The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 24, 1909, Image 1

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NO 2.'
Open a bank Account Have a Check Cashed
Borrow Money, or Make an Investment
The Fanners National Bank
Capital, $60,000 Surplus 8100,000
(J M. OltEVELlNG, Pres. M. MILLEISEN, Cashier.
J. L. Moykr N. U. Funk C. M. Crkveuno C. A. Kleim
W. L. Whitk C. W. Runyon Dr. J. J. Brown M. Miixkisen
3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
The Bloomsburg School Board Makes Few
Changes School Cpens August 30th.
At a lengthy session of the
Bloomsburg school board Friday
evening, organization was effected
and teachers chosen for the coining
year. Tbe board organized by
electiug J. C. Brown, president; F.
B. Hartnian, secretary, at the same
salary as last year, and E. F. Car
penter, treasurer. After routine
business matters were disposed of,
the board took up the election of
teachers.making but a few changes.
Owing to the overcrowded con
ditions at the High School build
ing, it was decided to divide the B.
Grammar grade, which has occupi
ed rooms in that building, and
move it to new quarters in the pro
posed addition to the Fifth street
school building. Miss Cadman will
continue to teach one section and
I Prof. Frear will have charge of the
other, Miss Josephine Pursel suc
ceeding the latter as teacher of the
C. Grammar grade. This change
of quarters supplies an additional
room for High School students.
The following teachers were elect
ed, Prof. Sterner and Prof. Mauser
having been chosen last year for a
term of three years:
C. O. Frank, T. F. Shambacb,
Annabelli Swarte, O. H. Yetter,
and H. E. Rider, the commercial
department being left open for the
. present. ror the A Grammar
grade, Miss Ida Rinker and Elmira
A. Wilson were elected. . -
S. J. Juuston, ii Grammar; Miss
Harriet Carpenter, C Grammar;
Kathryn Gorrey, C Grammar; Hel
en Reice, A Intermediate; Miss
Blanche Ilartman, B Intermediate;
Minnie Penman, B Intermediate;
Mary Kline, A. Primary; Mae
Rhodomoyer, A Primary; Mable
Moyer, B Primary; Helen Vander
slice, B Primary; Gertrude Rinker,
C Primary, Clora Furmau, C Pri
F. A. Frear, B Grammar; Emma
Cadman, B Grammar; Josephine
Pursel, C Grammar; Kathryn Cad
ow, A Intermediate; Edith Keller,
B Intermediate; Mary Sheep, Pri
mary; Xouise Robius, B Primary;
Anna Fox, B Primary; Annie Sny
der, C Primary; other C Primary
left open for the present; Mrs. C.
E. Kesty, substitute teacher.
After inspecting the progress
made in altering the school furnish
ing plant in preparation for using
it as a match factory, Fred A. Fear,
head of the new industry secured
for Bloomsburg, expressed himseif
as wholly satisfied with the progress
made, practically only a little paint
ing yet remaining undone..
The work of dismantling other
plants to bring the machinery here
is fast progressing, he stated, and
expects to have the machinery on
the ground within a month and to
be at the work of manufacturing
matches in an even less time after
wards. Speaking of his plans for
the plant he stated they now con
template , doubling the output as
originally placed aud Bloomsburg,
he stated, will have a much larger
plant than the town was originally
figuring on.
Mrs. Arthur B. Naylor, of West
Fourth street, returned home from
a six months' visit to her old home
in England on Monday morning.
She had a very pleasant voyage,
and enjoyed her trip very much.
She was met at New York City by
her husband.
At high noon yesterday at the
home ot the bride's parents, Mr
and Mrs. G. P. Frymire, on East
Street, Miss Martha Frymire of
lilootnsburg became the bride o
Jesse M. John of Millville. Rev
R. G. Bannou, I). D., of W.lliam
sport, was the officiating minister,
the ring ceremony of the Lutheran
church being used.
The decorations were carried out
in green and pink, the bower tin
der which the couple were pro
uounced man and wife being oma
mented m blossomiug laurel. The
maid of honor was attired in pink
Orkeda crepe silk and the brides
maids wore costumes in pale green
of the same material.
The bride herself appeared in
white crepe de chine moasseliue
and bore a bridal bouquet of white
Miss Frymire was attended by
Miss Margaret Waller as maid of
honor, the Misses Belle Burr aud
Marguerite Eshelman as bride1
maids, and Miss Florence Caswell
as flower girl. Mr. Walter W
Skerry accompanied Mr. John as
groomsman, aud Myron Eves and
Jay urimes acted as ushers. Mrs
J. Emory Eves of Millville, former
ly Miss Margaret Evans of Blooms
burg, rendered the Mendelssohn
wedding march as the wedding
party entered the parlors.
During the ceremony the pianist
rendered an original composition
dedicated to the bride entitled "The
Bride's Dream." After the cere
mony the wedding party left the
room in order preceded by Miss
Laura Herring, whom Bloomsburg
salutes as a prima donna of the
days to come, singing as a reces
sional "Adeste Fideles" in Latin.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Dodson during which time
Miss Herring further favored the
company with a number of solos
appropriate to the occasion rend
ered in a most acceptable mauner.
A number of guests were present
who uad been in attendance at the
weddings of. the bride's mother and
elder sister.
Mr. and Mrs. John left Wednes
day evening for Solon Springs, Wis
consin, where they will make their
future home, Mr. John entering
mercantile business there on July i.
Profs. James T. Goodwin and
Bruce Sneidman, who have charge
of the commercial department at
the Bloomsburg State Normal
School, have annonnced that the
entire senior class in that depart
ment has passed the final examina
tions. The list of graduates is as
Full commercial course Elmer
E. Ash, Benton; Neil Harrison,
Forks; Chas. Burgiugame, Almedia.
Stenography course Loretta A.
Daily, Plymouth; Getha Dieffen-
bach, Bloomsburg; Belle Dobbs,
McCoysville; Mabelle Dobbs, Mc
Coysville; Clara Eastman, Blooms
burg; Eesse Ferguson, Bloomsburg.
Bookkeeping course North Lei
dy, Bloomsburg; Rouald Donovan,
Laceyville. ,
George W. Miles county commis
sioner of Montour county, who was
serving his third term in that of
fice, died Friday at Danville. He
was aged seventy-five years and
was one of tbe most prominent cit
izens of the Montour county se it,
having served on the school board
and in the town council. He was
well known throughout this coun
ty. The funeral services were held
n , .
L-Kpenenc is noi
it Is long remembered. tmcrjon.
Experience In Investing, In busi
ness ventures, and evn experi
ence in selecting a Bank may be
costly and tlwrefort unpleasant.
11.-.1 . Y... ...ill ..MMHlL m . ..
perlnce at this
Fortieth Annua! Convention Hell at Benlon
Myron I. Low Again President,
Generally considered the most
successful gathering of its kind in
the history of the county was the
fortieth annual convention of the
Columbia County Sunday School
Association, held at Orangeville
on Thursday and Friday of last
week. The attendance was large,
practically every section of the
county being represented, and the
addresses aud discussions that
marked the sessions proved both in
teresting and highly instructive.
Particularly pleasing to the work
ers in this field was the report of
the statistical secretary, which
showed this county second to but
one other Pennsylvania county in
point of percentage of population
enrolled in the Sunday schools.
This report may be briefly summa
rized as follow.:
Denominations, 14; number of
schools, 139; number of ever
green schools, 123; number of
cradle roll, 98; cradle roll members,
2,052; number of home depart
ments, 59; number of home depart
ment members, 1,491; number of
officers and teachers, 1,844; num
ber of scholars, 14,722, total enroll
ment, 20, 149. This is an increase
of 2,000 in the enrollment since
last year. Last year 46 per cent.
of the population of tfce county was
enrolled in the county; this year it
is 50 per cent.
Myron I. Low was again elected
to lead the Association for another
year. Other officers were chosen
as follows:
Vice presidents, H. R. Bower,
Fred T. Ikeler, N. Beishliue, M.
E. Stackhous; recording secretary,
Martha Powell; corresponding sec
retary, A. W. Spear; assistant cor
responding secretary, Verua Fritz;
field secretary, Martha Robinson;
treasurer, Anna McIIenry; Supt.
primary work, north side, Eunice
Spear, south side, Bertha Gilbert;
Home Department Supt., J. B.
Nuss; teacher training superintend
ent, O. H. Bakeless; Supt. of Or
ganized Adult Bible Class Move
ment, George Styer; delegates to
State convention, Miss Ida Her
ring, chairman.
The delegates selected to attend
the state convention are: Anna Her
ring, George R. Styer, A. U. Lesh-
er, Rev. I. E. Spangler, A. W.
Spear, Martha Powell, Prot. O. II.
Bakeless, N. Beishhne, M. E.
Stackhouse, H. J. Traub, O. Beish
liue, Mrs Anna McHenry, Mrs. A.
L. Ent, Mrs. A. Scott, Miss Lou
Robbins, Mr. Robert Crispin, Rev.
C. E. Miller, Rev. J. O. Biggs, I.
C. DeMott, Rev. O. E. Sunday,
Miss Ella Stewart, Rev. W. I. Bur-
rell, Rev. T. Myers, Mrs. E. M.
Knorr, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hess.
Mrs. Zerban Low, C. M. Laubach,
Levi Remley, Frank Kocher.
Saturday the second matinee ra-
ciug event of the season, under the
auspices of the Bloomsburg Driving
Club, will be held at the county
Fair grounds. The regulations
that made the first event so suc
cessful will again be in force, and
the classification of horses will be
in tbe hands of the same racing
committee. George S. Knorr, J.
G. Quick, and A. V. Kressler will
serve as judges, and Tilden Kline,
Theodore Smith, and Charles Yea- j
ger as timers.
l ...j. 1 1
easily gained dui i
Bank with pleasurf . I J, i
State Examining Board Announces Results
ot Work Commencement Next Week.
Announcement of the results of
the examinations at the Normal
School under the State examining
board was made yesterday morn
ing. All of the 96 Seniors in the
regular Normal course were pass
ed. These, together with the 11
commercial graduates and the 15
college preparatory students, will
make a total of 122 graduates this
All of the 126 Middlers were also
passed by the State committee, and
this means a Senior class of equal
size for the Normal next year.
Of the 214 Juniors examined,
198 were passed. Only three of
the sixteen who were rejected were
students at the school during the
past year.
Commencement exercises begin
Sunday with the baccalaureate ser
mon by Dr. D. J. Waller, principjl
cf the school. Monday night comes
the annual drama by the Junior
class. Tuesday will be devoted to
class reunions, with the Senior class
day exercises at night.
On Wednesday comes the com
mencement exercises proper, Dr.
George Edward Reed, LL. D., S.
T. D., president of Dickinson Col
lege delivering the commencement
address. The annual alumni din
uer immediately follows.
In the only two cases from Columbia-
county before the Pennsyl
vania Supreme Court, sitting in
Philadelphia Tuesday, Judge C. C.
Evans was reversed. In the case
of tne First National Bank of
Bloomsburg vs. Emanuel Gerli, as
administrator of the estate of Joseph
Ratti, a new trial was ordered. The
case is an action involving the pay
ment of a note for $5000, and the
first trial resulted iu a verdict
awarding the plaintiff $5381, rep
resenting the face value of the note
with interest. The second case,
that of B. Frank Rice vs. Harvey
Ruckle, et. al., involving owner
ship and distribution of profits
from two lots of land in Espy, went
up on appeal from the confirming
absolute of the referee's finding
awarding the plaintiff the title to
the property aud S605 additional
The Supreme Court reversed Judge
Evan, putting the costs on the ap
An elaborate banquet in which
sixty-five members and their friends
participated, marked ths opening
Tuesday evening ot tne lyrian
club recently organized by the Cat-
awissa members of the Masonic
The banquet was held in the new
and handsomely furnished quarters
iu the post office building. The
rooms, which are admirably adapt
ed to club purposes, are equipped
as game, pool, and reading rooms.
Following the inspection of the
new quarters as formally opened
on Tuesday evening, refreshments
were served and a few after-dinner
speeches closed what had proven a
most enjoyable social function. The
reception committee in charge ti
all arrangements that marked, the
opening of the club was composed
of Messrs. W. M. Vastiue,
Kline, ana j. j. iewis. , , fllf,
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