The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 22, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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May Be Seen Through a Medium
and Sir Oliver Lodge i
Now Convinced
r. Hollantlronc tint Them From
departed Searchers When Her
Mind Was a llhmk Hints From
Myers Were Hard to Mend.
London. When Sir Oliver Lodge
startled the public tome time ago
with the grave assertion of his be
lief that messages had been received
from dead members of the Pyschlcal
Research Society by living members
luller details were promised later.
These are now given by the Psychi
cal Kesearoh Society's Journal.
They consist of messages trans
mitted through the pen of a medium
known as Mrs. Hollandrones. As
she sat with her mind a blank, her
pen moved and she wrote what pur
ported to be a communication from
beyond the grave. The messages
were blurred and broken. Many
dealt with the difficulty of opening
communication between the dead
and The living. Thus, one message
from Mr. Uurney, one of tho found
ers of the Pyschlcal Research Society
"The nearest Bimilic I can find to
express the difficulties of sending a
message Is that I appear to be
standing behind a slit-et of fronted
g'.ass, which blurrs the sisht rtn:l
deadens sounds, dictuting feebly to
a reluctant and somewhat obtuse sec
retary. "A fecdling of terrible impotence
burden:) me. I nm so powerless to
tell what means so much. I cannot
get Into communication with those
who would understand and believe
me. You need much training before
you can ever begin to help me as I
need to be helped, and I do not know
how that training is to be arranged.
It Is like entrusting a message of
Infinite importance, to a sleeping
Living personality Is declared to
be on a lower plane of spiritual de
velopment, which does not receive
tear impressions from the higher
ne of those who have quitted the
.son of the Iiesh.
borne ot the messages, of which a
rse number are printed, assume to
:ve some account of existence after
ucuth. Immediately after dissolu
tion there is an "obscuration of con
sciousness," which has led to many
failures in attempts to communicate
with living persons.
The distinguished writer V. H. W.
Myers is quoted as telling that at
the hour of his ''eath he became
completely unconscious, He added:
"The period of oblivion was unusual
ly long with me. There was no link
between my utter consciousness of
things of the earth. The last thing
I felt was the touch that closed my
eyes and my passage to the plane I
now occupy.
"The transit was absolutely un
known to me, and I am not con
scious of a return journey, as it
were. When I communicate in this
way I am conscious of strain and ef
fort, but I cannot note the stages
of the way.
William Stead announces that he
obtained through a "lady who often
received messages from the beyond"
a communication from Mr. Myers to
the effect that he bad made many
discoveries annulling some of the
conclusions of his book, "Human
' Personality," and he intended to
make these discoveries known to the
utmost extent of his power.
But Uncle Sam Redeemed Fortune of
Man Who Feared Banks.
Washington, D. C. O. D. Earl
left here satisfied that he had prac
tically saved his fortune of $10,000.
He burled the money in the earth
In 1904 and recently discovered that
the tin pail in which the bills were
placed had rusted and worn away,
ttarl, who had aversion to banks, be
gan to have an aversion to every
thing else when he beheld his $10,
000 looking like a lot of withered
and broken leaves.
He gathered the fragments and
with Lloyd Rainwater, cashier of the
Bank of Morrillton. Ark., came to
Washington with an affidavit of how
the bills became damaged. He
learned to-day that his visit was un
necessary, as the Treasury Is con
stantly receiving mutilated bills from
all parts of the country for redemp
tion .
Mrs. A. E. Brown, the veteran "re
deemer," who Is handling Darl'i
money, managed to account for mors
than $9,000 of the bills.
Train Wrecked by a Cor
Enterprise, Kan. A fact stock
tram on the B. ft M., was wrecked a
mile east of here hv a cornstalk
wnloh had fallen across the track.
The engine was demolished. Sever
al similar accidents bar , narrowly
bea averted near here recently, and
lb trains have been given slow op
tan when passing corn fields.
t r R V.XT. Ttiali Klirriff of Co.
lumbiii County, Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, do hereby nuike known and
givt notice to the tlectors of the county
iifiitt.uniil n ircni-rnl eli'itinn will be
held in the said county of Columbia, on
(Mnff tlio Ttirsdny next following the first
Momiiiy iit shIiI month) for the purpose of elect
ing the several persons liereulter named:
Thirty-four persons for Presidential
One person for Jude of the Superior
One person for Representative in Con
gress for the Sixteenth Congressional
One person for Representative in the
Central Assembly of Pennsylvania.
One person for Prothonotary and
Clerk ot the Courts.
One person for Register and Record
er. One person for District Attorney.
One person for County Treasurer.
Three persons for County Commis
sioners. Three persons for County Auditors.
One person for Mine Inspector.
The qualined voters of Columbia county are
lieieby u ut liorl.ed and required to vote by
bullot. primed, written, or partly printed and
parly written, tor aiiiiiot the following named
persons as I hey Si-e tit:
For President and Vice President
Mark 34
Benjamin Franklin Jones, Jr.
Morns Lewis Clothier.j
John Butt.
Howard Atlee Davis,
Frederick Taylor Chandler,
Ellis A. Gimbel,
George Jay Elliott.
Edward Wagner Patton.
George Christian Hetzel.
Joseph tlelienneville Abbott,
Toliu Watts Baer Bailsman,
Keese Albert Phillips,
Theodore Leonard Newell,
John Isett Mathias. "
Adam Main Miller.
William lohn McCabe,
George Wallace Williams.
David Jewett Waller, Jr.
William Strode Settle,
Robert Christman Neal,
Jacob Croyle Stineman,
Thomas Shipley,
William Frederick Reynolds,
Andrew White McCullough,
John Timothy Rogers,
Edward League Dawes,
Jerome Francis Downing,
Herman Simon,
Theophilus Lowry Wilson,
Perry Clifford Ross,
Oscar Schulze,
Oscar Holmes Babcock,
Alexander Roland Peacock,
Homer David Williams,
For President and Vice President
Mark 34
Joseph P. McCullen,
Albert J. Barr.
Daniel F. Carlin,
Edward B. Seiberlich,
Aaron G. Krause,
Clarence Loeb,
James T. Nulty,
Michael J. Howard,
olin C. Perron,
ohn Howard Danenhower,
Louis N. Sp ;ncer.
Alexander W. Dickson,
Tohn T. Flannery,
Oliver Perry Bechtel,
Harry D. Schaeffer,
Charles A. McCarty,
John Franklin Stone,
John I. Welsh.
Cyrus C. Gelwicks,
George IJerr Krause,
Samuel M. Hoyer,
Henry Washers.
ev Baird,
. Holland,
b Marshall,
Robert X. Brown,
Howaid Mutcliler,
William Lewis Neal,
r red A. Shaw,
Henry Meyer,
Wesley S. Guffey,
Dennis I. Boyle,
Casper P. Mayer,
For President and Vice President
Presidential Electors
Mark 34
Elisha Kent Kane,
John Duff Gill
lonn Ji. Heston,
Lewis L. Eavenson,
Samuel K. Fe'.ton.
Irving Woods Huckins,
Roland M. Eavenson,
tnnas K. Schultz,
aniel G. Hendricks,
Howard Leopold,
Daniel b. Von Neida,
Wm. H. Richmond,
W. B, Bertels.
William H, Malerry,
ohn Peter Sehneller,
ustus F. Warner,
ames Mansel,
franklin P. lohnson.
Jeremiah S. Yaukey,
Silas U. bwallow.
John L. Edwards,
Cyrus b. Griest,
A. McAlpin,
Lewis Cass Wick,
John O. Stoner,
Milton S. Marquis,
Isaac Monderau,
George F. Kline,
W. G. Freeman,
Edwin J. Fithian.
James P. Knox,
Knox C. Hill,
Robert S. Glass,
Thomas P. Herschberger.
for President and Vice President
Presidential Electors
Mark 34
Edward T. Cook,
Edward J. Higgins,
George Fitch,
Robert M. Green,
R. Barclay Spicer,
George Nan,
John Zellhorn,
August Mahieu,
Martin J. Flyzlk,
William C, Price,
J. Hawl
John K
John F.
Charles Herwegh,
George Lodge,
Charles O, Alter,
Henry Peter,
Emil Guwang,
oseph M. Achhammer,
'ercy Viie
Fred W. Whiteside,
Martin J. Brcnnen,
George Davies,
Jerome F. Buck,
esse W. Green,
Andrew Hunter,
Cornelius F. Foley,
George W. Guthrie,
Angus McRae,
Arthur J. Dennis,
Frederick G. Rother,
E. Howard Deal.
Daniel K. Young,
Julius Weber.
Thomas Thatcher,
Simon Libros,
Howard P. Hunter.
For President and Vice President
President: al Electors
Mark 34l
John L. Barrett,
William Houghter,
Robert O. Cathcart. Jr.
Charles B Connolly,
Joseph M. Crouch,
John P. Correll,
William F. Craig, Jr.
Edwin B. Depuy,
Thomas Dolan,
Herman L. Duhring, Jr.
Theodore Eichhorn,
iames A. Fulton,
ames P. GafTney,
esse Willis Galbreath,
William J. Griffith,
John L. Harding,
Samuel M. Heiligman,
George F. Hildebrand,
Edmund W. Kirby.
John W. Lnfterty.
William La Fontaine,
Owen E. Lnliy.
George V. McDonald.
Edward J. Maher,
James Frederick Martin,
Newell. H. Motsinger,
Joseph F. O'Neal,
Stanley J. Oram.
Wheeler H. Phelps,
John A. Phillips,
Robert Miles Robinson,
Silas Edgar Trout,
Samuel F. Wheeler,
William H. White,
For President and Vice President
Presidential Electors
Mark 34
Herman Spitlal,
J. G. Gardner,
L. M. Laepple,
John Drugmand,
W. H. Thomas,
Thos. Wielding,
Aniido Mori
August Clever,
George Pearse.
Grant Hughes.
George Snyder,
Otto Marowsky,
Chis. Rupp,
L. B. Barhydt.
J. A. McConnell,
J as. A. Gray,
P. H. Grunagle,
Arthur Losey,
W. I. Marshall.
Wm. Peak,
Fred. Uhl.
Wm. Cowan,
Wm. Crum,
P. Rowan,
Wm, Staley.
Peter Auiler,
Ernest Hildebrandt,
lames Clark,
Wm. Hughes,
Chas. A. New,
George Staley.
John Handlers,
Geo. Ohls,
Chas. Durner.
Judge of the Superior Court.
(Mark one) '
William D. Porter,
Webster Grim,
Daniel Sturgeon,
Thomas H. Kennedy,
Luther S. Kauffman,
Representative in Conc.ress.
(Mark one)
Edmund W. Samuel
John G. McHenry
J. E. Wolf,
Representative in the General
(Mark oKe)
C. E. Kreischer
W. T. Creasy
W. W. Skerry
Prothonotary and Clerk ok the
(Mark one)
Clarence M- Yocum, Republican
Freeze (Juick, Democratic
Edward A Doty. Prohibition
RfcuisTEK and Recorder.
(Mark one)
John A. Fortner, Republican
Frank W. Miller, Democratic
Edward Buck, Prohibition
County Tkeasurek.
(Mark one)
Jacob L. Wolverton, Republican
John Mourey, Democratic
M. P. LuU, Prohibition
County Auditors.
(Mark two)
W. W. Shannon, Republican
H& Democratic.
F. B. Hartman. Prohibition
District Attorney.
(Mark one)
Lewis C. Mensch,
Christian A. Small,
C. A. Small,
County CoMitisgONBits.
(Mark two)
C. Fred. Lenbart, Republican
Elisha Ringrose, Republican
Jerry A. Hess, Democratic
Mine Inspector.
(Mark one)
James A. O'Donnell, Democratic
I also horebv make known and (five notice
that. Ute plaees of Molding the aforesaid election
In the several wards, boroughs, dim rids antl
tow nships within the county ot Columbia are
as follows, vl.
Heaver township, at the public house ot
John Krtlne.
Kenton HomtiKh, at the Town Halt In the
Borough of Kenton.
Kenton township, at the grist mill ot Edwards
Kerwlek, N. R , at the rtefendpr Klrp Compa
ny Hall on Bin st reel In the Horouifh of Kerwlek.
Berwick, S. E., on Front street be
tween Pine and Chestnut streets at
Rangers Hose Co. building, in the Bor
ough of Berwick.
iierwlek. N. at. the band room of Harry
flnw.ler, on tho easterly side of the alley he.
tween Third and Jackson st.reo s, In the Hot
outfit of Kerwlek.
Berwick, S. W . on Mulberry street,
south tf Front street at Reliance Fire
Co. building, in the Borough of Berwick.
Bloom, lit Precinct, at the court House, Id
Kloom, '2nd Precinct, at the store building
nort beast corner West and Fifth sis., Ulooms
btirtf .
Kloom, Drd Precinct, at tho Town Hall, in
Kloom, 41 h Precinct, at, the Hescue Hose
House, East I I till street, HlnntDsburif.
Krlarcreek Kaalal the Jessup Street school
Kilarcreek West at the Martz school house.
Briarcreek South, at the school house
in the village of Briarcreek.
Catawlssa Borough, in lown Hall, 71ilrd
Street, alxine Main.
catawissa township, In the public house of J.
W. Adams,
centralis, 1st Want at the public house of
Thomas Madden, In Centralla.
t entralla, stud Ward, at the public house of
Anthony T. Con ay, in Centralla.
' centre township north, at. toe public school
bouse, near Lafayette creasy's.
I em re township south, at P. O. 8. Of A. Hall,
Lime Kldge.
Cleveland Twp., at Centre school house.
Conyngham, East North district, at
the house of Mrs John Pursell.
ConynKham, west north, at the public house
Of Daniel Itoacb, Montana.
Conyngham, S. E. district, at the pub
lic house of Thomas Mohan.
I conyntrliann, southwest, at the public house
ci mas. 11. iiornaen, 111 Locusidaie.
Convngham,vu-Bl ilstilct,No. 1, at Mldvalley
school house.
coiiynghain, west district. No. 8, at the public
school house In sa:d district.
F. KlHhliivcreek, at the house of John Wen
ner, at Hendertowu.
Vv. Klshlngereek, at the Savage school house.
Franklin Knvlisulp, at tho Lawrence school
Greenwood. East. t the house of
Henrv S. Thomas, in Rohrsburg.
Greenwood, West, at the shop of Samuel
Miller, In Hreenwood.
Hemlock North at the barber shop of O,
W. Hart man. In the town ot Buckhorn.
Hemlock. South, at the storehouse of
Mrs. G. B. Hosier in the village of Fern
ville. Jackson township, at the house of Elvira
Ulrlemiin. In Jackson.
Locust township south, at the public house of
Yeager & Son, In Nutnldla.
Locust township north, at Yeager's Hotel, Is
the village of Koarlogcreek.
Madison township, at the public house
of A. M. Harvey, in Jerseytown.
Main township, at the public house of
William Fenstermacher, in Mainville,
Mitllin township, at the public house
of Clvmer M. Creasy, in MitHinville.
Mlllvllle llorough, at the public bouse of Mrs.
Heller. In Mlllvllle.
Al on tout township, at the public house ot
R. B L'Hsliaw, at Kupnrt.
Mt l'leasaiit township, at the election house
Of Kobert C. Howell.
Orangevllie Boro , at me puDiic nouso 01
Hit am Shaffer, In Orangevllle.
Orange township, at the Bowman grist mllK
In said township.
N. Pine, at the bouse of William H. Lyons.
H. Pine, at. the bou-e of Elijah Shoemaker.
Uoarlngcreek township, at the bouse ot Al
bert Lelbv.
Scott, Fast, at Odd Fellows' Hall, In Espy.
Scott., West, at the P. U. 8. of A. building. In
Light street.
Stillwater, nt, the store house of A. B. Me
Henry, In said borougu.
North ougurlnaf, at the public house ot Jacob
Sieen, In C nt rat.
south sugarloaf, at the old school house, at
Cole's Creek.
west Berwick, 1st ward at the Town Hall In
Raid horoui?h.
west Berwick, nd ward, at Button's Livery
Stable In said borough.
foils suuii oeopuueaat seven o chick a. in.,
and Khali continue open, without Interruption
or adjournment, until seven o'clock p. m.,wlien
the polls will be closed.
That every person, excepting Justices of the
I eace and Aldermeu. Notaries Public and per
sons In the uilllila service of the state, who
shall hold, or shall within two months have
held, any olllee orappolnunentof pront.or trust,
under the United states, or of this state and
city, or eorporated district, whether a commis
sioned olllcer, orothertvlse.asubordlnateolllcer
or agent , who Is, or shall he employed under t he
legislative. Executive or J udlclary Department
ot this stale, or of any city, or of an) incorpor
ated aistrioi, anu also, mat ovary memoeror
Congress, and of the State Legislature, and of
the select or Common Council of any city, or
Commissioners of any Incorporated district,
is uy law incapauieot noiaing, or exercising
at the same time, the oftlce or appointment of
Judge, Inspector, or Clerk, of any election of
this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector,
Judge, or other onicer of such election shall be
eligible to any omce to be then voted for. ex
cept thai, of election ollloers.
The inspectors and Judge of the election
shall meet at the respective places appointed
for holdlug the election, In the district to which
they respectively belong, before seven o'clock
In tho morning, and each of those Inspectors
shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a quail-
nea vuier ui bucu uisinuu
C. B. ENT. Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Bloomsburg, Pa.,
.October 12th. 190S.
A Fair KxchuiiKe.
A baker of the old Normandy vil
lage wub a French peasant of the
good old-fashioned sort and keen af-
- the sou. He considered It to his
advantage to buy his butter from a
customer, a well-to-do farnu ol the
neighborhood. But after a time he
complained that the farmer gave him
short weight. His complaints were
unheeded. At last he laid them be
fore . the district magistrate. The
rarmer was summoned before him
and forced to produce his scales,
but he brought no weights. "I have
none," he explained. "I don't need
t'em. Not need weights!" "Not
for the baker; I weigh his weekly
pound of butter with the pound loaf
he dally supplies to me!" Norman
cut Norman.
Island for Caribou.
An island In Lake Superior haa
been stocked with caribou. Caribou
Island, so named because la was for
merly noted as a borne for the ani
mals,, again shelters a herd.
Six of the animals have recently
beeL taken to the island and It is ex
pected that they will largely increase
In number. Tfce Caribou were pro
cured in Newfoundland.
The herd on Grand Island, the
original members of which came
from the Canadian wilds, la attaining
goodly proportion. There are no
hunters to moleat or wolves $0 prey
upon It
Charles L. Pohe,
AVcgclablc Preparation for As -similaling
ting the StonwciB and Bowels of
Promotes Digcstion-Chrcrfur-ness
and Rest.Contalns neither
Opiiim.Morphinc nor Mineral.
Aperfecl Remedy forConstino
Tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .revcrish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Outer Skins of Leaves Are lenses
Much I.Ike Kjes of Inserts.
London. Tho interest aroused by
Mo contention made by Francis
Darwin, Bon of the author of "Tne
UrtRln of Species," In his President
ial address before the British Asso
ciation in Dublin, that plants can
rememner and can develop habits,
has been increased by a paper read
by Prof. Harold Wager, the well
known botanist. Prof. Wager de
clared that plants possesed an
organism corresponding to the brain
in animals, and further demonstrated
that they have eyes with which they
can see and see well.
Prof. Wager showed that the out
er skin of many leaves are, in fact,
lenses, very much like wie eyes of
many Insects, an! quite as capable
of forming clear Images o.' surround
ing objects. This is the case with
most leaves, but especially In the
rase of those that grow In the sha-le.
These lenses are so good and fo
cus the light that falls on them so
carefully that photographs can be
taken by means of them. Prof. Wag
er has taken a great many such pho
tographs and he showed some of the
more remarkable. These Included a
reproduction of a photograph of Dar
win, in which the features were dis
tinct and unmistakable, as well as
direct Photographs of landscapes and
people, liven colored photographs
were exhibited, and, like the rest,
they are remarkably clearly defined.
Not only do plant eyes see
well, but the rays of light which
uy means ot them are focused on
the interior of the leaf are carried
to the interior of the brain of the
plant and direct its subsequent
movements. It has long been known
that the leaves of plants move bo that
they can get a maximum of light. It
is now suggested how this movement
is made possible, and the process is
almost identical with like movements
in the case of animals. A close an
alysis of the eyes of plants, more
over, proves them highly developed
All Through the Night the Surfmen
Patrol the Beach.
All through the night the eurfmen
are patrolling the beach at Monomoy,
as they do from Quoddy Head to
Cape Florida, meeting in the little
shanty on a sanddune called Half-way
House to tell one another the newa
nf the hour, and to exchange the
numbered brass tags by which the
:apt:ilns may know that the watch has
gone faithfully to the end of his post.
For ten months in the year the vigil
ance is not relaxed. During June
und July the ere we are rewarded for
their year's labor by the gift of a
generous vacation without pay.
They may fish or farm or do what they
will for a living. The captains then
alt, each one alone, In the life-saving
stations, and of any ship is foolish
enough to. get wrecked at this time,
when, according to the rules of Uncle
&im, there should be neither etorra
nor wreck, the nearest captain picks
up a scratch crew of fishermen and
other 'longshore folk and does the
best he can to save lives. Stornii
and wrecks do occur now and then in
these perlodB,' but they really ehould
not; and, therefore, Congress In lta
wisdom refuses to keep the llfesavers
on duty. From the wisdom of Con
gress there la no appeal.
Truly, there muet be all the faacin
a.tlon c-C a game In this serene and bRU-1
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
ful contest with raging Death. It
cannot be the bait of wages that at
tracts these heroes to the service. The
captains receive $800 a year, and the
eurfmen $50 a month. During the
two months of unpaid vacation they
get $3 apiece for each occasion of
service. No; there la no money lure
In this eame. The service require!
men of perfect health and strength.
Whenever the surgeon discovers surT
man or captain- to have fallen below
perfect condition, he is incontinently
put out, no matter how many year
he may have spent In llfe-eavlng. And
there is no Denslon. Mr. KlmDall.
the superintendent of the department
haa tried again and again to persuaae
congress to grant pensions to these
men, but congress in its wtadom baa
always said no. And from the wis
dom of congress there is no appeal.
W. O. IngllB in Harper's Magaxlne tor
ghlrt-WalHt SuKKstlons.
In making yokes, long' cufTs, etc..
of rows of lace insertion, or alternate
Ing robbon and lace, this plan gives
a smooth, firm and quickly made
piece, writes a Canadian woman. I
cut from a fairly firm piece of paper,
an exact pattern of the section I wla
to make, and stitch upon this paper
with the machine the ribbon and lace
as desired. When finished and trim
med to the pattern, the paper may be
easily torn away from the stitching.
To save work in making a shirt
waist I always use a ripped waist
which fitted well, for a pattern. It
Is very easy to lay in any tucks or
other differing design before cutting1
tne new material upon the old lines.
In this way it is possible to make a
new waist without going through the
tedious "trying on" processes, and
yet one is assured of a perfect fit.
The Yellow Terll Overcome.
In putting away white goods from
season to seuson, to keep from yel
lowing, take a bag made of any old
sheet, wash, dip in strong blueing
water, and dry. Put clean, unstarch
ed clothes in It loosely, and hang In
dark closet.
"The blood Is the life." Bclenc-e lias
never none beyond that simple state
ment of scripture, lint It Iiiih illumi
nated that Htatement uud given it a
meaning ever broadening with the in
creaHinu; breadth of knowledge. When
the blood is "ball" or impure it is nt
alone the body which sutlers through
dixi'HKt. Tin lirnin id ilImo clouded, the
J luilid and judgment me ellt'Ctt'(l, antl
I nm 11 v an evil deed or impure thought
limy be directly traced to the impuritJ
of the blood. No one can bo well b'"
iineed In mind aud body whose blood
is impure. No one can have a whole
some und pure lite iinltss the blood i
pure. Foul blood can lie made pure by
tlieUHtvqf Dr Pierce's (olden Medical
Discovery. When the blood Ih pui
body and bruin are alike healthy uud
life becomes a dnilv happiness
Standing out in bold relief, all alone
und a conspicuous example of op'"
frunk and honest dealing with the slek
and iifllicted. Dr. Pierce prints on the
bottle wrapper in plain English a full
list of the ingredients. Therefore not
"patent medicine," but a medicine
known composition.
The fact that money cannot buy !m
plness doesn't make anyone crave pov
erty, ,
I Many hu kkkkks from nasal catarrh
say they get splendid results by using
an atomizer. For their benefit we pre
pare Ely's Cream Balm. Except that
' It Is liquid It Is In all respects like the
healing, helpful, paln-allaylng Cream
; Balm that the publlo has been familiar
, with for years. No cocaine uor other
dange-ous drug in It. The soothing
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