The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 19, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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When you want to
The Farmers
Capital, $6o,6oo. - - Surplus $60,000.
J. L. Mover, Grant Herring, H. A. McK.ili.ip,
Dr. Wm, U. Reber, N. U. Funk, C. M.,
C. A. Ki.lim. Dr. J. J. Brown, C. W. Runvon
Snttrod at the Pout OJHe at AfuomnOurp, Pa,
mt teanaala$$ matter, WrM, 188U.
We shall present our sub
scribers with calendars for 1904
as usual, under certain con
ditions. Calendars are expens
ive. It costs money to buy them.
We give them away as an in
ducement to subscribers to pay
up arrearages. That is the only
benefit we get out of it. We
shall give them only to those
who have paid for The Colum
bian within one year. None
others need apply. We shall
have no calendars for general
distribution, but for our patrons
only. 8t
Compulsory Educational Test-
The first case brought to Schuyl
kill court seeking to enforce the
compulsory educational law, which
requires the attendance at school of
all children between tue ages of
and 16, proved a failure. Reuben
August of Pine Grove refused to
send his son, aged 14, to school,
proving him exempt by being over
it vears and able to read and
write. The county pays the costs
A theatrical troupe has been
organized in Bloomsbure. The
members, we understand are nearly
all emolovees of the Carpet Mill.
We have not been informed as to
who the star, is. They will play
onlv in near bv towns, so that 1
occasion demands it, they can walk
Loads and Loads ot
Iloaiiioinid Drops!
The Good Old Fashioned
kind I had last year.
Only 2oc. per pound in
any quantity.
Look in my big Window
W. S. Rishton,
Market souare Pharmacist.
Open u Hank Account,
f "s"c,,
Make un In vestment,
National Bank
Evans' Top Notch
for Women at $3.00.
Finest Stock Stylish Lasts.
Expert Shoeinaking.
Patent Leather or Kid.
Smart enough to win and hold the
most fastidious. Hand Turned or
PRICE S3.00.
The Progressive Shoe Store.
Legal advertisements on page 7.
Geo. A. McKelvy has introduced
electric lights in his drug store.
There is nothing perfect now
days, not even a perfect failure.
Bicycles. New ones for $25.00
and they are worth looking at, at
Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
E. F. Carpenter won the first
prize at the Wheelman's euchre
Tuesday night and F. D. Dentler,
the second.
Bear in mind the chicken and
waffle supper to be served in the
basemeut of the M. E. Church to
morrow night.
. .
A good sized delegation of our
terpsichorean devotees are planning
to attend a masquerade ball at Dan
ville next Wednesday.
Tires, inner tuner , cements, bells,
pedals, toe clips, grips, pumps, sad
dles, &c. at Mercer's Drug and
Book Store.
The friends in town of Percy
Currin of Berwick will be glad to
hear that he is recovering from his
long and serious sickness.
Martin L. Grover, of Mainville
and Miss Cora Walter, of Blooms-
burg were married by Justice of the
Peace Jacoby on Saturday.
Barton Jacoby died at his home
at Almedia Thursday morning last,
aced nineteen years. He was a
victim of Bright's disease.
If vou want wall paper or win
dow curtains go to Mercer's Drug
and Book store.
"The Minister's daughter," the
play that made such a hit at Ber
wick two weeks ago will appear in
Blootnsburg Saturday evening Nov-
Mrs. Fannie Anstock is engaged
in fashionable dressinakiug at her
home 495 West Mam btreet.
Tailor made suits are a specialty.
She has the new telephone iu her
for a well established house In a fi'w counties,
ualllng on retail merchants and annta Loca'
territory. Salary ).00 per week Willi expenses
additional, all payable la cash each week.
Money lor expenses advanced. I'OHltlon per
manent. Hitsluess guccesatul and rushing.
Standard House, 831 Dearborn St. Chicago.
11-14 16t
In one season a pair of oysters
will produce 20,000,000 young
oysters. That is almost equal to
Philadelphia s increase iu popula
tiou on election day.
K IV Beishline. of Stillwater, wil
'deliver an address at the Benton
Twp. Sunday School Institute, to
be held at Raven Creek, Saturday,
Nov. 21.
Second hand bicycles, some good
bargains at Mercer's Drug and
Book Store.
O. E. Sutton, formerly proprie
tor of the Exchange Hotel, Benton,
has taken charge of the Hotel at
Rohrsburg. Oscar knows the busi
uess and deserves success.
Base balls, base ball gloves and
mits and all ball paraphernalia rt
In the will of Susan Fairman
which was probated 011 Monday.
J. II. Fairman, a son was named
as executor, to whom the restaurant
license has been transfered.
The American Car & Foundry
Company of Berwick on Saturday
disbursed among its employees,
$75,000. It was the largest bi
monthly pay roll the company ever
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hall and
the latter's mother Mrs. Capt. Hall
bode good bye to their many friends
yesterday and left for Lo Angcle9,
California, where they will make
their future home.
Col. John G. Freeze represented
St. Paul's Church, at the fourth
annual banquet of the Church Club
of the Diocese of Central Pennsyl
vania at Updegraff Hotel, Williams
port, Tuesday evening.
. -A. 1
During November the sun. in its
rapid southward flight, reduces our
amount of daylight by an hour,
leaving us at the month's close
with a day about nine hours and
twenty-one minutes iu length.
Local veterans and veterans
idows are much interested in th
bill ' introduced in Congress last
weeic granting a pension to all pen
sioners of not less than $12 a month.
At present many receive only $6
and $S a month.
Daughters of the American Re-
volution in session at Pittsburg op
pose the trips of the Liberty Bell.
In that thev are wrone. The hell
is never in danger, an.! by giving
an Americans opportunity to see it
the best results are attained.
Calendar Pads for 1004. all sizes.
for sale at the Columbian Office.
Geo. II Kiter and wife and
William Webb were anion? the
number of Bloomsburgers who
drove to Mainville on Sunday and
enjoyed one of Landlord Boyd Yet-
ter s excellent meals.
Bloomsbureer's will have an on-
portunity of hearing Lieutenant
H. P. Hobson, of the United States
ISavy, this winter. He is one of
the numbers 011 the Students' lec
ture Course of the Normal School.
Thanksgiving turkeys will be
high and scarce, it is said, but mem
ory does not recall a time orior to
Thanksgiving when the same re
port was not circulated and the mar
ket did not suffer to any extent
from it as the holiday drew tear.
It is claimed that air slacked
lime thrown on potatoes in the
cellar will keep them from rotting.
The lime seems to absorb the mois
ture which causes the rottino-.
Care must be taken to use only
slacked lime as fresh lime will burn
December 4th is the date decided
on for the Wheelmen's big variety
show. Something unique in min
strelsy may be looked for. The
first part will be handsomely staged
with beautiful electric effects. The
seat chart will open five days in ad
A new counterfeit 2o bill is our
and the public is warned by the
following decription: It is a ohotn.
graphic reproduction, printed on
two pieces ot paper, of a note of the
nrst .National Bank of Boston, J.
fount irillman, register, and D
N. Morgan treasurer.
WANTED A home for jl bright
neaitny Doy six months of age,
either to apprentice or adopt. Ap
ply to M. B. Hock, Steward Bloom
Poor District. (Bell 'Phone.) 3t
William Beswetherick, senior
pamer of the farm of Beswetherick
& Hite. the latter beinc the m.
who is now a prisoner in the jail at
Sunbury for shooting Mrs. Krebs
at jNortnumbenand, was in Blooms
burg this week 011 business for the
E. F. Rowe, the popular barber,
now lights his tousorial parlor with
four new style electric lamps. It
is brightly illuminated and makes
a very pleasing appearance from
the street. It was well liehted be
fore with incandescent lamps, but
mis is an improvement.
The University of Chicago is
going to establish a department for
a four years' course of instructions
to young men and women in the
duties of practical servants. It
will be easy enough to establish
tne department, nut where are the
students to come from ?
To encourape vou tnmut.vnnr.Air.
friend a Christmas present of n nair nf
eye-glasses or spectae'es, I remit my fee for
fittiilL' durinp the month nflWnnl, Tl;.
has been my custom for years. Vou are in
vited to call and get prices.
Ent Building, Bloomsburg, Ia.
Geo. If. Keiter made n business, trip
10 nxes-uarre on Mond.iy.
Geo. 11. Appleman, the Kohrtlmrg wngon
dealer was in town on Tuesday,
Or. V. If. Ituckinc.ha-n of Mahaffey. Fa.,
has been in town on Iminc4 this week
Miss Carrie Smith of Cntawissa, has been
the guest of Mrs. kobt. K. Dent this ck.
Mrs. l)r. (iravdon hni returned In hn
home at Homestead, nftera visit with friends
til town.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wock of Danville
were entertained over .Sunday by Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Grn.s.
J. P. Knu.of Central, ol the promoters
of the l'entia. Copper Company, was in town
Tuesday on business.
A. S. Cole, of Jamison Citv has secured a
good position at Tunkhannock. lie left lor
that p'acc on Monday.
Kev. A. Iluuli of Ornngeville, went to
Ne York on Monday, lie will also
other intermediate cities.
Or. V. P. Kvcland went to Mt. Holly on
Monday, where lie offka'ed at the wedding
of a sister of Mr. Eveland's.
Mrs. William H. Wren and little daughter,
of Lewiitown, are at the home of Mrs.
wren'i parents. Mr. and Mrs. lohn L.
i B. K. Keller, the B. & S. station atent ot
Or.tngcville, is on a huming trio in New
ork .State. I.loyd Mcllenrv. of Denton
is Mibuituting for him.
Will Dentler left on Monday for Lot
Angeles, California. He took his tennis
racket along, and hopes for a chance to dis
tinguish himself in the land of flowers.
Wilkes-barre has a committee
busily engaged in making arrange
ments for the convention of the
State Grange, which will be held in
that city Dec. 8 to n, inclusive.
It is expected that 1,500 delegates
and other visitors will attend.
.Waller will soon have a new
resident in the person of H. H.
Sands, of Unityville. He has pur
chased the Harry H. Hirleman
dwelling house and store at the
former place and intends to move
ttiere and engage in business.
The man who will trade on the
reputation of another, and offer von
a substitute for some well-known
brand of food or medicine, is no
better than the swindler who offers
you a gold brick. Ten chances tn
one his own article is about as cheap
as ine oricK.
The home of Mrs. Turisnn Ave
of Jersevtown. had a visitation nf
death on Thursday last. The life
wnicn came to an end was that of
her aged mother, Mrs. Hugh Mc
Colluni. The deceased was seventy
five years of age. The only sur
vivors are the daughter above men
tioned and a son, Warren, living in
the west.
A newspaper has a legal right to
publish whatever an individual has
a legal right to circulate orally.
Iu other words, an individual has
no more right to make criticism
and accusations on the street than
a newspaper has in its columns.
This is something the averarre man
doesn't know; if he did he would
keep his mouth closed more than
he does.
All bicycle sundries at Mercer's
Drug and Book Store.
In an attempt to board a moving
traction car near Park street Sunday
evening Earl Uresher, of Benton,
was thrown to the ground, sustain
a fracture of his collar bone. The
accident occurred about six o'clock.
He had intended taking the car to
the D. L. & W. Depot to catch the
0:05 train tor Berwick where he
employed. He was taken to Ber
wick 011 the next car and Dr. Pfah
ler called in to attend him.
The Exchange Hotel. Benton.
beautified and improved will be
formally opened to the miblic with
a grand ball aud supper tomorrow
nignt. ihe improvements made
include all modern conveniences
and the house is now right up to
date, it nas always enjoyed a good
trade, and with its new facilities,
should be more popular than ever.
One of the prettiest views here
abouts, can be had from a point
near the summit of the recently
constructed public road, from East
Blifoinsburg to Mainville. The en
tire valley from Berwick to Rupert
spreads out before the gaze, pre
senting a scene of unrivalled grand
eur. It is not far to walk, and the
view is certainly well worth the
Jeweler Geo. W. Hess, has re
arranged his show cases, enhancing
tne appearauce ot his store. Cms.
tomers cau now inspect the stock
of silverware, clocks, etc., without
having the goods all set out on the
cases. The scheme was onlv an
experiment with Mr. Htss, to be
tried during the holiday season,
but it facilitates the handling nf
trade to such an extent that it will
be made permanent. The store l
a model one. and the stock hand
some aud complete.
9 -
Bsars th y) Hie Kind You Have Always BonjhJ
One Week Sale of
At Clark's just when you need them, or for Christmas
presents. Now is vour time to buv FURS at bio- RE
uusiness, we are aware, uut tney must be closed out. We
give you the opportunity now when you need them, to save
money on your purchases. All new fresh goods, made from
selected skins. Come and see them, note the reductions, the
high qualities and the low prices on Clark's Fu:s at this sale.
We will open a SALE OF LINENS consisting of TableS
Linens by the yard, Bleached and Half Bleached Pattern
5 Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels and Towelings by the yard. 5
Just in time for you to buy that Thanksgiving Linen, or fori
Ynil tnnttf thfl Plnrlr T.inono Vo n- m T .r.
uu luuun or tow. tome ana
! Millinery, Millinery. :
We will offer REDUCED PRICES on several lots of"
5 TRIMMED HATS, Felt Shapes. Outing Hats, Birds, Breasts
and Ostrich Feathers. Come and see them. We do Millin- 2 .
ery work of all kinds.
2 Clearing of Dress Goods. 3
Have you seen the big values in Dress Goods Clark's are2;
offering? They're closing out all their wool Dress Goods at'
5 REDUCED PRICES. A good chance for you to save money"'
on your Dress Goods Now. J
H. J.
F (i
TALK NO. 48. 5
Take a Look Anyway!
We think we have the nicest stock we have ever had.
v We like to show our goods; we are proud of them. We
know there is no more elegant, worthy, up-to-date- jew- .
elry stock any where in this vicinity, and we knowv that J
our prices are the lowest of the low. We want youi to 5
know Whether you are in a buying mood or not,-, come "
and take a look, anyway. J
O-eo- "77"- Hess, 2
Optician and Jkweler, BLOOMSBURG, PENNA J
. May Goelet was married last
week to the Duke of Roxburghe,
taking with her the small fortune
of $40,000,000. It seems to be a
mania for so many of our American
heiresses just to have a foreign
title no matter how small the posi
tion be. Don't be foolish girls.
Love in a cottage is the sweetest.
The Lord's Supper will be cele
brated in Emmanuel (Heller's) Re
formed Church, Madison township,
next Sunday morning. There will
be preparatory services on Saturday
afternoon at half r.fter two o'clock.
Members and friends are cordially
invited to be present at these ser
acter and good reputation In encu stale (onu In
tula county required) to represent, aDdadvertlHO
old established wenliby rus'ness bouse, of gol'.d
lluauuml stauiiluK. balary IJ1.00 weekly wltb
expenses additloual, all payable, In casn dlrocc
every Wednesday from bead ortlces. Horse and
carriage furnished when necessary. References.
Enclose Belt-addressed envelope. Colonial, iMi2
Dearborn SU Chicago. ll-Ultii
Apples are selling in Wayne
county for 75 ceuts per barrel, where
the latter are furnished to the farm
ers. If the fruit is keeping well,
the farmer should be able to get
much better prices a little later on,
or in retailing them from his wagon.
The raiser of apples ought not to
get less than 50 cents per bushel,
and even that leaves a small profit.
An apple orchard does not bear
well, even with the best of care, in
side of fifteen years.
It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry.
Ask to-day for Allen's Koot-E&se, a powder. It
cures Chilblains, bwoller wealing. Sore, Acb
lug, Damp feel. At, all drugglals and shoe
aiuree, -iba. 1 1-6 tit
Practical Plumber, Steam, Gas and
Hot Water Fitter.
Steam and Hot Water Heating. Lead Burn
ing. Sanitary Plumbing of all Descnp
tions. All Work Guaranteed.
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished.
out of the usual way of doing
see tne values ottered in this sale.
If you have a dark room in yonr
house, or a dark corner in your of
fice, or store, or basement, we can
show you how to make it light.
The Colvmbian Office is lighted
with three kinds of Daylight Prisms,
which can be seen at any time by
calling here. We have the agency
for these glass, and will be glad to
give you an estimate. Come and
see how they lighten up our base
ment. The Columbian.
tf Bloomsburg, Pa.
Trespass Notices
Notices warning hunters to keep
off the land are for sale at this office.
They contain the law and are printed
on cardboard. 4 for a quarter 01
10 for 50 cents. 3L
MAIN and iron streets.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Our Fall and Winter
are now in stock.
By my careful watching
the needs of the people in
the shoe line I am able to
furnish you with shoes for
style, fit and service far
above the ordinary shoe.
Come in and let us
Fit you with a pair.
Cor. Main and Iron Sts.
( i
v ,
4 f .
r. 1
Mercer's Drug and Book Store.