The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 09, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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Itrpntilli'nn Jmnlnri Aarrp 4o Mnnd
hy l-'ormrr noeim Art Inn.
AI-ItAN'V, X. Y., April N.-Aftcr n
protruded rnnrVriMirc (if tliroo Ihhim
liiHt nlK'it tho ltcpuliliciin iiHMnliiM'H of
Hip w'lintc (IitIiIimI tint to recede from
their mucus nctlmi nti the innrtvtuu"
tnx Mil, which Imposes n tux (if l mill
on nil ftliixM(M (if innrtKiicM except
those exempted liy f t i 1 11 1 1.
This ncllnt) wnx ruther unexpected In
view (if tln f:ict Hint Unvcnior Udell
find nniKiiinci'il In IiIm incisure tlmt he
liolicved nil tli revenue ticcosmiry
could lie mined ly 11 wimple tn of i!
mills for rcM-onlliiK ftitiin liinrtjfiiirr.
Of till t.V('llt.V-ei"llt Itcpilllllcilll KCtlll-
torn elected twen three won present.
iMtrltiK tin iiflcrnoon (iovertior Odcll
tint.1 conferred with Seniitora Kuliies.
Oreon nml Mulliy und Assemblymen
Nixon mid Koors mul I.l(ntiiinut (iov
rrnor 1 1 IjZKitiM. The fnct thnt tho three
Reunion present nt thin conference
voled to uphold tho former cnticiis fic
tion Is slunllleniit, 11 It liouu'li no dcllnlte
inforiiiiitloii nt to what plnn iovornor
Odell iK'tiinlly favors or nxreed upon
Willi them could ho obtuliied.
Adjournment cw York l.f ltlln(nr.
AI.HANY. X. Y., April S.-lt Is
learned tlmt members of tho fltiiinn
committee believe that tin (Into of nd
Joiirnuu'iit of the legislature will not
be piii'llor than April 24. Tin; Itogprs
assembly resolution iiiiiuIiik April 17
as the (Into of adjournment Is now in
tho (liiMiieo com ni It too. Then nre many
leKislators who bellovp tlmt because of
the pending tax lculsliitlon the session
muy ho prolonged until May 1.
( mini IIIU Sinned by OrtVll.
AI.I'.AXY, X. Y., April 8. tiovpinor
Odcll signed tho canal Imiirovenient
Wll In tho presencp of the senators
from Krlo county and tho members of
tho canal committee of tho Merchants'
association of Xew York city.
Governor Call I.citlnlilt ure to Cor
rect Hrror In l'ollullon Illll.
.TKKNTON. X. J., April 8. A special
session of the legislature has boon
called by Governor Murphy for Tues
day. April 21. This was decided upon
after a conference between the govern
or mid attorney general.
The special session is called for tho
purpose of correcting n blunder that
has been discovered in tho I'lissaic pol
lution bill. One of the amendments
made to the bill in the senate does not
appear In the measure In the printed
bill thnt received the governor's ap
proval. This amendment provided thnt
no work on the trunk sewer should bo
i-niiinieneeil until Jlu eovernor and the
attorney uenernl were satisfied tlmt ! wnulil lie no diiiiirer of successful !
interference from New York state with 1
the proposed emptying of sewage into i
New York boy. I
a number of iimendmeuts were made !
to the hill in the senate, and the one
mentioned does not nppear in the ree-
ords of the house as IiiiviiiK lieen con-
curred in hv the latter body. It is not
rxnncted that the siiecial session will
take up any other subject, and the two
houses will likely be in session but
ii brief period.
Governor Murphy has signed the bill
providing for the licensing of trained
nurses. The governor explained In con
nection with tho signing of the bill
thut It does not apply to those who do
not claim to be graduate or trained
nurses and that it is only the hitter
who will bo compelled to have a cer
tificate in order to engage in nursing.
The governor vetoed the bill providing
for the retirement on half pay of vet
erans of the civil war who have served
twenty years consecutively In any pub
lic position. '
No General Strike at Home.
ROMK, April 8. A meeting of work
men, which lasted throughout the
night, decided to abandon for the pres
ent the idea of inaugurating n general
Htrlke. '
Closlnir Stock (InotatloiiB.
Money on call Bteady at 6 per cent.
Frime mercantile paper, WAiS per cent.
Sterling exchange heavy, with aotual
business In bunkers' bills at J4.SC62.Vt!
4.86875 for demaml anil at It.SSIKjtM.SIisTs
for 80 duy bills. Posted rates. 4.S4'4 and
S4-87V4H.88. Commercial bills. .S2ti)
4.8 Har silver, 4!),ic Mexican dollars,
3V4c. Governmrnt bonds steady. Kull
roud bonds stcudy. Closing prices:
Atchison 814 Ontario & West. 294
Ches. & Ohio... 44
Pacltlo Mall .... 33'
People's Gai ...100
Reading B7v4
Hock Island .... 43
St. Paul 161'4
Sugar Refinery. 119
Texas Pacltlc .. 35'n
Union Pacltlc .. 91 'A
Wiibash pref. .. 47
West. Union ... 86
Del. & Hudson.
Gen. Electric... 187
Lead 2SH
Louis. & Nash.. 117
Manhattan Con 137
Missouri Puc....in7'ii
N. Y. Central... l.H',i
Soilly Ulaud Flowers.
The Scilly islands produce yearljrj
fOO tons of flowtrs for perfume niak-j
State of Ohio, City of To- ( gg
ledo, Lucas County. j
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is the senior partner of the firm of
. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in
the City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember 1886.
A. W. Gleason,
Tseal Notary Public.
Hall's Catanh Cure is taken intern
ally and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system,
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney 8c Co , Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Proslclont Greets His Formei
Neighbors and Friends).
rtenveil Willi Trcnlnicnl of "fircnt
Fntlier," Tliey Hope He May lit
Clionrn Aim 1 11 to Ttnlo llnr
lienie ill lllxmiirek.
Ll VI MSSTON, Mont., April N.-Tho
presidential train ariivcd hero nt 0
o'clock this morning and 11 few min
utes Inter left for tho Yellowstone over
tho National Park branch road. Tele
graph wires have been strung from
Clnnnlinr to the park, and over these
wires all executive business will be
Major riteher 11 nd mi escort of Troop
C will be with the president constant
ly In order to keep him In pominnnlcn
tiotl Willi the outside world. Newspa
per correspondents will lie accorded ev
ery courtesy as long as they obey reg
ulations thut have been imposed. In
case any of them shall attempt to en
ter the park or follow the president he
will be arrested and placed in the
guardhouse, there to remain until after
' the president shall have finished his
visit and departed.
The president yesterday traveled
through familiar country and received
hearty greetings wherever ills train
stopped. At many places lie recognized
old friends, mid from his conversation
It was evident that it had been one of
the most enjoyable days of his trip. At
Fargo. Jamestown mid Itlsmarck lie
made stops of from half an hour to an
hour and discussed the conditions in
the Philippines, the tariff and the gen
oral prosperity of the country. Stops
ulso were made at Casselton, Tower,
Valley City, tin home of Governor
j White; linwson, IMcklnson and Xe
1 (lorn.
I At Bismarck 11 number of Indian
! chiefs were Introduced to the presl
dent. Some of them hud fought against I
I'uster. The president had traded with
two of these Indians eighteen or twen
ty years ngo, and he Instantly recog
nized them. The chiefs presented an
uddress and a pipe of peace to tlx
Dresldent. who had a few words of
Kreetintf and t luniks for each man.
"We have been treated well hy the
good 'great father,'" said Crass, "and
we hope he will again lie the 'great
father' when his time is over." Wa
ter, cliief of the Mundan Indians, also
iireRcnteil written nssuriiiiees of the
good will of his people. "Tell him
snid President Roosevelt through the
Interpreter, "that I urn jchid to see him
The Mundan Indians have always done
well." Then the wrinkled old ehiel'tiilns
arrnsDed tin president's hand and
' Bolemnly grunted their approval.
The most interesting ceremony of tho
day occurred at Nedora, where tin
president at one time owned a ranch
I und which was his postotllee address
sixteen years ago, when lie was sherilT
of Itilliuirs county. Nedora is a small
I place, hut tins ranchmen from the sur
i rounding country had come into town,
! and they gave the president u truly
western reception. Joe Ferris, the
president's old foreman, and his broth
I er, S. N. Ferris, met Uie president at
! Itisinurck und rode with him to No-
Aliened Doable llt-nllnit t Imrited
Heiinrdlnw Indemnity Ilnnd.
PKKINO, April 8 The American
financial agent at Shanghai recently
submitted to the Intel lmtiomil financial
commission a sliver bond for the Amer
ican indemnity to be presented to the
Chinese representatives for signature
Tho commission declined to present
the silver bond, whereupon the United
States financial agent forwarded it dl
rect to the Chinese.
Information received from other
than American sources Is to the effect
thut the United States has withdrawn
tho silver bond and Is preparing 11 sub
stitute on a gold basis which is prac
tically identical with the Japanese
bond. There Is a strong feeling among
the other legations against America
breaking the concert, particularly as
tho Chinese admit officially, as they
have always admitted privately, that
the debt Is on a gold basis. Tho Amor
lean policy is intensely unpopular with
all clashes of Americans In China
A report lias been on foot for some
time past that France is preparing to
Intervene and suppress the insurrec
tion in Kwungsl province, which bor
ders tho French colony of Tont'Uln and
where KIO.IMiO rebels are suid, to lie in
onus. Tin French minister to China,
M. Uuball, who hud been granted leave
of absence and was going to France
in April, has now received orders to
remain here, mid this step Is regarded
us u contlrmution to sonio extent of the
II und Accord Inw to Protocol.
WASHINGTON, April 8. It is stated
by Secretary Hay that the bond sub
mitted to tho commission follows strict
ly the language of the protocol nnd in
volves no change of policy on the part
of the Vashiiifon government The
United States for a long time has fa
vored an adjustment of the hideiunities
on a silver basis.
Uoukhobors Couiiuar to Their Senses.
WINNIPEG. Man., April 8. Peter
Veregin, tho loader of tho lioukhobora,
has urrlved here to purchase horses for
his countrymen In the Swan JUver col
ony. The Poukliobors, according to hia
story, are losing all their old time aver
sion to animals and machinery and are
desirous of adopting Canudlan cus
toms. Another important reform he re-
norts is thut tho Doukliobora are enter
lug for homesteads.
I'rom our Kegttlur Correspondent.
Washington, April 6, 1903
Those (k'lii'X'M'jo statc?!ii-'ii i;i
Washington ric miking carnci'ly ami
seriously of tli.' yrent Unit tilit
which they will prccipit.tti 1:1 the
next session of Congress. They say
they will lie a unit tor tariff revision
along a tariff for revenue Kni; al
though without going to extremes.
They will start the ball rolling as
soon as the joint resolution approving
the Cuban treaty is introduced in the
House. Tins l h try will seek tjameiul
with a provision lor the removal of
differential on refined sugar. It ex-
peeled that Speaker Cannon will rule
the amendment out of order but an
attempt will be made to gain assist
ance from those republicans who at
Inched such an amendment to the
Cuban reciprocity bill and repeat the
tactics adopted then, overruling the
chair. If this is not succtssful a
tariff bill will be introduced and some
of the democrats believe they will be
able to secure sufficient strength from
the republicans, whose majority in
the House will be only thirrty, to pass
it. This hope is based on the fact
that many of the western and north
western republicans made their can
vasses last fall on a promise to revise
the tariff. Such hopes are not enter
tained with enthusiasm by the older
democrats, however.
In this connection it is significant
that Secretary Root will deliver to
night in I'.oston an address before the
Home Market Club, the acme of
concentrated protectionism. In his
speech Mr. Root will say that there
must be no 'tariff tinkering betore
the election ot 1904, but will make a
quasi, equivocal promise1 of such re
vision as is "compatible with the busi
ness interests of the country", by the
fifty-ninth Congress, which being in-
terpreted means revision not objec
tionable to the trusts. W rule it is
appreciated that Mr. Root's speech
voices the sentiments of the President
it is believed that it is made in the
home of protection with a view to
sounding the depths of opposition to
any change of the tariff schedules and
that if great opposition is manifest
such revision as is attempted will be
of so mild a character as to be inap
preciable to the public. That there
will be some prevention of "tariff revi
sion by its friends" is however prob
able as there are too many republicans
in the middle and northwest demand
ing it to be entirsly ignored.
The democrats are watching with
the keenest interest the political
situations in Iowa and Ohio. Senator
Money has said, and his views meet
with general approval, that any demo
crat who carries either of these pivotal
stales will stand an excellent chance
of securing the presidential nomin
ation. Thero seems to be little pros
pect of Ohio's electing a democrat. c
governoi, although M. E. Ingall's can
didacy for the mayorahty of Cincinnati
is appreciated to be closely allied with
the gubernatorial nomination next
fall. If Mr. Ingalls could win the
governorship, he would doubtless be
the democratic national candidate.
In Iowa there is believed to be
greater possibility ol a democratic
victory. Governor Cummins has
educated a large taction of the repub
lican party to believe in tariff revision
and if President Roosevelt demon
strates to the lowans on his western
trip that there is no hope of any prac
tical revision, it is possible there would
be a considerable opportunity for a
strong democratic gubernatorial can
The President has started
on his
sixty-six day western trip, during
which he will travel nearly 15,000
miles. He will meet with many lac
The only kind of consump
tion to fear is " neqrlected
People are learning that con
sumption is a curable disease,
It is neglected consumption
that is so often incurable.
At the taintcst suspicion o
consumption pet a bottle o:
Scott's Emulsion and bcerm
regular doses.
The use of Scott's Emulsion
at once, has, in thousands o
cases, turned the balance in
favor of health.
Neglected consumption does
not exist where bcott s Emul
sion is.
Prompt use of Scott's Emul
sion checks the disease while it
can be checked.
Send for free umple.
SCOTT & 110WNE, Chcmltls,
- ' ino-415 Pearl Street,
New York.
! S, O0i ifussti
tions of his party and will have a diffi
cult task to reconcile all he meets and
avoid giving olfensrs. Many of liie
older ine.nlK'rs of h s p uly ext. rested
relief when tn.s trip of a e ir ago
came to a sml.L-n end at Ind.anapoi s
and some of Hum how regard li s long
expedition as a dangerous experiment
but if he gives senoiii olfense and robs
himself of some votes in the n itional
convention some of the members of
his paily wll sued no t.ars.
Kvidently the 1'iedcnt regirds the
ratification of the Panama canal
treaty with great confidence as he has
authorized the Isthmian Canal Com
mission to make a trip of inspection
over the route of the caticl. The
working members of tho Commission
will sail from NVw York, probably on
the 9U1, for this purpose and they will
be accompanied by Major Will:a n M.
U.ack.wini accomplished mucn in toe
work of cleaning Havana and soivmg
the samtuty proO'.euii crjufiout
ed this government when it took pos
session o! Cuba. Mijor Black, who
is a member cf the Army Engineer
Corps, has been detailed for service
with the Canal Commission and ex
pects to -make so thorough an 111
speclion of the canal zone as to be
able to lorin his plans lor improved
sanitation even before the treaty is
ratified. The first work of the United
States in connection with the canal
will be the cleaning of the cities of
Colon and Panama and other towns
along the route with the hope of ma
terially improving the sanitary and
Dr. Humphreys.
After fifty years Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics enjoy the greatest populurity
and lurgost snlo in thoir history, due to
intrinsic merit. They euro the sick.
1 Frer, Congestions, Inflammations, .ti.l
li H'oriiK. Worm Fever, Worm Colic. . .'HI
3 TerlliliiK.Oollc.CrylnR.Wakefulneu .43
4 ninrrhrn, of Children or Adults
T CoukIi, Cokl, Bronchitis 'ii
B euraluln, Toothache, Faceache 'iH
O lleadachi!. Sick Hcailaclio, Vortlgo.. .!
10 Dvupepnla.InulKCStlon.Weak Stomach. '4. 1
1 1 Siippreiurd or Painful Period
rj-U'hlti-s. Too Profuse Periods !
13 Croup, Larvnultln, Hoarwnons 43
1 I Unit Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .43
1 5 Ilheumatlsm. Rheumatic Pains 43
16 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 43
1 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold ui the Head .43
40-Whooplns-l'ough 43
47-Kldnpy Diseases 43
4H-.enrous Debility 1.00
30-l'rlnary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .43
T-Orlp. Hay Fever 43
Bold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
i- Dr. Humphreys' New Pocket Manual
of all Diseases mailed free.
Humphreys' Medlciue Co., Cor. WlUlam and
John fits.. New York.
In effect January 2iith, ij2.
A. 11.
A. V. T. M. P. M.
iti 35 10 Ce.
0 4? 10 10
0 ft" 10 l'J
7 10 10 Hi
7 IB 10 87
7 KU 10 41
7 10 48
7 8uri0 61
17 40 10 57
7 44 10 59
ti Ll
s 11
2 t
11 M
a D8
8 10
fj 4b
Vi 50
ti 53
2 58
tS 25
f .114
5 48
5 5,1
8 U5
8 91
f6 27
6 84
KhI'T -
Llmo Klde
Willow (irove
7 60 U 05
lieacb Haven 1 58111 13
nick's Perry 8 Oi 11 17
8 08
6 41
8 0 to 47
1 'i0 fi 69
BlileKHhlnuj- 8 J H l
HULlock'S. o '
Nanilcoke 8 84 11 44
8 81 f7 OH
7 14
Avondalo a 01 11 ;i
8 ii
8 47
8 ti
4 00
4 03
4 07
4 12
4 17
4 20
4 24
4 2
4 82
4 40
4 45
4 50
7 ii
T 23
7 8J
7 48
7 42
7 41
Plymouth 8 4 11 dx
piymouin juuchuu... o
KliiL'Hon 8 65 11 61
Binneu" :::::::::::::: ?;!
Forty Fort "! 5 "
Wyoming.... 0 8 OS
West PHtston W 1 I1.
7 68
7 51
7 06
8 08
8 111
8 lit
8 17
8 21
8 25
SusquehanDa Ave 9 is is m
Durveu 9 s8 '- 80
iuiju. . OJ
Hel'ovu8 - ... .
A. H. A. M. P. M. P. M.
A. M.
P. M. P. M.
Bel lev ue,
85 10 10
8 811 10 17
8 43 10 24
8 48 10 28
1 55
1 60
2 03
a 10
2 13
2 17
9 19
g 23
9 27
2 81
9 34
9 40
9 46
9 40
9 64
tli 10
6 14
6 18
6 24
6 28
8 30
6 32
8 85
8 40
8 11
6 47
6 53
8 58
7 08
7 08
Dury ea 63 10 88
8UKU,itehanuu Ao.
West Plttston
Forty Fort
Plymouth Junction
Hlck'f Ferry....... ...
Bench Haven
Brlnrcreek ,
willow drove
67 10 81
7 CO 10 41
7 03 10 41)
7 08 10 4'J
7 12 10 59
7 15 10 58
7 21 10 00
7 30 11 05
"i iis 'ii'ci
7 3D 11 18
7 45 11 19
7 f6flt 31
8 07 U 48
8 13 11 48
8 19 11 64
fS 68 U 01
18 27 fl2 OS
li 58
8 08
7 14
7 21
S 20 f7 81
8 30 7 41
8 87 7 48
n 44 7 6:1
f8 611 fH 00
8 51 f8 (18
8 68 K 02
Llmo Kldtre 8 31
12 Oil
import ..
8 87 12 22
H 44 19 15
8 47 19 25
8 54 19 32
9 00 12 44
9 21 18 67
4 C6
4 12
4 15
4 22
4 41
5 00
8 17
8 20
8 2S
8 87
8 52
9 05
. M. A. St A. M A. M.
Runsdally. ( Flagstot Jon.
Supt. oen- J as Agt.
It. & H K. K.
7. 10,
" P. P
" Main st.
8.50 9 87!
6.62 9.89
8.66 2.42
12.106. 00
6 25
11.6! 5.42
1 50
Paper Mill
..Light Ht.
11.60 5.80
11.42 6.81
11.83 6.81
11.29 5.17
9.0-1 I). MS 6.-14 B.S7
9.16'8.081. 5318.60
.. , Forks.,
8.18 6.03
9.30!8.17 8.07
6.0Hlll.l3;6.of 12.36
6.04,11.0;4 6!l2.10
6.02 11.06 4.58 12.061
5.5311.094.48 11.68
6.43i 10.61 i4.88 11.46
8.40 7.31
.Cole's Cr'k
.Jam. City
9.5818.45 7.41
10,06 8.52 7.51 9.00
10.98 8.56 8.55129.6
R.40il0.48'4.85 11.801
am am pm pm
am pin put a
lkiavi corrected to;jan. 30, 190U abi?
hygienic conditions prevailing there.
It is appreciated that this must be
done to prevent a repetition of the
fearful loss of life which atte.. led the
active woik of the Freno 1 c npany
on the canii.
The final c.xciiange of ratifications
of the Cuban treaty has been elfected
and now only the approval of Congress
rern.iir.9 to make operative the provi
sions of the treaty. In this Conner,
lion, Secretaty Hay has made pubhc
the intention of the President to call
Congress in extraordinary session,
probably on November 9. By so do
ing the President hopeJ to secure
prompt passage of a joint resolution
of approval and a promise of this ac
tion was made to the Cuban govern
ment on condition that the Cuban
Congress ratified the treaty as amend
ed by the United States Senate with
out change. Senator Lodge confi
dently predicts tne prompt passage of
the necessary legislation.
No Oduse For R.ijoicing-
According to an analysis ot the
strike commission's report made by
Attorney William VVilhelui, of Potts-
ville. the well knoA'ii advocate ot
labor's interests, tne mine workers
have little cause for rejoicing Mr.
WiPielm says that fully sixty percent.
will receive no monetary advantage
after April 1st, unless the miners woik
more than nine hours a day or coal
sells in excess of $1 to a ton. Wil-
helm says there are only two classes
tX ecn?,n-
.W.I.IMUk ........... ,- J- O
eers. Uther engineers gei
cent, increase.
five per
You may plant potatoes now, if
you want to, but the chances of
vour pcttinc an earlv crop are no
brighter than if you waited a few
ivek.s. Grass and the interest on
f. mortgage is about all that is grow
ing. Protect Your Ideas. Consultation
frci. Feo dependent, on success
Kt.. IKl.l. Ml 1.0 II. TKVSNH WO.,
8NI-1IIU St.. WastllDL'tou.U. C. 41
for well est iihllHliPd house ill a rcw counties1,
culling on retail merchants and uirents. Local
ti.ii'iiiii-v. s.ih.rv tiu-4 il vear and exnenstes.
payable $Ui 7 1 a week in cash and expenses ad
vanced. 1'osltlnn poriniinenr. HiisIiichs mucccs-
fill and llourWhlnir. Standard House. 14 Dear
born Street, Culeutfo. , I'll
Arc You I'Hinur Alleit'H Foot Ease?
Shake Into your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a
powder, it cures uorns.uunions.raiiiiiii, nuiarw
lni, Hot, swollen toet. At all DrugglstM and
Shoe stores, tau. 8-u-it,
Schedule In effect Nov. 16, 1901
1. M.I 1. X. P H P. U.
Buubury leave 8 4,1 ss 2 00 5 ft as
Klines Urove f 54 f 10H4 f f
vvolverton f 6 M f lOOli f s 10 f 5 8'
Klnns hun If 7 Ofl tH 111 f 5 44
South Danville ) 1 7 n 10171
2 211 5
imnvuiu ....
f 7 1H f 10 Sl'f 2 SVf 5 53
Hourlntf Creek,
t 7 23 f 10 t 2 HI f 8 01
7 32; 10 3.Y 2 Ml 6 0
Catawlssa Leave 7 8! 1 10 85 J 8 5 6 08
K.ihi Blooiiisburg.
7 371
10 43
Hlooinsuuig )
Espy Ferry
sionytown Furry
Neseopeck . . . .Arrive)
Berwick... J
f 7 42 f 10 4'
t 6 10
f 7 ' 0 f 111 53
7 52 10 6
.... f 6 27
8 55, A 30
8 02; 11 OS 3 051
NeseopecK Leave
Beach Haven Ferry..
5 8 02 111 05 8 05 5 6 40
f 8 i rn 14 ... ir
8 ID' 11 20 3 201 8 62
ft 2.V11 25 f 8 26,f 8 66
pond Mill....
8 31
11 S3
11 42
8 80
7 01
8 43! 11 42 8 40' 7 10
N int.lcoko
Buttouwood r
Plymouth Ferrv
Houth Mhkesbarre....
Hale Street
W tlkesbarro ....Arrive
8 H 11 541 8 40 7 W
f V 00 112 Mi f 8 53 f T 89
f 9 02 tl2 0 f 8 67 f 7 28
0 06 12 00:
9 (8 12 OH !
9 111 12 lOi
A. ll. i P. M P. M,l P. U
A. M,
A.M. P. M. P. U.
Wllkesbarro Leave
( 7 26 10 35 I 2 45 5 8 00
7 98 1 10 37 X 47 0 OK
7 8" 10 4" 2 60 05
botitli Wllkesbarre....
f 7 82 f 1042 f 8 5J f 8 07
Plyiuoiuu cerry
Kelreat -
Mocanaqua )
f 7 85 f 10 45 f 8 54 f 00
7 42i 10 50 S 01 H 17
7 61 10 68. 8 lOi 6 211
8 01 11 07 3 20 8 37
Pond Hill.
f 8 O-Vf 11 11 f 8 25 f 40
Beach Haven Ferry...
NeseopecK ArrUe
101 11 1H 8 81 4-
f 8 14 111 21 f 8 86 f 6 5.1
8 11 11 U 3 42 7 0
Nescopeck f
biouytown Ferry
Kspy Ferry
Blocmsburi? 1
East hloomsburtf" f
Catawlssa Arrive
I 8 lx'ill 26 1 8 42 i 7 00
8 80 11 86 8 52 7 09
f 8 at f 11 3M f 8 W f 7 12
8 42 f 11 46 t 4 02 I 7 20
8 47,
8 53
11 50
II 57
4 06
4 is'
7 25
7 32
H 55 11 57' 4 13 7 82
lioirlng Creek
cioiit.h Danville
Klpps Hun....
Klines drove.,
f 9 04 f 1205 1 4 19 f 7 39
f 9 10 112 11 f 4 26 f 7 411
9 11 12 15 4 81 7 61
f 9 19'f 12 20 f 4 5 f 7 6li
f 9 2Siri2J8 f 4 2fB0;l
. f I S7 f 12 30 I 4 0 t B
.Arrive !l 9 35:5 12 40 I 4 55 t 8
1. U I P. M.I P. M. P. M.
1 n.iiiv. ( Dallv. exci-Dt. Sunday. "I" Mops
nuiv on notice to conductor or Aitent, or
ht!'iuli,a1nilVfl MI.dOMSHUKU SS follows:
Kor 'ittston ana ncrunion asiouonr; i-o
111.. 2.13 lllld 0.15 O. UI. WeCK UllJB u. 111
""'V .. 1 ni.u.,l..l.l,l
For rousvnie, neaunuf nnu 1 miuuuipmt.,
a. in. and 2.43 p. m. wock uujs.
For liiuluton. 7.87 a. m, 2.48 and 6.15 p.
ivfiiilr lliiva 111 dtt a m. dullv.
For Lcwlsburu. Mlltou, Wllllamsporr,
Lock KennsR and Kanp. 11.50 a. m. week
Lock Haven only, 8 47 a. ui and 4.0H p. m.
days: ror Wllirumsport und Intermediate sla
.i..u u it a in nml 7.25 n. 111. week davs
For Hellcfonte, Tyrone, Phlllpsburg;,
i'iu,..ti,.i,i Rnd 11.50 a. m. week days.
For llarrlsburs and Intxsrmedlate stations
and 11 60 a. m., auu i.o p. u. wcim uuyBi-t.vo
1,1 Hiillv
a. iu
For Philadelphia (via HarrlsburR), Baltimore
and Washington b.ii auu 11. nu b. ui., auu
tn week rillVH- 4.06 D. UI. dally.
For Pittsburg (via llarrlsbtuir), 8.47 a.
fis n. m. week days: 4.00 D. m. dally: via Lewto
town Judctlon, 8.41 aud 11.60 a. ui. week
via Lock Haven, b.47 and 11.60 a m. week
H-niiman Parlor and Bleeping Cars run
through trains between Huubury, Wllllamaport I
and Brio, between Huubury and Philadelphia
and Washington ana DetweenuarnsDurg,
horrT anil HlM WAKt..
For further Information apply to Ticket!
Uen'l.Mauager, Oen.Paas.Agt
In effect November
Kur Nt.'w YJfi, I'nll'el IplUH. KciiiniK, rwTn-
Tlllf, T.tini((iiit, weukudja 7.87 n.iu a uif
I1 fn ...... 1 V: u t. a-f'fl n m
K r 0 i ivlllt autl Mlitui', weekunja, 7;:i;alu
a up- ... ,... . m
"Of l-V 1HS-1 Will-Mill I. Ol, II.'N
iiiU, H.WII. P.O.. , ,.,.
KOr K'lutTI WfCilHJ B l.-li, 111 on a. 11..
J.;;;l, ..')(), p. m.
lltAI.NS KCU )'.!.! 10 v .nlilKU
U'ttVu Now to.k vhi I'M u'.e.j'f.l S.i p
in., la I'm, n.ll-n 11 .
i, II r 111 lllCII'lpIl lh O'.Xl '"
Ll-HVH 1 UllTK "I. Ul'
l'"ll Ml II IV , .. III.
1 T i.lii ;i. .. ..
L.iiive Wllllnnihk tm Wi'ckhb) tli'.l)0 n., 4. '
p. 111.
l.nvp 1 lvini wiTnuiijji, ii. .,11, n.111 n.i..
18 1, 11. ii P. Ill
Li' ne U nion, WUUKHHJH, 0.11, 0.W.1, 11.1U ,
m. I.:.s, :i in p. im.
A 1 1.. 1 10 ( i r 1 k. 11.
rrnia Clii-siiiiu. si, mul S.mtliM. Ferrlrs.
".:m A. M.
N.ia A. M.
.. I A. M.
tilt. 40 P. M.
tii4.ini'. M.
!-i HO P. M,
tu5.10P. M.
T.1 A.M.
h.4' A. M.
tut. 10 P. M.
I 1.00 P. M.
tu i.40 P. M.
11.011 A. M r.:l. : f7 Sll A. M.
f i7. ll) A. V., I'.Xl! t"-''" A. M,
"'.I.HI A. M., r.X. . ir A. -1.
ii.M)A. M.. Kx. i '.! ir A. M.
t'l'.l". A. ,M , Kx.
! i Lin I . .11.
I III. 10 f
tj mi r
: (in I'.
'uJ.10 P.
f l.l'O I'
M , Kx.
l ., K
M., K.rl.
M , Kx.
tt.lHI I'
4-iiii i'
CI. Ill I'
7.:.i 1'
'5";Snti.l,i'H. ''
" Wcnk-lnvs "1
b" Mill I li SI. 4.00
N-minl.i.v. '
Mil Mimvay
in 11 Si
.Hell ll SI. I. UK "n'dOCR
nni coniii'ci, rtr KhkI
.Mi-ib fiilurdny ulKut
f :.iKi r:.viii-M li.
iicuiili'd iiin t .tiii'H u ticker omceH.
W. A. (i.Mdtlil I, UlifillN .1. VKKKH,
(ii-n'l Sui'l. Uon'l 'as. Aici
Eeagle Studio!
rromptlutlenlion given to nit
Photographic Work
Crayons, Framing. Copying and Bromide
Enlargements. Made at Short
The Beagle Studio,
vou can save money on Vianos ana g-
gnns. Vou will always find the lar ut
stock, best makes and lowest prices.
PIANOS, From $175.00 and Upward!.
ORGANS, From $50.00 and Upward
We sell on the installment plan. Tianis
$25.00 down and $10.00 per month. Ot
L'ans, io.oolown, e.ooter month. Lit
eral discount for cash, hect music, at one-
half price. Musical merchandise of an
We handle Genuine Singer High Arm
c no down and S-j.oo ncr month. We also
50 hanclle the Domore'st Sewing Mac'ilne, from
$19.50 and upwards. hewing iwncnine
Needles and Uil lor an manes ui
Machines. Best mal n of
FROM $4.00 UP TO f.00.
Music Rooms No. 115 W. Maintrsel
below Market, Iiloomsburg, Pa.
m. I 1 ABliltfni
"Masai EiAIAIlSiri
In all ltsstagos there
should be cleanliness
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanses, soothes and
heals the oisnasea
membrane. H cures
catarrh and drives
away a cold 1 n tbe
head quickly.
cream Halm Is
placed Into the nos
trils, snreads over the
membrane and Is absorbed,
Relief is ttnmedl-
ate and a cure roiiows.
it Is not drylnir does
,arve size. 60 cents ut
not produce sneezing.
Druttrls's or by mall; Trial size, 10 cents by mall
r.L.1 nitui UCilo, 00 ai icii etv,, efifti
fHend model, skutch or photo i .nviiitii'U lor
J free report on jiateiitnbllity
For free boc k, i
mow t 1
HowU.SecureTn nP IIHDIC vnttl
sand I llMUIa IVlMurw
Opposite U. S. Patent Office;
viTpminptly obtain l1. 8. and FoClr?
to r
dls-liiiskT anil lnW QMluini.
ts -
fur ( HlturMMva i ,nuL.irta
ilo 1K1 aol OolJ nitiftllie bo. wtld
i with bin ribbon, mur- oiser. ntuun
lnvruu HubtUutlon mnd lialt
tln. hujr at your Drutrgui. or cod 4o. I
inia fr rartlculMrA, TettmonluU
nd It oil of for I,iate," tn Mltw, bj r
turm Mull. 1 0.OOO TMUmootaii. boH bf
all Irut Ut. 4'klcb9tF 'htmlt ('
MwiUuo this iiftper. ftUliuu I,
dMTUfi ftiul Ivautiliei V n lux
Hair to lta Keuihhil Coirr.