The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 11, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Remains of Ex-Speaker Taken
to Portland, Me.
Drnd .tnteiiiin- Wnn rrnc
fal-Wna Vncomaclona For Sa-Y
ral Ilntira--k'toh of
Fainoan Citferr.
WASHINGTON. Doc. 0. The homo ,
during tlic dny pultl u ivuiHi'knlili1 ti'lb- ;
ntc to the memory of ex-Speaker Thorn- I
ag II. Hoed. Ilia death line crcntod a
profound Impression, nnd there hnd
')ett expressed a unlversiil dt-ntre
motif; the members thnt the house
.'tow a ilpniil utnrk of respert to his
numory. For the house to take action
:i the death of a formur member had
only three precedents In Its history j
namely, on the occasions of the death
f lienton, Blaine and Alexander Ste
phens, when the house adopted resolu
tion; and adjourned out of respect to
their Memories. It wa decided to fol
low these precedents In the cnse of Mr.
Reed. In offering a resolution to ad
journ Congressman Sherman referred
to cx-Ppeaker Heed as follows: "A dis
tinguished statesman, a lofty patriot, a
cultured scholar and Incisive writer, a
unique orulor, aa unmatched dubater,
master of logic, wit, satire, the most
famous of the world's parliamentari
ans, the great and representative cltl
en of the American republic hag gone
Into history."
The remains of Hon. Thomas B.
Reed, formerly speaker of the house of
representatives, who died early Sunday
morning, were forwarded to Portland,
Me., his former home, a few hours
Mr. Reed reached Washington a week
ago Sunday, having come to attend to
some matters in the United States su
preme court. He was at the capltol last
Monday visiting with friends and for
mer associates in congress and wit
nessed the convening of the second ses
sion of the Fifty-seventh session. Ap
parently be was enjoying good health,
but later In the day he called ou Dr. F.
A. Gardner and complained of gastric
The following day bis physician com
pelled htm to remain in bed while a
diagnosis was made of bis condition.
Mr. Reed was strongly averse to stay
ing in bed, but a rise in temperature
made it Imperative that he remain
quiet. Symptoms of appendicitis ap
peared, though bis condition was not
considered alarming. A trained nurse
remained with him throughout Tues
day night, and the patient showed
signs of improvement
Mrs. Reed and daughter arrived
Wednesday and remained with Mr.
Reed to the end.
Saturday afternoon a decided change
for the worse was noted in his condi
tion, and Mr. Reed became unconscious
shortly after 8 o'clock. He remained
in this condition until the time of his
Thomas Brackett Reed was sixty
three years old. He was born In Port
land, Me.. Oct. 18. 1839. His life may
be briefly told in this chronological
way: Graduated from Bowdoln college
Jn 1800; Joined the United States navy
aa acting paymaster in 1804; member
of the lower bouse of the Maine legis
lature In 1808 and 1809; member of the
Maine senate In 1870; attorney general
of the state of Maine from 1870 to
1872; solicitor of the city of Portland,
Me., from 1874 to 1877; representative
lu congress from Malno from 1877 to
1900, being first elected speaker In
1SS8; practiced law In New York up to
the time of bis death.
The early life of Reed was passed In
most bumble surroundings, for his fa
ther was as poor as the proverbial
Job's turkey and worked for yoars as a
watchman in Brown's sugar house.
Being one of seven children, young
Reed had to make his own path in the
world. His birthplace is still standing
in Portland, and Just around the corner
la the house In which Henry W, Long
fellow first saw the light of day.
Keaiutna nf the Dead Klateaman Laid
at Heat at Poitlund.
PORTLAND, Me., Dec. 9.-In the
Unitarian church today occurred the
funeral of Hon. Thomas B. Ueed, an
honored son of Maine, for twenty-two
years one of hor chosen representatives
at Washington and for six years
speaker of the national house of ropre'
This forenoon his old neighbors, who
include every man, woman and child
lu the city of Portland, were permitted
to gaze for the last time upon the face
which to them was ever full of life
nd Jollity, and In the afternoon at 2
e'clock, In the liiuin body of the church.
there assembled u distinguished gather
ng of statesmen from Washington,
business men from New York, govern
ors from other New England states and
nearly every prominent citizen of the
I'lne Tree State to honor his memory.
A few passages from the Wide were
rend, a brief but fervent prayer offered,
a short eulogy delivered by the pastor,
Hev. John Carroll Tcrklns. and then
the body was quietly removed to the
tomb at Evergreen eemetery. Such was
the funeral of Sia'aker Keed brief, un
ostentatious and In strict accordance
with his own wishes.
The body of Mr. Heed arrived here
from Washington In a special train i
shortly after noon yesterday, after n
twenty hour Journey from the nation's
capital. i
It was accompanied by the widow, !
the daughter, Miss Catherine Heed;
Colonel Augustus O. Payne of New
York, C. D. narrow and his sister,
Miss Harrows; Congressman Amos L.
Allen, Mr. Heed's immediate successor
in the First district: Asher C. Hinds,
his private secretary, and State Sena
tor Mitchell of York county.
Great Itrltnln and nrrmnnr Take to Porno Fay meat nf C lnlma.
LONDON, Dec. O.-Grcat Britain and
Germany have presented ultimatums
to Venezuela, which will be followed
up by the seizure of the customs unless !
a satisfactory settlement Is forthcom- J
ing within a brief period. j
The ultimatums have a time limit,
but the exact date cannot be ascer
tained here. The foreign olllce states
with regard to the time limit:
"It is a reasonable time In which
Venezuela can satisfy the Injured gov
ernments. Both notes are practically
Identical, although the amounts of the
claims differ. The notes merely reiter
ate the continued ' disregard by the
Ypnuznnlnn D-nvprnmptit nf nil nnr nt.
resent atlous, specify our claims and I
demand immediate action on the part !
of President Castro s government in
connection therewith."
Ulnlatrra Leave rnrnraa.
CARACAS, Venezuela, Dec. .-Th
British minister, W. II. I). Haggard,
and the German charge d'affalrs, Von
rilgtlin-BaltazzI, left Caracas at S
o'clock yesterday afternoon for La I
Guayru, where Minister Haggard went
on board the Brltlab cruiser Retribu
tion and Ilerr von Pllgrim-Baltaxzl
boiu'doil the German cruiser Vlneta.
Both the British and the German lega
tions have been closed.
Had nf Mlaaoorl Morn Tiara Ml Ira
la a Day.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Dec. 8.-
Tbe Missouri river has played a huge
joke on this city. On Thursday night it
flowed at the doors of the town. The
next night it suddenly changed Its
channel, and it Is now three miles
away. ,
The greater part of the big Burling
ton railroad bridge now spans dry land.
The waterworks are left high and dry.
The pumping station Is without con
nection, and a water famine prevails.
All the river craft were left on the sand
or lu small pools of water.
The Iowa territory thus suddenly
tossed over into Nebraska is not all
sand, for there are many productive
farms In the tract. The change of
channel means a change of state citi
zenship to more than a score of farm
Sonata Adopts Amendment Plxlnsr
Three Dollux Hate.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 9. The senate
yesterday adopted all the committee
amendments to the immigration bill
with the exceptiou of one prescribing
an educational test, and then laid aside
the bill to pass a number of unobjected
pension bills.
The amendment fixing a three dollar
bead tax on each immigrant coming
into the United States furnished the
principal topic of debate.
Strict Gnard Aorninat Cattle Plague.
ALBANY. N. Y., Dec. 10,-The whole
available force of the state agricul
tural department Is now concentrated
upon the effort to keep the foot and
mouth disease out of this state. Com
missioner Wleting In a communication
to Governor Odell reported the precau
tions redoubled. livery railroad, high
way and ferry leading into the state
Is guarded by officers of the depart
ment, which Is closely cooperating
with the United States authorities, and
thus far no case of the disease has
beeu found.
Box Blown tip For Sport.
PATERSON, Dec. 5.-Harry Wright,
a boy employed in the Cooke Locomo
tive works, in this city, was horribly
tortured and killed by several other
boys who worked in the same shop
Wright was actually blown up by e
pneumatic pump. Compressed air was
forced into his body at high pressure
until the pressure broke his heart. Then
bis abdomen swelled to a frightful de
gree, and the boys who were inflicting
the torture dropped the pump and fied
Fire Threatened Shamrock III.
LONDON, Dec. 5. The Shamrock
III., Sir Thomas Lipton's new chal
lenger for the America's cup, had a
narrow escape from being burned last
night In a lire which did great damage
to Denny's shipbuilding yards at Dum
burton. Only strenuous efforts saved
the challenger, now well advanced In
her construction, from destruction
11 lie Truot lli-tliua 1)1 K Money.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Dec. 8. A special
from Duhith says that the Oliver Mln
Ing company has purchased the Mc
Alnlne tract of pine on the eastern Me
saba range. The consideration was
$"j0O,0oo. A few years ago the tract
was sold for $30,000.
Suffering In Many Places Be
cause of Scarcity of Fuel.
l'nrrieili-ntpl mid milieu Fall In
Teninerutiirt Thrntujliont Sow
lurk and nr Knitlnttil Finds
the I'oonle Without Cunl.
NEW YORK. Dec. 10. New York
and New England are emerging from
an experience of the coldest weather of
many years. Iu this city yesterday
was the coldest Dec. 9 lu twenty-six
years, the thermometer registering, as
It did In that year, 8 degrees above
zero. The severity of the cold was
luteusilled by the fact that the people
were not prepared for It, the cold
wave having descended upon the coun
try suddenly and without warning.
Then, too, the scarcity of coal caused
much suffering. among the poorer class
es, and even those able to alTord the
luxury of a ton of anthraclto had to
use It sparingly for fear that the cold
snap would last and they would be
unable to get a fresh supply. Every
effort Is being put forth to alleviate
the suffering, charitable organizations
having taken steps to supply the poor
aud the board of aldermen having vot
ed $100,000 to help along the good
cause. During the day the rivers were
cohered with a heavy mist, showing
the great d!!Terence between the tem
perature of the air and the water.
The cold In the city was mild com
pared with that prevailing In the north
ern sections of the state and In New
England. At Albany the mercury fell
to 10 .degrees below zero, and In the
nearby districts It went down to 18
degrees. The river Is frozen over at
Albany, putting an end to navigation.
Ballston reported S'J degrees below,
the lowest registration since 1S01, and
Saratoga felt the grasp of weather 30
degrers below. In the Adirondack ro
glon and len;j the Champhiln valley
the thermometer registered between 17
aud 'JO degrees below.
The situation nt Schenectady was
made more serious by the scarcity of
coal, many families having to face 22
degrees below zero weather without
coal to hcut their homes. Navigation
on the upper Hudson has closed, steam
ers which bud not reached winter
quarters having to bo towed out of the
The cold wave struck New England
at the same time it arrived In New
York. Throughout Maine and Con
necticut the thermometer registered
from 8 to 20 degrees below, a fall iu
some pluces of 40 degrees in twelve
hours. Norfolk, Conn., reported a tem
perature of 23 degrees below zero, the
coldest in years.
Mluera Tell Hitter Taiea.
SCRANTOX. Pa., Dec. 10. Tales of ;
evictions from houses owned by G. B.
Markle & Co., the narration of the
death of a wife us a result of an en
forced removal from ber home and the
story of a mother whose husband was
killed in the Markle mines, of how she
and her two boys struggled years to
pay the Markles the back rent and coal
bill she owed them, were the principal
features of yesterday's sessions of the
coal strike commission. The testimony
as presented by some of the witnesses
whose lives are given up to the coal
mining Industry was at times pathetic
and surprising to the commissioners,
who listened to it with undivided at
tention. Mayor of Havana Saapended.
HAVANA. Dec. lO.-Emillo Nunez,
civil governor of Havana, has sus
pended the mayor of Havanu, Senor
O'Farrill, pending Investigation by tuo
court of a charge of usurpation of
power which has been brought against
him. This charge Is an outgrowth of
the recent strike. In which the mayor
figured prominently. It was expected
that Senor O'Farrill would resign
when former Secretary of Government
Tamayo gave up his portfolio and
when Chief of Police Cardenas was
reinstated iu olBce.
A Town la a Msht.
EAGLE CITY. Okla.. Dec. 5. Eagle
City Wednesday night was cornfields
and raw prairie. Yesterday morning it
was a town of 2.000 Inhabitants, with
a complete municipal organization, 'a
bank in operatiou. a daily newspaper
established, a fairly good "hotel, four
restaurants, seven saloons, at least a
score of mercantile establishments and
no end of gambling houses.
Fonrteen l'erlabed In Fire.
PITICAOO. Dec. 5. It is now known
that fourteen men met death by suffo
cation In the early morning nre wnicn
occurred In the Lincoln hotel, 178 Mad
ison street. Thirteen of those who lost
their lives were stifled while lying In
their beds. One was taken from the
building before life was extinct, but
died iu the ambulance on the way to
the nearest hospital.
Mnat Swear Aa-aln After Marrlase.
WASHINGTON, Dec. lO.-The post
muster general has Issued an order
amending the postal regulations by re
quiring that "whenever any woman
employed In the postal service either
as postmaster or unclassified clerk mar
ries she must take the oath of otllct
Mora Joa Olacovered In Montana.
LIVINGSTON, Mont., Dec. 0. Much
excitement has been caused here over
the discovery of a uatural gas well two
miles west of this eity. The country Is
being staked off lu every direction.
Earthquake In Ecuador.
GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador, Dec. 10. A
severe earthquake has just been expe
rienced here.
Notable F.vent of the Week flrl-flr
anil Teraelr Told.
All unsuccessful attempt was made
to rob the First National bank of Ir
win. Pa.
Horner was chosen ns speaker and
Boyd r. leader of tlir lower house of
the New Jersey legislature.
Thirteen anarchists were arrested nt
Spexla In the act of taking oath to as
rnsslnnte King Victor Emmanuel. '
A meeting of the canal Improvement
advocates at Buffalo declared for the
1,000 ton barge plan and the Inland
A box of dynamite exploded In a
mine at South Wllkesbarre. Four men
Were killed and ten wounded, three se
riously. Tneadnr, Dev. II.
The price of bread was raised In the
east end of London.
Prince Oscar, the kaiser's fifth sou,
broke his collar bone.
The king of Portugal started home
from England by way of Purls.
A. Lincoln Dryden of Baltimore was
named as assistant treasurer of the
1'nlted States.
The now Union Steel company organ
ized at Plttiiburg Is tn have a capital
jf $75,000,000.
The seventieth birthday of BJorn
stjerno BJornson was generally cele
brated In Norway.
Two of a sleighing party wen- killed
and two fatally hin t by a railway trulu
at Hnvelock, Out.
Oliver Wendell Holmes was sworn
ns associate Justice of the United
States supreme court.
Severe winter weather was reported
In nearly every northern state east of
the Mississippi. In western New York
snow had reached a depth of two feet
Monday. Doe.
Fire originating In a planing mill at
Denver destroyed property valued ut
Owing to the cold, wet summer the
people of the northern districts of
Sweden are threatened with famine.
The annual meeting of the National
Civic federation begun its deliberations
in New York city, to continue three
The Eagle Valley tannery at Ridge
vllle, Pa., wus destroyed by fire, caused
by an explosion of natural gas lu the
engine room; loss, over $300,000,
The mayor and the entire city coun
cil of Denver huve been sentenced to
juil for. four mouths for contempt lu
pnssiug und signing the tramway fran
chise bill.
The Prince line steamer Tartar
Prince. Cnptaln McFarhiue, New York
Nov. 10 and St. Vincent Nov. 23, for
I'ort Natal, has been totally burned at
sea. The crew und passengers wore
flatnrdnr, Dep. (I.
The Mead building at Roekford, III.,
was burned; loss, $273,000.
An engine company was burled by a
falling wall In a $100,000 fire at Cleve
land, O.
Bitter cold weather, with a general
snowfall, was reported in the United
The Pickering Manufacturing com
pany of Lowell, Mass., has failed, with
liabilities of $300,000.
The Grand Opera House and other
buildings at Stillwater, Minn., have
been burned; loss, $173,000.
One person was killed and another
fatally hurt In an accident on the Bos
ton and Maine railroad near South
Ashburnham, Mass.
A severe snowstorm raged from Vir
ginia to Canada in the eastern und
middle states. Cold weather was re
ported in the southern states.
Friday, Dec. S.
The world's greutest gun was Bafely
landed at Sandy Hook.
A threatening break in the Mississip
pi river levee has occurred near Belch
er, La.
Two miners were instantly killed
while descending a shuft near Hazle
ton, Pa.
At Santa Monica, Oil., Samuel Car
son wus found dead in his hut as the
result of a spider bite.
Tunradar, Deo. 4.
Senor Sagasta has resigned as pre
mier of Spain.
Andrew Carnegie has sailed for New
York on the Oceanic.
San Francisco voted against munici
pal ownership of railways.
The coroner's inquest In the Fitzger
ald shooting In Guatemala showed he
was assassinated.
Jake, the big sturgeon in the New
York aquarium, is dead after having
starved himself for eighteen mouths.
Seventeen malleable iron companies
agreed at a meeting iu Detroit to form
one great company, with a large capi
Auatrlan Mlnlater l'romoted.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9.-The Aus
trian minister, M. Ladlslaus Hengel
mullur von Hengervar, bus received of
ficial notice of his promotion to the
rank of embassador. Ills credentials
are expected to arrive hero by Dec. 18,
and the minister's presentation to the
prcstdont in bis new capacity probably
will take place before the new year.
Dan I'atoh Brlngra 950,000.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Dec. 9.-M,
W. Savage of this city has bought Dan
Patch, the famous unboateu pucer, of
M. E. Sturgls of New York for $30,000.
M. B. McIIenry, who has driven the
horse many a fast mile and scored
l:Wi with him, has signed a contract
with Mr. Savage to handle the horse
for the racing season of 1908-04.
Potnura and Mar Beturn.
NEW YORK, Dee. 8.-Among the
passengers who arrived on the steamer
Unibrlu from Liverpool and Oueens-
town were Mr. and Mrs. Putnam Brad
lee Strong. Strong refused to say any-
ming auoui uis putsi or ruiure move
IGM ko)
4bw m T .af la la
Tlio Kind You Ilavo Always
iu uso for over 30 years,
- and has occn mauo iinucr ins per
sonnl supervision slnco Its Infancy.
7-&cUA Allow no one to deceive you In this.
aii n.titneCnita. i in t i t (mi
afaVa V a,avk-a) m a a a w w - - - -
Experiments that trlflo with and endanger tho health of
lufunts and Chlldrcu-Expcrlenco against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Cnstorla Is a harmless -uhstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
filibstancc. Its ngo Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrislincss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The KM You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Cigars, Tctjacca Candies, Fruits and Huts
Henry Maillard'e Fint Candies. Fresh Every Week.'
IFwis-s Ooox33 .a. Specialty,
F. F. Adams & Go's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco
Hole ugontd tor the
Henry Clay, Londres, L'cnr.Ll, Icdiau Princess, Sarnies, Eihtr L
fBlobmsburg Pa.
, W. H. BlOWEl'S
a Doois above Court Hounc.
A large lot of Window Curtains In stock.
It Cures ai5. Creeds. Here ore a few
names of Clergymen of different creeds who
re fiim believers in Dr. Aunew's Catarrhal
Powder to " live up to the preaching " in all
it claims. Bishop Sweulman, Kev. Dr.
Langtry (Episcopalian): Kev. Dr. Withrow
and Rev. Dr. Chambers (Nfethudisi); and
Dr. Newman, all of Toronto, Canada.
Copies of their personal letters for the ask
ing. 50 cts. S3
Sold by C. A. Kleim.
The chiropodist goes to extremes.
Exposure to a sudden climatic chance
protuces cold in the head and catarrh is apt
tu follow. Provided with Ely's Cream Balm
you are armed against Nasal ''atarrh. 1'rice
50 cents at Druggitts or Ely Brothers, 56
Warren Street, New York, will mail it.
The Malm cures without pain, does not
irritate or cnuse sneezing. It spreads itself
over on irritated and angry surface, relieving
immediately the painful inflammation,
cleanses and cures. Cream Calm quickly
cures the cold.
Steer, Bull or Horse
hide, Calf skin, Dog
skin, or any other kind
of bide or skin, and let
us tan it with the hair
on, soft, light, odorless
and moth-proof , for robe,
rug, coat or gloves.
But fr.-at Ret our Catalogue.
? living prices, and our shipping
uks and instructions, so us to
avuitl mislukes.
We uUo buypfrr:Vj-;?
taw fills.
1 10 Mill Alrcct, Wncliekier, N. V..
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the f--
Signature of -afjU&(U
Bought, and which lias been
lias homo the Rlj?natnro of
ami Just-os-cood " nro hut
Signature of
following bruads of Clgarr
The Markets.
Butter, per pound $ 30
Eggs, per dozen 26
Lard, per pound is
Ham, per pound 16
Beef (quarter), per pound 6 to 8
Wheat, per bushel 1 M
Oats, do 40
Rye, do 60
Flour per bbl. 4.00 to 4 40
Hay, per ton 00
Potatoes, (new), per bushel 65
Turnips, do M 40
Tallow, per pound 06
Shoulder, do ia
Side meat, do 18
Vinegar, per qt oj
Dried apples, per pound C
Cow hides, do 3$
Steer do do '. 0$
Calf skin J go
Sheep pelts 7S
Shelled corn, per bushel
Corn meal, cwt 1 00
Bran, cwt j so
chop, cwt i s
Middlings, cwt 1 40
Chickens, per pound, new....!.!!! 10
do do old 10
Ttrkeys do 15
Geese, d0
Ducks, do it
xt . COAL.
Number 6, delivered 3 50
do 4 and 5 delivered 4 45
do 6, at yard 3 10
do 4 and 5, at yard 4 lj
O A. ST Oil I A..
Bean tha
The Kind You Have Always
me Kind yi
Leases, 3c each, 30c a dozen.
Notices to quit, 10c a dozen. For
sale at this office. tf.
O .A. e rp o X. X A .
Bean tht 1 he Kind You Have Always BonfiM