The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 09, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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' n I U l s ) . Y , J , M 7a H Y I), l: is
fiem-OHd fiitiw matter. Stuff h 1. lss.
The Normal School opened on
T uesd.iy with a large attend. nice.
Eighteen thousand oysters v re
served to tho patients of the Dan
ville Asylum on Nc.v Year's day.
The number of itku riage licenses
is.'ii'.-d i'i this county during 107
was 370, an increase of 9 over lyuo.
Hut ire fiebis of unhusked coin
are still to be s.-en on tli-: fine farms
in the eastern past of the .State,
which is something unusual.
Many iaduslri.d plvsls all over
the country that ha:l closed down
when the financial stringency came
on, are starting up again on full
According to the reports filed in
the bureau ot vital statistics at
llarrNburg, there were 365 sui
cides in the Slate during 1907, or
one for each i'ay.
Rev. Malcolm A. Shipley, for
ruttly rector of Christ Chinch, Her
wick, has aceep ed a call to tho
Episcopal Church at Hazleton, and
has entered upon his work.
. 4
As a result of ovei loading, the
flat ar.d engir.e used at the MilTlin
ville bridge in taking from the river
the wrecked s-pan, sank in eight
feet of water on Sunday. The
hoodoo still continues.
It was expected that Judge Evans
would hand down an opinion in
the Krickbaum election case, on
Monday, but this was not done, and
no allusion made to it. The Judge
had given no hniuiation that he
would dispose of the case at that
The report of the chief of the
Suubury lure Department shows a
membership of iioo volunteer fire
men. One company alone has a
closed enrollment of 300, wilh half
that number on the waiting list
Jiach of the nine wards of the bor
ough is now protected by its own
cugine, LuUer or hose
all responding to
alarm system.
The Supreme Court of the United
States has decided the law passed
by Congress making railroads re
sponsible to its employees for acci
dents caust d by negligence of fel
low servants unconstitutional. The
court holds that the law is not in
accordance with the constitution of
the United States, because it goes
K-yond the bound.'-permitted in the
regulation of intestate commerce.
Congressman John T. Lenahau,
of the Luerne district of this State
has introduced a bill in the House
at Washington taxing all coal min
ed in the United States one cont a
ton, the proceeds to constitute a
fund for the relief of the dependent
families of miners injured or killed
iu mine accidents. To each family
made dependent by the dentil of a
miner or his injury Sioooout of the
revenue so derived is to be paid.
, m ,
American heiresses do not seem
inclined to profit by the experience
of others. Annie Gould v was re
cently divorced from Count lioni
de Castallane. and tumor has it
that she is going to try matrimony
again with Princj Somebody-or-other.
The Duchess ot Marlbor
ough, who was Miss Yauderbiit,
has recently separated from her
husband, and the latest case is that
of Alice Thaw who has applied for
a divorce from the Duke of Yar
mouth. In the face of this, Gladys Vm
detbilt is going to marry a foreign
titled pauper. These foolish girls
who wreck their lives for the sake
of a title Hre not entitled to much
O .7.. ;;. y ,..? :x 2C JX. .
fcnn th ..n Kali Kit 6 Unn Boatf
The assortment of EVANS' Shoes
provides n slioe for every need, a stylo
for every taste, a fit for every foot.
Until you have seen these new mod
els, or better yet, enjoyed the luxury of
wearing one of them, you can not real
ize what shoe perfection means.
You are cordially invited to come in
aud slg these new fashions.
The Progressive Shoo Store
The county auditors began the
work of examining the accounts of
the commissioners and treasurer on
Monday. John R. Dictner, one of
the auditors, was unable to be pre
sent on account of illness, but ex
pects to he here soon. Joseph W.
Hi. Hay has been selected as clerk,
:'.nd his experience as clerk to the
Commissioners for several years
gives 1-i :: a knowledge of county
affairs that makes him very effici
ent in his present position.
The William sport doctors formed
a Trust ;m I put up the price of
professional service. whereupon
doctors from the outsidj began to
locate in Newberry, an adjoining
suburb. Dr. Roiish, of Cross Forks
located in the West E:ul last week,
and Dr. Kline, of Salladasburg,
wi 1 in a short time move into the
!:o..ity which h recently our-
c!;a-ed on Diamond street. New
bury will then h ive nine doctors,
as a result nf the advance in fees
by the Williamsport physicians.
The Teddy Hear craze is dying
out, according to the toy dealers in
New York. When the stores closed
on Christmas eve most of the toy
departments were pretty well clean
ed out, except for Teddy Hears.
During the holiday rush just over
thousands of dogs, elephants, mon
keys and rabSits, made of furry
cloth and stuffed as are the Teddy
Bears, were so'd, but very few of
the great numbers of bears that
went into the toy shops early iu the
season have left the shelves. Last
season dealers could not get enough
of them; this year they are a drug
on the market.
Pennsylvania's Railroad Cotn
tnissionerships are regarded as such
nice plums that not less than three
hundred applications are said to
have been made for them to Gov
ernor Stuart. This great em
barrassment of choice may account
for the Governor's delay in making
the appointments. Another reason
for it may possibly arise from the
fact that under the Constitution
aud laws ot Pennsylvania the De
partment -'f Internal Aflairs is be
lieved to have all the power that is
conferred on this Board of Railroad
Commissioners. If the Courts
should sustain this view the Rail
road Commissioners would have
but a brief existence.
Local History
Should bo TaugM in Public Schcols.
The Williamsport
Hardly could a more
Sun says :
feature be added to the curriculum
of the county schools or the city
either than that of the teaching of
local history, which is now pro
posed by County Superintendent
Miltior. An outline of the pro
posed study and the pedagogic
handling of the subject shows a
comprehensive grasp of the salient
points iu local history, the adding
of which to the advanced pupils'
work must at once enlist interest
and enhance importance. Few
grown-ups ever turn their atten
tion to learning about things hrs
tarical in their own towns or com
munities, and a long-continued in
difference in this respect has doubt
less lost to posterity forever much
that has made for history and gen
ealogy. A knowledge of the set
tlement of one s own town or town
ship, of men prominent in their de
velopment, of notable events oc
curring in the community, organi
zation of schools and churches,
opening of roads, conflicts with
Indians, incidents and stories of
pioneer days, and a whole lot of
other subjects that lead back into
the fabric of early times as lived by
our forefathers, is of very warmest
interest, indeed, and County Super
intendent Milnor is to be commend
ed oh the fact that he has found it
possible to add local history study
to the public schools of the county,
Trespass Nottcaa
Card signs ' No Trespassing" for
sale at this office. They are print
ed in accordance with the late act
of 1903. Price 5 cents each, tf
Disease Killing Horses.
Epizootic Lymphangitis Exists In Several
Counties of tit 0 Slata.
Epizootic lymphangitis has been
found to exist in several counties in
the western part of Pennsylvania. .
This disease is entirely new in
North America. It has been known
for a long time in India, China,
Japan and the Philippine Islands,
and more recently in South Africa, j
From South Africa it was carried
by horses returning from the Boer
War, to England where the British j
Board of Agriculture has been com
bating it actively for several years.
It is believed that the disease is
now entirely under control in Great i
Britain. When or by what agency
it reached Pennsylvania has not yet
been discovered.
It has been found in the counties !
of Butler, Mercer, Lawrence, Jef- i
ferson and Indiana. Altogether j
one hundred and thirty-five horses '
affected with epizootic lymphangitis
have been discovered in these coun
ties. About forty horses deemed
to be incurable have been appraised
and destroyed; the remaining ani
mals are iu quarantine, pending
tli.' result of medical treatment.
OiK' affected horse h is been found
in Lancaster county, nnv in Colum
bia county. It is evident, there
fore, that the quarantine measures
that have been applied are quite
necessary to prevent a geuetaf dis- ;
tribution of the disease.
The disease is characterized by '
ulceration of the skin and inflam-;
matiou extending along the lym
phatics, which leads to swellings
of different parts of thsbody, most
ly of the legs. Gradually the dis
ease spreads, aud at length there is
so much destruction of tissue and
so much swelling that the useful
ness of the horse is de:.troved, even
if the animal is not killed directly
by the disease.
It appears that some of the early
cases are curable. The repressive
measures now in operation consist
iu hunting up all affected animals
of which any clue can be gained. I
These animals are then placed in i
quarantine, and the premises that '
have b.-en occupied by them are
thoroughly disinfected. If the dis- .
ease is so advanced that recovery
seems to be improbable the animal
is appraised, usually at about $10
or 515, and then is destroyed.
Does the Black Hand Exist?
Skeptics Aro Inclined to Scout Idea But the
Criminal Society Coos Exist.
In some comments on the Black
Hand society in this State the Wil
liamsport Neios says: "Notwith-
standing that some people scout the ;
idea that there is in this country an
organization known as the Black :
Hand it is only necessary to read
the newspapers to di.-cover that
such an organization exists and
that it has its ramifications in every j
part of the Commonwealth where j
ignorant and debased loreigners re
side. The discovery in Pittsburg of
a school in which young Italians
were being tauglit to murder for
profit or revenge ought to be sufli-1
cient to prove that the Black Hand
i n renl tbin-r n,l H,nt it I,.,,. w
receiving recruits in large numbers
constantly. In the Pittsburg case
nineteen young Italians were found
i. n 1. ........ 1 1 r .1 1
in a turn iiuue, un 01 mem unuer 1
the tutelage of two older country'
men vmu vveie instructing me laeis
in the various methods of killinir
persons whom it was desired to get
rid of." Such a condition of affairs !
certainly calls for the deter- ;
mined efforts possible to suppress '
an evil which, if not suppressed, I
will increase as months midyears!
come aud go.
Guaranteed by the Manufacturer under J
the .Food uud Drugs Act, Juiie.'lt), ItMJO. I
Humphreys' Seventy-seven for I
Grip and Colds does not contain !
Morphine, Opium, Codeine, Co-!
caine, Chloroform, Chloral, Pheu-'
acetine or any habit creaiing drug. I
Seventy-seven is made of per- j
fectly pure Homeopathic remedies!
and is harmless.
Seventy-seven cures by acting ,
on the sick part, without disturb-1
nig- the rest of the system. At
Druggists. 25c. !
bend for Dr. Humphreys' Man-.
ual on the treatment and care of
the sick, free. I
II 11 m nli re. vh' Homeo. Medicine Co..
Col'. William H!ld Julin StreetM. New
An agreement has bee;-, reached
by the merchants of Bloonihbiirg,
excepting the clothing stores, to '
close their places of business at six
o'clock, except Monday and Satur
day evenings, and the 5th of the
month. This went into effect last
Tuesday, and will continue until
April 1st. i
t'tio I .I. Imp ;l;i'C! . tip a f'ii'si hi tho
j Now "t'lifls'li'i lyr!uil k)V
j Chii'nro, .Taa. '.). M'.nn ); V'alinv
treated tin) rick In b-nty tnd mind in
tho rhnM'l nf St. Paul's Keforniod
Episcopal Chun h ffi Sundry r.libt.
In the hoar hl'010 wrvlrn In; applied
iucy to l!fty n.en and women whose
lophy to fifty men mid women whose
1 1 1 3 mixed froi.i dyspepsia to sui-
stdnl tt'iidonry.
A youn.i man suffering from tho
prlp drove to tho riiurch In a cab
find a.'ikuJ th" liluhop to heal hi in.
"Your ailment Is unctional," said
tho minister, "and possibly I cannot
euro It, but I can help you Have
fiilh and use a hot wator bag."
To a wonir.n suffcrhn; from dy
upopsia he mild: "I'.o caix-ful of your
diet. Do not over-cat. Consult a
jd.yslclaa and bcllevo in the power
of God to aeal you."
Tlmasniiils Ketura l WorU.
WoonHorket, 11. I., Jan. 8. The
MlUovlllo lioot Mill of tho V.'ootiHock
ct Rubber Company, roHiinnd opcr
ationn i,n Monday aft'T several weeks
Phut-down. All depcrtaierits will bo
ruimhiK before tho end of the week,
;ivin;,- employment to 1,000 boot
liia'.ei'S. '1 11.; A r.n rlean WrlmrrT Company's
plant a'..o renamed nf;er a i. hut-down
of 11 few weeks. 'It! 1) upi .ni lived ugula
j-';ltliK employment.
Cleveland, Jan. S . T t ts variously that fully 10.00 employes
turned to work in Cleveland.
Iy:a: Starts a r.oiuaiico.
V!ntead Conn. Jan. 8. Hmil
l.purltl.on, a Inker of Manchester,
whilo breaking t:;n from a crato to
make, a batch of sponxo cake la
Charles ISIehtler's bakery In that
pir.-c, Buvi.ral months a;;o rnnie
acro.srf un ck.l; on which was written
"Mlua IxjuIho A.'lcoel;, Joplln, Mo."
He M.'nt u Houvenlr postal card of
Mr.neheKte.r to the address on the
ej-'K, mid a week laler received tin lu
tt resit ins letter 'rim Miss Adcoek..
Tbo young people wrote hack and
forth, exchanged photographs, and
thia week Mr. Luurltlzon will start
with a wedd ug ring for Joplin.
Iii(!(in Times Cliaiu;e.s Hands.
New York, Jan. 8. The London
Times to all Intents and purposes, has
pttwed out of tho control of the Wal
ter family and Is now one of the
properties of the so-called "news
paper magnate," C. Arthur Pearson.
The change of ownership has to be
ratified by an order of court, but the
obtaining of this order Is regarded
simply us a formality, so that It may
be said The Thunderer really has
been Bold to Mr. Pearson and his as
sociates. Woman FolN Burglars.
New Rochelle, N. Y., Jan. 8. .
Two ellk-hat burglars who wero ar
rested at New Rochelle, late on Mon
day night, owe their capture to the
quick action of a New Itochelle soci
ety woman, who telephoned their de
scription to the polico a lew Minutes
after they had left her house. Tho
police consider the "catch" a most
Important one, because it Is thought
that tho croolts have been reaping a
harvest In various towns throughout
Westchester County.
Suicide Wrote to Karl Oejr.
New York. Jan. 8. Henry Grey
1 iJ'iDeriy, who from
letters found hv
tIie coronpr is believed to be a son
' ?,,',c1a!t- Jnmes Grpy Du,)Pr,jr of tho
I Ijl'ltl:i Navy end a connect'on of
Karl Grey, Governor General of Cnn
ada, committed suicide cn Monday
evening in a room In The Hermitage,
In Times Square.
Klni; Leopold In Had Way.
rtruKsels, Jan. 7. The condition of
the King who Is suffering from the
gout Is becoming worse.
It Is d?c!ared that tho bona of one
ot his heela Is slowly decaying, and
tho spread of the dUeaso Is feared.
Kntonibed Mine's nre Cheerful.
Ely, Nev., J;.a. 6. Rescuers who
ore trying to reach three miners en
tombed a month ago in the Alpha
Fhaft aro now working a short dla
tanoo below tho seveuty-flve foot
mark and averaging ten feet a day.
V.'lio'.pKiile Prices of Farm Produce
(.'noted for the Week.
Wiikat No. 'i Red, 1.0-I' a ?1.05,lf,
No. 1 Northern Duluth, fl.34,.
Cons No.:'5?-4a7i!o.
Oats. Mixeu. 64o. Whit, 66s$a03,o.
Mu.K. 4o. per quart.
Ultteb. Western, extra, 20,ao30
Firsts, SoaaSo. State dairy, fined
Cur.KSK. State, full cream, 18Jal8o.
Jain. Nearby, Fancy, 83a84. Stat.
Uood to choio, 37aiJ0o Wen term,
j Firsts a2io.
I 13ktks. City dressed, 7a0o. City dressed.J 8al4o. Coan
iry diti.sned, per lb. 7al2o.
j l iiKKH. IVr 100 lb.,8.90aM.7S.
I llous. Live, per 100 Jb.,3.00a5 10.
! 1UV. lTiiui. 100 lbs., H1.0TX.
' hTUAW. Long rye. B0a80o.
lav poultry. Fowls, par IV I80.3
CluckeiiH, Spring, per lb., lie
Ducks, per lb., 13a Turkey,
liiiiissKi) l'oui.TUT. Turkey, per lb.
1 n!) Fowls, per lb., 81 13..
v.'h:ckn!is, Phila., per lb., 22a2U
VwiKTABi.E-n Potatoes, L. I.,perbbl.
i? 1 . tu s. 30 Ouiojis, WUit, pr bbl,
Thai Little Green Ticket
Which has been placed on the
Suits, Coats and Children's Coals
at the Garment Department of The Clark Store, makes you
a NICE SAVING on your purchases of these goods. Its
just so much money in pocketbook, and they are the great
est Coat, Suit and Children's Coat VALUES NOW OF
FERED. Your inspection invited.
Furs of all kinds
To AH Our
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal ct the
Nation. Edited by an Able Corps
of Writers.
The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journal pub
lished. It fills a position of its own and has taken the leading
place in the homes of rural people in every section of the United
States. It gives t; e farmer and his family something to think
about aside from the humdrum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SGL0N GOODE
Two fcr (he Price of One: THE COLUMBIAN
The Oldest County Paper and THE AMERICAN Farmer
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and
all old ones who pay all arrears and renew within thirty days.
Sample copies free. . Address :
Automobile Tags.
State Highway Commissioner
Hunter has begun to issue automo
bile tags for 1908. The tags are
black anil white. Those for 1907
were red and white. More than
2,000 applications have already
been made for this year's tags.
Every operator of an automobile in
Pennsylvania is required to take
out a license for which the state
charges. Nearly 210,000 licenses
were issued last year. The money
is used to pay the expenses of the
auto division of the department and
for road experiments.
TV Peter Barneo, late of tho Borough
of Berwick, Columbia County,
Whereas Addie Barneo, your wife has
filed a libel in the Court of Common
Pleas of Columbia County, of December
Term, U)07. praying a divorce against
you. Now you are hereby notified und
required to appear in said Court on or
before Monday the third day of Febru
Hiy, A. D., 1908. to answer the coin
plaints of the said Addie Barneo, and in
default of such appearance you will be
liable to have a divorce granted in your
'-9-4t. Sheriff.
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Bloonisburg National Bank,
of Bloonisburg, Pa., for the election of
directors for tlie ensuing year, will be
held at their banking room, Tuesdav.
January 14th, ioS, between U.e hours
i.f 1 1 and 13 m.
12-!2-4t Collier,
at the prices to suit.
i1ti VirtVTk VQT-;
r loom si Hire:, Pa.
The annua! meeting of the members
of the Columbia O.iuitv Agricultural
Horticultural and Mechanical Associa
tion will be held in the Court House in
Blocmisburg on Saturday January 18th.
looS, at two o'clock !'. .v.. lor the elec
tion of officers for the ensuing year Aa
amendment to article S of the By Laws
governing meetings and ekction will be
submitted for consideration.
Q' 2t' Secretary.
The annual mecting of the policy hold
ers of the Brmrcrcek I'arnu'rs' Mutuul
. ,1 i 1 , I ') 01 Lime Kulge Pa.,
will be held at the hall of Centre Grange
No 56 P of tf. on Tuesdav. January
14th. 100S between the hours f 10 a ni
and 2 p. m. for the election of twelve
Directors to serve for the ensuing year
and tor tho transaction of such other
business as may properly come before
said meeting.
-'tL' Secretary.
The annual meeting of the Stockhold
ers of I he Winners National Bank of
Uoomsburg, Pa., for the election of Di
rectors will take place at their bunkinvr
room, luesday. Januarv 14th. iqjS be
tween the hours of 2 and 4 p. i
Combination and Golden Lad
l;OR SALE -2 Cows, - Heifers
and 12 Hulls.
S. E. NiVIN, Undenburg, Pa
' m