The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 22, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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THUKSDAY, APRIL 22, l!)0!).
End of Dumont's Minstrels.
Home o( Black Face Comedy Abandoned.
Last Saturday night the final
curtain was rung down at the old
Eleventh Street Opera House, Thil
adelphia, where for fifty-five years
the merry men in blackface, satin
suits and silk hose have held forth
to the delight of hundreds of thou
sands. This is not only the end of the
season at Dumont's. It is the end
of old-time minstrelsy as Well.
Sad, smooth-faced old chaps who
have spent their lifetime in making
others laugh shook their heads
dolefully when the subject was
"It's heart-breaking tc think that
the old house will be dark after
tonight," said George V. Barber,
lessee of the Eleventh Street Opera
House. Mr. Barber has been les
see of the theater since 1876, and
through stormy weather and fair
he has stood by the minstrel show.
"A fickle public taste is responsible
for the decision to make this the fi
nal season. How well I can re
member the time, years ago, when
the public could not get enough of
the minstrel show. But the taste
uas changed. We have not re
ceived necessarv surmort. and it is
from necessity that we darken the
old house forever."
School for Comedians.
A wealth of associations and
bounteous reminiscences are har
bored in the low structure on Elev
enth Street, between Market and
Chestnut, where the minstrels have
held forth for more than a half cen
tury. In the estimation of discern
ing theatrical experts it is no exag
geration to say that the minstrel
house was the greatest school in the
country for comedians. From the
ranks of the blackfaced semi-circles
have come some of the most famous
actors of the generation. Many
comedians who to-day sport before
the public obtained their first tui
tion from the ancient house on
Eleventh Street.
History of the House.
The Christies made minstrelsy
the rage. That was in ante-bellum
days. They danced "J'uj Crow"
and it was infectious. Mack-faced
fun scored. Minstrel shows sprang
up everywhere overnight.
Cartee's, now Dumont's was
among the very first of these.
Fifty-five years ago Dr. Wylie's
Presbyterian Church stood on the
east side of Eleventh Street between
Market and Chestnut. A little
illeyway, now known as Merchant
Street, ran along its northern side.
The congregation had outgrown
.he church and the neighborhood
md so when a finer, larger build
ing was erected the old edifice was
iold. H. S. Cartee bought it and
ransferred it into a theater. That
as in 1854. It was known first
is Cartee's Lyceum. The compa
lywas called the "Julian Miu
trels." "Ben".Colton and E. F.
Dixie were the first end men.
The celebrated Sam S. Sanford
was the next manager. Then, in
1865, it came under the control of
'arncross, Dixie and Simpson and
Carncross' and Dixie's Minstrels
gained a national reputation.
In 1876 George W. Barber, the
present lessee, took over the reins
ind continued the organization as
Jarncross and Dixie's minstrels un
il the Fall of '78 when Dixie re
ired. After that the name was
hortened to Carucross Minstrels,
mtil in the Spring of 1896, Carn
. ross retired. Frank Dumont, who
oined the minstrels in 1876, then
jecame associated with Mr. Barber
n the management of the theatre.
There are many middle aged men
a Bloomsburg who will remember
hat a visit to Philadelphia was not
omplete without going to Cam-
Deafness Cannot be Cured
y local applications, as they can
lot reach the diseased portion of
he ear. There is only one way to
ure deafness, and that is by con-
titutional remedies. Deafness is
aused by an inflamed condition of
he mucous lining' of the ftimrncViinn
.'ube. When this tube is inflamed
ou have a runibli no- snniirl nr im.
erfect hearing, and when it is en-'
:rely closed, Deafnesj is the result,
ud unless the inflammation h.
aken out and this tube restnrwi
ts normal condition, hearing will
e destroyed forever; nine cases out
f ten are caused by Catarrh, which
i notning but an inflamed coudi
ion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dol
ars for anv case of rvnfn
caused by catarrh) that cannot be
urea oy nail's Catarrh Cure
end for circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family ljjls for con
cross' . The writer remembers Uut
on his first visit to the city in 1
he attended this play house, which
was then Sanford's.
The building will probably con
tinue to be used for amusement,
but will be changed into a modern
Democracy's Magazine.
We hail with much anticipation
of delight the announcement of
Norman E. Mack, chairman of thj
Democratic national committee,
that he has completed all arrange
ments for the publication of a
monthly magazine to be known a.i
National Monthly and to be devot
ed to the interests of the Demo
cratic p.nrty in national affairs. It
is stated that the magazine will b'j
open to contributions from United
States senators, members of con
gress, governors and other promi
nent representatives of the Dlmiio
cratic party.
The magazine will fill a grent
need if it adheres closely to the
fundamental principles of the Dem
ocratic party. The majority of the
magazines published now are more
or less controlled by plutocracy and
one of the dangerous signs of the
times is that nearly every magazine
of note is lending aid and cemfort
to the spirit of militarism and war.
There are a few notable exceptions.
But the average magazine contains
every mouth something extolling
war, the preparations for war and
a militant government generally.
This is a threat against democracy
and a natioual magazine really de
voted to the cause of peace and
equal rights to all is something to
be desired. Whether Mr. Mack
will give us such a magazine re
mains to be seen. If he doe J he
will render bis country a service.
We are convinced that, a magazine
which honestly and fearlessly
stands for the principles of Jeffer
son and Jackson will find a welcome
in the homes of all faithful Demo
crats and assure its permanent suc
cess. fohnstoicn Democrat.
Many a lifo has been cut short by a cough that
was not believed to be serious. Many a backache
and tldeache follows a coughing spell. Many a night
is passed In restlessness caused by coughing. Many
a cough " core " that never cures Is tried. Do not be
misled. If yon cough, take the old reliable
Kemp's Balsam, the best cough cure. At drug
gists' and dealers', S5c.
Wise and Otherwise.
-Mrs. Newpop "What's the
baby crying for, I wonder?" Mr.
Newpop "Oh, he tried to swallow
my cuff buttons." Mrs. Newpop
"What did you do?" Mr., New
pop "Gave him a couple of cuffs."
Chicago News.
Teacher -"Bessie, name one
bird that is now extinct." Little
Bessie "Dick." Teacher
"Dick? What sort of a bird is
that?" Little Bessie "Our cana
ry. The cat extincted him."
The Presbyterian.
It's a wise daughter who
doesn't underrate her mother-in-law's
charms. Chicago Tribcne.
"Will that young man ever go
home?" demanded the irritated
head of the house. "I guess so,
father.," replied the mater familias.
"He always has." Washington
Seasons may roll, but the true
soul burns the same where'er it
goes. Moore.
Belle "Well, you ought to be
happy." Nellie "Why?" Belle
"You've married a rich husband."
Nellie "No, I havn't: I've mar
ried a rich man, but he's a mighty
poor husband." Cleveland Leader.
Card Signs For Sale.
The following minted card sie-ns
are kept in stock at the Columbian
No Admittance.
For Sale.
This Property for Sale.
This Property for Rent.
This Room for Rent.
Post No Bills.
Keep off the Grass, and others.
Window Cards. Sten Carrie Trnl.
ley Advertising Cards. And Pnrrt
Signs of any kind, up to 22 by 28
incnes in size, white or colors,
printed on short notice. tf.
The Year's Eclipses.
Arrnrrliiirr tn tV .
-is iv lut Huuuuutcmeni
of the National Observatory au-
...... ..c m v aauuigion, JJ.
there will be four eclipses this year
iwu ui wie sun and twn ni
moon. The first prUnco i.
Tune I7th. will h ic,KiA : 1 :
- f ijiwic ma larec
r1"""" u'iu America, but the
second. December 12th ;u k
visible in the United States. Th
. ... 1 . . 111-
lunar eclipses will occur on June
ird and Nnvpmhpr oAtV. Ti. e.
will be visible 111 a part of North
A lnA.j.n .1 . ,J 41. n ...
"..".in.o ouuiuc sccona turough
out the continent.
M . . It au .
-C W sta -J ' 1 A -rr-a Tr A
With llw Kind You Have tins
By virtue of nn Alia writ nf L-evati
Kacins and sundry writs of Venditioni
Exponas issued nut of tiie Court of Com
moil Pleas of Columbia County. Pa.,
mid to me direited, there will be sold
nt public sale at the Court House in the
Sheriff's Office, Bt Bloomsburg, county
ami state aforesaid, on
SATURDAY, MAY 1st, 1909
at 3 o'clock p. 111., the following describ
ed real estate :
TRACT No. 1. All that certain mes
suase, piece, parcel and tract of land,
situate in the Town of Bloornsbunr,
county and state nforesaid. bounded
and described as follows, to wit : Be
rrinninjj at a corner in the public road
leading from Hloonisbunj to 1ightslreet
and corner of land of . 1. Musslemun.
thence in said road south forty-four de
grees west two hundred and lortv-one
lect to a point in said road, thence south
sixty degrees west two hundred and feet to a post in said road,
thence south sixty-four degrees forty
five minutes west one hundred feet to a
post in said road, thence south seventy-
two degrees forty-five minutes west two
Hundred and forty three feet to a post in
said road, thence north eighty-six de
grees west two hundred feet to a Host in
said road, thence south eighty-seven de
grees thirty minutes west one hundred
feet to a post in said road, thence south
seventy-one degrees fifteen minutes west
three hundred and sixty-four feet to a
post corner in said road, at a private
road leading to Rosemont Cemetery Co.
thence by said road uud oilier lands of
said Armstrong north sixty degrees and
thirty minutes east one hundred and forty-eight
and five-tenths feet to a stake,
thence north filty-four degrees thiity
minutes east one hundred and eighteen
and five-tenths feet to a stake, thence
north thirty-two degrees and ten minutes
east seventy-four feet to a stake, thence
north ten degrees forty minutes east
one hundred and ninety-nine and five
tenths feet to a stake, thence north nine
degrees and five minutes east one hun
dred and eighty-one feet to a stake,
thence north four degrees and fifteen
minutes east one hundred and thirty-
eight feet to a stone corner nd other
land of said Armstrong, thence by same
north eighty-live decrees east nine hun
dred and ninety-five and five-tenths feet
to a corner and land of J. J. Mussleman,
thence by the same south eleven degrees
east two hundred and sixty-two and five
tenths feet to a post corner in the public
road aforesaid, the place of beginning,
together with the right to use the private
roau leauing 10 Kosemont cemetery and
the use of water from a surin? located
about ninety feet from the northwest
corner of the tract of land herein con
veyed, on which is erected a large
and necessary equipment for the florist
and nursery business. This property is
located within a quarter of a mile of the
Town of Bloomsburg, and is well equip
ped with a modern up-to-date Green
House and Nursery Plant caoable of im
mediate operation.
TRACT No. 2. Beginning at a post
on the north side of East Fourth Street,
at the intersection" of lot No. Twenty
three with the Bloomsburg Land Im
provqment Co. line ; thence westwardly
along the north line of said Fourth
btreet one hundred and sixty-four and
seven-tenths feet to Eastern line of lot
No. Twenty-eight, one hundred and
eighty-four feet to an alley : thence along
me HiuLuci 11 uue iu an easterly direction,
of said alley to line of said Bloomsburg
L.anu improvement Company : and
thence southwardly along said line to
the place of beginning, which embraces
lots No. Twenty-five. Twenty-six and
Twenty-seven in the plan of Neal's Ad-
uiuon 10 me lown ot Bloomsburg.
Whereon is erected a large
and necessary equipment for the florist
uuu nursery ousiness.
Seized, taken into execution at the suit
of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs.
Davis Brothers Conmanv. and at . h
suits of W.R. Sobers, John Jones and
juhu irmKievs; uavis Brothers Com-
imiy, suu 10 db soiu as me property ot
Xivis Brothers Company.
A. V. Duv Sheriff.
Clinton Herring
Attorneys. 4-8-3t.
To The Stockholders ok The Blooms-
hurj uiiERARY Institute and State
Normal School:
You are linri'hv nntifi.r1 V,of t, n
nual meeting of the stockholders will be
V...1.1 i .1... Li: 1 i- . ry
11V.-1H iu me puuuu iiarior 01 uie ocnool,
in the Town of Bloomsburg, Pa., on
Monday, May 3, 1909, between the hours
of 2 P. M. and 4 P. M., for the purpose
of electing threa trustee tn cor.u c.-
the ensuing three years, on the part of
me Diut-KHuiuers, anu me selection and
the nomination of six persons to the Su
perintendent of Public Instruction, three
Of Whom, if cntiufaotrxru Vilm M.n11 1
, ... H. u, j ..tijj, put,, LC
appointed to serve on the Board of Trus-
me-ensuing inree years on the
part of the State.
You are also hereby notified that at the
said annual meeting of the stockholders
there will be submitted for your ap
proval or disapproval certain proposed
...iuuuisiiia iu mc unarter, 10 wit:
A niHtl (1 i n ir t li nn,.u r , . . I ,. .1 : -1 . r
e. " "Miiii rnyto nuu line OI
the corporation from "The Bloomsburg
j iuaiiiuie vo me Dioomsourg
School of the Sixth District"; increasing
me numoer ot trustees from nine to
eighteen; changing the time of the An
nual Stockholders' Meeting from the
...... "aiamay io me nrsi Monday in
May; designating the officers of the cor
poration as President, Vice-President,
Secretary and Treasurer; the manner
ana mode of election and appointment cf
o , ar,'"K tuu quorum ot the
Board of trustees from five to seven;
fixing the capital stock nt t39.490.00, di
vided into 1997 shares; prohibiting divi
dends upon the capital stock of the cor
poration, and enlarging the purposes
and scope of the institution.
4'1-jt. Secretauv.
Our Daughters What Are Wo Teach
ing Them? f '
I Are we training them to be hon
est and self-supporting citizens?
Hundreds of employers, harass' d
and irritated with incompetent, ii.
accurate, unthinking girl employ
ees, will answer "No!"
Are we training them to be good
Hundreds of young husbands,
wondering why they cannot make
both ends of their income meet,
will answer emphatically "No!
These questions are aked and
answered in a series of articles, bv
well-known writers, the first of
which appears iu U oman's Home
Companion for May.
By virtue of a writ ot Levari Facias is
sued out of the Court ot Common Picas
of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and"
to me directed, there will be sold atpuo-
lic sale at the Court House 111 the isiier
ilf's Odjcc, in the Town of Bloomsburg,
county and state aforesaid, on
SATURDAY, APRIL, 24, 1909,
at 2 o'clock, p. m., the following de
scribed real estate:
All that messuage or piece of land sit
uate in the Town of Bloomsburg, Coun
ty of Columbia and State of Pennsylva
nia nnd bouuded aud described as fol
lows, to-witi
Beginning at the Southeast corner cf
Market Street and Sixth Street thence
along the South side of Sixth Street
North sixty-four degrees and fifty-six
minutes East Seventy-seven and two
twelt'th feet, thence North sixty ami
one-half degrees East one hundred and
twenty-one feet and two inches to
Whiteman's Alley, thence South twenty
five degrees fifty-six minutes East fifty
four feet to land cjnveyeil to the Dela
ware, Lackawannaaud Western Railroad
Company by D. J. Waller and Julia
Waller his wife, thence South fiftv-seven
and one.half degrees West one hundred
and ninety-eight and one half feet to
Market Street, thence North twenty-five
degrees fifty-six minutes West seventy
and one-third feet to the place ot begin
ning, whereon is erected
70 by 42 feet, 3 stories in heighth, slate
roof, equipped with steam heatine and
electric lights, also another
on the rear end of lot used as a ware
Seized, ta1en in execution at the suit
of the Sunbury Trust and Safe Deposit
Company vs. H. G. Supplee, and to be
sold as the property of H. G. Supplee.
Duy It Reimensnyder,
W. L. Douglas
Packard Shoe:
are worn by more men
than any other shoes
made. ,
Come in and let us
Fit You With a Pair
Corner Main and Iron Sis.,
Our Pianos
are the leaders. Our lines in
elude the following makes :
Chas. M. Stieff,
Henry F. Miller,
Brewer & Pryor, Kohler &
Campbell, and Radel.
IN ORGANS we handle the
This Store has the agency Jor
Helby, 1900, Queen, Key.
stone, Majestic.
Music Rooms No. 105 West Main
Street, Below Market.
The 8. E. Hartman Store
Bloomsburg:, Pa.
with an entirely new stock,
no old goods of any kind.
We are starting on new
plans. Every person's dol
lar has the same value here.
No Favoritisms, No Credits.
Your money will buy just
what your neighbor gets
No more, no less. We pro
pose showing all the new
things just as soon as they
are put on the market, and
at prices that will please
every buyer.
Come and See Our New Store.
The R. E, Hartman Store
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Alexander Brothers & Co.
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and
Find Candies. Fresh Every Week.
Z'EiriT-s- Goods a. Specialty.
ALEXANDER BROS. & CO., Bloomsburg, Pa.
Carpets, Rugs, Hatting and
Draperies, Oil Cloth and
Window Curtains
You Will Find a Nice Line at
"A Little Nonsense Now and Then,
Is Relished by the Wisest Men.u
Judge's Quarterly, $1.00 a year
Judge's Library, $1.00 a year
Sis Hopkins' Hon., $1.00 a year
' On receipt of Twenty Cents, we will enter your nam;
for three months' trial subscription for either of these bright
witty, and humorous journals, or for One Dollar will adi
Leslie's Weekly or Judge for the same period of time
225 Fourth Avenue
-dealers in-
New York