THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURO. PA Saturday Qight aiKs'yr0" ?i9'9t9t9t?t9t-9-QQ' WHAT'S IN A NAME International Bible Lesson for April as, '09 (Acts it: 19-30; ta: 25! Jerusalem In Palestine and Antloch In Asia Minor are the double stars of the New Testament Church. Tlio first twelve chapters of the Book of Acts cluster around the Holy City with Peter as the prominent charac ter, then another star appears at An tloch, shining with equal brilliancy, with Taul as the chief personage. From those two luminous bodlos tho light of the gospel streams out through all the world. Here at Antloch we come to the place where, either In de rision or In logical necessity, the church received 1U baptismal name, "the disciples were called Christians first at Antloch." Just as the name Methodist was applied to the follow ers of Wesley because of tils methodt al, systematic way of doing things, and Is now accepted and gloried In by a great church, so the Lutheran thurch points back to Martin Luther, and the Christian church Is often nick named, Campbellltes, because It wa founded by Alexander Campbell. Thu3 the name Christian, which once meant merely Chrlst-nin, was soon hailod as a mark of honor by his followers. Multitudinous Sects. Since that time sects and denomina tions have' multiplied rapidly. Thero are In this country alone nearly two hundred different ecclesiastical bodjes, not to mention the great host of in dependent organization and individual churches. There are six kinds of Ad ventiBts first day, seventh day, and every day; thirteen kinds of llaptlst, regular, irregular, and defective, Cal vlnlst, free will, and general, hard shell, soft-shell and scrambled; Bit kinds of Christiana; twelve kinds of Lutherans; twelve kinds of Mennon ites; seventeen kinds of MethodlRta, free, primitive and episcopal, Itiner ant and stationary; thirteen kinds of German Methodists, speaking the same language but differing as to the Interpretation of doctrinal points; twelve kinds of Presbyterians, old school, new school, and no Bchool, sky blue and variegated In theology; sev en kinds of Catholics. Individual Views. Not only so, but when it comes to a Question of theological belief there are nearly as many creeds as their are Individuals in the various churches. It la doubtful If any two persons could be found, anywhere, who would abso lutely agree on points of doctrlr.n. John Calvin is famous for his "ilvo points," predestination, ' lrreslstlblo grace, original sin, particular redemp tion and perseverance of the aaliits, but Jacobus Arminius puts over against that five-pointed star, another of equal shape and brilliancy, condi tional predestination, necessity of per sonal faith, tho new birth through tho Spirit, the ability of man to resist tho grace of Cod, and the possibility of falling from grace. - These Ideas In their thousand-fold ramifications are to bo found in more or less dtsreo In all thinking men, and they explain in part the reaaon for so many denominations. And yet It is but a small part of the reason. Very few people take the trouble to sit down and examine creeds and con fessions of faith before selecting a church with which to unite. The vaat majority simply say: What's in a name? and unite with the one that la most convenient. People nre born Baptists, Congregatlonallsts, Method ists. Their ancestors for generations have all been connected with these de nominations. By birth, and education, and training and temperament they are there. They know what their own church believes, but they know not and care not what anybody else be lieves. Others are In the church becnuao they were converted in such a revival under the preaching of such a mau. Home are there because they married a certain woman Instead of a certain other woman. There are those who join one church rather than another because the best people go to that church, It is popular, and they are looking for trade; and some there aru who get a miff at the preacher and go off and Join another church in order to spite him. The Family Name. What's In a name? Nothing and everything. 80 far as sects and de nominations go there is no particular tirtue in a title; o far as the great family name christian goes, every thing Is in a name. If a man Is not a Christian his denomlnationallsm will not save him. He may unite with them all in succession but they will not move him an Inch towards tha pearly gate. He may subscribe to Calvin's five points or those of Arnit olus but his subscription will not be worth the paper It is written upon. The reason why the dUclples we called Christians at Antloch la be cause they were christians. That is to eay, tbey were followers of Christ, they were acting out the Christ spirit, they were teaching men that they should lire as Christ lived. They were hristlans first, last and all the time. N'ow. If any man has not the spirit '' Christ, bo la none of his. Sects and :enoiiiinr.tlons will perish, creed id coni'ey.'ona will paaa away, form.i "nd ceremonies will vanish, contra, verslos and disagreements w.'.ll ci;?e. but they who bear the ima;"J of t'ao fhrlst wilt endure forever, for they hau awake in His likeness, and His thai! be !n tl.olr forehaada. WOKEN ARE CROWING TALLER Will ritlmntcly (Vine to Look Down on Mere Mister Man. Thirteen hundred and seventy nine young women with their thir teen hundred and seventy-ulne mothers have recently been the ob jects of the curiosity of a group of English physicists, who are endeav oring to show, from a comparison of the relative heights of women past and present, that the divinity of tho future will not only exceed her sis ters of the past In stature and do- A HUNDRED YEARS AGO. velopment, but will utlmately come to look down on Mere Mister Man in more senses than one. For the darling is growing; growing so fast that In 100 years the average woman will be taller than the average man by half a head, If not very much more. All this has been carefully worked out, and guesswork has not been al lowed to play any part In the Inves tigations. As everybody knows, the devotion that women have displayed to outdor sports within the past gen- JiM TO-DAY. I eratlon dating roughly from 1876 has ben responsible for the statisti cal fact that the glrla of the day said glrla being, let us say, In the late 'teens exceed their mothers by nearly three inches in height. In 1875 the glii of eighteen or nine teen xtood only 5 feet 3 Inches In her well, without her shoes. To day the succeeding charmer of the same age is at leaHt 5 feet 5 Inches. In the meautime how has man fared? I A hundrp:d YEARS FROM NOW. According to the British statisticians, who deal with Europeans, man has fallen by at least three-fourths of an inch within the past 100 years; nor are there any signs that there Is an upward tendency among the males. On the contrary tho average man of the future will appeal squat, if not stunted, besides his Junlonlan sister. Which lit the llrlde? Oood anecdotes of Saphlr.the great Oerman humorist and editor, are still In circulation. A young cou ple, newly engaged, were favored with a letter of introduction to him, which they duly presented. Now, the gentleman was notorious for his effeminate habits and ways, and his appearance at once struck the eye of the observant journalist, who had heard about him. He said nothing, r6celved the pair with empresHoment, insisted upon their being seated In his most comfortable easy-chairs, as sured them how pleased he was to hear of their engagement, and wound up with: "Now, pray, you must, you really must, tell me which of you Is to be the bride." ProfcKHiomil Curd Have Short Week. The week la five days long in Thibet. LACKAWANNA RAILROAD. THE ROAD OF ANTHRACITE. It' 3'Oti contemplate spending the Sum mer months, in Florida or California, call upon our local ticket agent for particulars. II. A. McKII LIP ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. Columbian Building jn Flocr Uloornsburg, Pa. A. N. YOST, ATTORNEY AT I. AW. Wirt Building, Court House Sq:t Bloomsburg, Pa. RALPH. R.JOHN, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. lint Railding, next to Court Hoa r Bloomsburg, Pa. FRED IKELER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office Over First National Bank. Bloomsburg, Pa, W. H. RHAWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Corner of 3rd and Main Sts CATAWISSA, PA. CLINTON HERRING. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office with Grant Herring, Bloomsburer. Pa. In Orangeville Wednesday each wee A, L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Bloomsburg Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bloomsburg, Pa. . J. H. MAIZE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, INSURANCE, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT Office 116 North Street, Bloomsburg, Pa, N U. FUNK ATIORNEY AT LAW Ent's Building, Court House Square Bloomsburg, Pa. M. P. LUTZ & SON, Insurance and Real EstatsJ agents and brokers. N. W. Come Main and Centre Sta. Bloomsburg, Pa. Represent Seventeen as good Companie o iucic mo in me woria, ana aui losses promptly adjusted and paid at their office. . . . PRINTING . . . MUCH of the work that is done in this office is of kinds that can bo done by hand only. Nine-tenths of all job printing done in any country office must be done by hand. It can't bo done with a machine. This office is fully equipped to do all kinds of print ing at the lowest prices consistent with good work. A Large Stock is Carried in ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEaDS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, SHIPPING TAGS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, INVITA TIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, CARD BOARD, BOOK PAPERS, COVER PAPERS, &c. And Everything in the Printing Line If you have been a customer of ours, you know the character of our work. If not, we shall be glad to fill a trial order. Among other things in our line are Dodgers, Posters, Sale Bills, Pamphlets, Books, Re ceipts, Orders, Check Books, Ruled Work, Half tones, Line Cuts, Engraved Work, Stock Certifi cates, Bonds, &c, &c. No trouble to show goods and give estimates. The Columbian Printing House, GEO. E. ELWELL, Proprietor. Entrance First Floor, through Roys' Jewelry Store. Next to Bloomsburg National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. DR. W. H. HOUSE SURGEON nrvTiCT Office Barton's Building, Main Mow Market. Rlnnmdmr t All styles of work done in a mi peri uimiuci. mi worK warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT IH by the use of Gas, and free of char vucii urunciaiteetn are inserted. Open nil hours during the day DR. M. J. HESS DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHM Crown and bridge work a specialty .Corner Main nnd Centre streets Bloomsburg, Pa. Columbia & Montour Telephone. J. J. BROWN, M. D. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested andfitted with classes. No Sunday work. 311 Market St., Bloomsbure, Pa. Hours 10 to 8 Telenhma r J. S. JOHN M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGIOH. Office and residence, 410 Main St 7-30-ly BLOOMSBURG. PA EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. Office, Liddicot Building, Locust Ava. H. MONTGOMERY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office I Ent building, !l-l(-aa WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Wells' Building, over W. McK Kerjer s Hardware Store, Bloomsburg. Will be Id Millvilleon Tuesdays. Montour Telephone. Bell Telephone H. BIFRMAN. M. D. Homeopathic Physician and Svugm Office and Residence, Fourth St.l Office Hours : 10 m' t0 8 P 5:30 to 8 p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA C. WATSON McKELVY, Fire Insurance Agent. Represent twelve of the etrongest eon jmuim in me worm, among which are Franklin, at Plilln Pm tn,n - - - ....... . in. a una. Queen of N . Y. Wetttchester, N. Y. isorth Am rlcu, Phil. Office: Clark Buildine. and Floo