8 THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, PA. THURSDAY, AUdUSTjf, 1903. LOVER'3 SPEINQ. A Local Legend That Datei Back to Old Shikelimy'i Time- An Indian Maiden's Lover Tomahawked hf Enraged Parent While Tryiting at the Spring A Haunted Spot. The Watsontown Rtcord and Star tells the following interesting tale of Indiah lore. The spring referred to is about four miles from Milton. Few of the younger dwellers of Watsontown realize that where they now live was oner the scene of J primitive beauty, and that a dense pjtest covered the ground now oc cupied by cosy and civilized homes, fcnd as few, even of the older genera tion, have heard the legend attach ed to the beautiful spring which still yields its crystal coolness to the thirsty at Springtown, barely two miles from this borough. We ask the gentle reader to "List to the mournful tradition still sung by the pines of the forest." This spring, long before Penn sailed up the Delaware, was the trysting spot ot two Indian lovers, one a beautiful maiden, the other a young warrior, ta'.l and straight as the monarchs of the forest that towered above him. By this spring they plighted their troth. But love did not always run smooth even with the dusky race that inhabited this continent before Columbus spread the sails of his fleet of three frail vessels in quest of a new world. The maiden's father promised her to a chieftain of a neighboring tribe, and when he discovered she had clandestine meetings with a young btave of her own tribe, his rage was terrible. One evening upon returning home to his wigwam, after a long and weary day's hunt, she was missing. Suspecting her whereabouts, he tracked her footsteps to this spring and found her in company with her young lover. Stealing upon them unawares, he dealt the youth a deadly blow with his tomahawk. When the maiden realized that her lover had been killed by her father's hand she uttered a scream that echoed through the aisles of the deep forest like the cry of a wounded animal and fell at her father's feet in a death like swoon. Tradition fails to tell if she was mated to the dusky savage her father had chosen for her, but a belief that the spring was haunted lasted for many years among the Indian tribes, and even after the white man had settled along the banks of the Susquehanna, when ever a weird cry was heard at night fall, borne on the breeze from the direction of the haunted spring, mothers would gather their fright ened offspring about them and with bated breath whisper the " Legend of the Lover's Spring." Queen of the Oity, a Novel Contest The Harrisburg Board of Trade 'ias adopted a novel plan of raising noney and arousing public interest n the proposed Old Home Week jelebration, the first week in Octo ber. The Board has created the hon wary office of Queen of the City. The young lady to occupy this po sition is to be chosen by ballot. The ballots are being placed in all he stores and public offices, for ale at one cent each. The proceeds go into the Old Home Week fund, and the girl re viving the greatest number of votes vill be crowned Queen of the City .t the beginning of the week's cer monies. , Merchants are vieing with each ther for the privilege of adorning rhe "Queen" with the best of their vares. Among other things a $1 50 liamond ring is to be bestowed on the fortunate young lady. The greatest rivalry is among the voung men, who are forming clubs ind laying plans for vigorous campaigns in behalf of various pop alar girls. Dr Eveland at Wiliiamsport- President William Perry Eveland of Dickinson Seminary, and his wife, arrived in the city Thursday to take up their permanent residence at the institution on the hill. Their apartments have leen thoroughly renewed and made much more cheerful. President Eveland has already assumed active charge of the institution. There will be nomine done in the wav of a formal installation un til October 20. It is being arrang ed to have an elaborate affair at that lime. The official programjhas not yet been completed. However, it has been suggested that the installa tion ceremony be held in the morn ing, at which time there will be ad dresses by prominent speakers. Gazette and Bulletin. RJieumatism What In the urn of telling the rhciimntlo tlint he feels as If hie Joints were being dis located ? Ho knows tbnt his sufferings are very much like the, tortures of tho rack. What he wnntt to know is what will per manently euro his disease. That, according to thousands of grateful testimonials, Is Hood's SarsaparUla It promptly neutralises the acid In the blood on which the disease depends, com pletely eliminates It, and strengthens tho system against Its return. Try Hood's. Death of Presiding Elder Baldwin Patted Away Friday, After a Month' lllnett Reverend Amos Smith Baldwin, Presiding Elder of the Danville District of the Methodist Episcopal church, died at his home in Sun bury, on Friday morning at .half past eight o'clock. Death was due to cancer. Rev erend Baldwin had been failing in health for a period covering over two years but his condition did not become alarming until May. Dat ing from that period, he grew slow ly, but steadily, worse, in spite of medical skill and careful nursing, until death ended his earthly career. Mr. Baldwin was born in Ful ton county, Pennsylvania, and was 51 years of age. He prepared for the ministry at Dickinson Semina ry, Williamsport, Pa., and took his first charge in the year 1875. By close application and an undivided interest in his chosen life's work, he rapidly rose to the position of Presiding IUder. Previous to coming to Sunbury. ' he Was the Presiding Elder of the ' - . e 1 Juniata District, changing places with the Rev. Dr. Evans, about a year and a half ago. Although his stay in Sunbury was marked by the fatal ailment which prevented him from coming into a closer contact with the peo ple in his district, he was held in the highest esteem. By his death the church loses one of its most ardent workers and the world sustains the loss of one of its best citizens. The grandest eulogy that can be written is that "He was a good man." A widow and three children sur vive to mourn his death: Miss Mary located at Tyrone; Miss Amy, who resides at home, and George, of Philadelphia. The funeral took place from St. John's Methodist church, In Sun bury, Monday morning at eleven o'clock. Interment was made at Newton Hamilton, Pa. Opening ot Amusement Season Tommy Donnely, for seventeen years identified with the Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels, and one of the best minstrel comedians who has ever been connected with a minstrel organization, will give the monologue in the Donnelly & Hat field Magnificent Minstrels, which open the amusement season at the Bloomsburg opera house, next Wednesday evening. It goes with out saying that this will be one of the entertaining features of this company, as this gentlsman is sure to come forward with a new bud get of jokes. Mr. Donnelly is one of the top notchers in minstrelsy and is famous as a monologist. Mr. Donnelly's songs are also pal pable hits, and he is known as the best end man in the country. Ar thur Crawford will also be seen on one of the ends this season. He is famous the country ever for his darkey dialect. Sheriff Sales Sheriff Black sold the following properties at the Court House on Saturday afternoon: Property of James S. Wilson on Market street to estate of C. G. Barkley deceased, for $4700,00. Property of P. D. Appleman in Rohrsburg to C. M. Swayze for $300. DR. KENNEDY'S RITE 0EMEDY Breaks no Hearts, Excuses no Crimes. Dr. David Knnnody's FAVORITE REM EDY in not a disguised ouciuy of the human race; where it cauuot help, it does not kitrm. It in composed of vegetable ingra. dionta find does not heat or inflame the blond but cools and purifies it. In all rases of Kidney troubles, Liver complaints, Con. Htipatiou of the liowels, and the delicate derniigninouts which nfltiot women, the an. tion of Dr. Kennedy's FAVORITE REM EDY la boyoiid praise. Thousands of grateful people voluuturily testify to this, in letters to Ir. Kennedy; anil with a warmth und fullness o worda which were business certificates never possess. It makes no drunkards pxousoa no crimes breaks no hearts. In its coming there in hope, und in its wings there is healing. V'a challenge a trial anil are- confident of the result. Your druggist has it. ONE DOLLAR a Itottlo. Hear in mind the iiniue and address : Dr. David KEKKKDY, Houdout, New York. THE COLUMBIAN, TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN LOTS. The undersigned Trustee, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, to make sale of real estate after an action in parti tion, will expose to public sale, upon the premis es, at tha corner of Wood and East Fifth streets in the Town of Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, on Friday, September 1st, 1905, at 2 o'clock p. m., the following tracts of land in the Town rf Rlnomshuriy. hpmcr I ww r v w v w j W w w w -ww EC TVtr I rx r i JJ IUWII LIFI,9 111 lVtll 3 nuuilivii a.vr the Town of Bloomsburg. No. I Beginning at a point on the southern line of East Third street, in the Town of Ittoomsbnrg, 40 feet west olthe western line of Penn street; thence south 65 decrees 56 minutes west, no feet; thence in a line parallel with the western line of l'enn atreel south 24 degree east, about 183.05 feet to the northern line of an Alley; thence ly the northern line ol said alley to a point 40 feet west ol the western line of Penn street; thence north 24 degrees west, 183 05 feet to the place of beginning: Being loU numbered 2, 3, and 4 in the plot or plan of Near addition to the Town of Bloomsburg, No. 1 Beginning at the southwest corner of the intersection of Third anl WooJ streets In the Town of Bloomsburg, thence by the southern line of Kast Third street south 65 de. Grees and 56 minutes west to a ,ioini 40 feet from the eastern line of l'enn street; thence by line parallel with said eastern line of Penn street, southwardly to the northern line of an alley; thence by said northern line of said alley, 364.5 feet to the western line of Wood street; thence by said western line, northwardly 183.55 10 ,ne p'ace f beginning: Being lots num bered 7, 8, 9, to, 11, la, 13, 14 and 15, in the plot or plan of Neal's addition to the Town of Bloomsburg. No. 3 Beginning at the southeast corner of the Intersection of East Third and Wood Streets, in the town of Hloomshurc theme liv the muthern line nf the said Kast Third street, north 65 degrees 56 minutes east, 144.8 Improvement Company; thence by line of land ;.... . . . u . 1. - I t n . iiiiuuw. ivj me uuiuicrn line ui an aucy; inence vj saiu nunncru line ui aiu Miicy yj feet to the eastern line of Wood street; thence by said eastern line or Wood street north wardly. 183.60 feet to the place of beginning: Being lots numbered 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 in the plot or plan of Neal's Addition to the Town of Bloomsburg. No. 4 Beginning at a point in the northern line of Eat Fourth s'reet, in said Town, at its intersection with the eastern line of Chestnut alley, thence north 66 degrees east, 48.6 feet; thence by line parallel with the western line of l'enn street, notth 24 degrees west, 184 feet to the southern line of an alley; thence by said southern line of said alley south 47 de grees 49 minutes east, 201.3 feet to the place of beginning: Being lots numbered 46 and 47 in the plot or plan of Neal's Addition to the Town of Bloomsburg. No. 5 Beginning at a point in the northern line of East Fourth street, in said Town, I2T.5 feet from the western line of Wood street, thence by said northern line ol East Fourth street, north 66 degrees east, a distance of 181 to the southern line of an alley; thence by said j thence south 24 degrees east, 184 feet, to the anu 37 in ine plot or plan 01 near Audition to tne l owa ol liloumslmrg, in lilock marked "E". No. 6 Beginning at the northeast corner of the intersection of East Fourth street and Wood streets, in said town, thence by the northern line of East Fourth street, north 66 r!e grees east, 28a ieet; thence north 24 degrees west, :8d feet, to the southern line of a 16 foot alley; thence by the southern line of said alley Sam wood street; thence by said eastern line beginning: Being lots numbered 28, 20, 30, Auumon tome lown 01 uioomsnurg. No. 7 Beginning at a point in the southern line of East Fourth street, in said Town. at its intersection with the eastern line of Chestnut alley; thence by said southern line of fcast rourtn street notth bo degrees east 7b line of la nd of Mrs. H assert;. thence south of Chestnut alley; thence by said eastern line ginning: iieing lot nuiPDcr 49 in me plot or Bloomsburg. No. 8 Beginning at a point in the southern line of East Fourth street in said Town, 157 feet east of the eastern line of Chestnut thence south 24 degrees east, 107.2 feet to line grees one minute west to the eastern line of lot Bloomsburg; thence by said eastern line of lot u, uciMimiiii;; xjcini: mi numucrcu 01 in me of Uloomsliurg. No. 9 Beginning at a point in the southern line of East Fourth street, In said Town, 121.5 feet west of the western line of Wood street, thence noith 66 decrees east. 121. e feet to the western line ol Wood street; thence by ieet 10 me nortnern corner 01 an aitey: inence uy the northern line ol said alley south 66 de grees west, 121. 5 feet to the place of beginning: Being lots numbered 57, 58 and 59 in the piui or pian 01 iNcai au union 10 tne town 01 No. 10 Beginning at the southeast corner streets in said 1 own, thence by the southern line of East Fourth street north 66 degrees east 360 feet; thence south 24 degrees east, 184 feet to the northern1 line of an alley; thence by said northern line of said alley south 66 degrees west, 360 feet to the eastern line of lot imo. 50; inence Dy said eastern line norm 24 Being lots numbered bo, or. 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 and 68 in the plot or plan of Neal's Addition to the Town of Bloomsbujg. No. 11 Beginning at a point in the northern line of East Fifth street in said Town. at its intersection with the western line of Wood street, thence north 24 drgrees west 184.4 ieet 10 ine souineru line 01 an auey; inence by said southern line of said alley south 66 de grees west to line of land of ; thence south 190 degrees east to the northern line of East Fifth street; thence north 64 degrees 49 minutes east 62 feet; thence north 27 degrees and forty minutes west 18.4 Ieet; thence north 63 degrees and 54 minutes east, 61.8 feet; thence south 27 degrees and 40 niinutes east 19.4 ieet to the north ern line of East Fifth street; thence by said northern line north 64 degrees and 49 minutes east, 62.1 Ieet to the place of beginning: Being lots numbered 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75 in the plot or plan of Neal's Addition to the Town of Bloomsburg. No. 12 Beginning at a point in the northern line of East Fifth street, in said Town, at its intersection with the eastern line of Wood street,; thence north 64 degrees and 49 minutes east, 120 feet; thence north 24 degrees west J80.7 feet to the southern line of an alley; thence by said southern line south 66 degrees west , 120 feet to the eastern 1 ne of Wood street; thence by said eastern line of Wood street south 24 degrees east to the north ern line of East Fifth street, the place of beginning; Being lots numbered 76, 77 and 78 in the plot or plan of Neal's Addition to the Town of Bloomsburg. The above described lots are admirably situ ated for building purposes, and are located along East Third, East Fourth and East Fifth streets, south of the Normal School property in a section of the Town which is rapidly Increasing in value. A draft ot these lots can be seen at the office of Fred Ikeler Esq. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth at the striking down of the property and the balance of the one-fourth on the 1st day of October 1905' and the remaining three-fourths in one, two or three years there after, as the purchaser may desire; said remaining three-fourths to be secured by bond and mortgage, with interest at five per cent, payable semi annually; Deed to be delivered on the 1st dav of October 1905. FRANK IKELER, Fred Ikeler and Geo. E. Elwell, Trustee. Attorneys. The annual Harvest Home vices under the pastorate of ser the Rev. A. Houtz will be held as fol lows: On Sunday September 3, St. James at 10:15 A. m. and Ziou at 2:30 p. m., on Sunday September 10, Ilidlay at 10:30 A. M. and Orangeville 7:30 p. m. BLOOMSBUROPA 3 9 w a Wool't! AAttItA tf feet, to line of land of the Bloomsburg Land of said Company south 38 degrees and 33 1 1 i .1 1 r ii .. ..... feet; thence north 24 degrees west, 184 feet southern line south 66 degrees west, 81 feet; place of beginning: tieing lots numbered 36 south 66 degrees west to the eastern line of t.nith 24 degrees east, 184 feet to the place of 11. 12. 11 anH -u. in the plot or plan of Neal's Ieet; thence South 24 degrees east, 113.5 feet to 66 decrees one minute west to the eastern line northwestwardly 123.7 feet to the place of be plan 01 l ears Addition to the Town ol alley: thence north 66 decrees east. 40. c 4eel: of land of Mrs. 1 1 assert; thence south 63 de No. 50 in Neal's Addition to the Town of No. 50 northwardly, I09 32 feet to the place pioi or uian 01 ieai a Audition to ine lown said western line south 24 degrees east 184 uioomsourg. of the intersection of East Fourth and Wood degrees west, 184 feet to the place of beginning The Yucca Cyanide Mining Milling Co. have just issued their monthly report, and it is an excel lent one. The work of develop, inent is being rapidly pushed aud is dowu 6oo feet. A large amouut of this stockjs owned in Blooms 0000000000$ OUR FIRST BLANKET SALE New Blankets and Comforters at 20 discount until September 2nd, after that IO.00 Blankets 8.00 7.5o Blankets 6.00 5.00 Blankets 3.95 3.5o Comforters 2.8o 3.oo Comforters 2.4o 2.oo Comforters I.60 . 1.5o Comforters 1.19 . r Ayers Pills wrtjrwM-tactewM ipcanunii crown orncnoiacir use A MARVELOUS ENTERPRISE. Every day the expression U heard, "It is marvelous how a Sun day newspaper can give to its read ers free of charge such a beautiful color magaziue as is given with 7 he Philadelphia Sunday Press:' This magazine is equal to any ten cent magazine aud is given abso lutely free with The Sunday Press, a Sunday newspapei which costs only five cents per copy. The Sun day Press also has two other beauti ful color magazines, consisting of a Women's Magazine, which is un excelled, and a Comic Magazine, equal to the best. Such wonderful and valuable parts of a Sunday newspaper which is ably edited throughout, constant ly add thousands of copies to the circulation of The Philadelphia Press, Do you read it? Ii not, notify your newsdealer at once to begin serving you with this news paper. 4t NOTICE. In tht Court of Common Pleas for the County of SorlhumiwrUinA. In ttie matter nfttw) I DttmlutUm of the ) So. 416, SepU Term, l'.iOS. Mylarr Coal Co. j Notice Ib hereby riven that the (tighter Coul Company filed Its petition In the Court ol Com m n l'leas of NorlhuinbHrland county, on luo four eenth day of August, lt, praying for a decree of dissolution, and that the court have fixed Sep' ember 18th, los, at ten o'clock, a. in., for hearing said application for dissolution, when and where all persons Interested can at tend If they deem it expedient, ad show cause against the granting of the prayer of said petl- tloner. 8-S4 8t B. r. WULVfEKTON, Solicitor for Petition, You'll Not be Happy till your Feet are Easy. When in need of Shoes come in and we will fit your feet with good com fortable shoes. Shoes made of Good, Honest Material by Good Practical Shoemakers. W. H. MOORE, Corner Main and Iron Sts., BLOOMSBURG, PA. USE BLACK . DIAMOND WHISKY 1 xoo 0000 0000 KecD them in the house. Take one when you feel bil ious or dizzy. They act di- rectly on the liver.k,.if Os.. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rirrr rr. of it nni, hi ok iit i Our Pianos are the leaders. Our lines in clude the following makes : Ciias. M. Stiefk, I Henry F. Miller, Brewer & Pryor, Kohler & Camphell, and Radel. IN ORGANS we handle the Estey, Miller, II. Lehr & Co., A Nil BOWLBY. O This Store has the agency for SINGER HIGH ARM SE If. J ING MACHINES and VICTOR TALKING ' MACHINES. WASH MACHINbJ Helby, 1900, Queen, Key stone, Majestic. J.SALTZEtf, Music Rooms No. 105 West Main n street, Below Market. BLOOMSBURG, PA. NOW IS THE TIME of year when you think of cleaning house, also of donning up the rub bish and foul matter which has ac cumulated ahout your tirenilm, to guard agiiliiHt tticknesw, hut do you ever give the weond thought to the old built-in uuHiinitary l'luniblng Fixtures whit h breed diseaHe right '",Vor own bourn; If you tljillk of installing J TSuvr Fixtures I am ready to quote you good prices M (J. CO'.S hnitnwl (JoocIm, all fully guaranteed. All Jobbing ol Plumbing and Heating Promptly Attendeo to. . P. 91. 438 Centre St. REIIXY, Bell 'phone Beagle Studio, Prompt attention given Photographic Work Crayons, Framing. Copying and Bromid Enlargements. Made at short Hottce, . The Beagle Studio MAIN AND CENTRE STS. r-Btt