The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 11, 1909, Image 1

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    'itui v
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AO 10.
Open a bank Account Have a Check Cashed
Borrow Money, or Make an Investment
The Farmers National Bank
Capital, 860.OOO Surplus 8100,000
N. U. Funk C. M. Crkvkmno C. A. KtKiM
C. W. Runvon Dr. J. J. Brown M. Miixeiskn
3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Handsome Offices lor Columbia Power, Light
and Railways Company.
News has cone out from Hazle-
ton that the Harwood Electric
Light and Power company in a few
days will sign a contract 10 iurnisn
current for electric light and trolley
companies of Columbia and Mon
tour counties.
The Harwood Electric Light and
Power company, it is reported, will
run a line through Nescopeck to
Berwick. This will give the larm
ers along the route a chance to in
stall electricity in their bouses and
barns and enable them to operate
their machinery with power.
Elaborate offices will be fitted up
for the Columbia Power, Light and
Railway company. The new quar
ters are iu the Mover building.
The plans provide for woodwork
and fctruiture that will be among
the finest in this section. The
woodwork of the side-walls and
counters will be of mission finish
and is being prepared by A. B
Hartman of Bloomsburg.
There will be large display win
dows, in which will be exhibited
electrical and small gas fixtures
Directlv within the doors will be
located the waiting room for the
various trolley lines, in which will
be placed settees for the use of pas
sengers. A space in the front cor
ners will be given over to the dis
play of gas ranges and electrical
The offices will contain a tele
phone sw tchboard with private
connection throughout the various
trolley lines as well as to the
various plants and offices.
The counter of fumed oak will
contain at the front a opiate glass
top. The various departments will
be enclosed by wood and glass par
titions, the offices of the cashier,
auditor, railway superintendent,
gas superintendent, electric super
intendent and the general manager
utilizing the space. All the parti
tions will be panelled in wood to
the height of four feet, with glass
panels above.
The second floor will be given
' over to a handsomely furnished di
rectors' room and a room for storage
purposes. In the basement will
be a commodious room for motor
men and conductors.
The following auditors have re
cently been appointed by the court
for the purposes named: . "
Fred Ikeler, Esq., was appointed
auditor to make distribution of the
funds in the hands of V. P. Davis,
executor of William S. Hirlinger,
John G. Freeze, Esq., was ap
pointed auditor to make distribu
tion of the funds in the hands of
Rev. Father Murphy, executor of
Rev. Daniel Sullivan, deceased.
Frank Ikeler, Esq., was appoint
ed auditor to make distribution in
the estate of M. O. Bowman, deceased.
A week of
been decided
Bible Union, beginning March
sand. Fred Ikeler Esq. and proba
bly other speakers will address the
. .
Mrs. G. E. Wilbur made an ad
dress to the Sunday School of St.
Paul's M.E. church at Danville,
last Sunday afternoon.
The county commissioners passed
a resolution two weeks ago, in
which they decided to appoint a
commission of nine public spirited
ousiness men of Columbia County.
and request that they act as a com
mission, to serve without compen
sation, to investigate the finances
of the county, and outline a polLj
for future conduct of the finances
This resolution manifests a desire
on tne part ot tue commissioners
to get right on the financial situa
tion, aud to stay right if possible
The proposition to appoint such
a commission does not seem practi
cable, mainly because of the diffi
culty in nuding nine competent
Dusiness men wno would be willing
to accept such an appointment, and
perform tne labor without compen
But even though the men so ap
pointed would consent, it would
seem' unnecessary, for such a com
mission coma arrive at only one
conclusion, and that conclusion has
already been reached by the county
commissioners in their decision to
raise the county tax rate this year,
The county has a debt now of
$219,643.38. This big sum has
been created largely by the building
of bridges. Except for the law
providing for the erection of bridg
es by the state, there would now
be no bridge at Berwick or Cata
wissa, or the debt would be very
much larger.
The estimated expenses of the
county for 1909 is $102,158.00, in
eluding bonds and interest falliug
due. ran ot the bonds can, no
doubt, be renewed. But the debt
ought to be reduced, and the county
has but one way to do it, and that
is by taxation.
To increase the tax rate is an un
popular act, but it has been forced
upon the commissioners, and there
was nothing else for them to do.
If the debt is to be reduced to any
appreciable extent, the tax rate
will have to be still further increas
ed in the very near future.
About the only policy that can
be suggested is to take up some of
the maturing bonds with a new is
sue so scheduled that a few of them
will mature each year, and so on,
each year, until all the present out
standing series shall mature and be
rebonded, and in the meantime
make a tax rate that will produce
an income suuicieut to pay the in
terest on all the bonds, take up a
few of the bonds annually, and pay
the current expenses of the county
No commission can suggest any
way by which the county debt can
be paid without money, and no
commission can suggest any other
way of raising money for county
purposes, except by taxation. That
is the only solution to the problem,
and unpopular and undesirable us
we may all consider it, it is what
we shall have to come to, sooner or
The burial services of the late
Captain J. B. Robison were held at
the house last Saturday afternoon,
special services has !? 'f wt Berwick
upon by the Men's Th. were a uumber
of beautiful floral offerings, includ
ing a pillow of roses and caruatious
by the Sous of Veterans, of town,
and a large wreath by the Bar As
sociation. The pallbearers were:
C. A. Small, Wm. Chrisman and
Clinton C. Herring, of the Bar As
sociation; and Alexander Cohen,
Charles Fornwald and B. F. Sharp-
less, of the Union Veteran legion
""American Bjr.ks are most carcfulSylj
. 1 " W
On tlis cturactcr of llic directorate of a
Bnk and Its management rests public
confidence necessary to its success.
rneMl:The directors of this Bank are
forever devoted to its interests,
; ; Til
On Death olCapt. Robison.
At a meeting of the Columbia
County Bar Association, held in the
Court House Saturday afternoon,
the following resolutions, as a trib
ute to the memory of Capt. J. B.
Robison, were drawn up and caused
to be spread upon the minutes of
the Association:
To the President and members
of the Columbia County Bar Asso
ciation: On Tuesday, March 2nd, 1909,
after a useful and honorable life,
Captain J. Boyd .Robison, a mem
ber of the Columbia County Bar
Association, died at his home in
A son of William and Betsy
Robison, born in Bloomsburg,
January 3d, 1838, where he spent
his early fyouth. He was educated
in the public schools, private acad
emies, graduated at Lafayette Col
lege, and subsequently read law,
first in the office of Jason T. Gieb-
ner, Esq., afterwards with James
H. Robison, Esq., Mercer, Penna.,
and was admitted to the Bar of
Mercer County November 17th.
While a student at law the Civil
War broke out and he was the first
man from that county to enlist,
was wounded at Second Bull Run
and was discharged, because of dis
ability, December, 1862. June,
1863, he re-enlisted, becoming
Captain of Company H., 35th regi
ment. He served-with distinction,
saw much active duty aud was
confined in Libby Prison for more
than six months, and at the close
of an honorable military career he
returned to Mercer count v, where
he served as District Attorney.
He returned to Bloomsburg in
1867 and from that time until the
date 6f his death was actively en
gaged in the practice of his chosen
His high sense of honor and his
fidelity to his clients caused him to
be held in high esteem by his fel
low members of the Bar, while his
active interest in all matters per
taining to public affairs, made him
man of force and influence in the
tfour committee offers this brief
tribute to the memory of Captain
Robison to be spread upon the
minutes of the Bar Association and
filed of record in the Court.
A. W. Duy,
H. Mont. Smith.
II. A. M'Killip,
Bloomsburg, Pa., March 6th, 1909.
The annual meeting for the elec
tion of officers of the Bloomsburg
Wheelmen was held at the club
house on Tuesday evening when
the following officers for the en
duing year were elected: President,
George M. TustinjVice President,
Prof. J. W. Goodwin; Secretary,
Harry, Acheubach; Treasurer, W.
C. Snyder; Librarians, S. F. Pea
cock and W. E. Johnson; Audi
tors, C. N. Nagle, H. S. Barton
and John A. Whitney.
The old Board of Governors was
reelected as follows: A. W. Sharp
less, John M. Clark, Fred Beglin
ger, F. R. Carpenter, W. S. Reed,
F. H. Wilson and C. T. Vander-slice.
S. R. Mason, the oldest practic
ing attorney in Mercer county cele
brated his eighty-second birthday
on ivionaay. Mr. Mason has prac
ticed law continuously for 57 years
In 1878 he was the Greenback can
ornate tor Governor, and made a
notable canvass, receiving 8758
votes. Mr, Mason is the picture
ot pertect nealtn and has erown old
gracefully, bidding fair to celebrate
many more natal days. Ex.
Col. Freeze of Bloomsburg is in
his eighty-fourth year and has been
piacucing law in mis town since
April 1848, and is now in the sixty
second year of professional life
He is the President of the Bar As
sociation, arid takes an active in
terest ana part in au things pro-
The B. S. N. S. Orchestra and
Choral Club will give a concert iu
Normal Auditorium, on Saturday,
March 13th, at 8:15 P. M.
The orchestra includes thirteen
instruments and the choral club
las 90 voices.
Admission 15 cents. The
gram opens at iiidlemau s
Thursday, March 11.
Seventeen new members
aririrH tr Mn'i AHnir Ttihlp 1 of which the deceased was a metn-
Class at the M. E. church lastjber. Interment was made in the
Sunday morning. lAltnedia cemetery.
W. Dosh Holloway, a promi
nent resident of Danville, and well
nown iu Bloomsburg, died at his
lome last Sunday, after aa illness
of thirteen weeks. His age was
forty four years He served in the.
Twelfth Regiment in the Spauish
American war, aud after that was
elected first lieutenant of Co. F.
Twellh Regiment for a time until
he resigned.
Evangelical Appointments.
The Central Pennsylvania con
fereuce of the, United Evangelica!
church held at Lewistown during
the past 'week made the following
appointments tor this district.
Lkwisburg District.
J. W. Messinger, presiding elder.
Berwick, Bower Memorial I.
Berwick, North E. D. Keen.
Berwick, West E. Fulcomer.
Bloomsburg E. B. Bailey.
Buffalo Circuit J. D. Stover.
Columbia Circuit F. H. Foss
Danville VV. N. Walils
Dushore H. R. Wilkes.
Espy J. O. Biggs.-
Lewisburg J. A. Holleubaugh.
ivopez j. m. King.
Luzerne Circuit R. S. Daubert.
Milton A. F. Weaver.
Milton Circuit I. M. Pines.
Nescopeck L. M. Dice.
Nuremburg J. Womelsdorf.
Ransom L. Dice.
Scranton W. E. Peffley.
Soues-town J. H. Hertz.
Unity .'ille Mission John M.
West Nauticoke G. W. Frey.
L. A. Harris and F. F. Maver.
members of Unityville quarterly
conference; S. Aurand, Berwick,
Bovver Memorial quarterly confer
ence; S. M. Smith, Buffalo Valley
quarterly conference; W. I. Statu
bach, missionary to China, Milton
quarterly conference.
II. Bruce Clark and C. A. Cas
well received their handsome new
White Steamer automobiles last
Miss Ella Watson has gone to
Amsterdam, N. Y., where she has
taken charge of the millinery de
partment of a large store.
1 f L
Bring Her With Yout
WOMEN know better than men what is good qua
lity in Cloth. They know a pure wool fabric
when they see it, and they have good taste too
in the selection of fabric, design and color. That is why
ve like you to Bring Her With You when you want
to buy a new suit or overcoat. Ask for the International
genuine all wool line, and put the question of worth to
her. International quality can stand the severest test
aye-the test even of a bargain-hunting lady.
A large and choice se
lection of woolens to
choose, from. You can
have any style cuff
on the sleeve, any
style pocket in the
coat, and any style
trouser you may want
Prices range from
$12.00 for a Business
Suit to $40.00 for a
Dress Suit.
Every piece of cloth
used guaranteed all
Come in, Look
Over This Line