The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 17, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Company's Answer to Injunc
tion Suit Filed.
Annnnl I'liriititHM Sini-it tn III More
TL mi lit HMMHI.OOO I'onvfrMlun
llnn ln'liilMl 1'iiytnrnt to J.
1. Mo run n of
M:VAI:K, N. J., .Inly 1(1. -Tho an
iwcr of tin t'liltoil Mutes Stool rorim
rntlmi to tho suit brought by .1. Aspln
wnll Hoiluo, Willimii II. Ou-IInk nnil
Bonuird Muitli, who nskod for nn In
lutiolliin to prevent tlio oonipuny from
arr.vIiiK Its Inmil eonverxion plan,
ms boon II lot! before Vloe Clnineellor
Uinrry. When t lit' onso enine up lioforo
. ho vloo elmiieellor, It v:ts put ovor
until .luly ..1. Tlio answer In sworn to
ly CliMi'loH M. Soliwnl) n m president.
For tho first tiino nitiee tlio urbaniza
tion tif tlio stool corporation n ilotalletl
statement of tho assets of the proper-
ciiahlks m. scinvAa
ties of the Hiihslillarj companies Is fur
nished. These assets, It Is stated, In
clude 400 producing mills of tho value
of .:;no,0H.000, seventy-five Wast fur
naces of the value of $18,000,000, Iron
aud bossemer ore properties of the val
ue of $700,000,000, coal and coke prop
erties of the value of $100,000,000, nat
ural gas fields of the value of $20,000.
000, cash In bank to the amount of $00,
000,000 and over $80,000,000 of mate
rials in prowss of manufacture.
The total value of the company's
property, including cash and cash as
sets, Is placed at $1,400,000,000 by Mr.
Schwab In an affidavit which is part
of the corporation's reply. The com
pany's earnings are stated to be at the
rate of more than $140,000,000 a year.
A saving of $.10,000,000 a year is cred
ited to the ore properties, and it Is esti
mated that the ownership of transpor
tation facilities saves the company
$10,000,000 annually. The earnings of
the coal and coke properties are stated
to be more than $1,000,000 a month.
These statements as to values and
earnings were presented to disprove a
charge by the plaintiffs that Mr.
Schwab, the president, and Mr. Trim
ble, the secretary, made a false certifi
cate when they certified that in their
judgment the properties were worth at
least the par value of the preferred
slock after deducting all indebtedness.
The answer admits that the conver
sion ("11111 includes a payment of $10,
000,000 to J. 1'. Morgan & Co. It de
nies that any of the acts contemplated
will work fraud or injury to the com
plainants, but says that, ou the con
trary, such acts when consummated
will be greatly to the benefit of corpo
ration and stockholder.
Stenmer Mlrhiuan Disabled.
ERIK, Pa., July HI. The accident
which happened to tho United States
steamer Michigan yesterday was quite
serious. The Michigan was lying at
her dock when the freighter M. B.
Grover hove in sight from the Pitts
tiurg dock. While under full hendway
ttie captain of the G rover evidently
lost control of his boat, for she stove
into the Michigan, driving her down
the bay fully 150 feet. The crash was j
a terrific one. The nose of the Grover
plowed Into the Michigan, tearing her
from her fastenings and held her in
front while the Grover carried her all
that distance. Commander Winder of
the Michigan estimates the loss at
10.1 MM l. This Includes the ruining of
two six pound Driggs-Schroeder rapid
fire guns of an Improved pattern aud
a whaleboat valued at $100.
Kitchener lu London.
LONDON. July 14.-The entire city
is agog over the arrival here of Lord
Kitchener, who, accompanied by Gen
erals French nnd Hamilton, has reached
home after an absence of three year.
The progress of the notable fighters
through the city after leaving the train
was frequently Interrupted by the en
thusiastic greetings of the delighted
Jiero worshipers thronging the thor
oughfares. !' Snlelde at Niaiturn r'alU.
NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.. July 10.
Nina A. Phillips, twenty-three yean
old, good looking and well dressed,
committed sulfide here by Jumping
Into the rapids on the American fide
of the river from Goat Island bridge.
Her body wns swept over the falls.
Miss Phillips came here from Catta
raugus, X. Y., some time ago.
The New Maine on Trial.
new battleship Maine, built at Cramps'
shipyard to replace the vessel de
stroyed In Havana harbor, started yes
terday afternoon on the builders' trial
trip off the Delaware capes. A party
of about thirty guests were on board
the buttleshlp to watch her speed trlul.
KotnMe KtoiHh of the AVoek ni-tefly
anil Tefarly Told.
Congressman Waohtor of Unltlmore
was badly bitten by a mad dog.
Two persons were drowned by the
capsizing of a yacht in a squall nt Chi
cago. James Md'.ilde, In nn attempt to
commit suicide, leaped from the Hrook
lyn bridge and may live.
A memorial service for the late Lord
raunccfoto was hold at Chapel Knyul,
St. .lames' palace, London.
Senator Thomas C. l'latt quietly cH
obrated his sixl.v-nlnth birthday and
declined to be Interviewed.
American shippers quoted to Johan
nesburg merchants a rate of $ per
ton for freight from Now York to Na
tal against $S.."o from Kngland.
Tim stilly, .Inly 1,1.
Mont T'clee In eruption drove out the
Inhabitants of Morne Houge and other
I'laus are ready for Upton's Sham
rock II. to challenge for the America's
cup In 1003.
Tho cruiser Itrooklyn, with the re
mains of tho late Kmbassador Pannce
fote, reached Southampton.
Tho Heading company coal washory
near Shamokln was started up with
fifty Imported men.
Tho emperor of Korea has accepted
the Invitation for his country to par
ticipate in the St. Louis exposition.
Momlny, July 14.
In Kwangsl province, China, cholera
was reported to have killed ovor 111,000
Tho engagement of Bishop Henry C.
Potter of Now York to Mrs. Alfred
Corning Clark was announced.
Fire at Salisbury Uoaeh, Mass., de
stroyed two summer hotels and u num
ber of cottages and business places.
Km-Iso Commissioner Culllnaii an
nounced that there were 8.000 licensed
hotels in New York state. Of this num
ber 2.N00 are in (J rent or New York.
J. rierpont Morgan has bought and
presented to the .lardiu ties l'lantos
museum in Paris the collection of pre
cions stonis formed by George
K 11117. of New York for the Buffalo ex
hibition. Sntnnlny, July 12.
Three shocks of earthquake were
felt on the Island of St. Vincent Tues
day. President Loubet of France signed
the bill approving the P.russols sugar
The $500,000 given by congress to
the Buffalo exposition will be distrib
uted pro rata to claimants for $040,0(K),
but not to stockholders.
General Thomas M. Anderson con
tradicted Admiral Dewey and declared
that the fighting with the Spanish be
fore Manila surrendered wns bona fide.
Frlilny. July 11.
Five firemen were killed in Toronto
by- the collapse of a wall of a burning
It is estimated that the total number
killed on the P.oer side during the re
cent war was B.700.
F. S. Kelley, Oxford, won the Dia
mond Sculls at Henley, and Third
Trinity, Cambridge, won the Grand
Challenge cup.
A large portion of the residence sec
tion of lies Moines is flooded. Great
damage is reported in other parts of
Iowa and in Nebraska.
Colonel Nathaniel McKay, the mil
lionaire hotel man of AVashington,
dropped dead at Atlantic City, N. J.,
while on his honeymoon.
At Macon, Ga., B. Aycock, manager
ofthe Dublin mill of the Southern Oil
company, and his wife wore drowned.
They had been married but two
Tliarmlny, Jnly 10.
Mr. Joseph Chamberlain recovered
sufficiently from an accident to leave
the hospital In London.
Titus, the New York oarsman, aud
the Argonauts of Toronto were beaten
In the Henley regatta.
Itivers in Iowa are overflowing, do
ing much damage to crops aud ham
pering railroad traffic.
A new geyser near Sallna Cruz, isth
mus of Tehuaiitepec, has formed since
the recent severe earthquakes.
A crazy man attempted to see Mrs.
McKlnley at her Canton home to tell
"u recent, severe cMrtuqiniKCB.
of the alleged plot that led to the as-
sasslnation or tier uusuaua.
Lieutenant Edwin A. Hickman of
the First cavalry was ordered by Gen
eral Chaffee at Manila to bo court mar
tlaled on charges made in the Garden
er Inquiry.
Roy llnniced In Fun.
MORRISTOWN. N. J., July 12.
With a rope around his neck and hang
ing from a rafter lu a ham, John Edi
son, eleven years old, was cut down In
time to save his life and to prevent a
mock lynching becoming a fatal real
ity. A physician worked over the boy
an hour before he restored him to con
sciousness. Young Edison and his com
panions had been playing wild west.
Mayor by Fonr Majority.
ST. PAUL, July 12. Mayor Hugo,
the Republican candidate, remains the
mayor of Duluth. The supreme court
has so decided. One vote counted for
Truelson was thrown out, thus giving
Hugo a majority of four. The court
held that the neglect of the judges to
place their initials on the ballots did
not Invalidate the votes of those cast
ing them.
luinee Ordered Home.
WASHINGTON, July ln.-General
Chaffee has been relieved of command
lu the Philippines and ordered to tho
command of the department of the
east by an order issued by Secretary
LonK Mlaaluit Nteamera Arrive,
VANCOUVER. B. C, July 15,-The
steamer Melville Dollar, from Cape
Nome, passing up to Ladysmlth, re
ported that the steamers Jeanie and
Portland had arrived safely.
Ilnlfonr ( liimrn to Suocpoil nn
mlrr of CSront llrltnln.
LONDON, July H.-Tho Marquis of
Salisbury has resigned tho premiership
of Great Britain, and Bight lion. A. J.
Balfour, the first lord of the treasury
and government leader in the house of i
commons, has been appointed to sue- :
coed him.
The prime minister laid down the re
sponsibility of his renowned office July
11 and received the commendation of
Ids sovereign. He was able to dls- .
charge tho weighty, exacting duties of I
the position through periods amounting
to national crises. ,
As to Lord. Salisbury's withdrawal,
the main reason Is considered by prac
tically all the best Informed persons to
have boon simply a desire for a quiet
life on the part of a man advanced In
years whose activities have been un
usual nnd whose scientific tastes pre
dispose him to study and seclusion.
That the retiring premier's health has
fulled to some extent Is undeniable,
but this is not more than perhaps Is
to be expected in a man of his years,
and the close of the war In South Afrl
cu aud the return of the commanding
general from there Is considered to be
an appropriate time for his withdrawal.
The retirement of this last great
statesman of the Victorian age Is uni
versally regarded ns the transition from
one generation to another and as mark
ing the close of an era iu the nutiouul
Mir Mlclinrl Illvka-Iicnch llpalltnu.
LONDON. July 15. -Sir Michael
Hicks-Beach has resigned ns chancel
lor of the exchequer. The resignation
caused intense surprise. It wns gener
ally taken to bo almost more Important
than Lord Salisbury's relinquishment
of the Other breaks in
the cabinet are likely to occur.
Old Time Actress Demi.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 1-1. Mrs.
Kloise Bridges Erwln, once a celebrat
ed actress, having starred with Jeffer
son, Booth, MK'reary aud Barrett, Is
dead at her home here, aged seventy
years. She was known to the stage as
LToise Bridges and was the original
Gretchen In Jefferson's production of
"Rip Van Winkle."
Cyclone Doom Much DanuiKe.
ly 10. A violent cj-clone visited this
city last evening, doing immense dam
age. Several vessels on the river were
sunk, the was destroyed, and
the streets and shops were flooded.
Wn Tlntf FnnK'M SucceNiior,
PEKING, July 14. Lian Tung Cheng,
secretary of the Chinese embassy to the
coronation of King Edward, has been
appointed minister to the , United
CloHlnu- Stock Qnotntlonn.
Money on call nominally at 3Vj(!J31 per
cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4'jlfi5 per i
cent. Sterling exchange sternly, with ac- I
tual business In bankers' bills at $4.87
4.NS for demand nnd nt $4.8SVa4.hSVa for HO
days. Posted rates, $4.8i;(f4.StiM, and UXV
tl4.8a. Commercial bills, t4.b4Vj4.K5. ,
liar stiver, 53c. Mexican dollars, 41c.
Government bonds Bteody. State bonds
Inactive. Kullroad bonds Irregular.
Atchison 100-ti N. Y. Central. . .1514
C..CC.& St. L..KMH4 Ontario & West. 83
Ches. & Ohio... 49'i Pacific Mail .... 41
People's Gas. ...102 Beading G6H
Del. & Hudson. 1711 Kock Island ....liKS
Krle 37 St. Paul 1S3
Gen. Electric... 101 SiiBnr Refinery. 12S'4
Lead 21V4 Texas Pncllic .. 43H
LoulB. & Nash. .141 Union Pacific ..107H
Manhattan Con 132V4 Wabash pref. .. 45H
MUsourl Pac....ll3 West. Union
New York Mnrketa,
Ft.OUIl Easier wilh buyers and aellera
apart-, Minnesota patents. $ lii 4. 15 ; winter
BtralKhlH. $3.7lKu3.k&; winter extras, 13.15'
3.35; winter patents. J3.WKa4.10.
WHEAT Declined sharply under bear
ish crop and weather news and general
unloading; September, 77 5-lti'u77 15-l(Jc;
December, 77?fa"4c.
RYE Quiet; state, 63Tf64c, c. L f., New
York, car lots; No. 2 western, IXc. asked
f. o. b.. afloat.
CORN Also weaker. Influenced by big
receipts, fine weather and a lenHatlonal
drop In July; September, G31iM ; De
cember, 61ci514c.
OATS Weak and lower, affected by
crop news; track, white, statu, 'M'ud'ic. ;
track, white, western, 6S'iin3o.
PORK Firm; mesa, lU.2D(ti20; family, (21
bARD Easy; prime western Bteam,
MUTTER Steady; state dairy, 17'4
lfic. : creumemry, VfiWu.
CHEESE lrreuular: new. Btato. full
cream, small, colored, fancy, 10c.; small,
while, luu. ; large, colored, 9Vu. ; large,
white, 9Vc.
KOOS- Irregular; state and Pennsylva
nia. 2uifi'2AVto. ; western, candled, laiie-
SUGAR Raw steady; fair rellnlng,
t 13-ltic; centrifugal, MI test, 3 6-ltic.; re
fined aUady; crushed, 5.16c. ; powdwred,
TURPENTINE Steady at 47',4fl48c.
MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans, 33(0
RICE Steady; domestic, WSaQ'aC.; Ja
pan, 4VI5C.
TALLOW Firm; city, 8V4t(fic.; coun
try. tiS.iiti'Ae.
HAY Kir m; shipping, 65(j7Uc.; good to
ehoice, HMjWc.
Live Stoek Market.
CATTLEMarket steady: choice. $7.15iii
7.50; prime, ti.7otj 7.15; good, ouB.30; veal
calves, $7(rr'7.50.
1IOUS Market lower- prims heavies,
Kfn8.1il; mediums, 7.WXU7.9;; heavy York
ers. I7.MI; light Yorkers, S7.85tt7.90; plus.
I7.75rii7.S0; roughs, ii'(i'7.60.
SHEEP AND LAMHS Mnrket steady;
best wethers,'u-I.W; culls and com
mon, ll.yxu'i; choice lumbs, m.i&'yli.Zo.
a " - ) . sm
rxn spa
Mlntorlo Tnwvr In Vrnlrr n Ili-sp ol
II utitft,
VKNICK, Jnly 1.". The campanile of
St. Mark's has fallen on tho piazza.
Whor-' It once stood Is now a heap of
The cathedral and the doge's palace
arc quite safe, and only one corner of
the royal palace Is damaged. Tho log
f'm of Sansovlno was Injured. It Is
thought that no lives have been lost,
but it Is not certain as yet. A cordon
of troops 1s keeping the piazza clear.
Tho municipal council has decided to
opo:i a preliminary fund of KOO.OOO
lire (about .flon.Ooo) for the rebuilding
of the campanile and the Sansovlno
loggottn. A public subscription will
also bt! opened for the same purpose.
In all Venice there was no object of
more historic interest than the campa
nile of St. Mark's. It stood .'t-2 feet in
height. It was founded In KS8 and re
stored in 13Ll. In 1417 a marble top
was put on the old tower, and In 1517
it was crowned with the figure of an
angel nearly sixteen feet in height.
Kmiiltpr of I-'.siiIonIoii Viol I tint
Jubnatnnu Itcuflien lift.
JOHNSTOWN, Pa., July 14. After a
consultation with the four state mine
Inspectors summoned here to make a
thorough Inspection of the Boiling Mill
mine of the Cambria Steel company
James K. Roderick, chief of the state
bureau of mining Inspection, dictated
a notice to General Manager C. S.
Price of the Cambria Steel company
granting formal permission to resumu
operations iu all sections of the mine
except the Klondike today.
Two more deaths of rescued victims
have occurred. These men were among
the six living last brought out of the
mine Friday afternoon, of which four
others have expired. These deaths
raise the total fatalities to 114. al
though tho company coords have It
one loss. Much confusion has attended
the compilation of the record.
Standing of (he C'lnha In National
and Aniprlono Leniinri,
w. I.. P.C.
I'lttshurg M 15 .779
boston 37 30 . 6f2
t'hlciiBO 39 33 . 541
Ilrooklvn 4il 35 .f:l3
I'lilludi-lphla 32 41 .43S
St. l.ouiH 31 40 .437
Cincinnati 2!' 4(1 AM
New York 2i 4t .309
YV. I,. P.C.
Chicago 41 25 .621
St. Louis 3i 31 .637
KoRlon 3S 33 .5:!a
l'hlla.Mphla 35 31 -.623
Washington 34 37 .4711
Cleveland 32 39 .451
Multimore , 31 39 .443
lxtrolt 2S 40 .412
AVond May lleml Cnnnl Coinnilsnlon,
OYSTER BAY, X. Y., July lo.-The
president has invited General Leonard
Wood to visit him at Sagamore Hill
early in August. General Wood is on
of Mr. Roosevelt's closest friends, and
the president entertains a high regard
for his executive ability. On acoTiunt
of that fact General Wood is men
tioned as a probable member of the
isthmian canal commission, to have
general charge of the canal construc
tion. It Is understood to be not unlike
ly that he may be appointed as the
head of the commission.
Oil Tnnk Struck by Mxtitnlnir.
JENNINGS, La., July ltl.-Llghtning
struck the big tank in the olltlelds
here. The tank, with its contents, was
burned and is a total loss. The flames
spread to the pools of oil surrounding
the Jennings well No. 2 and later to
the well itself, burning the derricks,
but doing no further damage. There
were many other wells near by, but
they were saved by covering them
with earth, thus relieving the danger
of the spreading of the lire.
American tieta Lost C'nah.
BERLIN, July !". A laborer walk
lug on the beach at Eckernfoerde,
Prussia, on an Inlet of the Baltic, re
cently picked up a pockotbook contain
ing 30,000 marks In notes which an
American had dropped in the water
from a yacht during the regattas. Tho
tinder learned that the American was
still stopping at Kiel, returned hhu the
money and was rewarded.
The Illinois Dlininaed.
CHRISTIANIA, Norway, July 15.
Owing to faulty steering gear the Unit
ed States battleship Illinois struck bot
tom as she was entering port here yes
terday. She will be compelled to go
back to England and be placed In dry
dock there. The Illinois, flagship of
Rear Admiral Arent S. Crownlnsliield,
was accompanied here by the cruisers
Chicago and Albany.
Relief For Peary.
NEW YORK, July 15.-Tho Teary
relief ship Windward finished loading
her supplies late yesterday afternoon
and sailed away. She passed quaran
,' tine nt 7:40 p. m. The Windward will
go direct to Sydney, C. B., where she
will take on coal and then head for the
arctic region. 'Mrs. Peary and her
daughter will Join the ship at Sydney.
Mnny Cattle Killed by MulitnlnK
HOOSIGK FALLS, N. Y., July 1(5.
A terrltlc electrical storm struck this
place last night. Two clouds met and
caused a violent downpour of rain.
Hailstones of large size fell. The
storm seemed to be a contlnuanco of
Monday night's fall, which was very
destructive, many head of cattle being
killed by lightning.
Iteuulillcan State . Convention Data,
NEW YORK, July ll.-Tho Repub
Ilea n state convention Is to be held in
Saratoga, commencing Sept. 22. Sena
tor Piatt announced that last evening
in the Oriental hotel, Manhattan
Beach. Tho state committee will meet
about the middle of August aud issue
the cull. .
Tho Kind You Have Always
in uso for over 30 soars,
y- sonal supervision sliioo Its Inlanoy.
(cucUAi Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All liiiiiilii-fVlts. Imitations
Uxpcrliiioiits that irlllo Avilh nnd endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a harmless mibst'uito for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
fuibstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Fovcrishiioss. It cures Diarrhoea nnd Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep.
Tho Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Cigars, Tobacco Candies, Fruits and Nuts
Henry Maillard'e Fine Candies. Freeh Every "Week.
HPiEitriT-s Goods a. Specialty,
F. F. Adams & Co's Fine
Sole agents for the
Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Ai
Bloomsburg Pa.
or OSff, CLOTH,
3 Doois aboe Court House.
A large lot of Window Curtains in stock.
Free medical advice. Men and women
suffering from chronic diseases are invited
to consult Dr. Heree, Huflalo, N. V., by
letter, absolutely without fee or charge For
more than thirty years as chief consulting
physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgi
cal Institute of Uuffalo, N. Y Doctor
Pierce has devoted himself to the trentmcnt
and cure of chronic forms of disease. As
sisted by his staff of nearly a score of physi
cians, each man a specialist, his success has
been phenomenal, ninety-eight persons in
every hundred treated being absolutely and
altogether cured. Women have especially
availed themselves of Dr. Fierce s oner of
free consultation by letter, thereby avoiding
the unpleasant questionings, the obnoxious
examinations, and odioijs local treatments
considered necessary by some practitioners.
Over half a million women have been treat
ed by Dr. 1'ierce and his staff for diseases
peculiar to women, with unvarying success.
Write without fear as without tee. fcvery
letter is treated as strictly private nnd
sacredly confidential, and all answers are
sent in plain envelopes, bearing no printing
upon them. Address Dr. K. V. 1'ierce,
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, N. V.
Centennial Envelopes
The envelopes ordered by the Cen
tennial committee have arrived and
orders for them may be left at this
office. The prices are as follows:
iooo, $3.50; 500, $1.80; 250, $1.00.
This includes printing business card
in the corner. tf.
In inci.emf.nt weather the man who
exposes himself bids for a severe cold in the
head and usually gets it. And the cold
neglected or improperly treated becom s
nasal catarrh, a disease as obstinate as it is
offensive. Don't waste time with " medi
cines" that dry nnd iiritate the membrane,
but cure yourself speedily with Kly's Crenm
ltalm, the recognized specific for catarrh.
I'rice 50 cents. Sold by druggists and by lirotners, 50 wairen tlree,t, New York.
Bears the- 4 1 Kind You Have Always Bought
Bouplit, ftiul which lias 1ccn
lias horno tho Blfriiatiiro of
lias noon mado unilor Ills pcr-
nnd Just-ns-srood" aro hut
Signature of
Cut Chewing Tobacco
following brandB of Ctgarr
The Markets.
Butter, per pound $ 1
Eggs, per dozen 1 1
Lard, per pound iS
Ham, per pound l5
Beef (quarter), per pound . 6 to 8
Wheat, per bushel I o
Oats, do 6S
Rye, do 60
Flour per bbl 4 40
Hay, per ton 14 o
Potatoes, (new), per bushel 1 60
Turnips, do 40
Tallow, per pound 06
Shoulder, do 1
Side meat, do i
Vinegar, per qt oS
Dried apples, per pound o7
Cow hides, do 3J
Steer do do o5
Calf skin 80
Sheep pelts , J
Shelled corn, per bushel 85
Corn meal, cwt 2 00
Bran, cwt 1 3a
Chop, cwt 1 50
Middlings, cwt 1 30
Chickens, per pound, new 10
do do old 10
Geese, do no
Ducks, do 1
do 00
Number 6, delivered 3 50
do 4 and 5 delivered a ac
do 6, at yard 3 jg
do 4 and 5, at yard 4 j
Uce Allen's Foot-Ease. A nowder to
be shaken into the shoes. Your feet feel
swollen, nervous and hot, and get lired easily.
11 you nave smarting leet or light shoes, try
Allen's Foot-F.ase. It cools the feet, and
makes walking easy, Cures swollen, sweat
ing teet, ingrowing nails, blisters and callous
spots. Relieves corns and bunyons of all
pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores
for 35c. Don't accept any substitute. Trial
package Krkk. Address, Allen S. Olmsted,
LeRoy, N. V. 7-17 d 41
Bean th The Kind You Have Always BoujK