The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 31, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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T Bt Taken in Chtrgo by Park Commission
In the Montgomery County
Court Judge Swartz handed down
an opinion refusing to grant a pre
liminary injunction restraining the
Valley Forge Park Commission
from proceeding to condemn Wash
ington's headquarters and four acres
of laud at Val'ey Forge. The pro
perty has been owned for twenty
seven years by the Centennial and
Memorial Association of Valley
Forge who sought to retain the
historic possessions by appealing to
the Court, by which the association
was granted a perpetual charter on
Joly 5, 1878.
When the injunction was aro-iipd
two weeks ago the association con
tended mat the taking of the pro
pcrty was not for a public use with
in the meaning of the State Consti
tution; that such takiug was de
structive of the association's fran
chise and in violation of the Constt
tution of the United States, which
forbids th; impairment of the
obligation of a contract of any State;
a'so that the association already
preserves the grounds for the en
joyment of the public, and that the
legislation under which the Park
Commission proposes to act was
special legislation.
"Under the law and admitted facts
we cannot sustain auvoue of the
four propositions advanced," said
Judge Swartz. "That the State is
taking property for public use when
it appropriates the hallowed ground
of Valley Forge as a public place or
park, to be preserved for the en
joyment of the people of the Stite,
connot be admitted of doubt. By
such use of the sacred grounds the
State impresses upon the hearts of
her people the value of the sacrifice
made by the suffering soldiers in
the establishing of our republic. By
this park we show a proper recogni
tion of the great things that were
done in the momentous days of the
winter of 1777-78. The action of
the State teaches our children the
love and veneration due to the
heroic sacrifices made for our liber
ties. It is not only the right, but
the duty of the State to kindle a
spirit ot patriotism in the heart of
every citizen.
"Where an act of Assembly is
passed and approved, we must
assume that all the necessary for
malities were complied with. Unless
the failure to give public notice is
is admitted, we cannot assume that
this requisite was neglected. We
also notice that one of the purposes
of establishing a park at Valley
Forge was to provide a catnpiug
ground for the National Guard.
This may le of considerable weight
in determining whether the State is
taking property for public use If
the National Guard is to receive
mi'itary training and discipline, a
place must be provided for that
purpose. The State is interested in
securing a proper place to train her
soldiers. If the Legislature appro
priates property for a permanent
military camp, is it not taking pro
perty for public use? The environ
ments of Valley Forge, with its
historic associations, ought to instil
me principles that make good
"Tested by this inquiry, no trust
was at any time imposed on the
property of the association, which is
not required to admit to its park the
public. The association purchased
the property, and may hold it for
the sole use of its members. True,
the public has always been admitted
upon the payment of a small fee, but
the test is, could the association be
compelled to admit visitors? Is the
property or any part of it held in
trust for the public ?
. .
An exchange has figured out
that at the current rate of fare
charged on terrestial railroads, it
would cott 2,760,003 for a one-way
ticket to the suu or $4,968,000 for
a round trip ticket. Travel that
way is not very brisk.
lettrues Cannot beOured
by local applications, as they can
not reach the diseased portion of
of the ear. There is only one way
to cure deafness, and that is by con
stitutional remedies. Deafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of
the mucous lining of the Kustachian
Tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or im
perfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result,
and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to
its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed lorever; nine cases out of
ten are caused by Catarrh, which is
nothing but an inflamed condition
of the mu rous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dol
lars tor any case of Deafness (caused
by catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for,
oonstipatiou (
You Must
If you cannot, it is due to an
Irritated or congested state of
the brain, which will soon dc
vclopc into nervous prostration.
Nature demands sleep, and
it is as important as food; it
is a part of her building and
sustaining process. This period
of unconsciousness relaxes the
mental and physical strain, and
allows nature to restore ex
hausted vitality.
Dr. Miles' Nervine brings
refreshing sleep, because it
soothes the irritation and re
moves the congestion.
It is also a nerve builder; It
nourishes and strengthens ev
ery nerve in your body, and
creates energy in all the organs.
Nothing will give strength
and vitality as surely and
quickly as Dr. Miles' Nervine.
"Purine th pat winter I had two
Hacks of LQrlppe whlrh left ma
very weak, and in bnd condition. I
vraa ao nervous I could not sleep. My
wif, afttr trying different remedies),
went for a doctor. Tim doctor waa
out. and a neighbor recommended Mr.
Milan' Nervine, and alia brought horn
a bottle. I hna not slept for aome time,
and hnd terrible pain In my head.
After taking; a few doaea of Nervine
the pain waa not ao aevere, and I
alept. I am now taking the aacond
bottle, and am verv much Improved. "
HENRY M. SMITH, UnderhlU, Vt
Or. Mile' Nervine la aold by your
drugolat, who will guarantee that the
first bottle will benefit. If It falla, h
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
8ara, He Hu.
An exchange says: Every pub
lisher of a newspaper has had ex
perience with the people who take
their paper for a few years or, at
least, until they get a few years in
arrears and then refuse to lift
it any longer. Of course the law
provides a remedy for such cases
but the amount involved is usually
so small that it doesn't warrant re
course to such a method, of making
these scalawags pay. Scalawags,
we call them, because they are cer
tainly nothitig better. The actiou
of any person who takes a news
paper for any length of time and
declines to pay for it is' plain dis
honesty. It is equivalent to steal
ing that much money from the
pocket of the publisher. 'Twere
better, far, lor anyone who feels
that they cannot afford to pay for a
paper to settle up with the publish
er and have it discontinued. That
is the honest, manly thing to do.
Are Vou Using Allen's Foot Eaaa?
Shake Into your shoes Alton's Foot-Ese,' a
powder. It, cures Corns, bunions, Painful,
bin.rtluif, Hot, Swollen feet. At all Druggets
and Shoe, 2M. n.-u u
Burring In Spain.
Two hundred thousand peasants
are starving in Spain.
Tl.. 1 : . . . ..
i iic territory most sirickf-n lorms
a circle embracing Seville. Jeiez,
Cadiz, Malaga and Cordova, where
natural forces appear to have com
bined against tne people's welfare.
The rivers for years post have been
gradually filling with sand, prevent
ing navigation and hindering com
merce. The district always has
been dry, but this year a two
months' drought, beginning in the
spring, destroyed all hopes for the
reaping of crops, and rendered the
landscape practically a desert, re
sembling portions of Morocco. The
population is almost entirely com
posed of Malay laborers, who de
pend on agricultural employment,
and when that fails, which is a fre
quent occurence, practically every
body is thrown into a condition of
It is calcu'ated that a third of the
population emigrated in recent
years to South America, and these
emigrants naturally included the
most robust. The soil, owing to
lack of irrigation, is becoming more
and more unproductive, and the
patience of the people is now nearly
.The absence of the landlords and
unfilled electioneering promises,
added to the fact that women and
children are suffering the ngouies
of slow starvaticn, have led the
people to listen to agitators, who in
cited them to violence, the result of
which is seen in attacks on farms,
the seizure and killing of flocks of
sheep, and the threat of armed in
vasion of the towns.
Murmurs of revolution have
awakened apprehension, and the
farmers every where are taking re
fuge in the city, while the polica
regard acts of pillage with indiffer
ence, refusing to arrest men who
frequently accuse themselves in
order to obtain food.
Cold Storage Apples.
Alonzo Wolfe, a well-to-do fann
er in Lake township, has for years
been trying to study out how to
keep apples for a year or more,
says the Wilkes-Barre Record, Last
September he put two bushels of
his selected Northern Spy apples in
his ice house and kept them at a
certain temperature. A few days
ago lie carted them to Wilkes
Barre, where they brought a big
price. They had not a spot or
blemish on them and were as hard
as a rock. They were simply per
fect and the only year old apples to
be had in that valley.
I Mother's Earl
j A womo in ttorwr' rtmi wnnn 9
Ntimsirm am ih0aht, Ana in rum 9
TMff'"" THAT cof DArom that m
noummHMtmr mo mrcrmmlmr Vom 2
emtj"''"' ao moth AMO W
Send for fret mmpte.
SCOTT ft P.OWNE, Chemists, 2
4n-4S ''' Slre-t, Nsw York. 9
oc. and t l oo all druggists.
What'i in MoOlnre'i.
McClure's has always something
that compels attention, something
immediate and significant that is
important to all Americans The
September number adds to an un
broken series of "McClure Articles"
an illuminating study of commercial
piracy, the first halt of MissTarbeH'a
study of the Kansas Oil War, and
an excursion into the marvels of
modern biology, "Prolonging the
Prime of Life." which is an authori
tative account of the discoveries
of a group of scientists who have
determined that old age is a disease.
Color printing has never achieved
more perfect results than in the
eight full-page reproductions of
Lungren's painting of the Grand
Canon of the Colorado, which ac
company William Allen White's
description of the wonders "On
Bright Augle Trail," a bit of des
criptive writing which may well
1 . a a a
raite place witn classics ot our
Eugene Wood. George Randolph
Chester, Mrs. Wilson Woodrow.
Jean Webster, Arthur Train, and
Norvell Harrison supply a round
of short stories stirring, humorous,
light or serious to fit every mood.
New Copper-Welding Process
Consul Shank, of Winnipeg.
Canada, reports that scientific cir
cles are interested in the discovery
of a process for welding copper.
which has been made by a local
blacksmith. It is said the process
has been thoroughly tested and
found perfect, and that copper can
be welded to copper or to other
metals without impairing the elec
trical conductivity and other prop
erties of the metal. The process is
said to be very simple and no more
costly than the welding of steel.
The work can be done with a forge,
blow-pipe or any apparatus which
will heat the metal cherry red.
Patents ha'e been applied for in
the United States and Canada.
Do you want to live where the climate is mild the year round
where labor is never oppressed by stress of weather, and where
animal vitality is never lost by mere conflict with cold?
Do you want to live in a region where the resources are more
varied than in any other equal area in the world, where the division
of great ranches affords a fine opportunity to get a small farm that
will assure you a competence?
Do you want to live where, with a minimum of labor, you can
grow profitable crops of grapes and small fruit, oranges, lemons,
olives, prunes and almonds, alfalfa and grain, where crops are sure,
business is good and capital easily finds profitable investment?
Then go to California, where both health and opportunity await
your coming.
The Chicago, Union Pacific and
Worth -Western Line
is the most direct route to the Pacific Coast, and there are two
fast through trains daily via this line, over the famous double
track railway between Chicago and the Missouri River.
Special low round-trip rates are in effect via this line
throughout the summer to various Pacific Coast points, and
colonist low rate one-way tickets will be on sale during Sep
tember and October, which give an unusual chance for settlers
to make the trip at a minimum of expense.
Daily and personally conducted excursions are operated through to San
Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland without change, on which a double
berth in a Pullman tourist sleeping car from Chicago costs only $7.00, via the
Chicago & North-Western, Union Pacific and
Southorn Pacific Railways.
P. T. M. C. & N.-W, Ry., Chicafo, III.
Plasa mail free to my address, California booklet!, mapa and full
particular concerning rules and train srvtos,
Schedule in Effect Novum i:f. dj, 14.
Suoburr ,
Klines wrove
Kims Klin..
South Danville,
Hearing Creek.
t'atawmaa ,
Kul HloomHburg,
Rspy Kerry
Nt.orjyt.owu Kerry
Neacopeclc 1
Berwick f
rona inn ...
Plymouth Kerry
8011th M'llkeabarre....
Wllkesbarre ...Arrive
. x,
la Effect March lab, 190L
leave I a 4i a v 1 1 uo.t a n
t a M f 10C4 f 5 HI
r ft who tui f ft 7
r 7 on fit ill f 5 44
7 11 10 17: 8 21 6 50
f 7 llff 10211 f 5 61
f 7 83 110 28,1 t 81 f 6 01
7 82, 10 33 8 37 6 (It)
7 40, to 4:1! i 4:1 0 IS
f 7 52
7 64
10 M
8 04 11 0)
8 il 11 o
f 11 2ft
11 811
f 8 i
8 81
8 43
8 M
f 00
f 07
9 OK
9 10
A. at
8 05
8 15
11 49
II 54'
II 0
19 10
T "
8 93
8 39
8 4u
8 Sft
r 1
f n 27
e so
6 40
a n
t to
7 01
7 10
7 19
f 7 9ft
t 7 '21
7 30
7 &i
r. m
A. at.
6011th Wllkpaoarre..
Flymoutn Kerry.
Naotlooka ..
Leave I 1 IS
Mocanaoua... f
Pond lllll
Htontjwn Kerry
py ferry
BloomBburtr 1
Kant Bloomsburg'.. . . I
Roaring creek
Danville )
South Danville.- I
Klppa Kun
Kllnea urove
sunbury. .......... Arrive
7 l
7 i
f 7 9
7 31
7 89
7 48
f 7 M
7 5
8 09
8 1H
f 8 2
f 8 29
8 31
8 40
f 8 41
f 8 4ft
9 00
f 9 01
f 9 12
f 9 1ft
9 9ft
IS I I 1
A.M. r. H.I
P. M
1103 '. I 2 4 ft t e 00
.... I 9501 A Oft
' .If 8 07
f 9 M l fl CHI
10 Ml 8 091 8 17
10 58 : 8 11 6 2
11 07 3 81 8 37
t 8 27 f 8 4 2
8 83 8 47
3 491 7 00
8 531 7 09
If 7 19
11 18
11 (6
fit 85
11 47 4 07 7 25
1' IS31 4 Ml 7 89
f 1200 f 4 1 t 7 89
if 4 96 f 7 4
IS lOj 4 31 7 51
if 4 35 f 7 5fl
f 4 42 f 8 Ul
;f 4 45 f 8 id
12 30 4 551 8 15
r. m.i r. m.
uany. 1 oaiiy, except HUQUay. "i" btona
only on signal notice to Agwnt, or Conductor to
receive or umcnarge passuiigKm.
"a" tttops oaly 011 Sunday un notice to Con
snctor to dlauliarge paaitengeia, oruu notice to
Agent 10 receive pa.iiriigiM'H.
i ianiH leave ULiu.wm iu a& follows:
For I'll talon and Hcranton ua follows- nd
10: a. in., 9.43 and 6.15 p. in. week days: lu.44
a. m. Sundays.
For Foitnvillo, Reading and Philadelphia, 7.40
n. m. aim in p. 111. wmK uaa.
Foe llazleton, 7.1(1 a.m., 4.18 and 8.15 p. m
week days.
ror iwibburg. Milton, wiuiamsporr, Lock
iiavru, nnuuva, ivane aim e.rie 11.47 a. rti wut.u
aays: lock naven only, 8 31 a. in and 4.07 p. in
Keuova, ivane aim 11.47 a. in. week uuyo
for WllllauiHport and Intermediate hi m inim
4.31, 11.47 a, m. and 4 07, 7.95 p. in. week days.
For Ueilefonle, lyiooe, I'lilllpsburg, and
Clearfield, v4 and 11,47 a.m. week days.
For Uarrlsburg and intermediate stations 8.34
anu a. in., 4.0 anu 1.95 d. in. week uava
1.07 p. in Mondays.
For l'lilladolDUIa (via Harrlsburv). Haiti more
and Valilugton8.34 and 11.47 a. in., 4.07 and 7.95
p. in. went uays: p. rn nunaays.
For 1'ltlsburir (via HarrlHbujt. a m
7.25 p. m. week days; 4.07 p. in. daily; via Lewis.
town dunetiou, and 11.4. a. in. week days'
via Lock Haven, 8.31 and 11.47 a m. week days,
ruuuiau rarior ana sieemuir earn run on
through tralDb between Suntiury, W.illamsport
and Krle, between Munbury and Fblladelpbla
uu vv.uiugtuufiuuebweeuudrnsuurg, rltta.
burg and the west.
For further information apply to Ticket
General Manager. Pass r Tramo Mgr.
tl Lfe a Vi- lifiYTIi 0
General 1'asnenger Agent.
In effect Nov. r,, 190-1.
ror new irork. I'miadoiuuia. neadinir. PottM-
vine, ram aqua, weekday 1 7.27 v a Wf hi. Mutm,
11:30 a in, via taat Mahanoy; 3.99 p m via Went
(jFor WMlamsport, weekdays, 7.27 a m 8.2u
Kor Danville and Milton, weckdava. 7:27
3.29 p. m.
ror caiawisea weekdays 7.27, 11-28 a m
ix.xu, y.uu, p. m.
For KUDert weekdava 7.97. 1I.2H a. m. 12 in
i.xv, i.uu, p. m.
Leave New York via fhlludelDhla 9.05
m.,andvla Baston 9.10a. m.
Leavernuadtiipblaio.21a. m.
Leave Heading I9.16p. m.
LeaveFotiaviilei9.55p. 111,
LeaveTamaaual.49D. m..
Leave Wlliiamsporlveekdayaio.OG a m, 4. 80
ixjavo ciuw 111 weeuaava. n.Hfi. a.iin a. m
i.u, , p.m.
Leave Kupert. weekdays. (.44. 8.28. 11.40 a
ui. i.o, o.u 0,21 p. m.
From Chestnut Street Kei ry.
For South tit. see timetables at stations.
5:"0 a. m. Rip
8:00 a. m. Lcl.
7:00 a Ul. 1 F.xc
8:00 a. m. Exp
9:00 a. m. Ex..
11:4) a. in. Exp.
1:00 p. m. Exp.
l:;f p. to. Kxp.
(Hat. only)
2:00 p. m. Exp.
8:00 p. m Exp.
3:40 p. m. Exp.
(t.0 minutes)
4.01 p in. Exp.
(liU Mluutts)
6:00 a. m. Lcl.
7:00 a. rn. tl Kxc
7::io a. ui. f 1 Kxo
8:00 a. 111. Exp.
8::t0 a. 111. Kxp.
9:00 d. 111. Kxp.
10:00 a la. Fp.
11:20 p. Ul. Exp.
4:16 p. Ul. Kxp.
3:10 p. m.
5:00 p. ill
Ex D.
ft:O0p. m.
5:4u p. in. Kxp.
7:15 p. in. Exp.
7:00 am II Ex
8:40 a. m. Ex
8:50 a. m. Lcl
i:ftu p. m. Ex.
4.90 p. m. Ex,
5:30 p. m. Lcl
7:00 a. m. tl Kxc. 7:'0am tl Ex
n:nu a. m. r.xp. s:au a. m.
1:40 p.m. Exp. 1 1:50 p.m. Ex
4:15 a. Ii. Exp. 4:90 p.m. Ex
(90 minutes) I
5:30 p. m. Lcl.
5::inp. m. Lcl.
7:15 p. m. Exp.
:00 a. m. tl Exo.
:oo a. m. Lcl.
8:4ft a. m. Exp.
5:u0 p. 111. VI.
eriAN city
7:00amtl Kx
9:ia a. in. Kx.
5:00 p. 111. Lcl
Del ailed time tables at ticket onices,"!:il h ann
Chestnut Ht.a., 884 cbest nut Ht, loos Chestnut
"j noutu oiu ot., amx siarhet bt., aud at
Stations. '
cnlon Transfer Company will eali fori' and
check baggage from hotels and residences.
Uen'ISupt. Uen'labs. Agt.
Columbia & Montour El. Ry.
1,1901,11110 uulll urllier uotlce
Cars leave Blutim for Espy , Almedia, Lime
RiJue. Berwick anU intermediate points as
A. VI. 5:00, 5:40, 6:20, 7:00, 7:40, 8:20,
9:00, 9:40, 10:20, 11:00, 11:40.
P. M. l2:2o, 1:00, 1:40, 2.20, 3:00, 3:40,
4:20, 5:00, 5:40, 6:20, 7:00, 7:40, 8:20, 9:00,
10:2o and (1 1 :oo Saturday nights only.)
Leaving depart from Berwick one hour
from time as given above, commencing at
6:00 a. m.
Leave Hloom for CaUwiswa A.M. 6:20,
7:00, 7:40, 8:20,9:00, 9:40, 10:00, 11:40.
V, M. 12:20, 1:00 1:40, 2:20, 3:00, 3:40,
4:20, 5:00, 5:40, 6:20, 7:00, 7.40, 8:209:00
9:40, 10:20 and (11:00 Satuiday nights only.
Cart returning depart from Catawista 20
miuc'ei troin time at given above
Um. Terwii.liger,
Superinteadenl. 1
NoaTurMliatAND.... la 45
Camerun......... 8 57
Dauvllle..,n.n 7 07
t aUwleea. ........ ......... 7 21 10 89
Rupert.... m..m.m 7 9 10 87
HioomsburgM.. 7 a.; 10 41
KBpy....... ... , MMM 7 8 0 48
Llmt KMge 7 44 flu 54
Willow Orove i7 48 10 1)7
Brlarcreea 7 (9 10 59
Uerwlck 7 57 11 05
Beach Uaven 8 Ofifll 18
Hick'.-Ferry 8 11 11 17
HliloKslilnuy. ....... ...... 8 98 11 si
Hunlock'a........ 8 88 11 89
NantlookeM.M. 8 88 II 4
Avoitdale ....... B 41 11 47
Plymouth 8 45 11 58
Plymouth Junction... 8 47 11 56
Ktngs'.on.... 8 56 11 69
Lu."rne.. ... 8 58 it 09
PorlT Fort t 00 19 04
Wyoming 05 If 08
West Pltlston..
Susquehanna Ave-....
Pltt'flvOD... .m... ............
Duryea... ... ....
rienevue.... ........ .
HCANTON.... ......
10 19 19
9 18 III 14
V 19 19 17
98 19 90
98 19 99
89' 12 9H
9 87 19 82
49 18 35
10 0ft 1.80 99
10 10 U 11 f9
iu 19 9 11 f .
8 88 I 6 '
t 99 8 .
8 88 8
8 40 6 i:
It 48 1, 9
12 6j 0 1,
n 58 ta -r,
2 58 Hit
a 8 t, 41
8 09 f8 T4
8 80 8 59
8 31
t 88
8 49
t 47
8 88
4 08
4 07
4 17
4 90
4 14
4 89
4 88
4 40
4 46
4 60
f? 09
7 14
7 8
T 98
7 M
7 88
7 44
T 48
7 to
1 68
8 81
8 08
8 18
8 17
8 11
8 98
JA. M, A. M.
P. M. P. M.
Bellevue.... .....
Taylor ...
Lackawanna..... ...
uurirsMMH ...... t
Plttston ....
Susquehanna Ave..
west riivsvou. ......
Pnrty Fort.......
Luzerne. .........
Klnsston .... .........
Plymouth Juuctloa...
A vondale...... .........
Nantlcoke. ...
Shlckshlnny m,
Hlck'f Ferry...... ..
Bench llaven..... ..
Brtarcreek .
Willow Grove
Lime Ridge
Kpy ...
Rloom.tburg...... .
Ruiert . ...........
8 86 10 10
6 89 10 18
6 44 10 17
8 60 10 24
6 68 10 98
8 58 10 S3
7 01 10 37
7 06 10 41
7 10 10 46
7 14 10 49
7 17 10 59
7 94 1 0 18
7 29 11 00
7 3 1 1 05
7 89 11 t
7 48 11 13
7 49 11 19
8 81 ft 1 81
8 II 11 48
8 19 11 48
8 27 11 54
f- 39 19 01
f8 8 12 05
8 4o 18 89
8 48 19 18
8 F3 19 99
8 57 19 85
9 09 19 32
It 15 12 44
9 4 19 67
I 35 1 10
1 65
1 59
t 08
a 10
S 18
2 17
t 19
I 88
I 27
8 81
1 84
2 40
1 45
I 49
t 64
I 68
8 08
s ne
t 87
8 44
8 50
73 54
8 68
4 08
4 12
4 15
4 90
4 38
4 43
4 5
16 40
8 44
8 4
e 66
6 M
7 08
7 CM
7 0V
7 12
7 17
7 19
7 28
7 80
7 84
7 88
7 49
7 48
7 58
8 t8
8 14
8 90
8 25
8 W
8 38
8 89
8 a
8 50
8 66
9 10
0 91
tllunsdnllv. t Flag station.
K. M. RINK, T. W. LEF!,
Supt. Gen. Pass.
Pjoorsburg & Sullivan
Taking Effect May 1st 2904. 12:05 a. m.
1 3
t t
Bloomsburg Dttff... 9 00 9 87 6 15
Rloonmburg P A It 9 02 2 89 6 17
HloouiHburg Main St.... 9 05 1 4 2 6 90
Paper Mill 9 15 9 59 6 80
Light Street 9 18 2 55 6 34
Orangevllle 9 98 8 03 8 48
FOrKS 9 38 8 3 B M
Zuners f; 40 fs 17 a 57
Stillwater 4H 8 95 7 08
ronton 9 65 8 S3 7 18
Edsons Iflfri 18 87 7 17
'oles Creek.... 1003 8 40 7 21
LliUbarhs 10 (W 8 45 7 8.
Central 10 15 3 52 7 41
lainlson City 10 13 8 55 7 46
G 90
6 96
6 50
7 08
7 16
7 40
8 1 1
ft S J
8 4)
9 14
2 4
6 8 22
t t t
10 48 4 85 7 00 11 80
10 M 4 38 7 13 1145
11 02 4 4K 7 18 1158
1108 4 53 7 29 12 06
111 09 14 5A fT 24 12 111
11 13 5 00 7 2 12 36
1121 6 08 7 38 1 2 45
fll 211 5 17 f7 45 19 58
11 ii 6 21 7 40 1 00
11 4 6 81 8 00 1 80
11 Ml 5 39 8 10 ' 1 45
1153 642 8 18 1 60
12 09 6 53 8 23 2 06
12 06 6 56 8 98 2 10
1210 8 00 8 80 216
Trains No. 21 and 22, mixed, eeond class.
Trains No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6 and 8. Passenirer. lac
Clans. W. C. SNYDER, Supt.
Jamison City.... 5 6fl
central r M
I.HUbai'hs 8 03
Coles creek 6 12
Kdsons fa 14
BiTiion 6)1
Stillwater. 8 2s
Zaners ft 35
Forks... 6 30
Orangevllle 6 60
unlit, f'reet 7 00
Paper Mill 6 03
Bloom. Main St.. 7 13
Bloom. P K.... 718
Bloom. D L & W. 7 20
I Mil
Trade Marks
Designs 1
Copyrights Ac'
Anvone nendlng a nketrh and description may
qulcltlf ascertain our opinion free whether ao
Invention It pr..hably patentable. Ct.rnmunlca.
lions stnctlyroiitlrtentlnl. HANDBOOK on Patents
tmt frea. OMttsl auenry for sucuring- patents.
Patents taken through Munu A Co. recelva
tptcttii notice, without clmma, 1" the
Scientific American. .
A hnndsomelf lUtiHtrarfd woekly. T.nrsest cir
culation of uny at'ltfiitiuo luuriml. 'I rnia, :i a
yw : fntir month. $ L tiulj by ull newtdealera.
MUNN&Co.36,B New York
Uraucb Oincu. 025 F BU Wuhluaiun. D. C.
JdrTLa Franco's?
emus V rc pow? 6Hjr my
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator
uperinr 10 otner remedies told at high prices.
Cure RiierHlitiad. SurceKsfully inwil by overt
UOO.OIIO Women. Price, i5 t'eiila.drug.'
KlSlsorby mall. TetlllllulllaU A booklet free.
Dr. Lalrttuco. PblladelDtala. lau
"TS. Ortyleel .ne O..I i.oi,l-i
"rtrr.. i.t.r,iiin., l.eaic. . lirulxts
'or t'HICIIri.K'K KNtil.kHIl
In U'l 4itfl(l OitlSillC IhiIM V,tjl
l.liliu. nn-n. t utr nu ulker. Itcraak
Itentrerous ai.:tlllivn and Intl..
Uems. Shj sf four iJrttKf i.i w Msd 4 . a ,
tu.n... (.., ParllealaM. T.llKnlals
ana 'IItlUr far l.acllee.", lii. bj va.
vara nau. i,p...iv i.liaii.ljiu. Hum as
UrMRlM.. C)klaaataraB.Ul W
9144 aladlaea iKiun, fUlXA. PA,
rtesta.a and t,n.flr, h. hl.
rruinclas a rruwth.
never rana to Kb. tore Orar
Heir to lta VAi.thfnl rf. J
Curoi i loalp diM.a a hair IhIIium! Hraiurln, "