The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 13, 1909, Image 1

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At the Close of Business April 28, 1908.
Jpen a bank Account Have a Check Cashed
Borrow Money, or Make an Investment
The Farmers National Bank
Capital, $63,000 Surplus 8100,000
C M. CliKVKlilNG, Pres. M. MILLEISEN, Cashier.
J. L. Moykr N. IT. Funk C. M. Crkveuno C. A. Klkim
W. L. Whitu C. W. Runvon Dr. J. J. Brown M. Mtu.iusiiN
3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
William B. Allen died very-sud-denly
while at work in the erecting
department of the steel plant of the
American Car and Foundry Co., at
BerwLk at about 9 o'clock on Mon
day morning. Death was due to
heart disease. He was aged 52
years, n months and 3 days.
Mr. Allen was standing along
side a passeuger car, and had been
talking to a number of his compan
ions when he had a tit ot coughing.
Suddenly he was stricken with a
hemorrhage and fell to the ground,
and his fellow workmen ran to his
aid. When they arrived at his
side he was apparently dead. Dr
Rutter, the company physician, was
summoned, and pronounced him
Until a little over a year ago he
resided in Bloomsburg. Early in
life he entered Democratic politics,
and for many years took an active
interest in the political life of the
In the early eighties he was ap
pointed deputy Register and Re-
corder under the late Williamson
H. Jacoby, which he filled for sev
eral years.
In 1901 he was appointed assist
ant under County Treasurer Jere
miah Snyder and served 2 years
During the same years he served as
Democratic County Chairman. He
also was Town Treasurer during
1904, and served a year and a half
as Poor Director of Bloom Poor
District, resigning to be succeeded
by Francis R. Drake, a present
Poor Director.
A year ago last March he moved
to Berwick, where he secured a po
sition with the A. C. & F. Co., and
where he has been employed ever
Some years ago he was engaged
in the mercantile business here,
having a general store where Craw
ford's grocery now is.
Besides his widow he is survived
by four children. Fred Allen, who
is in Seattle, Wash.; Joseph Allen,
at home, and Catharine and Re
becca Allen, who live at home.
His mother, Mrs. Sarah Allen, who
lives at Berwick, and two sisters,
Miss Ella Allen, of Berwick, and a
sister who lives in Harrisburg, also
The funeral was held on Wed
nesday afternoon, jhe remains hav
ing been brought here for inter
ment at 4 o'clock.
The auditor of public accouuts,
II. R. Stees, Esq., reported to the
court last week on his audit of the
accounts of former Prothonotary
and Clerk of the Courts Terwilli--ger,
and Register and Recorder
Frank W. Miller. He found all of
the accounts correct as reported.
The total receipts.of the office of
the Prothonotary and Clerk of the
Courts were $3689.05 and the total
expenses including the official's sal
ary of $2000, clerk hire and expens
es were $335-30- The county re
ceived oue-half of the difference, ac
cording to law, and Mr. Terwilli
ger the other half.
The gross receipts of the office of
Register and Recorder Miller, in
account with, the county, were
$3891.40, and the total expenses,
including the salary of Mr. Miller
and clerk hire, were $2734. The
difference wa3 divided equally be
tween the county and Mr. Miller,
as the law provides.
Prof. Clayton, of Boston, says
he can accomplish the leat of sail
ing across the Atlantic in a balloon.
If he attemps the voyage he will
Erobably sail across the river Styx
efore he lands in Europe.
What it Costs the County to Kocp Them There.
The County Commissioners have
the cost of maintenance of Colum
bia county prisoners there for the
year 1908, the sum of $2058.88,
wuicn was $900 more than last
The list includes the following:
Bomo Vicci, A maud us Levan, Joe
lliorloway, Thomas Goss, Patsey
UUiano, frred Alroy Conner,
John Mittleton, Sr., John Mittle
ton, Jr., Archy Lundy. James
Hummel, fortunato Calabro, An
tonio Calabro, Nicholas Gedro,
James LaCross, Tony Crace, John
uresnn, jo&u Micas, John Stecho,
John Godseck. William Shelaoeck.
Mike Harrison, William Umlub,
James 1'ilpcria, Mike Abach, Geo
Suvder. Charles Criss. William Mo
Carthy, Karoly Takacs, Michael
Leverara, T. M. Harman.
During the year the following
were dsicnarged: Joseph Guinn,
James Samole. Steve reitirirfc.
James VanSickle, and since the first
01 ine year Jonu Zongrone, Earl
Thomas and Claude Dawson have
been released.
It will be seen from the names
that many of the convicts are for
Mrs. Sarah Search died in Cata
wissa last week Monday, at the
home of her son-in-law, Charles E.
Randall, editor of the News Item,
where she had made her home for
the past eleven years. She was an
estimable lady, and a devoted mem
ber of St. John's Episcopal Church.
MRS. w. c. richart.
Mrs. W. C. Richart died at her
home on West Third street on
Tuesday morning, aged 76 years.
from paralysis with which she had
been attected for the past six
months. She was a member of the
Methodist Church.
Her husband and the following
named children survive: Mrs.
George Beagle, of Wilkes-Barre;
Mrs. Harry J. Meusch, of Rupert,
and Charles Richart, living at
home. Within the past two weeks
occurred the death of a daughter,
Mrs. W. J. Brobst.
Mrs. Pierce Creasy died at her
home, corner of East and Eighth
streets, on Tuesday morning at
about 2:150 clock. Death was due
to consumption, with which she
had been a sufferer for about one
year. She was aged 50 years, 4
mouths and 28 days..
For many years, Mrs. Creasy
lived on a farm on River Hill, Cata
wissa. She was active in church
work, having been a hard working
member of the Catawissa Lutheran
church, and also much interested
in Grange work. In this manner
she became widely acquainted and
made a host of friends.
She is survived by her husband,
her mother, Mrs. Reeder, widow of
the late Joseph Reeder, of Franklin
township and the following broth
ers and sisters: Mrs. Miner S.
Munson of town; Jeremiah Reeder,
principal of the Garfield School at
Shamokin, and Marr Reeder, a
farmer in Franklin township.
The funeral will be - held on Fri
day afternoon, meeting at the house
at 1 o'clock. The remains will be
taken to the Catawissa Lutheran
church, where a further service
will be held, the Rev. W. J. Nel
son, of Wilkes-Barre, officiating
Interment will be made at that
U. S. Bonds - $100,000.00
Loans and Invest
meats Furnitureand Fix
tures Cash and Reserve
570,96s. 82
WM. II. HID LAY, Casiiikr.
The first case taken tir in court
on Monday was that of Mrs. Carr
vs. the Lehigh Valley Railroad Co.
After a jury was drawn, but be
fore it was sworn counsel agreed to
a verdict for the defendant.
The first of the cases growing
out of the washing away of the
Mifflinville bridge in November,
1907, when six men met their
death, was next called for trial,
and it also resulted in a settlement.
The case was that of Mrs. Anna H.
Musselman vs. the York Bridge
Co. The contractor. Adam W.
Musselman, her husband, was one
of the men who perished iu the ac
cident, and suit was brought for
$10,000 damages. A settlement
was reached whereby the defend
and pays $3000 and the costs of
the prosecution.
The other case, that of Mrs.
Alice Fahs, which is a like action,
was continued on motion of Fred.
Ikeler, Esq. of counsel for the de
fense, because it was represented
to the court that the case could not
be reached this week.
The Houck case was next taken
up. This is the case in which
William H. Houck, of" Beaver
township, sues to recover $6,000
for timberland burned over, be
cause of the alleged neglect of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Co. in fail
ing to provide one of its locomo
tives with proper spark protector.
This case was tried at the last
term of court, and the jury after
being out 56 hours, could not
This case is still on trial as we
go to press.
On Tuesday the case of John
Brofee against Cleveland, township
was tried. It was for damages for
the loss of a mule by reason of bad
condition of the roads. The ver
dict was for the defendant.
After serviug forty years in the
ministry, all of which time he serv
ed as pastor of the Reformed church
at Orangeville, Rev. A. Houtz has
tendered his resignation as pastor
of the church which will take effect
in August, at which time his for
tieth year as pastor of the church
will expire. ,
Mr. Houtz has had under his
charge the congregations of the
Orangeville church, Hidlav's, St.
James and Zion. He has been a
faithful pastor and is well beloved
by all his people and held in the
highest esteem by all who know
him. His retiremeut from active
work will be generally regretted.
The minstrel show and concert
given by the Citizens Band last
Friday night, and repeated on
Monday night, was a complete suc
cess. Ine stage was bcautitully
set, the singing was good, and the
music was exceptionally fine. The
entire performance was . far ahead
of any professional minstrel show
that has appeared here in many
years. The house was packed to
overflowing, and Charles P. Elwell,
musical director, feels now as
though the townspeople appreciate
the splendid musical organization
that they have in the Citizens
The entire receipts were some
thing over $400.
Mrs. II. C. Jones is visiting
friends in Benton township for two
There will be a race meet at the
fair grounds on May 31st.
Capital Stock, - $100,000.00
Surplus and Profits 56,492.22
Circulation 99,000.00
Deposits - S3I.04477
The following deeds have recent
ly been entered 011 record by Re
corder of Deeds rrank vv. Miller:
Christ. Shumaii and wife to F.
L. Shumau for land in Beaver.
F. L. Shutnan to Harry Hum
mel for land m Beaver.
Julia Schlanger et al to Beni.
Mittleman for land in West Ber
Mary E. Wolf estate to Wm. P.
Zehner for land in Bloomsburg.
James W. Karchner et ux to
Geo. W. Rhoads for land in Mifflin.
M. A. Tubbs and wife to Earl
Dresher for land in Benton.
John Erviu et al to Moses Strau-
ser for land in Locust township.
Wash Parr Estate to John W.
Raup for land in Franklin town
C. P. Pfahler et al to Catawissa
National Bank for land in Cata
John Moureyet ux to F. G. Kos-
tenbauder for land in Aristes.
J. N. Webb et ux to Anna E.
Minier for land in Bloomsburg.
Annie E. Minier to J. N. Webb
for land in Bloomsburg.
John Lavelle et ux to Margaret
Lavelle for land in Centralia.
Abram Ranck to Lloyd Davis for
land in Beaver.
Hannah E. Tewksbury et al to
C. P. Pfahler et al for land in Cat
Perry Buckalew estate to A. W.
Buckalew for land in Fishing creek.
Eliza Arnwine estate to S. A.
Irvin for land in Greenwood.
J. A. Irvin to Lattiraer Heacock
for land iu Greenwood.
D. Clyde Hess et ux to E. C.
Harttnan for lind in Benton.
H. W. George and wife to Fred
Blass for land in Aristes.
Edw. Hughes estate to Welling
ton Stout for land in West Berwick.
Emma E. Ferguson to Martha V.
McBnde for land in Bloomsburg.
W. C. Stahl to Frank C. Harris
for land in Center.
Susannah L. Buckingham et al
to Susannah Breish for land in
The annual baccalaureate sermon
to the class of 1909 from the
Bloomsburg High School will this
year be delivered by the Kev. J.
W. Diggles, in St. Paul's Episcopal
church on the evening of the 6th
ot June, and owing to the large
number of members composing this J
year s class the service will be one
ot exceptional interest. The ser
mon is delivered in a different
church each year, last year having
been held in the Presbyterian
church and the previous year in
the Methodist church.
Governor Stuart signed the bill
regulating the salaries of county
commissioners. It is as follows:
In counties of more than 50,000
population, $1,200 per year; more
than 25,000, and less than 50,000,
$1,000; in counties of less than 25,-
000, $800; together with such ex
penses as are allowed by law to the
This puts Columbia county into
the $1000 class.
Limit on Bass Fishing.
The new fish law provides that
no bass can be taken from the wa
ter that is under eight inches in
length and not more than twelve
bass may be taken daily. The old
law permitted the catching of these
fish seven inches in length.
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