The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 18, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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f.nternX at tl" rout Opcc, Blmmithtirg, To.
(i rfcnn clan matlrr, March 1 . 1 X8S
Mrs. John Culp, of East street,
after a short illness with a compli
cation of dis-eases. died last week,
Wednesday. She was aged 73 years.
She had been a resident of this
town for the past 30 years, and
was highly respected by all who
knew her.
She is survived by her husband
and one sister and one brother.
Mrs. Charles Schmick, of Catawis
sa, and K. Frederick, of Alabama.
The funeral was held on Friday
John H. Klechner, an aged and
well known resident, died at his
home on West First street, on Sat
urday night, aged 78 years. Mr.
Klechner had been engaged in the
butchering business for many years,
both for himself, and in the employ
of others.
Surviving him are his widow and
the following children: Howard
Klechner, of Shickshinny; James,
of Berwick; George, of Shamokin;
Mrs. Wildou Scott, of Milton; Mrs.
Daniel Hide man, of Kansas. A
number of brothers and sisters,
several of whom live in the West,
, also survive. Only on Tuesday of
last week, one of his sisters, Mrs.
Barbara Ruhl, died at hdr home in
His funeral was held on Tuesday
Charles I Terker, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Webster Parker of Rohrsburg,
died at his home last Saturday
morning, aged 30 years.
He was a teacher in the Green
wood high school, and was ill only
a week.
He was an active member of the
Rohrsburg Grange and a member
in good standing of the Orangeville
Lodge of Odd Fellows. He was a
graduate of the George School and
had attended Ann Harbor Univer
sity. Since attending the latter he
had been a teacher in the public
schools of Greenwood. For two
years he was a teacher in the Rohrs
burg Grammar School and at the
time of his death was serving his
second term as teacher in the High
He was teacher of a class in the
M, E. Sunday S hool at Rohrs
burg, at:d was a young man of ex
emplary character. The funeral
took place on Tuesday.
W. T. Snyder, the ouly direct
descendant of Evan Owens, founder
of Berwick, died at his home on
West Front street, early on Tues
day morning after a lengthy illness
from diabetes. He was aged 59
years, ,s mouths aud 1 day. aud is
survived by his widow and daugh
ters, Miss Ida, residiug at home,
N and Mrs. Jay Townsend, of Ber
wick. ,
Although Mr. Snyder had been
ill for about twelve years, he was
only confined to his bed for two
He was born and raised in Ber
wick and for the past twenty-two
years had been engaged in the wall
paper business.
Evan Owens, who fouuded the
town of Berwick, was a great great
uncle of Mr. Snyder.
The funeral services were held
from his late residence this after
noon at 1 130 o'clock, and were in
charge of the Sous' of Veterans
Camp, of Berwick.
Easter Brides.
Ixx the springtime youug hearts
turn to thoughts of love. The
mating season is near at baud, and
those who are contemplating the
Important step of a matrimonial al
liauce will do well to see our fine
line of wedding iuvitations and an
nouncements before placing their
Thb Columbian Printing
Housb can furnish them, either
1 .... 1 . .1 t
A session of the Court was held
Monday to dispose of some cases
which were on the argument list,
and which were continued from
the first Monday in March.
In the estate of Jonas Rantz, de
ceased. Exceptions to the report of
auditor. C. W. Miller represented
the exceptants, and C. C. Her
ring, Esq., the estate. After argU'
ment bv counsel 1 case was submit
ted to the Court.
Mary Nash vs. Owen McCarty,
executor of Mary J. Barry, de
ceased Rule to strike off appeal
This case was argued by J. F
Mmogue, of the Schuylkill county
bar for the plaintiff and E. J
rlynn. Ksq, for the defendant.
In the estate of Cyrus Fry, de
ceased. Rule to show cause, etc
Small and Freeze represented the
estate, and II. Mont. Smith, Esq.,
the exceptants.
E. P. Smith vs. II. G. Supplee.
Exceptions to the affidavit of de
fense. Rhawn and 'Small repre
sented the plaintiff and W. C.
Johnston, Esq., the defendant.
In the estate of Delilah Cramer,
deceased, a sale was ordered upon
a petition presented by Fred Ikeler,
Upon petition presented by Fred
Ikeler, Esq., T. H. Coleman was
given authority to pay his ward.
Harrison Troy, $123, the amount
in hand, although he has not ar
rived at legal age.
A divorce decree was granted in
the case of Freeda Rabb Hall vs.
Walter Townsend Hall.
upon petition ot J. w. Kid;r
and Elias Weaver, Road Commis
sioners of .Catawissa township,
Harvey Shugars was appointed ts
the third commissioner to fill a va
The hotel license of T. W.
Adams, in Catawissa township,
was transferred to Charles E. Carl.
after examining Wilson Levari.
James A. Yeager and James Levan
as to tlie htuess ot the applicant.
. m . .
This Is An Easy Test.
finrlnkln 1 l.-ii'u Krwit-liutt in utie
k1io and not in the other, und notice
the (lill'erenee. Just the thing to line
wllfin milliard nt nVMrulnutu hni'miit iipo
esxnry, and your hIioos seem to pinch.
Sold Everywhere, ii5c. Don't accept
any substitute. 2-18-H.
R. E Hartman and family have
moved into rooms on the second
floor of the Hartman building.
"Uncle Joe" CannouJ has been
reelected Speaker of the House for
another term. Many members
would like to have revolted, but
hadn't the sand to put up a fight.
' -
Irvin A. Snyder has purchased
the Hotel Lee business from Thorn-
fas B. Brittain, aud will soon take
possession. Mr. Brittain and 1am
ily will go to Hazleton.
Prof. C. H. Albert, of the Nor
mal School, acted as one of the
judges at the inter-collegiate debate
held between the teams of Lafay
ette aud Muhlenberg Colleges Tues
day evening in Pardee Hall at
Last 011.
The six weeks ot the ground bog
expired on Tuesday. In spite of
the fact that he saw his shadow,
we have had some nice spring
weather during that period.
Fred Ikeler Esq., delivered an
eloquent address in the Presbyter
ian Church at Berwick last Sunday
evening. A large congregation was
present. .
. -m .
The mothers' meeting at the
High School this afternoon will be
addressed by Dr. Albra W. Baker
of town, and Miss Gertrude Cogau,
of Hopewell, Pa.
m -
New Shoe Store.
Paul Z. Ilarman aud Arthur
Roan will open a shoe store in the
rooms now occupied by C. W. Mil
le as a law office.
.lto Kind Vim Have Always
Following is n list of real estate
transfers entered of record in the of
fice of Frav.k W. Miller, recorder of
deeds for Columbia county:
Sarah L. Coleman to Florence
M. Hill for a lot of ground situate
in Benton.
Mary E. Keller et al to Sarah
L. Coleman for a lot of ground in
J. E. Elliott and wife to John
A. Bogart for lot No. 59 in the
Thompson Estate ac.dition to Ber
wick. L. F. Hartman to Alex. Kno.ise
and Lavilla Knouse for lot of
ground in Benton.
Samuel Loncenberger and wife
to John Zwolinski for four tracts of
land in Beaver township containing
in the aggregate about 84 acres.
Geo. Alshafer to Peter Zapach
for 50 a'rres and 12 perches of land
m Beaver township.
Heirs of Abigail Cox, deceased,
to Thomas Hickey for a lot of
ground on Iron street, Bloomsburg
Robert M. Smith and wife to
Geo. W. Smith for a lot of ground
on Spring Garden avenue, in Mich
ael s addition to West Berwick.
W. H. Moore and wife to Anna
Moore for a lot of ground in Briar
creek township, being lot No. 77
in Duval Dickson's third plot of
Hannah K. John to C. R. and
Sarah E. Eves for a lot of ground
containing 2 acres and 5 perches
Mtuate in Greenwood township.
Reuben Eves and wife to T
Louis Mason tor one-third interest
in lot of grou id situate in Millville
J. L. John, guardian of Elena
M. Eves, to T. Louisa Mason for
the undivided one-third Interest in
a lot of ground situate in the Bor
ough of Millville.
A. P. Fowler and wife to C. W.
Miller, one lot of ground on Fifth
street, one lot of ground on Market
street, and one lot on Tenth street
all in the Town of Bloomsburi?.
C. W. Miller and wife to W. S.
Drake and Laura M. Vanderslice,
for a lot of ground, situate on the
south side of Fifth street, in the
Town of Bloomsburg.
W. S. Drake and wife to Josiah
Heacock for a lot of ground, situ
ate on the south side of Fifth
street, in the Town of Bloomsburg.
Sylvester Kitchen to Bradley
Laycock for 50 acres of laud, situ
ate in Mount Pleasant township.
Berwick Land and Improvement
Company to Francis B. Smith for
lot No. 247 on the southerly side
of Orange street, in the Borough
of West Berwick.
II. Bruce Hartzell aud wife to
Wilson Ilunsinger for property in
Main toAiiilup, containing ij2
acres and 10 perches.
George W. Mettler to Isaac Tier
son, Jr., for property in West Ber
wick, on Grand street, containing
65 x 160 feet.
James M, Leiby aud wife to Kim
ber C. Gable for a timber tract of
five acres in Locust township.
M. C. Kngle and wife to II. D.
Miller for three tracts of land in
Mifflin township, the first contain
ing 61 acres and 130 perches; the
second, 18 acres and 105 perches,
and the third, 25 acres, with an al
lowance of six perches for roads.
H. D. Miller to John Huusiuger
for property as described in preced
ing paragraph.
John Hunsmgeraud Sarah Hun
singer to Harrison Miller for prop
erty in the Borough of Berwick,
located on Vine street, aud con
taining 49 x 145 feet.
Mike Kulick and Peter Wikard
to Daniel Knorr for property in
Locust township, containing 24
acres and 84 perches.
John Conroy and wife to Peter
Corrigan, for the northern half of a
bouse and lot aud one half ol
three and one half feet of another
lot situated inCeutralia, in all 26
by 140 feet. The house is a two
story double frame dwelling house
George W. Davis aud wife to
Richard Monaghaujand wife for lot
in Ceutralia, contaiuiug 25 x 140
John Oman aud wife to Elias M.
Laubach for property in Orauge
ville, containing 26 square perch
es. Elizabeth R. Ent to Roscoe W.
Ent for lot of land in Light Street
containing one-fourth of an acre.
John W. Harman and wife to
Cora A. Herring, for lot on Eighth
street, Bloomsburg, containing 40
by 140 feet.
Ida M. Allemau to Cora A. Her
ring for a strip of ground contain
ing 40 x 140 feet. '
Lewis Krum and wife to Eli
Krum for lot of ground in Montour
township, containing sixteen and,
one-half cres.
Josiah Heacock and wife to Otto
P. Ikeler, for parcel of ground on
Sixth street, Bloomsburg, contain
ing 44 by 160 feet, upon which is
erected a double two story frame
dwelling house.-
Thomas P. Sherman and wife to
Henry llirnm?! for lot of ground
MK8. MARY MEYER, Thomson
Avenue, near Shell Road, Win
Held, 11., N. Y., write:
"I have been annoyed with a congh
for year. Often it wan so bad that I
oonld not sleep half the night. Many
people thought I
Wat Feared.
had consumption.
"A woman recom
mended Peruna to
me two years ago.
I began to take Peruna, and now I am
perfectly free from a cough. I am glad
to say that Peruna cured me entirely.
"I take Pernna occasionally, when I
do not feel well, and I also give it to my
"Peruna is the best medicine for coughs
and colds. I have told many people how
much Peruna has helped me."
Mrs. Kettle Creen, H. R. No. 6, Iuka,
111., writes as follows of the efficacy of
"Lant November I had catarrh and
felt so miBerahle I thought that I would
go into consumption.
"I tried so many doctors and medicines,
but nothing did me any good, only
"After I began the use of Pernna I be
gan to Improve In every way. My head
did not hurt so much, my stomach la all
right, my bowels are regular, my appe
tite good, my complexion clear, my
eyes are bright and am gaining in flush
and strength.
"I think Peruna has no eqnal as a ca
tarrh remedy."
Peruna tends to lessen the cough, de
creases the expectoration, strengthens
the patient, increase the appetite and
in many cades procures sound, refresh
ing sleep.
in Beaver township, containing twn
Aaron V. Bower r.nd Jennc-tta
Martz, executors of Isaac Martz,
deceased, to Mrs. Newton Frace,
for lot number 48 "Fairview Ter
iace," North Berwick.
Hiram F. Bower and Ida E , his
wife to Henry Bower for 2 lots of
land situate in Center towns1 ip.
one containing six acres and the
other 120 square perches.
Berwick Savings and Trust Co .
guardian of William S. Neal, to
William Hutton for lot of land sit
uate on the north side of Ninth
street in the town of Bloomsburg
containing three aud twenty-five
hundredths acres.
William Hutton and Grace Neal
Hutton, his wife, to Valerious
Co'x, for lot No. 20, on Ninth
stieet, containing 30x150 feet.
William Hutton to Grace Neal
Hutton. agent, for lot on Eighth
street,- Bloomsburg, containing
three and twenty-fivs hundredths
William Hutton and Grace Neal
Hutton to Charles B. Lutz for lots
9 and 19 on Poplar street, Blooms
burg each containing 40x140 fett.
A. E. Baston and wife and E.
M. Baston and others for lot of
land iu Fishing Creek township
containing 46 acres aud 50 perches.
Reuben Baston to W. A. Baston
for property in Fishing creek town
ship; containing 46 acres aud fifty
Ella Cain to John J. Smolk and
Margaret M. Smolk for one-half
of a lot on Locust avenue, in the
borough of Centralia
Marie Liddicoat and Alfred Lid
dicoat, her husband, to B. J. Dvke
for lot on Trout wine street, Cen
tralia, containing 40x140 feet.
Isaiah W. Helwig, executor and
W. C. Helwig, guardian to Ezra
E. Burd, for farm in Locust town
ship, containing 108 acres.
G.'H. Welliver to Charles M.
Creveling for lot of land in Mt.
Pleasant towuship, containing 122
acres and 12.5 perches.
S. C. Creasy and wife to Fred
erick Wagner for lot No. 6 in the
Miller addition to the towu of
Bloomsburg, and facing on Nortii
Iron street, containing 36 1-2x104 6
John N. Bloss, and wife, to Idel
la Davenport, for lot on the north
east corner of Chestnut and Third
streets in Berwick containing
Miss Tleulah B. Broome, 409 12th St.,
N. E., Washington, D. C, writes :
"I have suffered from weak lungs and
catarrhal troubles for four years, brought
on by many neglect-
ed colds, but on the
recommendation of
a friend I gave
Peruna an honest
trial and I am pleased to state that it
restored me to perfect health. There
is not the slightest trace of catarrh in
my system and my lungs are perfectly
"1 nnhesltatingly give this testimo
nial." Mrs. William Hohmann, 6fi9 N. Paul
ina St., Chicago, 111., writes:
"I suffered with catarrh of the bron
chial tubes and had a terrible cough ever
since a child. After a while it got so
bad I had to cough both winter and
summer. Finally, I burst a blood vessel
in my throat from the strain of cough
ing, next a blood vessel in my stomach,
so I kept getting worse and doctoring,
and even then could get no relief. I
thought, and everybody else, that I had
"Reading the papers about Peruna 1
decided to try it, without the least bit of
hope that it would do me any good. But
after taking three bottles I noticed a
change. My appetite got better, so I
kept on, never got discouraged.
"Finally I seemed not to cough so
much, and the pains In my chest got
better. I am well now. I cannot tell
you how grateful I am, and I cannot
thank Peruna enough. It has cured
where doctors have failed. People who
think they have co.'vsumpUon better
I give it a trial."
Our Pianos
it.. 1 1 r 1 ; .
aic iuc ivaucis. uui mica iu
elude the following makes :
ClIAS. M. Stieff,
Henry F. Miller,
Brewer & Pryor, Koiiler &
Campbell, and Radel.
IN ORGANS we handle the
Estey, Miller, II. 1.i:iik & c.o.
i and Bowluy.
This Store has the agency Jar
Ilelby, 1900, Queen, Key
A. .
1 stone, laiesiic.
Music Rooms No. 105 West Main
' Street, Below Market.
Via the
Pennsylvania Railroad
Will leave on
MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1909
will be run from Wilkes-Barre to Washington and return, and will leave East
Bloomsburg at q:J) a. m. A stop will be made at Harritiburg
tor luncneun
Covers transportation to and from Washington and hotel accommodations
from dinner on date of tour until after luncheon the
following Thursduy three days.
For detailed itinerary and full information apply to Ticket Agents", or address
Tourist Agent, 50 Public Sqviure, Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent.
Miss Joslo Schaetzel, General Del
ery, Appleton, Wisconsin, writes:
"I contracted a severe cold wHUt
settled on ray lungs in very short ordviv
and it was not long nntil it develop ;
into a serious case of catarrh. Kvnv
morning I would raise a lot of pbleg-:
which was very disagreeable. My di
gestion was poor and my lungs sore
"After a few doses of Peruna I begarj
tn mnfin. und felt ..
that if I kept on
taking it it would
not be long until I
would be well. I
was right, for In four weeks I waa
"I think Peruna is a grand mediotatt,
and wish to add my testimony to th-
many others you have."
The fight, against consumption la bo
coming a national problem.
Everywhere we hear of sanitarian',
established at the expense of the stae
for the treatment of the vast army 1
The open air treatment, fresh air rail
sunlight, are recognized by the medical
profession generally as being the great
est necessities in the treatment of ooft
sumption in all its stages.
Dr. Hartman has for many years ad
vocated the fresh air treatment for con
sumption. At the same time he h
recognized Peruna ae a useful pallia
tive for the many distressing symptona
which accompany the white plague.
The promptness with which Perm
relieve a fresh cold, and even removw.
chronic colds, is well-known. Tb
ranks Peruna as a reliable prophylaetlt
I against consumption.
W. L. Dougias
Packard Shoes
are worn by more men
than any other shoes
Come in and let us
Fit Yon With a Pair
Corner Main and IronSts.,
Bloomsburg Souvenir Books, 48
half tone pictures, 25 cents, at the
Columbian office. tf.
ou Koing trip.
primea or engraveu.