JH i II II III! RLOOMSBURG, PA., THURSDAY Af AY Wt 1909. NO so. WHEN YOU WANT TO Open a bank Account Have a Check Cashed Borrow Money, or Make an Investment. CALL ON THE OLD RRUABLK-- The Farmers National Bank OF BLOOMSBURG Capital, 360.O00 Surplus $100,000 C M. OKEVKLtNGr, Pres. M. MILLKISEX. Cashier. DIRECTORS T. L. Mover N. U. Funk C. M. Crevkuxo C. A. Klium W. L. WniTii C. W. Runyon Dk. J. J. Brown M. Miixeisen 3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. CIVIL COURT. Important Damano Cases Tried With Verdicts lor Plaintiffs. Two The case of W. II. Houck vs. the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany was tried the second time, be ginning on Wednesday of last week. This case was treid at Feb ruary court, and the jury dis agreed. The suit was brought against the railroad company for setting fire to and burning over a lot of timber land in tfeaver town ship. A number of witnesses were hoard to the effect that the fire started from a locomotive of the defendant. The testimony of the plaintiff closed on Thursday. In oneninc the case for the de fendant Mr. Waller stated that the defense in the case would be three fold. First, that the defendant com pany had obeyed the law in every respect, and that they would be re sponsible ODly in case negligence was proven, lhey wouia snow that the engine which drew the train on this particular day was eouioned with the stanaara, re cognized spark arrester. Second, that the alleged damage never occurred. They would show by competent witnesses that the land is worth as much now as it was before the fire. Tuird. that Chailes Reichard had been the previous owner of the tract in question, and that in iqoi it was burned over. That for this damage Reichard brought suit against the railroad company, which was settled before the trial by the paymeut of $2250 by the defendant company. That at the time Reichard had executed a re lease to the company for any dam age in the destruction of the tim ber on the land. They also had a ltgal defense which would be sub mitted to the Court at the proper time. A number of witnesses were call ed along these lines by the defense, and to show that the land had not been injured as there was nothing but scrub oak on it. The testi mony closed on Thursday. The closing arguments ' were made on Friday morning by Judge Hinckley for the defendant, and by W. II. Rhawu for the plaintiff, after whi:h Judge Evans charged the jury. On Saturday morning a verdict was rendered in favor of the plaintiff for $ 300. Immediately after the verdict had been taken L. E. Waller, Esq. of counsel for defendant company made a motion in arrest of judg ment and for a new trial, reasons to he filed within the time perscribed by the rules of Court. THE REIMARD CASE. The case of Howard Reimard and Cora, his wife against the Bloomsburg & Sullivan R. R. Co. was next taken up. Messrs Ikeler and Duy repre sented the plaintiffs and liar man and Waller the defendants. This was an action brought to recover damages for alleged injuries suffer ed by Cora Reimard through the alleged carelessness and negligence j of the defendant company. The ! facts in the case, as outlined by Mr. Ikeler in his opening address, were that Mrs. Reimard resided in Bloomsburg. That on the evening of the 5th of November she and her two children, aged 6 and 8 years, boarded , the train at the Main street crossing for the pur pose of going to visit her father add mother. ,At this time it was he rule of the company to receive and allow passengers to gee off at - Continued on page 5 WITH SUICIDAL INTENT Two Girls at Carpat Mill foDk Liu Jam n Two girls working in the Magee Larpet Mill, were found asleep at tncir looms on Monday afternoon by Joseph Marshall, a foreman in the spinning department. His ef forts to arouse them did not suc ceed, and the findimr of a lauda num bottle gave a clue to the cause 01 ineir condition. The girls' names are Marv Eck erd and Kathryn Hopper, and they reside at Almedia. They were taken to the main office and a phy sLian summoned, and in a short time they were sufficiently recover ed to walk off the effects of the poison. At the noon hour they came up town and procured a bottle of laud anum. They took some of it at the time, and more at intervals, so that thev did not become uncon scious until about 1 o'clock. Their girl friends say that love affairs are the cause of their rash act. MRS. FRED HOFFMAN. in me aeatu Saturday evening at eight o'clock of Mrs. Fred Hoff man, mere pass:a away a woman in the prime of life and one highly esteemed and loved by all who knew her. To the grief stricken husband, parents and brothers and sisters, the sympathy of the com munity is extended. Nephritis caused her death after a five weeks illness. Mrs. Hoffman moved to Berwick with "her husband six years ago and made a legion of friends. She was a member ot the First Presbyterian church and took an active part in the Woman's Mis sionary Society, the Ladies' auxil iary of the Y. W. C. A. and the Berwick Civic Club. ijorn in Koanng ureeK, she was the daughter of County Treasurer and Mrs. John Mowry. Her mar riage to Mr. Hoffman took place six years ago. Surviving her are her parents, husband, two brothers and two sisters: Mrs. H. W. An gle of Espy, Mrs. Jerry Kunkle of Kulp; Michael of Philadelphia, and Solomon of Cumberland, Md. The funeral was held from her home in Berwick on Tuesday after noon at 1 o'lock and was largely attended. The floral tributes were many and very beautiful. The Rev. E. A. Loux, of the First Presbyterian church, of Berwick, officiated. Interment was made in the cemetery at Almedia. GONE TO PETERSBURG. S. J. Pealer, Lieutenant Russell Karus and G. W. Hirleraan ot Benton, left here on Tuesday for Petersburg, Va., to be present at the unveiling of a monument. They were members of the 32nd Pennsylvania Volunteers, and par ticipated in the battle of Peters burg in 1865. Mr. Pealer was accompanied by his daughter, Miss Blanche, and Mrs. Karns went with her husband. THE FIRE ALARM. The custom of testing the fire alarm at 7.15 each evening has been abandoned, aud now the full fire alarm will be. sounded every Wednesday and Saturday evening at 7.30. Some understanding should be arranged with the firemen so that in case a fire should happen just at that hour, they will know that it is a genuine alarm', and not merely a test. The Hazletou Sentinel, says that Dr. W. H. Hertz, 2nd will shortly move to Bloomsburg, and open a dental office. COMPTROLLER'S CALL. REPORT OK THE CONDITION OF t (gfoomeBurg (Uaftonaf (ganft At the Close of Business April 28, 1908. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. U. S. Bonds . - $100,000.00 Capital Stock, - $100,000.00 Loans and Invest- ments . 570,965.82 Furnitureand Fix- tures - - 8,000.00 Cash and Reserve 107,571.17 $786,536.99 WM. II. IIIDLAY. Casiiikr. THE JUNE PRIMARIES. Saturday was the last day for filing n initiation pajiers in order to get the names on the ballot for the election on June 5th. Following is a full list of all the names filed: STATE DELEGATE CANDIDATES. The candidates for State Dele gates are: Democratic C. C. Furman, Bloomsburg; John W. Snyder, Lo cust; B. E. Kashner, Scott; Percy Brewington, Benton; M. C. Hetler, Berwick. Republican J. N. Harry, Ber wick; Harrison J. Conner, Orange ville; Avery C. Sickles, Berwick; W. Q. Holmes, Bloomsburg. CANDIDATES FOR SHERIFF. The candidates for the nomina tion for Sheriff are: Democratic William P. Zchner, Main; S. C. Beagle, Main; William H. Miller, Mifflin; James Labor, Berwick; Beujamin L. Faust, Bloomsburg. Republican O. 1). bauder, Catawissa; Sands, Mordansville. L. Kosten Joseph E. CANDIDATES FOR JURY COMMIS- SIONER. The candidates for jury commis sioner are as follows: Democratic A. C. " Hidlay, Bloomsburg;' Abuer A. Evans; Bri arcreek; William E. Grozier, Ber wick. Republican J. L. Wolverton, Bloomsburg; James F. Trump, Orangevilie; J. C. Parker, Green wood; Samuel J. Harrison, Forks, R. F. D. CANDIDATES FOR CORONER. The candidates for coroner are: Democratic Robert J. Brennan, Centralia. Republican Dr. E. L. Davis, PROHIBITION CANDIDATES. The Prohibition candidates are as follows: Coroner, Dr. John M. Getnmill, Millville; Jury Commissioner, Is aiah Raber, Bloomsburg; Sheriff, William Van Houten, Berwick; State Delegate, A. W Eves, Iola; Aaron Kester, Millville; Rev. R. H. Gilbert, Berwick; Party Trea surer, Aaron Kester, Minviiie; state Delegate, John Eves, Millville; M. P. Lutz, Bloomsburg; Party Secre tary, Edward Buck, Millville; Party Chairman, fcdward A. Doty, Bloomsburg. DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEEMEN. The list of candidates for Demo cratic Committeeman is as follows: Beaver, H. C. Krap; Benton Boro., Harvey W. Belles; Berwick, N. E.; George Mooruey; Berwick, S. E., Clark Bower; Berwick, N. W., Harry L. Ent, William Mar tin; Berwick S. W,. James iox; Bloom 1st, Jas. H. Mercer; Bloom 2nd, Otto Kemper; Bloom 3rd, E. M. Savage; Bloom 4th, Francis R. Drake; Briarcreek East, W. J. Shotwell; Briarcreek South, Geo. Croop; Briarcreek West, S. B. Lamon; Catawissa township, L). H. Fetterolf; Catawissa Borough, Clark D. Bowers; CentrHlia, 1st, Joseph Dailey; Centre North, E. B. Hess; Centre South, luden Weiss; Cleveland. C. E. Stine; Conyngham, E. N., Patrick Carey: Conynghem W. N., Emanuel Le van; Conyngham W. No. i, David Watkius; Conyngham W. No, 2, Thomas Horve; Conyngham S. W. George Kelley; Fishingcreek, E., A. F. Creveling; Fishingcreek W., Dyer McIIenry; Franklin, Clark Yost; Greenwood, E. Bartley Al bertsou; Hemlock, N., II. J. Traub; Jackson, M. O. Everhart; Locust. N., J. W. Snyder; Locust South, Leander Fetterman. Madi- Continued on page 8 Surplus and Profits 56,492.22 Circulation 99,000.00 Deposits - - 531,044.77 $786,536.99 A. Z. SCIIOCII. President, WOMAN'S AUXILIARY. Annual Convention Mit At Williatnsport. The annual convention of th Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese of Ilarnsburg, of the Episcopal Church, was held in Williatnsport on Wednesday. St. Paul s church Bloomsburg was represented by thirteen. Mrs. C. W. Funston took a pariy in her touring car consisting of Mrs. Paul E. Wirt Mrs. Geo. E. Elwell and Mrs. J R. Schuyler. Mrs. Geo. S. Rob bins in her touring car took Rev J. W. Diggles, Mrs. H. H. Grotz Mrs. J. L. Dillon, Miss Dora Marr and the Misses Vannatta. utners present trora here were Mrs. Johnston of Rupert, and Miss Mary Samuels. St. Paul s delega tion was next to the largest one present. m DEEDS RECORDED. The following deeds have recent ly been entered on record by Re corder of Deeds Frank vV. Miller: J. W. Karschuer and wife to G. W. Rhoads for property in Mifflin township. Wm. A. Tubbs and wife to Earl Dresher for property in Benton township. John Ervin et al to Moses Straus ser for property in Catawissa town ship. C. P. Pfahler et al to Catawissa National Bank for property in Cat awissa. John Mourey and wife to F. G Kosteubauder for property in Aris- tes. J. N. Webb and wife to Anna E Minier for property in Bloomsburg. John Lavelle aud wife to Marga ret Lavelle for property in Blooms burg. Abraham Rauck to Lloyd Davis for property in Berwick. Hannah u. lewksbury et al to C P. Pfahler et al for property in Catawissa. Perry Buckalew estate to A. W. Buckalew for property in Fishing Creek. Eliza Arnwine estate to J. A. Ir- vin for property in Greenwood. J. A. Irvin to Lattimer Heacock for property in Greenwood. D. Clyde I less and wife to E. C Hartman for property in Benton. II. W. George and wife to Fred Blass for property in Aristes. Edwin Hughes estate to Wei lingtou Striet lor property in West Berwick. Emma E. Ferguson to Martha V. Mc Bride for property in Blooms burg. C. W. Miller and wife to L. E. Waller for property in Bloomsburg. Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company to Centralia School Dis trict for property in Centralia. Fred Ikeler, trustee, to Theo. Mericle for property in Blooms burg. Hannah Sigmund et al to Sarah Rhoades et al for property in Cleve land township. A. B. MacCrea and wife to P. O. S. of A. Hall Association for prop erty in Berwick, Abraham Martz and wife to John Bowman et al for property in Briar Creek. Daniel Derr estate to Wm. H. Hauck for property in Espy. Martha Gilbert to IS. H. Cilbert for property in Briar Creek. APPROPRIATION CUT DOWN. Governor Stuart cut the appro priatiou of the Joseph Ratti Hospi- tal from $19,000 down to $9,000; the Berwick Hospital from $5000 to $2000. Townsend's PVJm If DliiililPtT r Edrheimr; i SUITS, HATS, SHIRTS, HOSE, HEGK"WBAR. CORNER CLOTHING STORE, BLOOMSBURG, PA. is 1 SEND'S