fj y ill nl' S i If llf li iM. MJ II WHIP I w ws ro .4?. nLOOMSBURG, PA., Til V RSI) A) OCIUIWRjj, 100S. AO 42. WHEN YOU WANT To Jpcn a Bank Account Have a Chock Cashed Borrow Money, or Make an Investment CALL ON TIIIC ()!,!) RELIABLE The Farmers National Bank 01- BLOOMSBURG. Capital, 863.000 Surplus $100,000 ; M. CKEVELING, Pres. M. MILLK1SEX. Casiiikr. DIRECTORS N. U. Fi:nk C. M. Crkvkuxo C. W. Runvox Dr. J. J. Brown J. L. MOYKR V. L. Whitk 3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. ANNIVERSARIES. The Reformed Church Will Celebrate Its Centennial Next Week. AN INTERESTING PROGRAM. Beginning on Sunday, October 25th and continuing through the week uutil Sunday, November 1st, the Reformed Church of Blooms btirg will hold daily services in com memoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of that church in Bloomsburg, and of the fiftieth anniversary of its establish ment at its,preseut site, on the cor ner of Third and Center streets. The following program has been arranged: Sunday, October 25th, Holy Communion. Sermon in the morn ing, Rev. J. D. Thomas, Ph. D. Sermon in the evening, Rev. W. J. Kohlcr, Strawberry Ridge, Pa. Monday, October 26th, 7:30 P. M., Sermon, by Rev. Arthur Ohl, James Creek, Pa. Tuesday, October 27th, 7:30 P. M., Sermon by Rev. A. Houtz, Orangeville, Pa. ' Wednesday, October 28th, 7:30 P. M., Sermon by Rev. C. H. Brandt, Wilkes-Ba:re, Pa. Thursday, October 29th, P. M., Sermon by Rev. O. II. Strunk, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Friday, October 30th, 7:30 P. M., Seruiou by V." E. Krebs, D. D. , Uttletown, Fa.. - . Sunday, November tst, 10:30 A. M., and 7 P. M., Sermon by Rev. S. R. Bridenbaugh, D. D., Read ing Pa. Sunday School Rally Nov. 1st at 2:30 P. M. Short addresses by neighboring pastors. As a souvenir of this important event in the history of the church, a handsome book has been publish eeby the pastor, Rev. Dr. J. D. Thomas. It contains nearly sixty pages, and includes a brief sketch of Bloomsburg, a history of the Reformed Church in Bloomsburg, and statistics of the church; a gen eral history of the Reformed Church in the United States, and items of interest in the church. It is profusely illustrated with half tone cuts, among them being portrait of Dr. Thomas, the church, the parsonagh, the Court House, Normal School, Science Hall, Caldwell Cathedral, residen ces of N. U. Funk and Mrs. M. E. lint, S. C. Creasy, M. Milleisen, and A. Z. Schoch. Oue of the most interesting fea tures of the book is the collection f portraits of former pastors. They include Rev. Daniel S. Tobias who was in charge from 1829 to 85M Rev. Henry Funk, .1844 to ,!54; Rev. William Goodrich, 18 54 to 1866; Rev. L. C. Shipe, 1866 to 1867; Kev. F. J. Mohr, 1868 to 87i; Rev. T. F. Iloffmeir, 1872 to 1876; Rev. G. D. Gourley, 1876 to '878; Rev. Walter E. Krebs, 1878 to 1880; Rev. O. H. Strunk, 1880 to 1884; Rev. S. R. Bridenbaugh, '885 to 1886; Rev. J. S. Waguer, '887 to 1888; Rev. W. T. Aumau, 1889 to 1892; Rev. C. II. Brandt, ,893to 1898; Rev. John D. Thom- Ph. D. h8s been the pastor since January 1st 1899. There are also portraits of the tlders, O. W. Cherringtoii, N. U. ttnk, and Jacob Rhoads, and of the Deacons, W. C. Masteller, D. A. Leiby and II . I. teiby. The books are for sale at 25 cents each, and can be procured of the pastor, or the officers, aud at Bidle Wan' Book Store. C. A. Ki.him M. Miu.kisen SATURDAY'S COURT. At the session of court on Satur day the following business was transacted: The bond of G. R. Campbell, guardian of Homer C. Hutchinson, minor child of Flora II. Zarr, de ceased, wnsup-n petition approved. In the case of Com. vs. James Gibson, f. and b., the Court sen tenced the defendant to pay the costs of prosecution and a fine of for the use of the Overseers of the Poor of Couyngham and Centralia Poor District and stand committed. The young man coin plied with the order of the Court. The reason for the small amount of fine was the fact the child died soon after its birth. 1 Upon petition presented by II. Mont. Smith. ICsq. , R. R. Ikeler, Trustee of the estate of Charles Conner deceased, was given author ity to satisfy certain mortgages aud judgments. I he report of the inspectors of the county bridge over Raven Creek near Stillwater, was presented and confirmed nisi. C. M. Creveling, guardian of Margaret A. Garrison, a minor child of Clinton B. Garrison, was upon petition . presented granted permission to make private sale of the ward's interest in certain real estate. Bond to be given in the sum of $500 which is to be approv ed by the Court before the sale is made. Wm. II. Brown, guardian of Stella May Brown, was after peti tion presented given authority to pay $70 for medical attendance ren dered the ward. Returns to Orders of sale in the estate of Joseph Ratti, deceased, for the sale of the property on Fifth street to R. J..Ruhl and the prop erty on Sixth street .to Fred Beg liuger, were confirmed nisi. John G. Harman Esq., attorney for the defendant in the equity pro ceedings in the case of Susan Billksy vs. Iidward Fertile preseuted a pe tition requesting the Court to strike out certain paragraphs from the plaintiff's bill which it was alleged were scandalous and impertinent. The Court took the papers and will render a decision later. Upon petition presented Mrs. Anna K. Riddle, administratrix, of F. B. Riddle, deceased, was giv en authority to execute a mortgage in the sum of 1000 upon one of the properties of the decedent for the payment of debts. BISHOP DUBBS HERE. Bishop Dubbs, of the Evangeli cal church, spent Sunday in town, and took part in the Rally Day fruires at thatchurch. The services which consisted of the regular services morning and evening and one for men in the afternoon were well attended, Bish op Dubbs delivering an address up on each occasion. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers, the service was excellent and every body entered heartily into the spir it of the occasion and enjoyed the services. The giving was done nnirklv mid cheerfully and but lit- ! tie time was consumed raising the J desired amount, in iaci mey re ceived more than they asked for. The addresses of the Bishop who is recognized as one of the leading men of the church in the country were in keeping with his reputation and were helplul, instructive and inspiring. The debt of $300 ou the parson age was wiped out, aud $150 was raised tor repairs. Large congre gations were present at all the ser vices, uiorniug, afternoon, and ev ening. 0e Q0foome6urg Is directly identified with the Farming, Mercantile and Man ufacturing interests of this community, and with its ample Capi tal and .Surplus, Conservative Directorate, Progressive Manage ment and convenient location, is equipped to Satisfactorily Han dle New Accounts and to accord them that same courteous attention which has been a vital tinuous Growth. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Wm. II. IIidlay. Cashier. , NORMAL FACULTY NOTES. We clip the following from the October Quarterly, published by the school: "The opening of the new school year found a number of familiar faces missing in the Normal Facul ty and a corresponding number of new ones in evidence. Miss Gertrude Slayman of Sha mokin, a graduate of Millersville Normal and Pratt Institute is in charge of the Art Department. Miss Slayman taught for several years in the Mt. Carmel schools aud in the N. Y. Institution for the Blind. In the latter institution she taught basketry and other nianml arts. Miss Lotta A. Jones of Milford, Mass., has charge of the work in Reading and lilocution in the tem porary absence of Miss Bryant. Miss Jones is a graduate of the fa mous limerson College of Oratory in Boston, Mass., and her teaching experience includes successful ser vice at Brewster Academy, Wolfe boro, N. H., the Murdock School, Wichendon, Mass., and the Oneon ta, N. Y. State Normal School. A new gymnasium instructor, Miss Edith A. Casho of Philadel phia, comes to us from the Dickin son Seminary at Williamsport. She is a graduate of the Phila. Normal School of Physical Training. Miss Myrtle Swartz of Ilallstead, well known as a former teacher, re turns after efficient seivice in the Trenton, N. J. and Ilallstead schools. She is a graduate of El mira College. Charles L. Albert, Normal 1903, Lafayette College 1908, is now In structor in History, vice W. L. Chase resigned. Miss K. Maude Smith, Grade Teacher in the Model School, is now principal of the Model School, vice Miss Harris resigned. Miss Clara Waldron is acting as assistaut to her sister, Miss Lillian Waldron, who has charge of the Department of Music. Miss Edith F. Perkins and Miss Anna S. Van Wyck are the new Grade teachers in the Model School. Miss Perkins is a graduate of the Delevan, N. Y. Teachers' Training School aud of the Buffalo State Normal School Classical Course, and has taught in the schools of New York state. Miss Van Wyck is a graduate of the Kindergarten and Primary and linglish courses of the Oswego State Normal School. Her teaching experience includes service in the schools of Passaic, N. J. and Millertou, N. Y. Miss Ella Deighmiller and Mr. J. Wesley Sitler are the new assistants in the Biological Department. Mr. Bruce Sueidman is Prof. Goodwin's assistant in the Com mercial Department." . TO PENITENTIARY. Sheriff Ent went to Philadelphia on Tuesday to place Karoly Takacs, Mike Lavaraera, and T. M. Har man in the penitentiary. Takacs was sentenced for 20 years for mur der in the second degree, Lavaraera for six years for voluntary man slaughter, and Harman for three years for assault and battery with intent to kill. MONUMENT HERE. The Soldiers' Monument has at last arrived and the parts are on the ground at the Square. A trac tion engine was used to haul tt from the Reading station. The work of construction will now pro ceed rapidly. - . School attendance is reported to be better and more regular than for some years, by Truant officer Deit rick. ' (Haftonaf (f anft factor in its Steadfast and Con A. Z. Sciioch. President. AN OLD SCHOOL CLOSED. "A movement is ou foot to estab lish a hospital at Towanda. Parties have made an inspection of the Sus quehanna Collegiate Institute build ing, and think that, with a few al terations, it could be transformtd into an ideal hospital. The sur roundings are excellent, it being located in one of the healthiest sec tions of healthy Towanda. Many people have signified their willing ness to give toward the establish ing and support of such an institu tion." The above is taken from an ex change. The allusion to the Sus quehanna Collegiate Institute re calls to mind our boyhood days in Towanda. It was our privilege to be a student at that institution for several years. Back in the sixties and for many years afterwards, it was among the best of the good schools of the state. The faculty included men who were considered among the leading educators of those days. Among those who occupied the po sition of Principal were the Rev. Samuel Colt and Rev. John Mc Williams, both of whom were prom inent Presbyterian clergymen; Hon. Charles R. Coburn, who was State Superintendent of Public Schools for four years, aud was one of the fathers of our excellent public school system; Rev. David Craft, the venerable historian of Bradford county, and who, we believe, is the only one of those above men tioned now living. The Dean brothers, William and Oliver, were joiut principals. They were mag nificent specimens of manhood, each being over six feet :all, and finely proportioned. Among the members of the fac ulty whom we recall were Samuel P. Fisler, aud Selden J. Coffin. The former died a few years ago, and Prof. Coffin, who subsequently was Professor of Mathematics at Lafayette College, and later the Registrar, is still living in Easton. The Collegiate Institute belonged to a class of schools that succeeded the old Academy system. It was a boarding and day school, and was better organized aud better equip ped than the academies. As many of this kind of institu tions were established throughout the state, they displaced the acade my, aud the latter became a thing of the past. The new schools, however, were for the most part unendowed, and in those days the legislatures were not lavish in their appropriation to educational pur poses. The schools depended en tirely upon their receipts from stu dents, and so, when the public school system was developed, and good high schools were established, the attendance naturally fell off and the pay schools began to languish. In the late sixties the state estab lished the Normal Schools, and this was the death knell of most of the schools in the state like the Susque hanna Collegiate Institute. Such institutions as Wyoming and Dick inson Seminaries have survived and prospered, as well as some others, but they are exceptions. The sur vivors are for the most part sus tained bv the patronage and en dowments of influential religious organizations. The Susquehanna Collegiate In stitute continued to exist uutil a few years ago, as a day school only, the boarding department haviug been abandoned, uutil finally it succumbed for want of patronage. Its location is an ideal oue,1 over lookiuff the town and the beautiful vallev of the Susquehanna, aud if the intention to convert it into a hospital shall be consummated," it will again prove a blessing to that FALL SHOWINGS IN ALL LINES OF CLOTHING. There arc some of the Most Beautiful styles and patterns this season that we have ever seen. Conic in and look over the models. This store is full of the season's styles and you will be sur prised how cheap you can buy here. H CORNER. community in caring for the sick, as it was for so many years a great power and a great blessing in pro viding educational advantages to the young, that in the days of its prosperity were rarely surpassed. . . THE LOCAL CANDIDATES. It is not only important that every Democratic voter in the couu- tv should tro to the polls and cast his ballot on election day, because there is a President ot the Uuited States to be chosen, and a Con gressman for this district, but also because most of the county offices are to be filled at this time. There are to be elected a Pro thonotary, Register aud Recorder, District Attorney, Member of the Legislature, Treasurer, Commis sioner, Auditcrs, and Mine Inspec tor. It must be confessed that a Demo cratic nomination in this county is no longer the absolute certainty that it used to be when the party gave a majority of 2000 and up wards. For some cause the major ities have dwindled in late years, One of the.reasons is the apathy of Democrats." If they would all take the interest in public afi'airs that every good American citizen should manifest, aud would all go to the polls on election day, there is no reason why the majorities should not reach the old time figure. Let every man be ou baud ou November 3rd, and vote the straight Democratic ticket. RACES ON SATURDAY. Some of the horsemen of town have decided to try the speed of their respective animals, and have arranged for races ou Saturday af ternoon, uext, at 1:30 oclock at the fair grouuds. The entries for a hundred dollars purse are A. C Hidlay's "College Widow," W. A. Hartzell's "Bob Nutwood," R. L- Runyon's "Sil ent Partner," and' C. W. Rabb's "Southall." There will also be a race for $100 a side between D. Donovan's "Black Alice" of Ben ton and V. A. Hartzell's "Rags". G. W. Keiter will give an exhibi tion race. Admission 25 cents. Grand stand free. LARGE REGISTRATION. Indicates That a Big Vote Will be Polled on November 3rd. The registration lists recently re turned by the assessors show near ly 13,000 names of voters in the county, which is several hundred more than were cast for Governor two years ago. The number of voters registered in each township and borough are as follows: Beaver 190, Benton Boro. 222, Benton township 233, Berwick N. E. 538, Berwick S. E. 342, Berwick N. W. 385. Berwick S. W. 276, West Berwick West No. 1 494, Berwick West No. 2 321, Bloom 1st 366, Bloom and 458, Blcom 3rd 603, Bloom 4th 4S2, Briarcreek East 331, Briarcreek South 78, Bri arcreek West 100, Catawissa town ship 149, Catawissa Boro. 575, Centralia 1st 298, Ceutralia 2nd 261, Center North 170, Center South 159, Cleveland 205, Couyng ham E. N. 139, Couyngham W. N. 130, Couyngham W. No. I, 105, Conyngham W. No. 2, 46, Couy ngham S. W. 163, CouvnghamS. E. 105, Fishingcreek E. 192, Fishing creek W. 91, Franklin 132, Green wood E. 183, Greenwood W. 152, Hemlock N. 166, Hemlock S. 75. Jackson 167, Locust N. 95, Locust S. 184, Madison 238, Main 170, Mifflin 295, Mi!lville 1S0,' Montour 195, Mt. Pleasant 165, Orange township :oi, Orangeville Boro. 117, Pine N. 129, Pine S. 109, Roaringcreek 136, Scott E. 254. Scott W. 125, SugarloafN. 240, Sugarloaf S. 136, Stillwater Boro. 61, total 12,384. ATTENDANCE AT FAIR. Reports preseuted to the execu tive committee of the Columbia County Agricultural Society at their meeting Saturday showed that there were 30,000 paid admis sions, 3,200 less than last year, the banner year in the history of the fair, a record that is considered 1 remarkable one, considering the financial condition of the country. Based on the number of tickets sold, and estimating the conserva tive figure of two persons to one admission, there were at least 60, 000 people on the fair grounds dur ing the fair. All the other receipts were practically the same as the previous year. til if ;! IS