THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUfciL 10 Friend of King Edward Gives Donation to Start Royal Institute REMARKABLE CURES ACHIEVED Experimental and Curative Work Con templatedSir Trederick Treves at the Head Effort to Be Made to Get Radium from Cornis.i Fiichblende. Lonuon. Sir f'rede'ick Treves, ergeaut-surgcon to tliu King and con sulting surgeon of Hit- London Hospi cited in lecturing at hospital iome interesting Instances of radium sures lie liad wiuiessid, including vas :ucheli ids, rode it ulcer und epithe Joruata. He said it was almost uncanny to .ee the rapid manner in wliel. radium sometime; accomplished healing After the first application, say on Mon day, nothing nappcns until bout. ! ri iay, when tho skin suddenly becomes red and Irritable. Then a sort of srus: lonns, which comes away in ;wo or three wjuks. About a nionta later there is a sec nd application ol radium after which .a many cases the patten' does not .ieed to see apbyslclan again. Sir Frederick pointed out that one f the greatest uses of, radium in the Mure might ri,ult from its curious adloact:v( emanations. lie descrlbeu aow a penny enclosed in a Jar with .n unsealed vial of radium became it elf radioactive; if the penny were .-emoved and washed w.h nitric acid its radioactivit- was transferred to -he lattei while the penny was no onger radioactive. As an instance of possible future taefuluess the lecturer told how a iolutlon cf such radioactive deposit as Injected into a mouse suffering Yom an artlflcally Induced abdominal jancer. The r.sult was that the frowtn entirely disappeared. It would a mistake to rely too much or this if similar cases out they were' very saggestive. It wag conceivable that tug diseases might some day be XMBd curable by inhaling t radioac It emanation or vapor. A charter will shortly be granted fStablishlng tbe Royal British Radium institute. The institute will carry on search work an will also have a aedleal departijen eventually for the reatment of cases to which expert aent has shown the radlui.i cure Is applicable The foundatic. of thp Institute In which King Edward Us taken the reatest personal interest bag been lade possible by a handsome dona ion from Ernest Cassel who Is an In imate friend of the King. Its work ill probably be carried on with tbe . elp of the Imperial Cancer Research und. The new Institute's council will In- lude Sir Frederick Treves, M.D., ser lant-physician to the Kin; Sir Wil- . am RamBay, M. D., and Joseph John ,'homson, professor of physics at the Voyal Institution. The scarcity of radium and the ex- eme difficulty of obtaining it since ustria forbid its exportation have led the formation of a private syndi Ate here for the purpose et exploiting e pitchblende deposits in the Tren- Ith copper mine in Cornwall. Hopes re entertained of producing radium -lerefrom as a commercial commodl- ". enabling scientists and physicians become Independent of foreign sun .lies. Befora the discovery of radium the itchblende from the Trenwlth mine .as thrown away rittr the copper and . ?anlura uad been extracted. The i-sidueg are being collected now and idlum seeking will begin forthwith, he mine belongs to j. company In hich gome South African mining . mcerns are Interested, and $200,000 ipltal has alreaJy been found fcr tho . iw enterprise, for which public sub rlptlons will not be asked. ' Physicians here wishing to expon ent with raiium are mainly depend it on tubes of tho material which iey hire from three or four wholesale mggiBts at a i xti tariff. It is stl ated that the efficacy of the radium these tubes will endure for at least '.000 years. Parrot, at Meal Time, Rings Dull. Alton, U. A parrot with the in acts of a society person is owned Abraham Rliter. The bird Is a eat stickler lor formality and Is ibappy when the little niceties or e are overlooked. The parrot at- lys rings a little silver bell to call elf to dinner when food Is served It If food isn't served on time then s porrot ringa tho bell to call the . 3d to it. Rlker Is an upholsterer and lives at ). 609 ICi st Eighth street. When not , iholsterlng ho spends a great deal time cultivating the line Alton. . que qualities of his remarkable rd. Polly always takes coffee not or nary coffee, but cafe nolr for eakfast. In the evening It was tea. i food consists of crackers, apples id cake. The parrot observed very knowing that the Rlker family always re- 'Onded to .the dinner bell by assem- ug at the table. It was given a - lall bell and permitted to ring It. ten food wag given It. Since then . illy will not eat without first ring . -5 the boll. 1 THE v ITE PLAGUE A CHORDS JjRL MYSTERY Her Specialty Was to Request Men In 8treet to "Shoot 'Dope' Into Her Arms." Pittsburg. The "mysterious woman In black," who was recently sent to the workhouse for sixty days as a sus picious character, proves to be Vlrgle West, a chorus girl, originally from Cincinnati, where she was known to the neighbors as Gertrude Weastka telle. She lived there with her par ents until about eighteen months ago, when she ran away and got Into a chorus. For more than two months pedes trians on the North Side have at times been startled late at night by a young woman in black stepping from a shad ow and asking them to please take a silver syringe which she carried and inject It into her arm. She would explain nicely that while she was a slave to morphine she could not In ject it herself. In most cases the men addressed would run away. The mysterious woman was cap tured when she made the mistake of accosting a private detective, asking him to "shoot the dope" Into her arms. While In the hands of the police Miss Weastkatelle told of James Mc Cabe, son of a rich North Side widow, who had been with her from the time she left the stage several months ago, and who used the drug with her. The police started to arrest McCabe, but found that his mother had already tak en out a warrant and was holding It over the head of James as a club. He must quit the drug and the girl or go to Jail. X-SCIENCE NO GOOD FOR HORSE. Veterinary Prayer Falls Because Brute Lacked Faith Owner 8ays. Cleveland, Ohio. "God never In tended man to give medicine to a horse. If the an.mal bad as much faith as I have i': would be alive," said Thomas K. Hill, t contractor who Is a Christian Scientist and who substi tuted Science healing for a veterl nary's medicine and lost his horse. Hill was speaking In police court, where he was charged with torturing a horse to death. He was fined 25. Later it was reduced to $5 on his plea for leniency and on the plea of two women vho prayed with him In the stall for the recovery of the horse. "I was consistent In not giving the horse medicine when I would not take It myself," said Hill. "I turned the case over to the women when I failed and we prayed In the stall for three days. The horse had all the thought and prayer that any person of my belief would havo had." "I am convinced Hill meant to cure his horse," said Judge Murphy, "but the treatment prompted by his belief was at too great variance with the law." DISCOVER ROBBERS' CAVERN. Police In Prague Find It Furnished Luxuriously. Prague, Bohemia. During the week end the police have made some start ling discoveries throwing light on a number of highway robberies which have recently occurred In this district Acting on Information brought to them, the detectives tracked a sus pect to an underground cavern near the city, which was found to have been furnished in a luxurious fashion, and well stocked with stolen goods. The arrangement- for lighting and heating the cavern were perfect, and one of the chief features of Its equip ment was a choice library. Several arrests were made after a struggle, and search Is still being made for other members of the gang. WEDDED IN MIDSTREAM. Met Parson When Half Way Over and Utilized Him. Lexington. Ga. Having decided to marry Gid Peterman afid Mrs. Ola Myrta Peterman obtained a license and started out In a buggy in search or some one to tie the nuptial knot Meeting Squire John P. Faust iust at Indian Creek, he was reauested to marry them. With both buggies standing in mid-stream the words were spoken which made them man and wife. Mrs. Peterman Is a niece by marriage of her present husband. $50,000 MONlMENT TO COURAGE. Mexico Appropriates Money to Honor Engineer Who Died to Save a Town. Mexico City. The National Govern. ment has contributed 50,000 for a monument to Jesus Garcia, a locomo tive engineer employed, in the railroad yards at Nacozart, Sonora, who on November 7, 1907, hooked his locomo tive to a burning car of dynamite and pulled it out of town. He was blown to death, but hlg ac tion saved the town and many lives. This is the first instance In Mexico of a monument being erected for service of this character. "Ad" Unites Brother and Sister. Greenville, Tex. Mrs. A. von Schule, of England, is here on a visit to her brother, William Smith. This is the first time they have met since 1869, when she went to the East In dies. In the succeeding years neither knew the whereabeuts of the' other, It being through an advertisement in Lloyd's London News that they learn ed of each other's whereabouts. New Blow to the Nude In Art. Oklahoma City, Okla. Directors of the National BUI Posters' Association issued an order forbidding members of the asoclation to pout nude pic tures such as are used to advertise union suits and corsets. , GLARVO G FACT, SAYS PRIES! Father Walsh in Sermon Says He Has Proof and Tells of a Friend's Experience SAW HAPPENINGS 250 MILES OFF His Conclusion Is that the Day of Miracle .Working Has not Passed Away Gives as Instance Marvels of Wireless. New Yok City. Father William Walsh, a Jesuit and ona of the best known Catholic priests In the city, preaching In the Church of St PhuI the A post lo Sunday morning, ex pressed u belief In clalrvoyancy and told of a case that came under his own observation. Father Walsu's subject was "Pray er and Reason." lie said that wheu a person asks to have prayers said to effect a cure the majority of people scoff at the idea, and that many refuse to grant that any person possesses the power to see objects not visible to the eye. "Clairvoyance and clairaurlence are scoffed at as impossibilities," he said, "yet I believe auu have had proof that they are not impossible. I had my scepticism removed iome time ago by a very striking illustration of the pow ers of clalrvoyancy. A friend of mine visited a clairvoyant In this city. My friend was a stranger in New York and his home is 200 miles away. The moment he entered the room In which the clairvoyant a woman was, she said she could tell him of his home. "First the woraa: described In min ute detail all the objects in the vari ous rooms of the house just as though she were actually In the house and walking from room to room. She told of the persons who were there and of Incidents that took place after my friend had departed for New York. '"I can see,' sail the clairvoyant 'that a crucifix has been broken and that people in tue houst are trying to glue it together. I can see all these things just as plainly as I were In your house.' "My . iena cou.d not believe that all the clairvoyant told him was true. As the crucifix was not broken when ciy friend left home he decided to test the woman. He wrote to his family asking about the crucifix, and soon after received a letter verifying everything that bad been said. "All of this goet to prove that the day of miracles Is not over. If ordi nary mortals have this power to pro tect their sight through hundreds of miles of space and tell what is going on, how much greater must be the power of God! A few years ago who would nave thought that there would be such a thing as wireless teleg raphy? It is Just as unreasonable for people to doubt that miracles can be performed. If the will, the heart and the conscience of man are sincerely set upon a single object the laws of reason can be overcome, and have been overcome In many Instances. Who are we to doubt thebe things?" BABIES HAVE RIGHT TO CRY. Judge Rules Nurtery Cannot Be De clared a f'ulsance. London. Every cry-baby in the United Kingdom is rejoicing noisily over the decision ci Justice Channell that to cry is the inalienable right of every Infant anu that there is no law to stop them. Residents of the surburb of Fulham, whose homes adjoin the Fulham Day Nursery, brought suit to have the Nursery declared a nuisance. Their lawyer argued that the cry of one baby is awful enough, but when there are twenty-Beven babies the number of Fulham's there Is a terri ble condition of affairs that ruins ad joining property. "Were you ever a baby?" the Court asked of the lawyer. The lawyer confessed his guilt "Then you ought to know that a baby is entitled to cry; that you can't stop It from crying, and that, even if It is a nuisance, it comes under the head of unavoidable nuisances." AT INTEREST FOR 99 YEARS. Contractor Deposits a Dollar Under Odd Conditions. Iowa City, Iowa. Joseph Osborne has placed a dollar on deposit In the Citizens Savings and' Trust Company under a contract to be signed, sealed and delivered to the effect that it shall not be removed for ninety-nine years. At the. expiration of the long period, during which ' Interest shall be com pounded annually, the total sum is to be presented to the oldest surviving Osborne in the direct lino of descent from Joseph Osborne, the present owner. The odd compact was entered Into by Osborne, who Is a contractor, when he found In balancing up an old ac count that a balance of 23 cents ex isted. He added 77 cents under tbe foregoing provisions. Skeleton masts for Navy. Brooklyn, N. Y. All first class bat tle ships In the United States are to be equipped with the new skeleton mast One by one each of the bat tleshlps is being laid by for a thor ough overhauling, and it Is the Inten tion to construct the skeleton mast on each while the general repairing Is being done. liiF-LSl m SISTER WED Told They Were Cousins True Rela tion not P.evealcd Until Three Months After Marriage. Dallas, Tex. M. E. Burton and Nora Henderson were married In Dallas on April 10, 1908. Three months later they learned that they were haK-broth-er and sister. At Fort Worth recent ly the young woman filed suit for di vorce In order to have the Illegal mar riage annulled. The mother of the couple was twice married. Attar the death of the first husband, named Burton, the boy, an Infant, was sent to live with his grand mother and never left her. By the second marrlRge the girl was born, named Henderson. As they grew up to young manhood and young woman hood their relatives taught them that they were cousins. They fell In love, eloped, and were married three months before they made the fact known. Then they were told of their true relationship. They ceased to live ns man and wife. INDIANS FAST DISAPPEARING. In Three Generations the Last of Them Will Be Gone. Helena, Montana. Special Agent Samuel Cone, who has spent the great er part of his life among the Indians, sajs: "Three generations more and I don't believe there will be a real Indian left In the coutitry. "White men's clothing and bouses have signed the death warrant of the Indian," continued Mr. Cone. 'Con sumption and otner diseases of a civilized people have a foothold on every reservation l-i the country, and the ranks of the full-bloods are being decimated rapidly. This is particu larly true of the older Indians who roamed the plains and Ihe mountains before the creation of reservations and who have not been constitutional ly fitted for the changed environ ment" NO DIVORCE REMEDY. Walter F. Wlllcox Tells Bible Class Result of His Investigations. Ithaca, N. ."I do not feel that It would cure the divorce evil to make marriage more difficult, for such a movement would lead to more illegal relations." This was the declaration of Walter F. Wlllcox, of Cornell University, who has made a special study of divorces, to a Cornell Bible class. He said: "I do not believe that the popular opinion that the desire of A to marry C Is the usual reason for desiring a divorce from B Is true. The number of remarriages after a divorce have not been shown to be on the whole greater than the number of remar riages .after the death of one of the parties." THIRTY YEAR3 TO PAY DEBT. Surprised Receiver Presents Receipt ed Bill to the Sender. Spokane, Wash. "There Is $5 un paid on an account I owed at your store about thirty years ago. Will you please send me your address, so I can forward the money with inter est?" The foregoing Is contained Jn a let ter signed with the name of Maggie Clarkln, No. 724 Broadway, Fargo, N. Dak., received by W. D. KIpp, of Spokane, who conducted a general stone at New Hampton, la., from 1875 to 1887, when he came West "This letter shows there Is more old-fashioned honesty in the world than is commonly supposed," he said, "and I am going to send a receipted bill to Mrs. Clarkln as a present" HOG, AS USUAL, WON. Man Knocked. Down Apple, Dog Ran with It, Mr. Pig Ate It. Campgaw, N. J. Crawford Cole man, recently while out hunting near here, came across an apple tree with a single Northern Spy hanging from a branch. In falling it struck his left eye and he fell over backward. His setter dog seized the apple and ran. Coleman got up and ran after the dog. Then a hog, put In appearance, ran between Coleman's legs and over he went again. The hog charged the dog and compelled It to drop the ap ple, which the hog ate. Coleman went home to nurse his bruised eye. WOLVES GETTING SOCIABLE. Live High on Poultry and Only Run When They Are Pursued. ' Fort Wa;-r.e, Ind. Running at large In Jefferson Township are two large wolves that are said to be sociable to 'an unpleasant de. ee. They are of the gray or timber vari ety, und seem i to be accustomed to human society, as they only run when pursued or shot at They like the companionship of sheep and fat owIb the best and have displayed their af fection by eating up a considerable quantity of the animals. So far all efforts at capture have ben in vain. Antl-8aloon Printing Plant. - Washington, D. C The Anti-Saloon League decided to erect a printing and publishing plant, Involving an In vestment of 5100,000, near Columbus, O., to oe known us "Lincoln Temper a:.ce Memorial," as headquarters for tho leajue's official publiciatlon, The American Issue. $1,000,000 a Day for Sugar. Washington, D. C Cold figures gathered by the bureau of statistics show that the average American citi zen consumes half his own weight in suar every year, and. the country's till averages more than $1, 0C0.0U0 a day. A E Novel Method of Decorating Booths That Charm the Fair-Goer G20TKS ARE CLUSTERED TOGETHER The church of to-lay Is sure to hold n fair during one month or another, and right nfter Easter is a favori'e time. When an entertainment of this sort is contemplated, the first thing to be considered by the parish ladies Is the decoration of the booths. It Is here that feminine Ingenuity la tax ed to the utmost for something novel, something new that will produce a display, that will charm tho fair-goer and bring In tho money. For some reason the Southern wo man has a peculiar facility In getting up fairs, nnd with It the decorating of the uaoths. In a small Virginia town a number of parish members re solved to have a three days' bazar tc help ry oft a debt of the church, THURSDAY'S BOOTH WAS DEVOT ED TO AFTERNOON TEA. and to make certain household arti cles a feature, which are needed In all homes. The idea grew that as a novelty, a number of booths should represent the days of the week, from Sunday to the following Saturday, bringing to gether every sort of attractive com modity, none of which were to be sold above the current store prices. These booths occupied one side of the room and were clustered togeth er, making a very showy scheme, be ing only a few leet apart Tbe Sun day booth was covered with a cream cheesecloth, the fallover trimmed with some conventional pattern of striped effect placed so as to form a border, the colorings like those used In the church design. This frill was deep. reaching the floor, and made quite full. As ' corner recoratlons, there were banners cf silk or of very fine cardboard, both In pure white. If of silk, they should be embroidered to show a device of gold and white; if of cardboard, painted in watercolor in THE BOOTH SACRED TO WEDNES DAY HAD A DAINTY DISPLAY OF NAPERY, TABLE LIN EN, CE NT.SRPIEC iCS, DOILIES, ETC. some church Dattern. and both held in place by gilt strands. In either case me treatment jiartooK oi some reli gious matter an'l church emblama. bo. companled with brilliant and illumi nated letterings, as a center orna ment, the seven-branched candlestick was utilized, well filled with tall can dles. To give a good effect to the whole, green palms of tissue paper made a fine border for all edges and had a harmonizing effect with - the white ind gilt This Sunday booth was equipped with Bioles of different sizes, prayer-books, hymnals, church calendars and all the paiaphernalla necessary for a church service. All sorts of holy devices were sent In for every denomination, and a variety of religious books which aro published each season, all to be sold at the regu lar publishers' prices. Monday, being wash day, had its booth given ove.- to an executive housekeeper, who begged or bought all tho essentials for a "blue Mon day." The lot compr'sed tubs, wash tubs, all sorts - soaps, clothes-lines, wringers, boxeo of starch and blue, clothes-pins and the like, all of which met a ready sale and reaped a good harvest. To make the booth attrac tive, It was dressed In a dark-blue cheesecldth with a pure-whlto border of the same material, with fluj;- ros ettes at the corners, and as a center devoratlon there was a child's tub filled with -white chrysanthemums and hlg ferns. Tuesday, which is generally ironing day In all families, was made a scheme of different shades of red tis sue paper, which was adjusted ac cording to fancy, featojned In big .wallops, decorated with big rosettes and long ends at each corner falling to the floor. The back of the booth which wus decorated In red crinkled paper, was laid in pleats, the edges adorned with green paper ferns, which lapped each other as they approached the top. On this stand was found everything pertaining to the day Evory new Invention was In evidence for smoothing sleeve and shirt-waist CHURCH NTERTAINMENT front, flatirons long and pointed, wt Iron stands, holders nnd the like. For tho Wednesday booth a besuuV fut ihnde of pink was selected, the tMmmlng In tones and tints of ths s.miH color. For this a silky saten -as chosen, fine In quality and of such a dainty tint and so exceedingly attractive ns to give a silken shorn t) the whole. The back of the booth a nicely padded, making a soft and I lliiblc background for tho various centerpieces of embroidery nnd lacp, the l itter so arranged as to form a motive which gave nn artistic effect ti flo whole scheme. At each of the four corners worn r'lvd napkins, traycloths in beautiful MONDAY'S HOOTIi TYTIFIED WASHDAY. French work, ti'ble linen of newest patterns, and nil tho necessary acces sories of a well-He; table. In the ee:i ter was a group of dcllies of ever; sort and kind some In fan shape, some In cornucopias, some In queer designs, but all ready for service and of no greater p;lce than those found In the shops. Thursday's booth was pronounced to be the most beautiful ns well hi the most beautiful ns well as the most successful, being dressed for oTi after noon tea. The foundation used was a light-weicht silkoline in a brilliant tone of yellow, over which was a lace cloth of Inexpensive make, the needle work of one of the parish ladles, ft was so put together as to be available frr other purposes after the fair was over. Along all edges were crinkled paper chrysanthemums, fluffy blos soms forming a floral border, which were so grouped as to show a variety of tints of the same plant To en hance the beauty of the booth was a centerpiece a copper samovar for coffee, which made a brilliant setting in a wreath of natural smilax. Tea pets in different wares formed novel corner pieces. There were cut glass. Colonial cblna and the like, good, rich cakes from every State, cups of Rus sian and ordinary tea, sandwiches dainty and delicious, with u fine tes and fruit punch not usually found elsewhere. Friday being the cleaning day, the booth was equipped in lavender cre tonne with a pretty flower design, with full ruches t. the same on all edges. Tbe articles for sale were brushes of all sorts, new Inventions for the saving of labor, polish of all kinds, dusters, home-made and other wise. Saturday being the traditional bak ing day, the booth was- dressed la pure white crepe paper, while the at tendants wore white lawn gowns with big aprons over them ana caps of white paper. The stand fairly groan ed beneath Its weight of good things. There were biscuits baked to a turn, bread brown and tempting; there were cakes of many and delectable sorts; there were rich layer cakes, perfectly cooked loaf cakes, jumbles, cookies and the like. Then there were puddings, pies all sorts, with flaky, appetizing crusts; substantial meat pies nnd fruit pies were represented. In addition to the ready-to-eat dain ties, there were certain of their In gredients for ..-ale. Baking powder was there In boxes of varying sizes; the finest of flour, offered In packages of convenient size; butter was sup plied in 2mptlnb- rolls, and also the freshest eggs were heaped In baskets, each and all being offered at current prices. Tho candy booth, little removed, perhaps charmed tho children most, it was a small affair, and two little AT THE SUNDAY BOOTH WERtt SOLD RELIGIOUS BOOKS OF ALL SORTS, girls, with capable nslstants, did ad mirable work. They were capital sell ers, and bo gathered in tho pennies and nickels with a rush. ' At the Dutch booth was every known device from Holland, in which windmill effects did duty In expensive Delft ware and other designs of pic turesque make. The most popular booth was ths or.e In which fancy articles were sold. It was decorated in green, the back ground forming .-. charming treatment for home-made accessories, which v.-cre hung up In the most effective cy. It was a regular up-to-date ar falr, with all 3orts of attractive Un gerle, tho newest Ideas In bags, pln euahions and the like, handsome but ton and hoe bags, opera reticules of melon seeds, Jewel cases of filik and satin, handkerchief cases of pompadour silks, glove cases of plush, brocade soft silks and the like. Mo CalVs. Pish Oplns Silk. A. shellfish In the Medlterraneaa BPjus a fine silk as fine as any from a cocoon. The fish Is the prima nobllis. wmmmm