The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 28, 1909, Image 1

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    ?1L O OMSB UR G, PA., Til URSDA Y JANUAR Y 28, 1909.
NO 4
VOL 43,
Open a bank Account Have a Check Cashed
Borrow Phoney, or Make an Investment
The Farmers National Bank
Capital, S60.O0O Surplus $100,000
C M. CllBVKrjIN'G, Pres. M. MILLKISKN". Cashier.
f t xrvuo N. U. Funk
W. L. Whitk C. W. Runvon
3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Coleman Named for President ot Council.
The Democratic caucus for the
nomination of town officers was
held in the Town Hall last Friday
night. The attendance was unus
ually large, as there were 340 votes
County Chairman James II. Mer
cer called the caucus to order, and
he was then upon motion made per
manent chairman. Prof. J. H.
Dennis and Christian A. Small
were named as secretaries.
Mr. Mercer then declared the
nominations open for the office of
President of town Council. Fred
Ikeler placed James II. Coleman's
name before the caucus. .He said
he desired to name a man who had
served his town faithfully and well,
a man who was not seeking the
nomination and who, if he follow
ed his own inclinations, would not
accept it. The name was received
with cheers, and the nomination
was made by acclamation.
On motion of J. S. McBride the
chairman appointed a committee,
consisting of John R. Townsend,
Jas. H. Mercer, Gerald Gross, C
E. Welliver, Dr. Altmiller, and H.
B. Sharpies, to notify Mr. Coleman
of his unanimous nomination and
request him to accept it.
Harry Stees made a motion
which -was carried that in cases
where more than one person was
nominated for an office all the
names be placed on one ballot.
Chairman Mercer then said he was
ready to receive nominations lor
members of Council.
The names of Harry Rulon. Wel
lington Kashuer and Arthur B.
Naylor were rapidly presented.
There being no others they were
nominated hv acclamation.
For School Director, Fred Ikeler
woose term ends, was nominated
bv acclamation to succeed himself.
For tax collector there was a
contest between L. M. Sleppy and
F. D. Dentler. The vote was as
follows: SleoDV 202. Dentlei 138.
For the office of Justice of the
Peace Tohn G. Harman in a neat
speech in which he eulogized Clem
K. Weiss for the able and nonesi
manner in which he had Derformed
, the duties of the office during his
present term placed him in nomi
nation for re-election.
Geo. W. Sterner was also nomi
nated, and the vote stood, Weiss,
M2. Sterner.
On motion of F. J. Steiber the
permanent organization was em
powered to fill any vacancy which
might arise on the ticlcet nomina
The voters of the different elec
tion districts then went to different
corners of the room to make their
district nominations.
The result is aa follows:
First ward Judge of election,
C. C. Furman: iusDector oi elec
tion, Grier Quick; registry assess-
er, w. w. Barrett.
Second Ward Judge of elec
tion. finnrcrp Rplicr won over
Charles Welliver by a vote of 25 to
10; inspector, .Nicholas norer, reg
istry assessor, Benjamin Burrows
won over Brady Belig by a vote 01
27 to 6.
Third Ward Judge of election,
Charles Gilmore; inspector, Peter
H. Freeze; registry assessor, D. F.
Fourth Ward Judge of election,
John Fry; inspector, Henry Knorr;
registry assessor, Roy Girton.
George W. Sterner has filed
nomination papers for the office of
Justice of the Peace in Bloomsburg.
He was defeated for the nomina
tion at the Democratic caucus by C,
R. Weiss by a vote of 152 to 147.
C. M. Crf.vki.ino C. A. Kleim
Dr. J. J. Brown
On Saturday morning the Court
made known the decision in the
several liquor license cases that
were held over.
These were granted:
Wm. A. Linden, Front and La-
Salle streets, hotel, West Berwick.
Hudson O. Kline, restaurant,
West Berwick.
Henry Schlanger, West Berwick.
Sue A. Gruver, hotel, Espy.
W. II. Snyder, Exchange Hotel,
Frank Remley, wholesaler,
Those refused were: ,
Jacob Keiper, hotel, West Ber
Stephen Fedorff, hotel, West
Joseph Samley, hotel, West Ber
wick, -v
C. Peters, hotel, West Berwick.
John Pavolowski restaurant, Bri
ar Creek.
Judge Evans declined to concur
in granting a license to Hudson O
Kline, declaring there was no need
for a restaurant license at that
The Exchange hotel at Blooms
burg has always been licensed, the
change in proprietors being from
father to son.
Claries L. Sands, who last Mon
day presented a petition to have the
license of his step son, Robert
Hunsinger, revoked, presented a
petition seeking to have his former
petition set aside stating he wasn't
able to substantiate the charges he
had made. The Court remarked
that evidently the family had soon
settled their scrap. The license
was granted.
In the matter of the application
of Patrick O'Reilly, of Centralia,
the license was held up, there be
ing a case pending against him for
violation of the liquor laws.
The following business was be
fore the court on Saturday:
In the suit in eauitv of Susan
Bilesky vs. Edward Fertile, upon a
petition presented Dy joun j. nar
man, Esq.. the time for the filing
nf the answer bv the defendant was
continued until first Monday in
In the matter of the public road
in Catawissa township near u. tt,
Fttterolf 's the exceotions to the re
port of the viewers were withdrawn
and the report allowed to be con
firmed absolutely with certain con
ditions. '
In the matter of the estate of
Charles Clewell, late of Catawissa
deceased, upon petition Lydia Clew
ell was appointed guardian of Bes
sie and Charles Clewell, miuor
children of the decedent. Bond to
be filed in the sum of $600 to be
approved by tne Dourt. upon pe
tition the said guardian was given
permission to sell at private sale the
interest of the said children in cer
tain real estate situate in the Boe
ough of Catawissa. Bond to fa
given in the sum of $600 to be ap
proved by the Court.
John Groh, aged 90 years, died
at his home in Espy last Saturday.
He had not been ill, and his death
was sudden.
He was engaged in boating on
the canal for many years. He was
born in Espy, and spent most of
bis life there. He is survived by
bis wife and the following children:
Parvin T. and William P., of Ber
wick; Walton R. and Mrs. H. C.
Waples, of Espy.
The funeral took place on Tuesday.
7? $i '- Money begets money. vXJ-i A
W i
X 4 AstU magnetic polcstti-acfe lU I' ? "V,"
YVStS cor.tpasj' nsccllc, S3 :!r:s tnancy j' Vj
Xvt"-" ' : P'Jy sirj ta the p.o-jKrcus. i J- lyj
prfsMs mtau riakc Ki$ 3,:,'v-U pic ? eL
5$Y"-s$Tf - of your fUw.iJa! operations. flLT 1
VwAxl' IWeWaMt Your, AuJkl'
sSo A,,cl wm Hurve YoH Wt,h ' f
( LtM'Win- H. HIDUY, Cah, A Z. SCHOCH, PnnVsfjStofcw
- - Tl
A Former Reclor of St. Paul's Church.
Information was received here
on Monday by relatives, that the
Rev. Abel Augustus Marple died
at his home in Norristown, Pa., on
Saturday last at midnight, at the
advanced age of eighty-six years.
Mr. Marple was the Rector of
St. Paul's P. E. Church, Blo:ms
burg, from about June 1846, to
some time in 1848. He was the
Rectcr ot the Church at Wellsboro,
Pa., for some years, and of St.
Luke's Church, Scrantou. It was
during his incumbency there that
the present handsome stone struc
ture was erected.
After many years of active and
useful service there, he resigned,
and accepted the Rectorship of Old
Swedes' Church at Bridgeport,
Pa., where he remained until ad
vancing years and failing health
compelled him to relinquish active
work, and for the past few years he
had lived a retired life.
During his active days he was
one of the most prominent and best
known clergymen in the diocese,
and as we recollect, was for some
time President of the Standing
He married Miss Harriet N.
daughter of the late William Mc
Kelvy, of Bloomsburg, by whom
he is survived, and by the follow
ing children: Miss Mary, at home;
William, Superintendent of the
Water Works at Scrantou; Mrs.
Wills, of Norristown, and Charles,
a lawyer, in Manila, Phillipine
Islands. One son, Clark, is buried
in Rosemont Cemetery.
The funeral was held on Wed
nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
An examination of the balances
due the county on tax duplicates,
made the commissioners shows a
large amount uncollected. On the
1906 and 1907 duplicates there is
$5200 still standing.
The districts from which this
money is due is as follows:
Bloomsburg, 1906, $721; 1907,
$2 364 96; Centralia, 1906, $179.29;
1907, $266.96; Fishing Creek,
1906, $47; 1907, $200; Jackson.
1906, $185; 1907, $232.86; Ber
wick, 1907, $238; Catawissa, 1907,
$273-391 Center, 1907, $12.89;
Main, 1907, $367.40; West Ber
wick, 1907, $91.09; total, $5200.60.
There is also a considerable sum
due on the 1908 duplicates, but it
Is expected that a great deal of this
will be collected within the next
two mouths.
James Magee has decided not to
run for President of Council, but
will be a candidate for Member. He
has been elected several times, al
ways by a large vote, and will, no
doubt, succeed again. He has been
a valuable member, and if he and
C. W. Runyon, who is also an in
dependent candidate, are returned,
it is quite certain that the majority
of the council will not be composed
of men who can be controlled by
any one man, or by any set of men,
for their own purposes.
O. B. Ammerman, proprietor of
The Republican, has purchased the
E. C. Reynolds property on East
street, and will move his family
from Jamison City to Bloomsburg
The following deeds have -eceut-ly
been entered of record by Re
corder Frank W. Miller:
John II. Lewis and wife to E.
II. Myerly for 1x2 acres and 63
perches of l.:nd situate in Hemlock
W. W. Black, sheriff, to A. E.
Fetterman for a lot of ground in
the village of Montana.
A. E. Fetterman and wife to
Miles E. Kostenbauder for a lot 6f
ground in Aristes.
F. L. Regan and wife to Mary
A. Lauchner for 58 acres and 2
perches of land situate in Briar
creek township.
A. C. and F. Co. to trustees of
Calvary M. E. church for a house
and lot of ground on Orange street
in West Berwick.
Trustees of Calvary M. E.
church to Calvary M. E. church of
West Berwick for two lots of ground
in said borough upon one of which is
erected the church, and upon the
other a two-story frame dwelling
G. B. Appleman and wife to J.
E. Utl for house and lot of ground
in Rohrsburg.
Rosemont Cemetery Co. to T. C.
Fisher for a lot of ground in said
Aaron Hess Estate to A. J. Hess
for the undivided interest of the
parties of the first part to 30 acres
of land situate in Fisbingcreek
Charles Reichart and wife to W
f. ehner tor 10 acres and 155
perches of land situate in Main
Isaiah Levan and wife to W. P.
Zehner for 59 acres of land situate
in Main township.
Charles Reichart to W. P. Zeh
ner for 93)4 acres of land situate in
Main and Mifhin townships.
Charles A. Conner died at his
home on Fifth street Sunday after
noon at 2 o'clock. He had been
ill but a few days, and his death
was unexpected.
He was born at Central
in 1859, and engaged in farm
ing until about six years ago when
he moved to Bloomsburg, and sold
farming implements, and later was
sales agent for wind mills.
Surviving him are his widow and
two sons, Floyd, of Wilkes-Barre,
and Creasy, of town; also by the
following brothers and sisters: C.
E. Conuer, of Mount Clair, N. J.,
A. W. Conner, of Berwick; Mrs.
W. H. Kirkeudall, of Centre town
ship; Mrs. A. M. Musgrave, of
Scrauton; Miss Cora A. Conner, of
Centre, and Mrs. E. H. Stahl, of
The funeral was held yesterday
At the invitation of Mrs. Geo.
S. Robbins, the choir of St. Paul's
Church took a sleigh ride to Dan
ville on Saturday afternoon. It re
quired two large side seat sleighs
of Faus' livery to haul the party.
At Danville an excellent dinner
was served at the Montour House.
On their return home," about
10:30 o'clock, they drove up to
their hostess' residence on Normal
Hill, and after singing two hymns,
gave three cheers for Mrs. Robbins.
Eighteen persons were received
into the Methodist Church on pro
bation on Sunday morning.
Over Coat
The kind
that is always used,
and always stylish.
We Have That
Kind of a Coat
of a Coat