The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 28, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Discussed by President In His
Boston Speech.
5n That With I'rrarnl Intva t'ora
porntloim ( nil not !) Di'iilt Kll
n tlip Sltuiitlon UiMitn a tin
Tlio) Snonlil III-.
BOSTON. All;;. !(!. The wcrk's work
for President Koiwvclt in lila trip
tlirouuli Now KiiKlnntl Iickhii In curliest
when liu ilepnrted from the bountiful
summer homo of thu Junior enntor of
Miissiiehuselts. lion. Henry Culiot
Loilue, nt Niilmiit, iind iimlil the en
Ihusliisin of tlwe Ki'eiitest tiunilier of
penlile ho has fneed hIiico the I'lttn
burif visit on .Inly 4 rode Into I.ynn
under eiivnlry escort nnd spoki? from a
lihilform nt city hull. Then he wiih
tuken to Huston by specinl triiln and
iin arrival went to Symphony hall,
there addresslm; n urent nalherliiK of
ltoptoti liusiiuss men. His speei h here
was devoted almost entirely to n con
sideration of llie trust question.
From the hall the president went to
Hotel Touralne,' where a little later In
the evening he was the finest of Gov
ernor Crane at dinner.
This morning hrlulit iid early the
presidential party started for Maine.
Tlio president said In part:
"Kverytlilnn has been revolutionized
in the business world since the govern
ment was founded, and the prom-ess of
civilization from IicIiik a trickle has
become a torrent. There was no par
ticular thhiK at Hint time to'bothir as
to whether the nation or the stale had
control of the corporations. They were
easy to control. Now. however, the
exact reverse is the case, ami remem
ber I say 'corporations.' I do not
wiy merely trusts, merely combina
tions of corporations or corporations
under certain peculiar conditions. Tor
Instance, sonic time lino thu attorney
general took action against a certain
trust. There has been considerable
discussion as to whether the trust
aimed at would not peek to get out
from under the law by becoming u
single corporation. Now, I want laws
to enable us to deal with It no matter
what shape. It takes. 1 want to hih the
government to be able to get at it dcll
nitely, so that the action of the govern
ment cannot be evaded by any turn
ing within or without federal or state
"At present wo have really no etli
clent control over a big corporation
which does business in more than one
(state, rreipiently the corporation has
nothing whatever to do with the state
in which It Is incorporated except to
get Incorporated, and its actions may
be taken In entirely different communi
ties, communities which may object
very much to the methods of incorpo
ration in the state named. I do not
think you can get action by any state,
action by nil the states, that will give
us satisfactory control of the trusts or '
big corporations, and the result Is at
present that we have a greaj, power
ful, artificial creation which has no
creator to which It is responsible.
"The creator creates It, and then it
goes and operates somewhere else, and
there Is no interest to the creator to
deal witli it. It does not do anything :
in that state. It operates outside en- I
tlrely. of course it Is a mere truism
that the corporation is the creature of
the state, that the state is sovereign.
Now, I M-ant to make a real and not a
nominal sovereign, to have some one
sovereign to which the corporation
shall be really, lvally and not nominal
ly, responsible.
"The first thing we want is the pub
licity, and I don't mean publicity as a
favor by some corporations, 1 mean
It as a right from all corporations af
fected by the law. I want publicity as
to the essential facts In which the pult
lic has an Interest. 1 want the knowl
edge given to the accredited repre
sentatives of the people of facts on
which those representatives can, If
they see lit, base their actions later.
The publicity itself would cure many
evils. The light of day Is a great de
terrent to wrongdoing. If the mere
fact of being able to put out nakedly
statements which would show the con
dition of tilings to be wrong, it would
go a long distance toward curing that
wrong, and even where it did not cure
It it would make the path evident by
which to cure It,
"We want to tie striving to see what
Is good and what Is bad. to know what
the facts are and to be able to shape
our course accordingly. Some of these
things I have said can be done now.
A good deal Is being dune now. As
far as the antitrust laws go they will
be enforced. Now, no suit will be
undertaken for the sake of seeming to
undertake it.
"Every suit that Is undertaken will
be begun because the great lawyer and
upright man whom we are so fortu
nate as to have as attorney general,
Mr. Knox, believes that there is a vio
lation of the law which we can get at,
and when thu suit Is undertaken it
won't be eomprninlsed, excepting on
the basis that the government wins.
"Of course, gentlemen, no laws
amount to anything unless they nre
administered lniestly and fearlessly.
You have got to have the administra
tion before the law amounts to any
thing. f
"Then I believe, I am not going to
say I am sure of it, but I believe It Is
possible to frame national legislation
which shall give us more power than
we have now, at any rate over corpo
rations doing an Interstate business. I
cannot guarantee that, because In thu
past it has more than once happened
that we have got laws on the statute
books which those who made them In
tended to mean one thing and when
they cume up for decision It was found
that the Intention had not been sue
cetMully put Into effect. Hut I bulitT4
that additional legislation can be hnd.
I think we have got to make up our
minds to the fact that If it proves on
effort that we have not under the con
stitution as It Is given the national ad
ministration sulllcient power In deal
ing with these great corporations then
no matter what our reverence to the
past may be our duty to the present
and to the future will force us to see
that more power Is conferred upon the
national administration."
Fniiintm Veti-rnli I'nniM'N Away After
l.nnir lllnesM.
NKW YOKK, Aug. Hl'.-Ocnornl
Franz Sigel, the grizzled old warrior
who fought against the government
In the (ionium revolution of'.i
and valiantly battled for the Fnion
through the civil war In the Fulled
States, Is tlead.
After a brief illness the beloved com
mander passed away nt his home, !;i
Mott avenue, In the Uronx.
If the general had lived until Nov.
TS, he would have been seventy-eight
years old.
For the last two months it has been
realized that General Sigel might die
at any moment, and yet his end wos
somewhat unexpected.
Around the deathbed were gathered
three of General Sigel's sons, Kobert,
Faul and Kudolph, and his daughter,
Mrs. Leila Schehl, who has made her
home with General Sigel since her hus
bund's death.
The general was quite conscious al
most to the last and was able-to recog
nize and converse with those gathered
around him. When the final moments
came, he sank Into a deep sleep.
General Sigel was credited with do
ing more than any other person to
keep Missouri in the Union during the
civil war. Conspicuous in the mili
tary career of the dead general were
his brilliant, masterly retreats when
outnumbered by the enemy.
Horn In Germany, General Sigel re
ceived a military education there. He
never returned to Germany after com
ing to this country at the conclusion of
the German revolution, although he
was granted special amnesty in Still.
He came to this country in 1S52, went
to St. Louis and at the outbreak of the
civil war organized a regiment of in
fantry and a battery. The Germans
flocked to him. He fought conspicu
ously throughout the war, taking part
In all the principal engagements.
In 18U7 he came to this city, and In
1S71 he was appointed collector of In
ternal revenue and later was elected
register. He was pension agent under
Cleveland in INlMi.
Mr. Srlmnli NnllN.
NEW YOKK, Aug. 2. Charles M.
Schwab, president of the Fnlted States
Steel corporation, has sailed for Eu
rope in the Lorraine, looking strong and
in Ills usual health. He was accompa
nied to the steamship by Elbert H.
Gary, chairman of the board of direct
ors of the United States Steel corpo
ration; George YV. IVrkins of Mr. Mor
gan's olttce, Joseph H. Schwab, Max
Fain, T. F. linker. S. A. 1'ope and
CharlesSorck. Mr. Schwab was asked
to confirm or deny the persistent rumor
that he was to resign as president of
the steel curporatlon and said emphat
ically; "Not a word of truth In It. I ain
going away on my vacation. I don't
know how long I shall remain away,
and that's all."
Wreck On fit I.t-liUli Vnlloy.
AUP.FKX. N. Y., Aug. iTi-There
has been a wreck on the I.ehigh Valley
railroad half a mile north of Ensenore.
The baggage and smoking cars of a
passcii-rer train left the rails and went
down an embankment into Owasco
lake, where they were overturned.
The passengers escaped through tho
windows. E. L. Leonard, Jay C.
Weeks, Frank Greenfield and Henry
Wagner, all of Auburn, were painfully
though not seriously Injured. They
were brought to this city.
IOvniii f.nt'N tu Julian.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 2ti.-The navy
department has received a cablegram
from Hear Admiral Evans, second In
command on the Asiatic station, an
nouncing his departure from Vladivo
stok, bound for Hakodate, Japan,
aboard his tiagshlp, the Kentucky.
Drowned la the Yfllowatoiie.
MILES CITY, Mont., Aug. 20. Ser
geant Coon of Troop II, Thirteenth cav
alry, has been drowned whlleatteniptliig
to swim the Yellowstone river. Detach
ments of soldiers from Fort Keough
are actively euged In a search for
his body.
Iloera Sail Far Home.
HAMILTON, Herinuda, Aug. 20.
The Hrltlsh transport Staffordshire
hus sailed for Cape Town with 1.0(H)
Itoers who had been prisoners In the
detention camps on these Islands.
The, Shah la I'arla.
PARIS, Aug. 20.-The shah of Ter
jla has arrived here. lie received an
ovation ut the station and was escorted
to his hotel by a mounted, detachment
of the Republican guard.
Kotahle Kvpntu nt the Week Itrlrfly
ad Teraelr Tolil.
The shah left England.
The president accepted an Invitation
to attend the convention of the Itroth
crhood of Locomotive Firemen.
General Mollneux claimed to have
discovered tvldence that will free his
pn Koland of the charge of poisoning
Mrs. Kate J. Adams.
M. P. Whitman and It. L. Doinrty
won In the tennis singles from Kobert
Huntington and Leo E. Ware respec
tively at Newport.
A special policeman of the Lehigh
Valley Conl company was stabbed
while rescuing his son from a mob of
strikers at Hazleton, Fa.
Attorney General Knox gave In
structions for another attempt to se
cure the extradition from Canada of
Colonel Gaynor and Captain Greene.
Minilii.v, A li it. 25.
Clarence A. Flank, police Judge of
Springfield, O., committed suicide.
General ,T. J. IHckhftoii, one of tho
most notable ex-Confederates, died at
Ills home In Ocala, Flu., aged eighty
three years.
The new first ch iss battleship Maine
on the Cape Ann trial course made an
average of l.s.3 knots for four hours of
continuous steaming
Pan Fa tcli paced a mile In 2:(K)1,4 at
Keadvllle, Mass., beating his own roc
;id half a second, but failing to lower
Star Pointer's ligure of l:5!Vi.
Kobby Walthour defeated Harry
Elkes at Kevere. Mass., In a twenty--five
mile motor paced race and estnb
lished a new world's record from the
first to tho twenty-fifth mile. The time
for the twenty-live miles was ;t,"iin.
11 1 "is. The previous record was Jt.'m.
19 4-.r.H.
Mntiirilny, Ann:. 2.'l.
Land In South Africa left by Cecil
Khodes to the Countess of Warwick
was sold for $1,i)(Hi,(iiM).
Sir Thomas Llpton and the sultan of
Morocco met with automobile acci
dents, but neither was hurt.
The Hutler washery and Dodge col
liery near Wilkosbarro, which have
been operating, were closed by strik
ers. The sultan promised Minister Leish
nian to comply with demands of the
Fnlted States and asked him to resume
visits to the porte.
Mayor Knight of F.uffalo suggested
memorial services for McKInley in all
local churches on the first uuniversary
of his death, Sunday, Sept. 14.
An aged F.altijnore woman was
found dead of starvation and her
daughter half crazed by hunger. They
were too proud to make their need
1' rlil ny, Anu. it'J.
Four whites and eight or ten negroes
were killed in a race riot near Tupelo,
What is said to be the largest green
goods capture ever made was effected
in Newark, N. .1., by postolllee Inspect
ors. Former Corporal O'llrlen, indicted
for perjury before the senate Philip
pine committee, was committed for
trial in Washington.
Twenty-seven mines were In opera
tion In the Kanawha and New Kiver
fields of West Virginia, nnd the strike
was apparently broken.
Tliurmlny, Aim. 21.
II. L. Doherly defeated Clarence ITo
bart In the Newnort tennis tourna
ment. Three Kentucky murderers made nn
unsuccessful attempt to escape from
the Frankfort penitentiary.
It was reported that J. K. Richards,
solooltor general, department of jus
tice, expected fo resign lu autumn to
become Abner McKlnley's law part
ner. Bishop Potter returned home after a
two months' vacation In Europe.' He
said that he expects Senator Hanna
and himself to Im asked to arbitrate
the coal strike.
Generals liothn, De Wet and Dela
rey, accompanied by Dr. Leyds and
Messrs. Fischer, "Weasels, Wolniarans,
Reltz and others, arrived at I'trecht,
Holland, from The Hague to visit for
mer President Kruger and consult
with htm on the South African situa
tion. Wednesday, Aiitf, 20.
Generals Hot ha, De Wet and Dela
rey were warmly received at Rotter
dam and The Hague.
President Castro expelled from Ven
ezuela the wife and children of for
mer Prime Minister Rodriguez.
Five people, two women and three
children, were burned to death In an
east side fire In New York city.
Fire Chief Croker of New York city
was "relieved from duty" by Commis
sioner Sturgis. Croker said there was
no ground for Ills suspension.
Coal road presidents held a long con
ference In New Y'ork city. It was re
ported that they would order a whole
sale attempt to break the strike.
R. F. and 11. L. Doherty, the Eng
lish tennis pair, defeated Collins and
Waldner of Chicago in the first cham
pionship round at Newport, II sets to 2.
W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr., and wife, Con
suelo, duchess of Marlborough, and
Mr. and Mrs. O. II. P. Relmont returned
from Europe on the Kronprlnz Wil
u el in.
Mllea' VUlt to the l'hlliiilneM.
BOSTON, Aug. 20.-With reference
to the statement that Lieutenant Gen
oral Miles is going to the Philippine
Islands Secretary Cortelyou said,
"General Miles is going, to the Philip
pine Islands with the permission of
tho president to inspect army condi
tions there."
Oar 1'roiliM-tlou of I'rerloaa Metala,
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20.-Tho total
value of the precious metals produced
by the United States In 1P0T amounted
to $111,705,100, which was $1,1104,100,
or 2 per' cent, less than the yield for
tligginson's Fleet Surrounds
Hostile Ships.
After I'onr laya anil Mht of Sleep
le.ta M nti liliiK White t omnmnitcr
C'unlil Not lift ThroiiHh
lllne' llefenne.
ROCK PORT. Mass., Aug. 25,-The
naval search problem on the New Eng
land coast was terminated at an early
hour by the signal "Surrender demand
ed; unconditional," from Rear Admi
ral Higglnson's flagship and the reply,
"Accept surrender," from the fore
truck of tin! Prairie, Commander Fills
bury's flagship. The battle between
the blue, or defending, squadron and
the white, or attacking, squadron was
thus quickly ended eight miles south
of Thatcher's Island, The enemy had
most signally failed to make a harbor
having for its objective Salem. A pre
ponderance of fighting strength, rela
tively 04 points, represented by the
battleships Kearsarge, Alabama and
Massachusetts, Vcorplou and a torpedo
boat, had overwhelmed the 45 points
represented by the auxiliary cruisers
Prairie, Panther and Supply.
To speak from a theoretic standpoint
the white squad,!n was entirely de
stroyed by the guns of the defending
battleships. Thus mi the fourth night
the game of naval strategy was
brought to an end, It having covered a
period of unceasing toll, sleepless
nights of anxious and wearing vigil
nnd of grave uncertainty to its partici
pants. The capture came at the end of a
night filled with rumors as to the loca
tion of the attacking squadron. At
ll:.'!0 p. in. the three battleships of Hlg
gitison got under way in a hurry and
sailed to the eastward. The intention
was to move on to Portland, and if
that had been carried out Admiral
Higglnson, as it later developed, would
have unconsciously swung the balance
of his fighting force to that end of tho
coast line, as Pillsbury hail intended he
should, but which was not done on ac
count of heavy seas running outside
Cape Elizabeth, lllgginson, however,
deflected his course back to Gloucester
after a swing seaward In response to
a report that the enemy had not been
Sighted when it was believed she had
been, but In the last hours of the night
Pillsbury sailed toward Cape Ann
from the outside and, as it proved,
right under the very guns of the de
fending squadron. Commander Pills
bury, when still out to sea, after ma
neuvering, headed straight for Salem
harbor, but the desired vantage point
was never reached.
At this time the olllcer on the deck
of the Kearsarge was Lieutenant Ray
Stone, with Midshipman William Dil
worth Puleston as the Junior olllcer in
command. In contrast to others the
morning was clear and star bright.
On the bridge u dozen Jackles stood
on the lookout. One of these was
Daniel Staohlo, an apprentice of the
first class. Ho stood well forward,
peering on the lee side. The flagship
was Just falling down Into a trough
when he notified the ensign nt his
side that he could see the "enemy."
The olllcer of the deck called Flag
Lieutenant Evans and Flag Secretary
Itistol, and it was but the work of a
moment to inform Admiral Higgin
son of the probability that the time
for decisive action was at hand.
It was real war then. General quar
ters were sounded. There was a quick
rush of many feet, the manning of a
hundred posts, the clank of the an
chor chain, the ringing of bells, the
giving of orders and a general clear
ing for action. Not many moments
passed before the flagship was under
way steaming at fourteen knots, with
the Alabama and Massachusetts many
lengths lu the rear. Some distance
back was the Harney, rapidly over
hauling the ships ahead.
At o:40 a. m. the three battleships,
aided by the converted yacht Scorpion,
which had chased In from the south
in time to be lu at the finish, and thu
Barney, which had overtaken tho fleet,
formed a horseshoe about the white
squadron. The elation among tho men
on board tho blue squadron ran high.
There was something pathetic lu the
picture when Commander Pillsbury,
after he had signaled his surrender,
passed in Ids barge from the Prairie,
walked up the starboard gangway of
the Kearsarge and offered his sword to
Admiral Higglnson,
"Keep your sword, sir," said the
senior olllcer, his voice quavering a
bit In spite of himself. "1 would not
accept the sword from so gallant a
"And I, sir," responded Pillsbury,
with dignity, "could not surrender to
a nobler or better olllcer, sir."
It Wan Made -too Veara Abo, lint Snth.
lav Waa llnne I Mil lie
l.eaarp'a Day.
How ninny Americans know that the
first exploration for Hip route of the
Pannmn canal was made by II. do la
Serna us far back ns 1.-.27-2S? Many
different explorations followed, nnd
suggestions from various quarters,
but nothing definite was done until
Pe Lesscps formulated his famous
scheme. This wns opposed by the
United States. Americans then want
ed the canal to go through Nicaragua,
nnd this plan was favored by lien.
Grant in 1 S7H. Hut nothing wns done.
Snys Harper's Encyclopedia ff the
United States: "In ls.4 the people of
the United States nnd France Mih
rcribed large sums toward a French
company, headed by Count de T.csseps,
of Suez canal fame, wheh announced
Its intention of cuffing a canal
through the isthmus of Panama." The
subsequent financial catastrophe is
well known. In is!)!i the Panama Canal
Company of America was Incorporated
with n capital of $:in.nn0.nno. It was
then estimated that it would cost $11.".
000,000 to complete the cannl.
Crealril a w Volcano.
As n sequel to tlio recent enrth
quakes in Sardinia nn enormous
chasm has been opened in (Jie earth,
while the surface has bulged into n
hill of considerable elevation, from
which stones and masses of earth
are projected. There are also symp
toms that the interior of the hill Is
In an ebullient condition. Scientists
Incline to the belief that the phe
nomena observed nre volcanic. An
other consequence of the earthquake
is that Lake Santo, near Modena,
which was about "i00 yards long and
100 wide, has completely disappeared.
Atnioaphpre Tnhlolda.
Py a French chemist is claimed the
Invention, of a method of compressing
sen nir into tabloids. Those, therefore,
who wish for a change of air will in
future only have to go to the nearest
chemist's and buy a bottle of Margate
tabloids or half a dozen Riviera pas
tilles. So long ns the drugs are prop
erly dispensed the invention will be
welcome. It, would be unpleasant, to
ask for Bournemouth pastilles 'and to
receive insteail the Cologne (not the
eau de Cologne) variety. The latter
form has 7!) distinct smells. '
Shlnloai! of Tulllim.
Four thousand collins for the
bodies of soldiers in the Philippines
that are awaiting shipment to the
I'nited States, is a portion of the
queer cargo the transport KilpatiicU
started with lately.
An Arliltrnrr Utile,
Mr. Kupop Why isn't little Robert
out with his nurse? Perhaps the
nurse I sent you from the employment
agency didn't come.
Mrs. Nupop Oli! yes, she came, but
she didn't suit at all; She had nothing
but blue dresses to wenr, nnd you
know blue is only for girl babies;
pink's for boys. Philadelphia Press.
"When I go to weddings," she said,
"I always feel like getting married
again myself."
"Let's see," he answered, making a
liasty oount of her divorces, "you
must have attended a lot of them in
your time, haven't you?" Chicago
OtDtennial Envelopes-
The envelopes ordered by the Cen
tennial committee have arrived and
orders for them may be left at this
office. The prices are as follows:
1000, $3 50; 500, $1.80; 250, $1.00.
This includes printing business card
in the corner. tf.
W -r""V Original and Only Urnulnn.
Q Uk'At tti'l ult met L lie bout, MJc4
with Mi ribbon. Tuko no other. ll-ruM
1 llinnrout HuhalltutJnna sud Jmltit
Hon. Hujr of your DrufKiat, or wtvl 4c. ta
uioi for I'artloulurm TiwttmouUlt
ftud " Itfllff fur l,uillt'mMin Jeifr, by rtw
turn Mull. IO. (Hit) Tvatimoniftli. Sohl tv
kll nrilffUtl I klalia.tiia ('k.,n.ll
iiemlon Uiis paper. M tali oil 1, 1-till at., a-
V 1
Cigars, Tolncco Candies, Fruits ana Nuts
Henry Mail lard's Fine Candies. Frebh Every Week.
iPjE.tTsr-a Goods ji. Specialty,
F. F.( Adams & Co's Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco
Sole agents for the following brands of Clgarr
Henry Clay, Londros,, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver At
Bloomsburg Pa,
Pooig aboe U irt 'llou.j
A large lot of Window Curtains in stock.
Reduced Kates to Grangers' Pionio at Wil
liams' Grove, via Pennsylvania
For the Twenty-ninth Annual
Inter-Stale Grange Picnic Exhibition,
to be held at Williams' drove, Pa.,
August 25 to 30, the Pennsylvania
K.ulroatl Company will Bell excursion
tickets from August 25 to 30, inclu
sive, good to return on date of issue
only, at rate of one larc for the round
trip, from principal stations between
Altoona and I3ryn Mawr; vn the
Northern Central Railway, between
Sunbury and Lutherville, inclusive,
and on the Philadelphia and F.rie
Railroad Division cast of and includ
ing Renovo.
There will be an elaborate display
of farm machinery in actual operation
during the exhibition, and addresses
will be delivered by well known agri-
cultural speakers.
! For information in regard to train
rervice and specific rates application
' should be made to ticket agents, at.
Womkn Who Wkar Wf.i.I.. It is aston
idling how gient a change n few years of
ninri't-il life will mile in 1 In- nppeatance
nnd deposition of ninny women. The fresh
Hi ss, the i-linini, the brilliance vanish like
the I. loom from n- peach which is rudely
handled. The matron is only a dun kImiIow,
a faint rtlio of the charming maiden. There
nre two ic.ison for this change, ignotance
nnd ih'hIi-cI. Few young women appreciate
llie shock 10 the sysicm through the change
which comes with nmriiagc. M.tny neidcct
to ileal with the unpleasant drums winch are
ofieii cons(iiielit on man iage anil mother
hood, not 11111 lei sRi ml injj tins secret
dram is robbing the cheek of its destines
and the form of its fairness. As surely as
the p,eneial health siidcis when there is de
raneni'Mit of the liealih of llie delicate
womanly organs, so sillily when these
organs are i-siahlislied in healih llie and
form al once wiiness to llie fact in lencwed
comeliness. Half n million women and
more have found health and happiness in
the use of Ir. i icrce's iavoiiie I'lcsciiplion.
It makes weak wo.nen sirmg aai sick
women well.
Leases, 3c each, 30c a dozen.
Notices to quit, 10c a dozen. For
sale at this office. tf.
Tr-.N CKN1S WIM. HIT V trial size of lily's
Cream Palm; enough 10 convince )ou that
it is die greatest of remedies for nasal ca
lanh cr cold in the head. lull size 50
eenis. All di ugnists. We mid it.
Ll.V l'.KOS., 50 Warren M., New York.
:5J Second Street, Albany, N. V.
Mkssfs Ij.Y likos.: I sufTeicd greatly
with calarih and tried diflereiit remedies
without effect. Aficr using one bottle of
01.r Cream Palm I fouud relief and I can
not praise ti o highlv such a remedy.
Sept. 27, 1899. Miss Cdka Wll.LMU).
The Markets.
$ 24
6 to 8
1 00
4 40
3 35
1 3
flutter, per pound
Kggs, er dozen
I.ard, per pound
Ham, per pound
Heef (quarter), per pound ..
Wheat, per bushel
Oats, do
Kye, do
Hour per 1)1)1 .
Hay, per ton
I'otatoes, (new), per bushel,
Turnips, do
Tallow, per pound
Shoulder, do
Side meat, do
Vinegar, per qt
llried apples, per pound
Cow hides, do
Sieer do do
Calf skin
Sheep pelts
Shelled corn, per bushel
Corn meal, cwt
Iiran, cwt
Chop, cwt
Middlings, cwt
Chickens, per pound, new..,
'o do old...
Turkeys do
1 60
1 40
3 5
4 45
3 o
4 S
Geese, do
Ducks, do
Number 6, deliveied
do 4 and 5 delivered,..
do 6, at yard
du 4 and 5, at yard....