The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 06, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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k-.U''wW-41tiNl- -
ended, autumiis
New ICngland
"She hath done
THURSDAY, Al'dfST (i, 1'iOS'.
Womanly Wisdom.
In the thady thicket robin hides -away,
Grasshopper and cricket drowsy con
certs Play.
By the roadside linger little brown
bare feet,
' Little thumb and finger pull the ber
ties sweet.
Butterflies are splendid, katydid is
Summer's almost
drawing near.
Remember the
woman's epitaph:
what she couldn't.
An easy and convenient way to
remove the silk from sweet orm is
to use a small vegetable scrub
Hffush. If any member of the family is
very sick at the stomach, teat up
the white of an eg p; and let him
swallow it. It acts like a charm.
In making marmalades 'and but
ters of peaches, plums and like
fruits, leave a few seeds in while
cooking, and you will find that the
fruit is less apt to stick tc the kettle
and burn.
Raspberries should never be set
away in a bowl or deep dish, where
the berries will be crowded together.
Instead, spread them on platters or
large plates, and they will keep
longer and in better condition.
If apiece of glass -or any sub
stance having sharp edges or points
be accidentally swallowed, chewing
and swallowing a considerable quan
tity of fresh slipneryfdm bark may
cause the foreign body to pass
through the intestines without in
jury to their .coats.
If you feel that ycu have a cold
coming on, start for the camphor
bottle, sit down and soak a clean
handkerchief with canphor, hold it
to your nose and sniff it long and
deeply. Keep right at it for five
minutes, aud then have another,
spell of it titer weiting a little
while. This will cftcn break ups'
hard cold.
Corn drops are delicious; try'
some. Use half a -.dozen ears of,
young, juicy vcorn. ecore the grains
with a sharp knife, after having
trimmed off tbe ieaat bit of the sur-i
face of each grain, then scrape all
the corn from the cob with the'
back of the knife. . Add salt and
one egg, the white ani yolk beaten;
separately. Drop in spoonfuls on
either a' hot ibake iron or frying
uan; diu id .eimer case use no more
fat than is just accessary to grease
it. Have the pan oniron hot and
oake like griddle cakes, turning
wnen a golden brown underneath,
From August Fcrm Journal,
that need men trained in agr'cal
ture. An illustration is found in the
instance ot our one agricultural col
lege in Pennsylvania, Withiu the
last year or two one member of the
faculty of this school of agriculture
has withdrawn to accept a position
with a commercial concern produc
ing high grade milk, and he is now
getting five thousand dollars a year.
A scientist in The Department of
Animal Husbandry has been secur
ed by China r.t a salary three times
as great as the Pennsylvania School
of Agriculture was able to pay him.
He left lor Mukden, Manchuria,
the last of June to assist in estab
lishing aT experiment station there.
Another member of the faculty,
Prof. Jthu VV. Gilinore, has been
chosen president of the college at
Hawaii at Honolulu, and the salary
paid asm will be nearly double that
which he has been receiving at
State College. Another young man
in this faculty left to become a farm
manager at $1,600 a year.
No solution to the dog question
yet. The council hae not secured
a canine executioner yet, and the
dogs are running the streets un
muzzled, perfectly regardless of the
torn ordinance.
tVohlfin California Woman Lrft
Public Adnilnltttrator to Solve.
Cunningly hidden In a secret re
ceptacle deftly cnfTed In the leg of
J.n antloue table. Hw fortune of fh
Idto Mrs. JesBO Fremont Dletsch ol
an Francisco, relative of the noted
Pathfinder, Gen. Joai C. Fremont,
a'usi found recently rby the deputy
r-uhllc administrator, W. J. Hynes.
I'tie neatly fastened little bundle
;ave up a bank bonk showing depos
its of J4.200, a costly collection Ol
t' honored JewtV-y and. countless
-h!! roa In wildcat 'concerns wortt
itit'ir waste paper "value.
T.'ie discovery tvt the effects of thfl
erratic woman of historic Unease
tc1k a search that Hynes aDd Mi
men pursued for tiveral days wttj
i;reat earnest-c-B3. When Mrs.
JJ:etsch died on April 28 alone ard
seclusion, her effects were taken
Big Demand for Trained Men.
Trained Agriculturists Are Commanding Big
salaries All Over the World.
11 j , f .
ine uemazia ior em lent mem
trained at our best agricultural col
eges exceeds the supply. Organi
sations ot Dretcters, dairynen, fruit
-growers and other producers ia
aany of our states soto'cit special in
vestigation to be overtaken by sta
tion scientists. There is ,pnblic de-
nana lor omciai! tests of feeds, ani
. nal feeding stuffs and commercial
:eitilizers. There is continual in
crease in the number of high
.1 1.. - . .. . -
-vuuois inai give instructiQC in ae
rtculture and which necessarl1y find
need of agricultural scientists as
capable teachers. There are also
many farms employing agricultural
couege graduates mh superintend
ents, lhe salaries paid to uch
men exceed those paid to scientists
t similar rank in other lines, te
ause there are cot enough mencito
10 tne work. (Jur agricultural col
leges cannot compete in the matter
i salary with commercial concernc
$10C Reward, $900.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at
leact one dreaded disease that sci
ence has been ible to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive
wure cow known to the medical fri
:ernity. Catarrh being a constitu
lonal disease, requires a constitu
ional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
ure is taken internally, acting di
. rectly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby de
stroying the foundation of the dis
ease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
issistiug nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith
m its curative powers that they of
fer One Hundred Dollars for any
ase that it fails to cure. Seud for
list of testimonials.
Address F. J. Chbney & Co..
Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. ,
charge of by the public Administra
tor in the absence of any near rela
tives. The officers were Informed
That the old woman, was possessed cl
preat wealth and tha stories came
from such rellabto sources that 11
was deemed advisable to make m
complete search of lhe premises.
With UUa end re view Hynes ad
his assistants strained every effort ifel
locate tne bidden i-fasure. Every ar
ticle In the bouse was overturned
and thoroughly -carched without
avail. Even the carpets and tapes
tries were ripped open In the hope
that they wrmld yield some of tAtr
glittering gold whlqh the aged ftr
cluse wag supposed v possess.
Just as Hynes wat about to abart
con the seaurcti he accidentally knock
ed off the hollow leg of an ancleifc
table. In tbe clevutiy constructed
;ache the puMlc administrator splC
n old wallet. Opor lng the but
i.tyneg discovered rhtt It contained
I'Jie bank book. Jewel-, and stock cer
Rf.cates. Los Angeloe Times.
Du ChaJIHtV Sleflr-j In Muncuih.
The Lapland sledge used by Paul
Challlu. tike writer sand explorer.
In, the perilous Journey twhich he de-f-lbed
In "Tiie t-and S .tie. Midnight
Sen" has been received Into tbe
American Museum of iiatural His
tory. The sledge or K;e as It is
caHd In the north. haea prow not that of a canoe wround-bot-torred
rowboat, and Is iout seven
f'W long. tot single audi or piece
ot metal appears in its witstructlon,
tiefc- places belBg; taken iljy wooden
IK: and ro)es of bark fite, a twist
ed Urace of ler.ther being attached to
the jlndeer'g collar foradne the
rein. Kor many years ttila sledge
had jfn Btored In the Harper build
ing in Franklin Square, ais.C It waa
prasemed to the Museum by fiie Har
pers, u, whom the explorer luvd given
It upon ,hls return. Du ChaiTu re
tarded ilt; as the most eloqueit sou
venir of ibis travels.
fiO Cents a Head for Female Itntu
Killed and 25 Cents for Males
In the Middle Ages with their Plea
Hpers of Hamlin and other wizards
who relieved rat-ridden communities
of their scourge through the pleasing
agency of music, which has charms
for the rodent as well as for the
human ear, they managed things bet
ter and certainly more picturesquely,
but for present day condition little
Denmark Is acquitting Itself with
honor and efficiency In the campaign
aRalnst rata, by winch the kingdom
where once there was "something
toi 1" has been convulsed for the last
four or five years.
San Francisco has also entered on
a battle royal against the pests. Since
the devastating earthquake of April,
100 , the city has been fairly over
run iiy rats, and so unbearable has
the situation become In Its menace to
healt chiefly because of the spread
of bubonic plague, that the municipal
authorities recently offered a bounty
rf TO cents a head for female rats
killed and 26 cents a head for males.
It was Mr. Zuschlag, a distinguish
ed civil engineer c. Copenhagen, who
first descried the rat peril and In
eloquent accents warned his fellow
countrymen against the danger to
fthelr pockets and their persons of
longer supinely submitting to pay the
onerous rat tribute He pointed out
that the rat kingdom yearly raised a
a tax of two million dollars upon .ho
Industries of tho country, while tho
Indirect losses, the exact figures of
which cannot be ascertained, are, as
he demonstrated, clearly enormous.
it is no longer as U once was. a
crusade of Individuals, but. one which
has received the sanction of law and
of parliament A State grant for a
large sum was voted out of
which two cents Is paid for every rat
tall produced. An extra levy of
about a dollar upon every commun
ity of one hundred Inhabitants has
also been ordered to enrich the cru-
Bade, and this they will each and
every one have to pay until the he
Inspector of the rat control service d
clares the neighborhood free of rod
ents. The flgur i by which Mr. Zuschltg
has at last proved to the satisfaction
of his countrymen and the law met
ers of his native land that the losa
by ratt In Denmark alone amounts
to over two million dollars eheiiid
prove mighty Interesting reading in
thes days of hard times ani urgent
retrenchment. To begin with,, Mr.
Zuschlag makes no attempt to ettl
mate the damage to the field crops,
but merely seeks to find out the di.m
ago done to the grain after 1t is
housed In the granaries and man oc31s
It his own.
If the same conditions of fat
depredations obtain In America, r.nd
Mr. Zuschlag thinks they do, .the
American rat t? not eating s oat of
house and home, tat he is costing
us a sum of sixty million dollars a
year, which might to better advan
tage be diverted Into other xtd .more
profitable channels.
Insue tunis to limy l'u prr.
The Slum Fein party in Ireland re
cently made. a judical move by lull
ing a posUtgo stamp of its own
bought by xaombers and used on ll
tiioir correspondence In addition to
the post office stamp. The proceeds
to be used to start a dally newspaper
as the organ of the party, and already
the sum realized is said to be considerable.
bantu inn lung tou nan always ftmgit
InHects that Kat liead Pipe.
The astonishing fact that rn Uhe
Vienna mint the leaden walls of ien
ervoir containing sudphurlc aedd. .al
though about 1.7 inches thick, were
eaten through by an Insect; that ithe
leaden gas pipe in the cafe was also
damaged In a like manner, and that
also In the sulphuric acid factory in
Nusedorf the wall of the lead cham
ber was found to contain defetrtc
from tne same cause, fcas recently U
v traded attention to the damages
.done by insects both t wood uwl t
onetal, says a writer in the scientific
Aii.erlcan. Such damages are due to
. so-'; of wood wasp, vt which there
r many sorts in central Europe.
The largest tf these, Hte black and
yellow giant wood wasp, resemblec
tbe truo wasp, wtiich Is eo feared toe
auBe of its sting; but (dose observa
tion shows it to be very Clfferent. Its
ureaHi una neuy are Domed by a
widn connecting piece, whereas in
tile case of the real wasp the "waist"
fa !jroverblaJly sma.lL On the under
slieiol the elongated betjy, the f
ma.le.&.a8 a very hard boring device,
airoi . 'three-fourths of an nch long.
Ordinarily this borer is directed back
ward; but when in use It 4a turned
about iluc base, so as to mako a con
siderable angle with the axils of the
body aud is used like a rat-tall file
until It uaakes a hole about seven
tent ha f .n inch deep ia tbe wood
which t usually chooses to perforate.
The egg ovhlch the female lays In
the wood develops into a caterpillar
like creature with six Bhort lege, and
without eyes.
With its sirttrp, hard jaws, it bites
Into the trunk of a tree tubular chan
nels, which liiorease In diameter as
the wasp grows larger. It swallcws
the wood whldi It gnaws off, diges
ting the nutritious portions and dis
charging the rest In a meal-like for a.
For two years It .eats its way for
ward In this man&er. In the third
yettr the insect creeps out, biting
with its i&wn through the thin wall
which separates it from tbe outer
world, leaving the home of its child
hood to enter upon a short life In
freedom. Should a tree trunk which
has bon perforated by such a wasp,
and in which an egg has been laid',
be employed when Insufficiently sea
soned for building' purposes, It may
happen that some day tbe Insect,
which has been two years working
Its way through tbe piece, will sud
denly appear In the building. If a
piece of such timber which contains
a I.-rva, is surrounded by a leadsa
plate, the Insect will not stop at this,
but will bite Its way through just as
though it ware of wood,
lty virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and
to me directed, there will be sold at pub
lic sale on the premises of the within
described property, in the Borough of
Ccntralin, County and State aforesaid,
at 1 1 o'clock a. m. the following describ
ed real estate, to wit :
The sunace of all that certain lot or
piece of ground situate in the Borough
of Centralia, laid out by the Locust
Mountain Ooal and Iron Company in
Columbia CoiMty, in the State of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as fol
lows :
Beginning on tho east side of Locust
Avenue, tlie.icc along said Avenue south
three degrees cast (S 3 H) twenty-five
(25) feet, thence north eighty-seven de
grceseast (N 870 E) one hundred and for
ty (140) feet to an alley, thence along said
alley north three degrees west (N 30 W)
twtr.ty-hve (45) feet; thence south eigli
ty-seve.i degrees west (b 07" W ; one
hundred ard forty (140) feet to the place
ot beginning ana bcinir the lot whicli
marked in the general plan of said town
of Centralia with the Number Four A)
in Hlock Number One Hundred and
Ixghteun (U8), and being the same
premises which the Locust Mountain
Coal and Iron Company by its Indenture
maue tne sist clay ot September A. u
1865 and recorded at Bloomsburg, Pcnn
nylvania, in Deed Book No. Seventy
Seven (77) at page two hundred and
fo.ty-seven (247) Ate, granted and con
veyed to I nomas Horan and the same
which Thomas Horan by his Indenture
dated the 87th of November A. D., 187a
and recorded at JJloomsburg. Pennsvl
vnnia, in Deed Boo'c No. forty-four (44)
page three hundred and sixty-nine (369)
fcc., granted and conveyed to Thomas
i-oiiins, anil tne same winch 1 nomas
Collins by last will and testament duly
probated at Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania,
cievised to his widow, Mary fc.. Collins,
on winch is erected
now used as a liquor license restaurant.
Seized, taken into execution at the
suit of Michael J. McDonnell now to the
use of The Ashland National Bank of
Ashland, Pa., vs. Mary E. Collins, and
to be sold as the property of Mary E
CHAS. B. ENT, Sheriff,
E. J. Flynn, Attorney. 7-3o-4t
By virtue o a writ of Levari Facias
issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Columbia County, Pa,, and to
me directed, there will be sold at public
sale at tne court House at Bloomsburg,
county ana state atoresuiil, on
FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1908,
at 3 o'clock p. ni., the following cescrib.
ed real estate:
All that certain messuage, piece, par
cel ana tract ot una, situate in the Town
of Bloomsburg, county and state afore
said, bounded and described as follows.
to wit : Beginning at a corner in the
public road leading from Bloomsburg to
liglit btreet ana corner ot land of j. J.
Mussleman, thenoe in said rood south
forty-four degrees west two hundred
and forty-one feet to a point in said road.
thence south sixty degrees west two
hundred and eighty-seven feet to a rost
in said road, thenoe south sixty-four de
grees torty-hve minutes west one hun
dred feet to a post in said road, thence
south seventy-two degrees forty-five
minutes west two hundred and fortv-
mree leec to a post in saia road, thence
north eighty six decrees west two hun
dred feet to a post in said road, thence
south eighty-seven degrees thirty min
utes west one nunarea teet to a nost in
said road, thence south seventy-one de
grees fifteen minutes west three hundred
and sixty-four feet toapost corner in said
road, at a private road leading to Kose
mont Cemetery Co.. thence bv said road
and other lands of said Armstrong north
sixty degrees and thirty minutes east
one hundred and forty-eight and five
tenths feet to a stake, thence north fifty
four degrees thirty minutes east one
hundred and eighteen and five-tenths
reet t6 a 6take. thence north thirtv-turn
wJegrees ten minutes east seventy-four
Ueet to a stake, thence north ten decrees
iforty minutes east one hundred and
minety-nine and five-tenths feet to a
tike, thence north nine degrees five
minutes east one hundred and eighty-one
feet to a 6take, thence north four degrees
fifteen minutes east one hundred and
thirty-eight feet to a stone corner and
otitir land of said Armstrong, thence by
msuc norm eignty-nve aegrees east nine
hundred and ninety-five and five-tenths
feel, to a corner and laud of J. J. Mus
sleman, thence by the same south eleven
degnees east two hundred and sixty-two
and five-tenths feet to a post corner in
the public road aforesaid, the place of
utuuiiig, containing
together with the right to use the pri
vate road, leading to Rosemont Cemeterv
and the use of water from a spring loca-
icu uuuui; minecy teet trom the north
west corner of the tract of land hrP.
conveyed. On which is erected a larvre
and necessary equipment for the florist
and nursery business. This nronnrtv
located within a quarter of a mile of the
iyw ui wiuuiujuius, nun is well equip,
oed with a modern, up-to-date Green
House and Nursery Plant capable of ini
ncisdiate operation.
Seized, taken into execution at the
suit of David W, Armstrong now to the
use of Louise H. Dillon aud Alice Fur.
man, Executrices of the last will and
testament of J. L. Dillon, dee'd vs
SIX 1 A . . . '
lames 1. uavis, jonn w. Davis and
Steward E. P.eynolds, co-partners under
the firm name of Davis Brothers Com
pany and the Davis Bros. Company a
corporation terre-tenant, and to !
as the property of James T. Davis fohn
Alexander Brothers & Co.,
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and
Pine Candies. Fresh Every Week.
;Pen"t Goo 133 a. Specialty.
1 1
ALEXANDER BROS. & CO., Bloomsburg, Pa.
:....... --.......i
Carpets, Rugs, Hatting and
Draperies, Oil Cloth and
Window Curtains
You Will Find a Nice Line at
"A Little Nonsense Now and 7 hen,
Js Relished by the Wisest Men?'
Judge's Quarterly, $1.00 a year
Judge's Library, $1.00 a year
Sis Hopkins' Hon., $1.00 a year
On receipt of Twenty Cents, we will enter your name
for three months' trial subscription for either of these bright,
witty, and humorous journals, or for One Dollar will add
Leslie's Weekly or Judge for the same period of tirrr
Judge Company
225 Fourth Avenue New York
More el&Mlo, non-nimlnfr part.
Abwluulj unbreakable Wljor
0urutw4 bt BO. luputo n4.
Oaa b. had In llrhl or haarjt w.ijht tot
man or y.mih, vilra lanrto tain prica.
If yonrdPAl.r won't auiipljryoa
we will, H.tpal!, for to wiiu.
aid for Talubl. fro. booalat,
Oorraot Praia A laapoadar gtyloi."
Lariait Bupaador Hakan la th. World
1214 I Maaala HU Sanaa, Saaa.
partners unaer. ine tiTm name nr i a,.i
brothers Company and the Davis Broth
ers Company, a corporation terre-tenant
17 1 yi 1 CHAS B- ENT' Sheriff. '
Fred Ikeler, Attorney. 7-3o-4t
W. L. 'Douglas
Packard Shoes
are worn by more men
than any other shoes
Come in and let us
Fit You With a Pair
Corner Main and IronSts.,
Visiting cards and Wedding invi-'
tations at the Columbian office, tf
j Our Pianos
I the leaders. Our lines in
clude the following makes :
Henry F. Miller,
Brewer & Prvor, Koiiler
Campbell, and Radel.
IN ORGANS we handle the
ksTEv, Miller.II.Lehr & Co.
This Store has the agency for
Helby, 1900, Queen, Key
stone, Majestic.
Music Rooms No. 105 West Main
Street, Below Market.