The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 03, 1905, Image 6

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Sen and Women Striving for
Freedom of Speech
'Jbst Hprrctly Conducted Vrrnn In
A World Workers ure In Fact
FHnonrn MyU?ry Mid Inviolate
Bem-rcy Govern the Whole Work'
fts of the Affair.
It U now eight and twenty years
'new Jewish conspirator Aaron
ttadelevlc by name, a native of
7Hn in Lithuania, came forward
ad assured the organization to
'hkh he belonged that If they
wild find the means he would find
M press, and would, moreover, set
I up In St. Petersburg. A sum of
ioney was provided, and from
iroad Aaron smuggled Into St. Pet
- rtburg all the necessary plant. Then
et to work to learn the compost
rt art (Just as, In the first days of
M Propaganda, young nobles taught
Mmselves a trade In order to go
own "among the people"), and In
. ITT the first "free" printing office
..orthy of the name was establltthed
' 1 the heart and center of suydom.
Tula clandestine press Is clandrs
M In everything. It Is the most so
rtly conducted press In the world,
'here Is no editorial office, with an
Sttor In a snug Inner chamber, re
tiring the visits of contributors, dis
aaaing the articles for the next is
M. A mystery and inviolate se
fy govern the whole working of
M affair. The editor himself may,
r may not, know the persons who
r responsible for the mechanical
iroductlon of the paper; he seldom,
f trer, knows the place at which It Is
rodueed. A confidential messen
er comes to a given spot on a given
ay to receive manuscripts from the
dttor's hand; he comes again to de
.rsr the proofs, and the rendezvous
never twice the same. The con
rlbutors are known probably to
.tone except the editor. In a word,
recautlons, the most minute and ex
rswrdlnary, must be observed If the
eeret press Is successfully to baffle
he everlasting efforts of the police
- unmask It.
Stepnlak tells us that during the
Ime he was one of the edlto's of
and and Liberty he was taken once,
..nd once only, to the printing office,
in Important piece of news hnd to
i Inserted in the number that was
.bout to be issued, and he made his
ray to the office In one of the cen
ral streets of the city. The Chief
if Police had declared that this office
ould not possibly bo In St. Peters
urg, "because otherwise he would
'afalllbly have discovered It." Sten
jlak found the people of the office,
-.nd the women who helped them
.nd managed for them, living In al
..ost absolute durance.
In five rooms. Including a little
cltchen, four conspirators wore In
stalled ; two men and two women,
larla Krlloff, who passed as mls
rssu of the house, a woman of about
:5, had devoted her life to the
'cause"; she had been transported
o Siberia and had escaped.
These four brought out the Narod
:at Volla, which the head of the po
le declared could not be produced
n. St. Petersburg.
The dvornlk had to be hoodwinked
'rom day to day.
Maria Krlloff went upon the bold
dan of sending for htm at any and
Try hour, and conducting hlra
.hrough all the Ave rooms, under the
iretense of hunting for a trouble
tome rat. They learned In this way
iow to dispose of the plant at from
Ire to ten minutes' notice. At night,
tshlnd a double curtain of canvas,
aled across the window, the type
vas set. In the strangling monotony
f this existence, the workers tasted
nly one excitement, but that was a
lally and an hourly one, the llkell
lood of discovery and arrest. So
.Ty present waa this danger that It
oaasod into a Joke, and the ladles
taed to speculate at their meager
evening meal whether they would be
aanged or transported to Siberia.
The expected happened at last at
:h office of the Narodnala Volla.
One night the police came down on It.
What they had reckoned on as easy
leisure transformed itself into a four
hours' siege and battle. Maria Krll
off drew on the gendarmes with hor
revolver, and to a challenge of this
sort the response is always prompt
and merciless in St. PeterHburg. The
office was riddled with bullets, but
for four hours the conspirators kept
their stand. The survivor was
"The Bird," who blew his brains out
when the game was up. He 1ms
transmitted no name to posterity; he
Is among the Russian terrorists who
have elected to bo nothing but a
memory. Hut while there are such to
choose from the clandestine press Is
Invincible. St. Louis Republic.
Itlchi-Kt of the Aboilnliies.
Though the American I nrllnn
dying out, what Is left of the race
manages to be 'comfortable. The
Osages of Oklahoma are among the
richest people In the world. Tho
average bank deposit of every mem
ner or me iriDo is 4,tf44 bringing
6 per cont. per annum, while the
land owned by each family Is worth
$11,600. The total red population of
North America now amounts to some
400,000, of whom about 100,000 are
In Canada and 80,000 in Alaska.
During the last twenty years the
United States Government has pur
chased from the Indians more than
1.000 square miles of land for which
it has paid over $300,000,000.
Vnrlc Sam's Officers Prefer the Plain
CHIens' Dress.
Although a great many of the
4,000 commissioned officers of the
United States array are stationed at
ten or twelve forts, posts and ar
senals In and about this city, and
scores of officers from neighboring
parts of the Department of the East
from time to time visit the headquar
ters on Governors Island, an army
officer In uniform Is a rare sight In
town, says the New York Sun.
Within the enclosure of any of the
forts you will see plenty of gold lnca
when officers are on duty, but the
moment an officer makes ready to
reave the reservation for any ordi
nary errand not actually requiring
uniform he dons citizens' clothes.
Even down at the big and externally
gloomy Army Building citizens' dress
Is the rule and uniforms are the ex
ception. What is true of the army is equal
ly true of the navy. You often see
Jack ashore In his comfortable
blouse and wide trousers, for (he
regulations require him to travel
thus attired. But of the several hun
dred naval officers almost always in
this port one rarely shows himself In
uniform to the everyday citizen.
Dozens of naval officers dine night
ly with friends ashore at private
houses or at public resorts but they
are never suspected for what they
really are, so studiously do they con
form to the fashions of civilian
dress. .
Alone, walking the streets, or rid
ing with private citizens In a public
vehicle, he is the object of a curios
ity that is pretty sure to make hlra
uncomfortable. The vain youngster
who by accident Is tempted to ap
pear alone in uniform with the hope
of tasting notoriety Is unlikely to re
peat the experiment, and It Is the un
written etiquette of mess ahd ward
room never unnecessarily to wear
uniform In public.
Municipal Child Roaring
The town of Huddcrsfleld, Eng
land, which stands in the front rank
of the cities that have adopted the
plan of public utilities owned and
controlled by the municipal authori
ties, has recently taken a further
step, and provided for child rearing
under official direction. Realizing
that a large part of the death rate
among the poor was of Infants under
one year of age, owing to insufficient
or unintelligent enre and nourish
ment, the Mayor of the city offered a
bonus of $4 to every child born In
one of the districts that should at
tain tho age of twelve months. This
offer, which Is to hold good during
the term of the present Incumbent's
mayoralty, led the local health au
thorities to consider whether steps
could not be taken toward saving
the lives of Infants.
Accordingly they decided to offer a
reward of one shilling to the first
person who should inform the medi
cal officer of the birth of a child
within forty-eight hours of Its occur
rence. The mother Is then to be vis
ited by physicians and women health
visitors, who will instruct her as to
the best methods of feeding, wash
ing and clothing the child, while, In
addition, detailed Instructions are to
be prepared and printed for general
The health visitors will also exam-
lno .the homes of the mothers and
factories and other places where wo
men are employed, and cases where
deaths of children under one year
have occurred will be Investigated.
Furthermore, a year's experiment
will be undertaken with a day nur
sery where children will be cared for,
and sterilized milk will be supplied
for the babies. Huddersfieid Is a
manufacturing town, and the author
ities consider that Its present
strength can best be preserved
through maintaining Its native la
bor. They therefore believe that If
the infant mortality Is reduced to a
minimum a large majority of the
children would grow to manhood
and womanhood. The experiment Is
Interesting. Harper's Weekly.
The Desired Answer.
The boy's father has two hobbles,
brevity and politeness. "If you pass
your mid-year's telegraph me the
word, "Yes." 11 you don't paBs,
wire "No." I'll know enough then,"
said the father. But he forgot his
own Instructions, so when the son
passed and telegraphed home "Yes,"
the father puzzled a while and finally
replied, "Yes, what?" At midnight
he was called out of bed to get this
answer, ''Yes, Sir!"
No Need to Walt.
He Upon my word, you grow
prettier every day.
Hue Just now I am livinir on
brown bread and water to improve
my complexion.
He How long con you keep that
Sho Oh! Indefinitely. .
Ho Then let's got married. Tit-
Oslerlel, Xot Ossified.
"My dear, I never could Btand that
slow butler of yours. And he Is so
thin ho makes me think of tho ossi
fied man at the circus."
"Oh, that is not the troublo with
him. He is a clever fellow with a
scientific mind, but since his fortieth
birthday, recently, he has been Os-
Getting Her Own Hark.
Husband (time 1 A.M.) I hnv
m'doar, I (hlc) didn't 'shpect to n'
you (hie) slttln' up for me.
Wife (calmly) Oh! that's all
right, old boy. I only got In myself
about five minutes ago. Pick-Me-Up.
It Lasts Ninety Minutes and Pro
duces Numbness Only.
"Chlorohydrate of Dlmethylamlno
benzoylpentanol.' Such Is the awe
Inspiring title of the latest anaes
thetic. In order not to unduly alarm
his patients, Dr. Fourneau, its
French discoverer, has renamed It
It Is Injected Into the spinal fluid,
and within Ave minutes produces
complete anaesthesia in the body be
low the pont of Injection. The pa
tient, however, does not lose con
sciousness. Its effects last for an
hour and a half, and no unpleasant
results have yet been observed,
though It has been tried for some
time In more than one Paris hospital.
English doctors are reluctant to
experiment with It. "Once you have
Injected your 'Stovalne' Into the
spine," said t prominent F. R. C. S.
yesterday, "you have no more control
over It, but with gaseous anaesthetic
It Is possible to stop the administra
tion before the danger point Is
reached. As the quantity needed of
any anaesthetic varies with the Indi
vidual patient, the Importance of
this control may be easily realized.
"In addition, there Is always a
dansrer of Kent If. nnlnnnlne In hvnn-
dermic injections, and in this form !
of Injection into the spinal fluid
the consequences would be most
dangerous." London Mall.
Building up a Flock of Fowls.
Begin by killing every rooster on
the place. Then decide upon some
breed which will best meet the re
quirements and purchase from a re
liable breeder roosters of this breed
yetting one cock for every fifteen or
twenty bens in the flock. Then buy
a setting of eggs of this breed, be
ing careful however to see that
these are unrelated to the rooBters
purchased. Set these eggs under a
frood mothe, hen and at the end of a
year kill or sell oft all the original
roosters, replacing them with those
resulting from the setting of eggs.
At the end of the second year kill or
sell the males and repeat the oper- !
ation each year, never keeping them
more than one yeat and never buy
ing a rooster related to the hens.
Do not forget to kill or dispose of
the pullets batchea from the setting
of purebred eggs, as they are of
course related to tne roosters of the
tame hatch and their retention '
would defeat the end sought. As '
rapidly as possible kill or sell off
all the original scrub hens and
thereafter always dispose of the old
er members of the flock.
Value of an Ktlncntion.
The value of a thorough educa
tion fitting a young man for his
life work is no longer a debatable
Question. The recent report of the
United States Bureau of Education
shows that a boy with a common
school education hat practically one
chance in 9,000 of general recogni
tion as a successful man In some de
partment of human endeavor and
usefulness. A high school educa
tion increases his chances of such
success by abcut twenty-two times,
while a college education gives a
young man about ten times the prob
ability of, success and advancement
possessed by the high school gradu
ate, or pbout two hundred times the
opportunity open to a boy with only
a common school education. Scien
tific American.
Sport In the Alps.
Switzerland is far from being the
sportsman's paradise that it once
was, but the best of what Is left can
undoubtedly be procured In the Ori
sons. There were Issued in the can
ton last year 2,293 shooting licenses,
and among the game bagged were
1,178 chamois, 172 buck, 29 stags,
1,887 moorfowl, 110 vultures,
3,561 hares and 4,634 rabbits.
Shotgun For Left Eyed Persons.
A shotgun recently manufactured
by a Connecticut firm was a special
order for a man who uses his left
eye to aim with, the right being
sightless. The stock and lower frame
of the gun were twisted so that be
may shoot without discomfort. The
gun Is the third made for this man
in the last twenty-five years. Ex
change. At the Huh.
A New Yorker was visiting In
Boston. Seeing a parrot in a cage,
he asked:
"Does Polly want a cracker?"
"I require no sustenance from you
whatever," replied the Back' Bay
bird, with hauteur. Yonkers States
man. Keep Cheese Covered.
Always keep cheeso well covered
In a cheese dish, or it will become
dry and tasteless. If the cheese is
wrapped in a cloth moistened with
vinegar it will keep beautifully
moist ard retain Its flavor longer.
Cleaning White lOnamel.
Wash It occasionally with warm
water and white castlle soap, dry It
and apply a little whiting with a
flannel cloth, slightly damped.
When dty, wipe off the whiting and
polish with a soft cloth or chamois.
Threw Him Over.
Gertrude What are you giving
Hortense for a wedding present?
Babette Why, er I'm giving her
the groom. Detroit Free Press.
Photographs of Mother never
have been idle when they were ta
look natural, because she seems to
ken. Atchison Globe.
pkoplk op tiir phimippixks.
Their Disposition to Live Near the
Coast Line.
In th? Philippines the density of
population Is ilxty-seven to the
pquaro mile In the United States It
Is twentv-stx to the equare mile. The
Inhabitants of the Philippines are
usually found on or near the coast,
except In the Island of Luzon, where
about hulf the people live In the two
rich valleys In th interior. Only
one-seventh of the civilized popula
tion live Inland, but the wild people
re confined almost entirely to the
In the archipelago there are 18,
400 bat Hoe. or ullages, with the
verago population of BOO Inhabi
tants. Tho-average size of the bar
rio vary widely In different prov
inces. A number of adjacent bar
rios, form a pueblo, or municipal
unit, and thus there Is practically
no rura1 population. Three-fifths of
the population live In villages of
less than 1,000 Inhabitants and 4
per cent. In towns of over 5,000.
There are four towns with a popu-'
latton exceeding 10.000 each and
thirty-five wi'h a population ex
ceeding 5,000. Manila Is the only
Incorporated city In the Islands and
Its Inhabitants number 219,928.
The- Submarine Telephone.
Great things are expected from
the submarine telephone by officers
of the United States navy. The prin
ciples underlying It are very differ
ent from those of wireless teleg
raphy. In the latter the telegraphic
impulses are transmitted through the
air or ether by electricity. In the
submarine telephone sound waves
travel through water unaided by any
electrical force. Water, being denser
than air, acts as a better sound con
ductor. It transmits sound four and
a half times as fast as air, 1,100 feet
a second being the rate in the atmos
phere, while In the water It Is 4,712
feet, or almost a mile a second.
Sweet Skim Milk for Calves.
The experience In the use of sweet
skim milk from the cream sepnrator,
for feeding calves and pigs, Is uni
formly favorable. A farmer writes
that he has been using It fresh from
the separator for over three years
both In feeding calves and pigs and
has found It most excellent. For
calves he mixes a little meal and
middlings with the milk, and for pigs
increases the meal somewhat, and
says that both grow rapidly on such
feeding. He warns against feeding
milk that has soured in tho least and
himself feeds It sweet from the sepa
rator. $.-,000,000 a Year for Gambling.
In a little volume of essays en
titled "Betting and Gambling," re
cently published, some striking facts
are given showing the rapid spread
of gambling among all classes of
the community. For Instance, In
five and a half years eighty cases of
suicide, 32 embezzlements and 191
bankruptcies appeared on the rec
ords of the courts as directly due to
professional betting, while Sir Rob
ert Giffen estimates that $25,000,
000 goes Into the pockets of the
bookmakers every year. New York
A New Strawberry Rox.
John Koopman, a strawberry
grower of two miles west of Car
thage, has received 10,000 paraffined
pasteboard strawberry boxes, which
he will use for his crop this year In
stead of the usual wooden boxes. It
is claimed they are cheaper, tougher
and will not absorb the stain from
bruised berries. They thus look
neater than the ordinary boxes and
are Just as sightly when used the
second time . as when first used.
Kansas City Journal.
Jnst Plain Jones.
"Digging for gold, are you?" said
the stranger.
"That's what I am."
"Any hopes of finding any?"
"Ef they wuzn't d'ye think I'd be
fool enough to keep diggln'?"
"You're smart, ain't you?" .
"No; I'm Jones plain Jones!"
Atlanta Constitution.
Dick Tare Miss Short Isabel
you have been In my office for two
years now, and I have learned to
love you better every day. Will you
be my wife?
Isabel Short Oh! Mr. Tate, is it
fair to ask me to give up a steady
position for an uncertainty?
Brooklyn Life.
Mrs. Flip: "That new neighbor is
a fearfully slipshod housokeepor."
Mr. Flip: "How do you know?"
Mrs. Flip: "Why every single
time I send over there to borrow
something she's always out of it!"
Detroit Free Press.
Substitute for Cream.
When unable to 'procure fresh
cream ta serve with fruit, beat the
jolks cf two new laid egga and
strain them into a pint of new milk,
with two small lump:; of sugar.
Put it on the stove aui stir one way
until it oecomes as thick as cream.
Remove It Instantly and cease stir
ring or It will turn to a custard.
Some Strange WUIs.
There is a story of an American
murderer who left $260 by his will
to his executioner. This tale is now
matched by one from Paris. A wine
merchant of that city face to face
with financial ruin planned suicide,
but first set aside a dozen bottles of
wine for the undertaker.
D 1 BAD ! ! BAD ! ! !
Rnd blood comes from bud digestion
bail stomach, bad liver, nnrt kidnnys at
tended with bud. foul brenlh, coated
toiiRiic, bad tuste, had headaches, had
appetite and kindred symptoms. Had as
these nil are. and serious ns are the dis
eases to which they lead, lr. Pierce's
(lotden Medical Discovery comes to tho
relief and cure of all thee by regulating
nnd Invigorating STOMACH. T.IVKK.
ROWKLN and KIDNF.YN. and putting
all these oritans in pood order.
"Gulden Medical Discovery " contains
no alcohol, opium or other harmful
(irons; neither does It contain siiRar or
syrup, which are Injurious to some stom
achs. Without any of these it retains its
pleasant taste nnd marvelous healing
?iinlltles In the most trying climate.
on't let a sollish medicine seller cheat
you out of your health by giving you a
substitute. Tie's only looking out for a
larger profit, not for your good. Shun
him. Honest, unselfish dealers recom
mend the "Golden Medical Discovery."
"That your remedies r not for the few,
but for the many Is evident, for I personally
know of ninny scores of personi in this city
who have Is-cn restored to health and
Itrchirth by your medicines." thus writes
Henry I.andtlicft, Esq., Alderman In 17th
Ward. HufTalo, N. Y., of 1204 Jefferson Streut.
" I know that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery Is most valuable In casns of de
raninint of the liver, having taken tho
mrdlclnt soma two ye on ago when I had a
bad attack of liver trouble, and I never used
a medicine Imforti that did me so much
food. I have known Dr. Pierce for twenty
six years, and do not wonder at his success,
for he la a physician and man of sterling
qualities, Is isissessed of extraordinary skill,
and he has In his Punitarlum a corps of Him
Clallsts who are chosen because of their
unusual knowludtfe and professional skill."
If suffering from any obstinate, linger
ing aliment, write to Dr. Pierce and got.
free of charge, sound medical advice.
He has the counsel and assistance of a
large staff of expert specialists.
The People's Common Sense
Medical Adviser, by R. V.
Pierce, M. I).. Chief Consult-
:".tl ,,,, l'l,,.u I. ,.!,
ljI e iij.i1""! " win' niTn
R IiMci Hotel and Surgical
11 '"stltute, Rnffaln, N. Y.
4l""""n l'aner-lxinnd rnr.K on r-
ceiptnf 21 one-cent stamps
for mailing only; or clotn
hound for 31 cents. Address
the Author, as above.
Coles August Predictions
Coles for August says: "The out
look for August is not at all encour
aging, For the 6rst time in many
months the "high flood" and "low
ebb" vital forces of all human,
animal and vegatahle life will be on
a balance and it will take thought
ful, steady action on the part of us
all to stay off the many distur
bances which will occur, as the life
forces will be on the verge of collapse
and the planets are in position to
encourage evil thoughts anJ doiugs.
Earth is opposed by Ieo, the
Lion, the king of the Low Ebb
forces, who will cause epidemics,
drought, destructive vegetable mi
crobes, etc., to afflct the earth.
Business men must stand firm and
not "crowd" each other in order to
avoid a panic. There will be many
sudden deaths this month and all
those in poor health should not ex
ert themselves on the fcllowing 'low
ebb' days: ist, 2nd, 3rd, 13th, 14th,
24th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th.
A partial eclipse of the moon will
occur August 14 15 invisible in
this country. There will also be a
total eclipse of the sun Augut 30th,
v'sible in the eastern half of the
United States. Mark the dis
astrous storms, riots and unexpect
ed disturbances that will follow in
the shadows of the eclipse.
Strange weather will predominate
during the whole month. The
battle between the heat and cold
elements will continue as gaseous
matter now passing over the sun is
increasing and if a break does not
occur and cause severe electrical
storms, then a drought will be sure
to follow. See "Storms and Signs"
calendar. The last part of the month
Venus, Earth aud Mercury will
combine their forces with Vulcan and
the probabilities are that we may
witness some severe storms both on
land and sea. There will be many
fine days to enjoy and a number of
beautiful sunset scenes to witness as
the sua shining through the gaseous
matter passing over it, will give it
a very red glare and its reflection
will increase the brilliancy of the
B- F D- Holidays.
The postmaster general has issu
ed an order that hereafter 110 mail
will be served on the rural lree de
livery routes ou the following holi
days: Fourth of July, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving, Christmas, New
Years, Washington's birthday and
Memorial Day.
Specifics euro by acting directly on the
sii'fc ;iWs without disturbing the rout of
the Byutum.
No. 1 for Fevers.
No, 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Teething.
No. 4 " Diarrhea.
No. 7 " Coughs.
No. 8 " Nouralgia.
No. 9 " Headaches. . ,
No. 10 " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Suppressed rorlods.
No. IS " Whites.
No. 13 " Croup.
No. 14 " The Skin.
No. 15 " Rheumatism.
No. 10 " Malaria,
No. 19 Catarrh.
No. 20 Whooping Congh.
No. 27 " The Kidneys.
No. 30 ' The IJladdur.
No. 77 " La Grippe.
In small bottles of pellets that fit the vest
pocaet. At uruRRistH or mailed, 200. eacn. ;
I IMf Medical Guide mailed free.
Humphrey'MLCo.,Cor.WmimJuhD Street 1
Mw York.
Special Excursions and Reduced Rates.-
01 Interest lo our Many Rcsdors.
AsnuRY Park Hooklbt. Ins
criptive publication issued by the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany has just issued an attractive
booklet descriptive of Asbury Park.
The publication is designed to
pr se'nt the ntl: actions and claims of
Asbury Park as a summer seaside
Persons desiring information con
cerning this popular resort may
obtain a copy of the booklet by en
closing two cents in postage stamps
to Geo. W. Hoyd, General Passcn:
gcr Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad,
Philadelphia, Pa. . 2t
Rkdvckd RATKSto Denver, Col
ondo Springs or Pueblo, via Penn
sylvania Railroad, on account of
the Grand Acne, F'raternal Order
of Eagles, on August 14 to 24, the
meeting of the American Osteo
pathic Association on August 15 lo
19, and the meet:ng of the National
Association of Local Fire Insurance
Agents ou August 16 to 18, at Den
ver, Col , the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell round trip tickets
from all points on its line to Denver,
Colorado Springs, or Tueblo, Au
gust 11, 12, and 13, good returning
to reach original starting point not
later thau August 28, at greatly re
duced rates. For specific informa
tion concerning extension of final
limit, routes, rates, and stop-over
privileges, consult nearest ticket
agent. it
Reduced Rates To The Sea-
shore. Annual low-rate excursions
to Atlantic City, etc., via Pennsyl
vania Railroad. The next Pennsyl
vania Railroad low-rate ten-day ex
cursion for the present season from
Suubury and principal intermediate
stations (including stations on
branch roads), to Atlantic City, Cape
May, V udwood, Ocean City, Sea
Isle City, Avalon, Anglesea, or
Holly Beach, will be run on Tburs
day, August 10.
Excursion tickets, good to return
by regular trains within ten days,
will be sold at a very low rate
Tickets to Atlantic City will be sold
via the Delaware River Bridge
Route, the only all rail line, or via
Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia.
Stop over can be had at Philadel
phia, either going or returning.
within limit of ticket.
A similar excursion will be run.
on August 24.
For information in regard to
specific rates and time of trains con
sult hand bills, or apply to agents,
or V.. S. Harrar, Division Ticket
Agent; Williamsport, Pa. it
Reduced Rates to Wilkes-
Barre via the Pennsylvania Rail
road, account meeting Catholic
Total Abstinence Union of America.
For the benefit of those desiring
to attend the meeting of the Cath
olic Total Abstinence Union of A-
merica, to be held at Wilkesbarre,
Pa., August 9 to 11, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell
excursion tickets to Wilkesbarre on
August 8, 9, and 10, good for return
until August 14, inclusive, from al!
stations on its lines in the State of
New Jersey; from all stations on the
Maryland and Central Divisions of
the Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Washington Railroad; from Wilm
ington, Towusend, and intermediate
statious on the Delaware Division;
from all stations on the Northern
Ceutral Railway, Baltimore to Sun-
bury, aud Williamsport to Watkins,
inclusive; from all stations on the
Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, in
cluding branches, east of and includ
ing Driftwood; and from all statious
ou the Pennsylvania Railroad Divi
sion, including branch lines.east of
and including Altoona, at rate of
single fare for the round trip, plus
(minimum rate, 50 cents). For
specific rates apply to nearest ticket
agent. it
Btatu Money for Schools'
N. C. Shaeffer, Superintendent
of Public Instruction at Ilarrisburg
is sending out the warrants for the
State appropriation to the various
school treasurers of the county.
The special appropriation which
was received by all the school dis
tricts of the State for the past three
years, which was granted by a
special act of the Legislature iu
1902, for a period of three years,
expired last year, consequently all
districts ae just short that much.
The regular appropriation this year
is about the same in all cases as
last year.
For Infants and Children.
Tiiti Kind You Have Always Bought
ars tne
Signature of