THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURtt. I A- IT aooi 8 For His Old Partner By HAYDEN CARRUTH (Laoi loorr ot aooi 301 THE TALE Of A XMAS GIFT The First Xmas Tree the Camp Had Ever Known Becomes a Thing to be Avoided Mr. Plummer' Present to Hit Dear Friend, Caleb Huff We were proud of that tree when t s got It ready a half-hour before the nerclses were advertised to begin. 1; was the first Christmas tree the (jmp had ever known. Everything was going smoothly when a man came In lending an Im mense mongrel dog of sinister expre slon. "Gents," he said, with a manner which was a mixture of the Imperti nent and the diffident "gents, art you going to do a favor for an old man?" "Why, certainly, certainly," replied the minister; "certainly." "I wouldn't ask it ord'narlly," ha continued, "but I reckoned at this season of good-will mebby you might ot object" "Certainly," chirped the good maa gain; "certainly." "Mebby some of you might know ae Old Man Pluraruer. I live over ia Ghost Gulch, betwixt Stnclalrville and Forty Rod. Might any of you gents know my . old pardner, Caleb Huff?" One man said he thought he did, md the dominie started to say "cer IOC I 301 lalnly," but checked himself when he realized it was not the truth. "What I want to do, if it ain't going too fur," he went on, smilingly, "is to put a little Christmas gift on your tree for my old pardner Cale." Yt'e all Bald we'd be delighted to " him do so, and he went on: C ale will be tickled to death to find : .t his old pardner has remembered t .-n at this-year holerday season. i i'3 soft that way, Cale is. "It's the dorg, gents, what I want lo give to my old pardner Cale. Can you handle a dorg on your tree for a poor old man, gents?" "Why, certainly, Mr. Plummer," said the minister, quickly, "and be very glad Indeed to do so." "Thank you, Parson. That dorg comes from the heart, that dorg does, and my old pardner Cale will feel It It ain't the money value of a gift what counts, gents, but the heart what's la It" The minister made the usual semi tuinorous remarks and then turned to begin taking off the presents. Ths dog jumped at his throat. The chain saved the dominie, but the Jerk on It was so severe that half the pop-corn and most of the candles came tumb ling off the tree. There were sounds of indignation in the audience. Then Harley Brown volunteered to shoot the creature, at the same time producing an implement for the pur pose. At this point we noticed agitation la an unshaven citizen standing on the other side of the church. Then the head of the man slowly began to rise, and we saw our mistake. When some five feet of him had become risible above the heads of those seat ed about him we realized that he had at first been sitting. The uplifting had been performed slowly, and with light pauses, and even now we were sot sure that be was all up; he might you'll just remove him, please, we can go on with our exercises as planned." "My old pardner!" cried Mr. Huff. "That dorg comes to me in the name of friendship. I accept him In the perrlt in which he is give." He sidled out into the aisle, and slowly advanced toward the front His hand had ad vanced reluctantly almost to the dog's collar. The animal flew up like a teel spring. Mr. Huff went back ward over a pew. "In my opinion." said Harley Brown, rising, "the only way is to shoot ths critter, as I (aid before. We waat our presents sometime to-night" "Young man," replied Mr. Huff, "don't talk of such violent perceedlngi at this-year time of peace on yearth. The dorg is mine, and I'll have the law on any man what touches him. No; we'll get them gifts, precious re membrances from loved ones, by mild ways. If no one will come for'ard with a shank bone, will somebody lend me an umbrell'?" He was ac commodated in this respect and again advanced cautiously toward the tree. The dog stood up and growled. "There, uuw, ,gung man, " ne continued, "yon see these things can be removed eas ily with this-year umbrell. Corns for'ard, my young friend, and show that your desires for them there gifts Is genyooine, and that you are not acchooated merely by a thirst for ths blood of a feller-critter." Harley; arown stepped up and took the um brella, but his efforts met with rather meagre reward. The dog constantly mggea at nis cnain and made the most frantic efforts to reach ths tnroat or Harley. After ten minutes work he succeeded in hooking off cnina aou ana a meerschnum nirm but as the labels had been lost from both articles the situation was not mv terially improved. "Gentlemen," began Caleb, keeping at a sare aistance from the tree, "we must try other tactics. We must not be discouraged. Set down and remain calm. I will now propose a plan my. seir. we will rope off them gifts. Is there any cow-man here who knows aw to sling a lariat?" The stock-growing interests did not seem to be represented, probably from the fact that there was also a Christ mas entertainment that night down nt south Fork. "Very well; I can do It myself," re sumed Caleb. "Somebody please got me a ciotnesiine." Uncle Dan Bannock departed for the line, and while Irs be simply on his knees. He surveyed the scene spread out before him for some time In impressive silence, then bowing like a Leaning Tower of Piss, be said: "Ladies and gentlemen, I think I know something about dorgs." "Pardon me," broke in the minister springing up, "but are you Mr. Caleb Hufft" "I may say, elr, with trooth In fact H is my dooty to say that I am thai .luderTlduaL "Then you are the man that ths dog is Intended for. Your name is on the tag," and the minister pointed to the creature, who was sitting up on Ms haunches and occasionally licking Ms chops in anticipation as he looked at the good man. "My name? That dorg for met" cried the stranger, throwing up both Bands and striking the celling. "Yes. sir, The dog is yours. If was gone Mr. Plummer's partner en tertained us with a slight dissertation on the dog in literature. When the line came be made a noose and began operations, but he soon found that he stood too near the ceiling for success ful effort so he turned it over to Har ley Brown. All Harley succeeded la doing was to get the noose fast around a top branch, and to shake off a few. parcels, all of which fell within the dog zone, and only Berved to exas perate him further. Caleb Huff again offered a sugges tion: "Let the party what got the line go and fetch a good bamboo fish pole." Uncle Dan was back with tht pole so soon that Caleb had scarcely warmed up on the probability of dogs on other planets, much to his disap pointment He took the pole, affixed a shingle nail in the end, and with an elaborate flourish turned and began angling for the presents. This plan proved rather effective, and he con tinued to operate it. He bad taken off perhaps half of the presents and gracefully waved them to the people on the end of the pole, after presenting each to the mln later, twenty feet away, for him te read the label, when, on starting te turn buck to the tree to get another, and in the midst of an apropos quota tion from "the feller," suddenly at terrific leap of the baby's pet the chain snapped. The old partner ui tered one ytll of consternation. Thssj he projected himself down the aisle head first, like tn arrow. His velocity was no greater than the occasion de manded; the lamb was close behind In ths past the church door bad opea ed in, but this time, In graceful recoi nition of the exigencies of the sit tlon, it opened out Caleb Huff we on Into space, with the dog at heels. The minister and Harl Brown distributed the rest of ths pr snts. We kept ths tree standing in back lot for months, hoping to have the pleasure of lynching Plummer oa It; but he was never seen In oul tamp again. etfclNCl THINGS AT NIQhT. Why Objeots Appear Psntastlo snl Alarming. Every one must at times have asked himself why familiar objects In a dim light tend to assume fantastic and oftentimes alarming appearances. The explanation Is to be found la the special conditions of night vision. The pupils are widely dilated and, as In the photographic lens with a large diaphragm, the apparatus of accommo dation can only focus for one plans. As the faculty of estimating distances Is in great measure lost in the ob scurity we cannot focus with preci sion, and a blurred, uncertain out line is thrown upon the retina. Then, too, colors viewed in a fat ing light lose their distinguishing hue In a fixed sequence until a point Is reached at which everything becomos of one uniform gray tint It follows that the images which are transmitted to the visual centers are profoundly modified In color and out line, and as they enter the eye through the widely dilated pupil at an alto gether unusual angle the movement of locomotion gives them a peculiar m blllty. Now, one relies on experience fof the interpretation of sensorial impres sions, and when these present then selves suddenly in an unusual form they create a feeling of insecurity which finds expression in mental per turbation and more pr less Violent motor Impulsion, fn fact, the sub ject finds himself in the position of a horse which sees a rapidly advancing automobile for the first time and dot not know what to make of It. Imagination aiding, these blurrel. mobile and uncertain Images are sus ceptible of the most phantasmagorlo interpretation, and in persons who are not accustomed to control sensori al Impressions by the exercise of ths intelligence the Impressions are ac cepted as realities and acted upon ac cordingly: Gamekeepers and others who a:e accustomed to nigtt work make al lowance for phenomena of this class and correct the visual deficiency by the aid of other senses, such as hear ing, which are not dependent on llgl.t Notes and Comment Of Interest to Women Readers C0.C03 TOADS FOrt HAT PINS. Already 2,000 of ths Horned Spej Are Being Vctallzed. Two thousand horned toads, ship ped direct from Texas, are being "metallzed" at V.'aukigan, 111., and are part of an order for 60.0J0, to bo used as hat pins, the order being placed by Chicago and New York job bing houses. At the Metallic Reproduction Com pany's plant, samples of the new hat pin are now on exhibition, and v.or--en doubtless will consider them ver retching. They retain their Irides cent pinkish hue through the procesi and receive glass eyes after bclnt nictallzed. The same process used in 7 - The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which baa been . In use for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of and has been mado under his pet Z2;, sonal supervision sinco Its infancy. JtCAAz. Allow no one to deccivo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-pood" nro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Para goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Iti contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotle. substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feveri.thness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of SPRINGS AT BOTTOM OF SEA. How Inhabitants of Hottest Place on Earth Get Fresh Water Supply. Bahrein Island, in the Persian Gulf. Is said to be the hottest place on earth. It is usual there to And ths thermometer at 149 degrees Fahren heit On the coast of this island, r'rst attempt, on a large scale, t where practically all of the neoole live, there Is no fresh water, which, Is needed above all things in so seeth ing a temperature. And It is to be had from the bot tom of "the sea.' Here and there scattered over the floor of the harbor of Bahrein are springs of pure fresh water. These waters well up through the sand to mingle with the salt wa ter of the sea. It would seem a diffi cult task to find these threads of fresh water amid the ocean s volume, but the thirsty islanders are thought to have found them ages ago and to have passed on their location from genera tion to generation. A diver equips himself with a water bag made of skins, the mouth of which is closed, and descends to the bottom of the harbor at a point where one of the springs issues. The bag is carefully inverted over the current of fresh water as it flows up from the sand, the mouth is opened, the skin is filled, then the mouth is shut fast and the diver returns to the boat awaiting him on the surface. One scientist gives it as his belief that at some period In the shadowy past that which is now the harbor's bottom was not touched by the sea. The springs were then on the shors and ready for the islanders' needs. Little by little the sea encroached oa the land, but the location of the won derful springs was not forgotten roetallzing flowers end othrr article i is employed in iminortalizins th ) toads. They are first killed by gai fumes, after which a long pin is ru 1 through them and they go into tha chemical tank. The process shrinks them a trifle, and after they beco:uj metallic they are light, but they r tain their original shape and co!o: U tho fad takes as the jobbers expect it will, Texas stands to be denuded tf toads. The manufacturers say the humai body could be treated by the satta process and be practically indestruo tible for all time. Millions of Amerl can Beauty rose buds and other flow ers have been metalized into hat pln3 and similar ornaments, but this Is the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ' yv etrru cmimm, tt mummy ara? rrr. nkw toxk errv. BIG OFFER To All Our Subscribers metalize reptiles for the purpose. MME. HATTON TELLS CHICAGO WOMEN WHAT TO DO TO KEEP THEIR HUSBANDS $ Mme. Hatton, said to be an expert in affairs of the heart, has told Chicago women how to defeat "love pirates" and keep a husband. Here are a few homoeopathic doses of her pan acea: Deceive him into thinking The Great AMERICAN FARMER Indianapolis, Indiana. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation. Edited by an Able Corps of Writers. The Tse-Tse Fly, the pest of East Africa. This Insect Is about the size of the Ordinary American horsefly. Disappointed. Negroes, even more than white peo ple, perhaps, are given to counting their chickens before they are hatch ed. A correspondent of The Youths Companion reports a laughable in stance. Gus, a young colored boy, grew con fidentlal one Friday evening. "I m goln' to the cimitery next Sun day. Miss Mary," he said. "But, Gus, that la a long walk. To know it is more than four miles." "Oh, I'm not a-goin to walk. I'm go- in' to ride." "How is that, Gus? Has your fatlfc er bought a carriage?" "Naw; but I'm goln' in a kerridft to my uncle's funeral." All. day Saturday Qua could talk of nothing but the coming festivity. Tf a young "darkey" a Sunday funeral s great event Sunday I gave him a holiday, sai on Monday expected a full accountoj the funeral, but Qua appeared with ft melancholy faoe. In answer to my Is quiry, he said: "I didn't go, Miss Mary. He slot dead 1 jet" sucKf hS Bpa6ri LSf Farm?r is Literar' Journal pub- I . 6 V T IlSnecl. It fills a DOSltlOn of ire own nnA V,-,o . 5T- Jlace in the homes of rural people in every section of the United states. It sfives tLe farmer an rl his famih. c.nmti,i- .l.-.i. about aside from the humdrum of routine duties. Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by 30L0N GOODE of love Never let him Fnow how you keep pretty; a woman who goes to bed with cold cream smeared on her face ought to be ostracized by her husband. Use cold cream, massage and exercises and do all kinds of "beauty Btunts," but don't let your husband know it. Keep your husband guessing, so he'll say to his friends: "She always looks about sixteen, al though she neither paints, pow ders nor bants." Do not eat too much and be come overloaded with fat; then it will not be necessary to get a figure by artistic corseting. Use your brains and keep him in dense ignorance of your skin foods, bath lotions and the like, which can be done as well after as before marriage and always be a miracle to him. WE MAKE THE EXCEPTIONAL OFFER OP Two for the Price of One: THE COLUMBIAN The Oldest County Paper and THE American Parmer BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $I.OO .o iuubb Buone uevices an aii ij . "v, tu an new suDscnoers. ana women should know to keep u oia. ones. w10 Pay arrears and renew within thirtv davs beautiful despite housework and I Sample copies free. Address : y y THE COLUMBIAN. Blooms! P otner domestic duties, and you may be still pretty, fascinating and healthy after ten or twenty years of married life. Be as pretty on rising in tho morning as when you retire at night. Never let your husband see you with your hair crimped. Keep your beauty secrets and you will hold your husband ana foil all "love pirates." Above all things, stay beauti ful and don't let him know how you do it J. A1ANV REOVKSTS from (.ror.l. ,f ferers who use atomizers have caused 4 I lia n .. Tl 11.. w i Hui u iciuu t ream Halm, a new and convenient form of Ely's j Cream 15nlm, the only remedy for C'a- two Noble Women. Carmen Sylva is Queen of Rou mania. Carmen Sylva. in sientlenpsa wisdom and abounding charity, is the loai yueen. She has sriven her Ufa to the healing of sorrow, and more e3poclally In a wonderful mission to the blind. Vhen Frances Fearn's life vni broken by the death of her brilliant huRband and she iu desnair fla Sylva said to hor: "Share rnv wo't nnd be my comrade 'n helpfulness n tho world.". Th American womin av:5ted the minion, and. still young "id beautiful and gifted, she has con- ?pfrnted hnr rare e-lfts and prnres ti (no s.fln-tcd, (nil ! carr.-ini cotn'oit aiid pec r.n.1 i"v i v Mtr,.-1 Tho Kotiu'niii-'ti 0"n surt Ilia no v Amc-lrsM 8r t.vlrj u tie rcvfl trace of unsuMsuness and usefulness. IjKiuIU I ream linlm la drugRlHts for 75 cents, includin i"K tuue. M W arren Street V?"'?V U often referred to by man as doubling his joys and Imviii),' his Sorrows." That lliav l nnm.,limn- tary but it would st-em to be rather ou me woman. For in i lain j are ife hen ke. lha !. i . , I ... sola by all And thiWii n.r, -..n. ,.!.. .. r A1U1U mrrii m i rn ntkn niivn..,. .... j . . . vw.. iwa u (U'npiHIMl rarma 1 . Ai . . .. . on. In Dower to aliv i.,(i,....,J.." .TV; 11V". " wnere minus cleanse the doirW " " ?" v.e" "ith .the man his w promote , free, natural lThlXrth.! ffiK vo loniiH or Lrmm u n, -1:1 t, New York. ' .iUr eU ,do?'t W"dU ct ""t the strain of motliprlu Envelopes 75.000 stock at Envelopes carried in the Columbian rfK- The line includes drug envelopes pay, coin, baronial, commercial sizes, number 6, 6, 6tf , 9, i0 and 11, catalog, &c. Prices range from $1.50 per IOOO nrinteH nn r f .. i.f . ' .7' Koigcsi aiocK in i ne com. ty to selret from. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of set- the Rlone U n lurrln l.lcvo. tl,.,n . II i lL "n.U,mt ,e8t upon male should ers. J hey see the wife grow thin, pale, nervois and worn without a though 1 1 hat Rhe is overburdened. A mong the pleasant letters reoeived by rlercu are tllose fro'n husband who have waked up before it was too ate to the crushing burdens laid upoa uie wife, and iu the search for help have found iu Dr. Pierce'e Favorite rreaor ption a restorative which has given back to the mother the health u,B""aen and the maiden's happi ness, favorite Prescription" al w ab helps, and almost always cures. has perfectly cured Ninety-eight out or every bund red women who have used it wi o,, aftlicted with diseases pe culiar to women. You cau generally tell a married man when you meet one, but not al ways. Occasionally you run across a Visiting cards and Wedding Invi tations at the Columbian office.
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