The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 03, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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A Man's feet are better
judges of shoes than
he is !
SVlion you tuck your's into a pair (
"Keith's Konqueror"
Shoes they'll tell you they're com
fortable at last.
$3.50 and $4.00
Chas. M. Evans
1,- i 'YfSM'RG, FA.
gutrred at rout Oflrr, Blnrnnfrurg, Pa.
an trcmtl clnn mattrr, Karen 1, 18HH.
Legal advertisements on page 7.
We wait for a good many things
that are not worth the waiting
when we get them.
. w
There were seven hundred and
forty different students at the Nor
mal School last year.
Rev. J. A. Reber has resigned
the pastorate of the Reformed
churches at MifQinville, Maiuvill
and Salem, the same to take effect
Sept. ist, when he will move to
Killinger, and accept a charge.
Ray Yohe made a trip to Milton
on baturday to buy a horse for hi
1 . . . .
man louie. iiorses, it seems are
very scarce hereabouts, and there
are few for sale in the West Branch
towns. He r;turned home without
Dr. Kveland has accepted the
election as President of Dickinson
Seminary, Williamsport.
James Magee and John W. Kvans
landed at London last Monday,
after a very pleasant voyage.
Did you ever notice how tovn
folks admire their country relatives
111 the good old summer time ?
Henry Stetler has succeded Harry
Deitnck as manager of Columbi
i .inc. 1 ne lormcr s merry-go
round is being set up in the park
aim will adit to the varied lot
amusements to be found at th
popular resort.
The latest New York fad is call
ing cards for dogs. It hasn't struck
BloomsburE yet, but probably will
March and Two
Klwell, on sale at
Second edition
Vanity Fair,
step by Chas. P
all music stores
35 cents.
Good horses are scarce, plugs are
abundant. The remedy ought to be
apparent. Are you planning for
plugs or horses ?
Prof. Claude M. Stauffer of
Hazleton, a farmer graduate of the
Normal School, is now directing
the Carlisle Indian Band.
Hud Mann has resigned his posi
tion at Rishton's drug store and
will go to Philadelphia this month
to enter the College of Pharmacy.
Hon. W. T. Cieasy will address
an open meeting of Benton Grange,
No. 88, at Benton on Saturday
evening, August 5th at 6.30 0 clock.
. .
Jj,dwin j. lladiey s moving
pictures, the finest in America, will
be exhibited in Bloomsburg, for the
benefit of the Wheelmen early in
A. Bruce Fry of Scranton and
.Miss Marcaret O. Bowman, of
Orangeville, were married by Rev
T. H. Tubbs ot Light Street on
Nothing flora Dangerou.
Tiutn Cutting Corns. The Foot-Eue Sanitary
Cam Pad cure by absorption. Bometlilmf en
tirely new. Tlie saulury ollg and vapor do tl
vc-k. Bold by all Drm-gtsis sac or by mall.
Sample mailed FKES. Address, Allen Olm
sted, LeKoy, N. Y. 7 27 41
Bass fishing is butter this season
than for many yeers past. Scarcely
a day passes that good catches are
not reported and the fish are all of
good size.
Mrs. Polly Heinbach died at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. John
Keifer in Catawissa township Sat
in day afternoon. She was seventy
eight years old.
Margaret F. Laubach, formerly
of Bloomsburg, now conducting a
millinery establishment at no
South 13th Street. Philadelphia,
sailed last week for Paris.
While ascending a fight of stairs
at the Magee Carpet Mill 011 Tues
day Miss May Kveland an employee
fell and fractured her right arm be
tween the wrist and elbow.
Chas. P. Klwell will continue 0
teach during the summer months.
Instruction in pianoforte, violin,
harmony and composition. Send
for circular or call at 233 West
Third street, Bloomsburg. tf
Dave Williams, formerly of tlie
normal scnooi, wno tor uu: jv
two seasons, has been pitching 'Vr
Altoona under the name of Bennet,
is critically ill st his home ' in
Scranton. It is thought that' lie
will not recover.
Theodore L. Smith suffered
painful injury at Jacob Brobst's
Carnage manufacturing shop Mon
day. His left hind was caught in
the gearing of a drill press, and the
llesn on the fingers was severely
lorn by tlie cogs.
A new bulletin has recently beeu
published by Uncle Sam, entitled
illf M I A , ...
milieu uoais, wnicii will prove
of value to those of Our Folks who
are interested in that subject
Write to the United States Depart
ment ot Agriculture, Washington
D. C, and ask for Bulletin No. 68
Bureau of Animal Industry.
The camping party, composed of
Ben Gidding, Neil Clnisinan, Art
Sharpless, Prof. J. T. Goodwin and
D. J. Tasker, arrived home Satur
day evening from a two week's
outing along Muucy Creek, near
Muncy. They are weating a good
healthy color, and all report a fine
A freight wreck about a mile
above Last Bloom delayed traffic on
the Penna. Railroad for several
hours Saturday afteruoou. The
wreck was the result of a sudden
application of the brakes in order
to avoid running into a landslide.
The cars buckled and several of
them were derailed. Only one car
was damaged beyond repair. For
lunately they were all empty.
Harold Kline has purchased one
ot the recently invented McFann
Cotton Candy Machines, and is do
ing a rushing business ou Market
Square each evening. The device is
a decided novelty. It is equipped
wmi a easonne ourner. requires
oniy iwo :eet ot space, and spins
sugar uuo cotton candy ot any de
sired color or flavor. The process is
nigniy interesting and the confec
tion is delicious.
Colonel Rickctts who owns nearly
all the land around Lake Ganoga,
Ricketts and the adjacent territory.
is getting under way extensive im
provements and enterpi izes, and will
construct several large dams, to im
pound the waters on the mountain
top, install a series of turbine wheels
and furnish electricity for light,
power and heat for towns in the
Wyoming Valley. Kuoueh power
can be generated there to operate
all the trolley cars and light all the
houses there.
The local base ball team was
ruthlessly handled by Milton at that
place on 1 uesday. The exhibition
from a Bloomsburc standpoint it is
aid by those who were there was
pitiful to behold. Parsons, form
erly of Bucknell University was on
the slab, for Milton, and he struck
out thirteen of our heavy hitters.
This explains in a measure why the
boys tailed to score. Milton only
secured five hitsoff of McCloud, who
pitched for Bloom but he gave eight
passes to first base which together
with nine errors in the field, netted
.Milton twelve runs.
niti.n;Uu!y lid
may lie partly riuht. and pro.
iclpful; but if they are not en
U ely rij'lit you are not pettiuu all of the
Ijilielit you .should. ONLY medical eye
! -cialiiits cm determine exactly what lenses
arc needed. Honry W. Champlin. M. D.,
The Superior Court of Pennsyl
vania has handed down an opinion
reversing the decision of the Court
of Northampton County, in the suit
brought by" A. I). Bosger, a mer
chant at Alliance, against the
borough, to recover the amount of
a bill of goods furnished a family
when the latter were quarantined
because of the prevalence ot small
pox. The Court holds that people
quarantined are to support them
'i ;r ,i, .. 111 t warren Ivlgar, of Stillwater, was observec
selves if they are able to do SO; if Knovin,; busily about our streets on Tuesday
tney are not able, then the poor
authorities of the county are to look
after them.
. . - .
An exchange says a law should
be passrd to protect people from
their own folly. It takes the posi
tion that nine out of ten persons
who purchase goods from install
ment houses pay two or three times
what the goods are worth. It quotes
an instance where a woman pur
chased a rug from an agent repre
senting an installment house, and
paid him one dollar and agreed to
pay fifty cents a month for twelve
months. The rug the identical
rug, was displayed in the window
of a local store marked "$2, no."
The woman bound herself to pay
seven dollars.
At a meeting of the board of
governors of Bloomsburg Wheel
men held Tuesday evening exten
sive interior improvements to thp
club house were considered. It is
proposed to have an auction sale in
the course of a month or so to spII
off all the carpets and furniture in
two 01 me roomi, and re-carpet, re
paint, repaper and refurnish the
same with Mission furniture. The
board of governors has decided that
nothing is too cood for the Whet-I-
men, and when these contemplated
improvements are completed the
club house will compare favorably
with the homes of far more nre
tentious organizations in lanrer
Many of Our readers are nnur
selecting the school which thev will
attend during the ensuing year.
We offer a word of advice. Select
the Best. Nothing else is so good
as the best. It's Hue of schools
It is our opinion that the Liter
ary Institute and State Normal
School at Bloorosburp-. Pa., has nn
superiors, and few equals.
send lor a catalog. Write the
Principal. State how far vou hnwe
gone in your education, what you
desire to prepare tor: whether for
A. -
teacning, tor college, tor business,
or a course in music. You'll eet
help and good advice. Do it today.
Robert C. Neal of Ilarrisburg, was in town
Misu Mary Wenner is visiting relatives at
Stillwater and vicinity.
Gorman Tasker of Wilkes Barre, upent
Tuesday afternoon in town.
Miss Grace Klliott of Heading, ii the
guest of Iclia Geisinger, at Kspy.
Geo. It. Appleman of Kobrslmrg attended
to business matter in town on Tuesday.
Warren Kdgar, of Stillwater, was observed
Cheer Up.
The weather for the tast few dav
has certainly been most delitrhtfnl
just of the sort that should cheer up
1 1 j 1 . ...
unu giaaaeu me Hearts ot all man
kind. There may be hindrances to
me iuu enjoyment of the charming
weamer. stocks mav not he in.
creasing in value as ranidlv at vn,i
nau nopen ior; progress in the mat
ter 01 constructing the Kast Fifth
Sewer may seem unnecessarily slow,
and trade may be discouraging, but
cueer up ana iook pleasant. What's
the use to worry? Think of it. A
few short years shall pass and you'll
be sleeping under where the green
grass is waving and the gentle
zepnyrs win blow above you, and
the little birds will trill their nntM
down by the brooklet's side. onH
the old world will move on just the
same, tneer up.
Mrs. F. C. Kver is visitin.r bpr rtnnnbtpr
Mrs. Dr. Meredith at the Danville Hospital.
G. Edward Klwell lias been spending ttit
past week at l'hiladelphia and Atlantic City.
De Forest I. Hummer of licrwick, is
spending a week's vacation at Camp Idle
ness. A. S. Kramer ol Hazleton, is spending a
week's vacation with friends at Ilenion and
Miss Delia Geisinger of F.sny, will go to
Millersburg this week to spend several days
with friends
Kay Jones, of this office, has returned
home from a several day's sojourn at
Atlantic City.
Boyd F. Maize spent Sunday in town with
his parents. He left here Sunday evening
for I'ittsbuig.
Mrs. Hen Gidding and daughter Pauline
returned on Monday from a visit at Mt.
larmel and Milton.
Dr. G. Stuart Kirby and family of Mr.uch
Chunk have been the guests ol Mrs. Susan
Kuhn on Center street.
Miss I.etha DeitrirW has rriirn.l hr
tion in O. B. Ammerman s store at Jomison
City and returned to town.
Mrs. C. F. Mann cf Kenton changed cars
here on Tuesday for Williamsport where she
will spend several days with Iriends.
H. J. Achenbacli and Gerald Gross will
leave on "aturdav for Atlantic Ciiv i run.l
two weeks. T. B. Moore will join them
next week.
Mrs George I.eighow, and frs Jacob Har.
ris, of Danville ann William Harris of Kan
sas CltV. Silent Tiwsrl.-iv uiitli fri.!- ,
Liyht Street.
1'iof. Noetlinc and bis f.iinilu in
Columbia couniv several ilnv liar ub
visiting the l'rof's. son Charles Noetlirg and
uinuy. nennsgrovu "limes " ,
I. W. Helt of Wilke.lta
the National Bond Company, and the Co's.
representative for this count v. f li Smr,,n
of Berwick, were in Bloomsburg 011 Monday.
lev. W 1.. Slliw of 1 eplinr VI
son-in-law of Mrs. James Sterner of town w'ith
wnom ne is spending Ins vacation delivered
an excellent sermon in the M. K. church
Sunday evening.
Kev. J. D. Thomas, pastor of the reform
ed church accompanied by his wife, depart
ed on Tuesday for Tillon, Ohio, where they
wdl spend a month with friends. There
will be no services in the church until the
first Surday in September.
Reduced to
20 Cents Yard
For all Eohennos, Sousettcs, Japan Cloths, Champaign
Suitings, Leno Effects, Brocaded Effects and Iris Cloths
that sold at 20 and 28 cents now only 20c yard.
85 c
A Hemmed Cro
Senseless on Top of Sox Car.
Lying senseless on too of a ho
car, Conductor Charles Brenuan, of
Centralia. rodi twenty miles Fri
day night, although the train pro
ceeded at high speed, swinging
around sudden bends and sharp
Brennan was conducting nn a
Philadelphia & Reading- freitrht Hill.
niug between Taniaqua and New
berry. While bouud for the latter
place, he was standing on top of
the car at Gordon, twistimr n li.
Suddenly the brake stick broke,
cne end striking him over the eyes.
He tell unconscious on his back
on the narrow plank walk. His
peril was not discovered until th.
train arrived at Shaniokin. He was
restored to consciousness and sent
to his home at Centralia to recuperate.
- -
75,000 Envelopes carried in
stock at the Columhiaw nm
The line includes drug envelopes,
pay, coin, baionial, commercial
sixes, number 6, 6j, 6, 9, 10
and 1 1 , catalog, ,Vc. Prices range
from Si. 50 per 1000 printed, un to
5.00. Largest stock in the coun
ty to sele.t from.
Lntrauce through Rov's Tewelrv
Store. tf
Deeds Recorded
Recorder Rutter has recently re
corded the following deeds:
J. N. Pifer and wife to Catherine
Pifer for land in Mifilinville. Con
sideration ti soo".
B. F. Redliue and wife to Arwilda
Fausy for land in Jackson township.
consideration $1000.
Elizabeth A. Letteer et al.. to
William Fausey for land in Green
wood township. Consideration
Elizabeth Belford and George Bel-
rora 10 vm. is. iJeltord for property
in uerwicic. consideration $1400,
Harry A. Smith and wife to E
W. Garrison, M. J. Rittenhouse.
C. M. Kester and E. E. Sarge for
lana in Briar creek township. Con
sideration tdOO.
Jacob B. and Emma J, Faux to
SJ-. -
nawara borber for two acres of land
in Centre township. Consideration
B. W. Jurv and wife to Tohn f
Smith for two acres and 6 mrrhia
of land in Orangeville. Considera
tion si aq.
Andrew Lanbach's administrarv
to Nora C. Hess for land in Sno-ar
loaf township. Consideration ife
Andrew Laubach's administrators
to Clarence Laubach for land in Sn
garloaf township. Consideration
Nora C. Hess et al to Ola
Laubach for land in Sugarloaf town-
snip. Consideration $400.
chet quilt readv
lor use, size tlx b(J in.
w y A Crochet Quilt
l0 size 75x85 in.
Special value.
2.25 A Satin Marseilles
Quilt, size 76x89
inches. A beauty.
3,35 A Fringed Satin
Quilt, cut corners,
Size 86x99 inches.
A i nt.
Inn A rocnet yuiit,
wvs in 1 vau jr
for use, hemmed.
50 Crochet Quilts are
hemmed and
laundried, size 72x87 in.
2.00 fringed, colored
Crochet Quilt.
Light blue and light pink,
size 80x95 in.
Considering the way cotton is soaring upwards these
Quilts at prices named are fully 25 per cent, of a saving
by buying now.
Ladies' lace hose 25c, 50c.
Ladies' vests '10, 15, 25c.
Ladies' knit skirts 25c.
Ladies' knit drawers 25, 50
Corded Wash Silks.
Regular 374c goods to
close at 25c. yd.
50c. Kimonas made of fine
Turkish Towels.
Bleached and unbleached
ready for use at 15, 25
and 30 cents.
88c Trimmed Hats.
Clearing the Millinery of all
trimmed hats, 10 hats at
88c, worth double and
All wash suits at a big re
duction in price.
The Clark Store.
Har I Relief for Women.
If TAII hflVA nalna In ,h. hanb T 11 . .
diT or kidney trouble, and wunt a certain,
pleasant herb remedy for woman's Ills, try
MollierOrays ALS I H Al.l AN-LH AH. u Is s
safe moniUly regulator. At DriiKKlsts or by
mall 60 cis. Sample packHKoFiiKB. Address,
The Motur Gray c i, Loltoy, N. y. 7.-7
Must Not Stun Bullneads
The following notice is beini?
sent out by Game Warden Shoe
maker, of Lacevville. and it wmiM
be well for all fishermen and those
engaged in the business of catching
bait to examine it.
Section 20 of the Act. arinrnvprl
May o, igoi. savs "that nothing in
this act shall be 'so construed as to
prohibit the taking of bait fish by
means of minnow seines for nntrlincr
or scientific purposes. Hence any
person who catches minnows or bait
fish in any other manner than by
minnow nets or rods, hook and line
is liable to a fine of $25."
Hence the old method of getting
little bullheads by means of strik
ing the stones and stunning them is
a violation of the law and instruc
tions have been sent out to arrest
anyone who is found gettiug them
by this method.
Bean the
Ilia Kind Vou Have Always Boufifit
The proper care of the eyes will save all the
worries and miseries that neglect of them will
surely bring.
Correctly fitted glasses will remedy the ills
already begun.
Skill and experience alone can ladjustjglasses
O-eo- "W. KCess,
Optician and Jeweler, BLOOMSBURG, PENNA
Alexander Brothers & Co.,
: Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Confec-
nonery and iluts.
Fine Candies, Fresh Every Week.
EiTiT-y Goods a. Specialty.
Also F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chi wing Tobacco.
ALEXANDER BROS. & CO., Bloomsburg, Pa.
Carpets, Rugs, Matting and
Draperies, Oil Cloth and
Window Curtains
You Will Find a Nice Line at
For the Satisfactory
Kind in Up-to-date
Styles, go to
CapwelFs Studio,
(Over (Iartman'a Store)
Wy promptly ol.iuin 11. Kami ' vlJiT'J
f.-k)iij iu.nlol.mi.ujli or i.hotoo. ...v iiiilm (or
fruori!ortoii t,.itnlillity. I-or fn-c look
; Opposite U. S. Patent Office