THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. p ELECTIVE AFFINITIES. CTiPtntfltn first noted the disposition ef a substance brought Into oittit ttlth other 8u1)Bt:incta to clrave to the fno for which it has the xtroiifier affinity, Biya the Nrw York World. But It Id to artists nnd the lumspfl Bora of the artistic trnipcramrnt gen erally slnco Qoetlio's day that wn owe tho application of the principle to tiumnn beings. The f:ict that lb af finity Is not nhvaya found lit tho first trial, nnd usually not until lior youth ful bloom Ih Been in eotitriiHt with fading? charms at homo, doca not tirc eMiflly indlcato a defect lu tho law so much " lack f opportunities ot ccinparluon and election. A hus bnml familiar with preen-rooms may be expected to find hla affinity much nootier than tho one less favored with facilities. t'sually the affinity la kept la the bnrlisrotind until the divorce proceixl niako her appearance enaeutial to thn Interlocutory decree. Uut If the old reproach that America hint fmrrlflced art to coninierclalium Is not to be deserved, a professional artist should at least be accorded the barn privileges In the choice of au ulliulty us a nteel presiurtit. COST OF LIVING. A very mirrfiiring publication Is mcle by the liurraii Of I-ibor at Washington, giving tables of Btatld tien to show that the percenta;.! of lncrpase In the waites of labor la fruiter than that of the cost of food. The computation is Ingenious, even If oliiicure and unconvincing, lint tho ltviln consideration, In accepting or rejcctiiiR thn conclusion, is that our l-rcple do not subsist on statl:tien 113 a rcpulur diet, and that the butcher nnd prooor and baker do not ba.ia tnelr price lists upon the per cent of rveraKcs. Kvery housewife Ur.riws, better than the WashlnKton Btati-Hb:-lan, whether tne weekly wages buy as much us they used to buy. COFFEE FOR BREAKFAST. While I am an earnest advocatn of tra-drlnklng, as against tho reckless overuse of coffee, there Is one thln about the beau that appeals to my soul, my heart and my Imagination. That Is the merry sound of the matu tinal mill grinding Its cheerful grind, j converting the beau into grounds tor the morning meal. It Is a certain sign that breakfast Is coming. I set my watch dally by my neighbor's eoffeo mill. I smell the boiling beverage and then take my tea. To a man with a sound stomach nothing on tnls grand old footstool Is more appealing than tho fragrance of coffee, fried ham, not lolls! 'NuU tor mek or burro run away. Tip. AUTOMOBILE SLAUGHTER. The number and frequency and fa tality of automobile accidents are ap palling. Not a day passes without an addition to the mortuary record. And the peculiarity of It all Is that the ''scorchers" are the victims in tho rreat majority of cases. Tho number of innocents slain by the speed mani acs Is comparatively Rniall. We doubt, however, that this looks to reform In the use of power vehicles. Other people have learned how to got out of the way; the scorchers havo not learned how to take care of them selves. Uut we are In a transition period, nnd before long It will be brought about that the perils of riding In an automobile aro no greater than thosa ( f the pedestrian who gets In tho way cf these machines. Boston Post. BROKEN ARMS MORE REMUNERA TIVE. Thirty cents Is the amount at which a Chicago judge valued a woman's broken heart In a breach of promise enlt recently. At this rate It la more profitable to Ret an arm broken la a street car accident. Baltimore Ameri can. A New York magistrate says wom an was made to be man's boss. Tho best part of It Is she almost Invaria bly lives tip to the specifications. Rochester Domocrat and Chronlclo. . There were no Trusts seventy years ago; but do you have an idea that It was much fun to live In an ago when people thought tho world was coming to an end If there happened to bo a meteoric shower or some other racket lu the skies? Kansas City Times. Japan announcos that she will have a World's Fair In 1912. This may be Intended to contradict the widespread reports that Japan's finances are bo Ptraltenod tiiat she has no monoy to throw away. Napoleon hold tlat five hours' sleep !b enough for men; seven hours for women, children and fools. Tho only possible Inference from this la that the Little Corporal may have had a surreptitious Interest In an alarm rtock factory. NO OCCA8ION FOR JEALOUSY. It Is eald that King Edward has the most remarkable collection of sticks in the world. But so long as President Roosevelt has the big slok no oue will waate any time feeling Jmlous. Baltimore American. That agricultural department em ploye, who says ho has heard birds sinking familiar hymns, might as well write out his resignation. But per haps that is his way of resigning. Tho cblM that Is "Rulud by Lova" and the child that haa It own way trve at tho aaiuo huuoe Cures Woman's Wonknossw. We refer to that loon to weak, norvoua, luffuriuK women ktiuwu as 1 r. Tierce's Fuvorlto Prescription. l)r. Johu Fyfuotio of tho Editorial Staff of Thk Eclkctio Medical Ukvikw says of Unicorn root (Hclunini Molcu) which la ono of tho chief Innrodlents of tho "Fa vorite Proscription"! "A remedy which Invariably acts as tutor Ino lovifforntur nukes fur normal ac tivity of ttio entlro retrod uetlvo Hysiem." Be coatlnuun "In Hulimlas wu liave a iniMllca Uicnt wklrh mora fully anawera llie alxiva Uurixwft than any utlitrilrvu uilti which I am acuuuinUil In tho trualiuvut ot Ilnaus Ie cullar to woruun It I auldoni that a cane li nen which dot' not nrusoiit aumn ludli'atlon for thin roiiirdlal agent." Ir. Fyfi furllier ayai "The following aro amonir tho blading Indications toi Lluioiilax (t'nlcorn root). Pain or acblnf la tho back, with Irui-orrhcra I tonic (weak) condlllufH of Iho reproductive, organ of min. men! iH deprlon and Ir ritability. akclaul w til) chronic dlacatca of Sua rurodik:llva tylgana of women: constant Mnaailon Jl boat In tho region of the kid neys: mvirrhaglii (floodlnc), due to weak ened Cotiltlon off the reproductive aystetni sniennr1iuylyirresed or absent monthly lrlol.AWlinJjfrom or accompanying an abuotr.i4l conilltlon of tho qlirustlvo orgam anil mlc thin uioou i namti araKtfmv to the extreme lowur part of tbo aenf btl If morn or leu of tho above symptoms na-Tirnmnrofiff uT"itw itauihg I7gr.-ar- ehuoi wiiiL'tt Is Unicorn root, or Ilclonlas. and tho medical properties of which it most faithfully raprosunts. Of Oolduu Noal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," 1'rof. Finley RIllngwoiHl, M. U., of lluu nutt Mod leal College, Chicago, says: "It Is an Import ant lemvily In disorder ot tho womb. In all catarrhal conditions than nihil nr. atu general enfoblenient, it is userul." I HPruT. John M. Mi-uddcr, M. l., late of Cincinnati, says or (JoUlen pftl root : "In relation to Us general cITix'ts on tho yetutu. Hu rt t tio tfiliriii in ur nmitl u i(i fu-re (jtouch lynrral uiiunlrnlt) oiidilini. It Is tiiiHvrsiiKi legarded a (fie tonic Ubeful lu all debilitated mutes." . , - l'rof. K. Ibtrtholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, says of (ioldon Seal : "Valunblo In uterine hemorrhage. Menor rhagia (lloodlngl and cotigestlvo dyamcuor Thceti (jialnful nnmatrnatlon)." J r. Tierce's Favorite Prescription faith fully represents all tho above named In- Sredients and cures the diseases for which ioy aro rocomuiouJed. CCAR5 AfJD BA3IT0. Some "philosophic thouclt" wicr ha;i been lorlfj li.g te icO.Cy leais bocauue the children's familiar!:' vi'.U tham tends to dispel their fexr ;:uJ hatred of animals and Uiaie tho:a huuiano and lovlug. Uut lu the midst ot the appluuse stirred up by this dis covery there comes a clergyman of kit. Joseph, .Vlch., who preauLcs LctJ apalnst Uie same woozy little toy for what reason? For tho reason, ua he sees It, that tho attractive and lovablo llttlu beasts In the hands of tho littla girls are "destroying all the Instincts cf motherhood.' 'The reverend Gentle man predicts a worse development of raco suicide than ever as a result of tho bllbhtlng effect of the teddy bear on the matcrniiJ feelings of tlio rUlng femalo feneration. This Is a very curious Idea; probab ly It will tako decades of terrible toll In the child study departments of the universities to determine whether there Is anything In it. If we may be permitted a mere conjecture, we should say that exactly the opposite result from that apprehended by the Michigan clergyman Is to be expected. It Is all a cuso of "playing mother," anyway; the little girl cultivates tho' disposition by bur tenso luttrest In tho toy; and the waning of the teddy bear craze will probably be followed by on unexampled development of tho doll business. And by and by, la her search for the most beautiful forms of diversion, tho little girl, grown bigger, substi tute u live man for both doll and teddy bear. This Is when the ques tion really orisus. AMBASSADORIAL LUXURY. Some of our Innocents abroad ap pear to be much scandalized by the extravagant style of living displayed by the American Ambassador at the Court of St. James, Whltelaw Reld. They say that though his salary Is but $17,803, his house In London must cost him not lets than $200,000. This lux ury they regard as In shameful con trast with the simplicity of the lives of Franklin and Jefferson when repre sentatives of this country in Franco. Yet matters and customs havo chang od since then, even In diplomacy. Franklin and Jefferson were no less honored at tho extravagant court of Versailles than If they had expend ed 5200.000 a year, and Whltelaw Reld has no more political consideration with the British Government than if he confined his expenditure to his sal ary of $l'j,f00. Others have done It before him and have made a very res pectable figure In English society. Whoso business Is It if Ambassador Reld expend his own money lavishly In dispensing hla hospitality as Ameri can Ambassador? He does the same thing at home when a private cltlzpn In his splondld residence In Madison Square. Should he bo required to change his style of living on his trans fer from Now York to London and In exchanging his private station for a diplomatic post? There Is no neces sity that his successor shoub) br a millionaire capable of vying with h!m In expenditure. With his homo fur nished him an American Ambsssnlor can live very respectably on $17,5U0 a yer, and many good men will bo willing to take the position on the same terms. In the socialistic millennium, one will be able to register at a hotol aa "John Doo and affinity." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ST . ZtX-i'j, MARKIAGES IN AMERICA. "Why American Marrlapcs .Fall" Is discussed by Anna A. Rogers In the Atlantic. As contributory rnuses hue cites the 2,921 courts In this country which are empowered to di vorces, ns against ono In Liigintid, twenty eight lu Germany and Bcve::ty nlno In Franco. Other reasons aro found In tho "growing 'liiivlduaHsm" of wonum and her falluo to realize, that "mnr rlar.0 Is her work In the world." From the "excessive education nnd excessive phvslcal coddling of young women," their devotion to physical culture and sports, a hybrid feminine has been evolved, according to Mrs. Ropers, who Is "a cross between a magnified, rath er unmannerly boy" and a spoiled, ex acting creature who sincerely loves herself alono. A new relationship be tween the sexes has thus arisen, "a sMps'uod, unchlvatrous conipanlon nhip," which nfter marriage Is discov ered to be "a cause for tears or tem per." Tho girl of the period, In Mrs. Rogers's phrase, "considers It a gauch orles to blush," and regards shyness 03 a laushablo anachronism, senti ment "Hlc'itening nonsense" and cour tesy bad form. Sho Idlra too much l:i the f,hops and at the hnlrdu us er's. Ileum husbands are "disillusion ed" and In "an ugly reactionary mood" oven brforo thn honeymoon has wan ed. Man for his part comes off Mrhtiy In the scoring. "Nino times out cf ten hn marries for love," nnd hla mo tlves "if se'flsh are Generally as pure .in Is conaistcnt with faulty humaul ty." But do American marriages fail In fact? After all, only six-tenths of ono per cent, of tho 13.000,000 nnd more American wives are divorced. If Mrs. Rogers's Indictment of her sex If true, It must be said for the men that they have accepted the Inevita ble with a good grace. PROGRESS, The arts and sciences advance at the sacrifice of beauty nnd aesthetlc lsm. The steam locomotive, the most fascinating of mechanisms In the eyes of t boy. Is gradually being lost to our youth. In place of Us throbbing soul wo are brought fai-e to face with tho lifeless eloctrlc motor. Instead of noblo Pcrcherons. Normauuiers, Clydesdales and Cleveland Bays haul ing our merchandise we are rapidly getting used to autotrucks, which have no Interest beyond the fact of their utility. The Ohio medical society has de cided to expel members who charge los3 than full fees for their services. Even for operations they must not glvf cut rates. It Is announced that the Empress Dowager of China Is about to retire. This Is tho only form of practical Joking indulged In by that elderly and Celebrated lady. NOTHING but the best factory cut tings go into COUPON BOND the finest and long est new clippings from the best white goods factories. That's one thing that accounts for COUPON BOND toughness and fine ness. Then the strength of this fine material is not sacrificed in beating, washing or bleaching. old- fasioned, painstaking methods are used the strength of the cuttings is pre served ; and the finished paper has the smoothness and strength of fine linen. 1 Pis sfw' pt,w 1 i i f"i,i iTi , 5 Xva TiH!!-v! j V COLUMBIAN PRINTINO MOUSE, Where 6ainplc can be seen. "PLEASE" ON THE 'PHONE. The IjO girl operators of tho Key- stoue Telephone Company will not nay "pleuho" to the subscribers, and the subscribers have been requested not to say "please" to tho operators. Tho word Is used here 900,000 times In twenty four hours on tho average. Philadelphia Dispatch. If this Idea could be carried out In every business in the world, what a wonderful saving of time would result! Tho marvel Is thnt the genius of tho Philadelphia telephone company haa not thought It out before. Billions on bullous of hours a day could bo saved by cutting out all tho courtesies of life nnd reducing every thing to the level of the cave-dwellers. Think of how much time could bo caved by leaving off the prefix "Mr." In undressing your Uibb Intimate friends! No statistician can calculate how much breath could be spared by wives and sweethearts If they would abandon tho use of terms of endear ment. The time-saver of the telephone ei chango might better have adopted a rule against expletives In denunciation of the usually vexatlouu service. If the time spent In holding the wire and the time spent In cussing out the op erator could be reduced to statistics It probably would make the waste on politeness look trivial. Here Is whero the most ccouoniy of telephono t!::i5 can be effected. THE DRUNKARD'S BLACK-LIST. In Fond du, Wis., there Is a portrait gallery which grows apace. It Is nndn up of pictures of the town's habitual drunkards. Every saloon is a branch pallery. Woe and a license forfeited for every saloon-keeper who Bells a drink to a man whoso face Is In the collection, aays tho New York Times. From thla It Is perceived that Fond du 1-ac is a town which Imitates but does not learn. iAjndon had the Idea of the picture blacklist ordinance in 10C3 and discarded it In 1004. It did not work. It never will work. Whoro there Is a determined thirst thero U a way which cannot be blocked ty a photograph hung on a wall. Besides, the way to cure a curable man of ev il Is not by trifling with whatever ho may have remaining of self-respect. A town burgess In Pennsylvania, by name Punnypacker, also tried tho blacklist schema a few years ago und promoted chiefly tho gayety of tho un listed. Solon of Athens punished Inebriety with death. Lycurgus of Sparta des troyed his vineyard to cut off tho wlno-blbbers. It Is a far cry from these classical exampVs of heroic dcpUng with drunkards to the nagging processes of saloon rogues' gallorlaa. Carried in stock at tho rash n W9 mm mmnry ammiiium''mmi www-x' "ti'Mik To elderly people London Is no lon ger a pleasant place of residence. Tho streets have become a labyrinth of horror and difficulty, a region of hide ous sounds and foul smells. v Ith mo tor buses toppling over on the side walk and private motors knocking down lampposts and Impinging on tho shelters, tho unfortunate citizen knows not whither to wend his trembling steps. I.ondon Ornphle. This ought to give some comfort to those who want to know how peoplo are ever going to get about In tho New York of tho future. GRAFT IN ICELAND. Why can't this grafted country get some Immigration from Iceland, whero thero havo bcon but two thefts In 1,000 years? But Is there anything In Iceland worth stoallng? St. Louis Post-Dispatch. MAIN TRAVELED ROAD3. If tho preacher who declares there aro 40 roads to hell will look around a little he may find peoplo who aro traveling all of them at once. Phila delphia Press. LAUGH AND CROW FAT. Dean Swift declared that ho laughed only twice In his llfo. Once was at an Incident in tho burlesque of "Tom Thumb" by Henry Fielding, tho fata- or of the English novel. Boston has nn R-yrar-old boy who feeds on higher mnthematlcs, learns foreign languages four at a tirue and puts It all over hla professors. But this type of juvenile nuisance ought not to be considered an oddity in Bos ton. It has been shown that a well-made watch can bo frozen Into a eal" of lco without Interfering with its tl:no Veeplnj qualities. However, tho av erage citizen will prefer to carry hio tlmopluco in the samo old way. PULLING DIFFERENT WAYS. "Bo sano," says Leslie M. Shaw. But wlh O. B. Shaw tilling us to bo in sane, how are we to follow the advlco of tho whole Shaw family? ONLY A BARBARIAN. Tho doposed King of Ar.ara was ad dicted to boiling hla wives In oil. Be ing only a bargarlan, he did not send thorn to Part3 to got divorced and tell the reporters about It. New York Ev enlng Post. APPEALS TO THEM. Aa might be expected, all Philadel phia la watching Professor Koch's experiments on the victims of the "sleeping" disease in Africa. ow York Herald. Why does every doctor say to ov' err convalescent patient: "If It weren't for your vitality "t 1m -ififap " BLCCMSBURG H. A. McKILUP ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW, Columbian Luililing 2n Floor Uloomslmrg, Pa. A. N. YOST, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ent Building, Coust House Sqnart, Bloomsburg, Pa. RALPH. R.JOIIN, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Hartman PuiWing, Market Square Pilonmrluirg, Pa. IRl.l) JKKLKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office Over First National Bank. Bloimisburg, Pa, CLYDK CHAS. YETTER ATTOKNf V AT-LAW. Office in Win's Building. Bloomsbnrg, Pa. W. H. RIIAWN, ATTORN KY-AT-L AW. Office Corntr of rd and Main Sta. CATAWISSA, PA. CLINTON HERRING. - ATTORNEY AT LAW.. Office wiih Grant Herring, Bl otusl.uig, Pa. I Crangeville Wednesd'.y each week A. L. J'RITZ. ATTORNEY-AT LAW. -Hoiiinsl.uri: Nai'l Panic Bld Blodmslnirp;, Pa. Office J. H. MAIZE ATTORNEY AT I AW, INSURANCE AH EAL ESTATE AOENT Office in Townsend's HuiWing Bloomsburg, Pa, N U. FUNK ATTORNEY AT LAW Ent's liuiMinjj, Court House Sqtuuw Elooniiburg, Pa. SADF. T. V ANN ATT A fSnci-psaor to ( V. Krapp) GENERAL INSURACE Office 338 Iron St., Bloomsbnrft Oct. 31, 1501. tf M. r. jnz & SON, INSURANCE a.r.1 REALESTAT1 AGENTS AM) HKOKEKS. N. W. Corne Main and Centre St Bi.ooMsmriio, Pa. Represent Seventeen as pood Companiet there are in the World and all loses promptly adjusted and paid at their oliice. DR. W. II. HOUSE SURGEON DENTIST Office Barton's Building, Main below Mai Bloomsburg, Pa. All styles of work done in a superior nun All work warranted as represented TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAT by the use of Gas. nnd free of charge wh artificinl teeth are inserted Open all hours during the day DR. M. J. IIES DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHM Crown and l.ride woik a specialty Corner Wain oud Centre streets PWmsburg, Ta. Colombia Ur Telephone connecttm J. J. BROWN, M. D. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested and fitted with classes. No Sundny work. 311 Market St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Hours 10 to 8 Telephone J. S. JOHN M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGIOH. Office and residence, 410 Main Sf 7-30-lv BLOOMSBURG. PA EDWARD. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRAI.IA. PA. Offloe Llddicot building, Locust ayenoe' H. MONTGOMERY SMITH, ATTORN EY AT LAW, Office : Ent building, n 99 WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Office in Wells uildir.g over J. Ck Wells' Hardware Store, Moonuburg, Will be in Millville on Tuesdays. EXCHANGE HOTEL, I. A. Snydhr, Proprietor. BLOOMSHURO, Pa. Large and convenient sample rooms, ba rooms hot and cold water and all modrrn conveniences. CITY HOTEL. W. A. Daniel, Prop. No. 1 at West Main Street 'Larpe andconvenin ..n...i. ...... v ... . . 1 WMBflh rooms, hot and cold water, and modem c Tenicuces. car stocked with best dn and liquors. First-class livery attached. MONTOOBTILIPMONB. BBLL TSLIrH BTS8 THolail, OLA3SS8 riTTSD, H. BIRRMAN, M. D. HOMCSOPATniCPUYSICIAN AND BOKS :oi B0DB8- oaioe& HBgidence,4tli S 10 a. m. to s p. tu., i.m to 8 n. m. BLlUJMhbURG, PA, C. WATwON McKELVY, Fire Insurance A&ent. Represent twelveof thHtronKet ccm pan ies iu tne worm, among which are Frarklin o. 1:Ljh. P-r-a.. ?' 'li. Queen, of N. V. Wtslcln'ster, N. Y. North America, 1'hila. OfiBce: Clark Building, and Floor.