
ntw ton mm.
onlv JAtpmrv Farm innm.i
j j ... .ia j uui uai uuu
own and has taVn th e-7na
mo f n .-i .i
and renew within thirty day'
Bloomsburg, Pa.
I "Quick lunch" is one of the com
monest of city signs. The sigu doesn't
say "a health lunch of good food"
the character of the food apparently U
not considered. It's just a quick
lunch, eat and get away. Is it any
wonder that the stomach breaks down?
Food is thrown at ii, sloppy, indiges
tible and inuutrltlous food, very often,
and the stomach has to do the best it
can. Normally there should be no
need for medical assistance for the
stomach. But the average method of
life is abnormal and wl lie this contin
ues there will always be a demand for
Dr. Pierce's Uolilen Medical Discovery.
" h the one medicine which can I
relied on to cure dl-wases of the stom
ach and other organs of digestion and
nutrition. It is not a cure-all. It is a
iv 1 1 1 u niviiiHvt.
aid to oure through the stomach re-
nint. fll.wi.i t .1 1 . 1 ,
uibcoih-d which nave meir cuuuo
in the weakness and derangement of
the stomach and digestive and nutri
tive system. It cures when all else
falls. Ingrodleuts printed on each
Blobbs "In these days of competi
tion it is hard for a man to climb ui
In the world." Sloboe " Ves. but it's
tougher still to have to climb down
Visiting cards and Wedding lnvi
tations at the Columbian office.