The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 03, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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iilE COI-UMlilAN:
i;l.OOMSHUR(. t'A
Tj 1 I I it I 'AY IX' KM I ! K K Ow
$4,500,000 for Pensions.
Slate Commille Will Have New Bill Intro
duced at Next legislature.
Ticking up tlic fight where it
was left off when Governor Stuart
vetoed the bill in 1907, the Slate
Pension Committee, of the Depart
ment Encampment of Pennsylvan
ia, O. A. R-. has drafted a new
soldiers' pension bill, which will
be introduced in the next Legisla
ture, and which calls for an appro-
priation of $4,500,000, the creation
of a Pension Board and a State
Commissioner of Pensions.
Copies of the proposed bill will
be mailed to Governor Stuart and
all members of the Legislature this
The proposed bill, in creating
the position of Commissioner of
Pensions, fixes the salary of the
office at fjooo annually; makes the
position one to be filled by appoint
ment by the Governor, and empow
ers the commissioner, with the ap
proval of the Tension Board, which
shall consist of three members at
$2$oo each, to appoint the follow
ing assistants
One chief cler. at $iSoo.
Two clerks, at $1200 each.
One stenographer, at $:ooo.
One messenger, at $900.
Necessary additional clerks, at
$900 each.
Three clerks to the Pension
Board, at 5 1200 each.
The Pension Commissioner, and
also the three members of the Pen
sion Foard shall serve for four
vears. Members of the board also
are to be appointed by the Gov
Under the provisions of the pro
posed bill pensions are to te pro
vided as follows:
"That any person who enlisted
in the army, navy or marine corps
of the United States between April
12, 1S61, and April 9, 1S65. and
served ninety days or more in the
war for the suppression of the Re
bellion, and who shall have been
honorably discharged therefrom af
ter such service, and v. ho shall
have been at the time of his entry
into the said service ;i resident
of the Commonweal' 1; wf Pennsyl
vania, and who is r. resident of the
Commonwealth, ui Pennsylvania at
the time of making application
therefor, sl.all, upon properly ap
proved application, hereinafter pro
vided, be entitled to and shall be
.raid a pension by the Common
.vealth of Pennsylvania at the rate
f six ($6.00) per month, payable
is hereinafter set forth; provided,
however, that 110 person shall be
--jititled to receive a payment of
lersiou under this act unless he
-hall have been a resident of the
Jcmmonwealth of Pennsylvania for
1 period of six months prior to
:uaking application therefor; and
hall have oeen a resident of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for
1 period of at least six months be
ore each pension-paying period
provided by this act."
The bill further provides that all
pplicatious for pensions shall be
iled w ith the Pension Board, which
ball have power to "determine the
ightofsuch applicants to receive
:ensious," Decisions of a major
.ty of the board "shall in all cases
e final as to the applicant, with
he right, however, on the part of
aid pension Board to reopen the
.onsideration of any application lor
ension, for the purpose of allowi
ng the applicant to submit new
vidence, of supplying deficiencies
n evidence that existed at the time
f previous consideration of the ap
lication; provided, however, that
Deafness Cannot Be Cured.
By local applications, as they
annot reach the diseased portion
t the ear. There is only one way
i cure deafness, and that is by
-.institutional remedies. Deafness
; caused by an inflamed condition
-."the mucous lining cf the Eus?
ichian Tube. When this tube is
.iflamed, you have a rumbling
und or imperfect hearing, and
.hen it is entirely closed, Deafness
the resu t, and unless the inflam
tation can be taken out and this
ube restored to its normal condi
011, hearing will be destroyed for
mer; nine cases out of ten are ecus
I by Cat.'rrh, which is nothing
ut an inflamed condition of the
aucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dol
us for any case ot Deafness (caus
d by catarrh) that cannot be cur
i by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send
or circulars, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Tills for
constipation. .
sani I
Vil', "l - ? nvy osmnh that
tf.-ju. ir.c $uipert tiy any
mc-Ol ni.ii cure loiiflhs
th'il cannot lc cured by any
ether r.jeillcinc.
It Is nlways the best
Cv;.:.;'.i c.ic. You cannot to Irlre chances on
ni:y oCIicr I in J.
Kr'.rrs balsam cure
coiijihi., bronchitis,
(irfp, r.f.'tv.riff consump
tian in UvhI slaves.
It dots not contain aIco
hoi, on turn, morphine, or
ny :jcr itnreolic, poison
ous or harmful drm.
any application twice refused by I
the said Pension Board shall not be !
again considered." j
ni.uc.-iio iu on .i.ri..-.H..c.ivi.I
H't.'VPC ntf t 4 rt. IVf'l DTP Dt V
Payment of pensions, the bill
provides, snail oe maue quarterly.
beginning with the quarter ending
rvuiu.ii j -:o, lyiu, iki uC r..i u.c
quarterly thereafter on the first day
aiarcn. jiine, cptemocr ana
December of each year. Pensions
..1.-11 .,..1.. 1,.,;., i, cr..f a.., t J
llttil villi utlilll un 111 iii.i via vi
1. . ' 1.. ' nf 1
cations for pensions shall be ac
cented or considered nrior to Sen-
tember t. iqoo. and that no nav-i
iVUbtT t. igOQ.ana that 110 pa-I
lent shall be nude for a portion of
quarter; "except in the case of
eath cf a pensioner already on the
death c.f a pensioner already
roll." All pavments shall be made
bv the Commissioner of Pensions, ,
bv warrants on the State Treasurer, 1
approved by the Auditor General.
In addition to the proposed ap-;
propriation of $4,500,000 to cover (
pension payments for two years,
beginning June 1, 1909, the bill
calls for $75,000 for salaries and
other expenses of the Pension Com- j
missioner and the Pension Board.
The Commissioner of Pensions, the
bill provides, is required to give
bond in the sum of $20,000. The
three members of the Tension :
Board will be required to give bond
in the sum of $10,000 each.
When Rubbers 8 . com Necessary
fliid ! theft ), A llen't fool-Knur, a jxxr
drr 10 Uf Aiikfi Info thr rhurti, t !ut tfu thing
t'tux. Try it for Break ing in AVtf J'inr. fiuiil
KtvruirtuTr. tit: Samnle FRKK. AS6rrm. Al-
fcti A. Ohnttfd, Lfllou, i. Y, Don't anvpl anu
tulmiUule. 1 l-i
New $5 Counterfeit.
Chief Wilkie. of the Secret Ser-1
vice, has announced that a new '
dian headl has been detected in
r, tl t
appearance in Providence, R. I. 1
The counterfeit note purports to be j
one of those authorized by the act 1
of Ati?. a. 1SS6. cheek letter n
face plate No. 2, back plate No. :
666 with portrait of Onenan.
" . : r -
Theolhcials declare it is a dan-!
serous photomechanical production
printed on one Piece of heavv bond
paper, but a detect in the plate giv
es the Indian chief a cross-eyed ex
pression. The blue closelv approxi
mates the eenuine in color, but is 1
badly printed, being course and
rough, with many broken lines. The
back of the note is a very deceptive
piece of work, and except for being
lighter in color, appears much like
the genuine. In the sample furn
ished Chief Wilkie there appears
to have been no attempt to imitate
the distributed si.k fiber.
Williamsport Commercial College.
Business, Snorlband and Pre
paratory school. Positions for
graduates. Winter term begirs
January 51I1. Catalogue and trial
lessons in bookkeeping and short
hand free. 75 lessons in writing
by mail for $2.50.
Walking about in his lot on
Tuesday, the 1st day of December,
Colonel Freeze counted twenty-one
full blown dandelions, not quite so
large as the earlier ones, but just
as beautiful and golden.
Famous Jigsaw Puzzles Free.
"The Philadelphia Press" is giv
ing away free every Sunday 200 of
the famous Jigsaw Puzzles for the
best solution to the puzzle which
appears in "The Press" every Sun
day, These Jigsaw Puzzles are the
latest fad and will amuse and enter
tain you for houis at a time. Ev
erybody is crazy about them. The
contest is opeu to everybody. Or
der "The Sunday Press" and read
all about theai and secure one of
the prizes.
Services are bting held every
night this week in St. Paul's
Church, from 7:3010 8 o'clock.
On Friday night Rev. J. W. Dig.
gles will deliver an address to men
and boys.
Wise and Otherwise.
"Voting Mr. U'.iins is think
ing of proposing. '' "Yes" 'an
swered Miss Cayenne; "but I
doubt if he will ever do so. Tl
only way lor a man to get courage
m such matters is to stop thinking
Washington .V.r.
A sin concealed is half pardoned
"More than five thousand cle
phants a year go to make our piano
keys, remarked the student board
er who had been reading the scien
tific notes in a patent medicine al
manac. "For the land's sake?
exclaimed the landlady. "Ain't it
wonderful some animals can
be trained to do ?" Chicago Yews
A sharper is a keen man with
dull conscience. Dallas News.
"Is the babv strong?" "Well
rather. You know what a tremen
dous voice he has?'' "Yes." "Well
. . ..
ue lltts tiiattive or six times an
houn" Tit-bits.
Mrs Xewed "Instead of giving
me pin moncV( my iiusband puts it
, the yav , s bak for me . . Mrs
oidwed- "Sort of safctv-nin 111011
ns ...rp "i;,MS a,..
. . - -
Guest. Any danger of fire in
this hotel? Elevator Boy No, sir
not unless you pay for it, sir. Syra
cuse eraa.
j,Vuu i ?uy, wan iiijj,
hcy tell me Cholly caught quite a
cold. donchcr-know." Augustus
" Ves. l,e went without his chrysan-
Adolphus "I say, deah boy,
themum one day
Brooklyn Citnen.
last week."
"How fast does a motor car take
you?"' "It depends on what you
mean," answered Mr. Chuggins.
"Over the roads it goes at the same
pace as most of them, but wh?n it
comes to running into debt it's got
'cm all beat " washiugton Star.
Some little, wretched, disagree
able duty comes which is your mar
tyrdom, the lamp for your oil; and
if you do not do it your oil is spill
ed. Philips Brooks.
First Almshouse Inmate All the
dishes and mirrors here is broke
Second Almshouse Inmate Sure,
they're broke. They wouldn't be
here if they wasn't. lfarpers
M rs. Jawback ' ' We never know
when to let well enough alone.
air. jawoacK 1 uat sngnt. 1 was
comparatively happy when I was
' ....
, V y0U 1 ,. , a Tol;,an
marries mm? oung .dow
Yes, it she expects to be kissed at
all. St. Louis limes.
A Kocxl reputation is a fair estate
t lay wngni u ny did you re-
,use 10 ,aKe. uiat part 111 my new
P" iveaaing iaay 1 Here are
1. t -1 . t
!ou ,cw c"araciers 111 Jt- 1 won 1
De 0Ile 01 an.v ve to divide the
! r
ctt;'- v-in-ago-i7. s.
Found S3600 In Gold.
Hunters Hor
Rabbits Uncover
Edward Woods and Thomas
Dickinson, lumbermen employed at
Keed s sawmill, at Oleopolis, 12
miles east of Oil City, took a day
off to huut rabbits last week and as
a result are nearly $4000 richer.
Incidentally, scores of men are
searching the hillsides near Oleo-
polis, hoping to duplicate the gold
en treasure discovered by Woods
and Dickinson. '
The two men were on ths track
of a rabbit which entered a hole.
While they were digging with the
ends of their guns they uncovered
an iron kettle filled with bright
gold coins. Woods and Dickiuson
hastily lifted the kettle and found
it contained $3600 in gold and $22
in silver.
The men carried the kettle with
its gold coins to the camp and ex
hibited it to their fellow-workmen.
Work was instantly suspended, the
lumbermen, together with drillers
and pumpers from near-by oil
leases, rushing to the spot indicat
ed by Woods and Dickinson, about
two miles from Oleopolis.
Old-time residents believe the
money was buried by Jchn Cald
well, an eccentric farmer, who died
in an insane asylum nearly 30
years ago.
Caldwell, who was a widower,
sold his farm for $10,000 during
the early oil development.
He withdrew the money from a
bank at Plummer, then a flourish
ing oil town.
Aged residents recall being shown
the mouey by Caldwell, but never
knew how he disposed of it before
becoming insane.
WANTED: Representative for
this territory to sell Best Automo
bile on the market Will furnish
Catalogs, etc., and take Demon
strating Car from Pittsburg for ex
amination. Prices $2500.00 to
focxx.oo 40 to 50 H. P. For fur
ther information address Box 1076,
Pittsburg, Pa. iwc,-2t.
Amu Gould Tirvi of Pi-inco.
May R'vWcd rumor Husband.
The Wotl I recently printed the
Prince-s Heliede Sagan. former
ly Miss Anna Gould, of New York,
will apply for a separation within
two months and will sooner or later
re-wed her first husband, Count
Boni dc Castcllane. The "World"
is informed 011 high authority.
The Maiquis de Castcllane, fath
er of Boni. told the "World ' tliat
Princess Anna's charges against De
Sagan resolve themselves into ten
distinct alienations, and are in brief:
First That while making vio
lent protestations of live to her
on the way to America he was in
constant communications with
Mile. Labrusse; that while the
Prince, Mine, Gould, her three
children and a tutor were in one
carriage en route to Havre, Mile.
Labrusse was in an adjoining ve
hicle. Second That he had disreput
able quarters while he was in
Buetms Ayres, South America.
Third That on the way back
from America he flirted publicly
with a little actress of New York,
who called him "Princey." .
Fourth That he still keeps two
sets of bachelor apartments, one on
Rue Cambon, the other on Rue
Filth That his name was disa
greeably mentioned at the obse
quies of a former friend.
Sixth That she fears for the
safety of her children among De
Sagan's attendants.
Seventh That he failed to use
properly money she gave him for
settling oills from Poole, the tailor,
and other annoying tradesmen.
Eighth That he insisted on de
ceiving lus cousin, uaron oe lieau-
Ninth That he was "cut" at
George's American bar on Rue
Cambon by such fashionab'es as
Marquis de Ganay, Henry Ridge
way and others, who refused to al
low the Prince even to throw dice
with them.
Tenth That though the Prince
promised her the highest social
standing, distinguished people like
Duke de Luvnes, Duke d Uze,
Duke de Morny and Duke de la
Rochefoucauld refuse to speak to
her, aud no one of them visits her.
It has taken the former Anna
Gould several mouths to find out
what the world knew of her present
husband, namely, that t was a
worthless titled beggar, and a man
of most vicious habits. The wo
man, however, is entitled to very
little sympathy, and she is not get
ting much.
Foresting Abandoned Farms.
The abandoned farms ot New
England have been taken advan
tage of to a considerable extent for
forestry work. During the past
year, according to the New York
Press, about 2S'xd acres have been
planted with trees, and iu the course
of a few years these will prove pro
fitable investments. In addition to
this, several of the water companies
have adopted the tree-planting
policy as a means of foresting the
water supply. The redemption of
these farms is a very important
thing to this section, for the increas
ing number of abandoned farms
has been a matter of serious alarm
for a long time, and this step seems
to offer a solution to the problem
of utilizing the laud which has been
standing idle. In Massachusetts
this area of waste has beeu comput
ed at 10 per cent, of the total area,
while in Rhode Island alone there
are no less than 22S of these aband
oned farms.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Columbia County, the under
signed, administrator c. f aj of ihe es
tate of Reuben Miller, lato of Mifflin
Township, Columbia County, deceased,
will expose to public sale, upon tne
premises, on
at 3 p. m.,
the following described real estate : All
that certain lot of land situate on the
scuth side of the Main street of the vil
lage of Mitflinville, in said Township,
bounded on the north bv Third street,
on the east by lot of Harrison Miller, on
the south by Fourth street and on the
west by lot of K. J. Bvruinger; on which
is erected a
The above property is a desirable resi
dence, with fruit and wa'.er on the preui-
TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent
of one-fourth of the purchase money at
the btrikiuj: down of the property; the ot the one-fourth at the confir
mation of the sale, and the remaining
three-fourths within six months ot saia
confirmation with intertst at five per
cent; or tne purchaser may pay said
three-iourtbs at any earlier time.
K. A. BfcK.nUtK,
Fred Ikeler, Administrator c. t. a.
Attorney. u-jo-at.
aeiBe)Bitieaioa9flBs .
Alexander Brothers & Co.,
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and
7ino Candies. Freeh Every Week.
Peitnt Gooca .a. Sr'E.ciAXx'sr.
ALEXANDER MIOS. K CO., Moom-bur. 'a.
Carpets, Rugs, Hatting and
Draperies, Oil Cloth and
Window Curtains
You Will Find a Nice Line at
"A Little AV sense Now aud Then,
h Relished by the Wisest Men?'
Judge's Quarterly, $1.00 a year
Judge's Library, $1.00 a year
Sis Hopkins' Hon., $1.00 a year
On receipt of Twenty Cents, we will enter your name
for three months' trial subscription for either of these bright
witty, and humorous journals, or for One Dollar will add
Leslie's Weekly or Judge for the same period of time
Judge Company
225 Fourth Avenue New York
Estate of Benjamin F. Reighard. Dec'd.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court for the County of Union. Penn
sylvania, under proceedings in Partition
of the real estate of Belli. F. Keichard.
late of Milllinburn. in said county of
Union, dec'd., the undersigned will ex
pose at public sale at the Court House,
in BloomsburR, Pennsylvania, on
at one o'clock, p. m.
All that certain tr.T:t of farm hind,
designated as parcel "d" in said parti
tion proceedings, situate in Scott town
ship, Columbia County, Pennsylvania,
and bounded on the north by lands of
James Reichard and public road leading
from Paper Mill to "Jspy. on the east by
public road. Light Street to Espy, on
the south by lands of Harvey Crevelinjj,
B. F. Zarr and others, and on the west
by lands of Harvey Creveling. contain
ing One Hundred and Fifty-Six Acres
and Thirty-Seven Perches (150 A. 37 P.)
whereon are
a Bank Barn, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed,
Spring House, etc.
TERMS: Fifteen per cent, cash on
day of sale : thirty-five per cent, on the
first day of April, tyoo; the balance to
remain secured upon the premises dur
ing the natural life of the widow of
Benj. F. Reighard. the interest thereon
to be paid to her as her dower and the
principal at her death to the persons en
ll-iQ-4t. Executor.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing mows Appraisements will be
presented to the Orphans Court of Col
umbia County on Monday, December
Ttn, A. l. noS by the Clerk of said
Court and confirmed nisi, and unless ex
ceptions are filed to same within four
days ttiey will he continued finally.
Estate of Samuel Trump, late of the
Town of B'.oonisburg, deceased, proceeds
from mortgage $300.
Estate of Elisha Brugler, late of Hem
lock Township, deceased, peisonalty
Estate of John Sweeny late of Pine
township, deceased, personalty 1 10,
realty $150.
Estate of Samuel (iiger, late of the
Town of Bloomsburg, deceased. Per
sonalty 300.00.
Estate of William O. Rhodomoyer,
late of the Town of Bloomsbiirg, de
ceased. Personalty I300.
Clerk's Office
Blooiusburg, Pa., Nov. 11, '08.
By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, an 1
to me directed, there will be sold at pub
lic sale at the Court House in Blooius
burg. county and state aforesaid, on
SATURDAY, DEC. 26, 190.x,
at 2 o'clock P. M.,
The following described real estate
All that certain tract or piece of
ground situate in the Town of Catawi
s.i. County and State aforesaid, bounded
and described as follows, towit
Beginning on Main Street in the Tou :i
of Catawissa at the corner of lots of
Nelson C. Hartmau and M. A. Swank,
thence along said Main Street E:i-.t-ward'.y
ten feet, thence along other
lauds of said Nelson C. Hartmau
one hundred and twenty-eight feel,
Northwardly to a private alley belong
ing to said Nelson Ilartmah. thence
along said private alley. Westwardly tea
foet to other lands of said M A. Swank,
thence along said lands ot M. A. Swank
Southwardly one hundred nnd twenty
eight feet to the place of beginning.
This being a part of a larger lot of
ground which Isaiah W. Willits an-l
Kate P.. his wife and Charles C. Willits
ns heirs of lane C. Willits, deceased, by
incenture dated August 10, iSSS, grant
ed and conveyed unto Nelson C. Hurl
man. Also, all that certain lot. messuage or
tract of land, situate in the Town of
Catawissa, in the Coun'y of Columbia,
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described, as follows Beginning at the
corner of Main and Front Streets in sail
town, thence along said Front Street
North tweuts-seven degrees East one
hundred and twenty-five feet to a post,
thence South sixty-three degrees Kast
forty feet to a stake, thence South twenty-seven
degrees West one hundred and
twenty-eight feet to Main Street, theme
along said Main Street North sixty-three
degrees West forty feet to the place of
beginning. Whereon are erected
being a store and dweiling combined,
and a two st )ry frame stable.
Seized, taken in execution at the suit
of James H. Coleman nv to the use of
C. J. Fisher vs. Martin Swank and Cal
vin Barndt trading under oartiurshii)
name of Swank and H.irndt and to be
sold as the property of Martin Swank.
C. J. Fisher. Att'v. 12.1-.1t
Notice is hereby given that the lollop
ing accounts have been filed in the Court
of Common Pleas of Columbia County
and will bo presented to the said Court
on the first Monday of December A. 1
i'jo, and confirmed nisi and unless ex
ceptions are filed within four days there
after wiP be confirmed absolute.
1. Second account of T. . Vander
blice, Trustee of Jacob Moyer estate,
a First and final account of David A.
Shulu. committee of the person and
estate of Charles Easterbrook a lunatic
3- Third and final account of A. Z.
Schoch, Assignee of I. V. McKelvy fr
benefit of creditors.
Prolhy's Office.
Bloonisburg, Pa., Nov. it, 'oS.