The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 11, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Supt. V. W. Evaus has issued
the following circular:
The twenty-eighth meeting of the
School Directors of Columbia
County will be bekl iu the Normal
Auditorium, Saturday, March 20th.
This is the regular annual meeting
required by the Act of 1905, which
provides that a'l directors who
attend shall receive as compensa
tion, two dollars and mileage.
Each director is cordially invited
to bring his wife to this conven
tion, and all the teachers are wel
come to attend. The ladies will
find iu our program much that
will interest them.
The forenoon session will begin
promptly at 9 o'clock. Rev. I. M.
Bachman of Locust will conduct
the devotional exercises. Following
the reading of the minutes by Mr.
Wm E. Rinker, the secretary, J.
II. Eiseuhauer will deliver the
president's address. Dr. D. J.
Waller will speak to the directors,
if he is able to t2 present. R. E
Kester will read a paper on "How
a Director May Make Schools
More Efficient." A. W. Eves will
give a report oi Dr. Schaeffer's
address at Harrisburg last month.
Mr. J. E. Rees Killgore, Supt. of
Sullivan, will address the directors
on "DiihculUes of the Director's
Work." The last period in the
morning will oe occupied by Mr.
James M. Coughlin, Supt. of the
Wilkes-Barre Public Schools. His
subject will be "The Proposed
School Code." Mr. Coughlin is a
member of the commission appoint
ed by the Governor to prepare this
code, and will give the directors a
thorough explanation of it. No
doubt he will answer any questions
in reference to it which may be
asked. Prot. Coughlin is so well
known to many of us that his
presence will be greatly apprecia
ted. As soon after 12 o'clock as pos
sible we shall assemble iu the Nor
mal Dining Room for our annual
banquet. Directors will secure
tickets from the Treasurer at 25
cents each. After all the directors
and their wives are supplied, as
many places as remain will be sold
to teachers.
After the dinner (before we leave
the dining room) there will be sev
eral short talks of a humorous
character, calculated to aid diges
tion and amuse us during the noon
spell. Speakers will say whatever
they choose on the quotation given
them, but they are warned not to
jie too "serious" or too "long
winded" in their remarks. Prof.
0. E. Wilbur will again be at the
switchboard ready to "push the
utton" as occasion requires. He
will draw his inspiration from the
..'ollowing appropriate lines:
"Humor's son! made up of wis
lom and of fun; Medley of all
- hat's dark and clear, Of all
hat's foolish, all that's dear."
After the ball is set in
notion the following order will be
bserved: 1. Geo. A. Laub,
"Blessed Hour of our Dinners."
'. O. J. Hess, "The Farmer
eedsThem All." 3. Mrs. G. L.
.oily, ;The Hand that Rocks the
Iradle Rules the World." 4. E.
1. Beishline, "As the Twig is
knt, the Tree is Inclined." 5. E.
i. Beare, "And Still the Wonder
Jrew, that One Small Head Could
2arry all he Knew." 6. Boyd
frescott, "Where Ignorance is
Hiss 'Tis Folly to be Wise." 7.
i C. Smith, "Business is Busi
ness." 8. T. Harvey Doan,
"There's Many a Slip, Twixt the
up and the Lip." Besides these
here are many others who will be
. .ailed upon if time will permit.
As soon after 2 o'clock as possi
le we shall convene in the Audi
orium to continue the regular pro
jam. T. C. Brown will be the
, ,rst speaker; his subject ia Closer
.upervision. lra A. Roberts will
,ollow with a oao'er on ITnW
laste in Education. Supt. Killgore
mi speais next on selection and
appointment of Teachers. Supt
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars
leward for any case of Catarrh
aat fcannot be cured by Hall'i
Catarrh Cure.
:. I. Cheney & Co.. Toledo n
We, the undersigned, have known
. J. Cheney lor the last 15 years
nd believe him perfectly honor
ble in all business transactions
pd financially able to carry out
-uy obligations made by his firm
Balding, Kinnan & Marvin
Wholesale Druggists,, Toledo, O
Hall's Catarrh Cure is take 11 in
ernally, acting directly upon the
. lood and mucous surfaces of the
ysiem. Testimonials sent free
'rice 75 cent? per bottle. Sold by
j uruggists.
-Take Hall's
Family PMS for
fep$ Balsam I
H MU slcn any roaoh that I
: any ct
can be Monoed
mccliclr.c and cure coughs
that cannot be cured by any
other medicine.
It is elways the best
coiiJa cure. You cannot
rUcrd to lake chances on
ti.iy other kind.
co-.ifjhs, colds, bronchitis,
rrlp, n,!?ma ontl consump
tion in first Mages.
It does not contain alco
hoi, opium, morphine, or
anv o'frer norcollr. nnienn.
a cus or hariniul drug.
Coughlin will give the last address
on the subiect. Co-oneration of
Educational Factors.
Following this the business of
the association will le transacted.
The treasurer will make his renort
and the officers for the exisuing
year w ill be elected. The present
officers are: Pres. J. II. Eisen
hauer, Vice Presidents, F. B.
Hartman and Geo. B. Patterson;
Secretary, Wm. E. Rinker, and
Treasurer, E. R. Kester.
An effort is being made to have
"congregational" singing this' year.
If there are to be other features of
entertainment, they will be an
nounced at the time of the meetings.
Directors can secure copies of
the school law and the annual re- j
ports at the Superintendent's office
any time during the afternoon. j
Iu as much as this meeting had
to be held on the above date to se
cure the banquet, aud since it cqti-,
flicts with the date for the County
Teachers' Association it has been
decided best to merge the two as- j
sociations. All the district presi-'
dents arc Psrpria1lu urtroH tn attonA '
. . ...... I
time nnai arraneements will be .
made for the annual examinations.
We wish to extend a cordial in
vitation to all who are interested in
good schools to .meet with the di
rectors on this occasion. The great
changes which are beinc eonsirterer.
make it difficult for one to keep up
10 aaie. come to the meeting in
time to hear the code discussed-
can then think and act intelligently
concerning it.
Let everv director who ran
bring his wife with
him; come to
have an emovable time soeiallv?
make it a point to get acquainted
with each other; resolve to gain a
few good practical ideas which will
be worth carrying back to your
home districts, and thus this meet
ing through you will prove a wide
spread influence for good.
Electricity From Sun.
Current Obtained During Day it Stored (or
Night Use.
That he has sueeessfnllv snltroH
the problem of storing up the sun's
rays and converting them i
trical energy is the claim made by
Boston inventor, savs tVi "NTa,.,
York IlereJd,
He is George S. Cove, and he
leruonstrates the success f hi in.
vention by lighting his workshop,
at No. 486 Somerville avenue Snm.
erville, with electricity generated
with a simple apparatus on the
Cove's invention will be V
as the "solar electric generator,"
and he says it can be built at a met
of $100 each. It consists of a
framework to be placed in an open
ing wnere u will receive the direct
rays of the sun. Short plugs of a
metal composition are set into this
frame. There are 976 plugs. Fill
ed in around these plugs is a body
of heat-absorbine material TVia
difference of the temperature of the
1 J- r .
iwo cnus 01 me metal pluga, one
being in the sun, the other in the
uycu wuu a circulation ot air a-
rouud it. generates the
If the sun goes under a cloud an
automatic cutout breaks the circuit
Detween the generator and the hat
teries. i ue device is thus entirely
automatic. When the sun wta at
night it automatically shuts off the
storage batteries and begins again
in me morning. This machine
generates throuch a dav of nmsliino
enough electricity to light five
lights ot 20 candle-power each, to
last irom uiree to lour dav of nnn
tinuous lighting. ,
Chas. P. Elwell announces that
ne will be pleased to receive
iormer pupus on violin and piano'
i.rie, as wen as new ones. Eate
and best methods.
Terms strictly cash by the lesson
or monin. Address Hotel Hidlay
Bloomsburg, or call up on Bel
'phone any afternoon between :
and 2. tf
tenaent wm noia a separate confer- tor Decoming sny of "Fresh Coun
ence for them in Prof. Albert's try Eggs ?"
class room at 10 o'clock, at which Again, during times when the
He Should Manage His Fowls Syste
matically, Like the Regular
Market Designations tor varioui Grade ot
Esrtrs that are not fresh are unfit
for food says the Philadelphia Re
cord. It is gratifying to note that
the Pure Food Commission is tak
ing the matter in hand. The sign
"Fresh Country Eggs" is so often
displayed in the village, town and
city grocery stores, aud naturally,
it 'appeals to the unsuspecting buy
er. Ordinarily that would be a
guarantee of freshness, but unfor
tunately, 11 is nor always so. 11 is
1 not implied by this that the farmer
is dishonest, or that the grocery-
man is practicing fraud ; but rather
that the average farmer is very
! careless in the matter of the eggs
! he gathers about the farm. Hens
j that are allowed their liberty roam
all over the farm and often sneak
away to some secluded spot to de
posit tneir eggs.
They like to be private when
laying time comes, and every now
and then the farmer happens across
these nests and generally finds them
well filled. Should a dozen eggs
be found in one of the nests it is
not probable that twelve hens laid
tnose eggs that day. It is more
likely, however, that it is the nest
of an individual hen which has tak
en 24 days to yield that dozen.
Every time the hen laid a new egg
she imparted heat to those already
laid, and the germ of life started.
The farmer gathers up the lot, aud
they are placed in the basket ready
to be taken to town on the next
convenient trip. Is it a wonder
that the consumer finds snoiled
Can the public be blamed
. .
nens are not dome much laviner
the farmer's wife is very apt to
save up the eggs laid until she
has accumulated sufficient numbers
to make it an object to take them
to the store. This eives stale eesrs.
not spoiled ones, in the lot
Furthermore, where fowls are
given their liberty they find much
of their food in scratching- over the
manure piles in the barnyard and
get their drink from pools of stag
nant Water. Are stirh pnndifirino
condu:ive to good flavor and purity
m eggs r
The farmer must keeD his ooul-
try under the same conditions the
poultryman does his, if he wishes
to profit by the work and build up
a reputation for reliable coods. In
stead of the fowls having unlimited
range, they should be confined to
generous-sized runs 100 feet in
length and as broad as the width
of the house and these pens must
not be overcrowded. The farmer
should build houses that will en
able him to readily ventilate (like,
for instance, the scratchinc shed
house) and the manure should be
il s. .
gainerea at least once a week. No
thing but the ourest trains and
meat scraps and green stuff should
De iea. 1 ne eggs should be gath
ered one or two times a dav. ac
cording to the condition of the
weather. And no eeers should be
held loncer than one week ! the
enterprising poultryman ships twice
An ece should never he spnt tn
market unless its condition and age
are Known to tie shipper and can
be guaranteed. Under no circum
stances should eeres found in the
hidden nest" be allowed tn he
palmed off on the innocent buyer.
In market language, "fancy"
eggs are guaranteed fresh not ov
er tnree days old, "prime" eggs
are these where the age is not
known, they being from one to
three weeks of age, in cool weath
er. "F-resh case" ecn are a Ha
out of which it is possible at times
to secure six good ones, three fair
ones, and three that are demora
lized, out of a dozen.
Brick Roads Wanted.
State Highway Petition Shows a Preference
tor Substantial Copstruclon.
A preference for brick pavements
m country districts instead of ma
cadam roads is being shown in peti
tions to the State highway depart
ment. Many requests have been
made lor estimates on such con
struction. The tests of roads and
brick pavements have shown that
in rural districts, where the roads
are well drained, that the brick
while more expensive, outlast the
East year the department let con
tracts for miles of such road in
J ten
'xuf the
'1118 Kind Yuu Wm irws 3ouch
Greene county, and two big con
tracts are ptnding for estmore-
land Petitions have itist b;eti re
ceived from Pine Creek township,
Jefferson county, for three miles of
brick pavtmtnt, and Warsaw and
Snvder townships of the sau:e
county may do the same.
Branding the State Highway de
partment as "mismanaged," and
the roads built under its direction
"exorbitant failures." Faimer
William T. Creasv. president of the
State Grancre. delive ed a fierv ad
dress at the Snyder County Farm
ers' Institute, recently, in the
course of which he said: "There
is not a competent head to the State
Highway department," he declar
ed. "Durinsr the years of its ex
istence 110 definite plan has been
established, except a religiously
carried out method of squandering
money. There is too much maho
gany desk business about building
the so-called state roads. Every
time a strip of highway is to be
made or repaired, au office attache
s sent to the scene. Generally
they look wise and that is all. Al
though not cognizant of locality
peculiarities of the roadbed, they
disregard the suggestions of ru-
rahsts. However the unsatisfac
tory keep up of many of these
thoroughfares is a striking evidence
of the employes' own ignorance."
I n mairarine fr evervbodv
Learn about electrlrlrv. th
coming trtenre.andhowto
ue toiili. Simple, prac
ti'-al.fullof Dicturet. Sam
pie cony free If you name
thlt paper. 1 .00 a year
lampion Pub. Co.
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PhotniraDhT lotercttt
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Bekutilul pictures . month
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Beacon St., Bottun, Mum
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa-
cins issued out of thi f!mirt of t 'nmwnn
Fleas of Columbia County. Pennsylvan
ia, and to me directed, there will be sold
at public sale at the Court House in the
.sheriff's Office, in the Town of Blooms
burg, county and state aforesaid, on
at 2 o'clock P. M., the following de
scribed real estate :
All that certain piece, parcel and
tract of land situate in the township of
Sutfarloaf. county of Columbia and state
of Pennsylvania, and bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit :
Beginning at a post on the line of
land between Mary A. Meeker and land
of J. P. Fritz: thence south nine and
one-half degrees west thirty-four rods to
a post; thence by land of J. P. Fritz
south thirty-six degrees, east six and
one-half rods to a post r thence north
seventy-three degrees, east seven and
eight tenths rods to a stone; thence
north three degrees west thirty-four rods
to a stone ; thence north eighty degrees
west nine and one-tenth rods to the
place of beginning, containing
of land be the same more or less.
It being the same premises which
Mary A. Meeker and husband by deed
dated September 1, 1900, and recorded
in the Recorder's Office at Bloomsburg,
Pa. conveyed unto the Pennsylvania
Copper and Mining Company, and
whereon is erected a
for use as a copper smelter, together
with fixtures and machinery therein con
tained consisting of engine, boiler and
copper smelting machinery.
Seized, taken in execution at the suit
of M. F. Shoemaker and others use vs.
the Pennsylvania Copper and Mining
Company, and at the suit of William
f aulas vs. the Pennsylvania Copper and
Mining Coupany.of Central, Pa., and to
be sold as the nronfrtv of (Via .1
vania Copper and Mining Company.
William Chrikman. . Rhoripr
J. H. Maize
Attorneys. 3-n-3t
Please take tintirA that tVi n,ar-,n
ed Auditor, annolntwl hv tVi r.r-r.v,Dr,u'
i - j v.,v w.jimMja
Court of Columbia County to make dis-
iriDuuon 01 ine lunus in the handa of
the Executor of William L. Hirlinger,
late of said cotintv. HnrAncrl -,
among the parties legally entitled there
to, win sii 10 aiscnarge tne duties of his
appointment, at the office of Fred Ikeler
bsq., in the First National Bank build
ing in the town of Bloomsburg, on Wed
nesday, March 31st., igocj. at two o'clock
P. M., when and where all parties inter
ested, or having claims against said es
tate, must appear and present the same,
or be forever prevented from sharing in
said fund.
3-"-3t Auditor.
. Notioe is hereby given, that the
undersigned Auditor appointed by
theOrpfittim' Court of Columbia county
to make distribution of the funds hi
the hands of the Administrator of
Daniel J. Hulllvan late of Bloomnburir
Columbia County, Penna. deceasud, to
and among the parties U-gally entitled
thereto, will sit to dlselmige the duties
of his ap ointment, at his olllce in the
i . . ' "'""'"Bourg, on Kriuay, Aut
2nd, 1909, ut 10 o'clock a. in, of
day when aud where all parties lnte
esteu or having claims agaii st said
ramus, iiiusi uppeur ana preseut the
same, 01 be forever . debarred from
sharing iu said fund.
. John G. Fkkeze.
March 9, 1909. t. a. Auditor.
Alexander Brothers & Co.
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and
Pino Candies. Fresh Every Week.
jPEiriT-sr Goods a Specialty.
ALEXANDER UROS. & CO., Bloorosburp, ?H.
Carpets, Rugs, flatting and
Draperies, Oil Cloth and
Window Curtains
You Will Find a Nice Line at
"A Little Nonsense Now and Then,
Is Relished by the Wisest Men."
Judge's Quarterly, $1.00 a year
Judge's Library, $1.00 a year
Sis Hopkins' Hon., $1.00 a year
On receiDt of Twentv Cents. Will aOnf-Ar nnm
for three months trial subscription for either of these bright
...I -4-. . MMJ U . . " 1 r rv . . ... . .
wmy, cuiu iiumuruus journals,
Leslie's Weekly or Judsre
Judge Company
225 Fourth Avenue
Hit Mn-M
The Greatest Newspaper of Its Type.
Read In every English Speaking Country.
It invArinhlv hppn the cyroar nfrVwf
of the Thrice-a-Veek edition of the New
York World to publish the news impar
tially in order that it mnu hx in oi-cnroto
reporter of what has happened. It tells
ine irum. irrespective ot party, and for
that reason it has achieved a position
with the Dllbhc uniaue anion tr nanurs of
.. . o l l
its class.
If vou want the news n it ronllv !c
subscribe to the Thrice a-Week edition
of the New York World, which comes to
you every other day except Sunday, and
is thus Dracticallv a dailv at the nrice at
. - j .
a weekly.
regular subscription price is only $1.00
per year, and this pays for 1 56 papers.
We offer this tineniialled npwsrampr and
The Columbian together for one year
ior 71.05.
The reeular subscrintion nrice nf the
two papeas is (2.00, tf ;
By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias isr
sued out of the Court nf fnmmnn Pl
of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and
. j: tj &t !., . ...
iu mo uncticu, mere win oe sola at pub
lic sale at the Court House in the Sher
iff's Office in the Town of Bloomsburg,
county and state aforesaid, on
SATURDAY, MARCH 13th, 1909,
at a o'clock P. M.,
the following described real estate : All
that certuin lot. niern nr nnror.1 r,f ln
lying and being situate in the Township
iiuimii.iirc,i.uiumDia county, renn
sylvania, bounded and described as fol
lows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the Northerly
side of the Berwick and Bloomsburg
Koad. on the SouthetiKterlv rnrnAP .f 1...
of Charles M. Hess ; thence alone- said
road in an Easterly direction fifty-five
(55) feet; thence North Four degrees fif
teen minutes West' one hundred and
ninety (190) feet to a sixteen (16) foot
alley ; thence South eighty-eight degrees
forty-five minutes West fifty (0
feet to land of Charles E. Hess; thence
South four degrees fifteen minutes East
along line of lot of said Charles M. Hess
one hundred and ninety (190) feet to the
place of beginning, Containing
square feet. Same being lot No. 4 in
lots of William Ash, Having thereon
erected a two and one-halt
, YY111WU O, tf
JiOhton. DV his fWrl Hntfl c... . .
sold to Htanley N. Whitinire, as bvref anu Kecorder's
Office in Deed Book 77, page 314.
Seized, taken in iYiiiri.,r. .1.
of the State Capifal Saving, and 'loan'
Association of Harrisburg. Pa. vs Stan
ley N. Whitmire. and t VL ." aLI bl.a.n'
property ot Stanley N. Whitmire
o . , . CHARLES B. ENT'
owanzajackson. , , Shfiriff
A A A A A . a
or ior vine uoiiar will add
for the.
New York
W. L. Douglas
Packard Shoes
are worn by more mea
than any other shoes
Come in and let us
Fit You With a Pair
Corner Main and Iron Sis.,
Our Pianos
are the leaders. Our lines ta
eniae the following makes :
Chas. M. Stieff,
Henry F. Miller,
Brewer & Prvor, Kohler &
Campbell, and Radel.
IN ORGaNS we handle the
This Store has the agency or
singer men arm se w.
Helby, 1900, Queen, Key
stone, Majestic. j
Mustc Rooms No. 105 West Mam
Street, Ueloiv Market.
Attorneya. t ' a.l8