The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 28, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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with ttile tt&, glne
and other things ar
not fit to drink.
it pure, uncoated
coffee fresh, itrang,
well flavored.
nnf amrorm aaaiiir
i-oruun IN BOSTON.
Scnoriia Clcm?nda Lopci Has Mado
Favorable Iuiprejffioa.
Cmnr lo Amerlen In Plr.ntl for the lle
lense of Her llrolliern nnil Vn
Received (. orilln lly liy
The Old, Old WlKh.
Wo wish It were to-morrow
What time we work awny,
And. Inter, think with sorrow:
"Ah, If 'twere yesterday!"
Clilcnffo Record-Herald.
Bternjilince Pon't you know thnt
you can't support my daughter until
you go to work and earn a tutlury?
Lnwrenee Oh, 1 don't want to Mip
port her. 1 only want to tnarry her!"
Chicago Daily News.
(Had ness.
These nre the itladdast days of all, .
The loveliest of the year;
The chrrry sesons over, but
The ,wntermnlon here.
Chicago Kecord-Herald.
Another Friendship HroUrn.
"Yes," said the engaged girl, "Dick
it very methodical. Ho gives ni; a
kiss when he comes and two when he
goes away."
"That's always been his way," re
turned her d en rent friend. "I've heard
lots of girls comment on it."
Thufe it. happens that they cease to
peuk to each other. Tit-liit a.
Senorlta Cletneiicia Lopez, ulster of
Sixto Lope, the secretory, of the com
mission ,ent by Aguinaldo to I'resi
dent Mclvinley, and daughter of one of
the oldest, weat hicst aird most aristo
cratic families in the I'hilipiput-ti, in,
In her clf-impocd exile, uu interest
ing ktudy to llosjoiiiium. And Jioi
toniuna ure an interesting ttudy to
her j for she !h a keen observer und hns
found time to incidentally d much in
addition to her effort to induce the
president lo release three of her broth
er from what hlie consider unjust
impriKou.ment. The lu imai'y object of
her visit to the United States the re
lease of her brothers has been ac
complished, and whether through her
efforts or independent o,f them, is. of
little moment to her. When they were
arrested, however, although there was
no formal trial, the family estates
were seiirelied, the rice houses sealed
by order of the military authorities,
the title deeds und other family paper
seized, and a steamer and sailing e
tel owned by the family confiscated.
The lrovernment has offered to re
store these properties, but the mem
bers of the family in the l'liilippines
refuse to sign n receipt for them until
they can be assured that everything
that was- taken has been returned
that damages have been repaired, and
that compensation has been rendered
according to army rules.
If these finest ions between the mem
bers of the Lopez, fainily in the Phil
ippines and the military authorities
cannot be satisfactorily adjudicated
there, it is not unlikely that the girl
will add to her mission the task of
another appeal to the president.
Her movements In this direction, as
well as the length of her stay in this
country, will probably be determined
From our Kcpulnr Correspondent.
Washington, August a$, iqoj.
The echoes of the unsavory Philip
pine transport scandal have hardly
(.lied away, but another is ready to
take her place. This time it con
cerns the lieliter system at Manila.
As may be known, it is necessary to
transfer goods for Manila to lighters
which in turn, land them at the
wharfs and warehouses. These light
ers are employed by the quartermast
er in charge an J are paid at a given
rate per trip, the rate being based on
their tonnage capacity. When the
situation became known, the officials
of the Treasiuy Department demand
ed that a register be furnished them
showing the names, speed and capa
city of the lighters. Since then, the
I reasury olficials have apparently
paid no attention to the disburse
ments made for lightering purposes by
the army quartermasters and no more
than was necessary was revealed by
the War Department. Recently, how
ever, the Treasury Department, .wan
ing itself of the figures already luruish.
ed it and the reports of the quarter
masters as filed monthly with the Au
ditor for the War Department, has
been making some comparisons which
have proved the old adage that
"comparisons are odious." The
amounts paid out for freight far ex
ceed the capacity of the lighters, ton
nage and speed taken into considera
tion, and the Auditor has demanded
an' explanation of the discrepancy,
Secretary Root is in Europe in bliss
tul ignorance of the discoveries of the
Auditor and until he returns it is not
probable that any of his subordinates
will dare to make a statement but, in
the meantime, a secret investigation
will be made and probably a scape
goat will be selected.
Mluht Prove I'rofltalile.
"Brady has a new scheme with a for
tune in it."
"What Is it?"
"He's going to start a company whose
business will be to pull off fights be
tween senators in proper style."
Town Topics.
Cause for Suspicion.
"Amy feels terribly ubout her new
dress. She knows it isn't a bit be
coming." i "What makes her think so?"
"Why, several of her girl friends
have told her it looks perfectly sweet."
Philadelphia Hulletin.
What Caused Ills TronMe.
Writing to a son who was in trouble
in Texas, the old man said: "You must
take courage, Hill." '
To which Kill replied: "I took cour
age and everything else in sight that's
why I'm in jail! "Atlanta Constitu
tion. Tramp Repartee.
"AYlint makes your nose so red,
"It glows with pride at not sticking
itself into other people's business."
N. Y. Jpurnal.
l'oor Alike.
Doctor How nbout that mustard
plaster I prescribed foryour husband?
Mrs. tirogan Shure, docthor, I
couldn't make Mike ate more nor th
half av it. Judge.
"He's such a spendthrift."
" Dreadful. Why, he even goes to a
church lawn party and gets nway
without being called stingy." Phila
delphia Hulletin.
"ner reception was a great success
wasn't it?"
"Yes. There was scarcely an enemy
of hers but- felt she ought to come."
Brooklyn Life.
' r " f -(
- . " t i
Fifty seventh Congress exceed those
of the first session of the Fifty-sixth
Congress by $70,285,920.56. Under
these circuinsunces it is not surpris
ing that the Treasury surplus is fast
The reports teceived in Washing
ton from the state of Utah are much
more encouraging than they were
some time ago and it was apparent
that Senatoi Rawlins has been doing
some excellent work for the party and
fo; his seat in the Senate. Tne ab
solute confidence expressed in the
Utah situation by the republicans
early this summer, is a thing of the
past and they now concede that there
are excellent chances for a return of
Mr. Rawlins to the Senate and are
begging the Congressional Campaign
Committee to come to their assistance.
The reports received here indicate
that Terry S. Heath who, as editor of
one of the most influential papers of
the state, was expected lo accomplish
Senator Rawlln's defeat and carry the
state for his party has sacrificed his
influence to his ambition, f I is un
dignified struggle to succeed Senator
Rawlins has lost him the respect of
the better class of the people of the
state and not only has he ruined his
own chances of election to the Senate
but he has seriously injured the pros
pects of his party and has probably
insured the return of Senator Raw
lins. The news is received with the
utmost satisfaction by thi Democrats
in Washington who recognize in sena
tor Rawlins an able exponent of demo
cratic principles and a valuable repre
sentative of the party in the Senate.
Speculation is still rife as to the
successor of the late Senator McMil
lan. Kven the republicans admit
that the successful candidate must
first gain the support of the Michigan
Central Railroad. Governor Bliss, it
is conceded, will do whatever he is
told to by the son of the lue senator,
Senator Burrows and the Michigan
Central, all of whom will stand togeth
er. On the other hand, it is predict
ed that the campa gn will prove very
"expensive" to the successful candi
date and talk of James McMillan's
succession to his father's seat is quali
fied by the proviso, "if he is willing
to pay the piper."
The President is reported to have
arranged his share of the corning
campaign to his entire satisfaction.
He will go before the people and
advocate Cuban reciprocity. Secre
tary Shaw has been detailed to cover
the tariff issue, Secretary Root will be
sent out to defend the army and the
Philippine policy and Attorney Gene
ral Knox is expected to satisfy the
inquiring voter on the trust question.
If the President is successful in carry
ing out this program it will be verita
bly a strenuous campaign.
in c!T..nt Marnh 1. 1902.
For New Vora, rMilladmphla, KeadinK
rllle.Tamaqua, weekdays 7.87 11. HO a. is.
b'nr m iiiiauiHOort.weekdaiB. 1.37 a. m.,
""ifor Danville and Milton, weckday,7.37
1-31- . . .. m a A OH , , An
KOr C;aT.ftWlHH wrtJRUHyB f .01, a.o".
Kor HiipertVeek-1B7.87, DM 11.80. In., W.IO,
m., S.ssp
. m.
a. m
The following letters are held at
the P,toomsburg Pa., postoflice, and
will be sent to the dead letter office
Scut. 2, too2. Tersons calling for
these letters will please say "that they
were advertised Aug. 19. 1902":
Mrs. F. Drew, Mrs. Susan i ores
man, Miss Mazie Fet'.erman. Mr. L.
S. Hutton. Cards: Mi. W. B. Ben
ning, Mr. W. Buckwater, H. S. Fred
eiick, Miss Agnes Fassold, Miss
Madge Stella Patterson, Mr. Walker
One cent will be charged on each
letter advertised.
J. C. Brown, P. M.
PennsvivaiiiSL Railroad.
Time Table 111 eflect May as, lyoa
'Z'.uZ.r: umg.on.nathe west;!.
B. O. K. K.f turoiiKii trains leave iwi....b
mlnal, nilUdelpi.lf, -4o, 7,r.s. 1 !.. '
7.!i, p. m. ttunoays a.m, '"""
S.4H, 7.27, p, m, Aauilionai irnnin
Chestnut street station, weekMjs, J. ft, 141 p. m. Hiindsys, 1.85. 8.a p. ni.
Leave New ork Tin 1'ulluueiyi.iu ':i0
m., and via Kast.on K.K'ft. m.
l.uave mnanetnnij iimi n. uu.
Leave Heading li.lj p. m.
Lriave Kot.isviile I."" p. m!
LenveTamaqua t.4 P. f-i . .
Leave willlauigpuri weekdayeio.isa m,.42p
mLeaveOstawissiweeltdas, 7.oo,8.0(Ui'a m.
l.BO 8.M8. A.UH p. in. , . ,
Leave ftupert, weekdays,,9.13 11.40
a. m.. 1. as B.411
For ATI.AN 1 1" ( ITY-Week Days Express
A M .":, H:fK), S:PO, 9:(Ki. 10:00, lc: 10, 11:"0. I'.
M., 1:30, 2:0, :l;00, 8:10, 4:00, l::w, 4:45. G:00,
7:&m1 tys-a. M., 7:0.1, 7-:t0, S:V, 10:00, 11:00. P
Mt-mVAVK MAY A. M., 7f0, 8::, :, :15,
ll:f.. 1'. M.. 1-111.4:10. ?.: '. r.:K).
rorOC'KAN I I Y A. M., 7:l'0. 8:1), :I5, 11:4 J.
P. M ,i:r. 4: JO. 5:'io. ",:;''0.
For SK ISI.EC1TY-A.M., 7:00, 8:15. P. M.,
2:l'i l:JO, 5:00, 5:::0.
Parlor cars on nil express trains.
for f'AI'K M A Y wepRdays s s 45 a. ni.,
(S:iturdikva only !1.I0) M.lo, (i 40, p. lu. ttuuilajs,
h. I.r, a. m. 5 00 p. in. .-...
Ki HI IO KAN CITY - WeeVflnys-8.4 . . til.
(iiiiinliiys only !l.l' ) H.20,15. 10 P- I"- Mio'
8.15 '1.15. n. in. 5.IN) p. in.
t int SKA l.-I.B i l l Y-Veekdn.vs 145 n-m.
(Siiiurdavsonlv il.loi, t5.40p. m. miniiaj
8 4.. a. in'., r..oo p. in. tsouih XI. 4. 15, p. m.,.u'l
hi. .:)p. in , i.souili St. l.:i p. m., wiilli .-'
VavesNKW Y')KK (Mh.Tty HI reet) S.40 a. in.
Leaves A TLANTIC Cl l'Y.H.M a. 111.
Detailed Mine li.bles at 1 leket onieeij.
W. A. (IAHUETT, fil'SON .1. WBKKH.
Onn'lisupt. Hen'l 'ass. Aift.
(Filipino Maiden Who Came to America to
Free Her Brothers.)
Amiable Sauuestion.
Patience Did you hear that MIbs
Fussanfeuther talk about her barber?
Isn't hlie inainiinh?
Putrieo Nci; perhaps she's poiiifr to
marry u barber. Vonkers Statesman.
- SS.
State of Ohio, City ok To- )
ledo, Lucas County. f
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he is the senior partner of the firm of
, F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in
the City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL
LARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my presence, this 6th day of De
cember 1886.
A. W. Gleason, ,
seal Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern
ally and acts directly on the blood
, and mucous surfaces of the system,
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
by the reply to a letter which has been
sent tn her family. .Meanwhile s-lie is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J-'iske War
ren, of Hobton, studying American in
stitutions and making special efforts
to lietMume mistress of the English lan
guage. vShe finds us much diiliculty in
endeavoring to understand our social
and economic conditions as she does
in comprehending the vagaries of our
The senorita, says the Kansas City
Star, is pretty, after the Japanese
type. She is small and slight, with
light brown skin, very durk brow 11 eyes
and wavy black hair.
The Lopez home was open to the
Americans at all time., and many or
the ollicers visited there. The desire
of the family is declared to have been
that war should as speedily a
The onlv members -of the family noi,
then in the country were Sixto, who,
wa conducting a propaganda in th
TTnited States, and Jose, who was
studying engineering In England. The
fainily was overjoyed when news-came
last winter that Sixto was on liu waj
tn Manila. It was their deiie, it n
declared, that he should cease his worU
in behalf of independence, return to
Manila, tuke the oath of allegiance and
trust to the good offices of the Ameri
can government.
In order txi endeavor to persuade him
to this line of conduct, t'lemeiicia, ac
companied by her 17-year-old sifter,
Mnrla. lourneved to Hong-Kong to
meet him.
Thev sailed from Manila on Decern
her 15. Two days neiore ineir iiiree
brother had been arrested, and Inter
confined on 11 transport, and deported
to the island of lalim. J his was un
known to her when she sailed. The
brothers were suspected of aiding the
incnrcrents. und it wus charged that
when one of them, C'ipriano, surren
ilered he failed to turn in .10 rifles lie
longing to Ills-command. Ke asserted
iWt. he had turned 111 all the rifles in
his possession, but information to
the contrary had been given by one
whom the members of the Lopez fam
ily denounce as a political enemy, and
that information influenced the gov
ernment in the arrest' of the three
brothers, Cipriano, Lorenzo nnd Man
tiel. Clemenciu was in Hong-Kong when
the news of the arrest of her brothers
Was received in a letter from home.
She was astounded at this turn of af
fairs, and instead of counseling Sixto
to abandon his propaganda and return
to Manila, she urged him not to do so.
She then determined to appeal to the
president, and wrung from her brother
and sister their approval of this-plan,
formulntedjiy herslf; :
The deteimination of the Grand
Army of the Republic to invite Gen
eral Miles to head the grand parade
at the encampment to be held in
Washington next October, is a source
of serious annoyance to the friends of
the President. Of course, General
Miles is the most distinguished mem
ber of the G. A. R. He is the most
noted survivor of the Civil War, since
Grant, blierman, bherulan ana a
number of others have passed away.
Comiri; from the people, without the
aid of a West Point education, Gene
ral Miles his attained thi highest
rank in the army and that, together
with the fact that he served shoulder
to shoulder with the men of '6o-"65,
makes him dear to the G. A. R , but
he is in discrace with the administra
tion. Colonel-President Roosevelt
has had occasion to scold him and
would have retired him had not an
influential delegation of Senators and
Representatives gone to the White
House and threatened to blockade
Dr. Humphreys.
After fifty years Dr. Humphreys'
Spocifles enjoy tho greatest popularity
nnd largest salo in their history, due to
intrinsic merit. They euro lllO fuck.
1 Fevera, CnnKCStlona, Inflammations. .23
-i Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... Mi
3 Teething, Collc.CTylng-.Wakofulucss ,'ti
i Itlnrrhen. of ChlMren or AdulU) 2.)
7 4 otili. Coliln, llrouchlll 'iH
H .enratnla. Toothache, Faccnche 'iH
9 Headache, Sick Headache, Vortlgo.. .ii-l
1 0 Dyapepala, Indigestlou.Wealc Stomachs 5
1 1 -uiuireel or I'alnriil Period 'ii
1 -i Whiten. Too Profuse 1'erlods 23
13 Croup, Lnrytmiiln, IIo&nwneM 23
11 Suit Ilheiini.Krylpela. Eruption.. .23
15 Hlieuniatliiti. Kheumatla I'alm 23
10 Malaria. Chill, Fuvcr ttud Atfuo 23
19 Catarrh, Influenza, Cotd It the Head .23
20 Whooplim-t'otiiih 23
2T-KIlney lll.en.e. 23
2H-ervou Debility 1.00
30-1 rlimrv Weakneu, Wetting Bed.. .23
TT-drlp. Hny Fever 23
Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
- Dr. Humphreys' New Pocket Manual
of all Diseases mailed free,
Humphrey' Medicine Co. Cor. William '
John Su.. Mew York.
scruuroD(It II) lv
PI j iiitu terr "
Wauwaliopei.. "
Nesconeik ar
Tmiihli Keu.,
Feru Glen...
Hock llrn...
4. V.
! ss
1 U!
t 7 3.
1 i
H 01
S 1
A. U
1 S Ml
7 ti;
7 .
7 -lv
7 K
8 UU
NescopccK lv
Oieasy "
Kspy Ferry '
II. Ulouuisliui'K'
C'atawlsBa ar
Cat awissrt lv
H. l)invlUe.... "
Suuoury "
Ioeftect Juu. M, lUoJ,
all legislation recommended by the
T'raciHrtnt if Via lul anri Ielno' in I h e
black books of Colonel President iUilLiiwUili; 'UML iJlUhSL
Roosevelt, he has no right to occupy
a position of honor or importance in
the G. A. R. parade, and especially
in Washington. It is even hinted
that if the General accepts the invita
tion the Colonel-Commander-in-Chief
will prolong his stay in the west so
that he will not be in Washington on
the day of the great procession, but
the time is still distant and it is pro
bable that his better advised friends
will not allow him to so seriously af
front the veterans during the time
they are guests in ths national capi
The ofl'icial figures of the last ses
sion of Congress have at last been
issued by the clerks of the appropria
tion committees of the Senate and
the House. They show that the re-
cent session appropriated the stupen- Tftyur
dous sum of $1,003,335,961.55.
Kqual lavishness at the next session
will make the total appropriations of
the Fifty-Seventh Congress aggregate
more than two billion dollars. Repre
ser.tative Livingstone, the ranking
democrat member of the appropria
tions committee of the House, who
furnished the estimate made in these
letters when Congress adjourned,
placed the total at $1,059,577,052
but it will be seen that even he un
derestimated the exlravigance of the
session. It will be remembered that
at the same time Mr. Livingston
gave the figures for the lust Congress
under democratic control and that
they aggregated but $550,000,000.
Petter evidence of republican liberali
ty, with the funds of the people,
could not be asked for. The appro
priations of the first session of the
Unlaw ltts& -
Lime Klde ...
W illow lirove
uuaun Haven
Uluk'B Ferry 8 u'
Plymouth Junction.
hUUh'tt'-OU... .
Forty Fort ,
West Plttston
tmiqueuuliua Ave..
Duryea. -
A.M. r. 11. a. m. r.n.
;o.i5 1.1,0 10 mi n n
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4 S!0
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Sunbury .
Lewlsburg ....
m: ou
I, x-.k Haven...
Uji "vo ........
Cuek Haven.
Hellefoute ar
Clearlield "
Plttsuurs "
k. u
i 8 Is
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f 8 4
8 4
8 55
8 5!
A. M.
I 4.
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A. M.
10 as
no i-l
10 50
11 (17
11 16
11 '!!'.
12 10
1 OS
2 -M
4 35
6 25
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Baltimore "
Washington... "
Lewlstown Jc ar
I Ml
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P. M.
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A. V
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P. M.
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"pTTi P. M
5 5 10 10 4ti
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6 35 10 07
5 30 10 65
7 HI
8 B0
Beagle Studio I
Prompt attention given tojali
Photographic Work.
Crayons, Framing, Copying and Bromide
Enlargements. Made at snort
The Beagie Studio,
P. M.
1 50
a 15
P. M.
8 23
6 00
7 15
ljS' fcrgPrSK
p. u.
I 5 ill
8 ftO:
P. M,'
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2 KI)
4 05
P. M
A. M
t 5 30
ou can save money on 1'ianos and Cr
gnns. 'ou will always find the largest
stock, best makes and lowest prices.
PIANOS. From $175.00 and Upwards.
ORGANS, From $50.00 and Upwards
the installment oian. Planes
$25. co down and $10.00 per month
cans. $10.00 down. sj.oo per monili.
eral discount for cash. Sheet music, at one-
half price. Musical merchandise ol an
We handle Genuine Singer High Arm
5.00 down and $3.00 per month. N e alsc
handle the Ocmorcst Sewing Mac'.iine, from
4:9.50 and upwards. Sewing Machim
Needles and Oil for all makes of Sewing
Machines. Best mal ei of
FROM $4.00 UP TO 'd.00.
Music Rooms No. 115 W. Main street
below Market, Hloomsburg, Pa.
f WeeKdiiyS; Dally. rKli B st atlc.D
a, m. ft. m I
I a 00 1 8 co
P. M.
I 9 30 I 8 10
p. iu. a. m.
;.. . t b 00
P. M.
t 8 00
t 4 50
Lackawmiia 7 48
busitueliauiiu Ave
West Plttston
Forty Port
nick's firry
Beach Haven-.
Lime Ktdite...
Hloi lsburg .
Ku .-rt
Having just received a new, large camera
nnd lense, of celebrated make, we CAN
FL'KNISII you with the lnrpcst DIRECT
1'ORTRAIT and C.kOUrt 11IU1U-
GKAI'IIS made in Columbia County. Ve
STRIVE continually TO I'RULH. Cr. the
1SEST in photography, and would be pleased
to have you call and examine our work.
Capwell's 5tudio,
(Over Hartman's Stoic)
and Fii-eign
h say "Consuinptlon ran be cured."
Nature alono won't do I;. Hneeds
help. Doctors say
1 is the best ho!p." But you must
eontinuo its uso even in not
If you have not tried It. send for free sample.
SCOTT t UOSVN13, Chemists,
409-415 l'eurl feucct, New York.
Soc. and i.eo; all anisgist.
t south
i AHK1V.
a.m a.m.ipm
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PlUsburs.. I 7 10 I oo
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1147 7 mi " a,m.
1155 Ti Pl"sbur lv
US If. LewlstowaJo." t T f
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1 08 7 4- n. m. A.M. A.M. a.m
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lii 17 8 01 f"i ',V, ,V .it oo I 1 8 811 ill 4.1
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O'-'tl 4 8li 1U2J S 10 A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M.
U A dn ll'M Kill. . o "5- nr 11 in !. 9(1
EEr sr, :s ivz iEm -1 Hi8
A.M r. M. P.M P. Ml p. M A. M.I A. M
WKvi. Pittsburg lv 12 I;. I 1 3 00 i8(K -w.-vv. wvf
.... 'jf.'jo"lO jl'''jjhj IMuUpL'uurgV.'.'." 4 4(! 10 jvvpi
H !!! S Lock llaven.'.'.'ar 0 15 1 10 80 2 10 i U V . Vfl M 1 II fl S i
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70S 104(1 i !" 8 10 Hi'iiovo ' 1150 t 8 45 It) 8'i r rtuud model, sketcl. or photo ol invention ior f
7 12 10 10 a 81 6 41 I ock Havel..... " 12 88 t 7 8 : 11 I 3 0C ireereirt on patentability. For free book, f
7 15 1052 .14 47 a.m. p.m. 4;Howto8eeureTnirr II II DUO wriief
721 10MI s 4) 0M willliimsport.." U.! 18 80 tiaio 4 0C Iwnwainl I fiMUL." WMn tV 0 to
7:10 10 Oil SI 45 H5H vtllton..... " a 23 17 125 4 4tl KSFQWZmMaSIBBIkl t
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mo 5l 708 Hunbury ar 8 24 4t 1 65 5 15 l J uL3 II 1' ' tXJI I
745 1113 8 58 714 . I i 1 I III I SXj
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8 07 fll 31 8 20 t7si Huubnrr lv h 45 55 tao-j tss v.toJP nfc. jIBI ill rVnrlt
813 1148 8:10 7 41 s. lianvllle " 7 11 10 17 8 21 5 Ml , -TT1 1 f -r r liTit r I ir 7 1 . J
si 1148 37 7 4s catawiHsa " 7 82 1085 88 8 rs ' Opposite U.S. Patent Office I
faS3 1l51f( 44 7 5 B. Blooinhburg" 7 87 1048 8 48 I 1M J WAH I N C1TCI KI n C '
fS27 1101 rs 50 fs oo kmpv Kerry I 7 42 110 47 f 1 K YlT?H 'Jl J Jl -1 .1 - 1
U reasy " 7 W 10 5ii 5' n Mil I - -
NeseopecU 8 oa 11 us 8 05 8 u i
847 18 W 4 12 820 A. M. A.M. P.M. P.M I VSv ? ot &AVjClA.l!l.V k IV I
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HOb 'vii-.' is. o.ii neooiiei o 2" I I r c;:i-SI I
HockUltUl ar ll o i - lnnno Iji.' T. IAnHl
KernOlen " 8 811 ll 8h 8 82 7 84 t?SaiaSL J A&. MS I
Toillillcken " 8 8j ll 8 6 3s 7 42 I I I 1 J i 5.xvw I
IIa"eH.n .....' 1 1158 tt 8 0! llQjyv &fW GX&C
PottBVllle " 10 15 6 55 ratt: A 1
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0 m. TATioH8. am pin pin a.m w"""" p.m. lU.ftli- ?Tvv?
8.15 lllooii.hbu'g 8.50 8 87,8 85 0.10 piym'th Ferry" 9 OS 18 02 8 67 T Si ) -2fJ.GJd.
1 o " r.&H 8.M 8.80 (1.27 wilkebarre ..." 10 18 10 4 05 8 8.", ,"' SfjK':'S VWVX
I nn''Taln ht. 8.M 8.48 8.8.1 Ui.A J
lM'rapcr Mill 9.058.52 (U0 A.M. P.M.! V.M.I P.M
1.45..LiKht M. 9.0S 85 0 41,8.87 p1tt.Bton(t H) ar t 9 3H 118 M t 4 60 t 8 S
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li'.M .'.'.kauer-8:: ;5oi8.17lU.t? 7.85
btlllwater a.e-t.. !
tnton. . 0.4H 8.S3I7.23 8.00
KdHOUV. 9.5U 8.37 7 87 8.8(1 and Krle, IHltweou rtuuour ut.u i iiiinui-ii.i.ii. KS'j. W.HV
V.?.'1?"'?..: : Ti Im i i.i U -ii uii i?L.i iinii Biii1hMt.weinUarrlHburur. Plltt! EfrVi- J- ift,..i,.1
' T.nhaei... y'.ss 8.4'iT.4l.4(i bura and the west, .. . . I
'.c-hutrHl. io05 8.58 7.5i 9.0o Kor further lntoi -oatlon apply to Ticuei r-
7 41
7 4S
II 51 H 44 7 KI
1 1 oi rs rio is oo
8 31 fl8 05 854 fH08
f.87 18 00 8 58 8 08
18 82 4(8 17
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IS sr. 4 15 8 2
I S 88 4 88 8 37
18 44 ft 33
0 81 12 W 441 S 5
11 : 1 10 5 00 0.-
i.H. P. M. P- M. P M,
I ltun 1nilv. f Flag si iiuon.
R M. H1NK. 1 .
9. 48
Inn p in . " lu
;orreowd to Jan. 80, luoa
5.08 18.46
5.00 18.8'
4 6ti 18.10
4.88 11.46
8.4'T.41 40
8.58 7.W 0.00
8.56I7.M 89 6
pin pm uin
t wmikdMva. I Dnllv. f Flint station.
piir,,..n parlor aud SleenliiK t'ars run on
through trains between Sunbury, Wllllan.spoil
-..h k'r.a lui.weo.. Hunbury und Phllndelohli-
and WHulilnutouaudbetweenUarrlbburg, Plllf!
V. . i r, ulill it.. urAnl.
Kor further lnfoi toatlon apply to Ticket
Oen'l.Marager. Uen. rase, Agt
ELY'S CREAM BALM la a positl v our
Apply into the notrrila. It It quickly absorbed. 6
cents at Drueplst or by mail ; samples inc. by mal
1XV HKOTUKKS, 66 Warren U, New 1'ork Cltj
-'QrlpanM.g and b(UiuMis tln hsir I
ll'r.,iii'Ui a lnxurmnl Sruwtn.
.-S-.UV - a'wver Pails to lioB'.arB O-SJ-
lfmii rt ism Vonlliflll CoU)
i II nr. r i . .ti i