The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 05, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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" Open iv ;ink Account,
When you want to ,f s"e'1
Make an Investment,
The Farmers National Bank
Capital, $60,000. - Surplus $60,000.
C. M. CllEVEMNG, Prks. M. MILLKISKX. Cashier.
J. L. Mover, Grant Herring, H. A. McKillip,
Dr. Wm M. Reber, N. U. Funk, C. M. Oevf.lino,
C. A. Klmm, Dr. J. J. Brown, C. W. Runyon
KiUnrrOatthr PotO.!Hcf at BtoMnitiurg, Pa.
at (coii(t('l(Mmiilf r.ii.ij iM, IhSf.
We shall present our sub
senbers with calendars for 1904
as usual, under certain con
ditions. Calendars are expens
ive. It costs money to buy them.
We give them away as an in
ducement to subscribers to pay
up arrearages. That is the only
benefit we get out of it. We
shall give them only to those
who have paid for The Colum.
bian within one year. None
others need apply. We shall
have no calendars for general
distribution, but for our patrons
only. 8t
Mud Dog Causes Feavy Loss-
A dispatch from Wilkes-Barfe to
the Press says: Nineteen cows ot
a herd owued by Albert Lewis, a
wealthy resident of Bear Creek, ten
miles from here, were bitten by a
mad dog about ten clays ago, and it
is feared that the entire herd will
have to be destroyed.
The dog was killed by a lumber
man and the head sent to the Live
Stock Sanitary Board of Philadel
phia for examination ofitsbraiu,
which proved that it had rabies.
The herd has been placed sepa
rately in quarantine and is being
closely watched.
It is believed that a number of
other cows and dogs in that vicinity
have been bitten and the farmers
are greatly aroused.
State Veterinarian Pierson, of
Harrisburg, has notified the local
authorities to quarantine all animals
suspected ot having been bitten.
Overheard In
Town Yesterday
"Hello ! John, how is your cold
this morning ?"
"All gone, thank you."
"Why, how is that ? Yesterday
you were in bed with a cold which
threatened to develop into pneu
monia." "Oh, I bought a bottle of Rish
ton's Cold-I-CURR and I am now
entirely well."
"Don't it upset your stomach?"
"No indeed, and it is so pleasant
to take."
"How much is it?"
"Only 25 cents a bottle."
"Thank you for telling me about
it, I will go right down to Rishtou's
Drug Store and get a bottle."
Market souara Pharmacist.
Evans' Top Notch
for Women at $3-00.
Finest Stock Stylish Lasts.
Expert Slioemaking.
Patent Leather or Kid.
Sniart enough to win and hold the
most fastidious. Hand Turned or
PRICE S3.00.
The Progressive Shoe Store.
The School Board will hold its
regular monthly meeting tomorrow
John K. Fidler won a twenty-five
pound turkey that was chanced off
by Alhe Conner yesterday.
Wall paper lrom 8c. per bolt to
40c. per bolt at Mercer s Drug and
Book Store.
The Rollman Meat and Food
Chopper at your dealer's for 50c
See advertisement this issue.
Cook Book free, with recipes by
Mrs. Rorer. See advertisement
this issue.
Dent and Sharpless, the hustling
stock dealers, have issued their
November price lists. It contains
several gilt edged propositions.
One of our contemporaries notes
Marriage ties are to be" worn sho: ter
A 1 .
man ever.
Hon. Fred Ikeler has engage
tnents for thirty lectures during the
winter, under the management of a
prominent lecture bureaus.
Normal won from Hazleton at
foot ball on Saturday by a score of
17 to o. This was the visitors first
defeat this season.
Second hand bicycles, some good
bargains at Mercer's Drug and
Book Store.
Thomas Gorry has accepted the
superintendency of the carpenter
work on a big electric railway con
struction contract with M. F. D
Scanlon & Co. ot Phillipsburg.
Harry White of Almedia, has ac
cented a position as traveling sales
man for a Philadelphia Tobacco
Company. He expects to leave for
the city on Monday.
The Commonwealth Hotel. Har
risburg, has been leased to James
Russ, who will, starting on January
nrst next, conduct it as a temper
ance hotel.
Base balls, base ball gloves and
mits and all ball paraphernalia at
Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
J. K. Miller on Saturday moved
his goods from the house on West
Mam street, recently sold to Pro
thonotary Terwilliger," to the Mrs
Fettermau property, where he has
taken rooms.
A report from theCentralia hospi
tal says that all the patients are
doing very nicely and everybody is
feelincr much encouraged. There
have been no new cases of small
pox reported siuce Wednesday ol
last week.
Wanted : Good responsible
nartv to adopt or apprentice a
bright and healthy boy. Apply at
this office. 3W.
Home Made Bread.
Mrs. J. S. Woods wishes to call
to the attention of the public that
she will have fresh home made
bread for sale at her home on Sixth
and Market in the Sanitarium
buildiug Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays. 2t.
We don't respect old age when
it comes to beefsteak and chicken.
The corset trust is the latest.
Somebody will get squeezed.
All bicycle sundries at Mercer's
Drug and Book Store.
- -
"The Village Grocer" a play of
rural life, will be Saturday night's
attraction at the Opera House.
- . . . - -
Clifford I. Vcnie, who appears
here to-night in a comedy version
of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is a
talented actor, who has won much
favor by his artistic portrayal of
the character.
Kimbcr Hartman of Buckhorn,
is now a member of the Bloctns
burg Band, having joined the
organization last week. He has
been playing baritone in the Buck
horn Band for some time. He is a
good performer and will be a valu
able addition to our Band.
Inquiries among our town busi
ness men assures us that they are
most hopeful in regard for the
holiday trade and are making active
and extensive preparations for a
big trade. Several of our mer
chants are in the cities this week,
replenishing their stocks and pur
chasing a line of seasonable novel-
Bicycles. New ones for $25.00
and they are worth looking at, at
Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
Isaiah Hagenbuch established a
record with the hook and line on
Tuesday. He caught overa huud
red good sized white chubs in about
three honrs, and he don't claim to
know very much about the art
either. He did nearly as well the
day before. His success has caused
many of the followers of Isaac Wal
ton to marvel. The fish were all
caught at a point a little below
Boone's Dam.
Donald, son of Hon. and Mrs.
Grant Herring, a student a. Prince
ton University, has taken rank
among the coming athletes of that
institution. Last week he was elect
ed captain of the Freshmen foot ball
eleven, an honor which attests his
popularity with the student body.
Stature and strength are two of the
principal requisites in foot ball, and
Donald has them -bothas well as a
good knowledge of the game.
Box papers from 10c. to 50c. at
Mercer s Drug and Book Store.
L. E. Waller, attorney for the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
011 Tuesday filed exceptions to the
opinion of the Court in the Mimiu
ville bridge crossing case. The
matter will in all probability, go to
the Superior Court before it is
finally settled, which process will
delay the work for some time.
Contractor. Reimard has, however,
been permitted to finish the wing
walls of the abutment on the south
side of the bridge.
Work on the construction of the
Danville and Bloomsburg Electric
railway, it is believed will soon be
started. The Company, we under
stand has been bonded, and the
road is now an assured fact. Dan
villians have reason to feel jubilant.
The new life creating influence of a
trolley road in a town cannot be
overestimated. It brings more
people to town, stimulates trade,
and makes it seem more city like.
In fact the benefits of a tiolley road
are manifold.
'What would you think of the
merchant who offered you two but
tons in change for a silver dollar
wouldn't you kick ? It would be
about as insulting to your intelli
gence as it would were the merch
ant to try and palm off some of his
own cheap mixtures for some well
known reputable food or medicine
which has name tor purity, strength
and value. A reputation which has
stood the test of time caunot be
knocked out by such silly tricks.
The dealer soon finds that his old
customers lose faith in him and he
loses trade by such practices.
Tires, inner tuoer-, cements, bells,
pedals, toe chp, grips, pumps, sad
dles, &c. at Mercer's Drug and
Book Store.
John D. Rockefoller, rated as the
richest man in the world, if not the
richest man the world has ever
known, was initiated a few days
since as a member of the young
men's club of the Euclid Avenue
Baptist church in Cleveland. Rock
efeller took occasion to say : ' ' Forty
eight years ago I walked the streets
of this city a poor boy without a
job. I wanted work and I looked
earnestly lor it. I got a little job
and I worked bard and kept that
little job. That is the secret of all
my success. I have worked hard
all my life and I have succeeded in
keeping my job".
Blank books and all stationery at
Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
If. J. Achcnliach spent SumUy ami Mon
day in lialtiinoic.
Mr. and Mm. Jos. Helm of Danville spent
Sunday in town
H. A (iiddinj;, went to New York on Mon
day on business.
Willimn W'cntJ! of fori Cntbnn, is the
finest of relatives in town.
Hon. W illiam T. Creasy of Catnwisr,
was in town )esierlay.
J. II Wells anil W. S. Ki-hion, went to
I hil.ulelj hia on business Monday.
Mrs. Willium l.owetibcrg and liule
daughter are visiting in Milton.
l'ostmasier Kobt. S. Jlownnn. nf Berwick,
was noticed on our siieels on Monday.
Sam II. Harnian returned home on Satur
day from a Iminess trip to New York.
Guy Sleppy of Scrnnton, spent Sunday
wuh Ins parents on 'Cast Fourth Mrcet.
J. S. Campbell of Orangeville, was noticed
on our streets yesterday.
Mrs. Harry Wilson and Miss I.aui a War
ner, visited at Wilkes-Iiarre yesterday.
Trof. (). II. Yetter is attending the Ep
wort II League Convention at Nescopeck.
Dr. W. P. Eveland is attending tha
Epworlh League Convntion at Ktvo eck.
Mrs. James W. lewis of l'itmbuig, is
spending this week- wit!, her mother and
sisters on lion Street.
Miss Lillie Armstrong returned to her
home at I'liiladelphia yes'erdiy, after a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Robinson.
William II. Clark started for his home in
Florida on Monday. He will spend a few
days in Harrisburg with his sister Mrs. R. C.
Nrnl and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Barton of Hazleton,
called on relatives and friends here yesterday.
Mr. Baiton is a brother of Henry C. Barton
of Lime Kide and Miss Alice Barton of
The Buckingham property on the
corner ot East aud Third Streets
has been purchased by R.. R. John
Esq. The price was $4000.
. .
Did you ever notice it, a man
will run to cross a railroad or trolley
track in front of a train or car.
Then he will stand aud watch it
till it goes out of sight.
The woman who marries a man
just to get the best of some other
girl usually lives to regret it.
Matrimony is a little more serous
matter than tea fights and bargain
We no longer doubt the story of
Lot's wife turning to a pillar of
salt. A young lady on Saturday,
put her foot upon a dry goods box
in front of the U. S. Express office
to tie her shoe, and two young
men who were passing turned to
In Lycoming county black bears
are more numerous than they have
been for many years. The scarcity
of food has driven them out of the
timber sections aud it is now a
common thing to encounter one or
more shambling among the moun
tain highways.
"The French Spy" or "the Fall
of Algiers" was with us Saturday
night and would probably have re
mained longer had it not been for
manager Kitchen of the Berwick
Opera House, where they were
billed to appear Monday night, who
came to their rescue and helped
them out of town. -The manager
was shy $17.00. hotel bill, which
amount Mr. Kitchen advanced in
order that the company could fill
the engagement at his houf-
The Huntington Valley camp
meeting has been made the district
camp for the Danville district of the
Central Pennsylvania conference.
Huntington Valley will hereafter
take the place of Mountain Grove
camp, abandoned last year. Future
meetings will be under the immedi
ate care of the presiding elder and
have the support of the Methodist
churches throughout the district.
If you want wall paper or win
dow curtains go to Mercer's Drug
and Book store.
One of the largest meetings the
Wheelmen have ever had was held
Monday evening. The entertain
ment question was taken up and it
was unanimously decided to give a
show about. Thanksgiving. The
entertainment will be of the variety
sort aud will be a continuous per
formance. The club contains some
of the town's best talent iu the his
trionic line, and with the outside
assistance they have secured, the
forthcoming entertainment from an
artistic standpoint, should be a suc
cess. As to the finaucial outcome
there is little to be feared. The
Wheelmen are popular and all their
friends will want to see them on
this occasion. We rather expect
to see this show smash the Opera
House record. What the Club will
do with the money will be decjded
later, but the probability is that it
will be devoted to the purchase ofa
The moderate price at which I furnish lenses
bas caused some to Question the duality aud
accuracy of 1 ho goods. 1 want to say that I
supply only It .uscli & I.omb lensi g of Itrst qual
ity, and there are none bettor. 1 keep In stock
almoHt every combination ot spherical and
cylindrical lenses, lenses which you have been
told were only made to your order. I keep these
for my own patients and you can nave the bene
fit ottuo low prices at whk-h buying them In
quantities ullowsrne to sell them. Bring your
broken leus for a duplicate If your lenses were
not originally supplied by me.
11, W. W14Mn,IB, At. It..
X 111 Ul ill 1
UlouuisbuiY, Pat
IA leek of
Yes, this week you have the opportunity of selecting
from any of our Wool Dress Goods at a Dig Reduction of
Price. It's not a few lines reduced, but the Entire Wool
Dress Goods Stock. You can save big money by buying
now, and those who come first have the best selection.
Black goods and colored goods all at REDUCED
PRICES. This closing out sale of Dress Goods affords
you a grand opportunity to save money on Dress Goods
just when you need them. Come and see the offerings.
1 90c Wool Suitings, 70c.
j 1. 15 Wool Cheviots, 95c.
1 1.95 Bourettes, 1.50.
i 1.85 Suitings, 1.50.
t.oo Broadcloths, 85c.
1 80c. Shepherd Plaids, 68c.
62c. Wool Serges, 50c.
I i.i 5 Kersey, 90c.
j We issue a money order for
1 5c on every even dollar's worth
1 of goods. We redeem them
I in lots of 20 for cash.
I A few of these from last
1 season just half price now
iThe skirt and jacket are worth
I the price alone.
j All the newest, choicest
1 line of dependable furs. You
should see Clark's furs all
H. J.
S TALK NO. 48. 2
2 There is nothing so welcome and
2 appropriate as something in our line J
If you select the Gift from our
Stock, you'll be sure you have bought
something fashionable and worthy, and 5
what is more, you will have saved
No extra charge for engraving.
G-eo- "T7s7 Hess,
Optician and Jeweler,
Electioa Cost County $1677-90-
Orders to the amount of $1 677.90
were cashed by County Treasurer
Croop ou Wednesday. This repre
sented the cost to Columbia County
for holding the election on Tues
day. La Grande Elects Officers-
The stockholders of the La
Grande Gold Mining Company, at
a meeting held in office of the Com
pany elected the following direc
tors'. W. M. Perrine.J. C. Brown,
John K. Gowen, H. A. M'Killip.
F. D. Raker, K. A. Oberender, F.
H. Jenkins and C. B. Robbins.
or lmly in each county tomuiiaire business for
an bid established house or sol dnnanciai stand
Inif. A straight, bona llde weekly salary ot
I in 00 paid by check each Monday with all ex
penses direct from ueud(uurtern. Money ad
vanced for expenses. Unclose addressed enve
lope. Munugcr, aU Caxton Building, Chicago,
Illinois. 1U-1 lUu
It appears now that the big ques
tion that will come before the next
congress will be the extension of
rural mail routes. By the end of
this year 25,000 new routes will be
in operation and for their mainte
nance an increasing appropriation
amounting to 3,000,000 will be re
quired, while other costs incident
to starting them will have to be
met. It is figured that the depart
ment will be compelled to ask con
gress for an appropriation of at least
20,000,000 for this service alone.
It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry.
Ask to-day for Allen's Foot-Kae, a powder. It
Cures Chilblains, Swollen, Sweating, Sore, Ach
ing, Damp feet. At all druggists and shoe
stores, 2M. 11-6 tit.
Practical Plumber, Steam, Gas and
Hot Water Fitter.
Steam and Hot Water Heating. Lead Burn
ing. Sanitary Dumbing of all Descrip
tions. All Work Guaranteed,
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished.
Dress Goods.!
Have you seen our millin-2
cry, if not vou should Yon
will find it less than prevailing
prices. See the good values"
in trimmed hats, Felt hatj
shapes, wings, birds and Os-
trich feathers. We do all S
kinds of millinery work. Try 5
Silk 75 cents a yard, 273
inches wide, soft finish.
All the go for Waists,
Dresses, Children's wear.
Newest Patterns. Lowest"
Prices. See them.
A handsome line of these"
serviceable black skirts i.oo"
to 4.00 each. a
Complete lines for ladies'
and children all grades.
If you have a dark room in your
house, or a dark corner in your of
fice, or store, or basement, we can
show you how to make it light.
The Columbian Office is lighted
with three kinds of Daylight Prisms,
which can be seen at any time by
calling here. We have the agency
for these glass, and will be glad to
give you an estimate. Come and
see how they lighten up our base
ment. The Columbian.
tf Bloomsburg, Pa.
B sari the
The Kind You Havo Always
in slocks go to a reliable broker, S. Goldberg,
60 Broadway, New York, Mem her of Ac
New York Consolidated Stock Exchange.
Buys and sells stocks, Bonds and Grain. Cor
respondence invited. 9-10-4
W. H. flOORE,
main' and iron streets,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Our Fall and Winter
are now in stock.
By my careful watching
the needs of the people in
the shoe line I am able to
furnish you with shoes for
style, fit and service far
above the ordinary shoe.
Come in and let us
Fit you with a paip.
Cor. Main and Iron Sta.