THR COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSRJPn. PA HOMEMADE BOOKCASE Convenient and Easily Made Re ceptacle Which la an Ornament. Tb accompanying Illustration shows some very ens:ly-male and con venient shelves for books, papers or olUer articles. They can bo mud.; i( pln, stained to imitate walnut, with amber, and then oiled or varnlfthH; or they can bo painted to correspond with the woodwork of the room la which they are used. Or, If preferred, they can be covered with cloth, tacked cm 'Smoothly and neaily, using brass twled furniture tacks wherever nny will show. There should bo two up Tight pieces, with as many cleats as there are to bo shelves. The upper Bhelf should rest on, and be Bcrewrsl to, these uprights, when put In th pltton tho shelves are to occupy; It ought, also, to be two or three Inchra wWer than the upright pieces and the lover shelves are. If they stand be- I '.-BSW, ' BboKCASlJ t"cn the casing of a door and ths corner of a room, there will bo no need of fastening them to the wall, If they are made to fit sniiKly. Tha upper shelf, being made fast by screws to the upright pieces, will hold them firmly In place. A curtain can be hung In front of them, If desired. Brackets to supix)rt the pole to which It hangs should bo fastened to the up rights, Just below the projecting of the upper shelf. This curtain can be made very ornamental by a band of plush, velvet, or embroidery, with e heavy fringe across the bottom. If the shelves aro stained, or aln'ed black, and a brass polo and brack's ere used, with a pretty curtain, thU "convenience" will be almost as or aamonital as useful, and after having one, you will wonder how you ever Ct along without It. - n HEALTH AND BEAUTY. Rhuburb is au excellent blood puri fier. It is said thait apples will relieve Seasickness. Lemon Juice will remove tartar from the teeth. If the fecvt are tired take a warm foot bath. There Is nothing quite so efficacious for tired nerves. : Ten to twelve drops of tiucture of camphor in a tumbler of water mukes e good wash for iho tooth. lodie is excellent to cure bunions. Use It as often as possible without blistering. Wear oil silk on the spot (luring the day. Plumbs, peaches, raspberries and prtcotg have less sugar than other fruits, and are not harmful to those to whom sugar Us injurious. The astringent properties of tha pomegranato are particularly helpful to singers and speakers who suffer with relaxed muscles of the throat ftnd uvula. A very good romed-y for relieving esraohe Is to fill a little bag of soft flannel with salt and make this very hot In the oven. Test it against your heek to make sure it Is not too hot, end then apply to the aching ear. ; A Diet of Sugar. One of the numerous physical-culture teachers departs from the faith of trainers In advising his pupils to at All the sugar they can get. Either ta taking off flesh or 'in putting on flesh his advice is to make sugar, hi oome form or other, a liberal part of the daily diet. "Sugar Is a very pow erful stimulant and a great producer of nerve force," he said: "I spent two winters In the Klondike, where the miners eat enormous quantities of ftogar and molasses. They even sweeten salt pork with it. Men who simply eoak themselves i!h sweets Jo twice the work of men who let sugar .lone. Swiss mountaineers always carry a liberal supply of sugar In their kite. Negroes in the harvest fields grow fat on- sugar cane. In hot or eold climates a liberal diet of sugar will put a man In the finest possible condition. Whatever bad effects su gar may have at Qrst are soon rem edied by exercise. It has been a fad for tiro or three years to howl against tie use of sugar, but there Is no sound physiological reason for it." Caring for the Hair. If h&lr brushes bo cloansed dally isd the scalp uiussnged the har and bead will keep clean much longer. If in addition to scalp massage you give the hair a soft rubbing with the palms of your hands it will be much wore- etttky. Low Necka and Cameos. Modistes predict that the high col lar will soon be a thing of the past. If so, the summer girl oan fliiUh off he neck ot her govp Kirn fie small cameo buttons or. Intaglios which she Buy have In her possession. An almost Invisible cement for mending glass Is made of Isinglass Viled in spirits of wine. Words of Praise For the several Ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medicines tiro composed, as given by loaders In all the several schools of medicine, should have far more weight than any amount of noo-profenslonnl tes timonials. lr. Tierce's Favorite Prescrip tion has tub dador op honesty on every bottle-wrapper, In a full list of all Its in gredients printed In plain English. If you are an Invnlld woman and suffer from freqMfnt headacho, backache, gnaw ing dlstri In Momach, periodical pains, dlsagreyfttdo, catarrhal, pelvic drain, dragglifedown distress In lower abdomen or pelv, perhaps dark spots or specks danchrfg before tho eyes, faint spells and klndaol sym atoms caused by femulo weak ness, otethijr derangement of the feminine organs, W can not do bolter than take Dr. Plerefc Favorlto Prescription. The hsiltal, surgeon's knlfo and opera ting tally ruay bo avoided by the timely use of V'avorlte Prescription" In such cases. Thereby the obnoxious exsrpn- ttlpTiS nii'l lural tri.iuriiij ot n fH,mtl' e f ! m t v physician can be avoided ami a thorough cuiirSe ot successful treatment carried on2 IrTtlie LuiUljj'.vJI tlii' liiiine "Kaviirlta Prescription " Is composed ol the very best native medicinal roots known to medical science for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments, contains no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too much from "Favorite Prescription; " It will not perform mira cles; It will not disolvo or cure tumors. No medicine will. It will do as much to establish vigorous health In most weak nesses and ailments peculiarly Incident to women as any medicine can. It must bo given a fair cnance by perseverance In lie use for a reasonable length of time. Y"'i rnn'ti ffPrH '" """r' ee. nnj. Inim as n sulislitiite fyr tjt t"'vn composition., bick women are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspond ence Is guarded as sacredly secret and womanly confidences are protected by professional privacy. Addross Dr. R. V. Pierce. Huffalo, N. V. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets tho best laxative and regulator of tho bowels. They Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. One a laxative ; two or three a cathartic. Easy to take as candy. Masked Robbers Cause Terror in Min ing Towns. Take Part in Two Furiously Waged Fights, In Which Bullets Flew, and Get Oil Safely, but With Little Plunber. Four daring nnsked robbers heavily armed produced terror in Duryea and Old Forge eatly last Saturday morning. At Duryea they took part in two furiously waged running fights with the Toole brothers and Chief of Police Peter Cosgrove. Revolvers were emptied on both sides, but no one was inj'ured though the bullets whizzed by heads in dangerous fashion. At the "hotel of Peter Toole in Duryea the robbers were detected in the act of breaking into the sa loon. A duel with pistols was fought between the Toole brothers and the thieves, the latter making their escape. Later while they were attempting to enter the post office they were detected by Chief Cosgrove, who opened fire on them. He was as sisted by the Toole brothers. Again the men escaped after many revol ver shots had been fired. Going to Old Forge they entered the ' home of Daniel Tones. Mr Jones and his wife were sleeping in the downstairs part. The husband leaped out of bed upon hearing the robbers enter an adjoining room and rushed to the dresser for his re volvtr. He had just got his hand on the weapon when the muzzles of four revolvers were pressed at his head. He was ordered to drop the revolver. He obeyed. The bandits ordered him to get back into bed. One held a revolver to head of their young son, another held one against the forehead of Mrs. Jones, while the other two made a search of the house. The mask ot one of the men guarding Mr. Jones dropped and Jones sought to get a look at the man's features. "Close your eyes or I'll shoot," shouted the other. Jones complied with the order. The robbers got $5 and also took Joues' revolver. The quartette then rushed out of the house after warning Mr. and Mrs. Jones that their lives would be the forfeit if they gave the alarm withiu an hotr.'s time. They are believed to be a part of a gang that has so boldly operated in this section for some time close to rail roads. Predicts a Great Panic. Railroad President Declares People Are Lay ing the Foundation. A B. Stickney, of St. Paul, presi dent of the Chicago & Northwestern railway, in Washington, D. C. last week, in an interview discussing the railroad situation, said: "The people ate now laying the foundation, firm and strong, for a tremendous panic." Mr. Stickney said he does not believe that the crisis will be reach ed within the next two years, but be took the position that it will cer tainly come and will be even more disastrous than the panic of 1893-04. He declared that if the present rail road agitation is kept up all the railroads are threatened with bank ruptcy, and that in 1909 hundreds of thousands of men will be thrown out of employment. Bear, the Kind You Have Always Governor Makes Them Law. Approves Several Bills, Two Affecting City Improvements. Governor Stuart has approved thee bills: Empowering cities to acquire real estate withiu their limits which they may need upon which to ere:t necessary municipal buildings. Providing that game fish may be caught only with rod and line or hand line containing not more than three hooks, and pickeral or yellow perch may be caught through the ice, by moans of tip-ups, and pro t iding that the catch of perch and pickeral on any one day by any one fisherman shall not exceed tweuty pounds. Repealing the act regulating fences and to appoint appraisers in each township in Bedford, North umberland, Westmoreland, Wash ington and Fayette Counties. Repealing the act to regulate the fees of the county treasurer of Lu zerne and Clearfield Counties. Authorizing the collection of the costs, damages and expenses of mu nicipal improvements, including the improving of roads and sewers from the property peculiarly benefitted where private property could not be assessed for especial benefits and constituting such benefits a lieu up on the property upon which they are assessed and authorizing the completion of such improvements now in progress. NOTICE. IN TUB COURT OV COMMON I'LEAS OV COLUMBIA COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA. OV MAY TEUM 1107, NO Notice Is hereby given that an application will be made to the above Court on tne Im day of Arrll A. I). 1907 at ten o'cWck a. m , under the Corporation Act of 1874 of the om ro wealth of Pennsylvania, and the Hupplements thereto, for the allowance and approval of an amendment to the Charter of the Taherniole Church of Christ of the Town of UloornHburg as set forth In the petition for the allowance of said amendment, which said amendment, Is It fhe purpose o: providing that all property, now owned or hereafter to be. beipieul bed, devised or conveyed to the bhM corporation shall be held subject to the control ot the lay mmbera thereof agreeably to the provisions of tue Act of Ashembly approved the With day of April A. I). IS. fto. The proposed amendment Is now on file In the ofllce of tue 1'rothunoiary of Columbia county. A. W. rt'Y, 8-7-lw. Solicitor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In re estate of John Kelchner, late of (fit Tuirm. ship of Centre, in the Cwmtv of Columbia, and Slate of Pennnylganla : The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans Court of Columbia County, .to make distribution of the fund In tho hands ot George W. Kt'h hnerand Emanuel L. Kelchner, Kxo-u-tnrs of tne estate of John Kelchner, late of tho Township afonsatd, as shown by their third and llnul account tiled In tU Orphans Court of Columbia County, to No. 10 of Keb'y. Term, 1 07, to and among the parties legally entitled thereto, will Bit at his oftlce In the Town of Hloomsburg, Pa., on Friday, April lath, ioo7, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of guld day, to per form the duties of hts appointment, when and where all persons having claims or demands against saa estate may present mem or for ever after be derarrud from coming In on guld nina, 8-7-ta. CLINTON BEKKINO, Auditor. CHARTER NOTICE. In the Common Pleat Court oj Columbia County. Notlco Is hereby given that an application will be marte by theST. John s EVAnueli CAL LUTHERAN CHUKCU OP CATAW1S.HA, PENNHYLVAIA, to the Court of Common Pleas of the county aforesaid on the.lstduyof April 1907, it 10 o'clock a. m , underthe provisions of the Aot ot Assembly ot this Common wealth entitled "An Act to provide for the Ineorpora tlon and regulation of certain corporations," approved April m, ana n supplements, for the approval and allowance ot certain amendments to the charter of said corpora loo, as set forth In the petition therefor Hied in auia osurc. C. K. KRBISHEK, March 4th, 1907, 8-7-4 1, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Xuats of Martin Kline, lateoOranvt Township, Deceased. Notice Is hereby Blven that letters of admin 1st ration on the estate of Martin Kline, late of orange township, deceased nave been granted to tha undersigned administrator, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or ae mauds will make known the same without de lay to JOSEPH A. UENRIE, Administrator Orangevllle, R. F. D. No. 1. Clinton Herring, Atty. 2-14-ot. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Jlstote of Margaret M. Smith, late of Greenwood Township, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that, letters of admin istration on the etitate of Margaret M.Hml h, late of Greeuwood township, deoeased, have been granted to 'he undersigned administrator to whom all persons Indebted to said eat ate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will mane known the same without delay to WEHLEY MOKKIS, Administrator. MUlvlUe, R. F. D. A. L. FrlU, Attorney. H-m-tlt. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Xstalsaf Xli Wtlllver, late of Greenwood town ship, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters of udmln. lstratlon on the estwte of Ell Welllver, late of Greenwood township, deoeased, have been granted to the undersigned administrator to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make paymen1, and those having claims or demands will make known thusanie without delay to CUAHLEU E. W K I.LI V Kit Clinton Herring, jsioomsburg. Pa, -iH et Attorney. . du.lnlatrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Katate of Huston Hobtson, late of Scott town ship, deceased. Letters of administration de bonis non In tne above estate ' ave been granted to the under signed, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payrrenr, nt those having Just claims or demands will make known the same without delay. X. Ul!Sll ZAtK. i-;nA-rt- M In the Orphans9 Court for the County of Union INQUEST IN PARTITION. EMTATK OK HKNJAMIN V. JlKIOiIAKD, DKC'D. Hiikrikf'b Ok kick. Lkwihiiuho, 1'a., Mnrdi 1!), KH)7. To Mary K. Kelgliunl, widow, John Heilmiil, Jt h'runk Kritflmnl, Hlmmokin, Pp. I). VtnU'.V lU'iKliiim.HoiitliKliftroii.l'a Geo. 1. Kulirliuril, Kane, McKeuti Co., 1'a. Mary C. Hflgliaid, Kane. McKean Co., I'a. Clara Kleter, Mlllheim, Centre Co., lVnn'a. Klizaltetli Wife, Portland MIIIh, Klk Co., I'a. John Hen ton Rilgliunl, Loganton, Clinton Co., Pa. Krtient II. KelKlinrd, Glady, ltan doltih V., Wewt Va. OttoK. lU-ighard, Topton, Cherokee Co., N. C. WHIN J. K. iglmrd, West Port. Clin ton Co., Pa. IUhhIc A. Kelirliard. Lock Haven. Pa. C. S. Whitman, guardian of Pearl U. Relglmrd, Glen Union, Clinton Co., Pa. Rliodu M.Whitman.Gh'n Union, Pa. The Penn Trust Co., Heading. Pa. guardian of Pearl K Jaooby, Elsie il Jacob y and Edith Jauohy. Jennie Keldiner. Jersey .Shore, Pa. Heeky C. Ent, Light Htreet. Pa. Susie K. Townsend, 3537 Cottage Grove Ave.. Chicago, III. John II. Jteighanl, Light Street. Pa. Currie E. Keigliard.Ltsrlit Street, Pa. Penjamin T. Keighard, Centrcpoiut, Iowa. W. It. Motz, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. C. F. MotK, Moiies-sen, Pa. Francis J. Motz. Sewiekley, Pa. Hurry J. Welch, Kreenort, Illinois. William It. Welsh, Walsenburg.Col ormlo. Belle A. Welch, 2147 Grant Ave., Denver, Col. FruiiceH G. Foley, Superior, Wis consin. Charles Heighanl, Sycamore, Ills. Florence Mellendorf, Sycamore, Ills. UolatuI Keighard, Sycamore, Ills. Walter Keigbard, Svcamore, Ills. Sliepard W. Keighard. Hub Cloth House, Chicatro, Ills. Mary ISelle Welch, Williamsburg, Kunsas. Louise McWilliams, Water Valley, Mississippi. Jennette A. Kcighnrd, Freeport 111. Hlutiche E. Gust, MilHinburg, Pa. James K. Smith, Milton, Pa. CatherineWilkinson.Milllinburg.Pa. Belle Smith. Tyrone, Pa. Takk Notick, that by virtue of a Writ of Partition in the estate of the decedent above named, to me directed and made returnable at May Term of said Court, an Iuiiuisitioii will be held on the premises ot Tract No. 1. herein after described, on MONDAY, MAY titli, 1!", at 10 o'clock a. m., thence proceeding to Tracts Nos. 2, and 3, and on tlie premises of Tract No. 4, herein after described, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th, 1!K)7, at one o'clock p. in., to ascertain and Inquire, among other things, whether the said several prem ises can be parted and divided without prejudlceito or spoiling the whole there of, otherwise to value and appraise the siime; when and where you may at tend if you see proper. The said real estate consists of the following tracts, more fully described in the petition for said Writ, to wit: No. 1. An undivided one-half inter est in all that tract of farm land situate in the township of Limestone, County of Union, Penua. , bouuded north by land of J. Merrill Barber and Calvin M Hayes; on the east by public road and land of the estate Benj. Chambers, dee'd; on the south by land of Sarah F. Barber and Samuel Barber, and on the west by land of the heirs of Thomas C. Barber, dee'd. containing 112 acres, more or less. No. 2. An undivided one-halt Inter est in a tract of laud in Lewis town ship, Union Co., Penna., bounded on the north by land late of 8. S. Myers and William Catherman; on the east by landof James K. Reish; on the south by laud lute of Joseph Sanders, and on the west by lands late of Noah Binga man and Christian Mensch, containing 98 acres and allowance. No. 3. An undivided on-half inter est in a tract of land in Limestone township. Union Co., Pa., bouuded by lands of J. Merrill Barber, Lndwig F. Shoeinuker, Horace P. Glover, Benl. Chambers and others, containing 42 acres, more or less. No. 4. All that certain tract of farm land situate in Scott twp., Columbia Co., Penna., of which W. P. Eyerly is now tenant, bounded north by lauds of James Kelchard and public road lead ing from Paper Mill to Espy; east by publio road feuding from Light Street to Espy und land of Josiah Giger; south ty lunus or Harvey urevenng anu u. b . Zurr, and west by publio road, ex tension of Fifth St., Bloomsburg, and land of Harvey Creveling, containing l")(i acres and 37 lurches. HOWARD W. DIEFFEN DERFER. Sheriff. GLOVKK & GLOVEU, ) AUorlleV8 Anukew A. LkiserJ Aor,ie8- 3-21-6t AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Kstate oMehetahls Alliertson, late of Greenwood township. The undersigned appointed an auditor by the Orphans' Court ot Columbia County to make distribution of the fund In the hands of the Administrator, or said deceased, will sit at his office In Hloomsburg, Pa., on Thursday, April llth. V.rfl at 10 o'clock a.m. to perioral the duties of his appointment, when and where all f ames interested in tne iuna in tne nanas or he administrator of said deceased will appear and prove the same or be forever debarred from coming In on said fund. -ta. u. r. .Attn, Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ttntaie of Annie Culp,lateaf Ml. Pleasant town ship, deceased. Notice Is hereby irlven that let ters testament ary on the estute of Annie culp, late of Mt. Pleasant township, deceased, have been grant ed to Charles Culp, resldentot Hloomsburg, Pa., to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having chums or deituuds will make known the same without delay. CUAULEScri' P, Fred lkeler, Kxecutor. S-dN lit Attorney. Bloomsburg, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OK VALUABLE Real Estate. Pursuant to an order from the Orphans' Court of Columbia County, the undersigned administrator of the estate of Martin Kline, late of the Township of Ornnge, Ir. the County of Columbia, and stato of Pennsylvania, will expose to public sale on the premises lately occupied by said deceased near liowmitn's Mills on FRIDAY, THE 29th DAY OF MARCH, 1907, at two o'clock of tal day, the following described real estate 1 All that certain messtiare, tenement and tract of land situate In the Township, Crtinty and state aforesaid, bounded and des cribed as follows, to-wit : Iteglnnlng at a 'tone corner of Innd of William Bellas and Wesley B"wman. then' e by land of vtininm Bellns and Wesley Howmsn, North 'wenry-elght degrees West one hundred and four-tenths perches to a stone, thence by land of Wesley Howman Bouth flf'y-three degrees West twenty-one and flve-tenth perches to a stone, thence by the same South one-half degree East fourteen ar.d two-tenth perches to a stone, thence by the same South twenty-seven and one-halt degrees West eight and four-tenth perches to a stone, thence by the same North sixty and one-half degrees West fourteen and three.tenth perches to a stone, thence by land or Ell Kline Bouth forty-five and one-fourth degrees West twenty nine and one-tenth perches to a stone, thence by land of John f'rouso Houtb twenty-six and threc-frurth degrees East slxty.fonr and six tenth perches to a stone, thence by land of Wesley Bowman North twenty-ecven degrees East seventy and seven-tenth perches to the place of beginning, containing 34 ACRES and 133 PERCHES of land, be the lame more or less. It being the same premises which ltebecca Johnson by deed dated April 8th, 188, recorded n Colum bia County indeed book Vol. "U" at page 447 conveyed unto Martin Kllno and David B. Kline, and which the said David B. Kline by deed dated Oct. 16th, 1874, recorded In Columbia County In deed book Vol. ST at page Ml, con veyed his Interest In the same unto the said Martin Kltne. and the Tdescrtptlon herein used is tho same as that con'alned In said last mentioned deed ; and whereon Is erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE AND BARN and other outbuildings. ALSO all the Interest or the said Martin Kline in all 'hat certain ple-e. parcel and lot of ground situate In the Township, County ard Bute aforesaid, bounded and described as fol. lows, to-wlt : Beginning at a Btone, thence by lands of Jacob Johnson, heirs ofcrouse south rorty-tlve and one-fourth degrees West forty- f even and seven-tenth perches to a sassafras thence by heirs or Andrew Crouse North rorty. nine and three-fourth degrees West rorty per ches to a stone, thence by lands or Edward Mc- Henry North fifty-four degrees East fifty-eight perches to a stone, thence by public road South seventeen degrees East twenty perches to a stone, thence along publio road South tltty-slx degrees East twelve perches to the place ot beginning, containing 10 ACRES and 132 PERCHES OF LAND. be the satr.o more or less. It being the same premises of which Ell Kline died seized and which descended to the said Martin Kline and others. This farm Is In a fairly good state or cultiva tion and Is a desirable little far nr. Possession given April 1st, 1907, providing one-fourth of the purchase money Is paid. All personal pro perty on premises reserved. Deed and surveys If wanted at expense or purchaser. Tihms or Bali : Ten per cent or one-fourth or purchase money to be paid at striking down ot the property, balance or one-fourth at on- ftrmatton nisi or sale, or when possession la taken, and remaining three-fourths within one year from date ot sale with Interest on all un paid purchase money from date or sale. JOSEPH A. HENRI E, Administrator ot Martin Kline, dee'd. Clinton Birring, Attorney. 8-7-ta. NOTICE. In the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County. Filed March 7, 1J07. In re-petition of the Commissioners of Col nmbla county to sell at publio sale certain real estate possessed by said County, situate In the Borough of Berwick, In said County, bounded and described as follows: Pa-ta of water lota No's 9 and 10 In said Borough on north by road leading ro river, on East by lot No. 8, on South by river, and on the west by Chesnut street, whereon Is erected a two story frame dwelling house, eanh lot being WtH feet wide the same being part of the toll bridge over the river Busquebunna of the Berwick Bridge company of Berwick In said County pur chased by said Counties ot Columbia and Luzerne under said proceedings, aa will more fully and at large appear by reference to the report of viewers with the map annexed thereto filed In said proceedings on the Hin day of SeptembT laoo, as or No. 5;io April Term, luou In said court or yuirter Sessions or the County ot Luzerne. Now March 4th, 1907 on reading the within petition the same Is directed to oe tiled, and Thursday the SHtb day ot March, V.W at 10 o'clock, In the forenoon la fixed for the hearing of said petition by said Court. Br thi Co CRT. S-14-tit. INCORPORATION OF "THE CRAFTSMAN." In the Court of Crnnmon Pleas) Xo. Term 1907 of ColumMa County. f Notice Is hereby given that an application will be made to the above Court on April 4th, 1907 at ten o'clock a. m. under the "Corporation Act of 1874" of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, an1 the supplements there' o. for the charter of an Intended corporation to be railed "The Craftsman," the character and object of which Is, The maintenance of a club for frater nal, educational and so ial enjoyments, and for these purposes to have and possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and ptlviio-es ot the said Aot of Assembly and lis supplements. The proponed charter Is now on tile In the Prothonotary's ofllce. Q. A.M0K1U.IP, f-14-4t Solicitor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Mutate of John Uujruiole Idle of the township of Fishing Creek, deoeased. Notice Is hereby given that letters testament ary on the estate of John lluffnogle, late of the township of Pishing Creek, couuly of ColumMa, Pa., deceased, have been granted to Kalph K. John, resident of Bloomsburg, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and thohe having claims or de. mauds will make kuown t'te Bamn without do iuy. Ui.J'U K 'c':, -.. S.'.OvU'.j; Professional Ctirdg. 11. A. McKILLIP. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Columbian Building 2nd Floor Bloomsburg, Pa. A. N. YOST, ATTORNEY AT LAW.. Ent Building, Coust House Square. Bloomsburg, Pa. RALPH. R.JOIIN, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square Bloomsburg, Pa. FRED IKELER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office Over First National Bank. Bloomsburg, Pa, CLYDE CHAS. YETTER, ATTORN EY-AT- LAW. Office in Wirt's Building. Bloomsburg, Pa. W. H. RHAWN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Comer of 3rd and Main Sts, CATAWISSA, PA. CLINTON HERRING. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office with Grant Herrings Bloomsburg, Pa. I Orangeville Wednesday each week A. L. FRITZ. ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Bloomsburg Nai'l Panic Bldg. Bloomsburg, Pa. J. II. MAIZE ATTORNEY AT l AW, INSURANCE AWD EAL ESTATE AGENT Office in Townsend's Building Bloomsburg, Pa, N U. FUNK ATTORNEY AT LAW Ent's Building, Court House Square Bloomsburg, Pa. SADE T. VANNATTA (Successor to C P. Knanp) -GENERAL INSURACE Office 238 lion St., Bloomsburg, Pk Oct. 31, 1901. tf M. f. LU1Z & SON, INSURANCE and RF.ALESTATI AGKNTS AND BKOKLKS. N. W. Corner Main and Centre Sts, Bloomsburg, Pa. Represent Seventeen as pood Companies there are in the World snd all lose promptly adjusted and paid nt their office. DR. W. H. HOUSE SURGEON DENTIST Office Barton's Building, Main below Maikc Bloomsburg, Pa. AH styles of work done in a superior manner All work warranted as represented TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PATH by the use of Gas. and free of charge when artificial teeth are inserted Open all hours during the day DR. M. J. HESS DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Crown and bridge work a spe' inlty Corner Main end Centre strer Bloomsburg, Pa. Colombia ft Montour Telephone cotineottesi J. J. BROWN, M. D. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested and fitted with glasses. No Sunday work. 311 Market St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Hours 10 to 8 TelephoM J. S. JOHN M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and residence, 410 Main St. 7-30-iv BLOOMSBURG, PA EDWARD. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. Kvomce Llddloot building, Locust aveni H. MONTGOMERY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office j Ent building, "-16-M WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Wells' uilding over J. Q. Wells Hardware Store, Bloomsburg, Will be in Millville on Tuesdays. EXCHANGE HOTEL, I. A. Snydkk, Proprietor. BLOOMSBURO, Pa. Large and convenient sample rooms, bath rooms hot and cold water and all modern conveniences. CITY HOTEL, W. A. Bartzel, Prop. No. 121 West Main Street" tsTLaree and convenient aamnl k rooms. hot and cold water, and niwlna m venlences. Bar stocked with best wtaea and liquors. First-class livery attached. MOKTOCa TiLimom. bill TiLirae ran TBSTID, OLiaSIS NTTID. H. BIERMAN, M. D. HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUK1 ovioi hours? Offloe ft Hesldence, 4th at, 10 a. m. to p. m., 5.80 to p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. WATSON McKELVY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Represents twelve of the strongest Coffins In the world, among which arei Cash Total 8 capital. A snots era Franklin ot Pnlla fg.iuH.uw l.0n Penn'a ,1'liila. 400,000 a,ruo 1 M Oueen, of N. Y. 60(),(Mn ,el,Dis 1 0! w estchester, N. Y. twu, l,7M,8i 4 N. Aruerloa, I'lilltt. SIOU,0U) tl,;fc(j,67 ( tj on' r'n-v ' ,' L.aiWtaiaV