THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. ;3 I- 4 THE KOYAIj STABLES. They Are One of the Sights of the German Capital. Mont t'erfeet Flstnlillnlitnent of the Kind In the Worlil Kour llnn dred Thnronnulirrtl I n dct One Hoof, Speolal Berlin Letter. EMPEKOIl WILLIAM linn reason to be proud of his liorses nnd equipages. There nre vniirtH which mnintnln a linger number of animals, but in point of quality the (ierinan stable utaml ut I lie head The royal family of Prussia lias. from time liuineninrlul, encourag-ed the breeding of fine noraes, anil rumor has It that the present ruler is carrying bin love for fine horseflesh almost to excess. The imperial stable flt 1'erlin in n mnrvel of arehiteetural beauty onl of Inlerlor nrrntiireinetit It is located in the center of the city. not far from the palace, and orna mented with pillar, columns and sculptures of rare artistic merit. At both ends of the magnificent front are fountains one representing Pro metheiiH, straining every muscle to defend himself against the eagle which is attacking him; the other Perseus nnd Andromeda, showing the hero in his battle with the dragons nd back of him Andromeda with Pegasus. Peautiful group, picturing the training of the horse for pur poses of war, lend nddud magnificence to the rich gallery at the top of the building. The stable usually houses 400 torses, which are raised on the rcivr. stud farms, located mostly In Kiivt Prussia. The principal farms furnisn 43 fresh animals annunlly, which are selected by Count Wedel, Imperii, 1 master of horse; Mnj. Plinzner, chief of the Potsdam riding school, and Herr Nestler, oquerry to his mnjestv. , To this number of remounts nre add ed seven coach horses and three snd dlo horses for the emperor's private use. Should more be needed, the animals are bought in open market. FRONT VIEW OF THE ROYAL STABLES AT BERLIN. out of a fund set apnrt for this pur pose. This fund is also drawn upon for the purchase of the emperor's Hungarian teums, of which he has about ten, of horses for the dog carts ami poines for the young princes. Koyal stubles are maintained in Wiesbaden, Hamburg, Kiel and other points for the accommodation of the Hohenzollern princes nnd princesses, bat only the establishment at l'ots ium nnd Berlin nre of particular gen eral interest. The lierlin stable is filled with coach horses, that at Pots dam with saddle horses. The selec tion of remounts takes place in the spring. The horses are brought to Iterlin for inspection by the emperor. They are curefully broken to harness ad, if found available, are sent to the "equine high school," where their education is completed. They are hitched to sulkies nnd training carts, driven through the business streets nd made familiar with the beating jf drums, the firing of guns and rifles and the shrill noise of trumpet and fife. Particular attention is paid ta the proper training of the black teams used by the emperor and impress and the dog cart horses usu ally driven by his majesty himself. COUNT VON WEDEL. (Master of Horse to His MuJeBty, the Ger man Empucor.) The stables are under the supervi sion of officials called "wagon mas ters," who are, without exception, veteran sergeants of cnvnlry. There are ten of these ofllcials two lit Potsdam and six at Berlin. The ninth supervises the repairing of coaches, and the tenth has chnrge of the har ness rooms. Every man in the huge establishment is characterized by spotless cleanliness. The horses have separate blankets for day and for night. The general color for blankets and court couches is brown, for tin royal animals' und carriages it is blue. The blankets are perfectly lain, the only ornamentation beinjr W with a crown above the letter. In the basement nre located the wash roams nnd the veterinary labora tories. The number of envrlnges, conches, carts, sulkies and sleighs kept in the hulls set apart for the purpose is 4(, nnd 11 men are employed to keep them in serviceable condition. The famous state carriage, used only for coronal ion purposes, forms the cen ter of this unique and unparalleled collection of vehicles. It was used for the first time March 17. 17lit; when the first Prussian king entered lierlin. Method rules everything. Each ve hicle i iumbered, indexed and assigned rniNf'IO KI.IX'TOK. (Saddle Horse fsrtl by Kinperor William In ln.pst!ne.) to n particular place. The same rule prevnils in the harncJs rooms, which, by the way, contain some notable spec imens of nrtintie work. The harness of the home driven by the emperor in his dog enrt is decorated with mount ings of solid gold. Some of the hack harness Is plated with gold, but most of it has quadruple silver plate. The most valuable article in the collection is a harness for a saddle horse pre sented to Kmperor William by the sul tan of Turkey. A number of valuable saddles, gifts to his majesty from the rulers of Kussin, Morocco, Persia, Siam, Japan and China nre ornamented with gems as well os pure gold and silver mountings, nnd give to the rooms the appearance of veritable treasure cham bers, conservative estininte places the valueof these unique presentation sad dles at $2,000,000. The livery halls ore equnlly interesting. They give the visitor an insight into the etiquette of court courtesies. There nre liveries for ordinary drives, for the conclunen of gala equipages, for outriders and huntings. In all of ths uniforms the prevailing tonVis the imperial blue, the only exception being the groom of the dog cart who wears brown with gold. In the large yard Is located n riding court, used principally to give exercise to the horses. The real riding hall is on the first floor of the building nnd there the great court functions are held. For the emperor's private use two small halls have been built. Hut, as has been said, the principnl riding school is at Potsdam, iear the capital city. This institution has undergone but few changes since the days of r red erick the Great. The horses are here trained according to the system in use for the cnvolry branch of the army. The emperor's mounts are in charge of Herr Plinner and those of the empress are educated bv Herr Eckardt. The horses assigned to the empress need special training, of course, as spirited animals resent both the use of the side saddle and the fluttering of riding skirts. Ileside the horses belonging to members of the royal family the stable at Pottsdnin houses several hundred others, for use by foreign guests, the imperial suite and officials. Each horse is exercised daily; In the summertime in the open, in winter in the riding schools attached to the stables. The ventilation of the royal stables at lierlin is ns perfect as science can make it; nnd the building it-self is a mnrvel of modern iron construction By simply touching a button a child can open the entire jflnss roof of the main stable hall and thus change the nir in the twinkling of an eye. The prevailing color Is pure white nnd the illumination comes from electric lights placed around the wall under the roof, Every year a certain number of the roynl horses is sold to the public. Some are disposed of because they a re slight ly "off color," others because they are no longer needed or have developed some petty vice. They are eagerly sought after by would-be aristocrat who ore willing to pay high prices for animals which hnv once been the em peror's, nlthough his majesty may never hnve laid his eyes upon them after the first general Inspection. It is somewhat .surprising that En peror William, who is by no mean narrow minded In things of this sort has not Introduced nn American strai among his horses. The animals he has are, of course, fine ani of distinguished ancestry, but experts in horse flesh claim that in general appearance they do. not compare favorably with th pure-bred Kentucky coach horses. It is said that rrlnce Henry, during hi recent visit to the United States, wn impressed with some of the turnout he saw in -New York and Chicago, nn it is barely possible that he may per sunde his imperial brother to Invest heavily in American stock. WILLIAM WALTER WELLS. --"'X The ORIGINAL and MOST SMOKED long cut tobacco in all the United States, manufactured with the express purpose of blending the two qualities, that of a good smoke and a good chew. ( It is made of ripe, sweetened "Hurley," the only tobacco from wtiich a perfect combination of smoking and chewing tobacco can be made.r Gail G Ax Navy is Known" by the distinctive character of its blue wrap per (which has many imitators), it being to-day identically the same as forty years ago, and it now stands for the quality that it did then. You get the very best, and take no chances, when you buy Gail t9 Ax Navy. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE BLOOMSBURG SCHOOL DIS TRICT, YEAR ENDING JUNE 2, I902. L. D. KASE, Collector, DR. To balance on dim. itM) I SJ4 63 To Ke-paynieuw added 8 0J 832 58 CK. By cash paid Treasurer. ..... $ 2l 84 collector a commission. jo 3 " 5 per csnD penally oa re- turns 6 81 " errors In dupllentB 17 HI " 6 per eenr. penalty deducted " addltlonalexoueiullous.... 2'J 11 334 61 4135 3T OP TO balance on dup. 1900 I CR. liy amount paid Treasurer $ 8H 53 " colleetorsconiniission. iii rxj " exonerations allowed 4G3 88 3!W3 83 M2 04 To balance on dup. 1900 DR. To amount dup. W01 I 1VB8 78 CR. By auit. paid Ti'oasurer (60 days) fi."t3 21 By 5 per cent discount 510 Hi y per ueui uouiuiibsiuu im ju 10218 87 7360 411 To balance Sept. 21, 1401 I CR. By amt. paid Treasurer to JHU. 21, IWW aiuu i Br tiler cent commission 110 53 By returns to Couuty commis sioners " 21"i 08 51 3D 10 783 16 To balance Jaa. 21, 10 $414 88 " 5 per ueut penalty auueu.. v CH. By amount paid Treasurer..! 741 03 0 per cent cumuusuiuii.... ov i- To balance oa dup. luoi t 4353 v4 C. A. KLKIM. Treasurer, DR. To bal. from former Treas t 110 40 " amOUUb iruill UUU. jnwj.,,, ."I 1 1H,X) .. 8.1KI 5 " " 1WJ1.... llr)7 65 " special apprnpri itlon .... 117 " general appropriation 5274 83 " supplies sold . , .... i 2:1 " ami. refunded on tablets . 14 40 " proceeds commencement Exercises 78 62 " orders discounted 8100 IX) C. A. KLEIM, Treasurer, CR. By loans previous year paid.. I 8200 00 bonds redeemed Mt 00 coupons and Interest paid 1475 M orders paid 161176 36 " Treasurer's commlsalon.... 4S5 04 " balance lu Treasury 4il 66 24780 69 81780 5tf MI ILIMNQ FUND ACCOUNT. DR. Tax rate Building 8 mills; School 5 mills. To balance on dup. 1HW f S6 53 ' balance on aup. iuou inn m duplicate W01 4J95 R6 6481 1)3 CR. By additional exonerations 1SW v Bit By errors In 189 10 83 6 per ceut penally oa re turns 8 81 " collector's commission . aw " exonerations on dup. 19 JO 8;l os "collector's commission ... 46 26 ' balance on duplicate l'JOO 94 84 discount on duplicate lliol. 136 24 " collector's commission 8 per cent 51 77 By returns to County Commis sioners. 58 03 By collector's commission 3 percent 89 !1 " coupons and Interest paid.. 147A M) uut,..i iMii hi "'I'reasuror'ecominlsslon.... 78 51 ' balance on dui llcate 1U01. . 1206 95 B484 93 BCUOOL FUND ACCOUNT, DR. Balance on duplicate 1899....$ 837 99 Re-pay mentB added 8 00 845 nil To balance on dup, 1900 f 32 81 amount duplicate 1901 13273 07 penalty added 214 88 " special appropilatlon ... . 83 07 'general appropriation.... 6r.4 i)3 " bupplles Bold 19 83 " refunded on tablets .... 14 40 " proceeds Commenoement.. 78 112 11 ,r, ilUi'nnnleil 8100 00 amt. from former Treas 1 10 40 $ 85058 84 CH. By additional exonerattonson duplicate 18 t 84 18 errors in duplicate 18K9.... 7 69 ' p.'ialty od errors 94 " collectors commission 10 16 exonerations ou dup. 1900.. 8mo 80 11 collectors commission 187 24 balance on duplicate 19D0.. In7 70 discount allowed on 1901.. 874.67 collector's commission 2 &W.GAILA1X per cent 141 88 " returns to County Commis sioners 198 09 " col lector's commission 3 per cent.... 10H78 ' balance on duplicate 1901. 814S w " ttUlU paid 80 tencliers 1836S 8 " amount paid Institute.... 8f8 75 " amount paid 4.1nltors . ... 965 ml " amount orders 19.i(M9 d dls 8J0 00 " amount, pa'd text books.... sss 40 " amount paid bO"k covers.. 149 M " amount coal and wood.... lms 8x " amount supplies. 671 64 " amount paid prliitluir .. 74 oo " amt. paid lliflit. and water 67 87 " amount paid labor 165 08 " amt. paid materials and re pairs 517 71 11 amount paid Tru .nt oltlcer 110 50 " amount paid Auditors 15 00 " unit, paid American Hchool Kiirnlturc companv 130 15 " amount Kailialro company 'Ml no suit, frelitlit and drayae.. 87 97 ' amt. U. 11. Humphrey, book case 40 00 " amount Insurance 12U 0 " amt Crowell Apparatus ro 174 00 " amt. B. O. Carpenter Co. repairs. 131 59 " ami. industrial cabinet. . 75 00 " amt. Penna. KcUool Journal 7 00 " amount pictures 10 60 " amount attending election t ounty Superintendent ... 5 00 " amount Secretary salary.. 240 00 " amount T Met lieral repairs 12 00 " amount Treasurer Com 411 52 ' buluuce lu treasury 43 66 85658 84 LIBRARY FUND, DR. To balance in Treasury f 139 88 To proceeds Commencement.. 78 62 CH. By amount expended 1902. . 1 61 99 By buluuce In fund 152 91 217 SO 8.7 90 PICTURE FUND ACCOUNT, DR. To balan c i 1 rom former year.. $ 27 28 CR. By amount expended 1908 f 10 Vi By balance In tuna 16 76 87 86 riANO FUND, DR. To receipts from Concert..... t 71 80 To donailon truin UUU ttcUojl 8 10 To receipts drama 88 05 118 85 INDEBTEDNESS. Bonded debt last report f 38300 00 Bonds paid during year 22UU 00 30100 00 Orders discounted 31110 00 31200 00 ASSETS. Balance on duplicate 1000. ... 202 04 ' 1901.... 4l43 91 Returns to County Com. 19 0 isi " " ' " 1901 815 12 Amount In Treasury 43 56 Liabilities exceed assets. . Estimated value ot buildings - 5028 28 28171 78 and grounds.. 90000 00 J AS. C. BROWN, WM. K.RINKRK. Secretary. fresldent. We the undersltrned auditors, havlnt? exAmln. ed the above accounts and statements wltn the Dins and vouchers as pieseuted bv Treasurer Dcureiury nuu tuem correct as si men. M. 8. BROADT,) J. W. LKK, VACDIT0B8. 1 U. FREEZE,) June 19, 1933. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. JCMate of Mary A. Kamerzel. The undersigned, an Audit r appointed by the Orpliau's t ourt ot Columbia Cyuuty, to distrib ute 1 lie funds in the hands of Uunlel Knorr, Trustee, la the estate of Mary A. Kuuierzcl, de ceased, late of Heaver Township, Columbia County, B appears on hlB first and Ileal account, to uii i among Mm pun lea legully onlliled there to, will ai tend to the duties of Ills appointment at. his nrtlce In the Town ot Blooiusburg, Penn sylvania, ou Monday, me 88th day uf July, li2, at loo'olooK in the forenoon, when and where all parties Interested ure requested to preseut their elttlmt before the undersigned, or be for ever alter debarred from coming In upon the Bald Hind. CLINTON HERRING, 6-28 5t. AUDITOR, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Zu rentate of Louisa Ann Young, hit oOranyn toicnuhlp. Col Co. Pa., ilf oeanett. Notice Is hereby given that letters of adralnls tratlon on tbe estate of Louisa Ana Young, lute of Orange township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned administrator to whom all parsons Indebted to said estate are requested to muse payments, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay to Clinton Ukkbino. b. F. CADMAN, Atty, Administrator ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE -OF VALUABLE Real Estate. In pursuance to an orderof the Orphans' Court of Columbia County, Fa., the undersigned ad ministrator of Frank N. Turner, lato of Hlooms burg, deceased, will sell at public venduo In Bloomsburj, on FRIDAY, JULY nth 1902, beginning at two o'cllck In the afternoon, the following described properties on the respective premises, In the order named, to wit: AT 8 O'CLOCK. The homestead property sit uate on Fifth street In the Town of nioomsbunj bounded and described as follows: Bcglnulng at s point on north side of Fifth street, corner of lot of C. C. Peacock, being lot No. 18; thence along same in a northerly direction one hund red and sixty feot to an alley; thence along gime In a westerly direction forty feet to corner Of lot No. 16, owned by A. M. DcWltt; thonco along same in a southerly direction one hund red and sixty feet to Fifth street; thence along game In an easterly direction forty feet to the place of beginning, whorcon Is erected a lwo story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and outbuildings, The house Is a new 18 room cottage, with hot air furnace, bath room, elec tric light, and all modern conveniences. Tnts property will be sold subject to the lieu of a first mortgage of tlsOO, with Interest from Oct. 81, 190", AT 8 O'CLOCK, on the premises, all that cer tain lot of land situate in said Town of Blooms- burg, bounded and described as follows: Be ginning at a point on Magee Avenue, one hund red and twonty-slx feet northwardly from Hlxth street, thence northwardly In the west line of saW Avenue fourteen feet to lands late. j owned by Ja Magee 2nd, thence by same wfcstwardly seventy feet to lands now or late of Wm. McKolvy and win. Neal; thence by same southwardly fourteen feet; thence by lot of E. K. Caldwell eastwardly seventy feet to the place of beginning, whereon are erected ONE TWO-STORY BRICK. DWELLING, This property will be sold subject to the lieu of a first mortgage of 100 and accrued Interest. AT 4 O'CLOCK, on the premises all that ccr. tain lot of land situate In the Town of Blooms- burg boundod and de4crlbed as follows: Be ginning at a point on tbe west Bide of Oyer Alley, whore the same Intersects the right or way of the D. L. & W. R. R. Co., thence by the said right ot way westwardly one hundred and ninety five feet to West street; thence by said West street southwardly forty-six and eight tenths feet to Front Alley; thence by Bald Front Alley eastwardly one hundred and ninety-five feet to Oyer Alley; thence by said Oyer Alley northwardly forty-six and eight tenths feet to the place of beginning, whereon Is erected a ONE STORY BRICK. BUILDING, fully equipped with machinery, power, tanks, &o., tor use as a PLATING WORKS. This property will be sold aubject to tbe lieu of a first mortgage of t JOOO and accrued Interest. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent, of one-fourth of the purchase money shall be paid at tbe striking down ot the property; tho one-fourth less the ten per cent, at tbe confirmation abso lute; and the remaining three-fourths In one year after confirmation nisi, with Interest from that date. C. W. MILLER. C. C. PEACOCK. 'Attorney. Administrator. BRIDGE LETTINGS. Bids will be received at tbe Commissioner's omee In Bloomsburg uo to Monday June S3rd IM02, at 1 o'clock p. m. for the superstructures of five new county bridges as foil iws: One near Shumans In Beaver twp., 28 feet " " Feustemackers In Pine " 81 " ' ' Baptist Church In Madison " 84 " " " Adams In Centre twp 80 " All to be steel beam bridges. Also one near llartmans in Benton twp., 40 feet, to be steel truss, all to be 14 feet roadway, except the tlrst named, which Is to be 16 feet. Bids for superstructures of above bridges will be received up to Monday June 30th, lU02atl0 o'clock a. in. Bids to be by the cubic yard for stone work and excavation. Contractor to furnish all material and work to be done ac cording to plans and specifications furnished by commissioners. NEHEMIAH KITCHEN, W. KKICKHAU.M, W. H. KI-tHKH, County Commissioners. Attest: R. F. Vandkrsmck, Clerk Commissioner's ofllce, Bloomsburg, June 18, 1902. 2t CHARTER NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that an application will be made to the Governor of the state of Pennsylvania on Monday the thtrtlenth day of June, 1902. by J. Lee Hiirman. Wllllnm B. Coir ger, W. D. Beekly, and H A. McKUllp undertho Act of Assembly ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Aot to provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporations," approved April 29, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an In tended corporation, to be called "The Uarinan Cogger Co.,1' tb character and object whereof Is tho manufacture of Iron and steel, or both, or of any ot her metal, or of any article ot com moice from metul or wood, or both, and for these purposes, to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges ot the Bald Act ot Assembly ana its supplements. II. A. McKllllp) Hoiipitnrs. W. D. Beckleyf 8011cuorB- 6-5 4t. -PROFESSIONAL CARDS.- N. U. FUNK, ATTORKir-AT-LA'ar, Mrs. Enfj Building, Coart H ADt, BLOOMSBURG, PA. A. L. FRITZ, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlco Bloomsburg Nat'l Bank Bldg., 2d floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, INSURANCI AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Office, in Lockard't Building, BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. W. MILLER, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Wirt's BoiUlug, fl, a. BLOOMSBtJRQ, PA. JOUN O. FBIIZ. JOBN 0. BARMAN FREEZE & HARMAN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Offices: Contrest., first doorbelowOperaHouse A. N. YOST, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW Wirt Building, Court House Squirt, BLOOMSBURG, PA. 11. R. STEES, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW O fii'ce in Ent Bldg, Bloomsburo, Pa 11. A. McKILLJl'. , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbian Building, an Moor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. RALPH R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hartman Building, Market Square, Bloomsburg, Pa. IKELER & IKELER, . ATTORNEY AT LAW Office back of Farmers' National Hank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. CLYDE CHAS. YETTER, attorney at law, Bloomsburg, Pa. Office in Virt' Building, VV. H. RIIAWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, Corner of Third and Main St CATAWISSA,. PA. CLINTON HERRING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office with Grant Herring. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Will be in Orangeville Wednesday O each week. WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Wells' Building over B. A. Gidding's Clothing Store, Bloomsbnrg, P Will be in Millville on Tuesdays. H. MONTGOMERY SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office : Wirt building, over Alexande Bros. 11-16-99 EDWARD. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. tsOfflce Llddlcot building, Locust avenue1 J. S. JOHN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main Si 3-70-1 BLOOMSBURG, PA MONTOUR TBLKPHOHB. BM. TKLIPBOM Tg TSSTIO. OLAS8BB F1TTBD. H. BIERMAN, M. D. HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND 8UKSIOB orrici hours: Offloe ft Resltfoaoe, 4th St., 10 a. m. to k p. m., 6:80 to 8 p. m. a LOOM SBUKt, PA J. J. BROWN, M. D. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested and fitted with classes. No Sunday work. 311 Market St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Hours: 10 - TVl-nl,. DR. M. J. HESS, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Crown and bridge work SPRPIAI TV Corner Main and Centre Stre-t , t BLOOM SFt'PG PA Columbia t Montour Telephone connection. Dr. W. H. HOUSE, BURGEON DENTIST, Office Barton's Building-, Main below Hark Bloomsburg, Pa. All styles of work done in a superior manne and all work warranted as represented TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIH. by the use of Gas, and free of chares wka - c insert ea. To be open all hours during the day C WATSON McKELVY, riRE INSURANCE AGENT. (Successor to B. F. Hartman .it?J??,.?enta twelve of the strongest Cornea es In tbe world, among- whiob are 1 vurap"" CASH TOTAL BCBPina Penna, Phlla 4oo.m x.rvk in 'rir?! N, America, Phlla. 8,000,000 v,730,s 2m, wmce r irst Nat'l Bank Bldg., ad floor. tTLosses promptly adjusted and paid. M. P. LUTZ & SON, (SUCCESSORS .m.w vnvnflf INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE .ur.iib AND BROKE f, O N. W. Corner Main and Centre. Strti, Bloowsburo, Pa. Represent Seventeen as good Compaq 1 C 9, t Kara n v . . 1 ,1. . -o ...v., me tu me wona and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their Office. SADE T. VANNATTA. (Successor to C. F. Knapp.)i GENERAL INSURANCE Office 32$ Iron St., Bloomsburg. Pa. Oct. 31, 1901. tf CITY HOTEL, ' W. A. Hartiol, Prop. No. iai West Main Street WLarge and convenient sample rooms, bat rnnimi hnt tA ....1.1 . . . . V1U wu,cri anQ modeI1, e(m ven fences. Bar stocked with best wine aa liquors. First-clasi livery atHched. EXCHANGE HOTEL, G. Snydhr, Proprletoi, (Oppoiitethe Court House) BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Large and convenient sample roomi. Balk rooms, hot and cold water, and all motJ