The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 01, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL 40.
NO, 22
(Farmers National Bank.
We are constantly adding new accounts and our business
is increasing at a very satisfactory rate. If you have not al
ready opened an account with us, we invite you to do so now.
In Point of Business Success and Financial
Strength this Bank Occupies Front Rank.
Archdeaconry of Williamsport
In Session two days, with
Seventeen Clergy
men Present.
Bishop Darlington Presides.
The Archdeaconry of William
sport convened in St. Faul's
church on Monday evening with
seventeen clergymen present. At
7:30 the procession formed in the
Parish House in the following or
der: The choir, the clergy in vest
ments, the Bishop. It made an im
posing line, and extended the full
length of the church. Full even
ing service was read, and Rev. Mr.
Kunkle of Milton preached the ser
mon. The regular vested choir
was assisted by Mrs. KllaFox Gil
bert of Mount Holly, N. J., Miss
Rosa Vollrath of Lancaster, Mrs.
C. S. Vanllorn of Bloomsburg, and
De Forest J. Hummer of Berwick.
The music rendered was Smart's
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis,
Potter's Gloria Patri, offertory an
them, "O God who hast prepared"
and some hymns.
At 9 o'clock Tuesday morning
there' was a celebration ot the Holy
Communion, and the sermon was
preached by Rev. W. II. Butts of
Williamsport, formerly at the hvad
of the music department at the Nor
mal School. After the service a
business meeting of the Archdeac
onry was held at the Parish House.
It was decided to hold the autumn
session in Wellsboro. A luncheon
was served by St. Margaret's Guild
in the Parish House dining room,
at one o clock. Ihe room was
beautifully decorated with flags in
honor of Memorial Day. After
dinner speeches were made by the
Bishop, Archdeacon lenkes of
Wellsboro, and Rev. Dr. Foley of
At o clock literary exercises
were held. They consisted of an
txegesis by Archdeacon lleakes, a
paper on "Character" by Rev. Mr.
Stockett ol williamsport, a paper
on Isaac Walton's Life of George
Herbert," by Rev. Mr. Brown ot
Bellefonte, and discussions. Th
meeting adjourned at five o'clock
after passing resolutions of thank
to the rector ana parish tor tueir
delightful entertainment.
At 7:30 a missionary meeting
was held in the church. After
short opening services addresses
were made by Rev. Mr. Bishop of
Rtnovo, Rev. Mr. Dewittof Muncy
and Bishop Darlington. At th
close of tins service an imormal re
ception wss held, and the congre
gation and many of the townspeo
pie had an opportunity to meet the
Bishop and Mrs. Darlington.
On Wednesday a session of the
Women's Auxiliary of the Arch
deacoury of Williamsport was held
and u luncheon was served in the
Paris'i House. During the stay of
the visitors the weather was de
lightful and the various features of
the occasion were successful in
every way.
The following clergymen were
present: Rt. Rev. Bishop Darling
ton; Archdeacon lleakes. Wells
boro; Rev. Dr. Clere, Phillipsburg;
Rev. Dr. Foley, Rev. W. II. Butts,
Rev. Mr. Stockett, Williamsport;
Archdeacon Radcliff, Selinsgrove;
Rev. Mr. Morrison, Suubury; Rev.
Mr. Dewitt, Muncy; Rev. Mr.
Brown, Ikllefoute; Rev. Mr. Ks
hoo, Jersey Shore; Rev. Mr. Skot
towe, Lawrencevil'e; Rev. Mr.
Shipley, Berwick; Rev. Mr. Bish
op, Renova; Rev. Mr. Kunkle,
Milton; Rev. D. N. Kirkby, New
ark, N. J.. Rev.v Mr. Houser,
Blossburg; Rev. Mr. Atkinson,
Bloomsburg Honors
The Soldier Dead
Memorial Day Most Precious
of National Anniversaries,
Fittingly Observed
Whole Town Paid Tribute
Why You Should do Business With
t Q$foom06urg QUftonaf Q0anft
It is a strong, careful, sifc, liberal and successful institution.
It is a growing, active, progressive and accommodating bank.
It appreciates the confidence of its patrons, and their interests are
always carefully considered. Its officers and directors are men of high
standing and integrity, chosen for their demonstrated ability in financial
We do not believe you can get better treatment than this bank will
give yon, and we therefore invite you to call upon us when in need of
Banking Privileges.
A. Z. Sciiocii, President.
Wm. II. IIidlay, Cashier.
Is Decision Was Arrived at
by the Council Friday
No Action on Sewer.
Memorial day, full of signifi
cance, ot tenuer ana sacred memor
ies, a day set aside to honor and
pray for those who saved the na
tion's life, was fittingly observed
in Bloomsbur. In the two ceme
teries ot town, as well as in those
at Light Street, Almcdia and Or
angeville, the members of the
Grand Army of the Republic, no.v
hoary headed and tremulous with
e, untuned again their tattered
flags, fired volleys and sounded
another day reveille.
Participating in these solemn
and most impressive ceremonies,
were not only the grizzled veterans
of '61, but also their youthful co-
patriots of the war with Spain, and
other recent foreign wars. The
observance of Memorial day, the
most precious of national annivers
aries, seems to be coming more
general each year. 1 he day was
originally intended for the decora
tion of the graves of those who
took part and participated in that
great struggle for freedom and na
tional liberty. Now it is more
widely observed, and few of the
little mounds beneath which lie the
mortal remains of those who have
passed from earth, were not strewn
with some token, however humble,
of some loved one.
The day was a beautiful one.
Clouds overspread the sky for a
little while in the morning, but
they rolled away before the day
was far advanced and the sun shone
brightly, though not too warm for
comfort There was a universal
compliance with the spirit of the
day on the part of our townspeople.
All the stores and business places
were closed at noon, and many of
the dwellings and buildings were
decorated with the national colors,
while the stars and strmes were
everywhere in evidence.
The parade formed on Market
Square at half past one o'clock,
and was headed by the members of
I'.r.t Post, G. A. R. Then came
the Buckhoru Band. Sons of Vet
erans, Spanish American War Vet
erans and the local hie department.
Alter passing over tne route as
given in. these columns last week,
the procession moved to Rosemont
Cemetery where prayer was offered
by Rev. W. P. Ivvehmd. W. C
Johnston K-q. , read President
Lincoln's address at Gettysburg,
and the Sons of Veterans conduct
ed memorial exercises. After the
graves had been decorated Rev.
Dr. lvveland pronounced the bene
At the Court House in the even
ing, Jas. C. Brown, delivered an
oration on "Patriotism." Geo.
W. Sterner gave a recitation "The
Countersign is Mary." Miss Mary
Correll and Miss Thursa Drake re
cited and a quartette rendered sev
eral pleasing selections. Short ad
dresses were also made by W. O.
Holmes and W. C. Johnston Iisq.
A large audience was present, and
the service was beautiful and impressive.
A. D. Shuman met with a pain
ful accident at the J. M. Heddeus
meat market yesterday morning.
He was preparing meat for bologna
when his right hand was caught in
the grinder, tearing the nails off of
the second and third fiDgers. '
a special meeting 01 tne iowu
Council held Tuesday evening, h
was decided to accept the proposi
tion made to Council at the prev
ious meeting by J. R. Fowler and
II. J. Clark, touching the matter
of paving Center Street from Main
or Second Street, to the south side
of the alley adjoining the Fowler i
and Clark properties. .
When the matter was taken up,
Mr. Magee reiterated his opposition
to the movement as expressed at
the previous meeting, on the ground
that he could see no reason for it at
this time. The street, he said, was
in good repair, and to tear it up
now, and spend the money which
could bj used to much better ad
vantage in the construction ot a
sewer, would not be acting fair
with the tax payers. And beside,
he said, he had called upon Mr.
Townsend, who informed him that
he would not agree to bear one cent
of the expense until he came into
full possession of his building, now
occupied by B. A. Gidding.
At this juncture in the proceed
ings, c. w. .Miner, nsq., appeareu
and presented a proposition from
R. howler, in which he ottered,
providing the paving be done, to
deposit a certified check covering
Mr. Townsend s snare ot the ex-
i i r f r T
pense, ana a cnecK ironi ii. j.
Clark, covering the town s snare,
at the rate of four per cent, it to be
deducted from the taxes of the
properties abutting on said Center
Mr. Giger moved that the pro
position be accepted and that the
street be paved, Mr. Deily second
ed the motion.
Mr. Magee moved, seconded by
Mr. Runyon, that only the tax
from the II . J. Clark property be
applied to the town's share of the
Both motions were put to a vote
and carried.
The sewer matter was taken up
and the following, received from
the Land Improvement Co., was
read :
"We will release and donate our
claim against the Town of Blooms
burg amounting to about 2,ooo
nnd ;ilso a corner lot on the south
side of Fifth street opposite the
Rattt Hospital valued at SS25: pro
vided the said town will agree to
accept Locust and Spruce streets,
and will also agree to construct a
sewer of sufficient depth and capac
ity so as to drain all our lots on
Fifth street at least as far as Locust
street. And if the town will also
put th-' sewer down to depth that
will sewer our lots on Sixth street
when the same shall be constructed,
we will agree to donate another lot
on the south side of Fifth street ad
joining the first mentioned lot, val
ued at $750.
Signed, Land Improvement Co.
N. U. Funk, Secretary.
This proposition precipitated a
lively discussion, after which the
matter was carried over until an
other meeting.
The tax rate was the next mat
ter taken up, and after tne proposed
improvements were talked over, it
was decided to rescind the former
action of Council in fixing the rate
at nine mills on built up, five mills
on suburbau and four on farm prop
erty, and make it the same as it
was last year, which was ten, six
I l.V I'KOOI'.
It sliif es up unit down like a window, mid
fiti in either lowrr or itpprr sash. It slides
as freely in wrt weather as in dry and is ttic
only Stilting Screen which con be locked at
ANo a full line of Screen llrors from 75
cents to i.ijo including 1 1 in e. Hook and
ye and knob.
For Sale by
J.G. Wells.
and five mills on built up, subur
ban and farm property, respectively.
It was decided to notity the 11.
& S. R. R. Co. to repair its cross
ing at Main street, within five days
or same would be done by the town
with the usual additional cost im
posed .
I he Highway Committee was in
structed to inspect the streets trav
eled by C. & M. Llectric Railway
Co. and to nuke report to council.
The secretary was instructed to
nottty the Danville ec Bloomsburg
Street Railway Co. to rtmove the
tie;-- tint are strewn along West
Filth Street.
In the discussion of the matter of
permitting hawking and peddling
on the streets, Mr. Magee said that
it was a detriment and a hurt to
the town merchants who pay their
taxes, and he thought that these
fellows who came in without any
license and gather in the trade
whic.i rightfully belongs to the lo
cal dealers, should be suppressed.
Solicitor Herring said it was a ques
tion whether the Town could stop
the practice. The Council he said
could impose a license and make
the amount as high as they pleased.
He informed council that he would
look into the matter and report at
the next meeting.
Rt. Rev. Tames II. Darlington
D. D. Bishop of the Diocese of
Hnrrisbnrtr. arrived in town last
Saturdav afternoon and became the
tni.wr of Rev. R. S. Nichols and
his mother at the Episcopal Rectory
Tn t hr i-venincr he addressed the
Girls Friendly Society in the Par
ish House. On Sunday morning
at t.o he administered the Holy
1 w 1
Communion and at 10:30 preached
in the church. At V..KO he address
ed the Sunday School, and preach
ed again at 5 o'clock. He and the
rector went to Berwick at 6:20 and
the Bishop preached in Christ
Church, returning by trolley after
ward, thus making his first day
in Sr. Paul's Parish rather a stren
nous one.
On Monday Mrs. Darlington
joined the Bishop and remained un
til Wednesday afternoon, when they
went to Williamsport.
liwhmi Darlington is a man of
fine appearance and captivated all
who met him. His sermons were
excellent, not of the dry theolog
ical sort, but full of interest ana in
struction. He is capable of moving
his hearers to tears or laughter at
his will. The Diocese of Harris
burg is very fortunate in having
secured such a man for its chief
The Bishop has purchased the J.
V. Brown property in Williamsport
and will live there in the summer
and in Harrisburg during the win
ter. A house in the latter city is
being put in proper condition tor
his occupancy.
Black always good taste,
appropriate on all occasions,
becoming to everybody.
Even if you don't dress in
black regularly, it's a relief
from the colored Suit to have
a black one. or a Black Coat
to wear with striped Trous
ers. We have Black Suits in
vSerges, Cheviots and Thibet.
Fast Colors
All of Tliem
Perfectly tailored in correct styles. Have a care in
selecting a Black Suit, for blacks are risky.
Some blacks fade and "crock."
You'll Take No Risk
If you come here, for it's always "Money back, should
anything go wrong."
But nothing will go wrong.
Corner Main and Center Sts.
Come in and see us,
we'll treat you right.
Carpets Almost Given Away.
Special June Carpet Sale.
Bring Size of room with you.
An f ha 1 Ingrains,
Uli inv 1
- MM
Dollar I Art Squares
Having bought the short lengths
and sample rolls of several Carpet
Mills, we now offer them to our eusto
mers for 75c. on the Dollar. It will
pav vou to luv for next year when you
can get such bargains as 7c. all wool
heavv weight Ingrain for f)5e., or a
1.00 Velvet for 7."c Don't miss
the sale.