0 II fill IfffS Great Guns To Guard Sublg Bay; New Manila Defences. WASHINGTON DENIES Strong Indication of an Understand ing Between lic KciMor and Mr. Roosevelt German Elect May Come Here Tlio Unprotected At. lantlc Const. Manila, Oct. P. Tho engineer and marlnrs have made remarkable progress In r n s 1 1 1 n k the work on the fortifications, c1'spiln heavy rains and poor transportation facilities. Twenty-four guns hnve been installed on Qrande Island, nt the entrance to Sublg Bay, Including U n of 6.5 Inrh salibre, the best navy gun, which are mounted on the heights. Complementary forts have been erected on the mainland. In the mantline K.ititfaclory work Is being done on larger and permanent forti fications on Corregidor Island, at the mouth of Manila Hay, an dat the torpedo station. The troo.is throughout the lslandB have been actively practising and are now In splendid condition. The local naval squudmn was engaged in manoeuvres during last week, and will practice night tactics this week. Thus all brant!; s !' the service, though small in minmoru, are being made efficient. Washington, Oct. it. While the Navy Department reiterated its de nial of the report from London that guns of the Dreadnought type had been purchased by the United States Government In England and shipped to the Philippines, the fact came to tight that a supply of Whitehead tor pedoes had been bought in England by the Navy Department for uso on board American warships. Recent reports that some sort of amicable understanding exists be tween the United States and Germany were received in a rumor that the German Government would send a fleet to visit ports in this country as an evidence of friendship and regard. MRS CHADWICK VERY ILL. Woman Rank Wrecker Succumbing to Heart and Stomach Trouble Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 9. Mrs Cassie Chadwick, "who is serving a term in the Ohio Penitentiary for wrecking the bank at Oberlln, Ohio, is reported to be gradually becoming MRS. CASSIE CHADWICK. weaker. Dr. A. G. Helmlck, attend ing physician, Bald today: "Mrs. Chadwick Is not so well.. She ap pears to be gradually growing weak er. Her temperature is about nor mal." The cause Is stomach and heart trouble. She was delirious for a short time. PLEADS FOR STRONG NAVY. pacific As Well As Atlantic "Our Coast," Says President. St Louis, Mu Oct. 9. Of all President Roosevelt's visits to St. Louis his latest, wus in many respects 'che most striking. It seemed thut the entire Mississippi Valley had tak en a day off In order to extend a welcome. That portion of his spw-ch devoted to the upbuilding of the navy aa en instrument of peace w.mj especially well received. When he spoke of the Heet goifig to the Pacific and then Teturning, ho departed from the printed text of his remarks and opoke of the Atlnnt'.e Vming "our coast" and the Pacific being "our eoast." "Poth are our homo wat ers," he said, "and noma of our friends on the Atlantic need to learn that fundoiuentul fact." There was great laughter at this. "They'll grasp It yet," predicted the Presi dent. Rrynn trt President's Heeoh. St.. Loiil;-,, Mo., Oct. 9. President Roosevelt's ldoa of centralizing fed eral contre! or corporations, as out lined in hi.-', rjieech in St. Louis, was vigorously attacked by W. J. Bryan while In Ft. I.ouln to address a men's meeting nt the Central Y.M.C.A. Mr. Bry. n l eel;, red the President's position wijj not. only erroneous but dangoro.is, !r (hit it would result In weaKei.i!', ti power of the State lo protect Mr. ;fo.c and remove con trol tvu'x t.V' otuto to the nation. TO SEE MILS. EDDT. CountosH Piuses Through City on the Way To Visit Scientist. New York, Oct. 9. Her wish to be near Mrs. Eddy and the source of Christian Science teachings wrs the cause of the departure from this city for Ronton of the Countess of Dunmore, who has suffered a deep bereavement in the death of her husband. The Earl of Dunmore, who WtfW ' '"'"1 MRS. MARY BAKER EDDY, died on August 2S, was one of the most prominent Christian Scloulls'ta in Great Britain. When attacks were made on Mrs. Eddy by her "next friends," who sought to prove that she was Incom petent to manage her affairs, the nobleman was one of the stanchest supporters of her cause. Ho had contributed large sums of money to the upbuilding In England of the cult to which he was a devoted ad herent. The Countess of Dunmore Is as earnest a follower of the precepts of Mrs. Eddy as was her husband. It Is reported that phe has pur chased a house at Brookline, Mass., where she will make her home for several months nt a time in order to be near Mrs. Eddy, who resides at Concord, N. II. The Countess came here on a steamship of tho Cunard line. PLANNED TO SLAY. Wholesale Murder Plot Discovered; Governor Intended Victim. Denver, Col., Oct. 9. That Gov ernor Buchtel, David Moffatt, C. B.J Kountze, a banker; Lawrence Phlpps and Edward Chase, a gambler of prominence, were doomed to die at the hands of dynamiters was the astonishing discovery made by acci dent and reported to the police In time to prevent the killing of Chase and his family. Enough of the deadly explosive was found by the police concealed near the Chase house to have blown up the State Capitol, and It Is con. sldered certain that had not the discovery been made some of the most prominent families in the State would have perished along with Chase and his family. Kemp V. Blgelow, a clerk employ ed In a local bookstore, is the hero of the story which reads almost like a dime novel. Dropping down behind a tree, he crawled through the grass toward two men until in the stillness he could hear their whispers. Accord ing to Bigelow, he heard: "We are going to get Moffatt. Kountze, Buchtel, Phlpps and "Ed" Chafle. We are going to get Chase to-lght. We have the dynamite al ready there, and I am to meet Jim oi this street now in a few minutes arid we are going there to get her to touch her off. Jim Is in the park and is coming np this way. You can" AIRGRAM GOES ASTRAY. Marconi Operator At Capo Rreton "PUks Up" a Mess4e. Sydney, N. S., Oct. 9. While the Marconi wireless telegraphy exports hero were testing several new receiv ing cones on the tops of the towers at tho Port. Morien station, an oper ator in a room below picked up the wlre'.eis station at Manila in the Philippine Islands. The message received was that ths United Ernies cruiser Philadelphia had arrived at that point and that all on board were well. Tho experiments were made to in tercept messages sent by th naval wireless companies. It Is ascerte.l that tho Marconi service cannot be Interceded nor interrupted. In explaining this wholly unex pected exploit, the Marconi experts say that the receiving cono at Port Morien, twenty-five miles east of Sydney, must have been in perfect tune with the apparatus at Manila. Thaw Trial Date. New York, Oct. 9. Martin W. Littleton, counsel for Harry K. Thaw, appeared before Justice Dowllng in the Criminal Dranch of the Supreme Court and asked that an early date he set for tho second trial of his client for tho murder of Stanford White, the architect. District Attor ney Jerome, In behalf of the State, said that the calendar was ia such condition that It would be Impossible to call the trial before Dec. 2. Mr. Littleton consented and Justlco Dow. llng fixed the date mentioned for the opening of the second Thaw trial. If; V :m-M I I THE COLUMBIAN, HBIU Covering Minor Happen ings from all Over the Globe. HOME AND FOREIGN Compiled and Condensed for tlio Uusy Reader A Complete Record of European Despatches and Im portant Events from Everywhere Roiled Down for Hasty Tcrusal, Pittsburg delegates to the Deep Waterways Convention declared there woa never any danger of colli sion between tho President's boat and the vessel chartered by tho Pitts burg men. Arrangements to tako the gate re ceipts of the Jamestown Exposition to repay the balance of the govern ment loan were begun by tho Treas ury Department. Effort was made by Augustus Hartje, of Plttuburg, to have tho Hartje divorce case reopened In Phil adelphia, on the ground that now ami sensational evidence had been discovered. American strike breakers landed at Havana as "tourists," and Cuban labor leaders mado charges in court against Immigration authorities for permitting the men to go ashore. Secretary of State Root attended several functions in tho City of Mex ico. The Massachusetts Ballot Law Commission was asked to throw out both democratic State tickets nomin ated at Springfield. Heated argument arose at the Protestant Episcopal Convention, In Richmond, Va., over a question of changing the name of the Church. Fourten million dollars In taxe3 were paid in New York on the first day on which payment could be made, establishing a new record. District Attorney Jerome made an attack on what he believes to be Tammany Hall's plan to put "hack politicians" on the Bench. Answering the government's suit In which the appointment of receiv ers was aaked for, the American Tobacco Company and its allied cor porations declare they have stimu lated competition rather than crush ed It. More revelations on the working of the Galena Signal Oil Company were made public at the Standard Oil investigation. Colonel David E. Austen testified before the Wainwrlght Commission that the whole coast artillery is not large enough to man the fortifica tions of New York in case of war. Formation of a new political or ganization, the American party, to fight the spread of Mormonism has been begun In the West. Discussion of the third term ques tion brought out the belief that President Roosevelt could not con trol the candidate chosen by the re publicans. Virginia members of Congress de clared the Vnlted States should get rid of the Philippines by granting the island independence. Hindus driven out of Belllnghara and other Puget Sound ports are secretly returning to Washington cities, but few find work to do. Pittsburg despatches reported the Jones & Laughlln Interests about to enter the steel rail making business in opposition to the United States Steel Corporation. Important developments are ex pected in the suit of tho Buck Stave and Range Company to restrain tho American Federation of Labor from boycotting Its products, which Is to be tried in Washington, D. C. Dr. and Mrs. Rowland were ac quitted at Raleigh, N. C, of a charge of having murdered Mrs. Rowland's first husband. Thousands of persons in the open air heard tho Bishop of London speak from the portico of the Capi tol at Richmond. Cornell University's expedition to Abia Minor reported several new dis coveries regarding the ancient peo ple of that country. Major Henry B. Hersey, chief in 8ector of the Weather Bureau, ad vocated the establishing of a war balloon department by tho govern ment. William F. Coxford, a gun dealer, was killed and his wife seriously in jured in a runaway on Riverside Drive, New York. Experiments are to be made In the Cornell University Medical School to find the germ of distemper among dogs and whether human beings are susceptible to it. That the President has no Idea of bossism In connection with tho Taft candidacy was announced in des patches from St. Louis. The Bishop of London delivered a (sermon against "The New Theology" at tha Protestant Episcopal Conven tion in Richmond, Va. Mrs. Katherlne Dargatz and her nine year old adopted son were found murdered In a barn near Albany; N. Y., and her husband was arrested. Only one Amorican steamship com pany bid for transporting coul for the battle ship fleet at a price within President Roosevelt'3 stipuutlou, and BLOOMbBURG, Pa. this for only one-tenth of the am ount of fuel required. Manila despatches say the Philip pines are In a furore over the plan to sell the Islands to the natives. Senator Borah, of Idaho, was de clared not guilty of land frauds. Lemuel E. Qulgg, questioned by W. M. Ivlns, revealed more of the secrets of the traffic fights. The Western Union Telegraph Company made a new contract with the Pennsylvania Ralrload Company and Rcttled long standing disputes. FOREIGN NEWS- A special cable despatch from St. Petersburg states that political strlfo has reached a dangerous point In Voronezh and the surrounding pro vinces. In a special cable message from Berlin it Is stated that the Princess Ida Reuss, her sister, tho Countes Emma Kunlgl, and the Baroness Mario Gragnonl, were endangered in a Rorious automobile mishap near the Grelz palace. The previous announcement that Herr von Tschlrschky had been ap pointed as Germany's Ambassador at Vienna has bees officially confirm ed, says a Berlin special cable des patch. According to a Toklo despatch, many additional promotions to the peerage are to be made soon by the lmperlal.Japaneso government. In Paris the Holy Trinity Lodge's new hospital addition was inaugurat ed, according to a despatch. M. Tazi, Moorish envoy now In Paris, says that the Sultan seeks to co-operate with France and gives suggestions for organizing the Inter, national police. Secretary of War Taft in nn audi ence with the Japanese Emperor was reported to have extended to him hopes for peace. SPORTING NEWS. James R. Keene's Colin won the colt division of the Matron Stake at Belmont Park, and Harry Payne Whitney's Stamina won the Ally div ision of the same stake. Miss Margaret Curtis, with a rec ord of 95, led the field in the quali fying round for the women's golf championship at the Midlothian links, near Chicago. The automobile industry abroad Is believed to be facing a crisis. A handicap lawn tennis tourna ment was begun at Hot Springs with New Yorkers victorious. RUSH BUMBLEBEES. Washington Hurries Two Cigar Box es Full to the Philippines. Washington, Oct. 9. In response to a rush order cabled from the Phil ippines two cigar boxes full of bum blebees are hurrying across the con tinent bound for the Islands. The Philippines specialists of the Agricultural Department have been making exhaustive experiments in Luzon In th cross fertilization of cer tain pianos. Repeated testa with the common or busy bee showed it to be unequal to the task, but com plete success crowned the efforts of the scientists when they tried ce bumblebee, the hereditary enemy of the small boy. The experts made requislon upon the department in Washington for a consignment of the Insect, but In ability to cage a sufficient numbr delayed the shipment. As the season in which the bum blebee can make himself useful in the fertilization Is rapidly nearing an end in the Philippines the experts cabled the department to rush them through what thy had, and the bees started, provided with every comfort the ingenuity of the Agricultural De partment could devise for them on their long Journey. . Heroine Gave Her Life, New London, Conn., Oct. 8. While Mrs. Mary A. Collins and Mrs. Herrlck, wife of a coachman In the employ of Frederick T. Mubod, were strolling on Charles R. Hanucom's wharf at Pequot Avenue, Mrs. Her rlck slipped and fell into the harbor. Mrs. Collins Immediately Jumped into the water and attempted to save her companion. Both women were rescued by John A. Scott and other employes of the Scott Wrecking Company, but Mrs. Collins died later from the shock. Cuban Strikers Attack Trains. Havana, Cuba, Oct. 8. Declaring that they will oppose the landing of the strike breakers from the Un ited States who are due to arrive here soon, the striking engine driv ers of the United Railway have al ready resorted ' to violence. The train from Havana to Catabano s.s stopped at San Felipe and the flre mun compelled to abandon his post. At Catabano another train was stop ped by the strikers, the engine crew driven off and the pussengorB thrown into a panic. Set Hotel Fence Ailre. Atlantic City, Oct. 9. William Slnnott of New York was ejected from the Hotel Burton on South North Carolina Avenue, recently. To get even, Slnnott set fire to the fence that surrounds the hotel. He was arrested ,and when arraigned before the Recordor, he said he did not realize what he was doing aud had no intention of committing a crime. He was fined $15 aud ordered to leave the resort. niiiosisisiP Went Over To Metropol itan Expecting Great Things. TELLS INSIDE HISTORY The Inter-Met Merger Surprised Him i4iiil He IVels Nlighlcd, Thoi!;:li Hj Got $2.0,im Cash and $r0,(()0 a Year Since Homo Subway Fin.'iii clerlniJ. New York, Oct. 9. John P.. Mc Donald recited before the Public Ser vice Commission the Inside history of his flop In the early part of 1 :ti)3 from tho Belmont to the Metropoli tan Street Railway Interests. Mr. McDonald said that he had had a misunderstanding with Mr. Belmont both in regard to plans for ft.tur.? work and In regard to financial mat ters, and that he had gone over to the other side under assurance that the Metropolitan Street Railway Company would build new subways If the contract was awarded to tli'-m. Mr. McDonald went ahead upon these assurances and entered into obligations. But one day he awoke to tho fact that the Metropolitan ;.:id the Interhorough companies had merged. Mr. McDonald declare.! that ho knew absolutely nothing nhout the merger until he r-aw t'.ie announcement on the bulletin boards. He protested. The Metropolitan , Securities Company thereupon paid ( him $150,000 for a release from Itr, contract obligations toward the pro- poseu extension oi uie sunniij sysiein and $100,000 for a further release from obligations toward the McDon ald project of building two tunnels under the North River. Besides this the Interborough-Metropolitan company entered Into a five year contract with Mr. McDonald to pay him $50,000 a year for the privilege of calling upon him In the future. Thus far Mr. McDonald has been drawing his Balary and waiting for a call. RACON MAY SUCCEED TOWER. Berlin Hears That Assistant State Secretary Will Be Named. Berlin, Oct. 9. It is reported In well-informed quarters that Assist ant Secretary of State Bacon will be appointed as Ambassador Tower's successor. ROBERT BACON. Mr. Tower has asked to be reliev ed as United States Ambassador to Germany on account of his private business affairs. 'Rescued Morgan's Portrait. New York, Oct. 9. The oil paint. Ing of J. Pierpont Morgan, which was Bold at public auction at the Appraiser's Stores to "Tom" Wal lace, a saloonkeeper, at 36 Sixth Av enue, was rescued from the fate fcr which it was destined by being bought by H. H. Topahyan, a Persian dealer in antiques. Mr. Topahyan went to the saloon and made Mr. Wallace an offer for the picture Just as it was being hung In the appoint ed place behind tho bar with fitting ceremonies. Explosion Kills 4, Injures 20. Butler, Pa., Oct. 9. An explosion caused by the upsetting of tho metal pot in the No. 1 cupola of the Standard Steel Company, caused the death of four men, fatally Injuring twenty, and seriously injured ton others. Nearly all the men were foreigners. The largo wheel plant, 150 by 100 feet was demolished, causing a loss estimated at $100,000. DoduliiK Fine, Elopes. Des Moines, Iowa, Oct. 9. Mayor Bennett, of Fort Dodge, who recent ly gained fame by issuing a ukase that old bachelors within the city must wed within a year or pay a fine, has been taken at his word bv Nolan Snow, a chauffour, who eloped with the Mayor's daughter, Mabel The elopers were wed In Fort Dodge and fled to Des Moines. Bryan Celebrates Anniversary. Lincoln, Neb, Oct. 9 Mr. anl Mrs. William Jennings Bryan on Tuosday celebrated the twenty-third anniversary of their murrlago by &lv lng a dinner to neighbors f.ui friends. NEW YORK MARKETS. Wholesale Prices of Farm Produce Quoted for tlio Week. Whkat Oct 105 Deo. . . 1 I0i May ..1.13 Cork Oct 74 Deo 70 May 6fi-; Oats. Mixod, 68)tc Mii.k. 4c. per quart. Butt kr Ckkamkuy. Western, extra f .?0'4 Firsts 28a2no. State dairy, finest 2fsa;'S Chricsr State, fall cream. ll1 Small. 18 Eons Nearby Fancy IIOa!12o State Good choice . 2(ia2S Western Firsts . tin::, IlKitvKs. City dres'd. 8al0?4c. Ualvks City dres'd. Pal.'So. C .un try dreasod ir lb. 7a 1 2c, Shrkp. Per 100 lb. M.fiOafl.ftO. Hous. Live per 100 lb. $rt.05a7.2C. Hat. Prime, 100 lbs., f 1.0.1. Straw. Long rye,rSa70o. , Livr poultry Fowls. Per lb. alOo. Chickbns. Spring, per lb., alfo. Ducks. Per lb. 12a 14a Drksskd poultry Tukkkys. Per lb. lOalrtc. Fowls. Per lb. 12nl4o. Chiukkks. I'hiln., ier lb., 22u24u. Vkuktaiu.ks Pot at im. L. I. per bbl., ?'2.00h.v.'V CUCUMMCRS. per bbl. $l.i2on2.20. Osionm. White, Hr bbl. f2.60ul.o: Lrttuck. per Basket, .6(cn'SI.7.1). BiCKTS. per ltM) bunches. tl.Wul.'.ii Gkkkn Corn. per 10'), .'.'ieafl.CO. Tomatoks per box, ,2A:i75u. FINANCIAL. The last week on the Paris Pour.-f), a despatch says, confirmed the opin ion of the Herald's financial corr. i pondent that greater activity .V pends on more steadiness In V.-,!1 street ayd proof that copper will not go lower. The London stock market, uccor j ing to a cable, is quite strong. No fears are felt regarding tho mon'j tary situation, despite tho talk gold imports. BASEBALL LEAGUE SUMMARILY Final Standing of tho Clubs. National. W. L. P. a Chicago 107 43 .704 Pittsburg yi 68 Ml Philadelphia 83 64 ,6ttt New York 83 71 .638 Brooklyn 65 88 .4.59 Cincinnati 60 87 .431 Boston 53 00 XV Bt. Louis 62 101 .213 American. W. L. P. a Detroit 98 68 .613 Philadelphia 88 6T .607 Chicago 87 64 .576 Cleveland 85 67 .659 New York 70 78 .47$ St. Louis 69 88 .454 Boston 69 90 .898 Washington 49 102 Ml Lewis Stuyveaaat Chanhr. This distinguished New Yorkpr, who is mentioned In the South as a possible nominee of the Democratic party for president, will be a guest of the Georgia State Fair in Atluuu. Mitchell Seriously III. Indianapolis, Oct. 9. The condi tion of John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers, is giving his friends here much concern, and some of those who are associated with him express the belief that he will never again bo well. He has never fully recovered from tho oporaLIuii ho underwent last spring. There have been stroug symptoms lately of appendicitis aul it is probable that another operation may be necessary. School Teachers On Strike. Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 4. The Bourd of Education of Syra'cuso, Meigs county, reported to Stata School Commissioner Jones that th teachers employed there are out ou a strike. The law requires th.'it teachers shall be paid not less than $10 a month, but the Board of Edu cation of Syracuse having made a minimum school levy of twelve mills, finds Itself upublo to pay more than $25 a month. Jeiwy Pie To Cot-t More. Jersey City, Oct. 4. Tho Eois Bakers' Association of Hudson Co unty held a meeting in Jersey City aud later gave notice that on Jan. 1 next they will raise the pries of bread, pies, and cako 20 per cent. They buy the advance Is noccssary on acouut of the Increase coat muterlul und labor. f 4 lrl?V;i