The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 12, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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ctiii Mnnng-erlal Abuses Bui
Fralses Remedial Legislation.
New York, Dec. 9. Addressing
do unnual meeting ot the Associa
tion of Life Iiiburatica President
a, tbe Hotel Belmont on Friday:
a"tornoon, Qrover Cleveland, chair
B'.Ui' of tho organisation, sounded
t v keynote as to the attitude of
1 s insurance companies toward leg-
litlon In various Mates.
!!o spoke with unwavering dl
txtnc:;s, I.'iylr.s Marno upon thoso
irorunce company's whose counto
u".dng of; of managerial
.b-ises n fT .-':.!'.:. 1 the Initial causes
rtlch oo'irtf.1 1n"iiry and Its at
Mdant stirring up of public sontl
l. ut.
On tho other hand, Mr. Cleveland
Tleod such K'b'li.latlnu ns ho hold
o bo remedial In removing ovlla
.lilch had grown up with tho exten
lcn of tho l:f'.- insurance business.
tai Itivci lloe.t Jills the Paltic la
a Ik-nsc Fog.
New York, Doc. 12. In a fog bo
Stck and thick that one could not
K9 a ship's length away tho Provi
dence, one of the largest boats of the
Pull River line, bound up the East
Elver for Fall River, drove her steel
atom into the guard and cabin on the
women's side of the Baltic, of the
Wall street ferry, crobsing the river
to Brooklyn, at about ten minutes to
alx o'clock on Tuesday night. In the
panic on the Baltic one man Jumped
overboard and waa drowned.
There were at least one thousand
men, women and children on the
ferryboat, and the crash drove them
to a frenzy. Men tramblod on wom
n and child rena s they scrambled for
the rife preservers and their cries
heard on the Manhattan shore told
first of the accident In the fog. As
Wth vessels drifted down stream
with the strong ebb tldeand the cries
Crew fainter word was passed along
tthe East River that a terrible dis
aster had occurrod.
Although me or two fell overboard
11 were finally rescued, save one
nsja, who Is said to have Jumped in
v the river. Even he, It is thought,
ay prove to have been rescued by
crme passing boat.
An Unexpected Fortune.
Ashevllle, N. C, Dec. 11. Miss
Havllena Tompkins of Ashevllle,
has found her Belt heiress to a large
fortune left her by her father, whom
she had never seen and knew noth
ing r.bout.
There was an estrangement be
tween her father and mother many
years ago, and the father had never
been spoken of. Miss Tompkins
has had to make her way In the
She received a telegram calling
her to her father's bedside at Fair
field, Ind. Ko had an immense for
tune, all of which be left to his
John Mitchell uits His Job.
Chicago, Dec. 11. John Mitchell,
President of the United Mine Work
ers of America, announced finally
In Chicago, cu the eve of the annual
election ot tho labor union of which
he is the head, that he would not be
a candidate for re-election. The
voting, which will be concluded oe
fore the end of the week In every
coal mining town oast of the Rocky
Mountains, will resul. In the choice
of either T. L. Lewis or W. B. Wil
son, as the succcsror of Mr. Mitch
til. Boys JU'ul Submarines,
Bogota, N. J., Doe. 10. Two lit
tle toys In Jersey bad a wonderful
escape . from death by drowning on
Sunday, t. They lay for fifteen min
utes under the Ice, unconscious In a
.load here.
The boys were John Nelson, aged
sown, and hlu brother William,
risen nine, of West view. With an
other boy they were sliding cm the
iao when they broke through and
tank la eight feet of water. -
The Ice was chopped for twenty
foot before the bodies were found.
The two boys were apparently
dead when their bodies were brought
Co shore. Dr. McFadden was sum
moned. After . heroic moaca were
used both were revived.
Covering Miner Happen
lugs from all Over
the Glebe,
Compiled nnd Condensed for the
Busy Render A Complete Record
of European Despatch? and Im
portant Events from Everywhere
Boiled Down for TLnrtj formal.
George A. ITIbbard, republican
Postmaster at Boston, was elected
Mayor by a plurality of 1,937 votes,
defeating Mayor Fitzgerald, the dem
ocratic candidate.
Unofficial roporta were received In
Washington to the effoct that anti
Japancse feeling Is growing In
Haw-all, owing to acts of the Japanese
Consul General In Honolulu.
Henry Youtsoy testified at the
Powers trial that the defendant knew
of the plot to kill Ooohel and picked
the stairs by which tho slayeer es
caped. Senator Aldrleh, for tho Senate
Committee on Finance, took charge
of all of the resolutions nuking an
lnvosttpatlon of Secretary Cortelyou's
financial relief plans.
Fourteen battleships are lined up
In Hampton Ponds preparatory to
leaving for the Paelfle, leaving only
two big fighters yet to arrive.
The Oklahoma Legislature elected
Messrs,. Owens and Gore, domocrats,
as United States Senators.
House leaders doclded to hold
down legislation until after the hol
iday recos of Congress.
Resolutions by Senators Til man
and Culberson relative to the ad
ministration's financial policies were
laid over for a day by th-i fenato.
After a ten minute hearing in
Newport, the wife of Major Charles
Hall, a retired British army officer,
was granted a divorce on grounds of
David F. Walker, president, and J.
D. Brown, vice president, of the
California Hlato Deposit and Trust
Company, of San Francisco, were
arrestee on a charge of wrecking the
Mrs. Emma A. Huntley drowned
her two little grandchildren la a
bathtub In her home In vmerrtlle.
Washington despatches aiwtit that
toe candidacy of Gorernor Rushes
has been hurt by the apathy of his
friends at the recent meeting of the
Republican National Committee.
Fifty-three more bodies were
found, and the death list In the Mo-tto-ngah
mine explosion was placed
at four hundred.
Great Increases In the appropria
tions for the army and aary are
asked under the new appropriations
Independent coke maltrs la Penn
sylvania decided to replace foreign
laborers with Americans as a result
of statistics gathered showing that
Americas are twice as useful at the
Mrs. Sarah Goldstein, of Cleve
land, Ohio, was thrown Into a trance
through grief over her child's dearth,
and physicians have failed to areuee
Oscar 8. Straus, Secretary mt the
Department of Commerce and Lab
or, In his annual report made a plea
foT the federal control of Industries.
Dr. Alexander Graham Boll de
clared In Braddock, C. B he had
obtained data In his last airship ex
periment that would probably reveal
the horsepower necessary to propel
aa aeroplane carrying a man.
President Roosevelt was silent
on the third term question when vis
ited by members of the Republican
National Committee in Washington.
Secretary Cortelyou cut the re
lief issue of 150,000,000 of Panama
Canal bonds to $25,000,000.
The New Jersey and the Virginia
reached the rendezvous of the battle
ship fleeet in Hampton Roads.
Evidence in tho Gibbos will case
In Newport, R. I., showed that Miss
Glbbes had written that she waa
persecuted by Bishop Doane of Al
bany, N. Y.
Severe legislation of the "Jim
Crowe" type is under consideration
In both houses of the Oklahoma Leg
islature. President Roosevelt named Char
les S. Fowler, Appraiser of Mer
chandise, at New York, to succeed
Nevada N. Stranahan, who resigned
as Collector of the Port.
Business men Interviewed in many
of the countries and large cities,
said that .President Roorevelt's mes
sage had had little effect on the
general situation.
Harmony marked the meeting of
the House Committee on Banking
and Curreacy, members of which hat
nearly the same Ideas regarding
necssary legislation.
Senator Knox was decl red to be
the President's ideal candidate for
1908 at a dinner in Washington.
Representative Knapp of Illinois,
In an Interview at Washington, said
tbe newspapers of the country bare
a remedy for the increase In the
print paper price at hand, being to
raise their own rates.
In a special wireless despatch it
ts said that the Msuretnnla made
low time because of bad weather,
but the officers new are flghtlct
hard to make s better showing.
The terrors of the sweaitr.op sys
tem In England are belnj Investi
gated by a commissioner of tho De
partment of Labor In Washington,
accorJlng to a special London de
spatch. According to a special despatch
from London, the eleventh hearing
In the Druce case at the ClerHonwell
Police Court developed more Inter
esting testimony affecting the al
leged dual identity of tho fifth Duke
Of Portland.
A musical stane training school Per
rnsll'h girls Is to be openrd In Lon
don under the manag;nuent of M,
Eflouard de Resr.Xe, according to a
Bpeclal london despatch.
According to a speclnt despatch
from Toklo, Viscount Aikl, Is now
regarded s a rcapeKoat. ths govern
ment having repudiated his pledge
of an exclusion treaty with America
and then recalled him.
Trlpltf, Secretary of ths Admiralty,
defended the proposal to shorten tho
defndedthe proposal to shorten the
age ef Qerman battle ships
from twenty-five to twenty years.
Mrs. William H. Taft had an ex
citing trip on a harbor tender,
w loh narrowly escaped belr.15 wreck
ed, while carrying pasfienstora to the
president Grant at Boulogne
According to a special despatch,
the International Aeornautlc Cup
wan rescued from tho Ccrman cus
toms authorities.
Reports of tho Hamburg-American
line showed the number of In
niisranta returning to Germany to
bo t'reatly increasing, says a special
According to a special London de
spatch bitter attacks on Wall street
methods have appeared in the
morning Post,
According to a special Kerlln de
spatch, Counts Lynar and Hohenau
have been serretly tried for allegel
connection with the Court Camarilla
scandals In Germany.
Tho destroyer Tartar, 9 British,
torpedo boat, has beaten all records
of verels ef her class, by steaming
85.852 knots an hour.
According to a special despatch
from Toklo, Baron Vaitahlra will
succeed Vlseount AeM as Japanese
Ambassador to the United States.
Becretarr ef War Taft reached
Berlin and after a short stay left
for Flamburs to take a steamer for
New Tsrk.
President Roosevelt's nessaffe has 1
caused general disappointment .n
financial elreles In Berlin, accord
lag to a special dessateh.
Pertugues agtta-tora have been
forced fate snbmlselom and all is
eulet tn the country, while King
Carles rides rn the streets ef Lin
boa wttfceut fear ef motostatJen, ao
eralng to a s?eerkl sabre.
eaeral Oneraefcelmma, gorer
nor General ef Maweew, narrowly
escaped death at the hands of a
woman anarohrst, who hurled a
bomb at him while he was driving,
the thrower being mortalry Wound
ed. King Osear has been forced to
appoint the Crown Prisee regent of
Sweden en aecoust ef 111 health,
says a special despatch from Stoelc
helra. The Mauretanla was battered by
squalls on her first trip eastward,
but made fair time, says a special
wireless despatch.
An airship smashed by a fall rn
Ireland waa reported to be the run
away French military balloon. La
Prince ven Bulww, the German
Imperial Chancellor, won in a sharp
fight with wavering national liber
ale. Mrs. Ver St. Leffer Goold waa
sentenced to death for the murder
of Emma Levin, whose body was
found cut up in a trunk. Her hus
band will be Imprisoned for life.
Mr. Taft was recolvod by the
Tsar at tho palace at Tsarskoe-Selo.
Lord Charles Beresford, at a din
ner in London, urged better com
radeehlp among naval men, said a
special cable message.
The specrai naval correspondent
In England says that the Beresford
Bcott Incident has now paned Into a
phase which may read Admiral Lord
Charles Beresford to haul down his
flag as eeramaader of the Channel
French chorus members In "The
Prince of PlUjn." revolted at an at
tempt to Introduce American meth
ods, but were reconciled on the
promise of better pay for better
work, says a special despatch from
General Stoonoel fought for his
life at his trial by court enartial for
tho surrender, of Port Arthur, accord
fng to a special cable despatch, many
Russian officers being present, the
majority of them seeming to Arret
fhe accused general.
Mr. Franks, a special commissioner
of the Department of Labor of the
tfnited irtates, investigating the sweat
Hop system In London, was furnish
ed with a copy of the sweated indus
tries bill and the views ot Miss Mary
R. MaoArthur, to lay before his de
I partment, aooordlng to a special cable
I despatch.
I! Uf 10 SI!
J : r. r Ad m 1 rn 1 E vn n s Lea ves
Yashington toTakeConi
mand of Sea Fighters.
OrncMl Commendation Heard Over
the Promptness Wth Which the
Sh'ps Have Been Assembled
Rear Admiral Bprrry Reached
Hanijrton Itonds on Onnday.
Fort Monroe, Va., Deo. II..
Four more battle sMps are
rr.oorod in Hampton Roads the
Mlee, the Vermont, tho Missouri
and the Khodo Island and the
long double lino Is beginning to as
sume tho appcaraneo that it will
havn when It assembles under Rear
Admiral Hvans, and pels ready for
leaving for the Pacllic one wcok
Tho Rhode Island waa the Inst to
anire, having mado tho record for
tho k!-njth of time from her point of
Rear Admiral 8perry and his wife
reached here on Sunday morning.
Washington, Dec. 10. Hear Ad
miral Rob ley D. Evans, cornmandor-fn-clcf
of the Atlantic fleet loft
for Hampton Rohds. Final
Instructions relative to tho loug
cruise of the sixteen battleehlps
have boen about completod.
The ordor of the ships of the fleet
will bo: The Connectlcut.Captaln
Hugo Osterhaus; the Kansas, Cup
tain Charles E. VreclanJ; the Ver
mont, Captain William P. Potter;
the Louisiana, Captain Richard
WalnwriRht; tho Georgia, Captain
Henry McCrea; the New Jersey,
Captain William H. H. Southerand;
the Rhode Island, Captain Joseph B,
Murdock; the Virginia, Captain Sea
ton Schroder; the Minnesota, Cap
tain John Hubbard; the Chio, Cap
tain Charles W. Bartlett; the Mis
souri, Captain Greenllof A. Merr
rlam; the Maine, Captain Giles P.
Harber; tho Alabama, Captain Ten
Eyck D. W. Veeder; the Illinois,
Captain John M. Bowyer; tho Kear
earge. Captain Hamilton Hutchlns;
and the Kentucky, Captain Walter
C. Cowles.
Blerest of the Thfrty-fitx Who Fell In
to Rtver Are Drowned.
Harrlsburg. Deo. II. A half eom
i pleted bridge which was being built
by tho Stats across the north brunch
of the Susquehanna River in the
eastern part of Columbia County col
lapsed at B o'clock en Tuesday after
noon, and fell Into the raging waters,
carrying with it thrrty-slx workmen.
Of theeo twenty-five reached shore in
afety by scrambling across ths de
bris. The remaining eleven were
drowned. Four bodies were taken
from the swollen river, but seven
have not yet been found.
The bridge was being constructed
by the New York Bridge Company of
York, Penn. The contract for It was
let a couple of years ago. The sub
structures were entirely finished, and
the flooring of the superstructure
had boen completed half way across
Am river.
fBB00 Offer to RnfTali BiTl.
Denver, Dec. 10. Speaking ot
MTse Helen Mer's testimony in the
Howard Goud divorce case rn New
York. Col. William F. Crdy, "Buffa
lo Bill," said that after the lawyers
for the defence got through with
her tho evidence that she gave will
not amount to anything. Col. Cody
"As for the press reports concern
lag an offar for me to testify against
tho character of Mrs. Gould, I was
offered not $15,000 but $50,000 to
testify, and I refused the offer.
"I had an Idea that the stage need
ed cultivation and advancement a
few years ago, and bolievlng that
Miss Clommons would be able to fill
the void, I backed hor for that po
sition. The results of that experi
ment aro well known to the pub
lico. I seemed to have played the
wrong card."
Eroher A it rated for Bribery
New York, Dec. 12. Joseph H,
Bulzbacher, a member of the Stock
Exchange firm ot Joseph H. ' Bull
baoher & Co., at 11 Broadway, was
arrested at his home on Tuesday
night on the charge of attempting to
bribe a witness against him in a
Grand Jury case to change his testi
mony and to leave the Jurisdiction.
He was arrested by Detectives Beery
and Flood of the Dlstriot Attorney
office about 10 o'clock and taken to
the heme of Magistrate Corrlgan i
West Fifty-seventh street, where he
waa arraign oed.
rrtne Law in New York.
Nww York, Dec. 10. Under pa
Roe svperrlslon New York spent last
Sunday Just as Justice O'Oorman de
clared the law Intended It should
be spent.
Not a theatre opened its doors.
Throughout the city the O'Gorinaa
decision was generally lived up to.
Bxoept In Brooklyn where fire mov
ing picture show were proteoted by.
hijamjUons, cr.
OTi ICIdort Son to Succeed to tho
Throne a OnMaf V.
Stockholm, Dee. 10. King Oscar
dkd at $.16 o'clock on Sunday
morning. He had been unconscious
from I o'clock Saturday afternoon,
at which time he spoke his last
words, thanking his surgeor for re
lieving his pain.
He alao for a brief time recog
nised Queen Sophia and Princess In
geborg, one of his daughters-in-law,
to whom he said "thanks" for some
trilling service beforo he rolupwd
into coma.
Aftor this his strength steadily
lessened. The members of his fam
ily and tho court officials assembled
at 8 o'clock In the room until the
end. Queon Sophia sat by the bed
Side and held hor dying huabnnd's
Shortly before ho died the aged
Queen, who for more tha half a
entury had been King Oscar's com
panion and helpmate, knelt by the
bedside and offered a short touch
ftig r'ayer.
t!;i! n?3' !&Vv' "v
Jt vsS..- 2 - S 1
fc i 1 1 umimA htom7, ', rtmti
The Council of State was sum
moned at 1 o'clock on Sunday af
ternoon and the new King tool; the
oath. He announced that he would
take the title of Ouetaf V. and de
clared that his motto would be,
"With the people for the father
Signatures of the Port aad His
TTlfe Declared to be ForgeriMt.
New York, Dec. 11. John Mil
ton's Bible the Bible thet was be
lieved have been the Bible ef hie
eld age and the one that he need
when he wrote "Parealee Lost" it
rs now asserted was no. Milton's
Bible afttr all. Handwriting ex
perts declare that the signatures o
fht Immortal writer or elc verse, as
well as that ef his third wife, Elism
bets. are both forgeries.
The so-called Milton Bible, whloh
has been pronounced pen hie by nj
less an authority than Dr. W. Aldis
Wright, Vies Master of Trinity Col
legs, Carabrtsge, perhaps the high
est living authority on seventeenth
tentury literature, was sold at auc
tion In New York last week, the
purchaser being George H. Rich
mond, a dealer in rare books, prints,
and autographs, of Ttl.iy-Fcurth
Street and Fifth Aenue. Mr.
Richmond paid $1,226 for the book,
which he expected to dispose of at a
profit of several thousand dollar.
Hughes Tnrns Ahrarn Owt,
Albany, Dec. 11. Gov. Hughes
has removed John F. Ahearu from
the ofP.ce of President of tho Bor
ough of Manhattan.
Charges of misconduct oa the part
of President Ahearn were published
In the newspapers in the Fall of
1906, and Mr. Ahearn requested an
Investigation by the Commissioners
of Accounts, which was later ordered
by Mayor McClellan. The report of
the Commissioners was made to the
Mayor In July, 1907. This severely
arraigned Mr. Ahearn' administra
Wholesale Prices of Farm Produce
Qaoted for the Week.
W-No. 3 Rod, fl.01.4 He. 1
Northern Dnlnth, 1.18).
Ooas No. I, 8o.
Oats. Mixed. 48e. Whtte, 6aC8e.
Mii.l. 4o. per qnart.
BI'ttbs, Western, extra, WalSe.
Firsts, 2C,a$7e. State dairy, finest
Cirassa. State, fall omasa, ISo.
Ikwa. Nearby, Faaoy, SaSQe. State,
Uood So eeoioe, 8a48o. Wester,
Firsts, 0a8Is.
Bears. Oily dressed, 6a 10a
Calvs City drstssd, SalOa Cava
lry dressed, per lb. 8al8e.
9ansr. Per 100 lb., II.OOas.M.
Hoos. lave, per 100 lb., I6.T4.
Hat. Prims, 100 lbs., II. lo.
Straw. Long rys, 6a70o.
Lira rouLTnt. Fowls, per lb. al8fo.
Chlekens, Spring, per lb., allo.
Daohs, per lb., also. Turkey,
PKsanaD fottltbt. Turkeys, per lb,
mi 8c. Fowls, per lb., lallc
Chickens, Phila., per lb., MaSSe.
VaoxTABLBS. Potatoes, L. I., per bbl,
1.70u2.OO. Onions, While, per bbl,
An eminent sociologist, of the nchool
that Is extremely tired of "charity,"
and, for that matter, of most other
oldfashloned things. Including the pol
itical economy ot the schools, has
ventured to criticise the Good Samari
tan as deserving little of tho admira
tion that has for centuries been lav
ished upon him. Without denylg
that It was n kindly, and even a
commendable, net to go to tho assis
tance of tho man who had fallen
among thieves the eminent sociologist
It Is Dr. Patten In "The New Bnsei
of Civilization" complains that thn
Samaritan philanthropist attacked tlio
problem from the wrong end and nip'1.?
no effort, fo far ns known, to put a:
end to highway roblnry.
What he should have done, accord
ing to this authority, wni to start, not
before ntlendlnR to the victim's Imme
diate nerds, perhaps, but certainty
very soon after, an encrgeMe nmvo.
mcit for the proper policing and lie.!
ln& of the road to Jericho. Tn othr
words, Dr. Patten things that while
the Samaritan my have been what Is
ralV'd a rood citizen, there Is nothlri?
In the parable to Indicate Ibnt he w.s
nn rHlclent and therefore really valn
ahle one. He dealt with nn effect, hut
Irnorcd the enuse, and therefore Ms
course tended rather toward the en
enir it nient. of highway robbery than
towatil Its suppression, since, so far ns
It went. It prevented the Jericho m-id
i'-c.m brine; fo strewn with the vleM"is
of an evil syt'tem that the peneral
pv'.'ie would be aroused to oncrpcUe
"How many seores of times Is a
physician nsked in perfect Rood faith
and childlike cotiflderne, 'Doctor, what
In r cull y the best food?' and looked
vron with pained surprise when lis
endeavors to explain that there Ih no
R'irh thing." writes Dr. Woods ITutrh-ltr-im
in an article on "Poison Foods,"
In McClure'B. Dr. Hutchinson evl
di at'y entertains little sympathy with
th food reformers and prefers to side
with the man in the street, who, he
rays, "ns usual. Is right." Thero are
a certain number of foods, Dr. Iiieh
irson maintains, which have become
staples all over tbe world among all
races and peoples. These are, broad
ly, the flesh and milk of three or four
domesticated anlmnls; the egga of one
species of domesticated birds; three
preat grains wheat, rice and maize
butter, fish, milk and sugar. The at
tempt to convert Into staples what nre
generally regarded as subsidiary foods
such as peas, beans, nuts, cheese, oat
meal, etc. an attempt which has been
tried repeatedly by the diet reformers
has Invariably failed. The reason
for this, writes Dr. Hutchinson, Is on
ly beginning to be seen In the light of
recent laboratory experiments. These
experiments havj revealed the surpris
ing fact that many articles of food
contain, combined with their high per
centage of nutritive value, substances
which, If taken In sufficient quantity,
bohave p.s active poisons.
"Bloodhounds of the police" will
tnvo a literal meaning when tho
Bingham kennels of criminal catchers
are officially opened. The plan of put
ting animal man-hunters on the scent
of offenders against the law has been
rerommended and probably will he
adopted, a test already made by the
Detective Bureau being called satisfac
tory. In the suburbs the bloodhound
annex to the sleuth department ought
to find its largest field of usefulness.
Running down the guilty after a chase
with dogs throuph the Subway and up
the "L," In the Brooklyn Bridge Jam
and down the bay on a ferryboat
would bo attended with too many difll
cultles. Whatever success may come from
the experiment, it will not be possible
for the bloodhounds to catch th
scores of murderers whoso victims fell
years ago and who have gone at lnr"
through the failure of the Deteet've
Bureau to persist in the search for
them. Nor can tho bloodhounds be
trained to tell the difference between
"Waters of tho law who pay for pro
tection and those who refuse to plve
It Is a maxim of tho common law
that for every wrong there is a romedy
somewhere. That, Indeed, is a maxim
of human nature Itself, of whoso
equalities the common law is an ex
pression. It is agreeable to note that
the ingenuity of men and women is
gradually evolving protective arrange
ments against what may be called
camera trespass. The latest but not
the last word on the subject came the
other day from a woman witness in a
trial of considerable Interest She ob
jected to being photographed, and
shielded herself from that possibility
outside the courtroom by carrying an
umbrella and wearing a mask of tbe
kind in requisition for the winter
The old Impulse to smash the cam
era or Its operator has much to rec
ommend it, but it Is like the uneven
struggle between a battleship and a
swarm of torpedo boats; If a slnglo
torpedo boat escapes destruction the
battleship turns turtle. A single man
cannot attack a dozen agile photo
graphers with any hope of putting all
of them out of commission. A woman
has no chance at that game at all. al
though one or two robust women have
rocently done more execution than
might have been promised.
The mask and the umbrella are a
bettor and cheaper protection; yet ev
en they are incomplete. Add a barrel
to the outfit and all tbe elements of
security aro present.