The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 28, 1902, Image 1

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VOL 37.
NO. 35
A Gigantic Mammoth Celebration, the Like
ol Which Hai Never been Attempted in thii
Section ol the State. A Civic and Fire
men's Parade Wirelesi Telegraphy Dem
onstration Balloon Ascensions A Su
perb Display of Fireworks Many Other
Intoreitlng Featurot-Excursion Ratet on
All Rallroadi.
To night marks the beginning of
Bloomsburg's one iiunareutn anni
versary exercises. The meeting will
be held in the Methodist Episcopal
church at eiirht o'clock. All the
congregations of town will unite
and the attendance will be large. A
feature of the service will be the
rendition of "God of Our I-athers".
by Kipling, and 'the Gloria from
Mozart s Twclttn Mass, by the ijen
tennial chorus of seventy five voices
under the direction of l'rof. O. II.
Rloomsburir never looked prettier
The red. white and blue dress which
she has put on during the past few
days shows off to excellent advant
age. The entire business length of
Main street, is a gratifying exposi
tion of rhe decorator s art. r.very
where flacs and buntinsr are in evi
deuce, not onlv on the buildings.
but also on the trees and telegraph
noles. and even the wires have lent
themselves to the purpose of the
decorating committee, all uniting in
making a scene that is gorgeous in
its magnilicent splendor.
The official program in its entire
ty follows:
At 8.00 p. m. United Centennial
Service will be held 111 the Met boa
it Kniernnal church. -
Organ Voluntary Mrs. Fred Holmes
Hymn "All l'eople that on cann 110 umir
Prayer... Kcv. J. D. Smith, l'astor isapusi
iie in Lord's Frayer
Scripture Lesson Rev. J. I). Thomas,
Pastor Reformed Church.
Hymn... All Hail the Power of Jems' Name"
Address... Kev. David r. Kirkuy, Kecior
St. Paul's Church. rw Fnih.Ts " Kinlinp'i Hvmn.
xjwu w. w... - - -
By Centennial Chorus.
fVll.Minn f,r Ken fit nf Centennial Fund
All Sing "Praise C-od from Whom all
I leistngs How."
Address... Rev. J. R. Murphy, Pastor St
Hymn... "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God,
Almirthtv "
Address Rev. Dr. W. M. Frysinger,
Pnvinr M V.. Church.
Hymn "My Country 'tis of Thee."
Prayer.. .Rev. M. fc.. MCLinn, rasior ai
Matthew'. Lutheran '"hurch.
Glora Mozart
By Centennial Chorus.
Benediction Rev. J. W. Bentz, Pastor
Evangelical Cliurcn.
At 8.00 a. m. all whistles will
blow and all bells will ring for five
At io"to a. m. exercises in the
Wnrmal Auditorium.
Hymn Centennial Chorus
Introduction Mayor jonn k. idwukiiu
Historical Address V.01. jonn j. rrcne,
cinninrr Centennial Chorus,
. Address Hon. F red Ikeler
Sincino Centennial Chorus
.. Rt-v. D. N. Kirkby
"My Country 'Tis of Thee".. ..The Audience
At 1.30 p. ro. Civic and Industrial
Mounted Police.
Chief Marshal W. O. Holmes.
Aids C. W. McKelvy, A.W. Duy,
S. II. Harman, C. W. 1'unston.
Bloomsburg Band.
Governor and Staff.
Visitiner Mavors. etc.
Bloonisbure Town Council
Marshal G. W. Sterner. Aids C.
P. Sloan. W. W. Blacic
Grand Army of the Republic
Marshal C. T. Sober. Aids F.
W. Redeker, F. II. Wilson, H. C,
Rulon, J. b. John.
Catawissa Band.
Knights of the Golden Eagle.
Marshal Wm. Chrisman. Aids-
John Richie, Isaiah Deily, tratik
Bundy, J. vv. oanas.
Lime Ridee Band.
Patriotic Order Sons of America.
Marshal R. B. Hartzell. Aids-
Clark Kashner, A. J. Hartman,
F. II. Everlv.
Order Uunited American Mechanics
Oraneeville Band.
Marshal T. C. Harter. Aids M.
C. Jones. Amandus Sobers, W.
F. Lvons. D. W. Barnes.
Junior Order United American
Thinking thai hit Stable wai being Robbed
Alexander Wardrop, Commands Hie Son
to Shool, and two Loveri are Riddled
with Bird Shot.
K hither Dntv nnd Mian T'.inmn
Billman two young people residing
near Numedia were mistaken for
robbers by Alexander Wardrop
Friday night and came within an
ace of bcine killed. The couple
were out enjoying a pleasure drive,
whpn IH'or flip M'alHrnv Larti nun
of the traces broke and Doty alight-
ca to repair it. l be conversation
between he and his lady friend
reached the ears of Wardrof who
arose, glanced out of the window
and discovered the horse. Think
incr that theft was boinc nernotrat-
---o o f I
ed he hurriedly awakened his son
and raising a window called to
Doty to stand. Doty, having re
paired the break in the harness
paid no heed to the command and
getting into the buggy proceeded
to leave. Wardrop then ordered
his son Jto shoot. The response
was prompt and both barrels of a
shot gun were discharged. The
contents took effect in their faces
and necks. The horse stopped and
Wardrop ran out. He was horri
fied when he discovered the mis
take. Both were bleeding profuse
ly, almost the whole side of each of
their faces and necks having been
A physician was summoned who
removed twenty-six shot from the
headj and shoulder of Doty and
fourteen from Miss Uillman s Head,
neck, face and shoulders. Both
were quite ill from the effects of
the wounds, but their condition
was at no time alarming. Had the
gun been loaded with anything but
fine bird shot it is very likely that
both would have been killed.
The affair is given a romautic
tinge by the fact that the couple
were on their way to Fishcrdale
where thev were to have been
quietly married on Saturday. The
mishap caused a postponement, but
if renorts are true it was only
temporary, as it is said the knot was
tied at the home ot the brutes
mother, Mrs. Fisher, near Numidia
Saturday night.
BSOLUTE security that moneys deposited will re
main subject to the' demand of the depositor ;
the knowledge that loans in the nature of dis
counts, will be granted with the utmost liberality
possible under sound banking; the assurance
that the bank has facilities for the prompt ana
proper transaction of such business as may be intrusted
to it; the careful supervision of the officers of the bank
so that customers may meet with courtesy, and con
sideration. These are the factors that have" contributed
to the success of this Bank.
Bloomshiirg National Bank
A. Z. SCHOCH, President.
WM. II. HIDLAY, Cashier
Riad Mv Ad on 5T11 Page.
No matter what the grade,
is carefully inspected before
going out of this store.
Every Watch
Is backed by our unquali
fied guarantee a guarantee
that's kept.
J. Lee Martin,
Jeweler and Optician.
Telephone 1843.
J. G. Wells'
Centennial Gun
A first class single barrel
gun, self ejector. This is
a good one $4 .48.
Special price on double
barrel hammer guns $7.98
up to $18 00.
Don't mis this one.
Xew Worcester
Double liunel Haininer
less (J 1111 $10.40.
Hunting Coats, Leggins,
Shell Vests, Belts, Etc.
Ceneral Hardware,
Bloomshurg, Pa.
Prof. Harrv Shoemaker of Phila
delnhia and two assistants arrived
in town Monday evenincr. and will
- j - t
irivp demonstrations of wireless tele
graphy during the Centennial, l ne
wires leading 'from the Normal
School to the Commissioners office,
at each end of which there will te
instruments in charge of expert
onerators have been put up and
everything is in readiness for the
experiments which will be made on
Thursday and Friday, rroi. onoe-
maker says the service has been
established at Atlantic City, cape
May and L,ewes, Delaware, anu
trivin? excellent satisfaction. With
favorable. conditions messages, he
env ran he transmitted over water
-j .
fnr a distance Ot trotn tWO tO lOlir
hundred miles and about fifty miles
ou laud.
F.verv visitor to the Centennial
will have an opportunity to see
these interesting aenionsirauons.
The Fireworks DiBpla?-
We can state for an absolute cer
tainty that Governor William A.
Stone will be in Bloomsburg to
morrow. Mavor lownsend received
a telegram from the Chief Executive
on Monday saying " I will be with
you Thursday." At least a part of
his staff will accompany him, and it is
exDected that he will speak at the
public meeting in the Normal Audi
A Sudden Death.
Vnr the honefit of the people wllO
desire to see the fireworks to-night
we will state that the best view of
the display can he had from the
fields between the Land improve
ment Company's bam and Park
Street. Preceding the display,
which will take place on the east
end of the cinder tip. commencing
promptly at 8:30, there will be a
short hand concert. The band will
be stationed out bevond Fark street
almost directlv onnosite Oak Grove
Bv takins the trolley cars to the
point you can have a clear un
obstructed view ot the whole snow
The disolav will be one of the
--- i - .
finest ever seen in this section 01
Pennsylvania, and we would advise
evervone to tro and see it. No one
will be allowed ou any part ot the
cinder tip, as nearly an tne epace
will be reauired for the exhibition,
and beside this there is considerable
dancer of trettine' hurt. An officer
will be placed at the canal priuge
to keep people oil the tip.
Death. v
RicHART Died in Fishinecreek
township on Aug. ao, infant child of
1 Mr. and Mra. Frank Richart.
I. K. K. Laubach. a prominent
and highly respected citizen of Ben-
tnn townshtn. was stricken witn
paralysis last Friday night, and died
Very suddenly. He had been to
Bent&n in the afternoon, apparently
in his usual health, and alter return-
inff home, did not live to see the dawn
of another day. Three orphan child
ren, an aced mother, a brother ano
two sisters survive. He was born
October 28th, 1849, and hence was
aeed ?a vears, 0 months and 24 days
He was an energetic worker in any
sphere that challenged his attention
and cooperation, lie was a man
untvesa lv esteemed and ot sterling
integrity. His remains were laid to
rest in the Raven Creek cemetery
on last Monday afternoon at the
Pref,bvterian Church, of which he was
an honored and consistent member
Thousands of Tons of Goal Being Lifted.
The river' coal minine industry
is steadily crowintr. Thousands
upon thousands ot tons is being
ttted trom the bed ot tne ousque-
hanua. The most important points
of the industry are Harrisburg,
Halifax. Sunburv and up as lar as
Danville. The supply appears to
nrncticallv inexhaustible, there
being many buyers ot the coal su
nefimnosed bv different floods. A
dredger below Sunbury the other
day went down through twenty
inches of sand and tound a tniCK
bed of coal. The men engaged in
the work find no difficulty in dts
nnsincr ot the coal, there is a ready
market for all that can be brought
up, and at good prices. There are
n ft'w ratsino- coal bv hand process
but the work is slow, and it is af
fected bv every little rise 111 the
stream. A steam digger can run
regardless of the state of the water.
. .
An Excellent Market-
Get the Boys
Ready for School
Hardly possible that, after a Summet's siege of
hard knocks, the boys' wardrobe is in fit shape for
school. We invite parents to some extremely good
clothing bargains low prices on the kind of suits
that will give great service. Give your boy the benefit
of the sort that is built to stand wear and tear.
$0 - Will buy the boy a good looking suit
0 of of durable material, that will sur
prise you on account of its being such a good suit
for so little money.
$n Will buy a splendid suit, made right,
and made well in every way and good
enough for anybody's boy.
ff ' Will buy a fine suit of more expensive
"rJ material a little more fineness and a
little more elegance thrown in that's all Every
Suit is a Good One. Money back if you want it.
Bring the boy here for his School Siwt.
en G?dd?n
The Clothier,
Bloomsburg;, Penn'a.,
Corner Main and Center Sts.
Come in and see us,
we'll treat you right.
We have been doing some vig
orous price clipping and this final
Summer bale marks tne end. it
you are fishing for bargains be sure
your hook is cast in the right place.
Death of Mrs. Lucinda EeeBboltz.
Mrs. Lucinda Seesholtz died at her
home on Iron Street early Saturday
morning, aged sixty-eight years. tne
was born in Franklin township, this
county, Sept. 30, 1834, a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Vetter.
The disease which causea ner
death, was paralysis, complicated
with bowe trouble, one nau ueen a
sufleter from the former malady for
several years, bhe was the rnotner 01
four children, all of whom are dead.
Her onlv survivors are a halt brother,
Samuel Yetter, a grandson, Harry
Kleim. of Bloomsburj', anil two granil-
daughters, Margaret and Edith Fry-
ling of Sunbury.
The funeral took " place from the
house on Monday, services were con
ducted by Rev. W. M. trysinger ot
the Methodist Church, interment in
Shuman's Cemetery, Catawissa.
n,i rt nthpr morninsr this season
nra tWp !i Inrper and more varied
display of vegetables and general
rrorrifn nrnfiiirts tnan i uesuav. n.
. - 1 i r .
line ot wagons reacnmg irum mc
Bloomsburg National Bank build
ing to Rishton's drug store, fitty
three in all, filled with the freshest
and very best of everything that
grows, was backed up to the curb.
On account of the centennial onng-
incr in town thousands of visitors
all of whom will have to be fed, the
buying was lively. But in r.pite of
the great and unusual demand tor
foodstuffs, there was no advance in
prices and everything sold for the
same as ou previous market morn
incr Thf-rp was a nice lot of spring
chickens and they were rapidly
grabbed up. The scene was cer
tainly an animated one and brought
fru-Mi rnnx derabie favorable com
ment from visitors who stood about
and looked on interestedly.
Lock Yonr Houses-
At such large gatherings as will
be here this week, there is always
sure to be a lot of sneak thieves
atirl ornnks. Householders will be
if thev fasten their houses
if Ipft with no one in
charge, during the day time as well
as at night.
Womens' White Lawn Waists
tucked and trimmed with em
broidery were $4.00, and $3.25
now $3 00 and 2.50.
Womens' White Lawn Waists
tucked and trimmed with em
broidery, were $2.50 and $2.00
now $2.00 and $1.25
Womens' Shirt Waist Suits
of Lawn, Gingham and Cham-
bray in solid colors, polka dots
and stripes, exceptional values
at price quoted: Were $5.50 and
$5.00 now $3.00.
Lawns, Dimities and Tissues
were 25c. now 15 cents.
Wash Silks, extra quality, were 75
cents, now 50 cents.
Silk Ginghams were 50c, now 35 cts.
mm mr OB Ml
STORE OPEN FROM 7 A. m. iw r
Leader Store Co., Ltd.,
4th and Market Streets, Bloomsburg. Pa.
Continued on 8th page 3rd Column.