The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 16, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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When you want to
The Farmers National Bank
Capital, $60,000,
L. Mover, Grant Herring,
Dr. Wm. M. Reper, N. U. Funk,
C. A. Kleim, Dr. J. J. Brown,
$1.00 to $3.00.
Chas. M.
THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1903.
Knterea at the Pott Often at Blomnthurg, Pa.
a teenna clan matter, March 1 , 1888 .
Columbia &K!cntour El. Ry.
tijie tarli: in i:fh;ctjine
i, 190a, and until further notice
Cnrs leave Bloom for Espy, Alniedia, I.ime
Ridge, Berwick and intermediate points as
A. M. 5:00, 5:40, 6:20, 7:00, 7:40, S:2o,
gioa, 9:40, 10:20, 11:00, 11:40.
P. M. 12:, 1:00, 1:40, 2.20, 3:00, 3:40,
4:20, 5:00, 5:40, 6:20, 7:00, 7:4"! 8:20, 9:00,
10:20 and (11:00 Saturday nights only.)
Leaving depart from Berwick one hour
from time as given above, commencing at
:oo a. m.
Leave Bloom for Cntawisfa A. M. 6:20,
7:00, 7:40, 8:20, 9:00, 9:40, 10:00, 11-40.
P. M. 12:20, 1:00 1:40, 2:20, 3:00. 3:40,
4:20, 5:00, 5:40, 6:20, 7:00, 7.40, 8:209:00
9:40, 10:20 and (11:00 Saturday nights only.
Cars returning depart from Catawissa 20
minutes Irom time as given al ove.
D. G.Hackbtt.
. Superintendent.
To those who are on the five year list.
The publishers oiFarm Journal
inform us tnat every paper contains
a label showing the time when the
five years expire for those who are
receiving that paper from The Co
lumbian as a premium.' Each per
son must keep track of the time, and
when it is up, send a postal card to
the Farm Journal telling them to
stop it, unless they want to continue
it at their own expense. We shall
give the matter no lurther atten
tion. 2t
Bell Telephone.
Have you tried the New Drinks?
Golf, and Cherry Kola.
They are delicious. With
every glass you get a check,
and the person, who on Oct
ober 1 st, returns the great
est number of checks will
be awarded a
Either Lady's or Gentle
man's size.
Both these flavors are new
and this method is taken to
properly advertise them.
Market sauara Pharmacist.
Open a Hank Account,
Have a Check Cashed,
Borrow Money or
Make an Investment,
Surplus $60,000.
M. MILLEISEN. Cashier.
H. A. McKillip,
C. . Runvon.
Your Feet
Will feel fine in
a pair of our
Spring Oxfords
Legal advertisements on page 7.
Compulsory vaccination is being
enforced 111 the Philippines.
The persistant morning fly is bet
ter than a dozen alarm clocks.
All bicycle sundries
at Mercer's
Drug and Book Store.
The Ash family will hold a re
union at Benton on August 4th.
The man who deals in coal and
ice, is going to win any way tne
game goes.
Bear in mind the O. U. A. M
picnic at Kdeewood Park, Shamo-
km, July 25th.
Blank books and all stationery at
Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
Girls do you know that flirting is
a dangerous business? It's apt to
lead to marriage.
Miss Sara Martz, of Catawissa
has accepted a clerkship in the
Leader Department Store.
No cracked collars at the
Steam Laundry. Try us.
Porto Rico is prosperous. They
sell us a million dollars worth of
tropical fruits every month.
The latest advices this morning
are that the Pope is still living
though he may die any minute.
beven years in business is our
reference. Gem Steam Laundry
Lightening killed three valuable
cows belonging to L,. ir. Kline on
his farm near Eyers Grove on Tues
Captain Hobson, hero of the
Spanish-American war will lecture
in tne Ihird street Methodist
Church, Williamsport, Oct. 26.
Box papers from 10c. to 50c.
Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
a lew years ago there were six
hundred bicycles in Bloomsburg
JNowone does not see a dozen
them in a week. What has become
oi them ?
C. L. Rupert pulled 900 bunches
01 beets lrom his patch on Monday
A fourth of them were delivered
here in town, and the balence taken
to Danville and Sunbury.
11 you want wan paper or win
dow curtains go to Mercer's Drug
ana nook store.
E. B. Tustin whose illness
iew vorK was mentioned in our
t .
jasi issue, nas since underwent an
operation for appendicitis and
now on a fair way to recovery.
l ne soldiers are now encarape
at Mt. Gretna. The Ninth Regi
ment of Wilkes-Barre went dow
in a special train over the Penn
sylvania Railroad Friday night.
The contract tor replanking the
river bridge has been awarded to
William II. Henrie. It will re
quire three weeks at least to do the
work, and it will take 65,000 feet
01 white-oak plank.
Ex-Sheriff J. B. McIIenry spent
last week at Forest Port N. Y. fish
ing for trout. His brother, Ira, cf
Benton, and Doyle Pennington of
Fairmont SnriiiKS were with him.
The Cetitralia school board has
decided to float a $4,000 bond issue
to clear off their present indebted
nesS. The bonds will be of $500
each, and will bear interest at four
per cent.
Base balls, base ball gloves and
mits and all ball paraphernalia at
Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
Carl Bernhard, who for a long
time conducted the L. Bernhard, Jr.,
jewelry store in Catawissa, is now
ngaged in business for himselt at
l'enn Argyl, near kaston, and is
getting along nicely.
. ,
We have a nice line of wall paper
nd as cheap as the cheapest, at
Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
Dr. Beadle of Fountain Springs,
will loiu Ins latmly in Jiurope in a
few weeks. He expects to visit
some of the most noted hospitals
on the other side for the purpose of
observation and stud v.
Rev. T. E. Buck of the Buck-
horn charge will occupy the Metho
dist church pulpit on Sunday in
the absence of the pastor Dr. Eve-
and who is attending the National
Convention of the Epworth League
at Detroit, Mich.
W A NT R O YOUNH MKS to prepare for Govern
Uicnt 1'OHltlnnH. Finn oncnlmrs tn all Depart
ment. Good snlarli'n. Kapld Promotions. Kx
ainlnutlons soon. I'artlculars Free.
Inter-State Cor., Inst., Cedar Itaplds, la.
-I8 mo.
Ice water thrown in the wash
basin at the Paul E. Wirt pen
offices on Monday, ran down and
damaged a lot of cigars for Alexan
der Bros. & Co. Two hundred
dollars worth of cigars were ruined
and thrown away.
Manuscript covers for typewriter
and legal papers, in five colors,
with name printed on, are for sale
at the Columbian office. 4L
Miss Eleanor Wilson arrived
home from Philadelphia on Mon
day. She has been quite ill with
appendicitis and was recently oper
ated upon. She is improving now.
She is taking a trained nurse course
111 the Hahneman Hospital, of
Cigars. The Sweet Jaras are
the finest in Bloomsburg for a 5c.
smoke, try them, at Mercer's Drug
and Book Store.
The Friendship Fire Company
base ball team defeated Berwick on
Normal Field Tuesday evening 4
to 1. The game was called at 6:30
and was over in less than an hour.
The "Friendies" played good ball,
and displayed many fine points of
the game.
Mrs. Harriet Lane Johnson, niece
of President Buchanan is dead.
She was hostess at the White
House during Prince of Wales' now
King of England visit to the Unit
ed States. King Edward honored
her as his guest at the recent cor
Tires, inner tuoet, cements, bells,
pedals, toe clips, grips, pumps, sad
dles. &c. at Mercer's Drug and
Book Store.
Geo. B. Appleman of Rohrsburg
and D. J. Tasker of town and two
Muncy experts are matched for a
quoit pitching contest. The event
will take place at jerseytown on
Thursday of next week. Mr. Apple
man received a letter from William
Opp of Muncy on Monday accept
ing the challenge.
Where is the sea lion this week ?
It is impossible to find out for a
truth whether he was seen in the
river at all or not. The story, in
all probability, was an audacious
canard emanating from some poor
copy grinder who had in vain
searched and cudgelled his brains
for the subject of an article.
We were in error last week when
we stated that the barn on the
Hulme farm below Benton had
been completely destroyed during
an electrical storm, we received
our Information from what seemed
to be a reliable source, but we have
since learned that the building wa
only slightly damaged and that $50
will cover the loss.
The festival held by the St. Col
umbas Church Saturday night was
a success. The Bloomsburg Band
rendered an excellent program, and
the service given to the patrons
was of the best. $45.00 was realiz
ed after all expenses had been paid.
The annual picnic of the Sunday
School will be held at Oak Grove,
ou Saturday next.
Ban th 1"8 Kind You HavB Always Bought
O. D.'McIIenry, of Stillwater was In town
a short time on Friday.
Geo. I'.. Klwell loft yesterday on a busi-
ties trip to I'hila'lelphia.
Mrs. C. W. Run yon is visiting her daugh
ter Mrs. Dr. Bitner at Allentown.
Miss Edna Wilson has arrived home from
an extended visit in Philadelphia.
Frank Terncy, of Scranton, is visiting hi'
mother and sister in Bloomsljiir,j.
Robert l)ent transacted busines at Scran
ton and Wilkes-Barre on Wednesday.
Mrs. C. S. Furman and daughter, Miss
Clora, have been visiting in Philadelphia the
past week.
Miss Mabel Neal and Marie Funk went
to Towanda on Saturday to visit Mrs. and
Mrs. E. W. Elwell.
Mrs. Elizabeth Pursel and daughter Miss
Georgia returned home yeiterday form a
week's sojourn at Egcles Mere
Mrs. W. K. Armstrong and Miss Martha,
are visiting Mrs. Armstrong's mother, Mrs.
Geo. Hassert on Catharine street.
Miss Bertha Erath of Wilkes-Barre is the
guest of her grandmother and aunt at the
corner of Catharine and Fourth streets.
Mr. and Mrs Ben Gidding anil little
daughter I'auline departed on Friday for Uu
lulh Minn, where they will visit tor a month
with J. M. Gidding.
Hon. M. II. Kulp of Shamokin and Hon.
S. I'. Wolvcrton of Sunbury, sailed on Tues
day for Europe. They will remain abroad
for several months.
I'rothonotary Tcrwilliirer and W. C. John
ston Esq, went to Jamison City on Tuesday
on business for a couple of days. Mr. John
ston had something in his hands that looked
like a fishing roil, but he said they were not
going to tish tor trout.
Manv a man would have a better
wife if he wasn't such a poor hus
The Old Timers of Danville de
feated the Friendship ball team at
Danville yesterday 4 to o.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
M. E; Church at Jerseytown will
hold a festival on Saturday evening
July 1 8th. Proceeds for the benefit
of the chnrch.
The Presbyterian picnic is being
held at Fairchild s Grove today.
Judging from the number going up
the attendance will be "arge.
E. J. Sietler has purchased a
splinter new merry-go-round and
has erected it on the Neal lot, near
Town Hall. It has a seating capa
city of 56, requires an eight horse
power engine to run it, and is said
to have cost $2200.
John M. Clark, S. H. Harman,
Geo. Low and Harvey Wallcott start
ed this morning with Thos. For
rest's automobile for New York
City via Philadelphia. Mr. For
rest left for New York on Monday.
He expects to return to Bloomsburg
with the automobile in September
Late reports from Rome say that
there has been no special change in
the Pope's condition during the last
twenty-four hours. In spite of his
age, ninety-three years, his organ
ism is perfect but the doctors say
his motive force is no longer suffi
cient tor the complex functions es
cential to life and the end may come
at any time.
- -
At a joint meeting of the com
missbners o Northumberland and
Columbia counties held yesterday
afternoon the contract for the mason
work at the joint county bridge
over little Roanngcreek was award
ed to Adams & Brower of Bear Gap
at $3.65 a cubic yard for the stone
work, 50 cents a cubic yard for the
excavation and 35 cents a cubic
yard for filling.
Second hand bicycles, some good
bargains at Mercer's Drue and
Book Store.
O. G. O'Brien one of Benton's
wen known and progressive voung
business men was married on Wed
nesday of last week to Miss Laura
B. Lewis of Fairmount Springs
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. O. H. Albertsou at the parson
age at Harveyville. The bride is
an estimable young lady and has
a host of friends in Bloomsburg
with whom she has frequently
Wall paper from 8c. per bolt to
40c. per bolt at Mercer s Drug and
Book Store.
The Berwick Enterprise issued
six page paper on Saturday, and
was well filled with excellent read
ing matter. The Daily Enterprise
is fast taking hold on the public
favor and Berwick ought to appreci
ate the efforts of Editor Rasely to
give that growing borough a live
daily newipaper' Every town helps
itsel f by giving to its local news
paper a generous support.
Bicycles. New ones for $25.00
and they are worth looking at, at
Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
ICut UutlfUiiir, IilooiUNburur. Pa.
I keep In stock a large assortment of first
quality lenneg, and Bpuotaclu and eye glass
frames and mount lugs. I will supply you wltu
llioao gooUH at piluua loaa tliau you will pay
any when) elite. 4.93 jy,
We start this week cleaning up the re-
I mainder of our summer stock just when you j
need the goods the most, Lots of hots
weather to come yet. So you are the one
S who gains in this reduction sale. 2
5 All our 16, 15 and I2$c
Penan gs
J 25c. Pongees I2c.
25c. Uotton toulards ) yd
25c. White Duck 15c. yd
S 50c. Silk Ginghams 25c. yd
J 35c. Mercerized Zephyrs
20c. yd.
J At I2jc, 15c. and 18c. yd.
Four special lots good for rain
2 or sun, prices 1.00, 1.50, 2.00,
See them for values.
See the Net corset at 25c
5 See the Batiste corset 50c
See the R. & G. Batiste cor-
set 1. 00.
All kinds at all prices.
At 75c., 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00,
2.50 each.
H. J.
!. I Jii iSAas'
feme i wqamm hme !
One Uncle Sam Sewing Machine.
To the person returning to us the greatest number of
certificates before August 1st, will be presented a
Fine Drop Head Sewing Machine
with all necessary attachments, guaranteed
for five years. j
One Certificate giyen with each Pair of
We carry a splendid assortment of Pins for both ladies' and
gentlem en's wear. Some of them are very inexpensive and are
very pretty. From this point they grade upward to any
amount you care to pay. In scarf pins, lace pins, baby's pins,
broaches, and all goods included in the line, we make it a point
to show the very latest styles in variety, and to afford you every
facility for satisfactory selection. Our prices you will find to
be very moderate and in no case exceeding the actual value of
the article.
O-co- "Vn7". Hess,
Optician and Jewblkr, BLOOMSBURG, FENNA.
Last year and this, many people
have complained that their caunas
were not doing a well as they had
done previously. Giant caunas that
ought to be six feet high now, are
only half that high, and are not
growing. Xhe writer has given at
tention to caunas for the past six
years, and he concludes that the
failure of his own plants is because
of planting them in the same soil
year after year. They require fibre
in the soil, and this has been ex
hausted. A liberal wetting with
liquid manure will help them. Next
fall the top soil should be taken off
and replaced with old sod and man
ure. This is the opinion of Mr.
Runyon, an expert on such matters
at Dillon's Green houses.
Prices go in your favor just
when you need them. 5
$3.25 white waists now $2.50"
$2 75 white waists now $2.25
$1.85 white waists now f 1.408
$4.25 white waists now $3,405
$4.50 white waists now $3.50
Biggest values you have had
offered you,, come and see
them at 25c. and 50c. each. 3
Lots of styles to select from. g
Either white or black feet at 5
5c. pair, all sizes. J
Just what you want. Stylish
up to date goods. The best
values shown. See them.
Note the lot at 1.00 each.
Amsterdam double fingerS
tipped white or black at 50c.
Lots of good bargains in 2
these for you. See the 30c. 2
NO. 46.
Vegetables were nvfr finpr than
they are now though it was feared
some weeks ago that they would be
scarce ana nign. Kaspbernes are
Dleutiiul. and nice ones sold nn
Tuesday at three boxes for a quar
ter. Up to that time ten cents a
box was the lowest they had been
sold. Sprintr chickens also hare
had a full and fair sized one and
selling at 60 cents a pair. Other
products are bringing the usual
price. Huckleberries are plentiful,
notwithstanding the prediction that
the crop would be a failure. About
torty wagons stand in market now
every market day. Dillons hot
house tomatoes are in great demand
at 20 cents a box, and the supply is
not sufficient.