The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 13, 1909, Page 4, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURtt, i A THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE OLDEST AND STRONGEST. Capital $100,000 Surplus 8150,000. With the Largest Capital and Surplus in the Countv, a ' Strong Directorate. Competent Officers and Every Mod ern Facility, we solicit Account?, Large or Small, and Collections' on the Most Liberal Terms Consistent with Sound Hanking, and' Invite YOU to inspect our NEW QUARTERS. 3 Per Cent. Interest OFFICERS: W. M. Low, President. Jitmeti M.Stawr, Vice President. DIRECTORS: James M. Staver, Kred I keler, H. C. C'reaxy. Clinton Horrinp, E. W.M.Low, F. G. York, I,oui" (irons, M. E Staekiwupe. THE COLUMBIAN. KSTABLISIIED 186&. THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, liSTAllUSHKIl I837. C'NSOI IDAIF-D 1869 ("UBLISUIED IiVEKY TllfRSDAV MORNING, Ai HUumsliurg, the Coiinly Seat 01 Co!uinlio County, Pennsylvania. CEO. E. E I.WEI I.. Editor. GEO. C. KOAN.Eoremas. . Tk..: fnsiHt the county Jjl.oo a year i Advance ; 91.50!! not paiil in advance. 1 it:de t lie county, $ 1.25 a year, strictly in Al' rnnrunKniioi-' should lie acKlresscd THE COLOMBIAN. BloomstmrR, fa. UritsDAY. MAY 13, WHO Governor Signs Trolley Bills. Electric Lines May Now Connect With Ste;m Roads. Governor Stuart has approved and signed many new laws, among them being the Murphy bill, authorizing and empowering trolley companies to connect their tracks and interchange cars,' whether pas senger or freight, with those of railroad companies, subject to the approval of local authorities, and limiting the time to ten years. Other bills of i.iterest signed by 'he governor are as follows: The Shield bill, permitting trol- v companies to carry all kinds of i . .-iht, subject to approval of local .. niiorities, and limiting the time ten years, and prohibiting tbe i.we of steam locomotives on trolley tracks. Amending the act relating to what extent liens shall be allowed for taxes and for . municipal im provements; enforcing the payment of such claims and providing for the distribution ot the proceeds. Providing that the widow of children of any decedent dying out side of this Commonwealth, but whose estate is settled in this Com monwealth, may retain either real or personal property belonging to said estate to the value of $300. Amending the act authorizing cities to acquire land for park pur poses, allowing poor house proper ty to be taken for the same pur poses. Authorizing townships surround ing a city or borough to erect high school buildings and exempting property so acquired from taxation. Fixing the term of borough treas urers and street commissioners in boroughs of this Commonwealth at three years. Providing for the collection of moneys due sub-contractors for la bor and material furnished in con struction of municipal work. Prohibiting any owner offering tor sale or selling any horse which could not be worked in this Com monwealth without violating the laws against cruelty to animals, and giving authority to any agent for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or policemen or constables to make arrests in such cases, T-t . . acquiring gypsies or roaming bands of nomads to take out license to pitch or settle their encampments or carry on any ousmess. Makiug a supplement to the act relating to the powers of the sever al courts of quarter sessions with reference to the care and treatment and control of dependent, neglected and incorrigible children; providing mai 11 snail De a misdemeanor foi any person to contribute to the de linquency of any minor to whom the jurisdiction of any juvenile court has attached, or aid and abet ting said minor to violate his or her parole. Increasing the marriage license lee irom 50 cents to f 1. Prohibiting foreigners from kill ing song uuas, animal or game wun snot guns or rifles, also pro uiuuing foreigners irom carrying guns or rines, ana nxing penaltiei lor me violation tnereot. ' Validating the incurring of debt or increase ot indebtedness of town ships of the second class by its su pervisors ior me purpose ot mac Paid on Time Deposits Myron I. Low, Vice President. Frank Ikeler, Cashier Mywn T. Low, il. V . J lower, Frank Ikeler. . adamiziug roads and highway building. To prevent the manufacture and sale of adulterated or misbranded drugs, denning the word, "drugs," and providing for the enforcement of this act. Requiring commissioners of each county to publish annually once a week for four weeks in the mouth of February a full and accurate statement of all receipts, and ex penditures of the preceding year in one or more newspapers. Regulating ihe catching, taking and destruction of fish in the Dela ware river above Trenton Falls within the jurisdiction of Pennsyl vat ia, in conformity with the laws of New Jersey and Maryland. Amending the act relating to the collection of taxes in the several boroughs and fownshi,)s so as to fix the amount of bond at once more than the amount of taxes charged and assessed in the dupli cates delivered to collectors of taxes. Amending the act relating to proceedings where goods and chat tels have been levied upon, requir ing the claimar.t to furnish a bond of twice the amount of the goods levied unon. Authorizing a widow to accept real estate in partition, or compete ' in blading therefor, and providing the method by which the dower in terests of the widow and the prin cipal of the dower fund shall be se cured iff certain cases. To continue the existence of com missioners for the promotion of uni formity of legislation in the United States for an additional term of tour years with the same powers. duties and privileges. Amending the act relating to county rates and levies and town- hip rates so as to require the as sessor to specify in his triennial as sessment the transfer of real estate. the destruction of buildings and the amount of coal mined therefrom. Providing for the appointmeut of iewers in the erection of county bridges to take the place of exist ing bridges, or changine the loca tion where there is to he an expense greater tnau provided for. A number of bills were vetoed by the Governor, among them being the toilowing: Providing for the creation and egulation of municipal liens and the collection thereof. Providing that furniture and household goods leased or hired shall not be levied upon or sold on distress or other proceedings for the collection of rent. Regulating an appeal to the Su perior Court from an order of the Lourt of Quarter Sessions of the rea:e auer sentence in nuisance cases. Granting additional privileges to persons having rights of private roads as far as it relates to mining operations ana tramways. Limning the right of action against sureties on the bonds of ad ministrators and guardians. Authorizing cities of the third class to dispose of coal which may be found beneath streams within said municipalities. Giving the right to a iurv to fix the penalty of murder in ths first degree at life imprisonment. Not More Than 40 Trout The Tones Fish Bill, framed bv the State Sportsmen Association and the sportsmen of Pennsylvania, has been signed by Governor Stu art and is now in effect. The bill prohibits the catching of more than 40 trout in one day and no trout under six inches may be kept and the placing or allowing saw dust, acid, lime, dynamite or any explo sive or poison in any stream, riwy, lake or pond is prohibited. Children Cry v FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA 1 WASHINGTON From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, D. C, May 10, 1909. The Republican stand patters struck a tartar when they undertook to squelch Senitor Dol livc of Iowa. Mr. Ddliver per sisted in demanding how an in crease of the tariff rates was revi sion downward. He wanted to kuow why the consumer was to be taxed inordinately on every article made of wool or cotton, why Sena tor Aldrich has permitted certain New England manufacturers to make the wool and cotton sched ules and a dozen other things which is was impossible for the Republi cans to answer frankly and which it greatly embarrassed them to have brought to public attention. Throughout a speech lasting the greater part of two days, Mr. Dol liver kept his temper under the most trying circumstances, answer ed inutndi with witticism and turned aside the angry shafts of Mr. Aldrich with jests which won for him the sympathy of the Sen ate and even the applause of the galleries, although applause is for bidden in the Sanate and each lime it occurs the presiding officer grave ly warns the galleries that if it oc curs again he will he obliged to clear them. Senator Aldrich, al though hardly d ning to eharge it outright, plainly intimated that Mr. Dolliver's opposition totheex oibitant schedules which are the Rhode Island Senator's particular pets emanated from the fact that the Iowau was angry because he had not received a place on the Fi- j nance Committee and that there was no more worthy reasou for his opposition. That any man should have the interests of the ultimate consumers at heart apparently nev er enters into the calculations of the Rhode Island statesman. Prob ably the fact that it is generally known that Mr. Dolliver has the sympathies of the President with him 111 his fight on the exorbitant schedules adds nothing to the com fort of the Rhode Island Senator. The indications all point now to a continuation of the session of Con gress until June 15 and possibly later. The decision of the Supreme Court in the so called commodities clause of the Railway Rate Bill constitutes another blow at the con cohsumer aud a victory for the rail roads, although the Court upholds the constitutionality, of the law. This clause was enacted in order to prevent the outrageous discrimina tion which the railroads commonly practi.-ed against those who sought to compete with them in any side line in which they are engaged, es pecially iu the production of coal. Many railroads own extensive coal mines. Where this was. the case any private owner of a mine was almost certain to receive an offer of a very moderate price for his mine. If he refu-ed to sell he found him self hampered on every side. The railroad simply could not supply him with cars. His shipments got side tracked and his coal arrived so late that he broke his contracts and in some instances he was complete ly undersold by the railroad which could haul its own coal free. Fi nally, finding himself on the verge of ruin, the private mine owner would give up the fight and sell his mine to the railroad at its own price. A provision in the commodities clause provided that a railroad not only must not haul its own coal, but it must not haul that of any company in which it was "directly or indirectly interested". The Su preme Court decides that this does not prevent a company from hav ing stock in a corporation which operates a mine and hauling tbe coal of that corporation. In other words, under the decision, the rail road need only organize a subsidi ary to the mine and then own the company. The Attorney General points out that this is a consistent decision as the Courts have always held that owning stock in a com pa ny does not constitute a legal in terest therein. He says, however, that if the law had provided that holding stock must be regarded as having an interest therein within the meaning of the law. the law would have been effective. Presi dent Taft will ask Congress to Hoes not Color tie AYER'S HAIR Stops railing Hair Destroy Dandruff IflGTPdipnta Sulphur. iiyoiignti. Capsicum. A hair preparation made from this formula hair food, a hair tonic, a hair dre&slnu. Consult your doctor about these hair problems J. fl. Ayb Company. Ixwll. Mum. amend the law. The Question nat urallv-arises. therefore. Why did not the men who framed the law and who were lawyers of known ability so word the law as to ac complish its purpose in the first nlace? Thcv must have known of the former rulings of the Court. Of citirse no one can answer this question but the fact that the law as adopted was written by Senator Ulkins who is not on y a lawyer ot long experience but who owns t le greater part of a railroad which, in turn, own large mines in West Virginia may point the way toward the solution of this intricate prob lem. It will be interesting to ob serve the attitude of Senator El kins toward the amendment which President Taft will urge. Visiting cards and Wedding invi tations at the Columbian office, tf Congressman Mc Henry. The constituents of Representa tive McIIenry. of this Congressional District, irrespective of party con nection, have reason to be proud of the record he has made in look ing after and supporting their in terests, which coincide with the general interests of the country. Convinced that free raw materials are essential to successful manufac tures, in his first session he pre sented a bill, and ably backed it with his voice on the floor of the House, the purport of which was to abolish the tariff tax on lumber, bark, wood pulp, and paper, which would provide uutariff raw mate rial for a number of very import ant industries. But this salutary measure was smothered iu commit tee under orders from the Congres sional bosses. At the present ses sion, pursuing the same wise econ omic policy, Representative McIIenry has exerted both his voice and personal influence for the removal of the duty ou hides, a measure of general interest, as it would be productive of cheaper shoes for the millions of American people. So greatly is this last ef fort of Representative McIIenry appreciated by an interest that would be favorably affected by it, that he has received a special lefter from the Pennsylvania Free Hide League, thanking him for "his fight in behalf of the people of this great country." Sunbvry Demo crat. INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. Chas. P. Elwell announces that he will be pleased to receive all former pupils on violin and piano forte, as well as new ones. Latest and best methods. Terms strictly cash by the lesson or month. Address Hotel Hidlay, Bloomsburg, or call up on Bell 'phone any afternoon between 1 and 2. tf Grangers to Meet at State College. Annual Convention Will Convene on Decem ber 21. It is announced that the next meeting of the Pennsylvania State grange will be held ac State College December 21 to 24. The place was selected after the executive com mittee aud William T. Creasy, State master, had made a trip to State College and had been satisfied that tbe facilities were adequate to accommodate the delegates- President Iviwm E. Sparks, of Pennsylvania State College, sent a special invitation to the grangers to conduct their conventiou at the co! lege. He pointed out that the an nual "Farmers' Week" for the ed ucation of the agriculturists of the State would be scheduled during the Christmas vacation period, and the husbandmen would have an op portunity of taking in both events. The college buildings will be thrown open for the use of the vis itors, and the rooms in the new Duilding of the School of Agricul ture will be placed at their disposal for sessions. State College feels able to care for the hundreds of grangers, since it fouud room for the 700 farmers that attended the "Farmers' Week" last year. Already arrangements are being discussed by tht Center county grange, the organization that was in great measure responsible for the selection of State College as the meeting place. All the railroads running into Bellefont'e will send their trains on to State College. VIGOR An Elegant Dressing Makes hair Grow Glycerin. Qulnln. Sodium Chlorid. Sag. Alcohol. WuUr. Perfume. is harmless, yet possesses positive merit. A New Spring Suits! Spring Suits have arrived! There s magic in that simple an nouncemcnt for where's the woman who is not all eyes to see the new garment fashions i The Hew Spring Soils Are Low Priced. A most remarkable feature about these handsome new models is their extremely lew prices. Your spring outfit will give you a bet ter service a much finer appear ance and yet cost you a small price. Catering to every taste we've gamereaan assortment of choicest correct styles. Prices $10 to $35. Spring Suits Regularly $20 00 y I J Suits of hard twisted serge and striped worsted in black, blue, green, tan and gray. 36 inch hip less coats; slashed back, patch pockets, self button trimming, full sattn lined; satin collar and cuffs; Skirt is Demi-Princess with self covered buttons down the front. All sizes up to 42. SUIT at $1275 Of shadow stripe chiffon panama in navy blue, elect blue, green', tan, ashes of roses and gray. Coat 40 inches long, semi-fitting hipless cutaway front forming points on the sides, new small sleeves, lined throughout with satin; gorsd flare skirt with trimming of straps and self covered buttons. SUIT al $26.50 A 4 button cutaway coat 40 inches long of striped worsted, slashed back and sides, inlaid bcngaline silk collar; large flap pockets, trimmed with but tons, lined with taffeta silk; plain 1 1 gore demi-Piincess skirt, At $6.00 to $14.00 Junior Suits for the little Misses in sizes 11, 13, 15 and 17 years. Made of shadow stripe pan ama and fine serge in navy blue, gray and green, semi fitting hipless coats, gored and pleated skiit. SUIT at $27.00 A strictly tailored suit of French Serge; 4 button cutaway; single breasted (just a slight cut away effect;) lined with taffeta silk; new small sleeves; Demi Princess Skirt with inverted plait at sides. SUITS at $20.00 Of chiffon panama in blue, green and black; graceful semi-fitting hipless coat 36 inches long, single breasted, new small sleeves and trimmed with satin piping; gored flounce skirt. F, P. PURSEL. BLOOMSBURG JUST A REMINDER! Here is a list of some of the printed goods and blank stock that can be obtained at the Qlmmbam Printing Mouse Perhaps it may remind you of something you need. ADUCf All sizes, OH lUUUr Ul ance, Baronial, Pay, Coin, HEADINGS MT3TQ Business, Visiting, Announcement, Admission, jAlilJ Ball Tickets, Etc. Aftf. QTPMQ No Admittance, For Pent, For Sale, Post lliUii 51 Villi) No Bills, Trespass Notices, &c. TM RAAJTQ Administrator's, Executor's, Treasurer's Receipt All DUllL Boohs. Plain Receipts, with or without stub, Note Books, Scales Books, Order Books, Etc. HAND BILLS BOOKS AND MISCELLANEOUS 1 Our Stock Includes : Cut Cards, all sizes, Shipping Tags Round Corner Cards, ' Manila Tag Board, Card Board in Sheets, Bond Papers, white and colors, Ledger Papers, Name Cards for all Cover Papers, Secret Societies, Book Papers. Window Cards. Folders for Programs, Menus, Dances, Societies and all special events. Lithographed Bonds and Stock Certificates Supplied. Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Printed or Engraved. Visitors are Always Welcome. No Obligation to Purchase. We Do All Kinds o7 Minting Columbian Printing House, BLOOMSBURG, PA. PENN'A. Commercial, Professional, Jnsur- Letter Heaas. Note Heads, Bill Heaas, State ments, in many grades and sizes. Printed in any size from a small strett dodger, up to a full Sheet Poster, WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW SAMPLES OF THESE AND ALL OF OUR WORK.