The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 24, 1909, Page 2, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURtt, l-A I PURSUIT OF JERSEY BOMBAT Weird 'Devil Bird' Crossed State Line and Terrified Spring Valley, New York BRAVE POSSE HUNTS MONSTER Ue.crlbed at Having An lmmens Head, and a Small but Muscular Cody Covered with Hair Arms Equipped with Web-like Skin. Spring VaUey, N. Y. An armed poRses of fearless men searched hill und dale and Invaded swamp lands fearlessly In and around this village, in hot pursuit of the weird Jersey "Bombat," which has made Its lair nearby. The alleged capture of the "devil bird" at Atlantic City Is not credited here. It wasn't the real "devil bird" that fought fisherman Dougherty, for the monster Is In "the midst" here. The creature appeared in the heart of the swamp near the business sec tion of Main street. Its uncanny cries at first startled the villagers, and when an exploring party, armed with lanterns, entered the swamp the gleaming eyes of the creature and Its wild gyrations threw terror into the liearts of the bravest, and the scout ing party, led by Charlie Fisher, who Keeps the bowling alleys, filed back to the security of the village streets. Throughout the night the cries of the whatever-it-ls were heard coming from various directions, but always f;ora the neighborhood of the swamp. Chief of Police "Tommy" Walker, who Is the entire uniformed force, was appealed to, but "guessed as how" his business did not consist of run ning down Bombats or Jersey Devils, und he reckoned he'd better remain on tlaln street and do his usual bit On their way to school next day children flocked together passing the haunt of the Bombat. Women ex pressed equal fear and men ventured forth fearful of encountering the crea ture. It was described as having an Im mense head atop of a small but mus cular body, covered with balr. Its r.rms appeared to be equipped with a eb-llke skin which answered the pur e of -wings, giving the creature ility to leap Immense distances, r.i'.o the ' wings flapped lifting its l. dy clear off the earth. At night when the awful shrieking i ud. at times mournful cries of the Bombat carried Into every home of the village, the negroes living on Chicken Hill ran terrified Into the vil lage and many flocked Into the Metho dist church and prayed hysterically. Sarah Allston, wife of Omega All 8 ton, a woodchopper, was more hyster ical than the rest. She fled from the church down Main street and fell dead in front of the post office. Dr. Smith declared she had died from heart disease, but the villagers ex claimed that the evil hand of the Bombat had been raised against Sarah, and that any one so Indicated by the monster would meet the same fate. An hour later the fright of. the vil lagers was Intensified when word was brought in that the body of a dead man was found on the railroad tracks. The body has not yet been identified. After a night of vigil, during which the Bombat continued to howl and Rhrlek and moan, the men of Spring Valley met in Fisher's bowling alley, 'but not a ball rolled, not even a high ball. Matters were too desperate, Charley Fisher allowed, to permit any sort of festivity. "I tell you what we'll do," spoke up "Tom Moore, throwing out his chest "We'll form a hunting party, arm our- raIvpci in th tfth anil evprv mnn pledging himself to stand together, we'll sally into the swamp to-morrow and hunt down that pesky critter." There were several present who de clared as how it might be well to call for outside assistance and not go on tempting the devil, but when J. C. Glbbs, Harold Sheldon, Ross Youmans, Roswald Farrington, Walter Foley, Shep Small and Dink Davis volunteer ed to start the hunt, first thing next morning, the others fell Into line. During the remainder of the night followed a scurrying throughout the village for firearms, and cutlasses, and it came to pass that bright and early the band entered the swamp to hunt the terrifying bombat to the death. Spring Valley awaited with hushed anxiety the result of the formdiable dash of the brave men of the village into the heart of the bombat's chosen fastness. Their search was in vain. DONKEY BLOW8 OUT THE QA8. Owner 8ue Express Company to Re cover Damages for Loss. St Louis, Mo. William Orothe of Wentsvllle, Mo., through his attorney, Is trying to collect from an express company the value of a donkey he had bought and which ended its life while being shipped from Illinois to Missouri. The donkey was crated and placed in the express company's v irehouse here Tuesday .tight A r"t Jet was burning nea rte animal ''ien the employees locked she ware 1 '?e. In the morning the light was II .' n:id the donkey dead. Orothe contends the donkey blew out the gas while braying. JM)K9 rt ULlClTl' IXCKEASK CHIME? Paris has taken a new twist. For a long time It has been urged that the excessive amount of publicity which has been given to the crimes of the Paris Apaches has been re sponsible for a great proportion of the violence which has prevailed in the capital lu recent years. M. Brl and, minister of justice, has just issued an order prohibiting the po lice under penalty of severe punish ment from supplying photographs of noted criminals to the press. Nor will M. Bertillon of the anthropome tic department be allowed to give photographs, neither will the news paper reporters be permitted to photograph the bodies of murdered persons or the rooms In which crimes have been committed. A former chief of the detective department smiles, and predicts that the new or der will not last three months, for there are times when the police find it extremely difficult to dispense with the aid of the press. But one thing Is certain, the class known as Apaches has the upper hand in Paris. They are outlaws who play to the gallery, and are as full of vanity and conceit as of brutality. The Apache adores the center of the stage, and will commit any crime to figure as a hero to his kind. THE DANGEH OV SMOKE. The pity of it is that the evils which come from smoke are all pre ventable. Smoke-consumers exUt which have proved their worth. Due care In running fires will do much. No more fuel Is required under care ful management to produce combus tion which shall be practically smokeless. Those statements have been proved over and over again. It is a matter of community supervi sion, of laws rightly framed, and fearlessly administered. Fortunate ly inspection is by no means a diffi cult matter. One city, for example, handles that problem by means of a chart holding six pictures of a chim ney above a factory, the first of which shows the chimney with no smoke, the second with a light smoke issuing, the other four show ing greater and blacker volumes. The first conditions are passable. The last are dangerous. The Inspector takes a photograph of Jny question able chimney and compares it with the standard pictures. The com parison tells the story declares Hol 11s Godfrey, in Atlantic. The factory is pronounced "passed," or the own er is warned to immediately con form to the regulations under penal ty of the law. LOXDOX THE DREADFUL. These statistics published by the County Council of London, are il luminative and, in certain respects, appalling. According to them, Lon don comprises 7 4 .8 1 C acrs of land and water. In the city proper live 4,795,789 human beings; In the sub urbs around them another 3,000,000. While it is probably the wealthiest city in the world, its property being Insured against tire for 1,040,057, S46 pounds sterling, nevertheless "one person In every thirty-three is a pauper; twenty persons in every hundred die in a workhouse or a workhouse infirmary." The city an nually distributes through its chari ties 10,066,043 pounds sterling. Over 150,000,000 yearly In charity and yet one out of every thirty-three a pauper! Where else can be seen such extremes of poverty and suf fering, wealth and ostentatious ex travagance! REST SOKT OF CO-OPERATION. The New bngland fishermen de vised, in the very beginning of their Industry, asyBtern of co-operation which lasts until this day. Mr. An drew Carnegie describes it in a few words in the very valuable paper on Labor which introduces his book on Social Problems." He says: "I never see a fishing fleet sail without hailing it as the finest illustration of the perfect relationship which is one day to prevail between capital and labor generally. Every man in the ship, from the captain down, is a partner, paid by sharing in the profits of the catch according to the value of his labor." RARCELONA IS PROGRESSIVE. Barcelona has, perhaps, one of the best and most complete electric street car services In Europe, some 166 miles of line being worked by the different companies within the boundaries of the city and suburbs; none of these concerns, however, are British enterprises, the whole sys tem being controlled by German and Belgian syndicates. JUST A PREDIC TION. It may be that the tendency to live out of doors and enjoy the fresh air may bring back to us something of that delight in the external world which characterized the writers of some of .'ie books of the old Testa ment. RKVERSINQ THE PARABLE. It frequently happens nowadays that the prodigal son returns to his home for the express purpose of In viting the old man out to a first class square meal. Few authors have had a success equal to that of Captain Mahan, whose discussion of the sea power has changed the policy of all the strongest nations of the world. i A HUMAN SEISMOGRAPH Maud Drake Out with a New Warn ing of sn Impendlng'Cataclytm In This Country. Boulder Creek, Col. Maud Lord Drake, who has spiritualistic tenden cies and calls herself a human seis mograph, predicts that a disaster of dire proportions Is imminent some where on this continent She declares that she foretold the Galveston tidal wave and the San Francisco earth quake, and warned the inhabitants of both these cities weeks beforehand that destruction was upon them. She also lays claim to a forewarning of the Slocum disaster, the Colllngwood, Ohio, school lire, and the recent series of earthquakes in foreign lands. She said a few days ago: "These disturbances confuse and distress me beforehand in proportion to their destructiveness and nearness. On Jan. 23 I was greatly affected all day, could with difficulty keep my feet, everything turning in confusion; then enmo a hurrying of spirits, hith er and thither, with all kinds of cloth ing for men, Women, and children. At that time I told of great earthquakes to come, and on that very day, in the Province of Turkestan, In Western Persia, sixty villages and more than 6,000 people were destroyed. Then came the eruption of the Collma vol cano in Mexico, and a month later the destruction of Messina. "but the worst is to come. For many months, at various times, I have been, and I am now, in the shadow of something even more appalling and destructive of human life. I cannot penetrate the gloom as yet, but It seems that it must be in this country, and that I must be in it in addition to the cataclysm Impending in this country there is to be another merci less disaster in Europe; not right soon, perhaps, but still not very far distant "But If, as In other cases, I should get the light in time to warn the local ities to be affected, what good would It do? People will not heed until too lafe. They paid no attention In Gal veston or San Francisco, nor was any heed given when, in 1883, I foretold from the platform of the coming dis aster In the Island of Krakaton, where 25,000 lives were lost" 1 KING IK TRADE Royalty's Greatest Business Man- Leopold of the Belgians. OUT FOR COD, CATCH 8HARK. Nine-Footer Puts Up s Battle That Lasts for Five Hours. Tacoma, Wash. Going out for rock cod and putting In a whole afternoon battling with a giant mud shark was the experience of Lewis Jervis and C. de Allen off the Puget Sound Flour Mil' The shark repeatedly jerked two 40-pound sinkers, two buoys and the rowboat containing the two men about, and was only conquered after a struggle that began at 1 o'clock and was finished at 6 o'clock. The fish was docked at the Fobs Boat Com pany's float at 8 o'clock and is now on exhlr-'tlon. It all came about by a silver salmon grabbing a piece of meat containing a hook and the shark grabbing the salmon, which at the time of his seiz ure contained both toe meat and hook. The shark ie about 9 feet long' and weighs about 800 pounds. These sharks are quite plentiful In the bay, though few as large as this one are ever seen. "Man With the Golden Nose" Dead. Lexington, Ky. Patrick Lamphear,' one of the most widely known Bour bon whiskey exporters in America, died here from pneumonia. He was born in Ireland sixty-five years ago. His skill in determining the quality of whiskey by its aroma had gained a large salary for him and had won for him the sobriquet of "the man with the golden nose." 4 ) L m II WESTERN CHIVALRY. We can't understand why a man a full grown male person should object to women suffrage If the wo man wants it, exclaims the Uawllns (Wyo.) Republican. Wo are of the opinion that wtn-.ofl Is rtitl'Je.l to Just about anything her heart de sires. If she wants to vo'.e far mer cy's sake give her the ballot. If sl.e A'ants to run for o.Uce t'.ie spiM ta.ois should stand back and give her plen ty of elbow room, and if npi'r.-iry to her success In contests of this char acter let her costume be such as to interfere as little as possible with her progress. We are for woman first and other things afterward. She Is half the population numerically and seven-fifths o.' It Intrinsically. In other words, she Is tlio whole bloom ing works, plus. If she is happy the rest of us guys ought to be tickled to death. There fore we say franchise her If it will please her, if it will make her smllo. If It will give us common male mor tals a glimpse Into heaven through her sweetly curved Hps; in the name of all that is good and holy franchise her. Give her the ballot If It will ! Improve her already lovely disposi tion. Give it to her, and give it to her quick. This world is too com monplace and life too dull an 1 nhort to deny woman anything that mlsiit possibly enhance her many GoJ giv en graces. OFFICE-HOLDING A Dt'TY. In many ways the people of the country would be benefited by induc ing men who have a practical experi ence in the management of great in dustrial, financial and commercial enterprises to become can. ,1. hues l.n public office, declares Amen an in dustries. They know economic ques tions better than do the politU lans. 'lheir trade connections give tlie:n a larger concern In such issues, uiu furnish them with a greater induce ment for studying them thoroughly. Moreover, business meu in oilice ure less likely than are the nomlnics of the politicians to be stampeued I) demagogues, or to Lo frightened by the crack of the boss' whip. Tl.oj would be far less likely to' be in fluenced by the wiles of the booJler. More than the average man they are conservative. The personal stake which they have In the stability of Industry am finance has compelled them to get some acquaintance with the various political panaceas which agitators, from time to time, have urged, and with the different nos trums which Ignorant, timid or care less legislatures have, at one time und another, enacted. MEMORIES OF GENII'S. Not for a moment should be depre cated the modern tendency to protect so far as possible the memories of men of genius who have given of their best to the world. The world will not forgive those who needlesslj toll the names of Its benefactors. It Is hateful to impute the lower mo tives, and to exploit the mistakes and failures of those whoso ill deeds would never have been bruited had it not been for their nobler accom plishments. But this generous mood, this sympathy with human fralllty, this acknowledgment of the law of evolution in the realm of ethics and conduct should not be carried to the point of erecting vices into virtues, of not merely excusing, but prefer ring, and even honoring those ac tions which simply demonstrate a lack of moral self-control. DRESS AND CAPRICE. In a recent book on "The Evolu tion of Dress," Mr. W. M. Webb shows that many details of modem dress, generally regarded as products of caprice or accident, or of the In vention of tailors and milliners, are traceable to prlmitve forms, and that fashion in costume is the result of a process of evolution in which early ideas continually crop out. The earliest form of dress seems to have been the shawl, or wrapper, and fringes date back to the first loom. The hatband Is traced to the original fastening of the first cloth headdress. Puttees are as old as Mycenae. A mystery yet unexplained is the sew ing of the buttons on the right-hand side of a man's coat and the left hand side of a woman's. IS GENII'S DEAD? Lord Northcliffe declares that "there are no first-class writers to day in England cr America. Genius is dead." If Alfred Harmsworth says so, why so it is. But It will be terrible news to Rudyard Klppllng, Richard Harding Davis, Laura Jean Llbbey, Winston Churchill and other stars which have heretofore blazed In our literary skies, but which must now go out in darkness. AN AXIOM IN NATl'RAL PHYSICS. it is a mistake to suppose that quiet In the natural world is the re sult of one force working in one di rection. Stillness in the outer world is alwayB the result of at least two contending forces perfectly balanced against each other. Underfeeding In London has be come a fad. There has long been a popular Impression with regard to the English metropolis that it was a settled misfortune. Russia Is still sending her thou sands monthly to exile in Siberia. The reform that was promised baa not come to pass. The Kind Ton Ilavo Always in use for over 30 years, and has been made under his per-y-z- sonal supervision" since its infancy. wCcUAZ, Allow no one to deceive you in this. Alt Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good aro but Experiments that trlflo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. II contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotlfr substance. Its nge is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrl.shncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS SI Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought If. Use For Over 30 Years. ' 1X1 stimuli commuVi Tt mumuv TO'tr, new von em. BIG OFFER HTo All Our Subscribers The Great AMERICAN FARMER Indianapolis, Indiana. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation. Edited by an Able Corps of Writers. The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journal pub hsned. It fills a position of its own and has taken the leading place in the homes of rural people in everv section of the United btates. It gives tbe farmer and his family something to think about aside from the humdrum of routine duties. H Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON GOODE WE MAKE THE EXCEPTIONAL OFFER OF Two for the Price of One: THE COLUMBIAN The Oldest County Paper and THE AMERICAN FARMER BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $I.OO -11 h!t UnpaFalleled ?ffer vuca wno pay an arrears odinpie copies tree. Address : THE COLUMBIAN. r "" f" 1 tl.inK beautiful in their time." Every one of life's seasons, v lien life moves on Nature's lines, has its own charm and beauty. I ... j uicuu hiui period wiien they must experience ""hinge .of 1 i?e fer bv the nimnrro mil m,., .u.r .. " ' fail to please those whom they love The value of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription lu this crisi9 rf woman's life he in the fact that It a-slsts Na ture. Its use preserves the bulance and buoyancy of tbe mind and sustains the physical powers. Many women have expressed their gratituile for the heln and comfort given by "Favorite Pre scription'' in this trying period. Its benefits a je not passing but permanent. Not a "patent medicine" Because all its Ingredients are printed on thebot-tie-wrapper. , o-- & o nines iwice in the Dlace CASTORIA Por Infants and ChlUrsn Tin Kind You Have Always Bosght Bears the Signature of Bought, and which ha& been has borne the signature of Signature of made to all new subscribers, and and renew within thirty days. Bloomsburp:, Pa. Sl'FFKKERS who say they have tried everything without benefit are the peo ple we are looking for. We want them to know from clad experience that ffiW Balm will "conquer Cold acts directly on the inflamed, sensitive membranes. Cleaning, soothing and healing. One trial will convince you onu healing power. Price 60c. All ?o"iSf,8t8 or '"tiled by Ely's Iiros., 58 Warren Ht., New York. Visiting cards and Wedding invi tatious at the Columbian office, tf McCALL PATTERNS CvlebrulvJ for ilylc, perfect fit, implicit? und reliability nearly 40 yearn. Sold in nearly every city and town In the United ani wunuu.i, or oy mull direct. Mora xiui in:in any other make, bend tor iree;ue. McCALLS MAGAZINE More auliacribera limn nny other fashion inii(uzine million month, lnvuluabh'. I-ut-eat slylea, patterna, drcssmuliiiiL', millinery, plain sewing, fumy needlework, Kiimlrcini;, cliqiKtle, Kcmil aloriea, elc. Only 60 cent a yenr (worth double), includinir u free attcrn, bubicrilie today, or aend for sample copy. WONDERFUL INDUCEMENTS to Agents. Poatul lirinua premium catalogue und uew cash price oilers. Address TUB McCAU CO., IM to lie W. I7lh St., NKW VMf