The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 11, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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A Double
Mentor blake lltiislieU sweeping the
snow from her front porch and then
looked dubiously lit the huge (lr.'fts
lying ncros tlio road und Hluty sky
"They won't come," Bhe assured
bersflf. "Cousin Kinina'll never ven
ture out such a day as this. It'll bi!
the -first Christmas I've ever spent
alone." She sighed unconsciously as
she re-entered the silent house.
Mrs. ltlake lived in the outskirts of
the village of Clli'ton. She kept a
boy to do the chores, had a cow and
chickens and lived In a comfortable
way on a tidy Income. She was "Aunt
Hester" to all the young people of her
acquaintance, which was coiioiderahle,
for she was popular, this worn vftiimn
of BO. Her sad, blue eyes and faded
brown hair had a compelling charm,
even under the rusty black hat which
she wore In winter and summer alike,
and when she smiled your heart went
out to her. You could have told her
your most Intimate troubles, sure of
a tender understanding and sympa
thy and that the confidence would go
no further.
The bright shiny little kitchen had
the Incipient smells of good thing for
dinner la It, and Mrs. Uluke set to
adding yet another savory odor.
"Might as well finish getting the
dinner, now I've started It," ran on
her low monotone. She talked to her
self for company. "Mercy me! sleigh-
bells!" hastily opening tho door,
"Charlie Brock and Klvlo Lee of all
people! Hurry in and I'll get you
some hot coffee. It'll heat you up.
Why Elvie what was your father
thinking of to let you ride out' In
such weather?''
"Father don't know anything about
It," faltered Elvie miserably.
Mrs. Blake's glance went from one
to the other as she poured the steam'
lng coffee. There were little humor
ous Indulgent .reases In her faca,
"You are running away," she said.
Elvira hung her head and began to
"Don't scold her, Aunt Hester,"
burst out Charlie. "It ' wasn't her
fault, I asked her to go."
"Well, what's she crying about?"
questioned Mrs. Blake, severely,
"Didn't she consent, or did. you carry
her away by force, Charlie?"
"Of course, he didn't," protested
Elvira. "I said I'd go but I wish I
hadn't. I was sorry right after we'd
started, and I I made Charlie stop
here Instead of going to the minister's,
I ought to go back home. I know fa
ther'll be worried," and her Up began
to quiver again.
"Well, he won't be worried long,"
said Charlie, turning from the win
dow. "He's coming down the road
Elvira sprang to her feet
"Don't let him come In, Aunt Hes
ter!" she cried excitedly. "He'll be
mad at Charlie!"
"Let him," fiercely from Charlie.- "I
.don't know as I care."
"Dont say anything hateful to him,1
pleaded, the girl plteoualy, "will you,
"Don't worry, Elvie," replied the
boy soothingly, "I won't hurt him."
"I didn't mean that," cried Elvie,
trembling and clinging to him, "I don
want him to hurt you!"
"Would you care, Elvie?"
Elvira sobbed hysterically, her face
against his coat.
"Of course I'd care" in muffled
tones "you know I'd care."
Meanwhile Mrs. Blake watched tho
floundering horse far down the road
"He'll be here directly," she warned
"you'd better get ahead of him."
But Elvie shrank back.
"I don't want to run away," she
walled, still clinging to her lover.
Over her head Charlie looked with
despairing eyes at the older woman
With swift determination to help him
the took the girl's trembling hands In
hers. "Elvie,". she demanded, "do
you love Charlie Brock?"
"Of course I do," answered Elvie
looking at her In surprise.
"Well, then, 1 don't know's I ought
to advise it, but your mother's dead
and your pa'U never let you marry
Charlie, because he's too poor; but
that's no reason for separating young
hearts. You've both got love and
strength, and Elvira, you're 24 an
ought to know your own mind. And
if you love Charlie and ain't got the
courage to stand up in front of , the
minister, why Jut stay here and let
your father take you bacK home. But
li you want to marry him, you'll go
now and have the words said before
your father can pull his horse out of
the drift and I'll get my wraps an
go with you."
As she disappeared into the adjoin
lng room, Elvira looked up into her
lover's faco. "I'll do it, Charli6," she
whispered. "Aunt Hester's right, sh
always 1b. I'll go wherever you go,
"On second thoughts 'I've deter
mined to Btay and have it out with the
squire," said Mrs. Blake, as she hus'
tied the young people out to the cut
ter and wrapped a warm rug around
the trembling girl. "Don t worry, El
vie, I'll make It all right with your
father. Mind you come straight back
here for your dinner," she urged, smll
lngly, as they drove rapidly away
But when Elvira's father faced her
at ber own fireside a few minutes lat
er there was no smile on ber tire
- face.
"Yes, I helped them," she said de
fiantly, breaking the silence of , 30
"It wMat your business," Squirt
Lee blustered, but she slopped l..
with quiet dignity.
"Yes, it was, Samuel. It i .
bustnoHS not to let iVivir,. i';i i ...
life as you t polled your:;, lor yo.i a.., i
beeif happy any l.i'jro'n 1 ha.. I
ain't myiti' that Klvu s n.ol'.n.r .
a woman, but ilm l.oid
wo people for each other anc". j.;,t.
them Into till J world to meet and i.iar-
ry and die together, and If they fj
against Ills planning they sufler."
lie started eagerly to speak, but
she went on rapidly.
I didn't have enough money for
you, and you shilly-shallied between
me and Ltda, and finally married her
without sityin' a word to anyone, nnd
so at last I married Isaac. He wan
a good husband." A sudden ' Impulse
of loyalty toward the dead Burgerl
within her.
"Hetty," a Joyous warmth breaking
nto the squire's voice, "Hetty, you
said you said 'any more'n you were.'
Do you mean that you've cared, too,
all thesso years? H.ive you, Hotly?"
with compelling eyes on hers.
'Yes," she answered simply. "I've
cared. And there hasn't been a day In
all theso years when I've seen you
growing harder and harder that I
ain't said to myself. 'He'd 'a' been
different If he'd married the woman
he loved.' Elvte's Just like you. She'd
keep Charlie off and on, and some day
she'd go and marry somebody else
and be miserable."
"I didn't mean her to bo miserable,"
the 'squire stammered slowly. A great
wonder held him fast. Was this tho
quiet, self-repressed woman who all
these years had sat across the aisle
from him every Sunday morning In
church, this slender, vibrant creature
tresibllng In the midst of her demand
for happiness for thU motherless girl?
Was this the woman whom he had be
lieved without feeling?
"Hetty!" he cried, and held out his
She took It and stood looking sadly
up at him.
"Hetty, I didn't think you cared
In that way, I thought you hated me
for the way I'd treated you after go
In' with you for two years. I never
thought you missed me as I've missed
you all these years, I'd give them all
only to live over the two happy years
when we kept company. How differ
ent" "You've remembered!" the widow
cried, and her wan cheeks flushed.
I'm very lonesome here, Samuel, but
I won't be any more when I know
you've remembered now go out and
put up your horse. Tommy away
for the holidays, an' I'm all alone.
The young folks 're coming back here
for dinner and you must Join 'em so
ciable like, an' forgive them for run
ning away."
"Hetty," pleaded the 'Squire, the
light of determination In his eyes,
"let's run away, too! My horse Is bet
ter'n Charlie's; we'll get to the par
sonage most as quick as they do.
Here, put on your wraps!" he com
manded. "No, no, Samuel," her face flaming.
"Mot after the way I talked it looks
as though I was hlntln' "
"We've wasted altogether too much
time a'rady, Hetty. Put this scarf
over your ears; It's ,too cold for a
"Oh, Samuel, we're too old to be so
foolish," she faltered.
"We're not too old to love," he as
sured her as he tied on the scarf.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
Acquitted of Murder.
In 1817 one Richnrd Thornton,
called to the bar of the King's Bench
charged with the murder of Mary
Askford, in open court threw down
his glove and defied his accuser.
Whereupon there was a pretty to-do.
Wnger of battle, it was supposed, had
died a natural death in the dark ages,
but Lord Ellenborough, after much
consultation of precedent, held that It
was still the law of England, and or
dered a field to bo prepared. Thorn
ton's accuser thereupon declining com
bat, the prisoner was discharged. Next
year Parliament passed an act abol
ishing this privilege of appeul to the
strong right arm.
Dead Flies Valuable.
Few people probably know that
dead flies have a commercial value. As
reported from London, they come an
nually In barrels to the English capi
tal, where they 'are sold at auction,
and finally serve as food for birds and
goldfish. They come from Brazil,
where they hover close above the sur
face of the Amazon River, and ar-.
caught in nets by the fishermen. Un
til recently a pound of dead flies cost
In London flvepence, but the growing
demand, for which there Is no corrc
sposiding supply, has increased the
price to a shilling and a half a pound.
Jackdaws and Bishops.
"The stronger churchmen you are,"
said the Bishop of London at the
meeting of the Church Reading Union,
"the better you get on with Noncon
formists." He had told 5,000 people
In America, among whom were many
Nonconformists, that the English
Church did not begin in the reign of
Henry VIII. The frogs In the mon.t
of Fulham Pnlnce and the Jackdaws
on the steeples of Fulham Church
laughed at the idea that it only began
then, for -they had seen bishops for 1 ,-'
300 years. (Laughter.) He looked to
the studentd of tho Reeding Union to
help In removing misunderstandings
and to bring tho facts clearly before
the great Nonconformist bodies.
London News.
Tailors Use Iron Cloth.
Iron cloth Is largely used to-day by
tailors for making the collnrs of coats
set properly. It Is manufactured by
a new process from the steel wool,
and has 'the appearance of having
been woven from horsehair.
It Has Not Been Traced to Disease of
the Brain.
Insanity Is not a disease of the
brain, because no anatomical Inves
tigation, microscopic or otherwise,
can show the least difference between
either brain t"ll or fibre of n per
son dying Insane and tho heatlhy
brain of one killed In nn accl lent.
But the same nbsejico of brain
changes Is noticeable In n whole ilis3
of Important chronic nervous diseases-
such as mlgrplne, neurasthenia,
hysteria and epilepsy. None of these
Bhows post-mortem any character
istic changes from normal brains.
Now, no one can tnlnlml.e the Im
portance of these nervous diseases.
Insanity alone Is serious enough.
When that dread spectre, appears,
there Is no getting used to It. Years
of familiarity with It, both In private
and In official irlatlons, do not lessen
my recoil from tho spectacle of a
permanent. Instead of as with
drugs a temporary, mental de
rangement. But It Is facts connect
ed with thes same Insanities pro
duced by drugH entering the blood
which awaken the hope that we may
find elsewhere than In tho brain the
cause, and therefore, with the cause,
the best treatment for this dreadful
affection, os well as also for the other
nervous diseases which causes no
brain changes. If the brain of a
man who has been addicted to Im
mense doses of opium for years still
shows In It no trace of this mlnd
dernnglng ajent, while chemlBtry
quickly filnds the reactions of this
drug In his blood, the mistake of
years on this whole subject begins to
come into view. It Is singular how
long the sway of that error has con
tinued, for even yet many physicians,
Including some neurologists, cannot
see the two sides of the problem.
The Ideal Diet.
! Too much food Is as bad as too lit
tle and occasions a waste of energy
and strength In the body as well as a
waste of nutritive material, says a
writer In "What to Eat." While In
the case of some foods as purchased,
notably meats, some waste Is una
voidable, the pecuniary loss can be
diminished, both by buying those
kinds in which there Is the least
waste, and by utilizing more careful
ly than Is ordinarily done, portions
of what Is usually classed as refuse.
Much of the waste may be avoided
by careful planning so as to provide
a comfortable and appetizing meal in
sufficient amount, but without ex
cess. If strict economy Is necessary,
the dearer cuts of meats and the
more expensive fruits and vegetables
should be avoided. With reasonable
care In cooking and serving, a pleat
ing and varied diet can be furnished
at moderate cost. It should not be
forgotten that dearness of a food
material depends not only on Its
market price, but also on the cost of
its digestible nutrients. It should
always be remembered that "the
Ideal diet is that combination of
foods which, while imposing the
least burden on the body, supplies
It with exactly sufficient material to
meet its wants."
Cause of leaves Clianne of Color.
When sao ceases to flow In the au
tumn, and the natural growth of the
tree ceases, oxidation In the leaves
takes place. Under this oxidation
thn leaves chance to red. or, with a
slight change of the condition, it
might be yellow or brown. This,
however, is only the chemical expla
nation. Life. or. as we would ay.
vital power, has to bear a part. If a
hnni-h Is entirely cut off from the
main plant, no change of color oc
curs. On the other hand, ir a Drancn
Is injured, though not entirely cut
off from the tree, a change pf color
takes nlace. even if it be mid-sum
mer. In other words, chemistry
alone cannot account for the bright
colors of autumn foiage; the mysteri
ous power we call life has to work
at the same time.
Home Life In fipnln.
No hosoltality can be more whole
hearted and far-reaching than that
which Mrs. Ellen Maury Slayden and
her husband enjoyed In Barcelona,
and of which she has written for the
"One of the prettiest things in
home life all over Spain," she .says,
"Is the natural and kindly way In
which the servants are made a part
of the family. In the don's house
the little maids often took part In the
conversation, spoke to the guests,
and asked them to stay longer; and
even the porters and kitchen visitors
popped their red-capped heads Into
tho door to tay the Spanish equivalent
for 'howdy' to the family, Just as old
negroes do In the Southern states."
Critical Eye for Babies.
The flve-year-old daughter of a
Brooklyn man has had such a large
r experience of dolls that she feels
herself to be something of a connois
seur in children.
Recently there camo a real live
baby Into the bouse.
When it was put Into her arms
the flvt-year-old surveyed it with a
critical aye.
"Isn't It a nice baby?" asked the
"Yet, It's nice," answered the
youngster hesitatingly. "It's nice,
but IU bead's loose." Lipplncott't.
Brazil's Modern City.
Situated In the middle south of
Brazil, the capital, Sao Paulo, hat a
' population of at least 260,000, and It
' much mora modern than any city in
' South America, excepting Buenot
J Arret.
Do yon
think vou
sion or trade
tile, and lav
lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring about a
cure in W per cent, of all cases. It is remedy prepared by Dr. K. V. Pierce,
of Buffalo, N. Y., whose advice i$ given free to all who wish to write him. His
great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice.
Don't he wheedled by a penny -grabbing dealer into taking inferior substi
tutes lor Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to be "just as good." Dr.
Pierce's medicines are of known conifosiTioN. Their every ingredient printed
on their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit
lorminrf drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Association, ISuflalo, N. .
To Destroy Mosquito Fits nntl Save
Inhabitants of Malarial Heclons.
C. Kenrlck Gibbons bus discovered
that all the pools and swamps In
Itarbadoes are stocked with swarms
of millions, a tiny fish which gets
Its name from its vast numbers and
which feeds on the larvae of the
Some specimens have been got to
England successfully and flourished
(here In the insect house at the zoo
hilcal gardens. Mr. Gibbons has pro
posed, that the mlUlons bo Imported
Into malarial districts, and his sug
M'Btlon has been acted upon with
happy results. The health board of
Antigua, another Island, being con
vinced of the useful part played by
theso fish In consuming moBqulto lar
vae, has arranged for their sys
tematic distribution throughout the
ponds and streams of the island.
Like tidings come from Jamaica,
whither a consignment of the fish
was sent not long ago. The secretary
of the agricultural society there
writes that the tanks at a certain
hotel are full of them and that he
has been Informed that there has
been a marked diminution of fever
round about, the millions evidently
accounting for the mosquito larvae.
They have also been sent to Colon
and British Guiana. It Is suggested
that these useful fish get a trial In
the malarial regions of Africa If, like
the malarial mosquito, the insects
which carry terrible diseases which
are endemic there pass the larval
stage of their existence In water.
The Swedish Consul at Frankfort
has discovered another small fish
named the blue-eyed which feeds on
mosquito larvae. At the request of
the Italian Government some are to
be sent to the Campagna, where so
much has been done in recent years
to diminish malaria.
N'ow Service From Niger to MedlCer
rur.ran A 1,000 Mile Desert Itoute.
Though a Journey across the Sa
!ara Is still an undertaking of some
magnitude, the pacification of the
central region by the French has
been wonderfully rapid during the
lust five years.
Removed as It seems from the ex-
it I n g Influence of events in Morocco,
nn 1 undisturbed Ty Senusslte pro
pp.gnnda, the French officers have
been able to establish frlepdly re
lations with the Tuareg and other
Berber tribes, and have organized a
chain of posts right across the de
sert connecting Algeria with French
West Africa. The route for the tele
graph has been surveyed and a "wire
less" installation Is being established.
Meantime, by the last mall from
Dakar the Governor of French West
Africa reports that he has instituted
a monthly service by couriers be
tween the Niger and the Mediterra
nean. The southern point of depart
ure will be the ancient town of Gao
on the Niger some two hundred
miles south of the rail head in the
Sud Oranasis. Intermediate posts
have been established at Agades and
the Ahaggar. Tlys oversight of the
new route covers fully 1,000 miles
of desert.
Much Is expected in the way of
accustoming tho wild tribesmen of
the Sahara to the new ordor of things
from the regular running of this ser
vice, and possibly some development
of trade may follow. But at pres
ent it will be useful chiefly as a
means of rapid communication be
tween tho French military posts. It
is intended that officers selected for
service in or returning home from
the Niger districts shall make use of
the transsaharan route, which will be
r.-.ore direct and less costly than the
journey from or to France via Sene
gal or Dahomey. Both horses and
camels will he used on the new ser
vice. pajisop H II uein J3HJ"1
si dnoB oil) ;i '5lliu ao uibo.i; oq on
-III v P"-11 'popaou sb joddad pun ix
ppy aqj om uibjis iuuu
isiioq jo moouis s eanixim eqi ujuu
ails pun qiojq jo uim jo joq Pub
lino euo ppB uairt !Xqoj; man noa
piiB jnou jo jibh b pun injuoodBoiqcf
.iA3 v pps pa.VionaX ojb iCain uaqA
-AMJiaj podiloqa jo siiq M6J b pua
XdlsaBd jo ipq 'uojuo jo eo8 W UI
Hooo tJannq J sinjuoodsaiq'Bj 13A9J
oaj liaut oiuuuueiu eqj ut "juiod u
-!Pq ot oj XiHinb Baq uib8b put
sja; em ppB uaqi 'jniod Sumoq
em J 11 'qiojo esaaqo eiqnop B
qanouq) aajBAV eqj npuiH I9bav em
m asuj pub i oj ejaqpa vtBca vm
lioqs Xub 9Aomaa 'sje8uu em ui aais
-Ko qsua eB) IsjaisXo jo aid B JIB"
jaAO joiu.vk pioa jo dno jrtiu; jnoj
u.x jo dnog j)s4q
Do You Feel This Way?
feel all tired out? Do yof. sometimes
hint can t work away at your profes
any longer P Do ou linvc a pr npe
awake nt nights urmb'e to sire;'.? Are
your nerves all cne, and your stain-tch too ? a:n
bitioti to forfle ahead in the world left you ? If do, yoti
miftht as well put a stop to your misery. You can i!o it if
you will. Dr. Pierce's (JolcJen Medical Discovery will
make you a different individual. It will set your lazy liver
to work. It will set things right in your stomach, and
your appetite will come back. It will purify your blood.
If there is any tendency in your family toward consumption,
it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after con
sumption has almost gained a foothold in the form of a
Owner Expects Also to Raise Gold
Fish and Guinea Plga.
mud turtle farm, which will alto
be devoted to the raising of mush
rooms, gold fish and guinea pigs, Is
the latest venture of the head of ont
of the big Western railroads. Presi
dent H. I. Miller of the Chicago and
Eastern Illinois It the man who bat
hit upon thlt novel form of diversi
fied farming at a relief from busi
ness cares, and he intends Incidental
ly to show the farmers of the grain
belt that 200 acret of terrapins and
guinea pigs will pay bigger dtvidendi
than even 80 cent corn.
The farm it located at Barrlngton,
a suburb of Chicago, and It a tract
of rolling timbered land. Numeroua
lagoons and roads are being dug at
various points on the property and
an elaborate system of Irrigating
ditches will be established. The
guinea pig yards will cover several
acres and,Mwlll be the largest It Is ex
pected 1 ' the country. The mush
rooms will be allowed to grow wild
wherever they will in marshy spots
and damp nooks in the woods.
With the starting of the farm
comes to light some Interesting facts
about a little known industry. It
la estimated that over 10,000 turtles
are consumed annually In Chicago
restaurants. Some of them are ter
rapin, but the greater part are mud
turtles, soft shells and snappers. The
demand for mushrooms Is enormous.
Derivation of Chauffeurs.
Chauffeurs literally "firemen"
existed long before there were auto
mobiles. About tbe year 1795 there
sprang up In France, principally In
the eastern and central regions, fantastically-dressed
men, with their
facet blackened with soot and their
eyet carefully concealed, who gained
admittance to farmhouses and other
Isolated dwellings at night and com
mitted all kinds of depredations and
outrages. They bad an atrocious
habit, from which they obtained the
name that posterity has preserved for
them. They first garroted their vic
tims and dragged them in front of
a great fire, where they burned the
soles of their feet. Then they de
manded of them where their money
and Jewelry were concealed. These
were the first "chauffeurs."
Earthquakes as Warnings.
The belief that earthquakes are
signs or warnings owes its origin In
part to prophecies In the Bible,
where, for example, we read that
"there shall be no famines and pestil
ences and earthquakes" as portending
future calamities. Earthquakes have
led to the abolition of oppressive tax.
atlon, the abolition of masquerades,
the closing of theaters and even to
tbe alteration of fashion. A New
England paper of 1727 tells us that
"a considerable town In this province
has been so far awakened by the aw
ful providence In the earthquake that
tbe women have generally laid
aside their hooped petticoats."
Why China Has Few Trees.
Frank N. Meyer, the scientific ex
plorer for the government In his re
cent penetration of China, saw farms
that had been under Irrigation since
before Columbus discovered America.
To the credit of the pasan priests, bo
it said, all forms of plant and tree
growth were cherished and encour
aged around tho temples. Tho priests
gave Meyer what Information they
could. The extent to which forest
devastation has gone In China can
be Inferred from the fact that the
Chinese have rooted and grubbed out
every vestige of tree growth the size
of your finger above the graves of
their revered ancestors.
Ulrtelloei wllk rath Vial IB rin Lwif uaff.
English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
No. i'OR Price
1. PeYera, Congestions. Inflammation. 35
9. Worms, Worm Krver. or Worm DlMmae .'.JS
3. 4'olU. Crying and Wakefulness of lufuuts-2A
4. Ularrliva, ot Children and Adults 'H
5. Dyseutttrv. Unplugs, Illllous Collo 25
T. t'ouuhs, Colds, Bronchitis 2S
H. Tootlinrhe, k'aoeache. Neuralgia 44
9. HoaiUrliu, Sluk Headache, Vertigo 2ft
10. Uvsuepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach 25
13. ('roup. Hourse Cough, Laryngitis 23
14. Halt l hrum, Eruptions, Krysluela 25
15. Klieuiiiiillsiii, or Klieumatlo Pal us !S
10. Fryer and A sue. Malaria 23
IT. files, Blind or Bleedlug, External, Internal. 23
18. Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eyes 45
10. Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In Head 25
20. W hooping Cough, Spanmodlo Cough it.)
21. Aslhnin.Oppresaed, Difficult Breathing 'J 5
ST. Kidney IMaeasn, Gravel, CalcuU 25
Nervous Debllllv. Vltul Weakness 1.00
20. More .Moulli, Pevor Sores or Canker 23
30. t'rlnary Incontinence, Wetting Bed S3
31. hore Throat, Quinsy and Diphtheria .23
83. Chronlo Congestions, Headaches 25
77, Grippe, Hay reverend Summer Colds.... 25
A small nottle of Pleasant Pellets, fits the vest
pocket. Sold by druggists, or. sent on receipt ot price.
Medical Book sent free. ,
WUUaut aud Aim Streets, New York.
Cuiumuia ti. Montour li. tty.
June I 1904, and, until tf.atlhtt, ilea.
Cart leave Bloom for Espy , Aim, dia, Liar
Ridue. Berwick and inteimedmit plt
A. M. l:oo, 5:40, 6:2ot 7:00, 7:4048:2
9.00,9:40, 10:20, ll:oo, 11:40.
P. M. I2:2o, 1 soo, 1:40,2.20,1:00, 3:40
4:20, 5:00, 5:40, 6-JO, 7:00,7:40 ,8:ao, -
(9:40) 10:20 (IliOO)
Leaving depart from lirrwic) ont bn;
fromtimess giver, nbove, con nttm ,
6:ooa, m
l.fflvp lllnnm f,.r CnlnnuM A l ...
6:15,17:00, t8:oo, 9:00, tlO:CO,
1 i;uu.
I'. M. t:0O. tl:0O. 1:00. A-.OO. C:nn. t-t. .
f7:Oo, 8:00, 9:00, to:2o, (il:oo)
arsreturninguepart trom IPtawista at
miuvtesf rom time a giver, above.
First car.'lenvcs MnrkeljSquaie for bt rwick
on Stindnys at 71CO a. m.
Kirst tarifor Cntawissa Sundays 7:r.o. m.
First cur from Hcrwick for lilocm Sun(js
leaves at 8:00 n. 111
First car leaves Cntawissa Sunday at
7 30 n. m.
TFrom Tower Houfe.
Saturday niht only.
fl R. R. Connection,
Superintend eat.
Blooinsburg & Sullivan
Taking1 Effect Feb'y 1st, 1008, 12:05 n. m.
A.M. r.M.
t t
Bloomsburfj Dlt W... 9 00 2 87
Hloomsburg P ft R 9 02 2 89
Paper Mill 9 H 9 ti
I.lKht Street 9 IN 1 5s
Orangevllle 9 gs g 03
Forks 9 36 S 13
Zaners f.i 40 13 17
Hi ill water 9 48 8 s
Benton 9M 8 S3
Kdaons HOOVES 87
Coles Creek 10 08 8 40
Laubachs 10 08 J9 4S
Grass Mere Park floiO J 47
Central 10 is 3 62
.lanilHon Cltv u 10 is S ns
A. It;
5 IS
5 0
7 08
7 SO
8 It
8 M
6 IS
a m
5 84
6 43
6 67
7 oa
7 13
j IT
'1 111
7 81
J7 8
7 1
7 45
A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. A.M.
t t f
JamlsonClty.... 8 SO 10 48 4 85 7 09 Jilt
Central 58 10 61 4 88 7 Of 49
Grass Mere Park f 01 Ml 00 n 47 rr 12
Laubachs. jn 08 ll 02 ft 48 Jl 18 11 M
Coles Creek I 12 II 0 4 58 fl 22 12 M
Kdaons 14 111 09 f4 6 rt 24 UH
Benton 6 18 11 18 6 00 II lM
Stillwater. S 1121 5 0S 7 88 12 44
Zaners r 85 ni29tl7 f7 45 lit
Forks 89 11 1 6 21 7 49 1H
Oi nKPVIUe...... 5 50 11 42 611 6 0S 1 If
Light Street 1 00 11 50 1 89 8 1 0 1 41
Paper Mill T 08 11 68 6 42 8 IS IN
Bloom.PftK ' 8.2 2M
Bloom. DLtW. 7 20 1210 8 00 8.80 til
Trains No 21 and 22 mixed, ecoad class,
t Dally except Sunday, t Dairy t Hondas
only, t Flag Mop. W. C. 8NTBKR,8upl.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac
Anyone sending a sketch and description nay
quickly aacertnlu our opinion rraa wneiner au
Invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions atrtctlyconOdentlal. HANDBOOK on Patent
sunt free. Oldest alienor for securing patents.
PniHiits taken tbroujih Muun t Co. recelvt
iptfiat notice, without eWee, In the
Scientific American,
A handsomely lllnstrsted weekly. TJtTsest etp.
dilation of any sclent lllo Journal. Terms, as a
year; four months, L Sold by all newsdealer.
MUNN & Co.86'" New York
Branch OIBoe. 626 F St, Washington, D. C
Ladlesl Ask year 1
(hl-ehee.ter'e Dlasi
rills In Hr and t
poies, sealed with
Take o elker. Bur er Tear w
Irraawtat. Atk lnf;III.f fKM.1pTBrBl
years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
ClMriMW and bftiitifVea Ui bate
rrnmotef luxuriant growth.
Nov or Fail to Best or Qrwj
Hair to Its Youthful Color.
Curei tralp digram ft hair faUuifw
-WV.and $1 "Oat Drugging
5 UliiWiiu uruii'ilii wr
l rt o n lvi ti, iuw U, ot'tulii p-1 'i--, ir ul-. :
cvy'iaiinar, IN , L 7 O : I N 7 ft I !" S .
2 JiitAtHt'st direct Uk U &hitfg:o jt;v. tims
tnonty an J often the patent.
Patent end !nf'-!n;pm.inl Prattles Ixc'uiWy.
j ii V rilL or oh lie tu at
4'. 023 Kintit firrmtt, opp. Uuitcl PUUt ?rletu 0 fit
.1 t ysg ai
t. " 7. yy-s i
Is quxkly a!) .'.n;-; '.
Gives Relic! at Once,
It clcunc, roi:
llt-uls nuil jimtiX'U
thu menu
braue rcsullin from
CiUunU ami tlrivrs
invnv r. hi (l.o
1W. .inieUy. lie. mM kfrilLfO
storuu the Kuuxtsof ,lr i bl tM
Titsta iiml Knit'll. Full sitt 50 els., atiiru.
f.'its or by limil. In l:c;uM form, '5 iiut.
tly lliothois, DO Wuiiou fcJtroot, New York.
ra4at for a
Hold eiMaiiicW
Blue Rlbboav VX
U a
I &3L2e
f WASHINGTON.'.'?. fa
r I