The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 06, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Capital $100,000 Surplus $150,000.
With the Largest Capital and Surplus in the County, a
Strong Directorate, Competent Ofiieers and Every Mod
ern Facility, we solicit Accounts, Large or Small, and
Collections on the Most Liberal Terms Consistent with
Sound Hanking;, and Invite YOU to inspect our NEW
Per Cent. Interest
K..W. M. Low, President,
dailies M.iStnver, Vice President.
Jumps M. Stnver,
Kri I keler,
S. C. Creiisy.
(Million Herring,
E. V. M.T.ow.
V. IJ. Ynrkt.,
Jjoui!" (4rnsn,
M. K Stiwklioiisp,
li'.IMU.ISIIKD I837. CoNSOI.mATFD l8f9
,(fi:i.isnKi) E very Thursday Morning,
A T'.Wijmaliurg, the County Scat otj
Columliia County, Pennsylvania.
r,r.O. E. EI. WELL. Editor.
;::o. c. roan.eorkman.
Vkm: lnsul( the county $1.00 n year
'it .itv.inue; : 1 . 5 t.i i f not paid in advance.
1 u 'U thecounty, 1 1.25 a year, strictly in
tdirt tf,
Al :ommtpiicati'r hniM lf idrtrepsed
I'll K COl.'IMBI W. I'loomsl iiru, 1
tT;7day, May ct, itio;
Leaders Slate State Ticket.
Senator Crow To Bo Republican Candida'e
For Auditor-General and Senator Stober
lor Treasurer.
At a conference of political lead
ers held in the office of United States
Senator Penrose iu Philadelphia on
Sunday, it is said that State Sena
tor William F. Crow, of Fayette
county, was selected for auditor
general and Jeremiah A. Stober of
Lancaster county for State Treas
urer. The successor to Justice Mitchell
m the Supreme Court Bench, as
as could be learned, was not
iied upon.
Viiile no official announcement
-:' the selection of either Crow or
' !n?r was made, it was practically
;i .::iitted fhat these two men would
be the nominees for the respective
Child Labor Law.
Governor Stuart signed a more
important bill recently in the
Shern child labor bill. It becomes
operative January 1, 1910.
The bill prohibits the employ
ment, except as specially provided
. in the bill, of any children less than
eighteen years of age about any of
a long list of business places named
in the act; the list includes practi
cally every class of business except
mines and includes boats.
No minor under eighteen may be
employed at any business generally
classed as hazardous. Miners not
younger than sixteen may be em
ployed about paint, acid, match
and tobacco factories and where
the chief factory inspector is satis
fied that factory conditions are safe
mioors may be employed at such
places who are as young as four
teen, provided they can read and
write English and are physically fit.
Minors as young as fourteen may
be generally employed iu such bus
inesses not classed as hazardous un
der rules prescribed by the chief
factory inspector.
Ten hours per day and fifty
eight hours per week are the max
imum limits of employment for
males under sixteen and females
under eighteen, but in no case shall
such minors work between 9 p. m.
and 6 a. m.
Employment certificates must be
furnished minors. They are to be
issued by school authorities upon
blanks for the ouTiose sunnier! K
the State Superintendent of Public
The penalty for violation is from
110 to 2.s nne and ten rlava' im
prisonment for the first offence, and
5o ana 90 days for the second
au nnes are to be remitted to the
chief factory inspector and turned
into tne state treasury.
A Big Salary.
According to figures compiled
ana pumisnea oy the Milton Stand
ard, the treasurer of Northuraber
land county in 1907 received a ne
salary of fii.8it.ia. which is ha
ly one and a half times as much as
is paid the governor of the Com
monwealtb, twice as much, as is
paid our county judges, twice as
much as is paid a congressman and
uine times as much as is paid
county commissioner. .
Paid on Time Deposits
Myron I. Ijow. Vice President.
Frnnk Ikeler, Cashier
Myron T. Tjow,
H , V . Hmver,
Frank Ikeler.
No More Special Fish Wardens.
Volunteers Without Pay May Rcplaco Yen
Legislated Out ol Office
Fish Commissioner Meehan has
sent letters to the 300 odd special
fish wardens of the State, thanking
them for their past services unci
advising them that under the pro
visions of the Jones bill, approved
on Saturday by Governor Stuart,
their commissions as special ward
ens fall.
Commissioner Meehan has writ
ten every fish protective association
in the State asking its co-operation
under the new law and the desig
nation of one or more members
who will net as special wardens
without pay.
Heretofore, special wardens have
received 50 per cent, of fines col
lected for tlieir services. All fines
must here-after be turned into the
State treasury.
. ...
Masonic Chief Resigns.
overcign Grand Commander Palmer Gives
Up Great Office.
Milwaukee, May 1. Henry L.
aimer, sovereign grand command
er of the Supreme Council Ancient
and Accepted Scottish Rites of the
Northern jurisdiction of the United
States, has resigned on account of
11 health. This is the highest Ma
sonic office in the United States.
ind has been held by Mr. Palmer
since 1873, a most remarkable rec
ord. Until his successor has beeu
elected Lieutenant Commander
Lawrence, of Boston, will occupy
that high office.
'rue But ' it Was Afraid to Show
Itself Then.
After waiting: for the first hurst
of indigestion to subside, admirers
of the late Senator Mathew Quay
of Pennsylvania have renewed ac
tion in the Legislature authorizing
setting up his statue in the new
:apitol buildine. Protests are be-
iug renewed, and attention is beinc
called to the record of the man.
On the other hand it is being point
ea out, ironically, that such a cap-
uol building can be most fittingly
furnished by the statue of oreciselv
the sort of man Quay was. It is
proposed that the statue monument.
t erected bear an inscription, clos
ing thus: "A grateful Common
wealth has erected this monument
on the spot where grew that plum
tree he loved so well " Quay re
ceived the highest political honors
the state of Pennsylvania could
give him during his life, and held
them to his death. Legislative
condemnation of the man and his
methods would have been more ef
fective and insnirioe if it had heen
sufficiently courageous to have ap
peared during his life. Boston
Two Preventives Against Moths.
iase one lourtu or an ntmrp
each of ground cloves and caraway
seed, one ouuee of dried common
salt, one half pound of lavender
Howers free from the stalk and one
half ounce each of dried thyme and
mint. Mix well together. nnH nut
in cambric or silk bags, if placed
among clothes, will preserve them
irom motus and give a pleasant
If you are troubled with mnMi
in the house, try putting blotting
paper well saturated with turpen
tine in the drawers, anion? the furs
and bedclothes, or wherever there
is dancer of the moths wnririn
their depredations; it can even be
put alone the edcea of rnrrvta
Turpentine is the best preventive
01 moms 1 nave discovered. wom
an's Home Companion for May,
Stan U '19 Kind You Have Always 3oagM
From our Regular Correspondent.
Washington, I). C, May 3, 1909
The speech of Senater Bailey on
an income tax. one of the ablest
which has been delivered on the
floor of the Senate for many a day,
and took two days to deliver, was
highly pleasing to Democrats, who
regard it as an unanswerable argu
ment in defence of the right of Con
gress to levy an income tax. Mr.
Bailey quoted from court opinions
and other authorities to substanti
ate his contention respecting the
constitutionality of such a tax, and
said: "That this is inquisitorial is
true, but not more so than any other
tax. To compel tne to tell the
source of my income, as done in
the State in which I live, is as in
quisitorial as to compel me lo tell
the amount of my income". As to
the plea that such a tax .would
make us a nation of liars, Mr.
Hailey said: "I will not insult the
American people by repeating that
charge, but I will repel it 11s an un
warranted reflection upon our peo
ple. I do not think a self-resnect-
ing American citizen will lie to es
cape the payment of a tax; and if
I shou d find a man who would
commit perjury to escape taxation,
1 would tavor disfranchising nun.
A scandal in the Census Bureau
is more than hinted at, to which
the Democrats in Congress are just
avvakenitig. Director North is
charged with insubordination and
it is questioned in administration
circles whether he has the capacity
to administer the affairs of the cen
sus ollice. lhe opinion obtains
that Mr. North's resignation will
be asked for by President Taft
within the next few days. Mr.
North himself declines to discuss
the matter entirely, except to say
that he has not intended to resign.
At the State department prepa
rations are in progress for a com
plete readjustment of our trade re
lations with the nations of the
world, to follow the enactment of
the new tariff law. In view of the
introduction of the maximum-min-mum
policy into our tariff law,
many treaties and arrangements
covering trade relations will of ne
cessity be abrogated and new ones
must be negotiated, and to accom
plish this amicably and without in
volving the United States in com
mercial wars with her rivals is a
herculean task which will call for
all the ability and ingenuity of our
eminently able and tactful Secreta
ry of State. The President and
the leaders in Congress have every
confidence in the successful out
come of these negotiations in the
hands of Secretary Knox.
Mrs. Taft is now seen on the
streets of Washington and its sub
urbs driving her own electric runa
bout. Mrs. Taft is as fond of mo
toring as isj the President and de
sired to run her own car. but the
President objected to her driving
one of : the large gasoline touring
cars, with which the former stables
of the White House are equipped,
and a compromise was reached in
the electric runabout.
The postmasters throughout the
country have received notice from
the Third Assistant Postmaster
General that the new issue postaga
stamps which the Postoffice De
partment is preparing for the Seat
tle exposition will be put on sale
about June 1. The citizens of Se
attle made no inconsiderable com
ment on the original design of the
stamp, in consequence of which the
picture of the polar bear clinging to
an iceburg has been changed and
in its stead appears the portrait of
William H. Seward, who, as Sec
retary of State, conducted the ne
gotiations for the purchase of Alas
ka from Russia.
Col. R. M. Johnson, veteran pub
lisher of the Houston Post and
prominent as a Democratic politi
cian in Texas, was in Washington
this week and in discussing the
prohibition wave which is sweeping
the country, declared that the divi
sion of Texas into two States is a
probable outcome of the agitation
ot the liquor question, now in prog
ress iu the State. Col. Johnson de
clared the southern portion of the
Docs Not Stimulate
Ayer's Sarsaparilla does not stimulate. It does not make
you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next. It
is not a strong drink. No reaction after you stop using it.
There is not a drop of alcohol in it. Yott have the steady,
even gain that comes from a strong tonic and alterative.
We wish you would ask your doctor about this. He
knows. Trust him. Do as he says. '. C. A yerCo. , I.oWcIl, Moss.
What are Ayer's fills? l.ivcr Pills. How
years, ua oociors recommend tnemr
State is to nc strongly "anti", while
the northern portion is strongly
"pro", and that while he did not
believe the division would come iu
the immediate future, it would be
the final outcome.
"Mothers' Pay" To Be Widely Ob
served. "Mothers' Day," the second
Sunday in May. will be observed
mote widely than ever this year
Miss Anna Jarvis, of Philadelphia,
oiiginaied its observance three
years ago. She thought it would
)e a beautiful tribute to all mothers,
the dead as well as the living, if
their children would unite, 011 one
day in the year, in wearing a sim
pie white ilower in evidence of
filial honor and love. Miss Jarvis
chose the while carnation as the
flower, its color typifying purity;
its form beaufy; its fragrance, love;
its wide field of growth, charily;
its lasting qualities, faithfulness
all virtues ol a true motherhood.
In several American cities the
Mayors in past years have issued
special proclamations recommend
ing the general celebration of the
d iy, wh ch has also been marked
by the singing of mothers' hymns
in the home and by special services
and distribution of white flowers in
the Sunday Schools and the
Gov. Vesscy, of South Dakota,
has officially ordered the observ
ance of the day in that State this
year. In his proclamation he says
in part:
"Recognizing the importance of
the home as the fountain-head of
society, and realizing that no
statesmanship or legislation can
save us if our homes become abodes
of ignorance and degradation, I,
R. S. Vessey, Governor of the
State of South Dakota, hereby set
apart and designate the second
Sabbath iu our national memorial
month of May as Mothers' Day, in
grateful and loving remembrance
of the one who, iu our infancy
watched over us with tenderest
care, in our youth gently guided
us to higher ideals, the counsellor
of our maturer years.
"The fitness of the observance
of this day appeals to all social,
fraternal, civil, military and relig
ious organizations alike; to him
who has missed life's crowning joy,
the tender ministrations of a
mother's love, no less than to the
one who has derived the elements
of a noble character from the ma
ternal care bestowed in childhood.
Probably never before was a move
ment inaugurated which iu such a
short time attained national recog
Chas. P. Elwell announces that
he will be pleased to receive all
former pupils on violin and piano
tirte, as well as new ones. Latest
and best methods.
Terms strictly cash by the lesson
or month. Address Hotel Hidlay,
Bloomsburg, or call up on Bell
'phone any afternoon between 1
and 2. tf
Strangely Affected Trout
Last Friday Clark Mills caught
three trout in Foundry rim, which
empties into Catawissa creek at the
paper mill says the News Item.
The fish were from 7 to 9 inches in
length, strong and vigorous. When
he cleaned them he noticed that
the bladders were of abnormal size,
almost completely filling the inside
of the fish. Upon attempting to
burst them they resisted pressure
and an examination showed them
filled with lively little white worms
about three-fourths of an inch in
length and the thickness of a hair.
He placed a lot of them in a bottle
of water and will preserve them for
This is a strange freak, one which
Editor Randall has not met before
in over 40 years of trout fishing.
The matter has been referred to
the State Fishery Commission ior
The erection of a silk mill at
Lewistown is now a certainty.
The check in payment for the site
has been received by Mr. Fleming
from the Susquehanna Silk Mill
company, and ground will be bro
ken for the new buildings at once.
They will be 300 feet long by 200
feet wide.
loru hnvu tlicy been told? Nearly sixty
ask your own doctor and find out.
New Spring Suits!
Spring Suits have arrived!
There's magic in that simple an
nouncement for where's the
woman who is not all eyes to see
the new garment fashions )
The New Spring Softs Are Low Priced.
A most remarkable feature about
these handsome new models is
their extremely lew prices. Your
spring outfit will give you a bet
ter service a much finer appear
ance and yet cost you a small
price. Catering to every taste we've
gathered an assortment of choicest
correct styles. Prices $10 to $3 5.
Spring Suits fc
Regularly $20 00 p 1 y.O
Suits of hard twisted serge and
striped worsted in black, blue,
green, tan and gray. 36 inch hip
less coats; slashed back, patch
pockets, self button trimming, full satul lined; satin collar
and cuffs; .Skirt is Demi-Princess with self covered buttons
down the front. All sizes up to 42.
SUIT at $1275 Of shadow stripe chiffon panama in
navy blue, elect blue, green, tan, ashes of roses and gray.
Coat 40 inches long, semi-fitting hiplcss cutaway front
forming points on the sides, new small sleeves, lined
throughout with satin: gorad flare skirt with trimming of
straps and self covered buttons.
SUIT at $26.50 A 4 button cutaway coat 40 inches
long of striped worsted, slashed back and sides, inlaid
bcngaline silk collar; large flap pockets, trimmed with but
tons, lined with taffeta silk; plain 1 1 gore demi-Princess
At $6.00 to $14.00 Junior Suits for the little Misses in
sizes 11, 13, 15 and 17 years. Made of shadow stripe pan
ama and fine serge in navy blue, gray and green, semi
fitting hipless coats, gored and pleated skirt.
SUIT at $27.00 A strictly tailored suit of French
Serge; 4 button cutaway; single breasted (just a slight cut
away effect;) lined with taffeta silk; new small sleeves;
Demi Princess Skirt with inverted plait at sides.
SUITS at $20.00 Of chiffon panama in blue, green
and black; graceful semi-fitting hipless coat 36 inches long,
single breasted, new small sleeves and trimmed with satin
piping; gored flounce skirt.
Here is a list of some of the printed goods and blank stock
that can be obtained at the
Columbian Printing Home
! Perhaps it may remind you of something you need.
TJC'RrVTMffQ Letter Heaas. Note Heads, Bill Heaas, Stale
kkLltiUl 11 VJl3 tnents, in many grades and sizes.
TRDfVQ Business, Visiting, Announcement, Admission,
VJfiKllJ Ball Tickets, Etc.
PUftUQTfMQ No Admittance For Rent, For Sale, Post
AVij Ollllll) No Bills, Trespass Notices, v&v.
TM PAAJTQ Administrator's, Executor's, Treasurer's Receipt
All PUVii Books. Plain Receipts, with or without stub, Note
Books, Scales Books, Order Books, Etc.
Our Stock Includes :
Cut Cards, all sizes, Shipping Tags
Round Corner Cards, Manila Tag Board,
Card Board in Sheets, Bond Papers,
white and colors, Ledger Papers,
Name Cards for all Cover Papers,
Secret Societies. Book Papers.'
Window Cards.
Folders for Programs, Menus, Dances, Societies and all
special events.
Lithographed Bonds and Stock Certificates Supplied.
Wedding Invitations and Announcements, Printed or
Visitors are Always Welcome. No Obligation to Purchase.
We Do All Kinds of Printing
Columbian Printing House,
All sizes, Commercial, Professional, Insur
ance, Baronial, Pay, Coin,
Printed in any size from a small strett
dodger, up to a full Sheet Poster,