The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 13, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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THURSDAY, JI I.V i.t. 19.15.
I Continued from 41I1 pane.
tried before Judge Klvvell were those
great trials in the murders by the
Mollie Maguires, in Schuylkill,
Northumberland and Columbia, be
cause they were attended and tried
by the most eminent criminal law
yers in the State of Pennsylvania.
The first trial was in 1869, when
Tom Donahue and John Duffy and
Prior and Pat. Hester were arraigu
ee in this Court for the murder of
Alexander V. Kay. I knew Mr.
Ray very well. He was a friend
and companion of mine when I
Studied law in Danville, and I re
member him and knew him all his
life; and perhaps nobody, outside
of his immediate friends and family
was more hurt than I was at the
death of Alexander W. Ray and the
manner in which he came to his
Iut those cases were tried with a
vim and vigor that I never saw be
fore and have never seen since.
Donahue and Duffy and Prior were
acquitted. The District Attorney
at the time, Mr. K. R. Ikeler, took
a noli. pros, as to Pat. Hester, and
the whole party were turned loose.
That you will observe was in 1869,
and with the exception of my friend
at my hand here, Judge Marr, Mr.
Wolverton (who, unfortunately, Is
not able to attend this banquet) and
myself, I believe not one single man
is alive.
In 1S77 there was another raid
made upon the Molly Maguires,
and Pat. Hester and Tully and Mo
Hugh were arrested and tried for
the murder of Alexander Ray. I
think I ought to say here that the
counsel for Patrick Hester always
believed him only technically guilty
ot the murder of Ray. Judge Marr
and Mr. Wolverton were with me,
and Mr. Wolverton and myself
followed the case to the Supreme
Court after it had been tried and he
was convicted here, and the Su
preme Court turned us down; and
we went to Harrisburg and had the
case heard before the Board ol
Pardons, and they turned us down,
and the Governor of course had
nothing else to do except to issue
the death warrant for three men
ho were in the jail here in Co
lumbia county.
At the request of Hester, I went
with the Sheriff when he read the
death warrant to these men in jail,
md I stood beside my client (as was
my duty, being local counsel in the
:onnty here) until the sentence had
been read; and I shook hands with
'inn and turned to the door to go,
when he said to me : "Colonel,
xme and see me hanged." I said:
'No, Pat, I can't do that. I have
;one with you as far as I can go.
Hxcusc- me frcm that." I did not
o, of course. I never saw Pat.
ifterward, and I notv repeat that
lis counsel were always satisfied
that, except technically, he was not
,'uilty. In other words, I believe
hat Pat. Hester perhaps did go and
.vas with the gang at Tom Dona
lue's saloon the night that the
.obbery of Alexander Rc-a was de
ermined upon. Put they were
Ttrsonal friends and had been for
ears; and Pat. assured me over
md over again that there was no
thought in his mind, and he did
lot believe there was in the minds
f the rest of them, tomurder Alex
inder Rea. But they did mean to
rob him, because it was supposed
lie had that day a very large amount
jf money with which he was going
o pay off some of the coal mining
operations in the county of Schuyl
kill. But the fact that he was there
md that that murder was committed
n pursuance of the robbery they
!iad agreed upon, was all that ever
:onvicted Pat. Hester. Perhaps it
was legal and right, but he never
raised his hand against Alexander
W. Rea.
Gentlemen, I have thought, as I
said before, that this little historical
sketch of the County of Columbia
during the time of its existence, of
the things that have been done in it,
of the great lawyers that have sat
upon its bench, of the great law
yers that had been before that bench
practicing their profession, would
be gladly listened to by you young
er men. And I think, Mr. Presi
dent, that these references to the
olden times, to the old lawyers, to
the old methods and manners ia
which things were done ia those
early times will have some effect
in giving to you an idea of the
terms and conditions under which
we were practicing fifty years ago.
They will also, gentlemen, give you
some idea that the great men who
have been before us, are the men
to be followed in their profession by
you, of the younger bar, who are
coming on now to take the places
01 mose gentlemen wno have been
for the last time before an earthly
These young men have come to
In (lis !o!:if.
Ni rvnii diPss, tinrrfrrslilnR olrrp, dpspon-
ll is tinip you were (loins; nrmtilng.
Tlio kidneys were anciently culled the
reltiR In yonr casn tliey ore holdlnp tlio
reins and urivmg you into serious trouble,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Arts with the most direct, bpncflrlnl effect
on tne Kidneys. It contains the best and
safept substances for correctln nnd toning
the bar, all of them, and, if you
will pardon me for saying ft, a good
many of them have been born since
I came to the bar. I know them,
ot course I know them, and they
know me. I want to repeat again
that they have given me the greatest
possible happiness in tendering to
me this courtesy and their affection
and confidence in me displayed here
to night. They are gentlemen, as
1 know tiiem, ready to take the
places of those who have passed
away, in knowledge, in judgment,
in capacity, and that thev need
nothing more than the time and
the experience to fit themselves for
the bar.
Rnnip nf tlmm (nr of tlinm nf
least, have already attained judicial J
honors. One ot them has also been
Senator. A half dozen or more
have been members of the Lower
House of Representatives at Harris
burg. And I haven't any doubt
that the whole body seated here
around me are willing to follow in
the footsteps of their illustrious
I might perhaps make one further
remark in connection with that in a
little matter of my own. which the
Chairman has very courteuosly omit
ted to mention in his remarks, giv
ing what I perhaps might properly
call a descriptive catalogue of my
career. But in the early days I got
it into my head at a certain time
that I would be first rate timber
for the Legislature, and gave my
friends in Columbia county to un
derstand that that was my view of
things, and desired them to take it
into consideration. They did take
it into consideration I think, and
when the nominating convention
came or. in the Fall, almost unani
mously they agreed that they could
not spare me from Columbia
ell I stayed, and I am here yet.
I think, gentlemen, I will take
up no more of your time in any re
marks; but I wish to add once more
how very much I am gratified at
this demonstration; how much 1
feel it; and I am certain that I can
never forget your kindness and
your confidence, and I thank you
for your courtesy.
An IniDortant Office
The Position of the County Commissioner is
One of tlio Greatest Responsibility
The Philadelphia Press says edi
torially: In the interior counties of
this state there are no more import
ant officials to be elected this year
than the three county commission
ers. These officials make the con
tracts for county work, assess taxes
and are responsible for the expendi
tures. Within thepast few years
scandals have attended the adminis
tration of affairs in a number of
counties. Commissioners have not
been wholly honest or they have
oeen notoriously inefficient in the
performance of their duties. Con
tracts have been made in which
there was a rake off; county bonds
have been sold without competitive
bidding, the county losing the
premium which could otherwise
have been had; in several counties
there has been unnecessary compli
cation and costly delay in work on
new courthouses; in others commis
sioners have charged and received
pay for time they did not give to
public service; in still others have
commissioners have been before the
bar of justice to answer serious
charges. These are offices that in
every county should be given to
men ot business experience and
known integrity. They are about
the last public places to be used for
merely political purposes. Thtir
duties are wholly of a business
character. It is a matter of course
that the candidates will be nominat
ed by several parties, and that they
will represent those parties, but
they shoul be something more than
just Republicans or Democrats.
The cit.ens of every county should
appreciate that in electing commis
sioners they are selecting men who
will have the disposition of large
sums of money and upon whom
large responsibilities devolve. The
fittest men for these offices are
usually those who never seek them;
men who have business affairs of
their own and been successful in the
management of them. When any
such can be found to accept the
county commissionership he should
be chosen without hesitation.
The New York World gravely
asks; "are pretty teachers best?"
Homely old ladies will consider
such a question ridiculous.
The Great
United Shows.
UotoDate Amusement
Enterprise on Earth.
Lofty in Conception, Regal in Equipment, Honorably Conduct
ed, Truthfully Advertised. The
World's Best Circus Talent.
The Immensity, Originality, Uniqueness and Novelty
of this Show
Not only in its exclusive features, Zoological Exhibitions and
norse rair Dismays, but in its
Great Trained Animal Department.
1 - .. V- - S it 111 - 1 ' ..A 1-1 IJl. V J i-J V W I 1 7 I W i :' -
Showing REMARKABLE ACTS, demonstrating the brute in
telligence of Educated Elephants, Baboons, Monkeys,
Dogs, Ponies, Goats, Pigs and Donkeys.
Sells & Downs'
Circus Day Program:
io a. m. The Grand Street Parade. A unique combination of
Glorious Street Carnival, Spectacular Street Fair, a Zoo
logical Display, Horse Fair and Glittering Pageants.
i and 7 p. m. Doors Opened to the Immense Water Proof Tents.
1:15 and 7:15 p. m Prof. Neal's Concert Band of Renowned
Soloist Musicians begin a 45-minute Grand Concert on
the Center Stage.
1 and 8 p. m. All-Feature Performance begins, comprising Mul
titudinous, overwhelming, Indescribable Gymnic, Acro
batic, Spectular, Aerial, Trained Animal Hippodromatic
Low Excursion Rates on all Rail
roads to Bloomsburg July 27.
July 27
m i i
,r i""'mi;!!'
fir ST sr
Special Prices 6
All kinds reduced
variety now for first
All other kinds reduced in same proportion.
ini AilLf lUo)
T .1 t
ncnews ine nair, makes it new again, restores the freshness. Just
what you need if your hair is faded or turning gray, for it always
restores the color. Stops falling hair, also."";T,rr?n':tLC;T,,,1iV'"
Graft in Northumberland.
A Sunbury dispatch says: "Fol
lowing clusely upon the heels of
the Schuylkill county graft reforma
tion came news tc day that a like
sensation would be sprung in
Northumberland County within the
next few months, and that officials
in high standing would be brought
into the courts on serious charges."
You'll Not be
Happy till your
Feet are Easy.
When in need of Shoes
come in and we will fit
your feet with good com
fortable shoes.
Shoes made of Good,
Honest Material by Good
Practical Shoemakers.
Corner Main and Iron Sts.,
Pleaaant to Take,
Powerful to Cure,
And Welcome
In Every Home.
Dr. Dvld Kennedy'. Ftvnrlte Remedy ! adapted
toallageaand bu'b aezei, affording permanent re
lief inallCAai'ecauat'd by liupurliy or tlio blood,
uch a Kidney, Itladdnr and l.lvtr Com
plaining curea 1 ootiatlou and Wntkuat!a
peculiar to women.
It prove iuccenaful In caeca where all oilier medl
clnea have totally failed. Moauffurer should duiinir
aa long aa thla remedy la untried. It hai an unbro.
ken record of iucceai for over SO years, and tial
won hoata of warm frienda.
Are you aiillerlng from anydlaeane traceable to
tne eauaea mentioned t If ao, lr. Kennedy baa
ataked bia peraonal and profeaaioual reputation on
tbe lUlemeut that t'vorlio tteuiedy will do yon
Hand for free trial bottle and booklet eon.
tabling valuable ineillcaladvice on the treatment of
varloua dlaeaaea. Write also for an "Eur Teat''
for finding ou tl f you have kidney dlaeaae. Addreat
V,,?v1i Knnwly'a Nona, Konriout, N. Y.
REMEMBER, the full name la Dr. David Ken
nedyja JTAyokri B HEMEDV, made at Hondout,
W. Y., and the price i ai.ooValz bottlnt W.00)et
all drugglste In tue VulUid fiUtea. Canada and
toreigu couutrlaa.
Muslin Underwear.
lor ;i short lime. Big
Gowns 3.p5.
Gowns 39 cents.
Skirts 3.95.
Skirts 84 cents.
Drawers 42 cents.
Corset Covers 42c.
Hair Renewer
Our Pianos
are the leaders. Our lines in
clude the following makes :
Henry F.,
Brewer & Pryor, &
Campiiei.l, and Radee.
IN ORGANS we handle the
Estey, Mieeer.II.Leiir & Co.,
This Store has the agency for
Ilelby, 1900, Queen, Key
stone, Majestic.
Music Rooms No. 105 West Main
S'freet, Jielow Market.
ofyeurvylu'n ynu tllillk 0fck.iuiin
hoiiH... also tf cl.-HiiiiiK up the rub
bih foul inatt.'r which imH ae
cuimihitiMl about your pruiuW to
Kuanl iitfniiiHt Hk-kiioHK, hut do you
ever jri ye the Hoeon.l thought to the
old built-in uiiHnnitaiy I'luniblnir
HxtuiVH which breed disease rii;ht
pi" own hourn. If you think
ot liintalling
IVew Fixtcueh
I nm ready to t)uote you pood iirletM
o n STA NDA Uli SA XJ f 1 ff y
MFC). l'0SEnam, l aoudli YlUiy
guaranteed. ' 0
All Jobbing of PlumbinB and Heating
Promplly Attondca to.
P. 31. UEILLY,
438 Centre St. lioll 'Phone
ft vk Auim
Beagle Studio,
Prompt attention given
Photographic Work
Crayons, Framing. Copying and Bromide
Enlargements. Hade at Snort
The BeagTe Studio