THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURft, t'A. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK (IF UXtOOMSmjItG IA, THE OLDEST AND STRONGEST. Capital 8100,000 Surplus 8150,000. With the Largest Capital and Surplus in the County,' a Strong Directorate, Competent Officers and Every Mod ern Facility, we solicit Accounts, Large or Small, and Collections on the Most Liberal Terms Consistent with Sound Banking, and Invite YOU to inspect our NEW QUARTERS. 3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits O F F 1 0 E R 8 : JV.'W. M. Low, PreMck'iit. ' Myron I. Low, Vice President .Humes M.8taver, Vice President. Frank Ikeler, CV DIRECTORS: K. W.M.Low. Tames F. O. Vorks, Fred I.oui Orows, M. E Stuckiiouse S. C. Creasy. Clinton Herring, THE COLUMBIAN. ESTABLISHED 1866. THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, CsTAiit.isHEn 1837. Consolidated 1869 itri.isiif.u Every Thursday Morning, Ai Ulomslmrg, the County Seat ot , ' Columbia County , Pennsylvania. GEO. E. ELWELL. Editor. GEO. C. ROAN, Kokiman. Tkkm.-: Inside the county $1.00 a year (a advance; 1 . 5 0 i f not paid in advance. utsiilethecounty, $1.25 .1 year, strictly in .atce. Al! communicntion!" should lieaddrenned 1 HE COLUMBIAN. HloomslnirR, Va. HURSDAY. MARCH 11, VW.) WHATS THE USE? What's the use of all this fuss and feathers about who shall suc ceed Chief Justice Mitchell on the Supreme Bench of the state? Of course, every reputable lawyer, and every self-respecting citizen of the commonwealth is in favor of a ' man who possesses honesty, ability, integrity, and the judicial temper ament, and who is not owned or controlled by any gang or corpor ation. But that is not the kind of a man we are likely to get. That is not the sort of a man that will suit the machine that controls every Re- nblican state convention, and die ted every nomination that is made : . r any state office. The man to be nominated by the republicans will be selected by euator Penrose and his aids. The Republican convention will nomi nate him in spite of any opposition that may appear within the party, and on election day the voters of that party will march up to the polls like little lambs and vote for him. What matters it that leading lawyers express their views as to the kind of a man that should be selected, or that the people general ly desire a judiciary that they can trust and honor? The "right kind of a tuati" is the man whom the bosses shall select for the place. That's the way things are done in Pennsylvania. Should it prove otherwise in this case, it will be an agreeable sur prise. . Oliver Succeeds Knox. United States Senator P. C. Knox having resigned from the Senate in order to accept the office of Sec retary of State in President Taft's cabinet. George T. Oliver of Pitts burg, was on Tuesday nominated for United States Senator by the Republican legislative caucus, a choice that will be ratified by each house separately next Tuesday, and by joint convention on Wed nesday, when Mr. Oliver will be -commissioned and take his seat in the United Slates senate. James Scarlet of Danville, was also placed in nomination and re vived three votes. Let the Farmer Alone. The report of the commission ap pointed by the President to look into farming conditions is valuable in giving a great deal of informa tion as to the general farm life its improvements, drawbacks, neces sities, and so on. But it is not Jikely all this will leid to any uup posed remedial legislation. Better ' let that alone. The farmer, like every one else, will work out his salvation better after his own fash ion than by the aid of laws framed bv men who know nothinc ahnnt farming and liable to do more harm caan gooa. iivenasiing meaanng by legislatures and congresses in the past has been the parent of ills innumerable, in consequence, we are forever passing new laws to cor rect the evils created by old ones Let the farmer alone and he will come out all right Ex. i .A. H T1 - ft T A . Ths Kind ihii Haw Always Bought M. Staver. Myron T. Low. Ikeler. H. V.Hower, Frank Ikeler. Who He Is to Be. Word has been sent out during the past week by the gang in Phil adelphia that Judge Von Mosch-zi-ker, of that city, is the individ ual who is to have the Republican nomination for Supreme court Judge says the Bellefonte Watch man. The followers ot the machine will of course fall in line for him at once, and if possible prevent other aspirants from starting in the race. There are many of these and the news, that the nominations for this liigii and important position are already closed, will be bitter word for the many who had hoped that this streak of judicial lightning would strike the pole they have had up for many years. Just who Von Moschzisker is will be the query with most people, outside of the few who hang around the courts of Philadelphia. As a lawyer ne was unknown until the Philadelphia machine decided that he wou'.d suit its purposes on the bench and he was put there. Since donning the judicial toga he has done nothing to show that he is either versed in the law or blessed with the characteristics that make a passable judge. He has done what the power that put him on the bench told him to do and that is about all, if we except the notor ious decision that he and another machine made judge handed down in the judicial salarv trah rasp that declared the constitution tin- constitutional when it stood in the way of au increase in judicial sal aries during the term for which the official was elected His sirvice to the machine and this salary decisiou will have to serve as the principal reasons for his election and we presume they will be sufficient. Such is the in difference of the people, or the rot tenness ot tne voter, wten you come to politics in Pennsylvania. ' w ' . - Where Common Sense Would come In Good. Figures sriven out bv tlinee in charge of the postoffice denartment show that the postal service of the country is costing the covernmeut something like $20,000,000 a year more than the postal receipts a- mount to. And with this deficit increasing yearly, the Third Assis tant Postmaster General is weio-h- ting down the mails sending to every business house, industrial concern, professional office, and we presume, to as many private indi viduals as he can secure the address of, a circular letter in which one of the paragraphs reads as follows : "Government Stamped Envelop es will be furnished in lots of enn with your name and address nrintert in the upper left haud corner with out extra cnarge. ' ' It is Possible that this lrinrt f fool business has much to Hn Willi the deficiency in the postal service, ana me government orhcial who in sists on doing the printing for busi ness nouses or individuals, free of cost, when his department is be hind, ought to be kicked out of of- nce, witnout waiting for excuse or explanation. The government sells its envel opes, stamp value deducted nti ACQ than the ordinary dealer ran procure them at wholesale, thus giving the purchaser the benefit of manufacturers rates and srettintr nothing in return for t he handling, shipping cr waste. Why it should do more, and add the printing for nothing that is a mat- icr mat is nara 10 understand. Possibly if a little common sense were exercised in the postal depart ment, in cases of this kind, there would be less of a deficit when set tlement time comes round, and less need to fear that postal rates will have to be increased, or the postal service curtailed in some lines. Watchman. Many a man thinks the world is all wrong when it is really his liver. Extra Session for Congress. Other Legitlalion Betide Tarrilt Postal Savinjt Bank, Cemut, Etc. When congress meets on March 15, upon the call of the president to consider a revision cf the tariff, there will be no constitutional re striction upo 1 the nature of the business that maybe transacted. It is generally corceJed that at least two months will be reau the house of representatives to con elude consideration of all the sched ules involved in this legislation. The house itself will not receive the new tariff bill for some weeks as the committee on ways and means will require considerable time to report the measure. During this long period the senate will have nothing to do in respect to the tariff and even after the bill leaves the house it will be in the hands of the committee on finance tor some time before the senate actually gets possession of it and the debate begins. Then will begin a long wait by the house until the senate amendments can be known and conferees appointed to bring about an agreement upon them. This procedure will result in each house having to remain in session with nothing to do in relation to the tariff covering a period of a couple of months. Three davs is the extent of a recess that may be taken by either body. In view of the extended period of inactivity that would face each houie should nothing be considered except the tariff, many senators are considering the advisability of entering upon other legislation which they believe ought to be passed in time to send it over to the hous? w hen that body has dis posed of its bill and will only have to wait senate action on the tariff I he advocates of postal savings banks have talked of the possibility ot sucli a policy being adopted ever since thty became aware of their inability to secure legislation in the last session of congress. The president s veto of the cen sus bill . makes mandatorv some action to provide for the enumera tion of the thirteenth census and while legislation might be delayed until early next winter, some of those who are interested in this subject believe that the extra ses sion would give an admirable op portunity to dispose of it. The extra session is sure to bring forth a deluge of bills in both houses aud as senate commit tees are organized for business, there need be no delay in getting to work if the prevailing sentiment lavors action on special matters. Prosperity Depends on Crops. An exchange says: According to leading financiers, the return to prosperity, to better business con ditions will depend more largely upon the outlook of the crops this spring, than any other one thing. If the season is favorable, if grain and grass has wintered well, if seeding can be done under favor able circumstances, and a good growth started, we will see busi ness revive rapidly. Uuder present conditions, with the outlook of POOr CrOPS. there would he Rimh a discouraging outlook that capital wouia pecome timid, for after all this nation depends more UDon se riculture than any other industry for its wealth. But this is a ereat nation, its cli mate aud soil so varied and area so great, that if crops or one of the leading cereal croo9 fails in one section, we may be assured of good crops in another. In some sections of the wheat belt, there has not been snow or moisture sufficient to nrotert and cause growth, while in the main. reports from the west show winter wheat is in fine condition, having wintered well, and as a whole in better shape than for many years. Nebraska's wheat has been well covered by snow, and alternate thaws and freezes did no narm. The next matter of interest will be ploughing and sowing the spring grain, and the indications faver a big area devoted to the purpose. With wheat ranging far above the dollar mark, the conditions, even if produced by speculative manipula- A. 1 1 11 . . iion, noio out many inducements to farmers. The world, inelndimr Wiej umien States, is pnnmim na more wheat than ever before and One Doctor Only Osie No sense in running from one doctor to another! Select the best one, then stand by him. No sense either in trying this thing, that thing, for your cough. Carefully, delibe ately select the best cough medicine, then take it. Stick to it. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for throat and lung troubles. Sold for nearly seventy years. No alcohol in this cough medicine. nrcVW ,M;r VJi1 grain growers have reasonable cer tainty of disposing of their crops at remunerative figures. -- Famous Words ol Famous People. This is one of the many great Daily features of The Philadelphia Press. The "Yanious Words of Famous People" is an uneqnaled department of The Press, and ap- Tvar pvprv tveetr Aav aa w?f11 an nil Sunday, on the Editorial Page, al- I nravi in Vi unma r1ttA lilA nil mix v k'liiin. fiuv 1 nnv tin other features. No searching for what you want. The words of the greatest people in the world are to be found in this interesting corner, it takes only a few minutes of your time. Young and old, busy and leisurely, learned and wise who seek knowledge, enjoy this corner of The Press. If you are not a reader of 7 he Philadelphia Press instruct your carrier t leave The Philadelphia Press at vour home, or send direct to The Philadelphia Press, Seventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Many Children are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, used bv Mot her drny, n nure In Children's Home, ew York,ltrenk up Colds in 24 hours, cure Feverlsh ntws. Headache, Htonmeli Trouhlos, Teething Disorders, and Destroy Worms. At nil druggists, 25c. Sam ple tnniled Free. Addnws, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N Y. 2-lS-4t. Revenues Less Than Appropriation Wanted. "IIow can we make both ends meet" was the burden of a speech of ex-Speaker Frank R. MWMnin to the house appropriations com mittee. His remarks will probably cause deep thought not only over pending appropriation bills for hos pitals aud charities, but also those for the governor's cross-state road, tne soldiers pension measure, etc Mr. McClain shows that in the past 30 years the growth of "pri vate appropriations has been fifty-fold, while the revenues have increased only three-fold. He said: As a matter of information, some days ago I undertook to ascertain exactly how much the State ap propriated to purely local institu tions, hospitals, homes, colleges. etc., at the session of 1007. Tlii led me to go back 30 years, to 1877 ana trace tne growth of such ap propriations from that date in 10 year periods. The result was as follows: In 1877 appropriations were made to three hospitals and four homes-Home for Friendless. E rie. $2000; Northern Home, Philadel--phia, $6000: Industrial Home for Blind Men, Philadelphia. $5000; Industrial Home for Blind Wotneu, Philadelphia. $2000: Lark General Hospital. Scranton m - 000; Wilkes-Barre Hospital, $10.- 000; Jefferson Hospital. Philadel phia, SlOO.OOO. Total lisnm' The $too,ooo item to the Jefferson hospital was a special annronriatinn conditioned upon that "institution maintaining absolutly free 100 beds ior a period of two years. in 1867 this Class of annrnnna- tions amounted to $578, 375; in i8y7 10 JM, 302, 54t, and 1907 investiga tion discloses that the State's bene factions to institutions not nnHer its control and purely local in char acter amounted to the enormous sum of $6,500,000, practically ia times as much as was appropriated jn 1077. kji tne annual appropria tions in 1907 $4,400,000 was for maintenance and 100.000 was for buildings. From Limited Resources. The result of the investigation of appropriations prompted me to as certain what the revenues of the State during the different neriods quoted and what the precentage of increase was in them. In 1877-78 net State revenues were about $13,- 000,000; 1887-88, $17,500,000: I897-Q8, $27,000,000: IQ07-O3. $44,000,000. From this it will be seen that the State revenues in 10 veara from 1877 to 1907, multiplied a trifle over three-fold and aooronria. tions to institutions with which the State has no direct concern, have multiplied in the corres rn mli tier .. . . . r b iime viriuauy 50-toid. 1 nese facts suggest that the time is approaching, if it Vi as tint already arrived. . when revenues must be increased or this class of appropriations reduced. Wtlpatlon?. Why Ask your doctor if he approve this advice. New Spring Suits! Spring Suits have arrived! There's magic in that simple an nouncement for where's the woman who is not all eyes to see the new garment fashions f The Few Spring Soils Are Low Priced. A most remarkable feature about these handsome new models is their extremely lew prices. Your spring outfit will give you a bet ter service a much finer appear ance and yet cost you a small price. Catering to every taste we've gathered an assortment of choicest correct styles. Prices $10 to $35. Spring Suits ( Regularly $2000 I 5 Suits of hard twisted serge and striped worsted in black, blue, green, tan and gray. 36 inch hip less coats; slashed back, natch pockets, self button trimming, full satin lined; satin collar and cuffs; Skirt is Demi-Princess with self covered buttons down the front. All sizes up to 42. SUIT at $12.75 Of shadow stripe chiffon panama in navy blue, elect blue, green, tan, ashes of roses and gray. Coat 40 inches long, semi-fitting hipless cutaway front forming points on the sides, new small sleeves, lined throughout with satin: gored flare skirt with trimming of straps and self covered buttons. SUIT at S26.SOA a h long of striped worsted, slashed back and sides, inlaid bengalme silk collar; large flap pockets, trimmed with but tons, lined with taffeta silk; plain 1 1 gore demi-Princess skirt. At $6.00 to $14.00 Junior Suits for the little Misses in sizes 11, 13, 15 and 17 years. Made of shadow stripe pan ama and fine serge in navy blue, gray and green, semi fitting hipless coats, gored and pleated skitt. SUIT at $27.00 A strictly tailored suit of French Serge; 4 button cutaway; single breasted (just a slight cut away effect;) lined with taffeta silk; new small sleeves Demi Princess Skirt With inverted plait at sides. SUITS at $20.00 Of chiffon panama in blue green and black; graceful semi-fitting hipless coat 36 inches long single breasted, new small sleeves and trimmed with satin piping; gored flounce skirt. F, P. PURSEL. BLOOMSBURG, JUST A REMINDER! Here is a list of some of the printed goods and blank stock that can be obtained at the QQlumhiam Priming Home Perhaps it may remind you of something you need. ENVELOPES HEADINGS CARDS (URft fvIdNfv N Admittanct For Rent, J or Sale, Pott H.iftlJ ftUlllfl No Bills, Trespass Notices, &c. IN RAAKfv Adminiitrator'' Executor's, Treasurer's Receipt VVVl Books. Plain Receipts, with or without stub, Note Books, Scales Books, Order Books, Etc. HAND RII.I.S-Printed in any size from a ,a" iliilli Dllllik dodger, up to a full Sheet Poster. BOOKS AND WL BE PLEASED TO SHOW P Wmfm SAMPLES OF THESE AND kMirnilh 1 1 ALL OP OUR WORK. MISCELLANEOUS I ptP a 9ur Stoc Includes : ut Lards, all sizes, Sriirr.; t spfcktve'05' MenU3' ances. Societies and U Engraved. v"atons ana Announcements, Printed or ViS"0ra m Always Welcome. No Obligation to Purchase. We Do All Kinds of Printing Columbian Printing House, "wyiYiaauRQ, PA. up 11 ii PENN'A. All sizes, Commercial, Professional, Insur. ance, Baronial, Pay, Coin, Letter Heads. Note Heads, Bill Means, State merits, in many grades and sizes. r " ' Business, Visiting, Announcement, Admission Ball Tickets, Etc.