The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 12, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Lawyer Pennell Killed In
stantly, Wife Badly Hurt.
latomnlille In Which Tlirr Were
ltlUliilf Suililrnly Vee-red nntl
1'lonaol Into a Stone
BUFFALO, Mnrch ll.-ClinMly n
was the death of 1. 1.. Hunllrk. n dou
bly prewHonie triiwtly orciimtl late
yesterday when Arthur U. rennell, one
jf the chief Azures In the lnvt'KtiKiitloii
f the Hunllok murder, wns liuiled
endlong Into eternity. Mr. rennell
vim out riding In his eleetiie autonio
;ie with Mrs. rennell. They were on
vensinfctnn nvenue, near l'lllmore nv
mn skimming nlonji the edp' of the
Oehres stone (iinirry, whU'h Is n Imp?
rock rlhbed hole in the p-ouml on the
right side of the nvenue pilnjr out. Mr.
Pt'linell's hat blew ofT. The nutonioMle
liwerved. and In some inexpllcnMe nuin
er It lenpd over the curl) Into the
bys below, rennell wus killed In
stantly, his heud beiiiK i-rushed to an
unrecognizable mans. Mrs. 1'ennell was
Injured so severely that the Hurp-ons
at the Sisters' hospital, to which she
was taken, said her chances of recov
ery were very slight.
Two boys saw the tragedy. They
were teo far away to know positively
Just how It happened. Mrs. rennell
when found was tumble to speak. She
was only semiconscious wfn taken to
(ho hospital nnd could speak no co
herent words. After the operations,
performed Immediately by Vr. Kurpii!
Smith In Tlie hope of saving her life,
she lapsed Into unconsciousness, nnd
hence there can be no true version of
precisely how the accident occurred.
Mr. rennell left his otllce in the Aus
tin building at 1:0." o'clock. He went to
his home at '-'US Cleveland avenue. A
friend who called up Mr. IVnneM on the
telephone atmut ."o'clock was informed
that Mr. rennell wks In, but that he
v:,s just fretUR out for a drive. He In
formed Uio friend that he would be
back between 0:30 nnd 7 o'clock nnd
made au iippoiii incut with him for
that hour.
It was learned afterward that the
matter mentioned in the telephone talk
was something he considered most seri
ous and which weighed heavily upon
him. It wbi In connection will) the
l;urdiek ease.
To a reporter some days ago he said:
"A'.mut tils case of Iiurdick. I have
told the aetkorltlos I went nwny to
New York before the murder and that
I met Mrs. ltunllck while I was away.
In fact, I ww Mrs. Iiurdick near New
York two or three d:iys before the miir
r of Mr. Iturdick. I came home again
Wednesday, the day before the mur
der. I have told it frankly, and the
meeting was a proper one. Itut they
seem determined to drag all this busi
ness out in the papers. 1 would do any
thing to stop It."
C.ene-ml Franklin llcnd.
IIAHTFOltK, Conn., March ft.
Major General William I'.uel Franklin
is dead at his home in this cii.v, ngeil
eighty years. Ho had been in failing
health for several years anil had failed
perceptibly since the death of his wife
three years ago. lie was born In
Franklin, I'm. General Franklin win
graduated from West l'oint in ISi'i
and was n classmate of General V. S.
Grant. He served In the Mexican and
civil wart.
Four May Hie.
MONTREAL. March . It is feared
four of Mie persona crushed In the col
lapse of the Allan line shed will die.
It Is estimated that fully BOO persons
were ou tey of the long low building
watching the steamer Montreal burn
at midnight, when the structure col
lapsed. Oaly one was killed. Fifty
even perus were treated at the hos
pitals, and a large number were treat
ed by their own physicians.
Kiil Rebellion Spreading.
LONDON, March lO.-The Daily Mail
orrespondeut at Shanghai telegraphs
that the rebellion In the Kwaugsl prov
ince is spreading seriously. Several
villages have been captured, and au
thority of the government In that prov
ince Is practically at au end. The popu
lar hatred for the Christians, adds the
correspondent. Is displayed in the Shan
tung province by the destruction of the
I 111 8nillou Drutlt.
NEW YOUK, March ll.-The 700 or
more passengers und ull the crew of
the steamer Knramanhi, which report
ed six strange and sudden lieaths on
her trip from Marseilles ou her arrival
hero, were aent to Hoffman's island for
detention and examination on the as
sumption by Ilealth Officer Doty that
the deaths might huvo been caused by
Asiatic cholera.
Six Perish la Hotel Fire.
CUMBERLAND, Md., March . Klx
persons were burned to death and ono
was fntally Injured ns the result of a
fire la a small hotel at Letter, a mining
town near alikins, W. Vn. Several per
sons escaped whh minor injuries by
Jumping fsoiu a second story window.
Inventor of Paper Car Wheel Ueud.
MOP.IU3TOWN, N. J., March C.-Jo-sla'n
Mulr, the Inventor of the pnper
car wheela now in use on railroads, Is
dead knre at the age of ninety-one
yeurs. lie was formerly a large manu
facturer paper and pasteboard.
Hewarda Ker llordlck'a Slayer, '
IiUFITALO, March 10.Two rewards
amounting to $10,000 for the npprehen-1
slou of the murderer of Edwin L. Bur
dick have been determined on, $3,000
by tho board of county supervisors and
like sura by the city council.
MliKlxklpiil II Ivor ltl.-a thoif the
Dnnitrr l ine.
MKMPIIIS. Tenn., March ll.-The
river is above thirty live feet on the
Ullage and rising. The current N swift
er ami more driftwood Is running than
nt nny previous time during the pres
ent rise. These signs are taken ns In
dicating fiat there will be n rapid In
crease in the speed of the rise.
At Natchez every precaution that can
be devised Is being adopted to prevent
nny attempt at cutting the levee and
n constant watch Is maintained by
nrmod men. Heavy rnlns yesterday
added to the gravity of the situation.
The river rose three-tenths of n foot
nnd Is now 2.5 feet above the danger
line, which facts hnve Intensified the
feeling of apprehension. The steamer
Itetsey Ann brought In 1X50 people from
the flooded district betweeu here and
Ttnyoti Sarn. The stenmers St. Joseph
mid Senator Cordlll also nre doing con
fldernble relief work between Nntchel
u i id Ylcksburg.
A dispatch from Jackson snys thnt
swing to the apprehension felt through
out the Delta country on account of the
high water In the Mississippi river Gov
ernor l.nnglno has ordered Warden
Henry of the board of control to go at
once to Chirksdnle, where the levee
board Is In session. Available forces
of state convicts hnve been rushed to
the water front to strengthen the weak
portions of tlM levees.
tarry Init Slatjr npalxril
Aiiiiry Flood.
GI.KNS FALLS, X. Y., March !).
it two bodies of the victims of the
Sprs Falls tragedy of Saturday hnve
been recovered, those of Fred Ferron
and I'asciuale Caferelll. A gang of
trained river men are searching the
river below the dam and are breaking
up lee and log jams. This work will
he kept up us long as there Is nny hope.
Two of the sixteen men not account
ed for have turned up. and the latest
Information given out by the officials
of the company fixes t lie number of
dead and missing at seventeen.
The accident was caused by the cap
sizing of n ferryboat which Is oper
ated by a stout cable extending from
shore to shore. A crowd composed of
fellow workmen of the victims wit
nessed the disaster.
It is understood that there were more
tlnin sixty men in the boat.
Properly Ynliipil nt De
Klrnyeil nt Portland, Ore.
roKTLAN'l). Ore., March 11. Fire
broke out shortly before noon on Yii-to-lia
dock, on the east side of the Willa
mette river and north of the railroad
bridge, and burned fiercely for two
hours, destroying property of nu esti
mated value of illMMOM.
The fire spread to the Irving dock ad
joining, and the two docks, together j
about ".."(),( it k bushels of wheat,
destroyed. Several other build
nnd about twenty freight cars
destroyed. The lire department
! was h'inilicapped badly on account of
being able to put water only on one
; side of the burning dock. The two
do.ks are about MX) feet long by 1!00
feel deep.
, It is rumored that the fire was start
ed by u cigarette thrown on the floor.
Ilrjnn nt Micliiifuu Stale Convention
liKTKOIT, Mich., March 11. With
out the presence of William J. liryau.
who made an address nt the morning
session, yesterday's Democratic state
j judicial convention nt the Light Guard
armory in this city would have been
featureless. Judge George L. Yuple of
Mendon, who is the nominee for su
! preme Judge for n term of ten yeurs to
succeed Judge Frank A. Hooker, was
nominated without nny other name be
ing presented to the convention. For
regent of the state university Welllng
1 ton H. Hurt of Saginaw was left In uu-
disputed possession of the field before
the tlrst ballot was completed.
Shipbuilder Quit Work.
NEW YORK, March 11. Nearly
2,000 boiler makers and Iron ship
builders have gone on strike in Hroob
lyn in sympathy with the striking em
ployees of the Townsend & Downey
yard at Shooters Island. At the Morse
yards nlone 700 men went out. The
only plant not seriously affected was
that of the Ilobins company, where
nearly all the mechanics are Knights
of Labor nnd where only a few men
j quit work. At the W. & A. Fletcher
i company's works In Hobokeu about
! 150 boiler makers went on strike.
The Connecticut's Keel Laid.
NEW YOUK, March ll.-The first
keel plate of the battleship Connecticut,
the first large buttlcshlp to be con
structed In a government navy yard
nnd the largest war vessel ever laid
down for the T'nlted States, was laid
yesterday In the navy yard In Brook
lyn. There were no ceremonies In con
nection with the laying of the plate,
and the only persons present were Con
structor Cupps nnd u few other oillcers
directly engaged In the work on the
Ticket Scalpers Enjoined.
ST. LOUIS, March 10. In the circuit
court Judge Wood has made perma
nent the temporary Injunction granted
last October against IJepnett Washer
men ct ul., ticket scalpers, restraining
them from buying and selling world's
fuir excursion tickets. The temporary
injunction was granted at the instance
of all tho railroads entering St. Louis
and was argued recently.
Americans Get Scandinavian Mlnea.
OSTEKSUND, Sweden, March ll.
The Sluugell copper fields, which ex
tend on either side of tho loundary be
tween Norway and Sweden, have beeu
old to au American, comuaoy for $1,
000,000. .. ,,, anm.h
Notable F.venta of the Week
Prion y
The pope has received the Duke of
Norfolk nnd n delegation of British
The fortieth anniversary of King Ed
ward's marriage was celebrated In
Great Britain.
Baron Nathaniel de Ilothschlld. head
nf the famous house, was reported
critically 111 nt Naples.
One killed and three hurt was the re
sult of a fight In a church at Mount
I'leasatit, (So., over the pastor.
Bacteria placed In the drainage canal
near Chicago wns taken n few days
later from St. Louis drinking wnter.
The stockholders of the rennsylvanlu
Itailroad eompnny have voted to In
rrease its capital stock to $1BO,000,000.
Negotiations for a settlement of the ,
Canadian I'liclflc strike have been bro
ken off, nnd a stubborn contest Is ex
pected. Andrew C. Wheeler, better known
ns Nym Crinkle, n well known newspa
per writer, died nt his home nt Mou
sey, N. Y.
Captain Coffin and eighteen men of
the new Zelgler polar expedition have
sailed for Norway on the Kaiser WI1
helm der Grosse.
TucHduy, March 10.
The failure wns announced of Wil
liam Young & Co., Chicago brokers.
The British navy estimates provide
for nn expenditure of nearly $180,000,
000. 1'resldent Francis of the St. Louis ex
position wns received by Emperor Wil
liam. llerr Bebel, Socialist leader in the
relchstag, denounced the abuse of Ger
man soldiers.
Turkey finally decided to recognize
examinations of the American Medical
college nt Beirut.
C. K. Devlin, Nationalist, wns elected
without opposition to represent Gal
way In parliament.
Governor Odell signed Assemblyman
Batten's bill incorporating Tonawan
da, X. Y., ns a city.
James T. Gardiner, assistant city ed
itor of the Cincinnati Enquirer, died
suddenly of heart disease.
The postotlice at Elizabeth. Tenn.,
was entered by burglars, and about
In cash and ?"uo In stamps were
Secretary Wilson has promulgated
nu order putting a quarantine on the
state of New Hampshire on account of
foot and mouth diseuse.
Vesuvius has again become active.
The volcano is throwing up ashes and
explosive incandescent globes, present
ing nu imposing spectacle.
Alarming reports about the pope's
health were again circulated in Koine,
but have been disproved by the fact
that the pout i IT gave an audience.
Great damage by Hoods was reported
from central Nebraska. Many railroad
bridges have been washed away. The
Union Facillc is tied up temporarily.
The steamer Ulunda, Liverpool for
St. John's, was reported badly dam
aged In a storm. Her carpenter was
killed and two others severely injured.
It was announced from l'resident
Schurman's cilice that Cornell univer
sity would at once establish a chemical
filtration plant for the wnter supply
which is used on the Cornell campus.
The secretary of the treasury has re
ceived from an unknown person a
unique conscience contribution in the
shape of n watch with a gold filled
case. The watch came In u package
postmarked rittsfield, Mass.
Monday, March O.
The Island of Dominica, British West
Indies, experienced o severe and pro
longed shock of earthqunke.
The dry goods store of Crosby & Ern
est In Kingston, N. Y was destroyed
by fire; loss about $25,000.
The German crown prince, Frederick
William, und his brother, Frince Eitel,
arrived at Cairo to remain three days.
lopo Iioo received 3,000 pilgrims
from Berlin, Vienna and Belgium and
bestowed hta blessing on them. No
speeches were made.
Mrs. Myrsalla Keith has just cele
brated her one hundred and sixteenth
birthday with religious services ut her
home in Montgomery, AIu.
Fire in Wllllamsport, Pa., gutted the
old Ulmans Opera House building,
burning out nearby occupants. The to
tal loss is estimated ut $75,000.
The Uev. It. J. Campbell has an
nounced his acceptance of tho pastor
ate of the City temple, London, lu suc
cession to the late Dr. Joseph Parker.
At Lacrosse, Wis., fire destroyed the
plant of the Lacrosse Engraving com
pany and the clothing store of Stavrun
Jk Hulberg; loss, $50,000; Insurance,
At Budapest street demonstrations
by 10,000 socialists to protest against
the government's military bills took
plueo nnd led to collisions with tho po
lice and breaking of windows. Many
arrests were mude.
George L. O. Terry, the negro lad In
dicted for tho murder of Agnes Mc
Phee at Somerville and Clara Morton
ut Wavcrly, commonly referred to as
the "Jack the Slugger" cases, died at
the Cambridge (Muss.) Jail of nervous
Saturday, March T.
Earth shocks were felt In Saxony.
Over 2.000 emigrants left Liverpool
for Canada.
A murderer was hanged In the same
courtroom ut Duluth In which ho was
Mr. W. Bourke Coekran was reported
111 ut Assouan, Egypt, with bronchial
Tho Canadian government Introduced
n bill Increasing the poll tux on Chinese
from $100 to $500.
James J. Corhett and Billy Deluney,
the latter representing James J. Jef
fries, met In Baltimore and signed arti
cles for a fight for the heavyweight
championship of the world, the contest
to take place In California In July or
August, liNKl, under the auspices of the
nthletlc club offering the largest purse.
A bill was Introduci-d in the New
York legislature to abolish the state
department of public Instruction and
Vest its duties hi the board of regents.
Dr. Norman Getmnii, president of the
Oncnntu, Cnoperstown nnd Iilehlield
Springs railway, died in Klchtlelil
Springs, N. Y.. nged seventy-two years.
Fire at Fair Haven, Wash., destroyed
the plant of the Bcllingham 1. umber
and Shingle company nnd scorched the
Northern Pnclllc depot nnd several cars
standing on the tracks.
Cornell university students living In
or near New York hnve been Invited to
attend Columbia university during
their enforced absence from Ithaca.
About twenty-five have already ac
cepted. Friday, March O.
The Canadian l'acillc strike at Van
couver, B. C, Is reported more serious.
Leading Baptist church members lu
Atlanta, Gu., came to blows In a church
Emperor William has sent copies of
his letter on the origin of the Bible to
chaplains In the navy.
Seven fishermen caught In the break
up of the Ice In Green bay, Mich.,
were given up ns lost.
Turkey has ordered reservists to join
their regiments and is negotiating lu
Germany for smokeless powder.
Trustees of Barnard college, the wo
men's department of Columbia univer
sity, announced a gift of $,ooo.
The British admiralty has decided to
establish a new naval station at St.
Margaret's Hope, on the Firth of Forth.
John Week, a young American who
was recently appointed to the Navul
nendemy from Wisconsin, was mur
dered in Mexico.
Elder Uriah Smith, for fifty-five
years continuously the editor of the
Adveiitist lieview and Herald, died at
Battle Creek. Mich.
A movement was lie'.'iiii to remove
to the United States and Canada luein-
bers of French religious orders under I
the ban of the new law. j
Bob Flt'.'.simmons received and nc- j
cepted "Philadelphia Jack" O'Brien's 1
challenge to tight for the middle
weight championship of the world.
James Stettauer, a prominent club
man and financier of Chicago, died In
Denver of blood poisoning, resulting
from a scratch Inflicted while shaving.
There was a marked decrease lu the
number of new typhoid fever cases in
Ithaca. X. Y., and the general situa
tion was reported very much im
proved. A general strike against the Ameri
can Bridge company was called by
the executive board of the Internation
al Association of Bridge and Structur
al Ironworkers. This general order in
volves thousands of men in all sec
tions. The mystery surrounding tliestrance
disappearance four years ago of Jo
seph Trimborne. a wealthy brewer of
Montana, who, it was thought, met
with foul play, has been cleared up
by the discovery that he is alive in
Tasmania, Australia.
In obedience to the president's call
the senate of the Fifty-eighth congress
convened in extraordinary session at
12 o'clock noon. An immense crowd
witnessed the interesting ceremony.
The oath was administered to ten
new senators, nlthough one, Mr. Gor
man, had previously served eighteen
years in the senate. The new senators
sworn in are: Fulton (Ore.), Gorman
I (Md.), Ileyburn (Ida.). Hopkins (III.),
1 LnUmer (S. C), Long (Kan.), MeCreary
(Ky.), Xewlands (Nev.), Overmitn
(N. C.) and Smoot (Utah.).
Thursday, March ft.
The worst blizzard of the winter
raged in Montana.
I Farmers received 10 cents a pound
for cotton nt Montgomery, Ala.
Dr. Bafael Zaldlvar, former presl-
dent of Salvador, died at Purls.
Rebellion In China reported growing.
Imperial troops huvo been defeated lu
I Herbert Prim, paying teller of the
National Exchange bank, Lockport,
N. Y, committed suicide.
Miss Alice Boosevelt and Miss Boot,
; who have beeu visiting in New Orleans
during the past two weeks, left for
1 Washington.
j Western Pacific Kallwoy company
wns Incorporated at San Francisco
with $50,000,000 capital to build a roud
from thut city to Salt Lake City.
Thousands of unlmuls were reported
. to have perished on the western plains
during the recent severe weather, tho
snow being so deep that the gruss is
beyond the reach of the animals.
Colonel Michuel C. Murphy, long a
i prominent Tummuny politician, former
police commissioner, former president
of the board of heulth nnd civil war
veteran, died in New York of heart
' diseuse.
It was reported from Chicago that
i the beef trust had decided to stand by
its demurrer to the allegations made
; against it by the federal government
when the cases against the combined
puckers were begun several months
ago und will appeal from the decision
overruling It.
j The Fifty-seventh congress of the
United States enmo to an end at noon.
i A remarkable demonstration In honor
of the retiring speaker, David B. Hen
derson, marked the adjournment of the
house. Mr. Henderson showed evi
dence of great emotion us he rose to ro
ply to resolutions of thanks which the
house had adopted. The closing scenes
in tho senate were comparatively tame,
all important business having been
cleared awny before tho flnol session
' began. The appropriations made during
! the session of congress JtiBt closed ag-
! gregated $758,484,018 ns ngnlnst $800,
621,400 for the lust session. The total
I for tho entire congress thus footed up
I $1,554,108,514.
Tlio Kind You Have Always nought, and which lias been,
in use for over 30 years, has horno tho flnatnro of
- and lias been made, imtler his pcr
s ftJflj sonal nupervlslon slnco its infancy.
IMW Allow no ono to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-pood" nro but;
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience ngalust Experiment.
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Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep.
Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For
twc ecnTun company, tt
Ifi ilnBlff"sr hftSslfl
Cigars, Tobacco Candies, Fruits and Kut:
Henry Maillard'e Fine Candies. Freeh Every "Wceh.
Goods Specialtt,
F. F. Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobac ;o
Sole Bttcntntnrl.Uo following brands of C'lirarf
rlcr.ry Clay, Lcndres, N&, Indian Princess, Seeiece, Silver L
Bloomsburg Pa.
i 1 a t , m a t t h w g ,
2 Poois abce Oourt House.
A large lot of Window Curtains in stock.
mm uis
Made a
Well Man
(1.of Me.
ns "v
Tntvi mil?
prodacri th aboTe retnlti In 80 days. It Sett
rowarf ullr ard quickly. Cure when all otb.n fall,
ouug men will regain their lost manhood, and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by nelng
REVIVO. It quickly and surely rutoraa Nenout
Deal, Lot Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emtailoni.
Lost Power, Falling Memory, Wasting Dluasea.aud
111 effect ot leU-abuss or excess and Indlacretlon,
which unfits one (or etucly, buslneu or marriage. It
hot only cures by itarting at the seat ot dlaeaae, but
Uagreat nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring.
Ins back tba pink ailow to ralo checks and r
I it 01 lug the fire of youth. It wards off Insanity
ana consumption, insist on naving nttiiuim
Dthsr. It can be carried In vest pocket. By mall,
1.00 per package, or alx lor5.00, with post
live written guarantee to cure or relOM
the money. Buolc and advise f res. Audress
FOR SAUK by V. S. KlallTUN.
For the Satisfactory
Kind in Up-to-date
Styles, go to
Capwell's Studio,
(Over Ilurtman's Store)
hloomshurc, pa;
"If Mawes) HtreiiKtli.
In these dnys whn Mio children taV violent
PxeivlHH und purenta am mine aetlve than ever,
people look Dioie to the fond tlitiv eau Ky
nclenitfln prooeHS the new oereil "II" cnnlHln
Ing nil the nourishment ol pure aderted pniW
linn hoen ao prepared as to luake a pur fro I find,
cooked and leiuy to eat. "It" makes Htivne'h
Rtid prepares the body and brain for unllva
duilea. Everybody likes II". Try It'1. At
Uiocers everywhere. 'i-M -y
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
murhav tacct. mcw voun crrv.
The Markets.
corucctkd weekly. retail ruici.
Kutter, per pound $ 26
'-KB! Per dozen. g
I.ard, per pound 15
Mam, per pound 15 to 16
Heef (quarter), per pound 6 to 8
Wheat, per bushel 1 00
Oats, do 40
Rye, do 60
Flour per !!1 , 4.00(04 40
Hay, per ton 1$ 00
Potatoes, (new), per bushel 80
Turnips, do 40
Tallow, per pound 06
Shoulder, do 13
linton, do 16
Vinegar, per qt oj
Dried apples, per pound 05
Cow hides, , do ' 3J
Steer do do 05
Calf skin 80
Sheep pelts 75
Shelled corn, per bushel 80
Corn meal, cwt 3 00
Urnn, cwt 1 ao
(hop, cwt , 1 50
Middlings, cwt 1 40
Chickens, per pound, new 3
do do old 13
Tt.leyi do 18
(Jeese, do t 14
Duclts, do 11
Number 6, delivered
do 4 nnd 5 delivered
do 6, nt yard
du 4 n'l 5i t yard
1 Mirrors, brush and comb sets,
j collar and cuff boxes, necktie boxes,
: handkerchief boxes, jewelry cases.
iii.inn.uii; wis, smuKcr s sets Alia an
kinds of sets at Mercer's Drug aud
Look Store.
Give us a call and
that we are the best.
be convinced
Gem Stearn
The Oiiv I'nckajte Dve
in red printed wranners. colors rnimn
or silk in tame bath. Sample loc.'uny color.
New peerless, Elmira, N V, 4t