The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 06, 1909, Image 1

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AO, J ft.
Open a bank Account Have a Check Cashed
Borrow Money, or Make an Investment
The Farmers National Bank
Capital, $00,000 Surplus 8100,000
0 M. CKEVELING, Pres. M. MILTEISEN. Cashier.
W. L. Whitb
N. U. Funk
C. W. Runyon
3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
On Friday evening there will be
given in the Columbia Theatre an
entertainment under the auspices of
the Citizens' Band, which will in
clude a minstrel entertainment for
the first part, and a baud concert
for the second part.
Rehearsals have been going on
for some time, and the entertain
meut promises to be one of the
best, if not the very best of the
kind, ever given here.
The musical pirt will be under
the leadership of Prof. Chas. P.
Elwall, who will direct the band
and orchestra.
The business management is in
the hands of Edmund Savidge.
The Citizens Band is an organiza
tion of which the town has every
reason to be proud. There are
few better ones outside of the cities,
and not many there. The Band
has given its services freely on ma
ny occasions, and it has given open
air concerts that have delighted
thousands. f Now, when they are
asking for'help, they are entitled
to a vety liberal patronage.
It takes money to run a band.
Instruments, uniforms, music, and
many other items of expense must
be met in some way. They are
not asking for donations, but are
offering an evening's enjoyment
that will be a very. large equivalent
for the price of a ticket.
A good brass band is a necessity
in every up-to date community.
Bloomsburg is up-to-date. It has
a splendid brass band. Help it
along by your patronage.
The following program will be
End Song.
Company and Orchestra.
I Was a Hero.
Paul Harman.
For nil Eternity.
Frank Hower.
End Song.
Under the Silvery Congo Moon.
Jas. Brown.
Introduction of Premier Ends.
Kemp and Williams.
End Song. I'm Goin' Away.
John Williams.
Solo. Always Me.
Steward Hartman.
End Song. I live in Lazy Land.
Clyde Kemp.
Mass Solo. .
The Clink of the Miser's Gold.
Chas. White
Finale We'll Raise the Roof Tonight
Company and Orchestra.
The Twin Comedians. Dalbey and Vial.
The Lanky Yan'jeo Boys in Blue.
Band Concert.
1. March. The Headliner, Troutmati.
a. Overture.
Morning. Noon and Night. Suppe.
3. a. Dream of Autumn. Loseyi
b. Intermezzo. Kisses. Hubbell.
4. March. Queen of Sheba. Gounod,
5. Waltz Mondaine. Bosc.
6. Idyll Forge in the Forest. Michaelis.
My Dream of the U. S. A.
Chorus. Orchestra and Band.
The end men will be Otto Kem
per, "Red" Edgar, Paul Harman,
Jas. Brown. The Premier Ends,
Clyde Kemp and John Williams.
Ralph Phillips will be interlocutor.
There will be an elaborate first
?art setting with electrical effects,
here promises to be an excep
tionally large audience, which this
organizatiou certainly deserves.
Two Williamsport ladies who
placed well filled market baskets in
convenient places while they did
some additional shopping, returned
to find that enterprising sneak
thieves had appropriated the bask
ets and their contents. The moral
of this is, keep your basket with
C. M. Crkvkmno C. A. Kucim
Dr. J. J. Brown M. Milmusex
John F. Kelly died at his home
on East Seventh street at about
12:30 o'clock on Tuesday after
noon. Death was due to a com
plication of diseases. He was
aged about 64 years.
He is survived by his widow and
the following children: Mrs. Ray
Cain, Edward, Anna, Ethel, Ru
pert, Winifred, Tulia, Mable, Rob
ert aud Charity.
Mr. Kelly came to Bloomsburg
many years ago, and for a long
time was employed as engineer at
the McKelvy & Neal furnace, up
to the time of the closing down of
that industry. He was an expert
mechanic, and since that time he
has been employed by Harman &
Hassert. until his illness compelled
him to cease work.
Mrs. Kelly is a sister of Charles
L. Rupert, the well-known green
truck dealer.
Mrs. Ro jert Brennen, wife of the
Coroner of Columbia county, and
one of the best known women in
Centralia, died at her home in that
place ou Tuesday morning at 2
o'clock. Death was due to apo
plexy. She was aged 48 years.
Mrs. Brennen, whose maiden
name was Kate Langdon, was a
teacher in the public schools of
Centralia for twenty-three years.
She had the greatest respect of all
who knev her.
Eesides being an active member
of St. Ignatius Roman Catholic
church she was a member of the La
dies' Auxiliary to the Ancient Or
der of Hibernians and of the Sanc
tuary Society of the Catholic
Besides her husband she is sur
vived by the following children:
Miss Nellie Brennen, school teach
er at Mid Valley; Miss Rose Bren
nen and Robert, Ignatius and Ma
ry Breuueu, all of whom reside at
She is also survived by her broth
er, Deputy Sheriff John J. Lang
don, a sister, Mrs. Mary Donahue,
of Mt. Carmel, and a half brother,
Michael O'Hara, who is a ccunty
commissioner in Dodge county,
The fuueral will be held from St.
Ignatius church, Centralia, on Sat
urday morning at 9 o'clock. In
terment will be made in the St. Ig
natius Catholic cemetery.
The third fire within two weeks
occurred on Tuesday night. At
about 9 o'clock the roof of the res
idence of Barton Shaffer on Eighth
street was discovered to be in
flames. The fire alarm soou called
the several fire companies to the
scene, and the fire was soon under
control. The fire was first seen
and the alarm given by Mrs. E. J.
Brown who lives near by.
All the household goods on the
first floor, and nearly all on the sec
ond were removed. Thr2e bed
room suits, carpets, and other arti
cles in the attic were destroyed.
There was insurance on the build
ing, but none on the goods.
Mr. Shaffer has been unfortunate
with fire. Two years ago he lost
bis barn, horse, wagons, and every
thing in the barn.
The cause of the fire is a mys
tery, as there was no fire in the
house except in the kitchen stove.
There are no electric wires in the
house, and no one had been in the
attic for some days.
Potatoes are now selling at 1.20
to 1.25 a bushel. The reason for
the high price is said to be the
short crop last season. 1
0e QKfoomsButg
At the Close of Business April 28, 190S.
U. S. Bonds - - $100,000.00
Loans and Invest
Furnitureand Fix
tures Cash and Reserve
WM. II. 1IIDLAY, Cashier.
At a regular meeting of the
Managers of Roscmont Cemetery,
held on Monday 'evening, May 3rd,
and which, by invitation, was at
tended by representatives of Ent
It was moved not to allow bands
of music and concourse of people
and children to enter the cemetery
grounds, when and while the
Memorial ceremonies were in
After discussion of the subject,
Mr. Holmes moved to amend as
That Ent Post, C. B. Brock way
Camp Sons of Veterans, and school
children with flowers be allowed to
enter the cemetery and circle for
Memorial services.
Seconded by Mr. C. C. Peacock
And after more consideration
and discussion
Mr. Peacock moved to amend
Mr. Holmes' motion as follows:
That the cemetery gates be
closed at 2 p. in. and opened to
the public after the aforesaid bodies,
to-wit: Ent Post No. 250, Brock
way Camp Sons of Veterans, and
children who are in the procession
carrying flowers, leave the ceme
tery grounds.
Mr. Holmes seconded the above
amendment, which was carried.
It will be observed that the pub
lic and the band are not to enter
during the Memorial ceremonies,
but after they are concluded and
the Post and Camp and flower
children have left the grouuds the
gates will be opened; but perfect
decorum and quiet must be observ
ed by visitors and others. Hereto
fore much damage has beeu doue
by the careless tramping over graves
and grounds which must be discon
tinued. THE AUTO RACE.
The coutest between various
makes of autos, carried on by the
Harrisburg Auto Club, passed
through Bloomsburg on Wednesday
afternoon. It created much inter
est, and the street in front of the
Exchange Hotel was crowded with
hundreds of people.
The cars showed that they had
passed over very muddy roads, and
the meu in them looked like coal
Due here at 2:06 o'clock yester
day afternoon the first car to arrive
was a Franklin, at 2:24, which
started out with a perfect score iu
the morning. This was quickly
followed by a Pullman, which also
had a perfect score at the opening
of the dav. Between Here ana
Berwick the Pullman took the lead
and arrived in Wilkes-Barre at
4:17, eight minutes ahead of the
While on the run from Washing
ton one of the autos ran into a loose
horse in the road near York. The
horse was killed aud the machine
overturned. The car was righted
and they continued in the race. ,
Bruce C Long, formerly of Cat
wissa, was killed in a freight wreck
on the Delaware &. Hudson Rail
road near Hudson, last Thursday
night. His home had been at
Wilkes-Rarre for the nast two
months, and he was employed as a
treight Drakeman.
Thp rniise of the wreck was the
breaking of a wheel flange, by
which twelve cars were aerauea.
Loner was found under the wreck -
acre. He was atred 2H vears. and
leaves a wife aud two children, and
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Long who reside in Catawissa
(Uftftonaf ffanft
Capital Stock, - $100,000.00
Surplus and Profits 56,492.22
Circulation - 99,000.00
Deposits - 531,044.77
A. Z. SCHOCII, President
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Bloomsburg State
formal School, was held on Mou
The following named trustees
whose terms had expired were elec
ted 011 the part of the stockholders;
L. E. Waller, N. U. Funk and
O. W. Cherrington, aud the fol
lowing were agaiu nominated to
the superintendent of Public In
struction for trustees on the part of
the state: Charles W. Miller, Paul
E. Wirt and C. C. Peacock.
Prior to the election, at 1:30 p,
m. dinner was served in the school
dining hall to the trustees and
other officials, the following per
sons being present: Trustees, A.
Z. Schoch, J. C. Brown, John M.
Clark, O. W. Cherrington, Paul
E. Wirt, Fred G. Yorks, C. C.
Peacock, A. L. Fritz, R. E.
Hartman, J. R. Townsend, Dr.
J. J. Brown, N U. Funk, C. W.
Miller and Granville J. Clark; Dr.
D. J. Waller, H. Bruce Clark,
treasurer and H. S. Barton and S.
S. Peacock, tellers.
A number of important amend
ments were also made to the con
stitution, the name of the institu
tion being amended to read:
Bloomsburg State Normal School
and Literary Institute of The Sixth
District; the time of holding the
annual stockholders' meeting
changed from the first Saturday to
the first Monday in May; designa
ting the officers of the corporation
as president, vice president, secre
tary and treasurer, increasing the
quorum from five to seven, fixing
the capitol stock at $39,490, divid
ed into 1997 shares, prohibiting
dividends, and placing all profits of
the institution into improvements.
During the day the Trustees made
an inspection of the buildings.
John A. Moran, Esq., was ad
mitted to practice law in the courts
of Columbia county, on Monday,
on motion of G. M. Tustin, Esq.
Mr. Moran is the son of the late
Johu Moran of Centralia He read
law here for a time in the office of
William Chrisman, Esq., and last
year graduated at the Law School
of Dickinson College, Carlisle, and
was admitted to practice in the Su
preme Court. lie is located in
Mrs. Mary Worthington who
has been the very efficient libra
rian of the Public Library almost
from the start, has been compelled
to resign the position by ill health,
and the Board of Managers has
elected Miss Elizabeth V. Clark of
Wyoming, Delaware, to fill the
Miss Clark is a trained librarian,
with a number of years experience.
The following delegates attended
the session of the Women's Mis
sionary Society of the Wvomine
Classis of the Reformed church
at Watsontown last week: Mrs.
J. D. Thomas, Mrs. O. W.
Cherrineton and Miss Mary
Rhodes, ot town; and Mrs. Anna
Mc Henry and Mrs. A. Houtz, of
W. H. Brooke has moved bis
office from tlje Farmers' National
Bank building to the rooms recent
ly vacated by the Columbia and
Montour Trolley company, in tne
First National Bank building over
the post office.