The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 21, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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J. S. Williams & Son,
Public bale Criers and
General Auctioneers,
W Fifteen years experience. Satisfaction
naranteed. Bent ret urns of any sale criers In
Dissection of the State. Write for terms and
dates, we never disappoint our patrons.
How Trolley Company May Crost River
Bridge at Catawlisa Opinion of Court.
The Columbia & Montour Electric
Railway Company and M. F. D. Scan
ln & Company, plaintiffs, vs. the
County of Columbia and William
Krickbaum et. al.. Commissioners of
Columbia County, defendants. In the
Court of Common Pleas of Columbia
County. Sitting in Equity. No 2, May
Term 1002.
The plaintiff company is a street
railway company, duly incorporated
under the Act of 14th May, 18S9, P.
L 111. A portion of its electric
railway, which it is authorized to con
struct and maintain, leads from the
Town of Bloomsburg to the Borough
of Catawissa. M. F. D. Scanlan &
Company are the contractors for the
construction and equipment of the
railway. The road is constructed
from Bloomsburg to the western ap
pioach ot the river bridge crossing
the Susquehanna River at Catawissa,
and is in daily operation. The road
is being operated upon some of the
streets of Bloomsburg, and to Ber
The river bridge forms a connecting
link in the lire of the plaintiff com
pany's route to enter Catawissa, and
is the only means upon which the
company can construct its line to en
ter that borough. The borough au
thorities ot Catawissa have given the
company consent to enter upon the
streets tor their railway. ihis is a
county bridge, under the care, super
vision and control of the County
With a view of entering into an
agreement as to what changes would
be necessary to be made to strength
en the bridge and fit it for the use
of the plaintiff company, together
with the public, the railway company
and the County Comissioners agreed
upon the selection of an engineer,
who was to make an examination of
the bridge and report to the County
Commissioners. Boyd Trescott was
chosen, and on April 4th filed a re
port in the Comissioner's office. This
report sets forth, in detail, the changes
required to be made in order to
strengthen the bridge, an estimate of
the cost thereof, and also an estimate
of the cost of keeping the bridge in
The Commissioners and the plain
tiff company are unable to agree upon
the terms and conditions which (he
railway company should perform and
obligate themselves to do, before be
ing permitted to construct and oper
ate its railway across the bridge.
It is averred on the part of the
plaintiffs that the County Commiss
ioners refuse to give such terms as
are reasonable while upon the part of
the County Commissioners it is
claimed that before the engineer was
appointed and made report, they
caused an article of agreement to be
prepared, wherein was stipulated the
terms and conditions to be performed
by the plaintiff company, before they
should enter upon the biidge for the
construction of their railway; and that
these terms were reasonable; that the
plaintiff company declined to join the
execution of the agreement, and ac
eept the conditions therein stipulated.
This unexecuted agreement, as pre
pared, among other things, provides
that the railway company shall lay
two tracks for the operation of its
cars, one on either side of the bridge;
chat while the bridge was occupied by
the railway company it shall keep the
bridge in good repair, for its own use
and the use of the traveling public, at
ts own cost and expense, but if the
company shall neglect or refuse to
make the necessary repairs, then the
County Commissioners shall make the
repairs, and recover the costs and ex
penses incident thereto, from the
company; and that the bond in the
igreement provided for, shall contain
i clause providing for the securing of
mch costs and expenses.
The plaintiff company aver that
mly one track should be laid across
he bridge, and upon the southern or
lower side thereof; and that the repairs
.ncident to the maintainance of the
bridge should not extend beyond keep
ing in repair the half of the bridge
upon which the railway is laid.
The plaintiff company has the right
o occupy this bridge with their rail
vay, and operate their cars thereon.
The County acting through theCoun
y Commissioners, cannot exclude
1 hem from the use of it.
"When the proper local and muni
cipal authorities have given their con
sent to the use by the street railway
company of a highway of which a
county bridge forms a part, the Coun
ty Commissioners cannot arbitrarily
refuse the use of the bridge."
Berks County vs. Railway Co., 167
P. S. R., 102.
LaRue et al. vs. Oil City Railway
Co., 170 P. S. R. 250.
Lawrence Co. vs. Railway Co., 8
Sup. C. R., 33-
The right of the plaintiff company
to the use of this bridge for their cor
porate purposes is conceded by the
County Commissioners. The dispute
in this case arises over the reasonable
ness of the conditions sought to be
imposed by the County Commission
ers, to be performed and to be further
kept by the railway company before
being permitted to enter upon the
The points of disagreement in the
bill are averred to be: (1) as to how
the railway shall be laid upon the
bridge, (2) as to the extent the plain
tiff company shall be held to maintain
the bridge in repair, and what repairs
ought reasonably to be made by them
and (3; as to what, if any, rental the
company should pay for the use of
the bridge.
The report of the engineer, accom
panied by a draft showing the present
arrangement of the floor system of the
bridge, as it now is, and as proposed,
recommends that a single track be laid
on the lower side of the bridge; and
that the bridge be strengthened and
fitted for the use of the plaintiffs cars,
by an additional "I" beam placed up
on the plate girder underneath the
floor, and midway between the rails,
and that two of them will come direct
ly under each of the rails; and that an
extra floor of the same thickness as
the heighth of the rail be laid on the
top of the present floor, on that side
ol the bridge between and on either
side of the rails to the middle of the
bridge, and beveled off to the plane of
the present floor, so, as it is stated by
the engineer, wheels may pass either
way without difficulty.
This report shows, as estimated cost
of strengthening the bridge $6170.00
and the annual cost of repairs, includ
ing the painting of the bridge, $673.
00. The plaintiffs admit the changes re
commended by the engineeer will have
to be made, and when made the bridge
will be safe for the use of the pnblic
and the company; and that the changes
must be made by the plaintiff com
pany at its own expense.
Tnis is a single area bridge, having
width of seventeen or eighteen feet
in the clear. Nearly all of the wit
nesses who testified at the hearing ex
pressed the opinion that there should
be two tracks laid over this bridge, if
a street railway was operated over it.
Mr. Charles P. Pfahler was of the
opinion that if the floor of the bridge
was raised throughout, so as to be
upon a level with the top of the rails,
a single track would be just as good
as a double track.
The track in use by the plaintiff
company is about four inches in
We are of the opinion that the gen
eral public will suffer less annoyance
by the operation of a street railway
over this bridge with a single tiack
than by the operation of a double
track and that the floor of the entire
bridge be raised so as to be of uni
form height, and on the same level
and plane with the top of the rails:
and that the track should be laid up
on the upper or northern side of the
bridge, instead of the southern side,as
recommended. If the track be laid
upon the southern side, every vehicle
crossing the bridge will be required to
cross the rails laid upon the western
approach; otherwise a considerable
portion of the public will not, neces
sarily, have to come m contact with
that portion of the track.
No allusion is made, either in the
engineer's report or the terms propos
ed by the County Commissioners
sgreement, to the subject of he light
ing of the bridge, or to the condition
and care of the highway upon the ap
proaches to the bridge.
If not at the present time required.
when this bridge is being operated by
a street railway, it is necessary to have
the bridge well lighted during all dark
houis, for tne convenience and safety
of the traveling public ciossing over it.
The high trusses, braces and over-head
iron work, make the passage way too
dark on ordinarily dark nights.
The approaches, at both ends of
the bridge, if not already done, should
be reduced in their grade and eleva
tion, so that heavily burdened teams
can enter bridge with the least diffi
culty; and roadway between the tracks
and on either side throughout its entire
width, be paved, or macadamized; and
be of uniform heighth and of the same
angle of elevation as the top of the
rails. Experience shows that ruts and
holes are too frequent along the line
of the street railway; and thct public
servants, whether County Commission
ers or Township Supervisors, some
times delay in the performance ot
duty to make prompt repair. The
public ought not undergo inconveni
ence for the want of a permanent and
well kept roadway upon the approach
es to the bridge.
The entire work to be done in the
strengthening of the bridge, and lay
ing of the floors should be in charge
and supervised by some competent
person who knows how the work ought
to be done; as well also the adjust
ment of the lighting appliance, and
the grading, paving or macadamizing
the roadways constituting the ap
proaches, as herein indicated.
1 he permissible rate of speed at
which the plaintiff company should
operate their cars over this bridge,
ought to be limited so as not to ex
ceed a rate of four miles per hour. In
view of the nature and extent of the
use made by the public of this bridge,
this limitation of the rate of speed is a
reasonable regulation, as a condition
ot the contemplated use by the plain
tilt company.
This railway company shall use what
is known as the U rail, the kind used
by this company on the streets of Ber
wick, in the construction of their rail
way across the bridge, and upon the
approaches thereto.
Under the conditions hereinbefore
noted, we believe that experience will
show that the inconveniences and an
noyances necessarily to be borne by
the general public, in the operation of
a street railway over this bridge, will
oe naTrowed within the least practi
cable scope.
Very serious inconveniecce is no
doubt apprehended by the general
public, and, perhaps, arises from a
mistaken view entertained in respect
to the rights of the street railway com
pany, qver the portion of the highway
occupied by its track. Street railways
do not have an exclusive right to use
the highway with their tracks. In this
they are unlike steam railroads. These
"have the exclusive right to the use of
their tracks at all times and for all
purposes, except at road crossings.
Street roiJways have not this exclusive
right- Their tracks are used in com
mon by their cars and the traveling
public. While this common use is
conceded, and is unavoidable in towns
and cities, the railway companies and
the public have not equal rights.
Those of the railway companies are
superior. Their cars have the right
of way, and it is the duty of the citi
zen, whether on foot or in vehicle, to
give unobstructed passage to the cars.
This results from two reasons: First,
the fact that the car cannot turn out
or leave its track, and secondly, for
the convenience and accommodation
of the public. These companies have
been chartered for the reason, in part.
at least, that they ate a public accom
modation. The convenience of an
individual, who seeks to cross one of
their tracks, must give way to the
convenience of the public. It would
be unreasonable that a car load of
passengers should be delayed by the
unnecessary obstruction of the track
by a passing vehicle. On the other
hand it is the duty of the companies
to see that their motormen shall be on
the alert, not only at street crossings,
but everywhere upon the tracks, to
see that citizens are not run down and
injured." Per Paxson, Chief Justice,
in Chrisman vs. Harrisburg Railway
Co., 150 P. S. R., 180.
It appears that this bridge was
opened for the public use in 1898;
that it has not been painted; that rust
is doing its work and that the bridge
requires to be now painted, to prevent
deterioration of this iron superstruct
ure. The plaintiffs urge that they
should not be obliged to contribute
anything towards the painting of the
bridge, because the county would
have to paint the bridge, whether oc
cupied by the railway or not, while on
the other hand the Commissioners
urge that the plaintiff company should
paint it at their own expense.
1 he painting of the bridge is an
incident of its maintenance. If the
bridge requires to be painted it ought
to be promptly done by the party
upon whom the law has cast that
responsibility, as well as of making all
other repairs. Even if the plaintiff
company should occupy the bridge
with its track, the duty and respon
sibility of properly maintaining the
bridge in a good condition of repair,
should remain where it now is. The
county is bound to keep the bridge
open and in good repair.
The amount which the plaintiff
company should pay lor the use of
the bridge ought to be based upon
what the county will probably pay
out for its maintainance and repair.
We believe that the county will be
subjected to costs 'and charges in
keeping the bridge open for the pub
lic use, with the operation of a street
railway upon it, that have not been
noticed by the engineer, and which
experience will demonstrate. But
these elements of charges are prob
lematical. According to the engineer's report,
the probable amount of annual re
pairs will be $763.00. This includes
$120.00, tha annual cost for the paint
ing alone.
In our view this sum is too low for
the cost of repairs. It is exclusive of
the annual cost for the lighting of
the bridge and also of the annual cost
of the repairs to the approaches,
wh'ch is graded, paved or macadam
ized, as heretofore indicated, probably
is an item not worth considering.
According to the testimony of Mr.
Scanlon it would cost $1800 to prop
erly paint this bridge. This would
make the probable annual cost of the
painting amount to $450.00 as against
$120.00 reported by the engineer.
From the rates obtaining in this
town lor street lighting, the probable
annual cost for the lightning of the
bridge would be about $200.00.
Upon the evidence before us and
the circumstances considered, the
plaintiff company should be required
to pay into the County Treasury the
sum of $ for the use of the
bridge, dining each year that it is oc
cupied by them, in the construction
and operation ot its railway across it
As a further condition ol the occu
nation of this bridge by the plaintiff
company they should be required to
give bond in the sum ol $7,500.00,
with security, to be approved by the
Court, conditioned of the faithful per
formance of the regulations, and the
payment of the moneys, ordered to
be paid by the decree to be entered
in this case, and the compliance of
any other reasonable regulations that
may be imposed by the County Com
The conditions imposed upon the
plaintiff company, for their use of the
bridge, and as mentioned in the bill,
may be summarized as follows:
(a) That they shall strengthen the
upper or northern side ot tne ormge,
in the manner recommended by the
engineer, and raise the floor of tne
bridge throughout so as to be on the
same level with the top of the rails, at
their own charges and expense.
(b) Reimburse the County of Col
umbia for the moneys expended.
(1) In the employment of a compe
tent person to oversee and superintend
the entire work, including the adjust
ment of lighting appliances, the grad
ing, pa vi niz or macadamizing of the
(2) For the purchase of appliances
for lighting, and the adjustment of the
same upon the bridge; the material
and work for grading, paving or
macadamizing of approaches, to the
extent of one-half the amount thereof.
(c) The rate of speed at which
the plaintiff company may operate its
cars across the bridge shall not exceed
four miles per hour.
(d) The rail known as the "U"
rail shall be used in the construction
of its tracks across the bridge, and
the approaches thereto.
(e) They shall pay to the County of
Columbia the annual sum of nine
hundred dollars ($900) payable semi
annually in sum of $450 each, for the
use of the bridge, during the time
they occupy it; the first payment to
be made six months after they shall
have bigun the work , of fitting the
bridge for their use.
(0 The Company shall first give
bond, with security to be approved by
the Court, in the sum of $7,500.00
conditioned for the faithful and prompt
performance of the conditions hereby
imposed: and of any other reasonable
conditions imposed by the County
Commissioners, and which may be
agreed upon by the parties. The
complainants are entitled to the
relief sought, upon compliance with
the decree to be entered herein.
Counsel for the plaintiffs will pre
pare the proper decree in conformity
with the conclusions herein given.
The plaintiff company and Columbia
County shall each pay one-half the
costs of this proceedings.
By the Court.
Now, August 16, 1902, the fore
going opinion and order is directed
to be filed and the clerk is requested
to notify the counsel interested of the
fact. By the Court.
Philadelphia & Reading Excursion to Blooms
burg Centonnial August 28th and 29th.
On account of the above the Phila
delphia & Reading Railway will
sell excursion tickets to Bloomsburg
at the low rate of single fare for the
round trip, with a minimum of 25
cents, on above dates, good to return
until August 30th, 1902, from New
berry, Tamaqua and intermediate
ticket stations. Passengers at
Suydertown, Mahanoy City or in
termediate points can purchase tick
ets via West Milton or Kast Maha
noy at rates applicable via Route
Special trains will be run as fol
lows : August 28, leave Tamaqua
at 8:15 a. m. and East Mahanoy
Junction at 8:30 a. m. for Blooms
burg. Returning leave Bloomsburg
10:00 p. m. for Tamaqua, stopping
at intermediate ticket stations. This
train on the return will not connect
for points North of East Mahanoy
August 29, leave Lewisburg 7:30
a. m. for Bloomsburg. Returning
leave Bloomsburg 11:00 p. m. for
Lewisburg, stopping at intermedi
ate ticket stations. This train on
return will connect with No. 14
leaving West Milton 12:25 a-
August 23 and 29 special train
will leave Dauville station 12:40
noon and 7:00 p. in, for Blooms
burg, stopping at Grovania. Re
turning, leave Bloomsburg 5:30 p.
in. for Grovania, Danville station
and Bloom street. Special Train
will leave Catawissa 12:40 noon for
Bloomsburg. Returning, leave
Bloomsburg 10:00 p. m. for Cata
wissa. August 28 special train will
leave Bloomsburg 10:00 p. m. for
Grovania, Danville station and
Bloom Street.
$3.50 GOWNS FOR $2.00.
Women's Night Dresses.
Many of these have been soil
ed in handling and by using for
decorations, all are nicely trimm
cd and made better than most
garments some styles only one
or two of a kind about five
dozen altogether. Don't wait.
3.50 and 3.00 reduced to 2.00
2.25 and 2.00 reduced to 1.25
1.75 and 1.50 reduced to 1.00
1.39 and 1.25 reduced to .75
$1.75 SHIRT WAISTS FOR $1.00
White and colors, not many
of any kind all new this season
have sold at $1.50 and $1.75,
reduced now to $1.00 each.
Toa Strancrs, 1 Cant.
9 dozen fine wire straners to
put on spout of teapot 1 cent
Egg Boators, 1 Cent
9 dozen fine trimmed woven
wire, braced handle, wire frame,
1 cent each.
Clothes Fins, 1 Cent a Cozen.
Strictly firsts and full size.
These are the cleanest and best
clothes pins made. ic. dozen.
The organization of the Centennial
celebration is as follows:
John R Townsond, Chairman,
L. N. Moycr, Treasurer.
Ooo. K. Elwell, Socretary.
P. J. Tasker, Asst. Secretary.
Col. .1. G. Freeze.
J. M. staver,
A. W. Duy,
11. A. M'KIUIp,
F. G, Yorks,
Frank Ikeler,
W. P. Meigs,
J. O. Wells,
or, J. P. Welsh,
Louis Cohen.
C. llrown,
IT. B. Clark,
W. 8. Moyer,
Dr. W. M. Keber,
C. Peacock,
F. P. Pursel,
A. Z. Henoch,
II. v. Whrt,
P. B Wirt.
lion. W. Chrisman,
M. F. D. Scanlan,
C. W, Miller,
F. J. HIchardB,
.J. Lee Harm an,
B. C. Caswell,
w. n. siate,
W. O. HollUCS,
W. 8. Rlshton,
H. E. Bartman.
L. N. Moyer, Louis Cohen,
W. O. Holmes, W. 8. Rlshton,
V. White, c. C. Peacock,
W. B. Slate
C. Brown, Dr. J. P. Welsh,
J. M. Staver, w. P. Meigs.
W. S. Klshton.
IL B. Clark, F. P. Pursel:
Prof. J. H. Dennis. R. E. Hartman.
W. Duy, W. 8. Rlshton,
Thos. Moore.
L. E. Waller, Chairman,
Paul E. Wirt,
C. W. Funston,
Chas. W. McKelvy
A. W. Duy,
R obert Uawley,
J. M. staver,
N. V. Funk,
8. H. Harraun,
W. P. Meigs,
W. 8. Rlshton,
F. P. Billmeyer.
8. Wlgtall.
A. II. Bloom,
Frank Ikeler,
W. H. Slate,
lion. R. H. Little,
G. Wells,
F. P. Pursel,
B. Tustln,
Geo. E. Elwell,
C. C. Peacock,
C. Brown, Chairman; J. P. Welsh.
A. Z, Bchoch, 11. A. M Kllllp.
Geo. E. Elwell, Dr. W, M. Reber,
V. White, j. g. Freeze.
W. 8. Moyer, Hon. Grant Uerrlmr.
Uon. Fred Ikeler, F. Q. Yorks,
Hon. W. Krickbaum, J. L. Dillon,
Hon. W. Chrisman, John L. Moyer,
r. J. J. Brown. Dr. J. W. Brllnnr.
C. Creasy, j. Lee Hanuan.
Hon. A. L. Fritz, H. Mont Smith,
W. II. Brooke, John G. narman.
W. D. Bockley, I. Hagenbucn.
P. K. Vannatta, Chairman; H. W. Sloan,
n, B. Clark,
H. G. Phillips,
8. R. Bldleman,
Dr. M. J.lless,
E. F. Carpenter,
Morris 8. Broaat.
B. A. Qlddlng,
Warren II. Eyer,
R. F. Vanderslloe,
Dr. A. K. Aldluger,
Warren J. Lee,
Wm. Lowenberg,
Geo. W. Hess,
Harry J. Achonbaob,
G. P. Rlngler,
James IL Mercer,
Robert D. Young,
Edward Holmes,
Prof. Joseph Dennis,
Clyde Yettcr,
W. P. Meigs, Chairman; J. Lee Harmon,
Carl Caswell,
8. C. Creasy,
Wm. Shaffer,
Guy Jacoby,
W. U. Housel,
Geo. Hughes,
J. L. Wolverton,
H. K. Zarr,
J. 8. Germing.
Chas. Hassert.
W. L. Demaree,
Wm. Karuhner,
Wm. U. Henrle,
Choa Relmard,
Joslih Gtger,
John Cox,
Fred Richards,
Thos. Vandersllce,
R. Vorls, Chairman;
L. M. White,
W. 8. Reed,
Lesser Alexander,
William L. White,
E. V. Hartman,
Robert UawU'y,
O. P. Frymlre,
Frank Wilson,
W. C. Sloan,
James Wilson,
Plurce llagenbuch,
John Sterling,
JumoB Coleman,
Alex Cohon,
D. I). Frymlre.
Alox Hchwarz,
Harry Hartley,
OBcar Alexander,
Charles Keller,
Geo. B. Hunt,
T, E Hyde,
Ralph Kellar,
T. V. Gunther,
. H. Andres,
John Larned,
Geo. Wilson,
E. E. Blttenbendor.
W. II. Blttenbender,
Jacob Fotterolf,
. 8. McBrlde,
J. Hughes,
Win. Weavor,
C. W. Blatchlcy.
B. Uartman,
Albert Moyer,
W. B. Allen, A. N. Yost,
C. B. Lutz, Louis Gross,
Bruce Block, Alex Bchwarz,
C A. Klelm.
v"' Vikii sueccsson to' J'
Prices arc taking them styles
arc new; goods are right but
we will not keep them until next
year if you care to save half
your money.
5.00 parasols now 2.95
3.50 parasols now 1.95
2.75 parasols now 1.50
2.00 parasols now 1.25
1.50 parasols now 1.00
1.25 parasols now .75
1. 00 parasols now .50
A lot of women's colored shirt
waists that were sold at 50c. to
$1.00 now all to go at 39 cents
Drinking Cups, 2 Cents Each.
5 dozen extra quality tin, firm
ly soldered, warranted not to
leak, 1 pint size, 2 cents each.
Shelf Oil Cloth, 5 Cents.
Superior grade, 12 inches wide
with fancy border and scolloped
edges. Yard 5 cents.
Coffoo Pot Stands, 3 Cents.
5 dozen bright silver wire tea
and coffee pot stands, well made
and equal to goads at much
higher price. 3 C3nts each.
Rev. J. D. Smith, Rot. D. N. Klrkby,
Rev. Dr.O.H. Hemingway, Rev. M. E. McLInn
Rev. Dr.W. M. Fryslngcr, Rev. J. 8. Bentz,
Rt,J. 3. Thomas Rev. J. K Murphy.
W. E. Rlnkor, J. c. Brown,
Joseph Garrison, Chas. Taylor,
J. C. Rutter, Jr. Dr. Redeker,
L. P. Sterner, o. H. Yetter,
II. Barton, w. W. Evant,
W. v. Mouscr, 8. Pursel,
II. V. White, w. 8. Moyer,
Louis Cohen, w. II. Slate,
Eugene F. Carpenter.
Geo. E. Elwell, j. p. Welsh,
A. Z. Suboch,
J. O. Wells, c. W. Funston.
D. J. Tasker.
C. W. McKelvy, Dr. A. K. Aldlngcr
W. U. Eyer.
J. M. Staver, c. W. Funston,
Karl Wirt, Dr. Blerman,
M. I. Low, George Low,
J. E. Roys.
H. F. Colloy, d. J. Hummer,
O. II. yetter, j. b. sterling,
H. G. Supplee, J. F. Traub.
J. I. Harner.
Fhiindbhip Fir Co.
W. U. GUmore, Geo. Weaver,
Elmer Delterlck.
Rxscui Hoax Co.
H W. Townsend, Jaa. Kashner,
R. J. Tracy.
Winona Hosi Co.
Sam'l H. Barman, Boyd Maize,
G. Ed. Lewis,
Liberty Hose Co.
Robt. Morris, jno. Welllver,
Jno. Former.
Good Will Fiki Co.
W. W. Barrett, Jr. Albert Cross,
Fred Bower.
Com. on Intbhiok Dicohitionb.
Mrs. R. Hawley, Jr. Chairman Miss Judge.
Mrs. M. 8. H. Worthlngton Mrs. J. E. Wilson
Mrs. C. W. McKelvy.
Com. on Relicb.
Mrs. H. H. Grotz, Chairman Mrs. Dr. Annent
Mrs. Helena Ikeler.
MIbs Lllla Sloan, Chairman Miss Laura Walter
Mrs. C. W. Funston.
KNianTsorxHi goldbn EAoik.
H. C. Rulon Dr. p. w. HederM
John Lewis n w r.mnhoii
William Lowenberg.
Royal Arcanum.
Frank Eyer j. K. M1Uer
J. L. Woods.
r. 0. 8. OF A.
Not reported.
C A. R.
Geo. W. Sterner
Not reported.
M. P. Lutz
B. F. Hicks.
O. C. A. M.
JK. O C. A. M.
Not reported.
tor the meeting of the National
Fraternal Congress the Lackawanna
Railroad will sell excursion tickets
to Denver, Colorado Springs or
Pueblo, Colorado, at one fare for
the round trip. Ticket m u
SOld August 2211(1
will be cood for return i,.aiMr
point of destination not later than
September 30th. Tor full informa
tion Call Oil VOtir nnnrpct T
wanna ticket apent.
For the meetinsr of the Tnfor.
national Mining Congress the Lack
awanna Railroad will sell excursion
tickets tO Blltte. Mnnrann f
fare for the round trip. Tickets
will be sold August 20th; 21st, 26th
and 27th, and will be good for te
turn leaving Butte not later than
September 30th. For full particu
ars apply to nearest Lackawanna
ticket agent.