The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 05, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Wc have the most complete lines of all
stvlca in hoes.
Our Stock Combines Style, Com
fort and Service,
and from it YOU CAN SATISFY any taste and
suit any Purse.
fiCSrWe have them in all Leathers.
Chas. M.
The Farmers National Bank
CAHTAL, $60,000. - - SURPLUS $Go,O0O
A strong, progressive bank wields a powerful influence in
the business affairs of a community, and it should be gratifying
to know that the aims and efforts of this bank are to promote the
welfare of its customers as thev would their own.
' You are cordially welcome to call upon and consult us at
all times, before making your investments.
rvnnsito nwivRil trnm Si
courtesy shown to all.
C. A. Ki.tni,
J. L. Movgk,
V.i. M. Rkhkr,
H. A.,
N. U. Funk.
Grant IIerrinc,
K,ttri 1atllif l'n.l Offre ut Pluomsliiir'J, ln.
nMond vIum miilter, Mai i ll 1 . IMS .
Columbia & Contour El. Ry.
tiaii TAin.i: in r.H i i TjvHi:
I, 1902, uirt until fui tiivr notice
Car leave Bloom for Lspy, Almcdia, Lime
Ridr, Berwick ami inter meJi:ilc points a
A. M. 5:00, 5:40, C::, 7:00, 7:40, S:2o,
9:00, 9:40, 10:20, 11:00, 11:40.
P. M. I2:o, 1:00, l:4"i 2-2t 3;i 3:4i
4:J0, 5:00, 5:40, 6:23, 7:00, 7:4". 9:00,
lo:an anil (11 :jo Saturday nights only.)
Leaving depart from Uerwick one hour
from time as jjiven above, toimnendng at
$:oo a. m.
Leave Bloom for Catawissa A. M. 6:20,
7:00, 7:40, 8:20, 9:03, 9:40, 10:00, 11:40.
P. M. 12:20, 1:00 1:40, 2:20, y.oo, 3:40,
4:20, 5:00, 5:40, 6:2o, 7:00, 7.40, 8:209:00
9-40, 10:20 and (1 1 :oo Saturday nights only.
Cars returning depart from Catawissa 20
minutes from time as given above.
D. O. Hackett,
Variations in Valuntines-
Mv oeti is ooor rav ink is pale
My love to you shall never fail. !
My ink is pale my pen is poor
My love to you is ever sure.
My pen is poor my ink is blue
My love to you is pure and true.
To you shall ever be my love
You are my little Turtle-dove.
My ink is pale mv pen is poor
My love to you shall still endure.
To you my love is ever sure
Tho ink be pale and pen be poor.
(Bell Telephone.
iiT- -r , 11, .
J ''a
On cold days it Is not necessary to
bundle up", with beavy, cumbersome
clothing, if you wear perfect-fitting,
Frost King
or Frost Queen
Chamois Vest
. . These garments Insure a maximum of
protection with it minimum of weight.
X' Price, Ij.oo
l Joa 811 bz
' Market sauare' Pharmacist,
Note In case you don't
wear a chamois vest and catch
cold, don't forget our
It never fails to cure a cold in
a day or two.
yUA 'the" :Woi ;u
oo un to anv amount; the same
M. MILLE1SEX. Casiiikk.
J. J. Brown,
C. M. CEVF.L'Ntj,
Legal advertisements on page 7.
Clean, wholesome sentiment in
die Night
Before Christinas It:
William Monis h;s accepted a
position ns solicitor with the Morn 1 1 ess.
Give us a call aud
that we are the best.
be convinced
Gem Stea::
Gehrad Snyder is negotiating for
the purchase of the Broadway
House, Milton.
Lamps! Large and small, a very
large line at Mercer's Drug an
Book Store.
The Bloomsburg Wheelmen will
nruduce a drama shortly, for the
benefit of a piano fund.
You can ret your supper at tb
Parish House this evening for 15c
The menu is a good one.
Rev. A. L. Miller of Catawissa
(occupied the pulpit of the Metho
dest Church Sunday morning.
A. N. Yost has filed nominations
for school director. His name will
arpear as ihe People's candidate.
Louis Gross is confined to the
house with rheumatism. He has
not been out for more than a week.
M. I. Hennessy, formerly of
Bloomsburg, is seriously ill with
typhoid fever, in the Chester, Pa.
Society people are putting in full
time now, aud social gatherings of
various kinds are of almost daily
We are indebted to Rohr Mc
Henry & Son, of Benton, for one
of their calendats. It's a beauty
and an ornament to any office.
Walter McIIenry has again
entered the employ of Dr. G. H.
Welliver and he will have charge
of the Exchange livery stables.
At a short session of Court on
Saturday, the license oi J. S. Gers
ting, bottler in the lower end of
town was transferred to T. J. Mor
gan & Son, of Wilkes-Barre.
Communion services in Ihe Evan
gelical church of Bloomsburg next
Sundav both morning and evening.
Rev. W. H. Stover of Espy, will
officiate. A hearty welcome to all.
'Stockholders ot the Green Con
solidated Copper Company, re
ceived their dividends on Tuesday.
They have also been notified that
in the future. dividends will be paid
Lincoln J. Carter's latest aud
greatest production "Two Little
Waifs" will appear at the Opera
House next Monday night, Feb. 9.
Carter's plays are too well known
in Bloomsburg to need any further
mention at this time.
You can find the nicest and largest
line of bibles, large and small in
Bloomsburg at Mercer's Drug and
Book Store.
Mirrors, brush and comb sets,
collar and cuff boxes, necktie boxes,
handkerchief boxes, jewelry cases,
manicure sets, smoker'h sets and all
kinds of sets at Mercer's Drug and
Book Store.
William Annlenian, aged about
sixty-eight years, died of heart
isease at his home on hast Third
Street, Friday night. Two daugh
ters survive, Miss Ida and Mrs
George D. Harttnan, both of town.
Clark Harder of Catawissa was
n attendance at court on Tuesday.
Ie had the misfortune a few clays
ago to tall ana sprain an aiiKie,
since which time he has been com
piled to use crutches to get about.
Seven years in business is our
reference. Gem Steam Launch y
. .
Attorney J. Q. Crevtling, of Ply
mouth, has been appointed a mem
ber of the board to examine candi
dates for admission to tbe Luzerne
bac. He takes the place of Gecrge
R. McLean, whose term has ex
A very pleasant evening party
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. B. A. Gidding on Monday.
Tbe event was in honor of the
latter's birthday. A nuinlxr ol
guests were present and rcf. esh
metits served.
James W. Clark, who held a lofty
position among the prominent
newspaper men of sixty years at;o
died at Williamsport on Tuesday
aired seventv-three years. He was
a brother ot Mrs. Elizabeth Schwep
penhciser of Mifllinville.
No cracked collars at the
Steam Laundry. Try us.
Articles of food that are damr
anJ luicy sliould never be Jelt 111
paper. Some paper is simply
compound ot racs, clue, lime ant
similar substances, with aJd
mixed, aud, when damp, is unfit to
touch things that are to be eaten
Ano'.her name was a lded to the
list of directors of the First Nationa
Bank on Monday. It was that of
Dr. H. V. Hower, MifflinviUe'
well known physician. The Bank
lias also increased its capacity from
$50,000 to 100.000, all fully paid
The Mornini' J'ress has installed
a new adjustable Simplex type
setting machine. The Simplex is
a wonderful contrivance and will
do the work of several men in
shorter space ot tune, i hey are
almost a necessity in all daily news
paper offices.
Callendar pads, large and small
for 1 oct for sale at this office
singly or in quantities. iS-3t
lax collectors, constables ard
tax assessors are elected every
third year aud hold their offices for
three. acancies 111 the office
tax collectors and constables are
filled by the court for the unexpired
term of such vacancies. Vacancies
in t he office of assessors are filled by
the couuty commissioners.
From an exchange; A maiden
fair, with sun-kissed hair, came
tripping down the street, her face
serene, her age sixteen gee whizz
but she was sweet. On the side
walk slick, she came dovu quick,
witu a jolt that shook her curls,
but the words she used must be ex
cused, for she's one of the nicest
There is a warm and interesting
fight on for the office of school di
rector over in Catawissa. The
candidates are C. J. Fisher, Esq.,
and Robert Graham. The writer
visited Catawissa an evening or
two ago and in both the hotels
groups of men were engaged in a
heated discussion of the director
ship. Al. Newton, who for several
seasons past has been Normal's
short stop, has signed to play that
position with the Concord, Mass.,
team. Concord is one of the fastest
teams iu the New England League.
If the remainder of the team is as
good as Al. they'll win the pennant
without a struggle because "he's
all right."
Rev. Dr. Hemingway guided us
very handsomely through England,
Ireland and Scotland ou last Mon
day night in his church. He was
the van and color bearer of a large
audience. There were gleams of
eloquence, beauty and sublimity
and laughable incidents in his lec'
ture and the music was fine. The
whole affair was a rare treat.
The Moving Pictures of the A.
& T. Biograph Co. will be exhibit
ed in the Evangelical church of
Bloomsburg for the benefit of the
Aid Society, Tuesday evening Feb.
10th at 7:45 p. m. These are to be
Ihe genuine Moving Pictures, are
highly 'complimented. Tickets
sold at the door or elsewhere at
2octs. for adults aud locts. for
Ioci.h Ratti left on Mcml.iy for New
York City.
Mrs. Geo. Aurand anil Mr. Geo, Forrest
f l.txisiiur, were in town on Monday.
A. M. IleWlit, one of Orangcvillc's most
prominent citizen, was in loan yesterday.
Mrs. I. A Snyder incnt Sunday with
rclnlives ut Northumlierl.iud ov.r Sunday.
A. It. KdL'.ir of tl.e Iknton "Argus"
was i 1 town for mi hour Tuel.iy morning.
George Mcl.inr. departed on Monday foi
'hdadelphia where he ha.t nCLCpted a po.i-
1) O. Snvder of Titimon, whs the guest
over Sunday, of Ins paienU ut ihe Kxch..n;e
Mis. William LnVe of Shamnkin, arrived
n town on Saturday to visit her daughter,
Mis. j. K. Fuller.
Mi.i Ho t Gidding fpent Sunday, Mon
V 4 lid Tuesday wnii her brother li. A.
tii'idiiu' on F'lt Street.
K. b. Appleman of lil!vil! w.ns in town
on Fiiday. lie paid the OM.UMUAN a call
aii. I renewed h s subscription.
Is I'. Kline of Or. n -evillr, came down on
Friilav and nt ended lu some Fairness. We
will inoe to Cd.ter County in the tr ng
Kx-SheufT I. R. McH .-nry cm e clown on
tin-In si train Mondty noiiii c, a d lians-
attcd biiiiutss in lie hays Denton is
bo.miii k.
N. O I'arker is one of our now subscribers
from Grecnword. lie eillid in on Monday
and O dried ihe Coi.UMlilAN sent to his ad
dress fir a year.
lliram W. Kline of Sti water was in on Tuesday. Tlie y:ars bear u.htly
u.Hin In in, be don't look a bit oid.r than he
d d ten ajo.
S. I. Pcaler of Asourv. stoi ped oil In
to.wi lui a sliort tun; 011 .Monday, while 011
his way to Wilkes-Uarie, where he went to
appe r as a witues, in a land case.
l o'iceinan an I majjistraie Gidion Heislv
ine of lletwick. Anciiltiiii t iJaii'l. II,
tedin in, loi -mer g:.un ;r of several distiller'
ics, of '1t Hope, iia Mess and Kusse
Karns of lientoii, A. liutt, Waller, F. 1',
.laker, lanituii Two., and li. F. Klce of
:if, vUiled our eiiy on Tuesday.
The heavy wind last niht carried
a.vay the Electric Uailway Co
station at Rupert. It was blown
r ititf the field.
J0I111 huly u lornier emp.oyce
..f the Coix.mman ohtcc, but later
,ith llu- Miming Press is vt-ry ill
with tvi!'ioid fever at his home in
The Methodist Choir of town will
give a concert in the M. E. church
it I.ime Ridee tonight. Proceeds
are lor the benefit of the church
Admission 10 and 20 cents.
A prominent lawyer was heard
to teuiarlc yesterday tnat lie never
kntw court business to be so slack.
lie said tnere is hardly any occa
sion for two weeks of court. If the
civil cases were put on immediately
alter the criminal cases are con
cluded they could all be tried, and
the business nnisned up in one
The mid-year convention of the
Columbia County V. C. T. U. will
be held in the Union church,
Oraugeville, Feb. 10-11. Mrs. A
M. Holvey will be in attendance
and will cive one of ber brilliant
lectures evening of 10th. Evening
of nth will be devoted to a grand
gold oratorical, and matron's silver
musical contest. Railroads will ex
tend time on reduced rates to the
We have just received a very large
line of some of the latest books.
Please call and see them at Mercer's
Drug and Book Store.
'At Valley Forge" pleased a
good sized audience Tuesday even
ing. With the exception of one or
two characters the cast is quite
capable. The play abounds in ex
citing incidents and the climaxes
are particularly stirring. Owing
to some changes in dates the com
pany remained in town yesterday
and today. They fill an engage
ment at Hazleton tomorrow night.
The wind was very disagreeable
last night, and those who were
obliged to be out, found consider
able trouble in keeping their hats
on. Herbert Pursel was among
the number whose hats were blown
oft ou Market Street, but he was
more unfortunate than the others,
he didn't find his. He searched
for a few minutes, then went and
bought another.
A very fine line of albums, and
some beauties too, at Mercer's Drug
and Book Stcre. 7sc. to $4. to
John Weikheiser departed this
life at his home in Mifllinville on
Sunday. His death resulted from
a general collapse of the system
due principally to the weight of
years. He was born Nov. 26th
18 16 and was therefore 87 years of
age. He was twice married, wis
first wife was Miss Ellen Brower,
and his second wife Miss Sarah
Gearhirt. The following children
by his first wife survive, Mrs. Alice
G. Fane of Pittston aud Mrs. Mary
K. I.ce of Kingsville, Iowa. The
funeral, took pl-ce yesterday.
Bean tho A l'18 l!lu Vo" Ha Always BaugU
of tlic season is now offered you to replenish 'ourj
S linen closet from a large collection of good wearing
5 linens made from long fibre yarn at exceedingly low
prices for tlie respective grades. "We ask you to in-j
spect tins showing of Linens ot all kinds.
Bleached Damask.
J 54 in. all linen 50 cents
58 in. " " 65 "
S 62 in. " " C5 "
68 in. " -'75 "
72 in. ' " 85 "
72 in. " " 1.00
Pattern Cloths
m in choice effects, bordered.
2 2x3 yards at $4.00.
J 2x3 yards at 4.50.
2 x 3 yards at 5.00.
2 x 3i yards at 4.00.
2 x 3i yards at 7.50.
S 2 x z yards at 3.00.
J 2 x 2I yards at 3.45.
5 All grades from $1.00 a
" dozen to 8.00 a dozen.
Nczv White Waists
made from madras, newest
styles, see them.
Belt Buckles, Pins, Etc.
Newest patterns, new line.
mi re
2 H. J.
A Handsome Pair of Shoes
fi.T any member of your family can be had here, and
because there's no fault to be found. There is every
thing in being well shod, and we know our Shoes
strike the acme of excellence in footwear. You can't
help not only finding but taking
Comfort in Shoes Like Ours,
which present a happy combination of superiority in
the main points of fit, style, material, workmanship
and prices, For instance our $2.50 Colonial Dame,
and Bordman Shoes for Women.
They Fitted
A gentleman came to the that had a pair of glasses that seemed to work
aU'right, but he wanted to be sure he was wearing the correct thing. He
J didn't want to take any c'.iances with his eyes. If they could be bettered he S
m wanted it done, and if not he would then feel satisfied. I made a careful ex- 0
amination and found thnt the glasses fitted him perfectly. I do not know
J where he got them but they were correct in ever way. I simply told him so ?
H and charged him nothing. I wish every person in Columbia county would feel 5
just as free to consult with me about their eyes. I want my pallors to be
"Spectacle Headquarters." Come in and ask questions just as often as you
gf want information.
G-eo. "W. ZHIess,
Optician and Ji-weler, BLOOMSBURG, TENNA.
Cloissoniere Vases.
Fancy Austrian Vases 75to 5.00
Fancy Bohemian Vases,
$ to $4.00.
Bronze Figures $2.50 to $6.00.
Salad Bowls, Cereal Sets, Chocolate Pots,
Mayonnaise Bowls, Berry Sets, Fruit Plates
Cream and Sugar Sets, Salts and Peppers.
Tea Pots, Fern Dishes, Pictures,
Bon-Bon Dishes, Bread and Butter Plates,
Soup Plates, Dinner Plates.
We carry these articles in Japanese, French, Austrian, Ger
man and Bohemian ware.
J, Lee Martin,
160 acre farm for rent. Inquire
ofj. E. Boone, AlmediaPa. tf
Pocket books for either lady or
gentleman, and the finest line in old
Columbia county to select from at
Mercer's Drug and Book Store.
Half Bleached Damask.
56 in. all linen 55 cents
66 in. " " 50 "
68 in. " " 55 "
72 in. " " 75 "
72 in. " " 1. 00
" f
Complete line at 7, 8, 9, 10, J
12$, 15, 14, 18 and 25 cents a
yard. I
Towels. I
A full line of Huck andf
uamasK at an prices. see
the 25 and 50 cent goods.
Counterpanes. I
Extra values at 85, 95, 1.25,!
1.50, 2.25 and 3.00.
Bead Necklaces.
All the rage, new line today 1
Collar Points,
Bio; new line.
See them.
S reductions in prices, a lot
NO. 44.
j French Plaques, $3.50.
German Vases, $1.00 to $5.00,
j Japanese Vases.
j Japanese Jardinieres,
j $5.00 to $6.00
Telephone 1842.
N. S. Tingley has accepted the
agency for Reinnch, Ullnian & Co.
, of Chicago, merchant tailors, ao.l is
j ready to supply m.vle to raca iure
1 cunning at prices lower man can be
ol'taincd rlsewhere. He has a L.rge
, of fampits to select hern. J 1 is
),,ace (,f l''"wness is the third for of
. lne Columbian building. 4t.