8 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURO. PA. THE COLUMBIAN. M.OG..JSBURG, PA. THURSDAY, FEBUUAHY 20, 11(08, "ASINGTON From our Kecular Correspondent. Washington, D. C, Feb. 17, 1908. "If ever there was an opportu nity for Democratic victory this is it", said a prominent Democratic Biember of the Senate today. "Why the Republicans are fighting like the famous Kilkenny cats. The President and Taft are deter mined that their policies shall tri umph, regardless of the welfare of the party, and the opposition would rather split the party wide qpen than endure anot'uer four years of Rooseveltism, whether it is admin istered by Teddy himself, or by Taft. The latest plan of the anti Roosevelt crowd is to carry the Re publican National Convention with 'rotten Borough' delegations from the South which can be counted on to vote against Taft and for such other candidate as will pay the highest price. These delegations are almost entirely composed of negroes who will sell out at the drop of the hat, but there is no danger of their selling to the Taft people because the l ait crown nas not got the price. Well, we on this side can look on with entire equanimity. I hope, indeed that they will succeed, for the American people will not stand for that kind of politics and it will mean the election of Bryan, "surer than fate." -v ' Senator Stone of Missouri, talk ing of the professed intentions ol the Democrats to revise the tariff, col rm1a. "Did VOU UOtke llOW ' Mr. Cannon treated those members of the National Manufacturers' Association who came to Washing ton to ask Congress to appoint a tariff commission? They came at instance of Senator Beveridge. They were all Republicans who have enjoyed the benefits of pro- tection until they have got enough and they want a little bit of the tariff wall shaved off. And yet Cannon treated them with con tempt. Now what have we to ex pect if the Republicans v in the next election. Cannon will be Speaker again and he will be just as much of a stand patter as he is elect a Democratic President if they want tariff revision, just as they did in 1902 . This talk of Republi can tariff revision is all a bluff." . , . Senator Aldrich is driving his financial bill through the Senate with his usual skill. The Demo crats are all opposed to it and many of the Republicans are atrainst it. but they are afraid of Aldrich to a man and the Democrats, who con , stitute only one third of the upper hniiw arf nmvr1f"Wt to do flnv- thing without the help of the Re publicans. The President has an nounced that he favors the Aldrich bill and when Aldrich and the President get together no Republi can dares raise his voice in protest. . v The anti-Bryan Democrats very nAorltr -v-M,t-ft a nnr Ifttta wnn ihe other day. They proposed to elect Rep. Ryan of Virginia to the chairmanship of the Democratic Congressional Committee. It was a little scheme of Thos. F. Ryan 'of New York, who is a distant cousin of Rep. Ryan. Some of the mem bers of the Senate learned of the game Mr. Ryan of Interborough Railway fame was putting up how ever, and blocked it in the eleven th hour. It looks very much as if the country was going to be burdened with another and more than ever ' infamous pension bill. This is a Kidney Disease Kills. Thousands Never Suspect Thai They Have It. It Is now generally admitted that diseases of the kidneys and bladder constitute the greatest source of disease. Cure these and we remove the canst of nearly all ailments of the Liver. Blood, Stomach sod Bowels, But the approach of Kidney disease Issotly and gradual that the first symptoms may not be noticed. Dere are some of the moet common , symptoms of this dangerous disease 1 Discolored or dark uriue, sometimes excessive and of pale color. Unusual desire to urinate, especially at ulght. "Brick Dust" deposits, somalUnes containing albumen and blood. Swelling around eyes, anklet and abdomen. Drowsioost and a constant tired feeling. Pale, hot and dry skin. Pain in the back, headache, cramps m the legs. Bowels constipated, digestion Impaired. Uneumatle palm in the Joints and muscles. If yon have any of the above symptoms yonr kid neys need immediate attention, and Dr. David Ken. neay s favorite Krmeny should be taken at once. So you know what will happen If you neglect thesf j.,,,MjiiiBf A(iKui jsiaiMv, mini wrriuiv, ic nearly always the outcome. r. David Kennedy's Favorite Bemedy has cured thousands of kidney ukw, ana we uave me positive proof, u will curt yon. Mend to Dr. David Kennedy's Hons, Bondont, li. Y., for a free sample bottle and metlltal booklet Urge bottles 11,00, at all druggists. How Is Your Blood t It you luck strength, ore nrrvons, haye no appotltu, don't Bleep well, get tired enslly, your Mood Is In bad condition. You cannot be strong wkhont pure, rich blood. Hood's Fnrapnrllla makes good, rich blood and keeps It good. Dyepepela "For six month a my sys tem was nut of order wltji dynpepnla and Impure blood. Spirit lota of money In vain, hut Hood' ISarsnparlllu cured ine. Jos. 8, Zacba, Genoa, Neb. , Had No Appetite-"1 va" troubled With lypepla and had no appetite. 1 had a faint f-eliii(t after entlne. My constitution was all run down, hut UooirsSBrsaparlllahas fully relieved me-." Flohkncb Stowe, bnidcrville. Wisconsin. Weakness-"! bless the day I heard of Hood's arsiipnrllla, as it cured meof extreme weakness after vrip. built my husband up after pneumonia, and cured enema and hlood-polsotilnir In our children." Mrs, M. A. Oklworth, Box 4. Emhreevillo. Fa. I Hood's Sarsnparflls Is sold everywhere. In the usual liquid, or In tablet form called 8arsatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar. Pre pared only by O. I. Hood Co.. Lowell, Mass. bill to pension every widow of every man who served 90 days or longer in the Civil War," and to raise the pensions of all widows from $S to $12 a month. Speaker Cannon is back of the bill, which will cost the country about $12,000,000 a year in addition to the $151 ,000,000 it is already spending for pensions, but tbey say that Mr. Cannon thinks it will help him to gain the Republican presidential nomination and as he does not have to pay the bill he considers it cheap at the price. Of course most of the real widows of the veterans are dead that is women who were the wives of veterans during the war, but this bill gives pensions to all that host of young women, many of them of not too envious reputa tions, who have married old sol-1 diers many years their senior in order to secure the old mens' pen sions after their death. Mr. Bryan has declared in favor of the guarantee of all deposits in national banks, these to be secured , by a sort of insurance fund to be' accumulated by a tax on all depos-1 its ' to be paid into the national ( treasury. The Democrats in both j houses of Congress favor this scheme and an earnest effort will be made to add it as an amendment ! to the Aldrich bill, but as the bank ers are opposed to it.it will proba bly fail. The Secretary of War has issued a general order creating a Division of Militia in the War Department. This division will have charge of all the relations of the militia to I the regular army, such as joint ' manoeuvers, etc. It is to be in charge of Colonel E. M. Weaver who is known to many national 1 guardsmen as the officer who had charge of the joint manoeuvers of ; the militia and the Coast Defense Artillery, last summer. Hitherto, Colonel Weaver has been assistant Chief of Artillery. If Democrats quarrel often it takes Republicans to quarrel bitter ly. The' spectacle of Senator For- ftker denouncing.lhe President, of a Republican Representative denoun cing Mr. Foraker and of the Presi dent putting the Senator from Ohio in the already over-crowded Ana-' nias Club are distinctly Republican and are typical of the brotherly love which at present characterizes the Republican party. ' Bloomsburg Souvenir Books, 48 half tone pictures,' 25 cents, at the Columbian office. tf. Nobody Wants it. ONIca or Prothonotarf In Schuylkill County Cost Begging. No candidate has filed a petition on either ticket for the nomination tor the office of prothonotary in Schuylkill county and nobody seems to want the office on accouut of the meager compensation con nected with it. The naturalization law, recently passed by congress, has cut the fees of the office almost in half and after paying the two deputies needed to conduct the of fice the next prothonotary will have less than $3,000 a year for himself. As it costs as much to campaign for this office as any other county job, the candidates are evidently scared Off. OASVORXA,' Bean th lt)8 Kind Von Havs always Bought The MOST 3 What Liquor Costs. Thsrs Wat An Increased Consumption ol Beer and Spirits In 1907. The saying that figures can't lie is so familiar as to be trite togeth er with its corollary that liars can figure. It is, however, manifest that false deductions may be reach ed by glancing superficially eveu at figures which are authentic. Thus the statement is put out y the Federal Commission of Internal Revenue showing that during the past fiscal year the American peo ple consume 160,000,000 more gal lons of beer than in any preceding twelve months, and that their pur chases of distilled spirits were also larger by more than seven million gallons than for the year ending June 30, 1905. The first and most natural thought suggested by this showing is that drunkenness must be on the increase. Yet as a mat ter of plain facts, nearly all intelli gent observers will agree that the contrary is the case. It is always to be remembered that the popula tion of the United States is rapidly growing especially since we have acquired the habit ot taking within our gates a million or so immi grants yearly. That alone would account largely for the reported in crease in the consumption of moder ately or strongly alcholic beverag es. But without attempting to minimize the evils wrought by the excessive use of intoxicants, it is obvious that the so-called "temper ance question" is being gradually and on the whole effectually, dealt with by public sentiment. Total abstinence on the part of their em ployes is now required by numer ous railroad corporations; in most forms of business the knowledge that any responsible worker falls into even .cccasional inebriety is deemed cauie for his dismissal; the intoxitation . which in the "good old days" was not regarded as ser iously marring the standing of a "gentleman" is now utider the ban in all decent society. Although the national drink bill may still be a good deal too big, drunken ness is assuredly tar less prevalent than it was even a single genera tion ago. . Facts of Interest A recent visit of continental royalty to London cost King Edward $250,000. A letter addressed to "The man who wears the tallest hat in Bristol," has been correctly delivered in that Fng lish city. It Is estimated that the Kaflira in the diamond mines, at Kimbei'ley, South Africa, steal 11.250,000 wortU of dia monds in a year. As a result of recent accidents to va rious navies the British warships will have their magazines coiled with re fri' eratlng machinery. The rice flour cracker of China la by far the whitest biscuit product in the world. In comparison witlt it the whitest American biscuit looks dingy. Herr Mauser has itiveutift what he oouslders an improvement on bis well known rifle by which it reloads itself automatically from a cartridge cham ber. A portable army outfit for water sterilizing was turned over to the Unit ed States government In August. It ha a capacity under test of 400 gallons of water per hour. It is estimated that there are 2,500, 000 dogs lu Great Britain. The output of all the vineyards of the world Is rstlniated to be 3,554,416, 000 gallons. Mexicans resemble the Japanese la that the vast majority of them eat no butter of auy kind. Annie Louis Cary, the greatest of American contraltos during her opera tie career, has J use passed the sl xty flfth anniversary of her birthday. The second of its kind In the coun try is the picturesque temple of wor ship which 7,000 Greeks at Lowell, Muss., have built, it being a (100,000 structure with a brilliant golden dome and two goldeu turret. M , That the St. Louis balloon carnival and recent demonstrations abroad Cave shown that dirigible balioous are indis pensable to the army Is tlte belief of Major Edgar Russell, temporarily Id charge of the Signal Corps. It is said that for this reosou Secretary Taft's re port will ask Congress to appropriate a substantial sum for beginning the con struction of the United States' aerial fleet. MODEL r '( l i.Q praf 1 SENSIBLE, USEFUL GETS lorUic HOLIDAYS Attractively racked la Haadsonu Hutu Fair Boxes Vtof ssslsle BiSfS hat rabfes tsa any otkM tki, hit. solS'ft II BOS'iuttsf Bi-tel part. hI ttfMl sort Mil ls. ssaaos wr strata. Th. w vbM ttm sctioa avails sms sms somlott u.r wh.t po.it, las sod, mf sttt , TltETOUTWEAaTHIEB OlDtNAIT KINDS. WHICH MEANS THIS! TIMES IHE SEIV1CB OF USUAL 60 CENT SORTS COMPOMTJtBL wpniw aaada for sua. a Utah umn " am umrt w,kU, sun Low aw Sites ooM Thar aaake laasaaaalva tfilta avary Baa, jraatb ar boy will alaaUjr raealva BEWES FOTTEB. Dapl. , 87 Ltaeela Straat. Basioa, Maea. was!) S Dos Sennas Ocas sis Cuaauli.4 lot 10s. sattsfs, lartnutlTS SMSlll. m.OC ISWloPlMOttlUr." itU SMUu IMS BIJIll0Sl 1214 Does a Cat Bring Bad Luck? There is no locality in the world which is above attaching some sup erstition to the poor old cat. Man, whatever his color or creed or con dition, seems unable , to prevent himself from believing that the fe line is a lucky or unlucky object. These superstitions go back as far as history. In Egypt, for 111 stance, even In its remotest days, the cat was an object of veneration, Temples were erected to it and sac rifices made in its honor. When the household cat died every mem I ber of the household was required to shave off Jjis or her eyebrows, j For thousands of years this idoli zation of the feline continued. Ev en at the time of the invasion of the Persion King, Cambyses, it is related that the victory was won by htm in his various battles be cause his soldiers drove cats in front of them. The Egyptians, . fearful of harming the animals, 1 practically ran away. I In modern times, while there is nothing akin to worship, there are some very curious ideas as to the influence the cat casts upon affairs of the human life. In Massachusetts it "brings good luck" to throw a dead black cat over the left shoulder and turn around twice. In Alabama the. spirit of au old maid after death takes possession ot some black cat. lu the same State to cut off the end of a black cat's tail and bury it under the doorstep is to keep sickness out of the family. In Iowa is found the superstition that if a farmer kills a cat some of his stock will die. In Canada, Michigan and eastern Kansas a cat of three colors brings luck and in the last named place is regarded as a protection against fires. A "smutty" nosed cat brings wealth to its owner. "Up in Maine" it means poverty to own a white cat. In Ohio, if a neighbor's cat com es listening around your house it means news-carrying and you may know that the neighbors are gossip tng about you. ' In Labrador it -means visitors when the cat scratches the door post. The cat also runs a weather bu reau. 1 A cat "bawling" is a sign of rain in Newfoundland., A cat eating grass indicates rain in Maine, Michigan and Massachu setts. . In Alabama a cat washing its face means rain. In New England this statement is limited to ablu tions on the part of the cat before breakfast or in the parlor. That putting a coal black cat un der a bushel measure when it is raining will make the rain stop is a belief entertained in Maryland. It is a general belief that a cat should never be left alone with a sleeping child, as the cat "may suck the child's breath." In Ohio is found the belief that playing with a cat will make a child stupid. In New England it is regarded as unsafe to have a cat in the room during a thunderstorm. In Maine it is believed that in the tip of every cat's tail are three hairs of the devil which accounts for the cat's disposition to prowl. saassisasssasa f Dr. Miles' Anti-Fain Pills relieve pain. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. BttaU of Ala York; Vtoeatt, Notice is hereby given that the under signed, appointed an Auditor by the Or phans' Court of Columbia county, on exceptions to the second and final ac count of Asa Yorks. late of said county, deceased; and also to BiaVe distribution of the estate in the bands of his Execu tors, will sit to perform the duties of hia appointment, at his office in the town of Bloomsburg, on Thursday, February aoth, 1908. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when and where all persona having claims against the estate, or interest therein, must appear and present the same, or be forever debarred from com ing in on the said fund. JOHN G. FREEZE, X Auditor. Fred Ikeler, Att'y for Executors. A. L. Fritz for the Heirs. Wm. Chrisman for Exceptions. 1-16-ta JERSEYS Combination and Golden Lad FOR SALE 2 Cows, 3 Heifers and 12 Bulls. S. E. NIVIN, Landsnburg, Pa. B yoBla ot bay ia-f tf n am We have just placed on sale the most complete assortment of New White Dress Materials we have ever shown all the new Plaids, Stripes and Fancy Weaves from 12J cents to 75 cents a yard. Early buyers are invited to in spect this stock before making purchases. aaa UCC SESSSOTO j Alexander Brothers & Co., J DEALERS IN : Gigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Confec- j tionery and Nuts. j o 5 2 Fine Candies. Freeh Evory Week." EiTlTY C3-OOXD3 -A. SPECIALTY. 8 SOLE AGENTS FOR 5 JUPITER, KING OSCAR, WRITTEN GUARANTEE, 5 5 COLUMBIAN, ETC. 5 Also F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. J ALEXANDER BROS. & CO., Bloomsburg, Pa. 3 '' a am a A vTv A B A A Cs AT s. IF YOU ARE IN NEED Garnets. Rue-s. r srw uraneries. w . 7 window . ... You will Find a Nice Line at ss i i Baas' ss' 9 V f-tcy BLOOMSBURO. PENN'A. WHY WE LAUGH. "A Little Nonsense Now and 7 hen, Is Relished by the Wisest Men Judge's Quarterly, $1.00 a year Judge's Library, $1.00 a year Sis Hopkins' Hon., $1.00 a year On receipt of Twenty Cents, we will enter your name for three months' trial aubacrintion or either nf these hn'crrii- witty, and humorous journals, - -1 1 WJ I.I I .... -J arcane s wceiiy or juugc xor ine same period ot time. Address Judge Company a25 Fourth Avenue New York 3-ai W. L. Douglas AND Packard Shoes are worn by more men than any other shoes - made.'. Come in and let us Fit Yon With a Pair W. H. MOORE, Corner Main and Iron Sts., BLOOMSB ORG, PA. Visiting cards and Wedding: invi tations at the Columbian office, tf SHOWING OF WHITE GOODS OF e nattino and ) j c . . . un uiotn and curtains , ' ) 1 or for One Dollar will add 1 . 1 .... Our Pianos are the leaders. Our lines in clude the following makes : Chas. M. Stieff, Henry F. Miller, Brewer & Pryor, Kohler & Campbell, and Radel. IN ORGANS we handle the Estey, MlLLERiH.LEHR & Co. AND BOWLBY. 75i Store has the agency for SINGER HIGH ARM SE W ING MACHINES and VICTOR TALKING MACHINES. WASH MACHINES Helby, 1900, Queen, Key stone, Majestic' J. SALTZEtf , Music Rooms No. 105 West Main Street, Below Market. BL O OMSB UR G, PA.