ft II I Mil II I I II II I II II III WW VOL 42. RLOOMSBURG, PA., THURSDAY OCTOBER 15, 1908. 1 1 i U , WHEN YOU WANT TO Open a Bank Account Have a Check Cashed Borrow Money, or Make an Investment CALL ON THE OLD RELIABLE The Farmers National Bank OF BLOOMSBURG. Capital, 860.000 Surplus 3100,000 0 M. CKFjVEMNG, Pres. M. MILLEISEN. Cashier. DIRECTORS J. L. MOYRR W. L. Whitk N. U. Fcnk C. W. Runyon 3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. DEEDS RECORDED. The following deeds have recent ly been entered on record by Re corder of Deeds Frank V. Miller: Berwick Savings and Trust Co., guardian of William S. Neal, of town to Louisa McPherson, part of lot No. 23 on the north side of East Third street. Louise McFherson to Warren B. Johnson and Beulah II. Johnson, hif wife, lot on north side of East Third street. John M. Clark, receiver, to John T. Tracy and A. W. Sharpless, re ceivers' deed for the property of the Steam Heating Co., on Sixth street. Berwick Land and Improvement Co. to C. W. Cadwallader, lot No. 142 in borough of West Berwick. John M. Fairchild to George W. Cadwallader lot No. 137 in Fair child's addition to the borough of West Berwick. J. M. Buckalew, executor of Perry Buckalew, to J. M. Bucka lew, Jr., property in Fishing Creek township, containing 43 acres. J. M. Buckalew, executor of es tate of Perry M. Buckalew, Jr., property in Fishing Creek township containing 47 acres. John Jameson and Sarah E. Jameson, his wife, in right of said wife, Andrew L. Fritz and Dora, his wife, Miles B. Weed and Mary E., his wife to B. I). Cole, small strip of land in the southeast por tion of Jamison City. Kenstauty Kiusel et al. to Peter Bednarcyky for 38 acres and 64 perches of land in Franklin town ship. Wm, B. Hess and wife to Robert Ernest for 15 acres and 6 perches of land situate in Jackson township. J. B. McIIenry and wife to Ern est C. Hartmau for 68 acres and 137 perches of laud situate in Ben ton township. Frank Ikeler and wife, Fred Ike ler and wife, Alvin S. Ikeler and wife, Elijah Ikeler and wife and Harvey I. Giugles and wife to George L. Johnson for 14 acres and 2 perches of land situate in Mt. Pleasant township. C. W. Miller and wife to M. T. Ohl for lot No. 2 situate on Ninth street West of Dieffenbach's private road in the town of Bloomsburg. M. T. Ohl and wife to C. W. Miller for a lot of ground in the town of Bloomsburg. C. W. Miller and wife to M. T. Ohl for a house and lot of ground on Ninth street, in ttie, town 01 Bloomsburg. Elmira Everett, executrix of II. F. Everett, deceased, to Anna R. Kramer for a lot of ground in the borough of Benton. Elmira Everett, executrix of II. F. Everett, deceased, to Jennie M. McHenry for a let of ground in the borough of Benton. George Hess and wife to Rolan dus Conner for lots of ground in Center township. W. E. Dieterick and wife to The School District of Scott township for a lot of ground in Espy. -m To the Endeavorers of Colombia and Montour Counties. You are herewith tendered a hearty invitation to attend the com ing C. E. convention at Benton, Pa., October 22 and 23, 1908. It is a great deal of pleasure to annnnnpo that Mr. A. I. Shartle. of Reading, Pa., the newly appoint ed Field Secretary, of Pennsylvania will be in attendance and take some part on the program. His wide practical experience, his fire, en- UllUi , nut ft deavor work, will stimulate all to 1 greater effort who come in touch 1 with him at the convention. C. M. Crkvkuno C. A. Klkim Dr. J. J. Brown M. MitucisHN ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO. On Friday last, October oth, 1908, it was one huudred years since Judge William F.lwell was born. On July 31st, 1888, he resigned from the Bench after a service of nearly twenty six years. Thirteen years ago todav, Oct ober 15th, 1895, he died, after an illness of nearly eight years. Though more than twenty years have passed since he left the Bench, the memory of his admirable quali ties as a jurist and as a man, are still green and it is a source of much gratification to his living re lativesto hear him still so frequent ly mentioned 111 terms of admira tion and respect. Truly, iu his case there is a contradiction of Shakespeare's statement that "The evil that men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones." MARRIAGE LICENSES. A. W. Tyson, of Mainville, and Miss Anna M. Bradley, of Eyers- grove. .Ralph Knouse, ot Benton, and Miss Anna Dewald, of Fairmount Springs. Homer Beaver and Miss Clara Hoffman, of Roaring Creek. Miles Lucas, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Miss Violet Sivitts, of Blooms burg. Charles Barnes and Mrs. Cather ine Behuey Smith, both of Centra- lia. William Clinton Rauch, of Fow lerville, and Benton Elizabeth Mil ler, of Berwick. Josiah T. McKen.ie and Miss Ruth Spear, both of Center town ship. Lloyd Gensil and Mrs. Elmira Whitenight, both of Lime Ridge BRYAN ANd'kERN CLUB. The Bryan and Kern Club will hold a Democratic meeting in the Court House on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, when addresses will be made bv Hon. Charles T. Reilly of Williamsport, one of the best campaign speakers in the state, and Hon. W. T. Creasy, our candidate for Assembly. A eeneral invita tion is extended to all, and ladies are esoeciallv ldvited. Another meeting will be held next week, Thursday. K. G. E. AT CHURCH. Theta Castle, Knights of the Golden Eagle, was represented by one hundred and twenty-five mem bers who attended service at the Reformed church la?t Sunday morn- intr. Thev listened to an excellent sermon by Rev. J. D. Thomas, the pastor. VETERANS' ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of the Col umbia Countv Veterans' Associa tion will be held at ' the time of the dedication of the monument, when ever that will be. MEETING AT JAMISON CITY. A Democratic meeting will be held at Jamison City next Tuesday, and will be addressediby promiuent speakers. w Home from Abroad. Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Waller and daughter reached home last Satur day night, having landed In New York that morning. The Doctor is fully recovered, and has resumed his duties as puncipai 01 me .nor mal School. 0e QBfoomsBurg Is dircctlv identified with the ufacturing interests of this community, and with its ample Capi tal and Surplus, Conservative Directorate, Progressive Manage ment and convenient location, is equipped to Satisfactorily Han dle New Accounts and to accord them that same courteous attention which has been a vital factor in its Steadfast and Con tinuous Growth. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Wm. II. IIidlay, Cashier. THE MONUMENT COMING. Market Square is again a scene of activity. A New York firm is on hand to erect the Soldiers Mon ument, and the derrick is in place. A tool shanty adorns the corner near the post office, and guy ropes run iu every direction. When any work of that kind is going on, it is astonishing to see how many men there are in town who have nothing else to do but watch it.' The monument is expected any time now, and when it arrives its erection will be rapidly pushed. RECENT DEATHS. Alfred Kisnerof Orangsville died at his home 011 Sunday, aged 66 years. Mrs. Martha Crawford died at her home on West Third street on Monday evening, aged 87 years. Surviving her are the following children: Mrs. Henry Cotterman, Mrs. William Giger, Mrs. Franklin Rhodomoyer and Miss Rozetta Crawford, all of Bloomsburg. Her brothers and sisters have all preced ed her to the grave. MONUMENT COMMITTEE. Commander E. E. Bittenbender of Eut Post called a meeting of all veterans of Columbia county at their hall, October 8th, at which time officers were elected. J. C. Eves of Millville Post was elected president, M. P. Lutz, secretary, and William Thomas, treasurer. A motion was made to call the committee Columbia County Sol diers' and Sailors' Monument As sociation, with power to arrange a program and do other business that may come before them, to promote the success of the exercises at the unveiling of the monument. ATHLETICS VS. BROOKLYN. A large crowd witnessed the game of base ball between the Athletics of Philadelphia and the Brooklyn team, on Athletic Field at the Normal last Monday after noon. It took but an hour to play the game, and was devoid of excite ment. The score was 4 to 1, in favor of the Athletics. EX-JUDGE BUCHER ILL. Ex-Judge Joseph C. Bucher, of Lewisburg, has been in declining health for several years, although able to be around until a couple of weeks ago, since which time he has been confined to bed. He is suffer ing from a complication of diseases, which at his age, seventy-five years, precludes hope of his recov ery. GONE TO SYNOD. Rev. Dr. Thomas of the Reform ed Church is in Lock Haven attend ing the Easteru Synod of that church. He is a delegate from the Wyoming Classis. The Synod meets annually. W. R. RIN GROSE INJURED. While assisting in handling a part of a slate vault at Rosemout Cemetery, W. R. Ringrose had his leg iujured by the piece falling on it. He is compelled to use crutches. Democratic Meeting. A Democratic meeting was held at Bendertown last Saturday even ing. A large audience listened to good speeches by Hon. John G. McIIenry and Hon. W. T. Creasy, Qtaftonaf (ganft Farming. Mercantile and Man A. Z. Sciiocn, President. CLERGY PASS RESOLUTIONS. A meeting of the ministers of this town and vicinity was held Monday and the following resolu tions in relation to the attractions at the Fair were adopted: Whereas, The ohicers ot tue Columbia Couuty Agricultural So ciety made earnest attempts to con duct a morally, clean and educat ional exhibition at their annual fair recently held in Bloomsburg, and Whereas, Notwithstanding their vigilance some exhibitions crept in that bordered on the in delicate, not to suy indecent, be it therefore Resolved, That we the members of the Ministerium of Bloomsburg and vicinity, beg leave to commend the action of the association in clos ing some disreputable exhibitions, and we would respectfully suggest that at all future annual exhibitions no shows known as "Dancing Girls" shall be exhibited from the grounds, and that in accordance with Rule 15 of the association, no gambling or game of chance of any kind be admitted upon or in the vicinity of the fair ground. Resolved that a copy of these re solutions be sent to the Secretary of the association. The ministers present at the meeting were: Rev. G. H. Hem ingway, Revs. E. R. Heckman, J. E. Byers, G. R. Smith, M. S. Jon es, J. D. Thomas, E. B. Bailey, W. R. Whitney, of town, and the Revs. Biggs and Fox of Espy. 900,000 PATENTS ISSUED IN U. S. The nine hundred thousandth patent from the United States pat ent office was issued Saturday, and to it was attached the name of Pat ent Commissioner Moore. The patent was an improvement on traveling stairs, such as are used in hotels and other large buildings, and while Mr. Moore ordinarily attaches his last name with his in itials, he signalized the attainment of the nine hundred thousandth by using his full name of Edward Bruce Moore. 5&In the early history of the nation the law required that patents should be signed by the president and as the first one was issued dur ing the first presidential adminis tration, it was signed by President Washington. It covered a device for making pearl ashes, and the document itself is said to be now owned by a Chicago collector. Mr. Moore estimates that the one millionth patent will be reach ed in the year 191 1. As going to show the inventive tendency of the American mind as compared with other countries, Mr. Moore calls attention to the fact that notwith standing this is among the newest nations, and is one among many, the total of patents issued by the United States is not very far below the total for all other countries for all time. The issuance of foreign patents up to the date of the last report was 1,135,000 or only 235, 000 in excess of the total for this country, TEACHERS' MEETING. There will be two sessions of the couuty teachers' meeting in the Court House ou Saturday. Ad dresses will be made by Superin tendent David A. Harman of Haz leton, and Supt. W. W. Evans. "What is a well governed school" will be discussed by the teachers. John Sherman of Jamison City captured a black bear in a trap last Thursday night. FALL SHOWINGS IN ALL CLOTHI1TG. There arc some of the Most Beautiful styles and patterns this season that we have ever seen. Come in and look over the models. This store is full of the season's styles and you will be sur prised how cheap you can buy here. CORNER PUBLIC HIGHWAYS Grange Inaugurating Campaign of Educa tion. Tf.vtmrt from an address bv ex- Governor Bachelder, delivered be fore the National Grange: "At the last annual meeting you en dorsed the recommendation made iu my address that the Grange in augurate a campaign of education, having for its object the enactment of legislation by Congress provid ing for a federal appropriation of $50,000,000, to be divided into five annual appropriations of $10,000, 000 each, to be expended for the improvement of the public high ways. These recommendations not only received your endorsement, but you instructed your legislative committee to take the necessary steps to inaugurate such a cam paign. Since the last meeting, your executive and the legislative committee have given close atten tion to the work of preparing for this campaign, and we are confident that the ;ime has now arrived when the movement should be prosecut ed vigorously, with the view of se curing the necesary legislation at the present session of Congress, if possible. This your legislative committee has made every prepar ation to do, and I recommend that you take such action before you adjourn as will show that it has the united support of the order in this important matter. The de mauds of the Grange are both rea sonable and just, and we may ex pect prompt action on the part of Congress if members of the order generally impress their senators and representatives with the fact that they are in earnest. The roads of the United States have too long been a reproach and byword among the nations. The Grange is deter mined that this must be elided , and we should not cease in our efforts until the federal, state and munici pal governments are cooperating in the work of making the American roads the finest in the world. PAPER MILL WILL RESUME. It is said that the purchasers of the Catawissa Paper Mill property have decided not to dismantle it, hut will rrnt it in ooeration. This will give employment to quite a number ot people. LINES OF fit i Xjj flf SEND'S Hon. W. T. Creasy Delivers Address Beloro tho Bryan and Kern Club Last Night -Discussed th Issues. Hon. William T. Creasy deliver ed an address before the Bryan and Kern Club of Danville last Friday night. The club room was well filled on the occasion. The address was one of Mr. Creasy 's characteristic efforts, earn est and forceful, one that held the close attention of those present. He kept the floor for about an hour, discussing the issues of the campaign as viewed from the Dem ocratic standpoint. The Bryan aud Kern Club of Danville is iucreasiug very rapidly in membership. A banner has been stretched across Mill street in front of the rooms, containing the por traits of the candidates for presi dent and vice president. Queer Way of Joking. There have been .several reports of alleged attempts by burglars to enter nouses in town. Some of the cases have proved to be only "jokes" played by friends of the parties. When somebody gets shot while playing one of these very funny "jokes", it will not be so ex quisitely amusing. Illustrated Lecture. Rev. Dr. S. U. Mitmau of South Bethlehem, will give an illustrated lecture on his recent tour in Eu rope, at the Normal School on No vember 4th, for the benefit of the two Christian Associations. Dr. Mitman is chaplain of Lehigh Uni versity. Led the Singing. Rev. E. B. Bailey had charge of the music at the meeting of the Christian Endeavor of the East Pennsylvania Conference held at Sunbury this week. Attended First Fair. Col. John G. Freeze is among those of our residents who attend ed the first fair ever held in Bloomsburg in 1858. I I1 hi tr,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers