The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 05, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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A Generation Ago
coffee could only be
bought in bulk. The
20th century way is the
way sealed pack
ages, always clean,
fresh and retaining
its rich flavor.
Call on God to Paralyzo a Convicting Witness.
In the presence of a large assemb
lage of attorneys and spectators, who
filled every inch of floor space inside
of the railing and crowded the aisles
of the Court House in Sunbury, Judge
Savidge, Monday afternoon, sentenced
Jacob S. Gerhardt the Shamokin wife
slayer, to death.
. When the Judge asked the prisoner
if he had anything to say why sentence
hould not be imposed upon him, Ger
rdt, with uplifted hand and with a
. somewhat trembling but strong voice
'Yes sir, your Honor! I am not
guilty, but as innocent as a child in
the cradle, and I ask for a new trial,
because I was tried by a prejudiced
jury. Mr. Brown testified at the trial
that he had shaken hands and talked
with me at the jail, which was not true,
as every one knows that you could m t
extend your hand through the cell
As a proof of this he named Sheriff
Dietrick and Warden Corcoran.
Trembling with emotion which he
could not conceal, and with his finger
pointing toward Heaven, he cried out
in a loud tone of voice:
"God is going to paralyze Mr.
Brown's tongue, so that he cannot tell
the truth or a lie, for he is a dangerous
man to both man and beast."
Gerhardt partly broke down when
uttering these words! but soon regain
ing his composure he told of other
testimony which he claimed was pre
judiced against him.
'I raise my hand before God that I
never wrote those letters produced
against me, or saw them beiore the
trial. I am sorry, Judge, that you can
not give me a new trial to prove all
that I have said; but the Supreme
Court will not leave a man mount the
scaffold that is convicted by a prejud
iced trial."
Counsel for Gerhardt will appeal his
case to the Supreme Court.
It Relates to the Collection ot Unpaid
Taxes Some Marked Changes.
A new law went into e fleet on
January i, relating to unseatea lands
and municipal liens, or unpaid taxes,
Under the new arrangement the tax
collectors ot the various boroughs
and townships will now make their
report of unsealed lands, and the
amount of tax thereon, to the pro
thonotary, who will enter it on the
new dockets. The tax thereon be
comes a lien on the land described in
each return. At any time thereafter
the commissioners may issue a scire
iacias and reduce the lien to a judg
ment, after which the property may
be sjld by the sheriff the same as on
any other judgment.
Under the old law the unseated
lands, that is, where the owner could
not be found, were returned by the
collectors to the office of the county
commissioners. The returns were in
due time certified to the county treas
urer, whose duty it was to keep the
list and sell the properties at public
auction every two years. The real
owners had a chance to redeem the
land so sold within two years, but if
this was not done the sale stood.
Many people kept watch on such
sales and obtained titles to valuable
properties in this way. The new plan
will do away with all this.
One feature is very plain. The
costs will be mads much greater than
heretofore. A roan who has a sale to
gain a title to a piece of land will now
have to pay the full value of the same,
if the piece be small and of little consequence.
wnws TUTS ? We offer one
hundred dollars reward for any case of
catanh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Proprs.,
J Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F.J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and finan
cially able to carry out any obligation
made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo.
Wat.pino, Kinnan & Marvin,
wholes lie druggists, Toledo, O.
Hal 's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the cy.item.
Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's family pills arc the beat.
Secretary of the Treasury Shaw will
! be forced out of the Cabinet ns a re-1
Suit of his advocacy of that measure. t
The bill passed extends the gold j
Standard to the Philippines and re-1
ceived the unanimous support of the'
democrats. Tne majority bill pro
vided fur the use ot Mlor at a ratio
of 3 j to 1. Secretary Sliaw is a logi
cal advocate of the gold standard and
would apply it in the Philippines as
1 well as in the United Slates but Secre- '.
tary Root, who fathered the majority j
bill, appreciates the evils of an abso- ,
lute gold standard and attempted to
' temporize along the line outlined.
Tne Senate will pass the Major ty
bill and it is predicted that tli whole
measure will be lost in conference.
' The alleged disaffection of those re
publicans who rallied to Secretary
Shaw's leadership, will, it is claimed,
deleat the Fowler "Elastic Currency''
biil in the House, as the members of
the Insular affairs Committee are
whetting their knives for Mr. Fowler's
scalp because of his advocacy of the
: : -- tit : 1 : i : 1 1
minority 1 iiuippme uiii. y
The investigation of the Holland
Torpedo Boat scandal is to be ended
with a whitewash for the members of
the house and Philip Doblin will be
made the scapegoat. At the same
time it will doubtless render the mem
bers of Congress extremely chary of
investigation in submarine torpedo
boats. It is well known that the navy
Department officials do not approve
of this type of vessel and it has been
frequently remarked that the enthusi
asm of members of Congress in this
direction was pecular and hard to ac
count for. Representave Lessler will
be pronounced by the Committee on
Navel Affairs to have proven his charge
that he was offered a bribe of $5,000
by Doblin, but who prompted Doblin
to make the offer the committee wes
unable to determine.
From our Requlnr Correspondent.
Washington, February 2, 1003.
It. is fast becoming evident that
Presdtnt Roosevelt is estranging ihc
leaders of his party by his persistent
effort to for:e negro office-holders on
Southern cities. Already one repu
blican senator who hails from New
England, but will not permit the use
of his'' name, has told vour corres
pondent that he is opposed to the ap
pointment ot W. 1). Cruin, as Col
lector of the Port of Charlestown. S.
C, and that he will oppose the ratifi
cation of his nomination by the Sen
ate and there are good grounds for
believing that there ar; several other
prominent tenators who hold the same
view although they will not admit it.
1 he nomination of Crum has already
been the subject of two secret ses
sions of ths Senate Commerce com
mittee, before which appealed Mayor
Smyth anil Mr. J. Calvin Hemphill
of Charleston and their testimony
made a strong impression. Said the
Senator referred to, today, " We
would not tolerate a negro collector
of customs in our state nor would we
tolerate a negro postmaster in 'our
principal towns and cities. The
President is going too far in his
quixotic attempt to demonstrate his
regard for 1 egroes and in the end he
will injure his party."
Southern senators and representa
tives have already protested that the
President, in his insane desire to cap
ture the negro vote, would precipitate
race hatred and stir up strife and
their predictions have been sustained
by the mass meeting held here this
week for " the promotion of the cause
of the negro" at which James H.
Hayes, whom Mr. Roosevelt would
term "an educated negro" declared,
"The time has come when the negro
must fight not theoretically, not
intellectually, but fight with his hands.
I am afrai J we are anarchistic, that
we are anarchists, and I give the
warning that if this oppression in the
South continues the negio must re
sort to the sword and the torch and
that the Southland will become a land
of blood and desolation." The man
who presided over this meeting was
Cyrus Field Adams, another "edu
cated negro" and assistant registrar
of the Treasury, the negro whom Mr.
Roosevelt invites to the White House
social entertainments. Adams made
no protest at Hayes' incendiary lan
guage and made a speech himself
little less dangerous in character. It
is common comment that were Adams
a white man and had he participated
in and presided over a meeting at
which such anarchistic and incendi
ary language was used no one would
be quicker to demand his discharge
than Mr. Roosevelt.
Senator Quay sprang a surprise on
the republican leaders yesterday with
regard to the Statehood bill from
which they have not yet recovered
and which, in so far as it has been
studied, seems to constitute a triumph
for the astuteness of Mr. Quay and to
pressage the passage of the Omnibus
Statehood bill. Mr. Quay has intro
duced the Statehood bill in the form
of amendments to the Agricultural
and the Sundry Civil Appropriation
bills with the request that they be re
ferred to the Committee on Organiza
tion and Conduct of the Executive
Departments, of which he is chair
man and a majority of whose mem
bers are pledged to support him in
the Statehood fight. Unless the
President pro-tern, of the Senate de
parts from all precedent and refuses
to refer the amendments to the com
mittee as requested by Mr. Quay, a
favorable report to the Senate will be
assured, the passage by the Senate of
the bills named wul be impossible
without permitting the amendment to
come to a vote and as Senator Quay
represents a considerable majority of
the Senate his object will be accom
plished in the upper chamber.
While the Statehood bill occupies
the floor of the Senate there is no
opportunity for anti-trust legislation
but it is fast becoming evident that
were it not the Statehood bill it would
be something else for the republicans
are determined that there shall be no
effective anti-trust legislation at this
session The House is ready to pass
thi T.iltlpfif M anti-trust hill which
tiaa rmvA th canrtinn ftf trii AH. i
ministration and will doubtless do so paleness, weakness and nervous
at an early date but that it will never
get through the Senate is the confi
dent prediction of those in a position
to know. It is barely possible that
the Elkins bill, which affects only re
bates on transportation charges, will
be pastel by the Senate but even if
it does its success in conference will
be doubtful.
Annual Mooting Elects OfficersEncourag
ing Reports of Now Building).
The regular annual meeting of the
trustees ot the State College was held
last Friday at Harrmburg 1 ri the office
of the Superintendent of Public in
struction in the Capitol building.
Those present were Governor Penny
packer, who is ex officio a member ot
the Board; ex-Governor James A.
Beaver, ex Lieutenant Gov ernor
Charles W. Stone, Colonel Hiram
Young, of Yorki Dr. N. C. Schaeffer,
Superintendent of I'ublic Instruction!
Professor John Hamilton, Secretary
of Agriculture; Dr. M. E. Conrad, ot
Chester county; Colonel John A.
Woodward, of Center county; Colonel
R. II. Thomas, of Meclianicsburi j
Gabriel 1 Hester, of Harrisburg; II.
V. White, of Bloomsburg; W. F.I
Hill, of Crawford county, Master of
the State Grange, and Dr. Geo. W.
Atherton, President of the State Col
The followiug officers of the Board
of Trustees wtre named for the en
suing year:
President, General James A. Bea
ver. Secretary, Dr. Geo. W. Atherton.
Treasurer, Professor John Hamil
ton. Executive Committee, General
Beaver, Colonel Woodwaid, Mr.
Hiester, Mr. White and Dr. Atherton.
Advisory Committee of Experiment
Station, Colonel Woodward, Mr. Hill,
Mr. White, Dr. Conrad and Dr.
Governor Pennypacker manifested
a great interest in the work of the
college, asking many questions re
garding its methods and work. Dr.
Atherton reported that the auditorium
at the college for which Charles M.
Schwab, President of the United
States Steel Corporation, provided
tie funds and Hie estimated cost of
which will be about $150,000; is well
under way. 'I he coiitiacims have
enclosed the building Uii a n.mplete
slied, so that woik ran pn ceed all
Winter and tnt-y Xict 1.1 have it
ready for the next lointiienctineni.
Jn addition President Atiierton re
porte 1 that several plans have been
received from leading architects tor
the construction of a library lor winch
Andrew Carnegie has given $100,000.
It is expected that w thin a week or
ten das a plan will be adopted and
that wotk on the library building will
be begun in the coming Spring.
Mti Well ol Clmdr 11 nre rilcfcly
Mother Otvv's Swrot I'onil.'rs for Chthln n
us'(l bv Mother Ori-y, a ihiimd In"
llnnip, Nw Yoik, lirrm up oiUm In ill Iioiiih
c-H i- Kevin Islim-sK, Head ciii-.Kiiiiniu Ii 'I rulilil. ,
T-ethlmi nlwin.ein. and IhhIiov Worms. Ai ml
d titfKli'H, 1: hamuli' imiil-d I'KKri.'m,
A kii . OlnidU d, UKuj, N. V. 2U-8t.
Carpenters on a Strike-
Wilkes-Barre carpenters, mem
bers of the utiin, are out on a
strike. They demand an increase
of seventy-five cents per clay and a
uniform price of $,voo per day. So
tar 650 men are affected. No bit
terness is shown between the em
ployee and the employer. If no
settlement can be reached on the
demands made within a reasonable
time the strike will extend to Harrisburg-,
Berwick, Morrisville, Pa.,
and Trenton, N. J., where many of
the master builders of the city have
large forces of men employed.
The February Lippincotfs Magaz
ine serves up a delicate dish of fiction
in its "Complete Novel" by Mrs. Alice
Duer Miller. It is called "A Man of
His Word," and tells the story of
Dickie Dyson's match with the daugh
ter of a lady in whose death by a street
accident he felt implicated. He was
pledged to many Philippa, but she
was not in bis set. She was a school
teacher, and the reader may fancy the
scandalous consequences which a
skilful pen turns into a happy result.
Feed pale girls on Scott's
We do not need to give all
the reasons why Scott's
Emulsion restores the strength
and flesh and color of good
health to those who suffer
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the best
preparation of Cod LiverNOil,
rich in nutrition, full of healthy
stimulation is a suggestion as
to why it does what it does. .
Scott's Emulsion presents
Cod Liver Oil at its best,
fullest in strength, least in
Young women in their
" teens " are permanently cured
of the peculiar disease of the
Diooa wnicn snows itseit in
The recent passage by the House
of the minority Philippine coinage
bill has stirred up a hornet's nest, and
it is predicted in some quarters that '
t -
Baan tho 11,8 You Have Always Bought
ness, by regular treatment
with Scott's Emulsion.
It is a true blood food and
is naturally adapted to the cure
of the blood sickness from
which so many young women
We will be glad to send
sample (0 any sufferer.
lie mire that this picture la
the form ol t label it on the
wrapper of every bottle et
Emulsion you buy.
400 Pearl St., New York.
J .j . '.-inAW IS 'I
1 yMPQ
A. .! FEVERS, ToiKeatlona, Inflaiuma
cunui I tons, l.u n Frtrr, Milk Fnvrr.
n. II.(NIMI IH, Lameneaa, Injurlre.
ccuu Khruiuatiain.
('. ('.INDIIK Til HO AT. Quinsy. Epizootic,
cuius Dlatriiiprr.
cvHuij WORMS. Dota. Gruba.
K. K.M'nrGIIH. I'nlita. Inflamed
CCUKS ) l.uuica. t'lruru-i'lieuaioiilA.
F. F. ! TOM;, IIHIvarhr. Wlnd-Klowa.
CURED ( Diarrhea. Ilyariitrry.
I. I. (KKI DISEASES, Mango. Eruptluna,
cuuRst llrtTH. (jri-ane. Farcy.
J. K.)lll ()M)ITIO. Klnrlnn Coat,
cdiulh i Induration, btomarh tlaiier.
6Uc. each; Stable Ca.10, Ten Specifics, Book, Ac, $7.
At drumtlau, or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William A John
Btn-eU, New York.
In effect Jan. no, luo
aiA'ilU.Sb. KAoT.
CaiitwihBa 7 ID Hits 10
Hupert 7 IB Id 10 8? 8 01
oiuouiouui ......... .. i u a ao lu 41 o (.p.
Kapy T u 10 48 6 1)
LI we Hldge .......... 7 So U 4o Hu&l ti u
V UlOW UIOVO 17 40 12 6j lu 57 24
Brlarcreen 7 44 12 58 I0Mr'7
Berwick 7 60 2 M 1105 e ; .
beacUUiveu.... T 68 3 03 fllu 841
uicK'ii Kerry 8 07 3 09 rn it m ..;
bU10KbUluuy.......M... 8 17 M 1181 a
Uunlock'B. 8H7 8 31 U3'Jf7o
naoucuae. ...
Avoudale -..
Plymouth Junction.
Bennett.. -
Nature Dresses Them-
PillJ.ADl.U'UlA & KKrtlJlNG
In effect vovi mbcr 1, vm
I n. La 1 I i MAi..f I 1 i
(Till N.'Mr litlk. 1'UIIUI tl I.Ut. 1, (I'i'l'k l'""'
rn.- , 1 i. p. a, Wf Run a 7. i7 11. .10 a. D.. 8:83
P'. - .
f or W llllMUinpi II , PMIMJ B 1. a 1 a. 1U. U.UU If
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i"r ( it 11 vti 11 anu w 111 1 1 , r. ct-i.uii; i .1 .01 ui
3 -HI p. III.
i 01 i:atwimn wcrhuujB i.ot, 11.0 a
i4 ..I'. ..11, 11. ti' . .
rut iMiMil etkdn)S 7.W, 11. fl) U. It. U20
4.K3, 8.30, P In.
I H Al r t.'K niAH'mnrn. in
ijiMVt -New Km- via FniiuoeipMn f.'O 1
m., abU via husli 1 n.lla. Ui.
I.- ave nil lull II bin .1 .-.'i . n:.
iv .ivi itinn? i M. r p. 11..
l.tiavt-i'iitiNi tilt I r.'i . ii-.
l.i-u.f I' hi. a. i. 1 1. 4n , 11. ,
L. live va IUI11IVH Clt iikdal.0O a K.. 4. .
I-.U'- . ... .....' r-.TawifPH wei-hoiijp, .jii, b.' u. hi.
I. x p.m.
Ll'iive KIliM-rl, WeHKdHja, O.U. U.13. Ii. V a.
111. l.-M, .). Ill p. til.
A I i.A i I II. 1 111 II. II.
Prim L'hi-MMit M iind i-oulli M. Perrlr.
ati.antic eiTV. I r.mMAY
il.iai A. M.. I.i l. I 7.M) A. M.
I- ?.: A. V., Kxc I tH.IUi A. V.
'.).' II A M , KX.
1 1.1 11 A. M.. fcx.
fm. -is A. M., Kx.
1 1. .hi r m., f.x.
t J (Mi I'. V., K. I'. M., Kx
t-V'll I'. M .. Kx.
4MH1 P- V.. Eel.
1 6.40 P. M.
.15 P. .M , EX.
H.lft A. M.
11.15 A. M.
t,.1.4U P. M.
tbl. 0 P. M.
SS (10 P
tcMO P. M.
ockin riTT
" 30 A. M.
S.45 A.M.
S'J.IS A. M.
fill. 40 P. M.
tl'4.1" P. M.
t -" . M.
K5.40P. M.
a k A in i
5fT S A. M.
m I'. 4 v.
tbl. 10 P. M.
(KI !'. .H.
Hi'. 40 P. M.
What a happy lot the (log or the ox
or the pig niuit have. They never
have to worry about a new dress or a
new coat two or three tunes a year,
when once they fstablish the fashion
it stays for all time. Nature helps
the dumb brute but turns her back on
man absolntely. Think of Towser
coming rinne with his hair cut fool-
ball pattern, and a sweater on, or tne
family cow in corsets and a heighten- MBGiIIIC StudlO)
inor nf heir rnlor from the use of DOW- I &
- - - ,
der and paste. The humane society
would be on hand at once to relieve
the domestic creatures. But man
has no friend that he can depend on.
Me is a slave, and there is no ray of
hope for hitn.
Dully. "5" Sniidiiva. f" WeekrtniB. "1
Sat unlay. "1" via suliwny. "ti" Witith Hf. 4.00
M III II r4t. ft.lll. "11" ,HliUtll H. l.'MK "k'doos
pot eniiiiert, fur KiiIe-a Mere Mtlurdiiy lilRllt
:.i ii Kxi uikImi.
DciutH U tllne I;. tiles at ticket l.nii'f-8.
W. A.;AKhh.Ti, KI'hON J. M KF.K.
Unti l rtupl . den I 'aha. Ai:t.
' ricmptlauentiop given lo nil
Photographic Work.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Time Table iu t; fleet May ss, ivoa
fcrautond. Bilvl 4 II .If, I ( 9 m II U 1 4 X7
Milbton " 7 U0 I1U 00 I m 10 a on
Crayons, Franirg. Ccpylcg and Ercmide
Enlarcemecls. Made at Short
Plym'tli Ferry "
waowaiioueu. "
Neauopeck...... ar
Pottavllle lv
Uaieton "
Keru (ilt n "
Hock Men......"
Neacupeck ar
navy r erry
E. Ulooiiibburg-"
Uatawlssa.... ar
Catawlaaa. lv
H. Uanvlllu.... "
Sunbury "
a.1.H...y 1
LewlBburn ....1
M'. l,ou
Wllliatuaport. .
L H'.k Haven... .
K 'ivo ,
ujck Haven.
(Heurrif Id ...
a. at.
I 7 M
t 7 8J
1 u
8 Oil
8 ll!
8 in
A. U.
i 5 6U
7 Ui.
7 SR!
7 m
8 00
A. at.
i 8 1
8 80
r 8 u
8 47
8 65
8 55
V 14
9 85
A. M.
(10 86
C10 V4
10 50
11 07,
11 lb
11 Kt'i
A. at.
I 9 4i
10 13
10 08
11 00
11 60
A. M.
r m
514 10
1 05
4 85
5 '25
8 65
A. M
Sunbury. ......... lv I 9 50
HarrlBburg ar 1 11 30
Philadelphia. .ar
Baltimore "
WaBblnttton. "
Sunbury .
Lfwlfltown Jcar
Plltsburg' "
p. ai.
t 8 1
8 11
4 10
A. M.
eio 00
r. at
U 45
Harrisburg Iv! I
A. M
11 45
A. at
(11 -B
11 81
11 4K
11 50
P. M.
11 57
11 57
M 15
18 411
P. at.
tli 41
1 45
1 8
1 41
9 211
8 0.)
8 to
r. m
I 4ft
f 9 bi
8 01
8 8.
8 4:
A. at
11 55
1 It
1 18
1 45
P. H.
I 3 4
8 M
I 4 II'.'
4 06
4 13
4 13
4 81
4 65
P. M'.
t 6 10
G 40
5 36
7 t
8 30
The Beagle Studio,
P. at.
18 45
14 44
18 10
8 (W
8 4N
110 45
P. at.
1 50
8 15
P. M.
8 W
8 (HI
7 15
P. M.
( 9 15
( 4 05
(10 45
P. M
16 00
A. M.
II 601
P. M .
I 6 S.D
8 60
P. .
no 90
1 9 45
110 6&
P. M
I 7 15
A. M
I 1 50
P. M -
I 00
( 8 07 r-L.
p. in'M''il mi wm
1 ssm
7 89
7 89
7 51
8 16
P. M
I 9 46
11 ou can save monev on Pianos and Or-
gnns. You will always find the la e
stock, best makes and lowest prices.
PIANOS. From $175.00 and Upwards.
ORGANS, From $50.00 and Upwards,
10 65 We sell on the installment tiian. Piano
$25.00 down and (ftcooper month. Ol
Kans, $10.00 down, $5.00 per month. Lib
eral discount for cash. Mieet music, at one
half price. Musical merchandise of al
We handle Genuine Singer High Arm
P. at.
I 8 81
110 10
A. at.
I 4 25
9 30
4 06
P. at
(10 96
A. at
i 5 SO
$5.00 down and $3.00 per month. Weals .
handle the uomoresi sewing mae .nne, irim
$.'9.50 and upwards. Sewing Machin
NperllM and Oil for all makes of Sewin
Machines. Best mal et of
FROM $4.00 DP TO J.00.
Music Kooms No. 115 W. Main street
below Matket, Bloomsburg, Pa.
I Weekdays. Dally, t Flag station
1 p. at.
Plttsbur-.,..lvl 7 10
A. at. 1
Harrisburg; ar I 9 00
8 34 8 88 11 44 Va
3 37 8 49 11 47 00
8 44 8 47 tl e T98
8 47 8 69 I155 7 M
8 65 t 00 U6U 7 38
8 58 4 0 8 19ns
Forty f ori. w hi 1204 744
Pittsburg lv
bunbury ar
West Plttston
Susquehanna Ave..,
Plttston .m
Taylor ...
BOB AWT03I. . ....
H0KANT0N m.m..
Taylor ..
Susquehanna Ave.
west ruiabuu
S05 4 19 19 08 7 4H
10 4 17 1912 7 51
jna 490 19H ; 56
l 4 18 17 8 01
28 4 99 12 90 8 Oil
9 96 4 89 1923 S 10
39 4 40 12S8 8 17
87 4 46 19 33 8 21
. v 50 1385 8 25
A.K P.M. p. 11 p. m
A.M.A.H p.M.P.kt.
... 85 J 1 55ti 10
... 8 30 8 1 511 8 14
43 17 9 03 8 18
.... 7 4 1 0 94 2 10 6 24
8 1 028 9 13 8 28
6 57 10 83 2 17 6 30
... 7 ( 0 1 087 9 19 6 82
im 10 41 9 93 6 85
Wyoilllnt;. ...... ....... 7 08 1 0 48 8 27 6 40
Forty Fort ..... 7 12 10 49 8 31 6 43
Bennett 7 15 10 69 8 84 6 47
Rnanh Haven. 8 18 11 48 8 30 7 41
Berwick. 8 1 9 11 48 8 87 7 4H
Brlarcruek , ....... ........ t8 98 11 64 f 44 Hi
WlllowGrove W97 11 01 13 so f sou
UmeKldko....M...-..M.- 8 81 H9 06 8 54 IH03
Espy S37 IS 09 8 68 8 03
7 21 10 56 9 40 6 53
7 30 10 00 8 46 6 68
7 85 11 05 9 40 7 08
T89 11(9 961 7 08
7 45 1113 8 58 714
7 f 5 11 19 8 06 7 21
8 07 til 31 3 20 17 81
Baltimore "
Hiirrisnurff lv
sunbury ar I 5 00
ri. m.
10 40
111 41
111 9U
A. M
I 8 85
d. m
I 9 00
A. at
I 4 20
a. m.
t 7 80
t 9 20
Cleartleld ...
Lock Haven.
P. at.
Erie It I 6 85
I 4 40
I 4 25
A. H.
I 7 65
1 9 36
P. at
(13 45
8 60
4 401
7 no
8 II)
9 15
Lock Haven.,.."
Milton 11
LewlRburg "
rtllpdrli a at mmhi art
Cfl t tl WlBSft t' mi
CaulttBky. ....... ........ .
Cameron ..
- A.M. P. M. P. at. P M
t Runs dally, f Flag station.
K. M. ltlNE, T. W. LKK,
Supt. Gen. Pass. Atrt..
8 44 1)93 4 06 8 17
8 47 18 93 412 8 20
8 54 1 9 25 4 15 8 25
9 06 1 9 82 4 23 8 37
12 44 14 HS ZZZ
21 18 67 4 4 8 52
1 10 6 00 V 05
9 36
II. fc H, K. K.
12 0
7 01
7. S3
6 -8:11.28
S 1H 11.21
5 08 11.13
6 04' 11.00
8.02 11 06
5.53 11.119
6.43 10.61
5.4U 1 10.48
am am
5 42
1 60
K.0M 13.45
6.00 13.8
4 56 19.10
4.53 12.011
4.48 11.63
4.88 11.46
4.35 11.801
" p.p
"Main st.
Paper Mill
..Lhrlit bt.
.. .Forks...
...Henton. .
.Coie's cr'k
.Jam. City.
nm nm
Corrected to Jan. 80,
9. 46
9. Ml
57ltl -f!
2.52 .4II
3.03 ff.53is.5ll
8.18 f.03 7.10
H.17 6.07 , 7.83
8.856 isrr.45
8 4I)7H1
8.45 7.41
8.53 T.'-l
8.6 7.55129 5
pm pm a m
Sunbury lv-
s. uanvtiiQ....."
Catawlssa '
B. lilootiihburg"
Kspy rerry....."
Creasy "
Ofitawlsna lv
Hock (,lun ar
Fern men......
Nescopeck lv
Plytn'th Ferry"
8 45
11 60
12 88
A. H.
3 2-.I
9 93
A. at
S6 45
7 11
7 82
7 3'
7 42
7 53
8 03
A. U.
7 82
8 61
8 61,
9 19
10 15
A. at
t 8 0-
8 19
8 81
8 63
9 03
9 10
A. M.
Plttston(IH)ar t U 8
Scrauton " "I 10 08
t 6 45
t 7 8.1
I 8 80
9 17
9 05
A. at
I 9 66
10 1
10 85
10 43
III) 47
10 58
11 05
A. at.
tlO 88,
11 2-2
11 9K
11 3
11 58
A, M
1 11 116
11 20
11 8:
11 54
P. M.
12 02
19 10
P. M.I
111 5Y
1 21
a. m.
I 8 00
p. m.
A. M
t 1 50
t 8 40
I 8 80
A. M
til 40
1 08
A. M.
I 8 00
10 8(1
A. M.
1 5 00
10 30
11 25
P. H
U2 40
1 25
1 15
1 66
P. M.
t 8 l
3 21
9 86
9 43
9 55
8 05
12 86
5 O"
6 82
6 H
6 69
( 55
P. M
t 8 05
8 20
8 30
8 49
8 6'
4 05
P. M
t 4 66
5 24!
a. m
I 8 CO
P. M.
I a iu
'a. m
t 8 00
p. u
t 8 00
t 4 60
llu 60
Ilt 46
111 40
P. M.
t 8 20
t 6 05
A. V
18 Oi
9 28
10 12
:s 25
;i 05
12 10
CliRli FOR
Easy and pleasant to
use. contains no In
jurious drutf.
1 L IB qUlCKl J AU8UI Lied.
GivesKellerat once
1 1 ppotis ana cleans, s 6
TtiernuHut ra!Kt-n. Hit V l p Vb K
Alluys Intlammatlon. 85H I I bllnil
Ilealand Protects the Membrane. Kestoresthe
House of Taste and Smell. Lai Re Wz, 60c.
DniiriflHts or by mall. Trial Hlze ldo. by moll.
ELY liUoTUEHS, i Warren Street, New York..
""'J j We promptly obtain U. 8. and Korelfrn
5 11
P. M.
t 6 21
5 60
8 18
6 15
f 6 11)
6 30
6 4U
P. It
t 7 05
7 28
T 84
7 42
8 09
rtend model, sketch or photo c. invention for
art ou patentability, i-or tree doo,
free reiiort ou
how to
Opposite U. S. Patent Office
7 19 P.Ott.KsAKK. A..., . ,,l..M.. I .dle.. ..I Ilrlrt
1 98 frWJi
m ... I iT-a,
T. M 1 1 s r
7 8 86 VV. f?
w 1 "-v-r
ia If 1.1) au l Uolil aitlalUe boiaa. tt
with hi... rlhtMB. T.LBathr. RefliM
I tl t W! naoraua Kab.lliaOun. and lmll.
- I I f nf tttiiitt. huj or your llmpiin. or M.Q4 4. ia
.a. p. ior i-aniomurM. itiiii.
autl 'lirllef fur I.NUlca." ..liar, by r.
turm Hall. 1 0,0110 T.atlroonlala. Sold by
tlentlou thla puper. Utuiluu Ik, S lallaa., I-
A, ll'anbrl.T. Illlill... f V I It (T Bf.fl I I fltl .
11..I1 I.ArL.r nnA Uluwlill.l. . ..a vim An
ruii-iiiiii it'ii-i mi.. t-.T-i'... ... ...
through trulin- tm. ween Niitilnuy, WmU'i npott
...... 1?. I.. l...iwn.r. Um.V,iirr u.irt Pill I... IK 1 ulil.
an.l Washtnglnii nrnl betwecoltarrbburi,', I'ltteJ
Uurii nullum
For vnaer luiut nauun appiy to ivjkcv
B. lirTCniNSON.
Uon'l. Maimer.
j h wiwm.
Gen. Pass, Agt.
T- Lil''M'-JF Clcaima aul fc-aiii.iici llio hate.
IJffi' " v iK'A'er Foila to BoatorB Gray
KliV,. -iil to Youthful Colo-.