MORE LADY CHAMPIONS. (St. I.oult Mlsset Kaye Johnston and ftdele Armstrong- won the bread-making kamplonehlp against sixteen contestant In the competition at Mary Institute. We hall the tennis chnmplont, And each hla hat will dolt To dmpcl who display their aklll And muscle, too, at Rolf; But here's "hurrah." "encore," and all The cheer that can he said, For these attractive maidens who Are best at baking bread. h "woman reader at the bar" Is Mmothliig good to see, And he who plays the violin M i.v nil our hearts with glee. Kach grave profession and ech sport Has women at Its head But here's a "good for you!" to those Who won by muking bn ad. Tke world Is full of heroine, ' .A large and lengthy list May be compiled ot those who win From boating down to whist; But here's to those who realize Thai mankind mil ft be fed The lovely ladle who hve won The prize fur baking bread. O, yes, the bands have playrd for maids Who tell tin "why" and "how;" Bach gulling, riding, .plrg-por.g dame Mas laurels on her brow; But thene two maids! How easy 'tie To know that soon they'll wed. They mutt be beautiful and wise They won at making bread. Josh Wink, In Baltimore American. A WINSOME VILLAIN BY JOHN H. RAFTESY. THE advent of Helen lhirr nsMenog rapher ere.itcd a (fenuiue sensa tion in Hotel l'ackinghom. The staid mannp-er, broad of pminch and tin 1 cl of head, began to dictate his own let ter, instc-nd of leaving; fhem to his ssifctalit. The chief clerk mrpnesed even his own high standard of sartor ial splendor nnd curled the ends of his mustache o higSi that the points erved him an "a sight" for the ajm fng of many glances of admiration. The captain of the bellboys begnn to throw out his chest and take on the airs of a grown man, the clarion tones of "front" became music to the ears of the "button," for it required a Hidden appearance within rnnge of Mise Barr's incomparable eyes. Even the house detective, the Stewart and the door men lighted tip, ami as for the male guests, they suddenly de veloped into continuous and most vol uminous letter writers. Miss liarr wag a beauty, as anyone eon Id see. Her hair was auburn and her eyes dark blue. The clerk insist ed that they were "royal purple," nnd bet a box of cigars with a bold travel ing' mnn that she would say so herself If asked. He lost the wnger, however, IJpr, when the aanoy question was put to her, she blushed beautifully, and said: "I never notictyl, sir." Hut, as the inquisitor attempted to push his investigation, the girl turned back to her typewriter and murmured: "Any way, there's no green in them." This innocent retort had the effect of a rebuff, and Miss Ilarr's popularity "went off a point" with the clerk. But gbe could be very gracious without stepping serosa the limitations of per fect decorum, ansl her calm amiability of disposition ;nd habitual cheerful ness of expression intrenched her pop ularity without permitting familiar ity. Capt. Hugh Baldwin, U. B. A., came to- the Packingham to "recuperate" after a period of detached service in South America. He was tall, sun burned, blond, good to look at and distinguished, with all the frank gtn tility of a eoldier and an offlrer. Of ill her customers Miss Barr had found Capt. Baldwin the most interesting. He was friendly without being obtru ive, gay without being illy and ro spectful without being distant. The ilert beauty had found out a great nany things about him in the course .if a week, for he wrote to Mrs. Bald win every day. He had assured her ;hat "he didn't know how soon he'd be home' because he was tHl "far 'riim well," etc. These seemingly un warranted explanations gave Miss larr the Idea that the handsome cap vain was something of a rogue, for she iac never seen a finer example of ro bust manhood. The number of gay young men who tailed on him seemed to indicate that ie might be what she vaguely sus ected as "one of the boys." Some imps he wrote letters to other women han Mrs. Baldwin, and, although fiese were usually noncommittal and if the jolly sort that might well pass between n jolly bachelor and his so iieVy acquaintances, yet Miss Barr ancied that they were not the kind t letters she would like her husband p be writing if she were m.irried. '"hen, thought the girl, "he has ohil 'ren. Let's see. He mentioned Amy, 'om, Catherine and Baby Hugh. Tmph! 1 think he is pretty gay for a tan of family." It was not till he be ,nthe practice of leaving flowers and tonbons on her desk that Helen awak- ned to a realization of Capt. HuliS vin's possible villainy. Without re acting that his character, good or iad, should in no way interfere with ' er pwtce of mind, she began to worry, .Itleve and get pale. She knew that ';wife was urging him to come home, nd she was sure that his trumped-up souses were ell her frivolous or ut erly untrue. Finally she asked him r "pleuse stop giving her presents," 'iut try as she might she couldn't find in excuse for mentioning his wife and its duty toward his family. "I'm not apposed to know anything about hat," she thought, and yet she puz led over the question whether his andid display of hirt own duplicity vne not proof positive that he was a ; hunieless wretch, making love) to an 1 nnocent girl without even taking tho reeaution to conceal bis life oltllga- ! lions. ' I And yet she could not "oppress tli fonseiousness of pleasure In his pres ence. He quit his gift giving and dic tated more letters, which proved that his wife was euspiclous and had per haps accused him of Infidelity of some kind. He never diseused the con tents of these letters with Helen, but rattled away ns if she were n mere ma chine, and then changed the subject to any of a hundred delightful themes of which he seemed to be anxious to hear her talk. When at Inst he seemed to drift into a more serious frame of mind and habit, Miss Itarr found her self unreasonably gratified. Her heart gave a joyful bound one day when he heard him tell n friend one day that he was "on the water wagon," but an access of virtuous anger seized her that same evening, when, for the first time, he came to her and asked quite calmly and respectfully, if she would go to the theater with him. She made a pitiful effort to "freeze him" with her answer, but her eyes were trimming before she could turn away, and she said nothing. He walked away, nnd from the corner of her downcast eye she could see that he went into the buffet. The unhappy girl spent a sleepless night, for she had neither parent nor relative to share her troubles. A dozen times she resoKed to beg of ('apt. Baldwin to quit the hotel and go home to his wife. She thought of writ ing to him, or refusing to take his letters, of ignoring him, and finally resolved to do his work if he persisted, but remain deaf nd blind to his per sonal attentions as she had done with every other man at the hotel. Hut her tired heart was in a flutter again the moment she got behind the railing of her little oflioe, for she saw the cap tain strolling nervously about the ro tunda. She kept her eyes on her work, but she know he was watching her. Her worTi was cleared away and she was ready to leave for lunchcou when he cutne suddenly to the desk and said: "Take a couple of letters, please, miss?" She did not look up, but she was aware of n strange, hard note in his voice. He began with n letter to "Dear Catherine," as usual, and Miss Barr was wondering whnt new sub terfuge he would palm off on his wife, when he began: "You have been n good sister-in-law to me, and I hope you will succeed in satisfying my brother, thaf " Miss Burr's cheeks were aflame with excitement. Catherine was not his wife, then! She could hear her heart beat the music of those words. But when he came to the end of thut letter and said: "The fact is, I've made up my mind to get married and settle down if the girl will have nie," Miss Barr got pale again and trembled. But the worst was to come. She could have struck him when he leaned across the rail nnd said: "JCow, I want you to write out a proposal for me." She didn't hear exactly what followed. Her trained fingers flew mechanically over the keys as he dictated a stilted and very'formal proposal, beginning "Dear Miss' and ending "Your anxious nnd devoted Hugh Baldwin." "What's tho address?" she asked, coldly. "Here's the envelope," he said in frigid tones. She picked it up with quivering fingers, said: "Fifty cents, please," and rend the address "Miss Helen Barr, Hotel Packingham, City." And they stood there smiling into each other's eyes. Chicago Keeord-Hertild. DEFOE'S PREVISION. The Martinique Disaster Rernlle.HI Memorable Hoax on Lon doner In 1T1M. The terrible news from St. Vincent, following the impression that this isUind had escaped the volcanic del uge which has cremated half Mar tinique, at once recalls and reverses the famous hoax by which Daniel De foe led all London to believe, in 1718, that the whole island of St. Vincent had been blown np nnd obliterated, says the London. Academy. On the basis of his own imagination, or on some thin ship story, Defoe wrote in Mist's JournaV a circumstantial ac count of the destruction of this is land, giving such detail's as, with all our facilities' of news transmissions, we wait or in vain to-day. After lead ing up very gradually to the catastro phe, he told his readers that "on the night of the said 20th, about mid night, the whole island of St. Vin cent rose up in the air, with a most dreadful eruption of Fire from under neath the Earth, and on inconceivable Noise in the Air at its rising up, that it was not only blown, but blown out of the very sen, with a dreadful force, as if it were torn up by the Boots, or blown up from the Foundations of the Eurth." Finally, to bring the event home to his readers, he recalled an accident in a foundry in Moorfields, where a quantity of liquid gunmetal coming in contact with some water had blown up the works just as a journalist of to-day might perhaps re call the recent destructive lire in the same district to suggest, however faintly,, the storm of fire which wept over these hapless islund recently. Make a Iliimnn Itrlilwe, A carious custom takes place in vil lages of the Luxemburg district, Bel gium, in May. After Sunday service nu'mbers of lads cluster round the church entrance, and as the girls come nut seize them one by one, one lad grasping u girl by the shoulder mid the other by the heels, the two lifting her well up, while a third bumpkin passes under the human bridge thus formed, This Is done in the presence of the parents, who themselves have passed through the same ordeul. St. Louis Kepubllo. THE COLUMBIAN, CONDENSED DISPATCHES. Rotable Kvenle of the 'Week Briefly still Ternel Tnlil. President Castro expelled from Yen CEiieln the wife nnd children of for tner Prime Minister Hodrlguer,. Five people, two women nnd three children, were burned to death In nit east side fire In New York city. It. F. nnd II. L. Dohcrty, the Eng lish tennis pair, defeated Collins nnd Wnldnor of Chicago In tho first cham pionship round at Newport, 3 sets to 2. W. K. Vnnderbllt. Jr., ami wife, Con snclo, duchess of Marlborough, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. O. II. I. Belmont returned from Europe on the Kronprluz Vv'll heliu. Tnenilny, Alia. 10, Professor Alexander Agassi?, was ap pointed n member of the German Or der Tour le Merlto. Frank C. Andrews, the dishonest De troit bank officer, was sentenced to fif teen years In state prison. Many British soldiers who served ngiiliist the Boers are applying nt tho American embassy in Ignition for en listment In the Philippine army. Corjmral II. T. O'Brien, n Philippine witness, ehnrged with perjury, was or dered to custody of Washington au thorities. A Colorado guide who had n fight with two grizzlies Is said to owe his life to Mie knowledge of bear fighting taught him by President Hoosevelt. Albert Bach charged n shortage of several hundreds of thousands of dol lars realized from the sale of treasury stock of the Trlpler Liquid Air coui puny. Monilny, Ann. 1H. William A." Hemphill, former mayor of Atlanta, (in., and founder of the At lanta ( 'oust il ut Ion, died. The Enrl of Dudley was sworn In ns lord lieutenant of Ireland In succession to Earl Cndognn, resigned. The failure of the Elgin Crenmery company, operating 135 eren merles In three western states, was reported, with 10,000 creditors, mostly farmers. Hear Admiral Douglas, one of the British lords of the admiralty, nrrlved nt St. John's, N. F to discuss the French shore fishery question with the French naval commundur In those wa ters. David T. Cillmor. a former mayor of Paterson. X. J killed himself by shooting. Mr. Clllmor hud been de spondent for some time over 111 health, which he believed would eventually drive him Insane. Snt until)' , A nit. 1(1, Thirty-two summer vacation pchools In Xew York city have closed thehr ses sions. The new battleship Maine has left Cramp's shipyard for Xew York navy yard to prepare for her trial tests. W. II. Martin, the American Jockey, had his collar bono broken at Kedeur, England, by the fall of his mount The funeral services for Senator Mc Millan were held nt his late homo In Detroit. The Interment was private. The religious orders expelled from France have asked the Vaticnn'8 per mission to settle In the United States nnd were advised to go to Canada. Friday, Ana. 1.1. King Edward nnd Queen Alexandra went to Cowes frbm London. The woman franclslse bill hns passed both houses of the Xew South Wales legislature. The Insurgent blockade of Cape Hal tlen proved ineffectual and has been abandoned. The British steamer Delano went ashore near Cape Itace and Is likely to prove a total loss. Mrs. Edward r.rkcr Deacon denied the story of Infatuation of the. German crown prince for her daughter. Johannesburg was reported to be ex cited over the discovery of a new gold reef, said to be part of fields as large, as the Wltwatersrund. TlMirsday, Anr, 14. The cholera epidemic hns spread to Japan from Manila and Chinese ports. Breton peasants threaten to use bee hives as weapons against troops sent to close Catholic schools. Depreciation of silver has ftijured business In Mexico, and there Is talk of putting the country ou(a gold basis. A student nt the University of Cal ifornia has discovered In a Shasta county cave the remains of a primeval bear. A thermometer on Mount Washing ton, X. II. , registered 28 degrees. Ice was shoveled from the wooden walk around the hotel. 1'asNr iiuern Hurt In Collision MIDDLETOWX, X. Y., Aug. 20. Two sections of a Susquehanna nnd Western railway train were In colli sion nt Westtown, Orange county, re sulting In the injury of two passengers. Zopher K. Green, n traveling salesman of this city, had several of his ribs broken, and Dorothy Lawrence, live years old, of Sussex, X. J., had her nose broken. Dentil of I'ruuilnent t'ennnyl vnnlnn. HEADING. I'n Aug. 111. J. Howard Jacobs, one of the leaders of the Berks county bar and Its principal criminal lawyer for many years, has died here, aged sixty-four years. In 1SK0 he was the unsuccessful Hepubllenn candidate for congress. New DtMeanu In Klcnriifenfi, MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Aug. 20. There have been a number of deaths among the sailors on board ships In tho gulf of Fonsccu, on the Pacific, from a disease the nature of which has not been fcarued. The malady Is de clared not to he tho bubonic plague. TlinilKltnh Chinese Helicln Killed. PEKING. Aug. lS.-Thu viceroy of Szeehuen reports Unit Imperial troops attacked the rebel headquarters at In chnwan Aug. T2. One thousand rebels were killed, and their leader, Tong Yu Hung, wus cuptuml uml executed. BLOOMSBURQ. PA THE PRISONER Who escapes from Jail it by no meant free. He is under the ban of the law and punishment is written over against hit name, boon or late he will be caught again and bear added punish ment for his short -escape from hit cell. Those who by the use of palliative powders and tablets escape for a time from the sufferings of dyspepsia are in the same condition as the escaped pris oner. Soon or late they will go back to the old condition and pay an added penalty for tempor ary release. Dr. Pierce't Gold en Medical Discov ery cures dyspepsia an'd other diseases of the stomifbh and organs of digestion and nutrition. Its cures are lasting. " For shout two vest 1 siiflcrert from s very obttinnte cse of dyspep sia.' writes R. K. Secord, Hq.. of' ij Ranlrrn Ave.. Toronto, Ontario. "I tried irrmt num ber of remedies without success. I nnnily lost fnlth in them all. 1 was so far gone that I could not bear any solid food oa my stomach for s lonv time; felt melancholy and deprraacd. Could not sleep or follow my occupation (tinsmith). Some four months ago a friend recommended yrmr 'i;olden Medical Diacovery.' After a week's treatment 1 had derived so much benefit that I Smttnued the medicine. 1 hava taken three tl lea and am convinced It has in tnycaae ac complished a permanent cure. I can conaclen tiou.My recommend it to the thousands of dys peptic throughout the lartri." Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets stimulate the liver Reduced Rates to Denver. Colorado Springs and Pueblo. On account of the National Frat ernal Congress, to be held at Denver, Co!., August 26 to 30, the Pennsyl vania Kailroad Company will sell ex cursion tickets to Denver, Colorado Spring?, or Pueblo, Col., from all stations on its lines, at rate of single fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold and good going on August 22 and 23, and will be good to return until September 30, inclusive. Tickets must be validated for return passage by Joint Agent at any ol the above mentioned points, for which service a fee of 25 cents wiil be charged. For specific rates and conditions, apply to ticket agents. 14 2t Reduced Rates to Denver, Colorado SpriDgs. and Pueblo- On account of the meeting of the National Association of Letter Carriers to be held at Dsnver, Col., Septem ber 1 to 6, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs, or Pueblo, Col., from all stations on its lines, at rate of single tare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold and good going on August 29 'o 3r, and will be good to return until September 30, in clusive. Tickets must be validated lor return passage by Joint Agent at any of the above-mentioned points, for which service a fee of 25 cents will be charged. For specific rates and conditions, apply to ticket agents. , it Reduced Rates to Williamsport. via Penn sylvania Railroad. Aocount Parade Day P. 0- S-of A- On account ot the parade of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, at Williamsport, Pa., August 28, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets on that date to Williamsport, good to return ntil August 29, inclusive, from Clearfield, McCartney, Snow Shoe, Emporium, Bellefonte, Coburn, Wilkesbarre, Tomhickon, Elmira, Mt. Carmel, Lewistown, Lykens, Harrisburg, and intermediate points, at rate of single fare for the round trip (minimum rate, 25 cents). Reduced Rates to Williamsport. via Penn sylvania Railroad, Aocount Meeting K. Q. On account of the meeting of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, at Williamsport, Pa., September 1, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Williamsport and return, good going and returning on that date only, from Tyrone, Scotia, and points on the Scotia Branch, Clearfield, McCartney, Snow Shoe, Emporium, Bellefonte, and points on the Lewisburg and Tyrone Railroad, East Bloomsburg, Elmira, Mt. Carmel, and intermediate points, at rate of single fare for the round trip (minimum rate, 25 cents). 2t. Reduced Rates to Wilkesbarre viaPennsyl vania Kailroad. Account A. 0. H. Parade and Meeting. For the accommodation of those desiring to witness the parade of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and Ladies' Auxiliary, at Wilkesbane, Pa., August 21, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Wilkesbarru and return, on that H:it I good to retuin until August 22, in clusive, from Tomhicken, South Dan j ville, and intermediate stations, at l single fare for the round trip, 14-21 Ml SULTAN'SJEFIANCE. Bacolod's Ruler Threatens to Attack Americans. HE HAS THREE STRONG FORTS. Captain IVrshlnn; In veatlirntes the Condition In Mlnilnnno I'reiinrn torr in Active fniiiimlun He enforcements Arrive, WASHINGTON. Auk. 'JO.-Tlie full text of the note of dcfluncp m-nt tho Aincrlciins by the Htiltiin of Itncolod, now In open wnrfnuc njiitliist the Amer icans, hits been received by the war deportment. It Is ns follows: "To tho Americans We tiKk you to return to the sen bemuse you Khottld not be here ninong civilized Moms. If you stay here, we will fight you this month, nnd In ho event do we wish to become your YrletulH because you eat pork. We advise you not to look for the rifle because It Is here with Moras who committed the assassination. They arc people of the sultan. "We say to you, If you do not wish to leuve this region, come here, and the sultan will sinTlflce yort. ami If you don't wish to come We will come after you." Captain Pershing undertook to as certain the condition of Itncolod and was Informed by the mtltnn of itaca yuan that there were three forts, all of which were strong. The people had been RtreiiKthpnltiK them by lining them Inside 11 ml out with stone, so that the projectiles of the American could not pTietnite. He said that H;t colod had Um) men, but If the Ameri cans went there the Moros adjacent would assist In tho defense. Other na tive chiefs Informed Captain Pershing that the sultan of Itncolod would kill them (tho natives! if he knew they had boon on friendly tortus with tho Amer icans. A loto paper from Manila States ttmt many troops were being sent to Mindanao and that It was tho evident Intention of tho government to occu py the country around Lnke I.anao, Which woujd vetjulre n considerable nutulier. It Is said thut the health con ditions hi this region wore perfect and 'that soldiers could stay In such a cli mate nt'id enjoy all t lie delights of Camp Meade, Pa. The board of health of tha city of Manila hns decided to rid the city of infection. The cholera, which has boon raging In that city, Is responsible for the determination, and every unsani tary building is to lie destroyed. An estimate is made that it may cost frioo, 000 to carrj out this plan. It is stated tHut there Is n clash between the Americans and Filipinos In handling the cholern epidemic. Tho Filipino health .officers are sijjd to be more or less a failure, and it Is therefore prob able that the Ideas of the Americans will be carried out. NO DEVELOPMENTS. SKantlon In Mindanao Remalna t'n chansed. MANILA, Aug. 20. There hove Heen no developments In the Moro situation on the Island of Mindanao, (iencral Chaffee was expected to ronch Cebu on the army transport Ingalls yester day, but the vessel's arrival at that port has not yet been reported. It is possible that eneral Chaffee has de ckled to shorten his trip to tle south ern islands and return to Manila di rect. An order received from the war department at Washington leaving ac tion in the Moro situation to (Joneral Chaffee's discretion has been transmit ted to him in the eoiith, but has proba bly not yet reached him. It is believed here that General Chaf fee will Increase the Annerlcan forces on Mindanao and Issue an ultimatum to the hostile Moros. There are ut pres ent 27,000 American troops iu the Phil ippine Islands, a goodly portion of which could be spared for active-service. Captain John J. rershinjKof the Fif teenth cavalry, who Is In command of the American column at Lauuo, Mln (lanuo, has reported a fierce Moro In tertribal fight near Camp Vlckers, Min danao. The contending factions met at Webdlng. Thirty-five men were killed outright and muny others were wound ed. No Americans wore concerned lu the trouble. Pledged to Withdraw Friars. WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. - Major John IMddle Porter, one of the mem bers of the American mission, who bus just returned to Washington after ne gotiating with the Vatican for tho sule of the friar lands In the Philip pines, said that In the final nudleneo with the pope both his holiness and Cardinal Unnfpolln, gave verbal assur ance that the Spanish friars nnd monks In the Philippines would be with drawn. KeiiNiitionnl A r rent. LITTLE FALLS, N. y.t Aug. 20. Albert Christie n well known politi cian and hotel keeper, fins been arrest ed on 'ft warrant Issued by Coroner Douglas. At the Inquest into the death of Daniel Ana, a locktender, some sen sational evidence was grvon which tended to shov thut Christie was mixed up tti tho drowning of Ana. Christie declares that his arrest Is an outrage nnd that he had nothing to do with the death of Ana. Governor 1l-rleve Murderer TUENTON. N. J., Aug. 20.-(Iovern-or Murphy has granted reprieves to Lafayette Gruff and Peter Hernia, two murderers under sentence of death. The cases win he considered at a spe cial meeting of the board of pardons an Sept. 10. Gruff was to hnve been hanged In Cnmden on Sept. 3 for the murder of his wife, and Hernia was to die In ISoi'hcu county next Friday for killing Harney Kantor, u butcher 9f Wullingtou. LIST OF JURORS FOR SEPTEMBER OOUKT. GRAND JURORS. Henton W. Scott I.aulmch, farmer. Bloom Robert Mcllride, painter; Koliert Runyon, clerk. Uriarcrrek Stewart A. Ash, distiller. Cntawia Twp. S. 11. Martin, farmer. Catnwissa II. Cliaa. B. Hamlin, eg.; Frank Frey, laborer. Ccntralin II. .1. HelTner, miner; William Harris, laborer; hclward CufT, miner. Centre George Whitmeyer, farmer. Kishingcceek Ja:ob (ieisiner, farmer. Franklin Newton Yettcr, teacher. (ireenwood I'cter Miller, farmer. I.ocuM George W. Itiitner, farmer. Main Joseph Ilartzcll, farmer; Cliailes John, farmer. Montour l'clcr S. Kashner, farmer. Ml. 1 leasant Alfred Crawford, farmer; llrndlcy Ruckle, carpenter; George G. Evert, fanner. Orange W. II. Ncyliart, farmer. Roarincreck W. II Heaver, farmer. Scott Silas Young, merchant. TRAVERSE JURORS FIRST WEEK. Teavcr Naihan Rice, farmer. Kenton Twp. Ilarton Kicrhoff, farmer; Henry Blanc, farmer; I. K. K. Laubach, farmer. Berwick Clemuel W. Nugent, grocer; Joseph Hitler, gent; L. S. Jacoby, agent. Bloom Charles Taylor, moulder; Joseph Townscnil, clerk; Harry W. Moan, clerk; 11. F. Simplest, gent; tlijah Crcvcling, gci.t; John Fatter, watchman; Harry House), mer chant. llrlarcrcek--Gideon Michael, farmer. CentreWilson J. Miller, farmer. Cleveland Amanilns Billig" farmer. Fishingcrcck - J. V. Creasy, farmer; Lewis Bcishline, farmer. Greenwood Bruce Dildine, merchant; Biglcr Kyer, sawjer. Jackson A. B. Mcmlcnhall, farmer. Locust J. C. Kestcr, farmer; J. W. Sny. der, merchant. Madison Thomat Mordan, armer. Main John W. Mini mnn, farmer. Millhn Hervey II. Boyd, farmer; Geo. 13. Keller, farmer. Mt. Pleasant Isaiah Howell, farmer; Lewis Christopher, farmer. Orange K. V. Brumstctter, laborer, Tine W. H. I layman, farmer; A. B. Johnson, farmer; Mason C. Johnson, labor er. Scott K. S. Creasy, huckster; Austin Ohl, farmer. TRAVERSE JURORS SECOND WEEK. Beaver Philip Ralmck, farmer. Benton Boro. V. P. Bobbins, mason. Benton Twp. Foster Maastcllcr, farmer. Berwick J. C. Furman, blacksmith; Isiah Bower, gentleman; Clark Bower, fore man. Bloom Jacob Shaffer, pattern makct; Cicorge Moycr, carpenter; V. S. Capwell, photographer; Thornton G. Freeze, laborer. Briarcreek W. A. Lemon, farmer. Catawiisa Twp. Joseph A. Creasy, farm er; G. H. Murray, farmer. Catawissa Boro. Henry Pfahler, gentle man; George Keller, hrakeman; M. A. Bib by, tax collector; Herman F. Young, marble cutter. Cemralia Thomcs Boran, grocer. Cleveland F. P" Dimmich, farmer. Conyngham Patrick Coyle, laborer, Fishingcreek James Amerman, mer chant; Monroe Markle, farmer. Greenwooc George Derr, farmer; Willets M. Dermott, farmer. Jackson Frank Derr, farmer; Daniel W. Hartmar, farmer. Locust E. C. Yeager, merchant. Madison Frank Hcndershott, farmer; Judson Axe, farmer. Mftllin John W. Creasy, merchant Millville Josiah Heacock, miller. Orange Boro. W. V. Kisner, laborer. Roaringcreek Michael Roach, farmer. Scott George VV, Kemley, farmer; Balti White, huckster. Sugarloaf Gaylord McIIenry, merchant. TEIAL LIST For September 1902. C. R. Woodin vs. Times piintinar Co. AYIlkes Uurre Times. Mary V. Kline vs. ltebeeca J. Adams adinx. of Ellon Kline, dee'd. David Hhunian vs. Jeremiah li. Ntiss. Farmers Mutual Fire Ins. Co. or Mid.. Pa. to use of Harry 8. KuigliL Receiver vs. Josiah 1. Fritz. Thomas E, Harder vs. John A. Suu mnn. r,: l-'naiBy vs. The N. & W. B. Huilroml Co. and Its successor, theN. & V. 11. ltwy. Co. Bloomsburg Land Improvement Company vs. The Town of Bloonnt burg. Mrs. John Keelor vs. James Penning ton. 0 Nelson C. Hartniau vs. Frank W. Boone. Freas Fowler vs. American Car and foundry Co. Calvin Pardee & Co. vs. Theodore V. Conner. r. M. Thornton vs. Frank Ikeler and Fred Ikeler, exrs. of E. It. Ikeler, dee'd. 'Nionms Elmos vs. Margaret Menscli, Thomas Menscli, Mutildu Berninger, Catharine Clayton aiid John D. Mensch. Charles I). Whitnelght and BamU Y hlteulght, his wife vs. James M. HU ver. Lillie Atherholt and John Atherholt vs. Charles Hughes. E. M. Tewksbury's adrurs. vs. Fran cis (ilassuiyer. K. D. 'lewksbury and Martha IJ. houser v8. Francis Glursmver. H. W. Wolf vs. W. H. Miller. Jesse Hess vs. Ira It. Sutlitf. Aelsou H. Stackhouse vs. Lyman K Agnew and Henrietta Agnew. Henry A. Held vs. Fishingcreek Twp. Williuni B- Uouck vs. John Stokes and Mrs. Lewis Miller. Theodore F. Conner vs. J. Lloyd Dillon. W. H. Neyhard vs. Boro. of Orunge ville. M. E, Kostenbnudor vs. ltosannaU Goodniun. Daniel Kuorr, Khtt'. to use of State Cap. H. & L. Asso. vs. S. C. Crensy. 'lhe Edward Thompson Co. vs. James Scarlet. The Boro. of Centralia vs. George A. Fleckcnstine. i:veiiilen Bros. vs. 8. (. Bryfogle. Nelson Stackhouse vs. L. E. Agnew. Allied Rolglo, Htty. In fact vs. K limn KiiKjeynskl et ul. A new lino of Rskin Vellum invi tations and wedding stationery jus received at thisoflice. Best quality and latest styles. 3t